`Chap. 2
`The Speech Signal
`and are seen as vertical striations in the spectrogram.
`The narrowband spectrogram (shown in the second panel of Figure 2.8) corresponds
`to performing a spectral analysis on 50-msec sections of waveform using a narrow analysis
`filter (40 Hz bandwidth), with the analysis again advancing in intervals of 1 msec. Because
`of the relatively narrow bandwidth of the analysis filters, individual spectral harmonics
`corresponding to the pitch of the speech waveform, during voiced regions, are resolved and
`are seen as almost-horizontal lines in the spectrogram. During periods of unvoiced speech,
`we see primarily high-frequency energy in the spectrograms; during periods of silence we
`essentially see no spectral activity (because of the reduced signal level).
`A third way of representing the time-varying signal characteristics of speech is via a
`parameterization of the spectral activity based on the model of speech production. Because
`the human vocal tract is essentially a tube, or concatenation of tubes, of varying cross(cid:173)
`sectional area that is excited either at one end (by the vocal cord puffs of air) or at a point
`along the tube (corresponding to turbulent air at a constriction), acoustic theory tells us that
`the transfer function of energy from the excitation source to the output can be described
`in terms of the natural frequencies or resonances of the tube. Such resonances are called
`formants for speech, and they represent the frequencies that pass the most acoustic energy
`from the source to the output. Typically there are about three resonances of significance, for
`a human vocal tract, below about 3500 Hz. Figure 2.9 [5] shows a wideband spectrogram,
`along with the computed formant frequency estimates, for the utterance "Why do I owe
`you a letter," spoken by a male speaker. There is a good correspondence between the
`estimated formant frequencies and the points of high spectral energy in the spectrogram.
`The formant frequency .representation is a highly efficient, compact representation of the
`time-varying characteristics of speech. The major problem, however, is the difficulty of
`reliably estimating the formant frequencies for low-level voiced sounds, and the difficulty
`of defining the formants for unvoiced or silence regions. As such, this representation is
`more of theoretical than of practical interest.
`representations of the phrase
`Figures 2.10 and 2.11 show spectral and temporal
`"Should we chase," spoken by a male speaker, along with a detailed segmentation of the
`waveform into individual sounds. The ultimate goal of speech recognition
`is to uniquely
`and automatically provide such a segmentation and labeling of speech into constituent
`sounds or sound groups such as words, then sentences. To understand
`the limitations on
`this approach, we will next discuss, in detail, the general sounds of English and the relevant
`acoustic and phonetic features of the sounds.
`in a language is often a
`The number of linguistically distinct speech sounds (phonemes)
`matter of judgment and is not invariant to different linguists. Table 2.1 shows a condensed
`list of phonetic symbols of American English, their ARPABET representation [6], and an
`example word in which the sound occurs. Shown in this table are 48 sounds, including 18
`vowels or vowel combinations (called diphthongs), 4 vowel-like consonants, 21 standard
`consonants, 4 syllabic sounds, and a phoneme referred to as a glottal stop (literally a symbol
`Apple EX1013 Page 51


`Sec. 2.4
`Speech Sounds and Features
`N' 4
`> 3
`:::> 2
`fE 1
`.. ____
`__ .,..,,,...
`• ....... •-----. .,.:
`0 L-------'-----1..------'---~-'
`TIME (sec)
`Figure 2.9 Wideband spectrogram and fonnant frequency represen(cid:173)
`tation of the utterance "Why do I owe you a letter" (after Atal and
`Hanauer (5)).
`for a sound corresponding to a break in voicing within a sound).
`Many of the sounds or phonemes shown in Table 2.1 are not considered standard;
`they represent specialized cases such as the so-called barred I (/f:{) in the word ros!I_s. As
`such, a more standard representation of the basic sounds and sound classes of American
`English is shown in Figure 2.12. Here we see the conventional set of 11 vowels, classified
`as front, mid, or back, corresponding to the position of the tongue hump in producing the
`vowel; 4 vowel combinations or diphthongs; the 4 semivowels broken down into 2 liquids
`and 2 glides; the nasal consonants, the voiced and unvoiced stop consonants; the voiced
`and unvoiced fricatives; whisper; and the affricates. There are a total of 39 of the 48 sounds
`of Table 2.1 represented in Figure 2.12.
`2.4.1 The Vowels
`The vowel sounds are perhaps the most interesting class of sounds in English. Their
`importance to the classification and representation of written text is very low; however,
`most practical speech-recognition systems rely heavily on vowel recognition to achieve
`Apple EX1013 Page 52


