`Petitioner, )
`) IPR2023-00059
`Patent Owner. ) Volume I
`___________________________________) Pages 1 through 209
`OCTOBER 20, 2023
`JOB NO.: 6131895
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` 1101 New York Avenue
` Washington, DC 20005
` 202.683.3862
` 600 Travis Street, Suite 7000
` Houston, Texas 77002
` 713.485.7320
`Also Present:
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` I N D E X
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` Friday, October 20, 2023; 9:01 a.m. Edt
` having been first duly sworn by the Reporter, was
` examined and testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, Dr. Saber.
` A Good morning.
` Q You understand that you're testifying under
`oath today?
` A I do.
` Q And is there any reason you cannot provide
`full, complete and truthful testimony today?
` A No, there is not.
` Q Okay. Is there anyone in the room with you
`besides counsel of record?
` A No.
` Q Or is there anyone in the room with you at
` A No.
` Q Now I understand this is not your first
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`deposition; is that correct?
` A That is correct.
` Q According to your CV, you've been deposed 11
`times before; is that right?
` A Twelve times.
` Q Twelve times.
` A Yes. So I probably -- I probably should
`update my CV.
` Q Understood.
` Does that make this lucky number 13?
` A I would hope so.
` Q Well, given your experience with depositions,
`I won't belabor the rules but we'll just cover some
`basics. Is that okay?
` A I think it's excellent to review the rules.
` Q Okay. So first, if I ask a question that you
`do not understand, please let me know and I'll try to
`correct or clarify the question. If you answer, I'll
`presume that you understood my question. Is that fair?
` A That's fair.
` Q Okay. And to help our court reporter, would
`you please answer my questions verbally, no head nods or
` A I will.
` Q Okay. And let's also try not to talk over
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`each other. I know it can be a challenge with these
`remote depositions, but let's try not to talk over each
`other, okay?
` A That would be fantastic.
` Q All right. And I will aim to take a break
`roughly every hour or so. You can request a break at any
`time. But if there's a question pending, I'll ask you to
`answer the question before taking a break. Is that fair?
` A That's fair. Every hour would be fantastic.
` Q Great. So do you understand that today's
`deposition is focused on the '432, the '291 and the '275
` A Yes, I do.
` Q And when I say '432, '291 and '275 patents,
`do you understand what I'm referring to?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q I'll refer to the corresponding inter partes
`review proceedings as the '432 IPR and '291 IPR and the
`'275 IPR, okay?
` A That would be fine.
` Q Now there are four prior art references at
`issue that I expect we'll be discussing today. They're
`named Sharpe, Eintracht, Carey and Fotofile. If I use
`those names, will you understand what I'm referring to?
` A Yes, I will.
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` Q Okay. Now you understand that in each of the
`'432, '291 and the '275 IPR, Petitioner and Dr. Bederson
`have presented multiple obvious grounds based on the
`prior art references; is that right?
` A That is correct.
` Q Okay. So in the '432 IPR, for example,
`Petitioner and Dr. Bederson assert that claims one,
`three, six, seven and eight of the '432 patent would have
`been obvious over Sharpe alone or in view of the
`knowledge of a person of ordinary skill in the art. Is
`that correct?
` A Well, I -- I can obviously check my
`declaration but I assume that is correct.
` Q Okay. And in the '432 IPR, Petitioner and
`Dr. Bederson also assert that claims one through eight of
`the '432 patent would have been obvious over Sharpe in
`view of Eintracht; is that correct?
` A I assume that's correct.
` Q Okay. And you understand that obviousness
`grounds are identified in the introduction section of
`each of Dr. Bederson's declarations in each IPR; is that
` A That's correct.
` Q Okay. And you also understand that
`obviousness grounds are also identified in the
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`identification of challenges section of each IPR
` A That's correct.
` Q Now I take it you disagree with the
`obviousness grounds presented by Petitioner and
`Dr. Bederson?
