 
`MySQL and mSQL
` 10 reviews
`Tim King George Reese Randy Yarger
`19h 52m
`O'Reilly Media, Inc.
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1025
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` 
`July 1999
`502 pages
`MySQL and mSQL are popular and robust database products that support
`key subsets of SQL on both Linux and Unix systems. Both products are
`free for nonprofit use and cost a small amount for commercial use. Even
`a small organization or web site has uses for a database. Perhaps you
`keep track of all your customers and find that your information is
`outgrowing the crude, flat-file format you started with. Or you want to
`ask your web site's visitors for their interests and preferences and put up
`a fresh web page that tallies the results. Unlike commercial databases,
`MySQL and mSQL are affordable and easy to use. If you know basic C,
`Java, Perl, or Python, you can quickly write a program to interact with
`your database. In addition, you can embed queries and updates right in
`an HTML file so that a web page becomes its own interface to the
`database. This book is all you need to make use of MySQL or mSQL. It
`takes you through the whole process from installation and configuration
`to programming interfaces and basic administration. Includes reference
`chapters and ample tutorial material. Topics include:
`Introductions to simple database design and SQL
`Building, installation, and configuration
`Basic programming APIs for C, C++, Java (JDBC), Perl, and Python
`CGI programming with databases in C and Perl
`Web interfaces: PHP, W3-mSQL, Lite, and mSQLPerl
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`O’Reilly’s mission is to change the world by sharing the knowledge of
`innovators. For over 40 years, we’ve inspired companies and individuals
`to do new things—and do things better—by providing them with the…
`skills and understanding that’s necessary for success.
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`Tim King
`George Reese
`Randy Yarger
`Andy Oram
`Copyright © 1999 O'Reilly Media, Inc.
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`Exhibit 1025
`Page 004