`Chap. 2
`The Speech Signal
`+ .,, ~,+
`'N 4000
`u z w ::,
`w a: u.
`::, ....
`~ <
`TIME (sec)
`Figure 2.10 Wideband spectrogram and intensity contour of the
`phrase "Should we chase."
`high performance. To partially illustrate this point, consider the following sections of text:
`Section I
`Th_y n_t_d s_gn_f _c_nt _mpr _v_m_nts i_ th_ c_mp_ny's _m_g_, s_p_rv_s __ n,
`th _ _r w_rk_ng c_nd_t __ ns, b_n_f_ts _nd _pp_rt_n_t __ s f _r gr _wth.
`Section II
`A __ i_u_e __ o_a ___ a ___ a_e_ e __ e __ ia _____ e _a_e, _i ____ e __ o_e_ o_
`o __ u_a_io_a_ e ___ o_ee ___ i ______ e __ ea_i __ .
`In Section I we have omitted the conventional vowel letters (a,e,i,o,u); however, with a
`little effort the average reader can "fill in" the missing vowels and decode the section so
`that it reads
`They noted significant improvements in the company's image, supervision,
`their working conditions, benefits and opportunities
`for growth.
`In Section Il we have omitted the conventional consonant letters; the resulting text is
`essentially not decodable. The actual text is
`Apple EX1013 Page 53


`Sec. 2.4
`Speech Sounds and Features
`~/\A ~AA ~~b ~nA AnA /\ C
`,,. [\.J\ n.A AA~ ~/\n
`(rVlJ vv-r1f'rVVif Wf\t"~V VVlf\J\TV7Yv7)
`0 v 0 o 0 u 0 v 0 v0:c-Av
`0 o "v,...,,cs-°vc,,eo
`l\......c:>o °v,-,,,c.-.f\., 6 ovOJ
`J\ 1\1\ A fl/\ A QA A (\fl A AA
`""• A /\ A /\
`./\ D
`vvv~v \}"Vl) • v_ vVlf
`Ill{ V \[ V V <->7]
`tfl/\ Ahl\. ~d, L(\ AAA AA-~A A,."
`~AAfl LAO tAfl
`vrv"V1vv vvvv~11,rvwvir'4 vv vvr wrirvrr\) 9~" yv-v
`• I\ >-.
`Figure 2.11 The speech waveform and a segmentation and labeling of
`the constituent sounds of the phrase "Should we chase."
`toward pay stayed essentially the same, with the scores of
`occupational employees slightly decreasing.
`In speaking, vowels are produced by exciting an essentially fixed vocal tract shape
`with quasi-periodic pulses of air caused by the vibration of the vocal cords. The way
`in which the cross-sectional area varies along the vocal tract determines the resonance
`frequencies of the tract (the formants) and thereby the sound that is produced. The vowel
`sound produced is determined primarily by the position of the tongue, but the positions of
`the jaw, lips, and to a small extent, the velum, also influence the resulting sound.
`Apple EX1013 Page 54


