Building Real-Time Groupware with
`GroupKit, A Groupware Toolkit
`University of Calgary
`This article presentsan overview of GroupKit, a groupware toolkit that lets developersbuild
`applications for synchronous and distributed computer-based conferencing. GroupKit was
`constructedfrom our belief that programminggroupwareshould be only slightly harder than
`building functionally similar single-user systems. We have been able to significantly reduce
`the implementationcomplexity of groupware through the key features that comprise Group-
`automatically manages the creation, interconnection, and
`Kit. A runtinw infia.structure
`communications of the distnbutsd processes that comprise conference sessions. A set of
`allows developersto control the behavior of distributed
`processes,to take action on state changes, and to share relevant data. Groupwarewidgets
`interface features of value to conference participants to be easily added t.a groupware
`applications. Session managers —interfaces that let people create and manage their meet-
`inge—aredecoupledfrom groupwareapplicationsand are built by developersta accommodate
`the group’s working style. Example GroupKit applicationsin a variety of domains have been
`implementedwith only modest effort.
`Categories and Subject Descriptors:D.2.2 [Software Engineering]: Tools and Techniquee—
`Languages]: LanguageConstmcts and Features;D.4.1
`user inte~aces; D.3.3 [Programming
`[Operating Systems]: Organization and Design-interactive systems;H.5.2 [Information
`and Presentation]:
`User Interfaces-user
`interface management
`systems; H.5.3
`and presentation]: Group and OrganizationInterfaces-synchro-
`nous interaction
`General Terms: Human Factors
`Additional Key Words and Phrases: Computer-supportedcooperative work, GroupKit, group-
`ware toolkits,
`user interface
`Over the last few years, we have been designing groupware for synchronous
`distributed conferencing, where two or more
`on a shared
`in real
`time. Our
`19901, allovved participants
`in a distributed meeting
`to take
`and Engineering
`in part by the National
`research was
`of Canada and by Intel Corporation.
`Science, University
`address: Department
`of Computer
`T2N 1N4, Canada;
`or classroom use
`to make digital/hard
`copy of part or all of thie work for personal
`is granted without
`fee provided
`the copies are not made
`or distributed
`for profit
`the copyright notice,
`the title of the publication,
`and its date appear,
`of the ACM, Inc. To copy otherwise, to
`and notice
`ie given that
`is by permission
`republieh, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission
`and/or a fee.
`@ 1996ACM 1073-0516/96/0300-0066$03.50
`of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta
`ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1996, Pages 66-106.
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 001


`GroupKit, a Groupware Toolkit
`Table I. Core Requirements
`for a Groupware Toolkit
`Design Requirement
`User Cerriered
`Support multiuser Many groupware applications can be seen as
`shared work surfaces, and stttdies (e.g., Tang lGraphicsdAnnotations
`actions and
`awareness of
`[1991], Gutwin and Greenberg [1995], and
`lMuhiuser Scrolkrars
`lGestalt Views
`Dourish and Bellotti [1992]) have attemptedto
`others over a
`visual work
`some of tfte properties necessaryto
`support collaborativework. .%q.prdng tkse in
`a toolkit can encourage developers to build more
`usable applications.
`Provide stqymrt
`for structuring
`group processes
`but do so in a
`flexible enough
`fashion to accom-
`needs of different
`Rather than adopt a single model for how groups Different Polia”esfor:
`should interact, a toolkit should provide a range
`.Floor Control
`l-ion M~~
`of facilities to support the needa and working
`styles of different groups, while allowing appli-
`.Acceaa to Conferences
`cation develops
`to extend these to support spe-
`.Treatrnent of Latemmera
`cific steeds[Greenberg 1591]. A toolkit should
`scs~rt buildhtg ap@icationsrelying on either
`aocmtprotocols orhrghly stmctured andautomated
`proceaa models.
`Integrate group-
`ways of doing
`.Shared Terminals
`shouldnotpme a barria to ‘Wvidual”
`lTe@hone Links
`waysof doing work, but instead it should be
`antooUdyintegrated [ItiI andKotsayashi19%2]..Videa Conferencirsg
`Access to both single-user applications or even
`aoncomputer reaortrces [Iabii 195X)]is important,
`as is the avaiiabifityof traditiorudcommunication
`Programmer Centered
`Provide technical Groupware systems are composedof multiple
`lSession Management
`support to deal
`processes that mmsnurricateover a network,
`l process Creation
`with multiple
`and toolkits can augment the operating-system-
`l Locate Other Processes
`level support by simplifyhrg creation, inter-
`.Multicaat Abstractions
`comection, and teardown of the processes. A W%aion Persistence
`toolkit can also provide cmntnuntcations models lMeaaage SdsLzstion
`ami concurrencycontrol smclsartismathat abstract
`and Data LQcking
`away from the operating system.
`Provide support
`for shared data.
`Dim-ibutedgroupware shouldalso be able to share lShared Environments
`its commondata easily and shmddbe able to &lezt lData serialization
`and take action when data are changed. Concar-
`and LOCking
`lBirtchtg Caflbacks to
`rency control should b available to kee data
`consistent [Greenberg ad Marwood 1 4].
`Environment Events
`Provide support
`for shared data
`and an extensible
`Iicatioas can k seen lSbared Graphics
`Sin@ many groupware
`as shared visual work au aces, a toolkit ahoutd
`and Primitives
`supportthecreationandrtsanipulatkmof bothgemric K)bj@_-
`ad qsplication-specificobjectson a graphicalwork
`surface. paradigmssuch as Abs&acdon-Link-View lSepamteView fmar
`[Patterson 1991]can be supported by the toolkit
`Objezt Representation
`to facilitate this.
`group interaction
`control mechanisms
`of flexible
`by choosing
`from a variety
`to best match the particular
`style of the meeting
`1991]. We
`then built
`of paint and structured
`ing programs
`et al. 1992]. GroupSketch
`was a minimalist
`sketchpad, where
`all users
`saw exactly
`the same
`their display, FMwell as the multiple pointers of other participants. X/Group-
`Sketih was a second-generation
`version that, among its additional
`ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1996
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 002