`Chapter 2. Database Design
`Once you install your DBMS software on your computer, it can be very
`tempting to just jump right into creating a database without much
`thought or planning. As with any software development, this kind of ad
`hoc approach works with only the simplest of problems. If you expect
`your database to support any kind of complexity, some planning and de-
`sign will definitely save you time in the long run. You will need to take a
`look at what details are important to good database design.
`Database Design
`Suppose you have a large collection of compact discs and you want to cre-
`ate a database to track them. The first step is to determine what the data
`that you are going to store is about. One good way to start is to think
`about why you want to store the data in the first place. In our case, we
`most likely want to be able to look up CDs by artist, title, and song. Since
`we want to look up those items, we know they must be included in the
`database. In addition, it is often useful to simply list items that should be
`tracked. One possible list might include: CD title, record label, band name,
`song title. As a starting point, we will store the data in the table shown in
`Table 2.1.
`Table 2-1. A CD Database Made Up of a Single Table
`CD Title
`Talking Book Motown
`You Are the Sunshine of
`My Life, Maybe Your Baby,
`Superstition, . . .
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`CD Title
`Miles Smiles
`Orbits, Circle, . . .
`Speak No
`Blue Note Witch Hunt, Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum
`Columbia Man, . . .
`Blue Note Maiden Voyage
`(For brevity’s sake, we have left out most of the songs.) At first glance, this
`table seems like it will meet our needs since we are storing all of the data
`we need. Upon closer inspection, however, we find several problems.
`Take the example of Herbie Hancock. “Band Name” is repeated twice:
`once for each CD. This repetition is a problem for several reasons. First,
`when entering data in the database, we end up typing the same name
`over and over. Second, and more important, if any of the data changes,
`we have to update it in multiple places. For example, what if “Herbie”
`were misspelled? We would have to update the data in each of the two
`rows. The same problem would occur if the name Herbie Hancock
`changes in the future (à la Jefferson Airplane or John Cougar). As we add
`more Herbie Hancock CDs to our collection, we add to the amount of ef-
`fort required to maintain data consistency.
`Another problem with the single CD table lies in the way it stores songs.
`We are storing them in the CD table as a list of songs in a single column.
`We will run into all sorts of problems if we want to use this data mean-
`ingfully. Imagine having to enter and maintain that list. And what if we
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`want to store the length of the songs as well? What if we want to perform
`a search by song title? It quickly becomes clear that storing the songs in
`this fashion is undesirable.
`This is where database design comes into play. One of the main purposes
`of database design is to eliminate redundancy from the database. To ac-
`complish this task, we use a technique called normalization. Before we start
`with normalization, let’s start with some fundamental relational database
`concepts. A data model is a diagram that illustrates your database design.
`It is made up of three main elements: entities, attributes, and relation-
`ships. For now, let’s focus on entities and attributes; we will take a look at
`relationships later.
`Database Entities
`An entity is a thing or object of importance about which data must be
`captured. All “things” are not entities, only those things about which you
`need to capture information. Information about an entity is captured in
`the form of attributes and/or relationships. If something is a candidate for
`being an entity and it has no attributes or relationships, it is not really an
`entity. Database entities appear in a data model as a box with a title. The
`title is the name of the entity.
`Entity Attributes
`An attribute describes information about an entity that must be captured.
`Each entity has zero or more attributes that describe it, and each at-
`tribute describes exactly one entity. Each entity instance (row in the ta-
`ble) has exactly one value, possibly NULL , for each of its attributes. An at-
`tribute value can be numeric, a character string, date, time, or some other
`basic data value. In the first step of database design, logical data model-
`ing, we do not worry about how the attributes will be stored.
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`NULL provides the basis for the problem of dealing with
`missing information. It is specifically used for the case in
`which you lack a certain piece of information. As an ex-
`ample, consider the situation where a CD does not list the
`song lengths of each of its tracks. Each song has a length,
`but you cannot tell from the case what that length is. You
`do not want to store the length as zero, since that would
`be incorrect. Instead, you store the length as NULL . If
`you are thinking you could store it as zero and use zero
`to mean “unknown”, you are falling into one of the same
`traps that led to one of the Y2K problems. Not only did
`old systems store years as two digits, but they often gave
`a special meaning to 9-9-99.
`Our example database refers to a number of things: the CD, the CD title,
`the band name, the songs, and the record label. Which of these are enti-
`ties and which are attributes?
`Data Model
`Notice that we capture several pieces of data (CD title, band name, etc.)
`about each CD, and we absolutely cannot describe a CD without those
`items. CD is therefore one of those things we want to capture data about
`and is likely an entity. To start a data model, we will diagram it as an enti-
`ty. Figure 2.1 shows our sole entity in a data model.
`Figure 2-1. The CD entity in a data model
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`By common entity naming conventions, an entity name must be singular.
`We therefore call the table where we store CDs “CD” and not “CDs.” We
`use this convention because each entity names an instance. For example,
`the “San Francisco 49ers” is an instance of “Football Team,” not “Football
`At first glance, it appears that the rest of the database describes a CD. This