` A I do.
` Q Okay. And you have submitted declarations in
`each of the '432, '291 and '275 IPR's documenting your
`opinions, correct?
` A That is correct.
` Q So I'll refer to your declarations as the
`'432 declaration, the '291 declaration and the '275
`declaration, okay?
` A That's correct. That's good.
` Q And those declarations for the record are
`Exhibit 2021 in each proceeding; is that correct?
` A I assume so. That would be correct, yeah.
` Q And if I refer to them collectively as your
`declarations, which I may do from time to time, you'll
`understand what I'm referring to?
` A Yes, I will.
` Q Okay. Did you write your declarations
` A Yes, I did. I -- I always -- I have a
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`process that I use every single time and in -- in the
`many IPR's that I've used in that process that's worked
`successfully for me.
` Q Would you please describe that process.
` A Yes. So I obviously review the materials
`very carefully, the -- the patents in question, the prior
`art, the references. I have thorough discussions with
`counsel about the details of them. I then proceed to --
`to put together an initial draft of my opinions and then
`we go back and forth on that particular draft until the
`declarations are finalized and then I review the
`declarations very, very carefully, finalize everything,
`touch up any details that are needed and then sign and
` Q So Doctor, you said you stand by your
`opinions in your '432, '291 and '275 declarations,
` A I do.
` Q Do you have any corrections to your
`declarations at this time?
` A No, I do not. I saw a couple of typos here
`and there but I'll point them out when they show up.
` Q That would be great. Thank you.
` There is some overlap across your
`declarations. When I ask you about your opinion
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`regarding a particular position, I may only reference one
`section of your declarations but I am asking about your
`opinion overall across all three declarations, is that
` A That would be fair but if I'm not clear, I
`will clarify.
` Q Yes. Absolutely, please. If you -- if your
`answer would be different for one of the three patents at
`issue today, please let me know.
` A Yes.
` Q And -- and the other side of that coin is if
`my question is specific to one of the patents, I'll
`indicate that with the question. Is that fair?
` A That's fair.
` Q Okay. What did you do to prepare for today's
` A Well, I reviewed the materials, you know, the
`petitions, the declarations, the prior art, the patents
`obviously in question and I've had discussions with
` Q Did you review Dr. Bederson's deposition
`transcript in preparation for today's deposition?
` A I have.
` Q Did you review Dr. Bederson's declarations in
`preparing for today's deposition?
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` A I have.
` Q And when you reviewed the prior art
`references, did you review them in their entirety?
` A Yes, I did.
` Q And when you reviewed the patents at issue
`today, did you review them in their entirety?
` A Yes, I did.
` Q And roughly, how many hours did you spend
`preparing for today's deposition?
` A I don't remember off the top of my head, but
`in this case, I probably have somewhere between 60 and 70
`hours at this point.
` Q And are you being compensated at an hourly
` A I am.
` Q Is your compensation in any way tied to the
`opinions that you're offering in these IPR's?
` A No, it's not.
` Q Is your compensation tied in any way to the
`outcome of these IPR's?
` A No, it is not.
` Q Do you have any financial interest in the
`patent owner Angel Technologies Group?
` A No, I do not.
` Q Do you have any relationship with the named
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`inventor on the '432, '291 and '275 patents? That's Mark
` A No, I do not.
` Q Do you have any relationship with Chris
`Malone who submitted a declaration in these proceedings?
` A No.
` Q Do you have any relationship with Lisa Larson
`who also submitted a declaration in these proceedings?
` A No, I do not.
` Q So Dr. Saber, would you please describe your
`educational background.
` A Yes. I received a associate in science in
`engineering science from the Mohawk Valley Community
`College in 1986. I received a bachelors degree in --
`bachelor of science degree in electrical and computer
`engineering from the University of Buffalo in 1988. I
`received a masters of science in electrical and computer
`engineering from the University of Rochester in 1992.