`M. Roseman and S. Greenberg
`allowed participants to view different parts of the document. GroupDraw was
`a prototype of a structured drawing application, where participants could
`jointly manipulate a variety of objects, such as lines and rectangles, on their
`Building groupware proved a frustrating experience. Implementing even
`the simplest systems was a lengthy process, as much time was
`ideas over and over again. Some of the common tasks of
`the programmer
`the following
`items. The setup and management
`of distributed
`had to be arranged.
`links had to be established.
`had to be coordi-
`and their
`states updated
`as people
`with the
`system. Similar
`had to be reimplemented
`to provide
`for generic
`group needs. Session managers
`had to be supplied
`so that
`people could create, monitor,
`and enter
`the conferences.
`to support
`we decided h implement
`a groupware
`of synchronous
`and distributed
`systems. Our motivation
`for this project was our belief
`A developer using a well-designed toolkit should find it only slightly
`harder to program usable groupware systems when compared to
`effort required to program an equivalent single-user system.
`We took the tasks common
`all groupware
`to almost
`and transformed
`them into a set of core user and programmer-
`for a groupware
`toolkit. These are summarized
`Table 1 and are described
`in more detail elsewhere
`and Green-
`19921. The table
`also lists
`the rationale
`the requirements.
`From these
`we believed
`that a tiolkit
`could reduce
`by providing
`the following
`and man-
`infrastructure would automatically create processes
`—A runtime
`age their interconnections
`and communications.
`built on top of a
`—A simple set of groupware
`language and GUI toolkit, would be available to groupware
`developers. Primitives would include remote
`calls between
`of data, and generation
`and tracking
`widgets would let developers easily add generic
`—A set
`of groupware
`interface constructs
`of value
`to conference
`better and more usable groupware
`the mechanism by which people create and manage
`meetings, would be handled separately
`from the groupware
`for constructing
`session managers would be available
`for developers wishing
`to create custom interfaces
`that suit the particu-
`lar needs of a group.
`The result of our efforts
`a toolkit whose design has been
`is GroupKit,
`over several years. The first generation
`of GroupKit,
`ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1996.
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 003