`would indicate that they are attributes of CD. Figure 2.2 adds them to the
`CD entity in Figure 2.1. In a data model, attributes appear as names listed
`in their entity’s box.
`Figure 2-2. The CD entity with its attributes
`This diagram is simple, but we are not done yet. In fact, we have only just
`begun. Earlier, we discussed how the purpose of data modeling is to elim-
`inate redundancy using a technique called normalization. We have a nice
`diagram for our database, but we have not gotten rid of the redundancy
`as we set out to do. It is now time to normalize our database.
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`E.F. Codd, then a researcher for IBM, first presented the concept of data-
`base normalization in several important papers written in the 1970s. The
`aim of normalization remains the same today: to eradicate certain unde-
`sirable characteristics from a database design. Specifically, the goal is to
`remove certain kinds of data redundancy and therefore avoid update
`anomalies. Update anomalies are difficulties with the insert, update, and
`delete operations on a database due to the data structure. Normalization
`additionally aids in the production of a design that is a high-quality repre-
`sentation of the real world; thus normalization increases the clarity of the
`data model.
`As an example, say we misspelled “Herbie Hancock” in our database and
`we want to update it. We would have to visit each CD by Herbie Hancock
`and fix the artist’s name. If the updates are controlled by an application
`which enables us to edit only one record at a time, we end up having to
`edit many rows. It would be much more desirable to have the name “Her-
`bie Hancock” stored only once so we have to maintain it in just one place.
`First Normal Form (1NF)
`The general concept of normalization is broken up into several “normal
`forms.” An entity is said to be in the first normal form when all attributes
`are single-valued. To apply the first normal form to an entity, we have to
`verify that each attribute in the entity has a single value for each instance
`of the entity. If any attribute has repeating values, it is not in 1NF.
`A quick look back at our database reveals that we have repeating values
`in the Songs attribute, so the CD is clearly not in 1NF. To remedy this
`problem, an entity with repeating values indicates that we have missed at
`least one other entity. One way to discover other entities is to look at each
`attribute and ask the question “What thing does this describe?”
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`What does Song describe? It lists the songs on the CD. So Song is anoth-
`er “thing” that we capture data about and is probably an entity. We will
`add it to our diagram and give it a Song Name attribute. To complete the
`Song entity, we need to ask if there is more about a Song that we would
`like to capture. We identified earlier song length as something we might
`want to capture. Figure 2.3 shows the new data model.
`Figure 2-3. A data model with CD and Song entities
`Now that the Song Name and Song Length are attributes in a Song
`entity, we have a data model with two entities in 1NF. None of their at-
`tributes contain multiple values. Unfortunately, we have not shown any
`way of relating a CD to a Song .
`The Unique Identifier
`Before discussing relationships, we need to impose one more rule on enti-
`ties. Each entity must have a unique identifier —we’ll call it the ID. An ID
`is an attribute of an entity that meets the following rules:
`It is unique across all instances of the entity.
`It has a non- NULL value for each instance of the entity, for the entire
`lifetime of the instance.
`It has a value that never changes for the entire lifetime of the instance.
`The ID is very important because it gives us a way to know which in-
`stance of an entity we are dealing with. Identifier selection is critical be-
`cause it is also used to model relationships. If, after you’ve selected an ID
`for an entity, you find that it doesn’t meet one of the above rules, this
`could affect your entire data model.
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`Novice data modelers often make the mistake of choosing attributes that
`should not be identifiers and making them identifiers. If, for example,
`you have a Person entity, it might be tempting to use the Name attribute
`as the identifier because all people have a name and that name never
`changes. But what if a person marries? What if the person decides to
`legally change his name? What if you misspelled the name when you first
`entered it? If any of these events causes a name change, the third rule of
`identifiers is violated. Worse, is a name really ever unique? Unless you
`can guarantee with 100% certainty that the Name is unique, you will be
`violating the first rule. Finally, you do know that all Person instances
`have non- NULL names. But are you certain that you will always know
`the name of a Person when you first enter information about them in
`the database? Depending on your application processes, you may not
`know the name of a Person when a record is first created. The lesson to
`be learned is that there are many problems with taking a nonidentifying
`attribute and making it one.
`The solution to the identifier problem is to invent an identifying attribute
`that has no other meaning except to serve as an identifying attribute. Be-
`cause this attribute is invented and completely unrelated to the entity, we
`have full control over it and guarantee that it meets the rules of unique
`identifiers. Figure 2.4 adds invented ID attributes to each of our entities. A
`unique identifier is diagrammed as an underlined attribute.
`Figure 2-4. The CD and Song entities with their unique identifiers
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`The identifiers in our entities enable us to model their relationships. A re-
`lationship describes a binary association between two entities. A relation-
`ship may also exist between an entity and itself. Such a relationship is
`called a recursive relationship. Each entity within a relationship describes
`and is described by the other. Each side of the relationship has two com-
`ponents: a name and a degree.
`Each side of the relationship has a name that describes the relationship.
`Take two hypothetical entities, an Employee and a Department . One
`possible relationship between the two is that an Employee is “assigned