`And I received a Ph.D in electrical and computer
`engineering from the University of Rochester in 1996.
` Q Okay. And did you specialize in any
`particular area in your undergraduate studies?
` A My undergraduate studies was kind of a
`general but with some specialization. I -- I spent a lot
`of time on the hardware type of things, control systems,
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`microprocessors. I've done some signal processing as
`well and, you know, circuitry, just you know, general
`electrical engineering. I've taken several communication
`courses at the undergraduate and the graduate level at
`that time.
` Q And did you work with databases at all at an
` A I don't remember off the top of my head if I
`did any projects related to databases as an undergrad.
`It's been -- it's been a long time. It's been a long
` Q Yes. I was going to ask you about websites
`but 1998 might be a little too early.
` A 1988.
` Q 1988, apologies.
` A Yes.
` Q So let me ask you about in your masters
`studies, did you have a particular specialization there?
` A As I started my masters degree in -- in
`electrical engineering, I started to specialize more in
`the signal image video processing computer vision area
`and also the communication systems, you know, that
`working area. So my specialities, you know, started to
`move away from the hardware in a sense and
`instrumentation, more towards that type of area.
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` Q So what drove you --
` A And controls.
` Q What motivated your movement towards images
`and imaging technologies?
` A Well, I -- as I started taking graduate
`courses in the different areas, I started to discover
`that I have more of a, you know, interest in that area.
`I like, obviously, the mathematics. Quite a bit of the
`area, the signal processing and communications and
`networking area and controls come with a heavier dose of
`mathematics, if you would, versus instrumentation and
`hardware type areas which I find myself to be, you know,
`really enjoying so I started to gravitate more towards
`those areas.
` Q And you mentioned networking. Can you
`elaborate a little bit on the type of networking you were
`doing during your masters studies.
` A Well, I took courses in communication
`systems, you know, detaching and estimation theory, you
`know, and when you take a course in communication systems
`it includes, you know, networking type of information
`like queuing and, you know, that type of thing. I took
`course in controls as an undergrad in that area.
` Q Okay.
` A I think I still have the book in my office.
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` Q That's great.
` And during the master studies, do you recall
`any work with databases?
` A I started working with databases because I
`started working on digital libraries in my masters and
`then I continued that obviously into my Ph.D., but as you
`can appreciate, when you're taking masters courses at the
`University of Rochester, at least every course they
`require to you do some type of project. So the professor
`would like you to do -- essentially create -- you know,
`provide a proposal of a project that you'd like to
`undertake and then undertake the project and then do a
`presentation to your colleagues in the classroom about
`the project.
` So obviously, as I started undertaking
`courses more in the communications and, you know,
`networking area and the image processing and video
`processing area and the controls area I started to create
`projects in those areas, with the intent of obviously
`learning more about the areas that interested me more and
`more so I can build that into essentially a dissertation
`for Ph.D.
` And I also started working with my advisor at
`the time, Dr. Murat Tekalp, who was essentially a full
`professor at the time and really the head -- the head of
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`the signal image video processing and computer vision
`area in the department. So Dr. Tekalp started to
`motivate me more and more into that area because
`obviously, Dr. Tekalp was looking for students to
`continue the work that he -- he's been undertaking.
` Q You mentioned a digital libraries project.
`Was that your masters project?
` A Well, I started it in MS on a smaller scale
`and I basically grew it extensively in my Ph.D. work, but
`the MS work started the groundwork for it in a sense
`because obviously, I wanted to take my MS time to learn
`more about the area as much as I can. You know, the
`masters essentially provides the foundation in terms of
`course work. So ideally speaking, you would like to
`place your course work as much as possible in the area
`where you think you're going to undertake the Ph.D work
`because the course work provides all the foundation, the
`mathematics, the up-to-date -- you know, you want to be
`up-to-date in terms of, you know, algorithms and all the
`things that are needed. So when you start the Ph.D work,
`you know, you're at least -- you're working at the state
`of the art.