`GroupKit, a Groupware Toolkit
`C++ and InterViews [Linton et al, 1989], has been described in a previous
`and Greenberg
`1992]. Based on our experiences with that
`system, we constructed
`a second-generation
`version that has proven to be
`an even richer platform for developing
`familiar with
`the earlier work should find that
`the version described
`here both general-
`izes and extends
`the earlier
`under an
`and its applications
`still run on Unix workstations
`Xl 1 environment.
`system now uses
`and Tk interface
`1994] and the Tc1-DP socket
`[Smith et al. 1993]. GroupKit
`build their applications
`using Tcl/Tk as well as the extensions
`by our toolkit. GroupKit
`and the underlying
`are all
`via anonymous
`details are provided
`at the end of this article. 1
`It shows both how an
`The article begins with an overview of GroupKit.
`and what a GroupKit
`sees systems
`constructed with the toolkit
`program looks
`like. Subsequent
`detail GroupKit’s
`its groupware
`the set of
`groupware widgets,
`and its session management.
`These sections
`show how
`some of these features work in practice by including
`both screen snapshots
`and code fragments
`from existing applications.
`The examples
`also illustrate
`the wide variety of systems
`that can be built
`in GroupKit. The article then
`evaluates GroupKit
`by examining
`the effort
`to build groupware
`in it.
`It closes
`by comparing
`to other groupware
`toolkits. A video
`is also available
`and Roseman
`the dynamics
`of many of the screen snapshots
`in this
`Before delving into technical
`an overall
`it is worth getting
`this section begins by showing what end-users
`GroupKit. To set the scene,
`of programs
`in GroupKit may see. It then takes the developer’s
`by tracing
`through a simple GroupKit
`are running X Windows
`The scenarios
`that users’
`a Unix
`the GroupKit
`TCP/IP protocol
`the Internet,
`and that
`on the lnternet
`as long as
`been installed. Users may be located anywhere
`their network
`does not suffer
`(which would
`of some applications).
`Because Group-
`can run in most Unix
`the actual machine
`type does not
`are under active development, with new versions
`that comprise GroupKit
`‘ All the systems
`This article
`is mostly based upon GroupKit
`3.1, Tcl 7.4, Tk
`4.0, and Tc1-DP 3.2.
`has been successfully
`z For example, GroupKit
`Graphics workstations
`as well as PCs running Linux.
`on Sun, HP, RS6000, and Silicon
`ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1996.
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 004


`M. Roseman and S. Greenberg
`Design Sasslal
`I.Ma TmI$ctnw
`(M Gulwln
`Yuu an% Isaul Greenberg
`Fig. 1. The Open Registration session manager: two conference sessions are shown, with
`three participantspresent in the PostIt conference.
`2.1 An Example of an End-User’s View of GroupKit
`This section walks through an example GroupKit
`session, where we will see
`two existing
`a user monitoring
`in progress,
`the scenario
`and then creating
`a new conference.
`it is important
`to remem-
`actual systems provided in the GroupKit
`ber that
`these are just examples
`of systems
`that programmers
`could build
`with the toolkit.
`in this case the “Open
`a session manager,
`the user (Saul)
`pane, Saul sees that
`(Figure 1). In the “Conferences”
`Registration” manager
`two conferences
`are in progress:
`“PostIt” and “Design Session.” By selecting
`one of them, he can then see who is in a particular
`(the list in
`the “Participants”
`its name,
`by double
`Next, Saul
`the “Postlt”
`The PostIt Editor
`then appears
`which adds him to the list of participants.
`on his display
`2, left window). With this simple GroupKit
`tion, he can type a short message
`and send it to one or more participants.
`The selected participants will see the message
`in a pop-up window.
`In Saul’s work community,
`everyone uses PostIt
`to see who is available
`to invite
`PostIt message
`from Linda
`him to join the
`(Figure 2, right window).
`via the session manager,
`the “Design Session”
`a multiuser
`sketchpad that allows simultaneous
`appears on his display (Figure 3). lt contains the group drawing being worked
`on, as well as the teleprinters
`of the other participants. The voice connection is
`made through a telephone
`call. ~er
`the figure, Saul
`leaves the conference by selecting the “Quit” option from the “File” menu.
`A bit later on, Saul receives
`a phone
`from his colleague
`Judy, who
`to discuss a document.
`Saul decides
`to create a new conference
`runs the FileViewer.
`This application
`a relaxed what-you-see-is-
`ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1996,
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 005


