
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2023-00049
`U.S. Patent 7,713,947


`Motion to Seal and For Entry of Default Protective Order
`Under 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.54 and 42.14, Patent Owner, Merck Serono SA,
`hereby moves to seal Exhibits 2039, 2048, 2049, and 2050 submitted with the
`Patent Owner’s Response. Good cause to seal these documents exists
`because they include highly confidential, competitively sensitive information
`of Patent Owner, which Patent Owner designated as “PROTECTIVE
`ORDER MATERIAL.” Patent Owner further moves for entry of the Board’s
`Default Protective Order. Petitioner, TWi Pharmaceuticals, Inc., has
`consented to the Board’s Default Protective Order with respect to information
`for which good cause to seal is established, but has not taken a position
`regarding Patent Owner’s Motion to Seal.
`Prior Board authorization is not required for “motions where it is
`impractical for a party to seek prior Board authorization.” Consolidated Trial
`Practice Guide (Nov. 20, 2019) (the “Consolidated Trial Practice Guide”), p.
`37. “Motions where it is not practical to seek prior Board authorization
`include motions to seal. . . .” Id.
`Under 37 C.F.R. § 42.54, Patent Owner, through the undersigned,
`- 2 -


`Motion to Seal and For Entry of Default Protective Order
`hereby certifies that it corresponded with Petitioner through counsel on
`February 29 and March 8, 2024 in good faith regarding this motion.
`Petitioner agreed to entry of the Board’s Default Protective Order for
`information which Patent Owner establishes good cause to seal, but has not
`taken a position as to whether any particular exhibits should be sealed.
`2049, AND 2050
`The Board may issue protective orders for good cause to protect a
`party from disclosing confidential information. Consolidated Trial Practice
`Guide, pp. 19-20; 37 C.F.R. § 42.54. In deciding whether to grant a motion
`to seal, the Board must find “good cause,” and must “strike a balance
`between the public’s interest in maintaining a complete and understandable
`file history and the parties’ interest in protecting truly sensitive information.”
`Garmin International, Inc. et al. v. Cuozzo Speed Technologies LLC,
`IPR2012-00001, Paper 36 at 4 (P.T.A.B. April 5, 2013). “Confidential
`Information” is identified in a manner consistent with Fed. R. Civ. P.
`26(c)(1)(G), “which provides for protective orders for trade secret or other
`confidential research, development, or commercial information.” Id.
`Good cause for sealing material can be established by demonstrating
`that the balance of the following considerations favors sealing the material:
`- 3 -


`Motion to Seal and For Entry of Default Protective Order
`whether (1) the information sought to be sealed is truly confidential, (2) a
`concrete harm would result upon public disclosure, (3) there exists a genuine
`need to rely in the trial on the specific information sought to be sealed, and
`(4), on balance, an interest in maintaining confidentiality outweighs the
`strong public interest in having an open record. See Argentum Pharms. LLC
`v. Alcon Research, Ltd., IPR2017-01053, Paper 27 at 4 (P.T.A.B. January 19,
`Exhibits 2039 (“Deposition Transcript of Nicholas Bodor, February 15,
`2024”), 2048 (the “IVAX-Serono Agreement”), 2049 (“December 17, 2003,
`Briefing Document”), and 2050 (“August 27, 2003, Meeting Minutes”) contain
`confidential research, development, or business information designated as
`“PROTECTIVE ORDER MATERIAL” under the Default Protective Order
`that was agreed-upon by the parties. Patent Owner moved to seal three of the
`same exhibits—Exhibits 2048, 2049, and 2050—unopposed in IPR2023-
`00480 and -00481. The balance of the Argentum factors favors sealing
`Exhibits 2039, 2048, 2049, and 2050.
`a. Exhibits 2039, 2048, 2049, and 2050 Contain Confidential
`The information Patent Owner seeks to seal in Exhibits 2039, 2048,
`2049, and 2050 is “truly confidential.” See Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(c)(1)(G).
`- 4 -