` You now can take a look at the state of the
`art, see where the issues are, where the challenges are,
`what's missing and then undertake a Ph.D study to try to
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`advance the state of the art which will hopefully result
`in original publications that you would, you know,
`publish in conferences and archive in journals. So
`that's the ideal model. So if you can use your masters
`to build up the knowledge, then you don't have to spend
`your time in the Ph.D building up the knowledge.
` Q In terms of a foundation in your masters
`degree, is there a particular course that is the
`foundation for image processing work?
` A Oh, absolutely. I mean, I -- I -- at U of R
`I remember my course work correctly and again, it's been
`quite awhile.
` Q Understood.
` A So I took digital signal processing at the
`graduate level which is essentially the one dimensional
`version. Then I took digital image processing at the
`graduate level which provides the two dimensional
`version, then I took digital video processing at the
`graduate level which now takes the imagery into a
`temporal domain so you have, you know, images as a
`function of time in a sense and it brings in a whole slew
`of algorithms and things that have to do with the
`temporal domain.
` I took pattern recognition at the graduate
`level as well which brings in a whole host of the
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`mathematical algorithms and things that, you know, where
`pattern recognition essentially cuts through a lot of
`areas because pattern recognition can be face
`recognition, it can be object recognition, it can be a
`lot of things. I took computer vision as well at the
`graduate level. All of my courses were at the graduate,
`obviously, when I was in the MS program.
` So I took computer vision as well. I took
`communication theory at the graduate level which
`included, you know, a section on networking, obviously.
`I took detection and estimation theory at the graduate
`level. I took more course work actually than I'm
`supposed to take. MS is supposed to be 30 credits which
`will amount to ten courses. I think I ended up with
`maybe 13 or 14 courses so I took a little bit more course
`work than are needed because I wanted, you know, to make
`sure I knew the state of the art and I had an
`understanding as wide as possible so when I dove into the
`Ph.D work, you know, I was well prepared.
` Q I'd like to take a step back to that digital
`libraries project --
` A Okay.
` Q -- that you mentioned earlier. You said you
`started it during your masters studies. Would you
`describe what you were doing with that, maybe describe
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`the project a little bit?
` A Sure. So the idea behind the project
`initially started with it -- if you were to go let's say
`on a vacation, Disney World or a ski trip or you went on
`a vacation and you had your digital camera with you and
`you were just shooting pictures and let's say you had
`10,000 pictures and you came back home and you plugged
`the camera into your computer and you downloaded those
`10,000 pictures into a folder. Now you want to search
`them. You want to be able to look at different things in
`these images, you know -- find you know, the Ferrari that
`you were standing next to at Disney World or find that
`magical moment where you were standing next to Mickey
`Mouse or whatever.
` You want to find imagery. You want to locate
`objects and things in these imagery. How would you do
`the search, you know? Essentially, you know, the -- the
`slogan I used to use when I started presenting some of
`this work is we used to call our system Voogle and we
`essentially got the name because I took the word Google,
`I took "G" off of it and put a "V" in front of it and
`kind of called it visual Google. So the idea was images
`are to Voogle as text is to Google.
` That's the slogan I used to try to sell as I
`was presenting at conferences at various -- at various,
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`you know, settings around the world, international. That
`is where the idea initially started is, how would you
`access the imagery? How would you present -- how would
`you present your query to the images? Like how would you
`say I'm looking for this Ferrari in -- in these 10,000
`images or a hundred thousand, however many you shot?
` Or it could -- it doesn't have to be one
`trip, right? You might have gone on five, six, eight
`trips this year and had folder one for trip one, folder
`two for trip two, folder three for trip three. How would
`you access these different folders and search for a
`variety of different things? I saw a Ferrari in Disney
`World and I saw one in Utah on a ski trip and I want both
`pictures up when I show you what a Ferrari looks like,
`that type of ideas.