`GroupKit, a Groupware Toolkit
`(l’hu Feb S16#1211SSS)
`Hey, Saul. can you join the Design Session?
`We have some ideas for the figure you
`Our conference
`w q;.l;$yx;~c?
`call phone number
`5+.- ,:*.*,
`I_ LindaTauschcr
`r cdchmh
`, ~
`. .
`Fig. 2. The PostIt application:
`PostIt Note.
`notes are created through the PoatIt Editor and received as a
`what-I-see (WYSIWIS) view of a text document3 and displays multiuser
`scroll bars showing what each person is able to see. From the “Conferences”
`pull-down menu in the session manager
`1), he selects
`“File Viewer”
`from the many applications
`listed, which adds its name to the Conferences
`pane in every session manager. FileViewer
`on his display,
`and he
`then selects a file to view in it. Judy joins the conference,
`and they continue
`their discussion
`around the shared view (Figure 4).
`This scenario
`points about GroupKit.
`—GroupKit supports real-time distributed multipoint conferences between
`many users.
`for managing confer-
`both session managers
`such as the Open Registration system in Figure
`1, and confer-
`which are the actual groupware
`tools, as shown by
`ence applications
`the PostIt, GroupSketch, and FileViewer applications
`in Figures
`2, 3,
`and 4.
`that match
`session managers
`can build
`The “Open Regis-
`and organization.
`of their audience
`is one
`a free-for-all
`system illustrated
`on session management;
`are presented
`this article.
`is a generic
`in that a variety
`of conference
`9In strictWYSIWISsystems, all users see exactly the same thing on their displays,
`In relaxed
`users may have different
`into the shared workspace
`andlor different
`of their contents
`[Stefik et al. 1987].
`ACM Transactions on Computer-Humsn Interaction, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1996.
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 006


`M. Roseman and S. Greenberg
`Fig. 3. The GroupSketch multiuser
`cursor, and two remote teleprinter widgets.
`showing the shared drawing,
`3.0 relies
`each of
`FA9, posted
`you in the right
`Obtain and
`‘IX3. 6, and Tcl-DP3. 2.
`on Tc17, 3,
`the Tcl
`to comp. lang.
`ua and ve’ I.1
`unpack QroupKit
`Run the conf@ure
`your ayetem.
`TCL Z% and Tcl-
`srme directory
`from the
`to create
`a Ifakaflle
`If you plan on installing
`Fig. 4.
`The FileViewer
`relaxed WYSHNIS
`the multiuser
`can be built. Other
`or graphics
`on either
`in later
`are illustrated
`we strongly
`system. Although
`is not a media
`is necessary
`for most
`that voice
`or video
`does not directly
`now, we expect users to use other
`such as telephones. Option-
`ally, an application programmer
`could have GroupKit automatically
`an external
`system as a GroupKit
`whenever a conference
`connection is made.4
`4GroupKit could be extended to provide direct multimedia communications. We decided
`against this because: (a) we did not have the resources to duplicate existing work in media
`spaces; (b) it would make GroupKit both platform and hardware dependent;(c) GroupKit’s
`ACM Transactions on Computer-Humsn Interaction, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1996.
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 007


`GroupKit, a Groupware Toolkit
`2.2 A Developer’s View of GroupKit: An Example Program
`The preceding
`section illustrated what an end-user
`of GroupKit may see.
`This section presents
`an application
`point of view, by walking
`a complete
`“hello world.”
`though it is a simple
`(in keeping with its genre),
`it is far from
`trivial. Not
`only does
`it demonstrate
`it is probably
`the only “hello world”
`program that actually
`hello to the world!
`runs his or her own copy
`in a “hello world”
`Every participant
`of the program. Each person sees a window on his or her screen containing
`5, top). When any user presses the
`a button labeled “Hello World”
`the buttons on all participants’
`screens are changed to display
`briefly a greeting from the user who pressed the button. For example,
`Mark Roseman pressed the button, all participants would see “Mark
`Roseman says hello!” (Figure 5, bottom).
`To create this GroupKit conference,
`the application programmer would
`need to write a program similar to that shown in the following code. Most of
`the code is standard Tcl/Tk concerned with providing the user interface;
`only the parts in bold signify the GroupKit
`code needed to make the
`program group-aware.
`-side top -fill x
`pack .menubar
`set greetings “[users Iocal.uaemame]
`button hello -text “Hello World” \
`-command “gk-toAll
`pack hello -side top
`proc say-hi
`hello configure -text $new–-label
`after 2000 (hello configure -text “Hello World”}
`says hello!”
`say–hi Y$greetingsY”
`Line 1 initializes the application and asks GroupKit’s runtime architec-
`ture to automatically manage such things as maintaining socket connec-
`tions between this local process and the copies being run on the other
`participants’ workstations.
`that provides
`Line 2 creates GroupKit’s default menu bar, a widget
`access to some generic groupware facilities (other widgets are discussed in
`Section 5). It gives the participant
`the ability to leave the conference
`gracefully (a “Quit” option in the File menu),
`lets them see what other
`conference participants are present (a “Participants” option in the Collabo-
`ration menu), and provides access to help topics (the Help menu). Line 3
`calls the standard Tk function that places the widget at the top of the
`systems appeared to be a reasonable
`ability to invoke existing online audio/video
`and (d) the telephone
`already supplies an excellent audio channel, which suffices
`many situations.
`ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1996.
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 008