`Chap. 2
`The Speech 5.,
`9 na1
`TABLE 2.1. A condensed list of phonetic symbols for American English.
`/z/ (zh)
`/c/ (tsh)
`!]! (dzh, j)
`/e/ (eY)
`/o/ (ow)
`sing -
`(glottal stop)
`The vowels are generally long in duration (as compared to consonant sounds) and
`are spectrally well defined. As such they are usually easily and reliably recognized and
`therefore contribute significantly to our ability to recognize speech, both by human beings
`and by machine.
`including the typical
`There are several ways to characterize and classify vowels,
`articulatory configuration required to produce the sounds, typical waveform plots, and typ(cid:173)
`ical spectrogram plots. Figures 2.13-2.15 show typical articulatory
`configurations of the
`vowels (2.13), examples of vowel waveforms (2.14 ), and examples of vowel spectrograms
`(2.15). A convenient and simplified way of classifying vowel articulatory configurations is
`in terms of the tongue hump position (i.e., front, mid, back), and tongue hump height (high,
`mid, low), where the tongue hump is the mass of the tongue at its narrowest constriction
`within the vocal tract. According to this classification the vowels /i/, /1/, /re/, and/€/ are
`front vowels, (with different tongue heights) /a/, /A/, and fa/ are mid vowels, and /U/, /u/,
`and /o/ are back vowels (see also Figure 2.12).
`in Figure 2.14, the front
`As shown in the acoustic waveform plots of the vowels,
`vowels show a pronounced, high-frequency resonance,
`the mid vowels show a balance
`of energy over a broad frequency range, and the back vowels show a predominance of
`low-frequency spectral information. This behavior is evidenced in the vowel spectrogram
`Apple EX1013 Page 55


`Sec. 2.4
`Speech Sounds and Features
`h (H)
`p (P)
`t (T)
`k (K)
`j (JH)
`c (CH)
`i (IV)
`I (IH)
`ae (AE)
`a (AA)
`3 (ER)
`1',e (AH,AX)
`:> (AO)
`u (UW)
`aY (AV)
`U (UH)
`-:,Y (OV)
`aw (AW)
`0 (OW)
`eY (EV)
`1 (L)
`n (N)
`T) (NG)
`v (V)
`6 (TH)
`z (Z)
`z,zh (ZH)
`f (F)
`8 (THE)
`• (S)
`s,sh, / (SH)
`Figure 2.12 Chart of the classification of the standard phonemes of American English into broad sound classes.
`i (EVE)
`I ( IT)
`8 (HATE)
`~ (AT)
`0 (ALL)
`0 (OBEY)
`U ( BOOT)
`A (UP)
`'1 (BIRD)
`Figure 2.13 Articulatory configurations for typical vowel sounds (after Flanagan [3]).
`Apple EX1013 Page 56


`Chap. 2
`The Speech s·,g na1
`Figure 2.14 Acoustic waveform plots
`of typical vowel sounds.
`plots of Figure 2.15, in which the front vowels show a relatively high second and thir~
`formant frequency (resonance), whereas the mid vowels show well-separated and balance
`locations of the formants, and the back vowels (especially /u/) show almost no energy
`beyond the low-frequency region with low first and second formant frequencies.
`. ~e concept of a "typ_ic~l" vowel sound is, of course, unreaso~abl~ in light 0.~~~
`vanab1hty of vowel pronunc1at1on among men, women and children with different regi
`accents and other variable characteristics. To illustrate this point Figure 2.16 shows a
`f the first
`classic plot, made by Gordon Peterson and Harold Barney of measured values o
`I talkers
`and second formant 1or 10 vowels spoken by a wide range of male and fema e
`who attended the 1939 World's Fair in New York City [7].A wide range of variability c~n
`be seen in the measured formant frequencies for a given vowel sound, and also there 15
`Apple EX1013 Page 57


`__ - -•--
`Sec. 2.4
`Speech Sounds and Features
`5000 • ---
`4000"! .• :
`3000, __
`.· ·., .. ,.'
`! .,.,..
`i l111Nlllil~lllllltiJWlt, • "'"'41f
`;_ 1000·
`::::, 5000-----
`W 4000
`FF 3000!
`lS ■ ii
`l..iJl=iJ...J H111111111U1,
`0.4 0.0
`TIME (sec)
`Figure 2. 15 Spectrograms of the vowel sounds.
`....... .---l---l-------l
`.. ,-..1._;.,.;...----'4-
`N 25001--~+--
`if' 20001---'...,,_~
`~ 1500 1---+---l'-+-"~c'"-lt-:~.=+-
`w fl: 1000 1----
`_ ___._ _ __. _ _,
`600 800 1000 1200 1400
`Figure 2.16 Measured frequencies of first and second for(cid:173)
`mants for a wide range of talkers for several vowels (after
`Peterson & Barney [7]).
`overlap between the fonnant frequencies for different vowel sounds by different talkers.
`The ellipses drawn in this figure represent gross characterizations of the regions in which
`most of the tokens of the different vowels lie. The message of Figure 2.16, for speech
`recognition by machine, is fairly clear; that is, it is not just a simple matter of measuring
`fonnant frequencies or spectral peaks accurately to accurately classify vowel sounds; one
`Apple EX1013 Page 58