` Q Was the digital -- or did you implement the
`digital libraries project in code?
` A Yes. Oh, yes. I spent a lot of time writing
`C and a little bit of C++ but a lot of C at the time.
`Some C++ for the right objects but a lot of C. C was
`essentially a really good engineering language because it
`has all the things that you need to -- to do, you know,
`engineering work unlike, for instance, Pascal or some of
`the other languages. So C is very, very well suited for
`it. The only sometimes challenge is you have to write
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`also all the underlying framework. Like if you were to
`add complex numbers, you have to write that library. If
`you want to -- or get somebody else's library but then
`you don't know how well -- maybe there's a bug here or
`there. You don't know.
` So you have to either write the underlying
`framework or, you know, get it from somebody else. Like
`if you want to Fourier transform algorithms or inverse
`Fourier transform, you have to write those or acquire
`them so it takes a bit to build up the background a bit
`and I -- and I wrote, you know, a lot of background stuff
`at the lab because the lab had already some. Like
`Fourier transforms and inverse Fourier transforms were
`there, so I could use them directly but a lot of the
`materials that I needed like, you know, principal
`component analysis or some other things I actually wrote
`myself and I had a pretty extensive library at the time
`of software by the time I graduated.
` Q Where are the photos stored in the digital
`libraries project?
` A I think we had a server. It's been awhile,
`you know. I think we had a server at -- at the --
`because, you know, there were a lot of photos so you
`can't store them. And the computers at the time didn't
`have terabytes of data storage, so you know, we were
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`working on SPARC 10's, unit SPARC 10 stations at the
`time. You know, the PC was a little on the early side if
`you would. So we had I think -- I think the lab had a
`server where we stored all the stuff but I don't remember
`exactly off the top of my head.
` Q Was -- was a digital libraries project based
`on the database?
` A Well, the images essentially were, you know,
`essentially placed into folders and as we started doing
`the annotations and that type of thing, you have to
`somehow get some relationship because you don't want to
`every time have to do -- you don't want to run your
`algorithm every time and have to go back in and have to
`annotate all of them all over again because that takes a
`lot of time, especially at that timeframe when, you know,
`computers weren't as fast as they are today.
` So as you've done work on the images, you --
`you store that information in some type of a -- you know,
`some type of database that you would need to be able to
`do the extraction a little quicker than -- than you --
`you would have to if you had to run everything all over
`again from scratch every single time.
` Q So just to make sure I understand, are you
`saying that the -- the images were stored in folders but
`the annotation information was stored in the database?
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` A Yeah, so the images would be stored in a --
`you know, folders because we had many and, you know, in
`some type of what we -- a database that kind of contained
`all the imagery because they were all raster data in a
`sense, you know, color and grayscale. And the
`information that you extract from the images, any text --
`any -- any textual annotations or any kind of connections
`between the images, you would store that into some type
`of a database, you know. I wrote some of that code
`myself so I can essentially -- I know how to access it
`and go in and out on those details.
` Q Would you please describe these annotations?
`What do they look like?
` A Well, some of them were textual annotations.
`For instance, let's say you had an image and you will say
`Eli's in this image and John Doe is in this image and in
`this image, you would provide some textual annotations
`that would mark information in that image. If the image
`was an outdoor image, you would provide some annotations
`that would say this image is an outdoor image or an
`indoor image or, you know, I see outdoor scenery or this
`is more of a street type imagery versus, you know,
`mountain type imagery, that type of thing. So there are
`some textual annotations that have to do with the content
`of the imagery.
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` But there's also some -- some visual type of
`information as well because if you had, for instance, a
`car in the image and you want to know where the car is
`exactly, you can't put that in text so you have to have
`some type of segmentations that would, you know, have
`templates that segment the imagery and provide in a sense
`false coloring of various objects in the imagery so the
`segmentation profiles are also stored with the imagery,
`stored, you know, in a sense in a database and related to
`the particular image. So every time you segment

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