`Motion to Seal and For Entry of Default Protective Order
`Exhibits 2039, 2048, 2049, and 2050 contain confidential technical
`information regarding drug development and/or financial and business
`information of Patent Owner and non-parties to this proceeding. The
`information contained in Exhibits 2039, 2048, 2049, and 2050 is subject to
`non-party confidentiality obligations (e.g., with development partners and
`Patent Owner’s affiliate) or would cause competitive business harm to Patent
`Owner if publicly disclosed.
`First, the Deposition Transcript of Nicholas Bodor, February 15, 2024
`is a true and correct copy of the deposition of Dr. Nicholas Bodor in
`IPR2023-00480 and -00481, which took place on February 15, 2024. This
`transcript contains Patent Owner’s and non-party Ares Trading S.A. and
`IVAX’s highly confidential information relating to drug development
`research Dr. Bodor performed that is not relevant to any issue in dispute in
`this proceeding. See Ex. 2039. Patent Owner submits a public, redacted
`version of the transcript as Exhibit 2041 and requests sealing of Exhibit 2039,
`the full, unredacted transcript containing this confidential information. To
`the best of its knowledge, Patent Owner has not made, and does not intend to
`make, this research publicly available. IVAX (now Teva) does not oppose
`making this full transcript available in this proceeding, subject to this motion
`to seal and treatment of the transcript under the Board’s Default Protective
`- 5 -


`Motion to Seal and For Entry of Default Protective Order
`Second, the IVAX-Serono Agreement (EX 2048) is a true and
`redacted1 copy of the highly confidential joint development and license
`agreement between Ares Trading S.A., an affiliate of Patent Owner, and
`IVAX International GmBH (“IVAX”)2 dated October 16, 2002. The IVAX-
`Serono Agreement contains Patent Owner’s and non-party Ares Trading S.A.
`and IVAX’s highly confidential commercial terms concerning the joint
`research and development obligations for investigational cladribine oral
`formulations, dosing regimens, and clinical studies that have not been made
`publicly available. See Ex. 2048. Moreover, the IVAX-Serono Agreement
`contains confidentiality provisions requiring Ares Trading S.A. and its
`affiliate, Patent Owner, to maintain the confidentiality of the agreement
`1 Ex. 2048 contains minimal redactions of specific monetary values which are
`highly sensitive to Patent Owner, its non-party affiliate Ares Trading S.A., and
`non-party IVAX, which are not relevant to any issue in dispute in this
`2 In January 2006, IVAX became part of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
`(“Teva”) through the acquisition of IVAX Corporation by Teva. References to
`IVAX also refer to Teva as its successor.
`- 6 -


`Motion to Seal and For Entry of Default Protective Order
`terms. To the best of its knowledge, Patent Owner has not made, and does
`not intend to make, the contents of the IVAX-Serono Agreement publicly
`available. IVAX (now Teva) does not oppose making the IVAX-Serono
`Agreement available in this proceeding, subject to this motion to seal and
`treatment of the agreement under the Board’s Default Protective Order.
`Third, the December 17, 2003, Briefing Document (Ex. 2049) is a true
`and correct copy of an email communication and attachment sent from
`Serono to IVAX and Serono personnel on December 17, 2003 and concerns
`the subject matter of the IVAX-Serono Agreement. The communication
`contains a highly confidential draft “Briefing Document” concerning
`Serono’s development plan for an oral cladribine drug product, including
`Patent Owner’s confidential technical data, research data, and prospective
`research and clinical development plans. See Ex. 2049.
`Fourth, the August 27, 2003, Meeting Minutes (Ex. 2050) is a true and
`redacted3 copy of confidential meeting minutes between IVAX’s and
`Serono’s drug development teams held on August 27, 2003, concerning the
`3 Ex. 2050 contains minimal redactions to protect privileged discussions with
`IVAX’s counsel presented earlier at the meeting under common-interest privilege
`between IVAX and Patent Owner.
`- 7 -


`Motion to Seal and For Entry of Default Protective Order
`subject matter of the IVAX-Serono Agreement. The August 27, 2003,
`Meeting Minutes includes highly confidential information related to the
`ongoing development of the joint research efforts of Ares Trading S.A. and
`IVAX, including technical data reports and prospective research and clinical
`development plans. See Ex. 2050.
`The contents of Exhibits 2039, 2048, 2049, and 2050 constitute “trade
`secret or other confidential research, development, or commercial
`information” under Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(c)(1)(G) and 37 C.F.R. § 42.54(a) and
`should be subject to the protection of the Board’s Default Protective Order.
`b. Public Disclosure of Exhibits 2039, 2048, 2049, and 2050
`Would Result in Concrete Harm to Patent Owner and Non-
`Patent Owner would suffer several concrete harms from the public
`disclosure of Exhibits 2039, 2048, 2049, and 2050. Exhibits 2039, 2048,
`2049, and 2050 detail Patent Owner’s drug development activities, business
`strategies, drug commercialization strategy, and commercial and financial
`provisions, including a roadmap of how to replicate Patent Owner’s
`confidential and valuable drug product development and business model.
`Accordingly, public access to this information risks unfair competitive and
`commercial disadvantage to Patent Owner and non-party Ares Trading S.A.
`and IVAX. Moreover, Patent Owner is subject to contractual obligations of
`- 8 -