`M. Roseman and S. Greenberg
`L gk_toAU “say_hi
`Fig. 5. The Hello World application running on two displays. The sequence of eventa shows
`the procedure“say-hi” being multicast to all replicated processes.
`In line 4, we create a string (called greetings)
`that will serve as a message
`from the local participant,
`“Mark Roseman says hello!” This line
`queries a special data structure provided by GroupKit called an erzvirorz-
`ment that maintains information about local and remote users. In this case,
`the code within the square brackets asks the environment
`to return the
`name of the local user, which is used to construct the string. Environments
`have other features and are discussed further in Section 4.3.
`Lines 5-6 create a standard Tk button, initially giving it the label “Hello
`is attached to it as a callback and is
`World.” The GroupKit function gk–toAll
`executed when the button is pressed by the user. This procedure is a
`(Section 4.1) that arranges for other func-
`nudticast remote procedure
`to be executed not only on the
`tions (in this case the procedure say–hi)
`workstation where the button was pushed, but on the workstation of every
`user in the session. This sequence is illustrated in Figure 5.
`lines 7–10 contain the say–hi procedure. Line 8 changes the
`button’s label to contain the procedure’s argument (the greetings), and line
`9 changes
`it back to “Hello World” after two seconds. When gk-toAll
`the procedure execution, each person’s display will show the
`same greetings message, as illustrated in Figure 5.
`If we wanted to make this example slightly more sophisticated, we could
`add the following lines to the end of the program. This would automatically
`change the button’s text whenever a new user enters into the conference;
`for example, “Saul Greenberg just arrived!” would be displayed.
`as above
`set new–user-name [users remote. ”AU.usemame]
`say-hi “$new-user-name
`just arrived!”
`ACM ‘1’ranaactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1996.
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 009


`GroupKit, a Groupware Toolkit
`These extra lines illustrate how developers can take advantage of events
`that are automatically
`by GroupKit. Here,
`the developer
`that some code be automatically
`executed whenever
`a new user enters
`as indicated by the newUserArrived event. In line 11, GroupKit’s
`gk–bind command attaches the code on the next two lines as a callback to
`the newUserArrived event. When this event
`is triggered
`by the arrival
`of a
`new user,
`the code is executed locally. Line 12 will retrieve
`the name of the
`arriving user; in this case YoU indicates which user has arrived, and the
`environment query [users remote. ‘MoU. username] provides the name of that
`is now the
`user.5 Line 13 calls the say-hi procedure, whose argument
`onto the string “just arrived! .“ The
`arriving user’s name concatenated
`interaction between events and environments is discussed further in Sec-
`tions 4.2 and 4.3.
`Finally, the program is made available to the session manager by editing
`a configuration file. All that has to be specified here is a default conference
`name (e.g., Hello World) and the location of the program.
`This program, simple as it is, illustrates several
`important points about
`developing groupware in GroupKit.
`the conference through
`are decoupled from session manage-
`—GroupKit’s conference
`ment. The developer does not have to worry about creating new processes
`or managing communication connections.
`—Developers have access to information about
`data structure.
`GroupKit’s environments
`—Developers know that conference applications are executed as communi-
`cating replicated processes, one for each participant.
`can synchronize GroupKit
`remote procedure
`—GroupKit provides a suite of special groupware widgets which are easily
`attached to a groupware program. These widgets encapsulate tools useful
`to end-users.
`that allow them to
`—Developers can attach callbacks to groupware
`note and take action when, for example, people enter and leave confer-
`through multicast
`As the parts in boldface of the preceding program suggest, doing the
`groupware “Hello World” program is only slightly harder than its equiva-
`lent single-user version.
`One of the design requirements listed in Table I stated that a groupware
`toolkit should provide technical
`for programmers dealing with
`multiple distributed processes. We believe this is best satisfied by including
`of gk–bind and its use of a % (field)
`for retrieving
`the syntax
`5 We designed
`about events to be similar
`to Tk’s event-binding mechanism, making it familiar
`Tcl/Tk programmers.
`ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1996.
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 010