`to” a Department . That Department is “responsible for” an Employee .
`The Employee side of the relationship is thus named “assigned to” and
`the Department side “responsible for.”
`Degree, also referred to as cardinality, states how many instances of the
`describing entity must describe one instance of the described entity. De-
`gree is expressed using two different values: “one and only one” (1) and
`“one or many” (M). An employee is assigned to one department at a time,
`so Employee has a one and only one relationship with Department . In
`the other direction, a department is responsible for many employees. We
`therefore say Department has a “one or many” relationship with
`Employee . As a result a Department could have exactly one
`Employee .
`It is sometimes helpful to express a relationship verbally. One way of do-
`ing this is to plug the various components of a direction of the relation-
`ship into this formula:
`entity1 has [one and only one | one or many] entity2
`Using this formula, Employee and Department would be expressed like
`Each Employee must be assigned to one and only one Department .
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`Each Department may be responsible for one or many Employees .
`We can use this formula to describe the entities in our data model. A CD
`contains one or many Songs and a Song is contained on one and only
`one CD . In our data model, this relationship can be shown by drawing a
`line between the two entities. Degree is expressed with a straight line for
`“one and only one” relationships or “crows feet” for “one or many” rela-
`tionships. Figure 2.5 illustrates these conventions.
`Figure 2-5. Anatomy of a relationship
`How does this apply to the relationship between Song and CD ? In reali-
`ty, a Song can be contained on many CD s, but we ignore this for the pur-
`poses of this example. Figure 2.6 shows the data model with the relation-
`ships in place.
`Figure 2-6. CD-Song relationship
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`With these relationships firmly in place, we can go back to the normaliza-
`tion process and improve upon the design. So far, we have normalized re-
`peating song values into a new entity and modeled the relationship be-
`tween it and the CD entity.
`Second Normal Form (2NF)
`An entity is said to be in the second normal form if it is already in 1NF
`and all nonidentifying attributes are dependent on the entity’s entire
`unique identifier. If any attribute is not dependent entirely on the entity’s
`unique identifier, that attribute has been misplaced and must be re-
`moved. Normalize these attributes either by finding the entity where it
`belongs or by creating an additional entity where the attribute should be
`In our example, “Herbie Hancock” is the Band Name for two different
`CDs. This fact illustrates that Band Name is not entirely dependent on CD
`ID . This duplication is a problem because if, for example, we had mis-
`spelled “Herbie Hancock,” we would have to update the value in multiple
`places. We thus have a sign that Band Name should be part of a new enti-
`ty with some relationship to CD . As before, we resolve this problem by
`asking the question: “What does a band name describe”? It describes a
`band, or more generally, an artist. Artist is yet another thing we are cap-
`turing data about and is therefore probably an entity. We will add it to
`our diagram with Band Name as an attribute. Since all artists may not be
`bands, we will rename the attribute Artist Name . Figure 2.7 shows the
`new state of the model.
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`Figure 2-7. The data model with the new Artist entity
`Of course, the relationships for the new Artist table are missing. We know
`that each Artist has one or many CD s. Each CD could have one or
`many Artist s. We model this in Figure 2.8.
`Figure 2-8. The Artist relationships in the data model
`We originally had the Band Name attribute in the CD entity. It thus
`seemed natural to make Artist directly related to CD . But is this really
`correct? On closer inspection, it would seem that there should be a direct
`relationship between an Artist and a Song . Each Artist has one or
`more Song s. Each Song is performed by one and only one Artist . The
`true relationship appears in Figure 2.9.
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`Figure 2-9. The real relationship between Artist and the rest of our data model
`Not only does this make more sense than a relationship between Artist
`and CD , but it also addresses the issue of compilation CD s.
`Kinds of Relationships
`When modeling the relationship between entities, it is important to deter-
`mine both directions of the relationship. After both sides of the relation-
`ship have been determined, we end up with three main kinds of relation-
`ships. If both sides of the relationship have a degree of one and only one,
`the relationship is called a “one-to-one” or “1-to-1” relationship. As we
`will find out later, one-to-one relationships are rare. We do not have one
`in our data model.
`If one of the sides as a degree of “one or many” and the other side has a
`degree of “one and only one,” the relationship is a “one-to-many” or “1-to-
`M” relationship. All of the relationships in our current data model are
`one-to-many relationships. This is to be expected since one-to-many rela-
`tionships are the most common.
`The final kind of relationships is where both sides of the relationship are
`“one or many” relationships. These kind of relationships are called
`“many-to-many” or “M-to-M” relationships. In an earlier version of our
`data model, the Artist - CD relationship was a many-to-many
`Refining Relationships
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`As we noted earlier, one-to-one relationships are quite rare. In fact, if you
`encounter one during your data modeling, you should take a closer look
`at your design. A one-to-one relationship may imply that two entities are
`really the same entity. If they do turn out to be the same entity, they
`should be folded into a single entity.
`Many-to-many relationships are more common than one-to-one relation-
`ships. In these relationships, there is often some data we want to capture
`about the relationship. For example, take a look at the earlier version of
`our data model in Figure 2.8 that had the many-to-many relationship be-
`tween Artist and CD . What data might we want to capture about that