`IV (il
`Chap. 2
`The Speech s·,g
`~ 1600
`0 EH(£)
`0 AE (cl9)
`oER (~)
`oAH (A)
`0 AO (:>)
`F1 (Hz)
`Figure 2.17 The vowel triangle with centroid positions of the com(cid:173)
`mon vowels.
`must do some type of talker (accent) normalization to account for the variability in formants
`and overlap between vowels.
`A common way of exploiting the information embodied in Figures 2. 15 and 2. 16 is to
`represent each vowel by a centroid in the formant space with the realization that the centroid,
`at best, represents average behavior and does not represent variability across talkers. Such
`a representation leads to the classic vowel triangle shown in Figure 2.17 and represented
`in terms of formant positions by the data given in Table 2.2. The vowel triangle represents
`the extremes of formant locations in the F 1 -F2 plane, as represented by /i/ (low F 1, high
`F2), /u/ (low F 1, low F2), and /a/ (high F 1, low F2), with other vowels appropriately placed
`with respect to the triangle vertices. The utility of the formant frequencies of Table 2.2 has
`been demonstrated in text-to-speech synthesis in which high-quality vowel sounds have
`been synthesized using these positions for the resonances [8].
`2.4.2 Diphthongs
`there is some ambiguity and disagreement as to what is and what is not a
`diphthong, a reasonable definition is that a diphthong is a gliding monosyllabic speech
`Apple EX1013 Page 59


`Sec. 2.4
`Speech Sounds and Features
`TABLE 2.2. Formant frequencies for typical vowels.
`Symbol for
`270 2290 3010
`390 1990 2550
`530 1840 2480
`660 1720 2410
`520 1190 2390
`730 1090 2440
`440 1020 2240
`490 1350 1690
`sound that starts at or near the articulatory position for one vowel and moves to or toward
`the position for another. According to this definition, there are six diphthongs in American
`English, namely /aY / (as in buy), /aw/ (as in down), /eY / (as in bait), and /-:,Y / (as in boy),
`/o/ (as in boat), and /ju/ (as in you).
`The diphthongs are produced by varying the vocal tract smoothly between vowel
`configurations appropriate to the diphthong. Figure 2.18 shows spectrogram plots of four
`of the diphthongs spoken by a male talker. The gliding motions of the formants are
`especially prominent for the sounds /aY /, /aw/ and /'JY / and are somewhat weaker for
`/eY / because of the closeness (in vowel space) of the two vowel sounds comprising this
`An alternative way of displaying the time-varying spectral characteristics of diph(cid:173)
`thongs is via a plot of the values of the second formant versus the first formant (implicitly
`as a function of time) as shown in Figure 2.19 [9]. The arrows in this figure indicate the
`direction of motion of the formants (in the (F1 - F2 ) plane) as time increases. The dashed
`circles in this figure indicate average positions of the vowels. Based on these data, and
`other measurements, the diphthongs can be characterized by a time-varying vocal tract area
`function that varies between two vowel configurations.
`2.4.3 Semivowels
`The group of sounds consisting of /w/, /1/, /r/, and /y/ is quite difficult to characterize.
`These sounds are called semivowels because of their vowel-like nature. They are generally
`characterized by a gliding transition in vocal tract area function between adjacent phonemes.
`Thus the acoustic characteristics of these sounds are strongly influenced by the context in
`which they occur. For our purposes, they are best described as transitional, vowel-like
`sounds, and hence are similar in nature to the vowels and diphthongs.
`Apple EX1013 Page 60