`M. Roseman and S. Greenberg
`A Wbll-Known”Workstation
`GeoI@s Wotkatation
`May’s Workstation
`Fig. 6. An example
`of GroupKit’s
`runtime process model.
`a runtime infrastructure that actively manages these processes. Its respon-
`sibilities would include: process creation,
`teardown; communications setup such as socket handling and multicasting;
`and groupware-specific
`features such as providing the infrastructure for
`session management and persistent conference sessions (Section 6). This
`section presents the actual runtime infrastructure supported by GroupKit.
`It describes the different
`types of processes GroupKit creates and main-
`tains and the interactions between them. Later sections introduce the
`programming abstractions supported by this infrastructure that are avail-
`able to developers.
`consists of a variety of distributed
`GroupKit’s runtime infrastructure
`processes arranged across a number of machines. Figure 6 illustrates an
`example of the processes running when two people are communicating with
`each other through two conferences A and B. The three large boxes
`represent three workstations;
`the ovals are instances of processes running
`on each machine; and the directed lines joining them indicate communica-
`tion paths. Three types of GroupKit processes are shown: registrar,
`and conference
`is the first process created in a GroupKit
`The Registrar
`session. There is usually one Registrar for a community of conference users,
`and its address is “well known” in that other processes know how to reach
`it. This is the only centralized process required by GroupKit’s runtime
`When session manager processes are created, they connect to the Regis-
`trar. The Registrar maintains a list of all conferences and the users in each
`It thus serves as an initial contact point to locate existing
`conference processes. The Registrar itself does not have a policy on how
`conferences are created or deleted, nor on how users join or leave confer-
`ences. Rather, it is the session manager which directs the Registrar to add
`ACM Transactions on Computsr-Human Interaction, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1996.
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 011


`GroupKit, a Groupware Toolkit
`if requested,
`or delete conferences and users;
`these changes to other session managers.
`the Registrar then relays
`The session manager is a replicated process, one per
`Session Manager.
`that lets people create, delete, monitor,
`join, or leave confer-
`ences. The session manager provides both a user interface and a policy
`dictating how conferences are created or deleted, how users are to enter
`and leave conferences, and how conference status is presented. We have
`already seen the Open Registration manager
`in Figure 1; other quite
`different managers
`can be created by the developer
`to suit different
`registration needs (see Section 6). Internally,
`session managers do not
`communicate with each other directly, but discover changes in conference
`state as information is propagated through the central
`list maintained by
`the Registrar.
`A conference application is a GroupKit pro-
`gram and is invoked by the user through the session manager. This
`program, created by the application developer,
`is a groupware tool such as
`a shared editor, whiteboard, game, and so on. Conference applications
`typically work together as replicated processes,
`in that a copy of the
`program runs on each participant’s workstation.6 We call a process in-
`and the set of conference processes working
`stance a conference
`session. Different
`types of conference ses-
`together is called a conference
`sions may be running at the same time, all managed by the user’s one
`session manager.
`Although the applications do not have to worry about low-level details of
`session management, they may wish to be notified via an event when some
`high-level session change does occur. They may also retrieve information
`participants, which is maintained
`GroupKit. This was shown in the “Hello World” example, where events
`tracked the arrival of a new user, and environments were used to retrieve
`both the local user’s and an arriving user’s name.
`Figure 6 illustrates these concepts. The centralized Registrar is running
`on its own workstation,
`and its address
`is known to this particular
`GroupKit community. Two users, George and Mary, have each invoked
`their own session managers, such as the Open Registrar shown in Figure 1,
`which communicate to the Registrar. Mary has used her session manager
`to create conference session A, which spawns the actual conference A
`process (e.g.,
`the GroupSketch program). To track session events, her
`session manager and conference process will maintain an internal commu-
`nication link to each other. George could then join that conference through
`that make up a conference
`the conference
`6 Although
`is, the
`the same program,
`they can differ substantially
`as long as they are well behaved. That
`data, and remote procedure
`sent between
`the differing
`programs must be
`and must
`a correct
`is true
`the session manager). As an example, Section 4.3 illustrates
`how two different
`versions of the
`“Hello World” program can coexist.
`ACM Transactions on Computer-Humsn Interaction, Vol. 3, No. 1, Msrch 1996.
`Meta Platforms, Inc.
`Exhibit 1018
`Page 012


`M. Roseman and S. Greenberg
`copy of the conference A
`a replicated
`his session manager, which creates
`a communication
`path betwee

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