`Motion to Seal and For Entry of Default Protective Order
`confidentiality concerning Exhibits 2039, 2048, 2049, and 2050 and public
`disclosure of the contents of these exhibits conflict with Patent Owner’s
`c. There is a Genuine Need for Exhibits 2039, 2048, 2049, and
`2050 in This Proceeding
`There exists a genuine need to rely on Exhibits 2039, 2048, 2049, and
`2050 in the trial. Confidential information in Exhibits 2039, 2048, 2049, and
`2050 are pertinent to the disputed issue of whether the asserted invalidating
`art is prior art under Pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. §102. This confidential information
`is not available from any non-confidential sources and supports Patent
`Owner’s argument that disclosures of a dosing regimen in the asserted Bodor
`reference is not “by another” as required by § 102(a) and (e).
`d. Maintaining Confidentiality of Exhibits 2039, 2048, 2049,
`and 2050 Outweighs the Public Interest in an Open Record
`Although the public has an interest in the Patent Office maintaining a
`complete and comprehensive file history, the public interest would not be
`harmed by sealing Exhibits 2039, 2048, 2049, and 2050 and the need for
`confidentiality outweighs any risk of such harm. The contents of Exhibits
`2039, 2048, 2049, and 2050 concern the intimate details and communications
`of IVAX and Serono’s joint development and research efforts, and if publicly
`disclosed, risk significant competitive harm to Patent Owner and non-party
`- 9 -


`Motion to Seal and For Entry of Default Protective Order
`Ares Trading S.A. and IVAX (now Teva). In contrast, sealing Exhibits 2039,
`2048, 2049, and 2050 deprives the public of only the confidential and
`granular business and research dealings of Patent Owner and non-parties that
`are routinely maintained confidential in inter partes review proceedings and
`district court litigation. For example, the Board has previously held that
`confidential information in a license and collaboration agreement, like the
`one submitted here, should remain under seal. See, e.g., Westinghouse Air
`Brake Technologies Corporation v. Siemens Mobility, Inc., IPR2017-01669,
`Paper 60 (P.T.A.B. January 8, 2019). Furthermore, the public’s interest in an
`open record may still be served as the general fact of the collaboration
`between IVAX and Serono was publicly announced and reflected in exhibits
`contemporaneously filed herewith. Moreover, the public will have access to
`Ex. 2041, which is the redacted version of Ex. 2039 and which includes all
`the information from Ex. 2039 that is relevant to the issues in dispute in this
`proceeding. On balance, the preceding factors weigh in favor of sealing
`Exhibits 2039, 2048, 2049, and 2050.
`For the foregoing reasons, Patent Owner respectfully requests the
`Board seal Exhibits 2039, 2048, 2049, and 2050.
`- 10 -


`Motion to Seal and For Entry of Default Protective Order
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.54, Patent Owner respectfully requests
`entry of the Board’s Default Protective Order as set forth in Appendix B of
`the Consolidated Trial Practice Guide. The parties have conferred and agreed
`to entry of the Default Protective Order for exhibits for which good cause to
`seal is shown.
`For the foregoing reasons, Patent Owner respectfully requests that the
`Board grant this Motion to Seal and enter the Default Protective Order.
`Dated: March 12, 2024
`Respectfully Submitted,
`/Emily R. Whelan/
`Emily R. Whelan (Reg. No. 50,391)
`Counsel for Patent Owner
`Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr
`60 State Street
`Boston, MA 02109
`Tel. (617) 526-6567
`- 11 -


`Motion to Seal and For Entry of Default Protective Order
` hereby certify that on March 13, 2024, I caused a true and correct copy of
` I
`the below documents:
`• Patent Owner’s Motion to Seal and for Entry of Default Protective
`• Exhibit No. 2039
`• Exhibit No. 2048
`• Exhibit No. 2049
`• Exhibit No. 2050
`to be served via e-mail, as consented to by Petitioner, to:
`By: /Cindy Kan/
`Cindy Kan (Reg. No. 76,385)
`Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
`7 World Trade Center
`250 Greenwich Street
`New York, NY 10007
`Tel: (212) 295-6470
`- 12 -

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