`relationship? An Artist has a relationship with a CD because an
`Artist has one or more Song s on that CD . The data model in Figure
`2.9 is actually another representation of this many-to-many relationship.
`All many-to-many relationships should be resolved using the following
`1. Create a new entity (sometimes referred to as a junction entity). Name it
`appropriately. If you cannot think of an appropriate name for the
`junction entity, name it by combining the names of the two related en-
`tities (e.g., ArtistCD ). In our data model, Song is a junction entity
`for the Artist - CD relationship.
`2. Relate the new entity to the two original entities. Each of the original
`entities should have a one-to-many relationship with the junction
`3. If the new entity does not have an obvious unique identifier, inherit
`the identifying attributes from the original entities into the junction
`entity and make them together the unique identifier for the new
`In almost all cases, you will find additional attributes that belong in the
`new junction entity. If not, the many-to-many relationship still needs to be
`resolved, otherwise you will have a problem translating your data model
`into a physical schema.
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`More 2NF
`Our data model is still not in 2NF. The value of the Record Label at-
`tribute has only one value for each CD , but we see the same Record
`Label in multiple CD s. This situation is similar to the one we saw with
`Band Name . As with Band Name , this duplication indicates that Record
`Label should be part of its own entity. Each Record Label releases one
`or many CD s. Each CD is released by one and only one Record Label .
`Figure 2.10 models this relationship.
`Figure 2-10. Our data model in the second normal form
`Third Normal Form (3NF)
`An entity is said to be in the third normal form if it is already in 2NF and
`no non-identifying attributes are dependent on any other nonidentifying
`attributes. Attributes that are dependent on other nonidentifying attribut-
`es are normalized by moving both the dependent attribute and the at-
`tribute on which it is dependent into a new entity.
`If we wanted to track Record Label address information, we would
`have a problem for 3NF. The Record Label entity with address data
`would have State Name and State Abbreviation attributes. Though
`we really do not need this information to track CD data, we will add it to
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`our data model for the sake of our example. Figure 2.11 shows address
`data in the Record Label entity.
`Figure 2-11. Record Label address information in our CD database
`The values of State Name and State Abbreviation would conform
`to 1NF because they have only one value per record in the Record La‐
`bel entity. The problem here is that State Name and State Abbre‐
`viation are dependent on each other. In other words, if we change the
`State Abbreviation for a particular Record Label —from MN to CA
`—we also have to change the State Name —from Minnesota to Califor-
`nia. We would normalize this by creating a State entity with State
`Name and State Abbreviation attributes. Figure 2.12 shows how to
`relate this new entity to the Record Label entity.
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`Figure 2-12. Our data model in the third normal form
`Now that we are in 3NF, we can say that our data model is normalized.
`There are other normal forms which have some value from a database
`design standpoint, but these are beyond the scope of this book. For most
`design purposes, the third normal form is sufficient to guarantee a proper
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`A Logical Data Modeling Methodology
`We now have a completed logical data model. Let’s review the process we
`went through to get here.
`1. Identify and model the entities.
`2. Identify and model the relationships between the entities.
`3. Identify and model the attributes.
`4. Identify unique identifiers for each entity.
`5. Normalize.
`In practice, the process is rarely so linear. As shown in the example, it is
`often tempting and appropriate to jump around between entities, rela-
`tionships, attributes, and unique identifiers. It is not as important that
`you follow a strict process as it is that you discover and capture all of the
`information necessary to correctly model the system.
`The data model we created in this chapter is quite simple. We covered an
`approach to creating such a model which is in-line with the type and com-
`plexity of databases you are likely to encounter in developing MySQL or
`mSQL databases. We did not cover a whole host of design techniques and
`concepts that are not so important to small-scale database design, but
`these can be found in any text dedicated to database design.
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`Physical Database Design
`What was the point in creating the logical data model? You want to create
`a database to store data about CD s. The data model is only an intermedi-
`ate step along the way. Ultimately, you would like to end up with a MySQL
`or mSQL database where you can store data. How do you get there? Phys-
`ical database design translates your logical data model into a set of SQL
`statements that define your MySQL or mSQL database.
`Since MySQL and mSQL are relational database systems, it is relatively
`easy to translate from a logical data model, such as the one we described
`earlier, into a physical MySQL or mSQL database. Here are the rules for
`1. Entities become tables in the physical database.
`2. Attributes become columns in the physical database. You have to
`choose an appropriate datatype for each of the columns.
`3. Unique identifiers become columns that are not allowed to have
`NULL s. These are called primary keys in the physical database. You may
`also choose to create a unique index on the identifiers to enforce
`uniqueness. For your purposes, mSQL does not have a concept of a pri-
`mary key. It simply has unique indices. This issue does not apply to
`4. Relationships are modeled as foreign keys. We will cover this later.
`If we apply these rules to our data model—minus the Record Label ad-
`dress information—we will end up with the physical database described
`in Table 2.2.
`Table 2-2. Physical Table Definitions for the CD Database
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`primary key

`primary key


`primary key


`primary key

`primary key
`The first thing you may notice is that all of the spaces are gone from the
`entity names in our physical schema. This is because these names need to
`translate into SQL calls to create these tables. Table names should thus
`conform to SQL naming rules. Another thing to notice is that we made all
`primary keys of type INT . Because these attributes are complete inven-
`tions on our part, they can be of any indexible datatype.
` The fact that
`they are of type INT here is almost purely arbitrary. It is almost arbitrary
`because it is actually faster to search on numeric fields in many database
`engines and hence numeric fields make good primary keys. However, we
`could have chosen CHAR as the type for the primary key fields and every-
`thing would work just fine. The bottom line is that this choice should be
`driven by your criteria for choosing identifiers.
`The rest of the columns are set to be of type TEXT with a length of 50.
`This definition works for both MySQL and mSQL. For MySQL, however,
`VARCHAR would be a better choice but not important to this example.
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`Picking the right datatype for columns is very important, but we will not
`dwell on it here since we have not yet covered the datatypes for MySQL
`and mSQL.
`We now have a starting point for a physical schema. We haven’t yet trans-
`lated the relationships into the physical data model. As we discussed ear-
`lier, once you have refined your data model, you should have mostly 1-to-
`1 and 1-to-M relationships—the M-to-M relationships were resolved via
`junction tables. We model relationships by adding a foreign key to one of
`the tables involved in the relationship. A foreign key is the unique identi-
`fier or primary key of the table on the other side of the relationship.
`The most common relationship is the 1-to-M relationship. This relation-
`ship is mapped by placing the primary key on the “one” side of the rela-
`tionship into the table on the “many” side. In our example, this rule
`means that we need to do the following:
`Place a RecordLabelId column in the CD table.
`Place a CDId column in the Song table.
`Place an ArtistId column in the Song table.
`Table 2.3 shows the new schema.
`Table 2-3. The Physical Data Model for the CD Database


`primary key

`foreign key
`primary key
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1025
`Page 025




`primary key




`foreign key
`foreign key
`primary key


`We do not have any 1-to-1 relationships in this data model. If we did have
`such a relationship, it should be mapped by picking one of the tables and
`giving it a foreign key column that matches the primary key from the oth-
`er table. In theory, it does not matter which table you choose, but practi-
`cal considerations may dictate which column makes the most sense as a
`foreign key.
`We now have a complete physical database schema ready to go. The last
`remaining task is to translate that schema into SQL. For each table in th

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