`Chap. 2
`The Speech Signal
`.......... r-r--r-.
`I , •~,
`N' ;;.
`~ 0.0 0.1
`~ 5000~...,,_~.,._,_,..--,-..,-~
`0 w
`u. 40001
`0.2 0.3
`().4 - 0.5
`0.3 0.4
`3000f -l
`0.0 0.1
`TIME (sec)
`Figure 2.18 Spectrogram plots of four diphthongs.
`2.4.4 Nasal Consonants
`The nasal consonants /m/, /n/, and /r,! are produced with glottal excitation and the vocal
`tract totally constricted at some point along the oral passageway. The velum is lowered so
`that air flows through the nasal tract, with sound being radiated at the nostrils. The oral
`cavity, although constricted toward the front, is still acoustically coupled to the pharynx.
`Thus, the mouth serves as a resonant cavity that traps acoustic energy at certain natural
`frequencies. As far as the radiated sound is concerned, these resonant frequencies of the
`oral cavity appear as antiresonances, or zeros of the transfer function of sound transmis(cid:173)
`sion. Furthermore, nasal consonants and nasalized vowels (i.e., some vowels preceding or
`following nasal consonants) are characterized by resonances that are spectrally broader, or
`more highly damped, than those for vowels.
`The three nasal consonants are distinguished by the place along the oral tract at
`is at the lips; for /n/ the
`which a total constriction is made. For /ml the constriction
`constriction is just behind the teeth; and for / r, / the constriction
`is just forward of the
`velum itself. Figure 2.20 shows typical speech waveforms and Figure 2.21 spectrograms
`for two nasal consonants in the context vowel-nasal-vowel. The waveforms of /m/ and /n/
`look very similar. The spectrograms show a concentration of low-frequency energy with a
`midrange of frequencies that contain no prominent peaks. This is because of the particular
`Apple EX1013 Page 61


`Sec. 2.4
`Speech Sounds and Features
`.... ~
`I U / I
`'~-✓ I
`I u
`I&. 1 K
`400.__ _ __._ _____
`....L,. __
`1 K
`Figure 2.19 Time variation of the first two fonnants for the diphthongs (after
`Holbrook and Fairbanks (9)).
`combination of resonances and antiresonances that result from the coupling of the nasal
`and oral tracts.
`2.4.5 Unvoiced Fricatives
`The unvoiced fricatives /f/, / () /, /s/, and /sh/ are produced by exciting the vocal tract by a
`steady air flow, which becomes turbulent in the region of a constriction in the vocal tract.
`The location of the constriction serves to determine which fricative sound is produced.
`For the fricative /f/ the constriction is near the lips; for /0 / it is near the teeth; for /s/ it
`is near the middle of the oral tract; and for /sh/ it is near the back of the oral tract. Thus
`the system for producing unvoiced fricatives consists of a source of noise at a constriction,
`which separates the vocal tract into two cavities. Sound is radiated from the lips-that
`from the front cavity. The back cavity serves, as in the case of nasals, to trap energy and
`thereby introduce antiresonances into the vocal output. Figure 2.22 shows the waveforms
`and Figure 2.23 the spectrograms of the fricatives /f/, /s/ and /sh/. The nonperiodic nature
`Apple EX1013 Page 62


`Chap. 2
`The Speech s· 191'lal
`t~ HfthAAO"ll"ll"AAQAAAII
`r,/7/'rv4JQ vv4> V4i'J4'7JVV~
`I\ I\ (\ (\ "I\
`I\ 0 /\ fl. I\"
`L ~ .. ~ .J J J , " "n "~ ".
`Figure 2.20 Wavefonns for the sequences
`/a-m-a/ and /a-n-a/.
`of fricative excitation is obvious in the waveform plots. The spectral differences among
`the fricatives are readily seen by comparing the three spectrograms.
`2.4.6 Voiced Fricatives
`The voiced fricatives /v/, /th/, /z/ and /zh/ are the counterparts of the unvoiced fricatives /f/,
`/0/, /s/, and /sh/, respectively, in that the place of constriction for each of the corresponding
`phonemes is essentially identical. However, the voiced fricatives differ markedly from
`their unvoiced counterparts in that two excitation sources are involved in their production.
`For voiced fricatives the vocal cords are vibrating, and thus one excitation source is at
`the glottis. However, since the vocal tract is constricted at some point forward of the
`glottis, the air flow becomes turbulent in the neighborhood of the constriction. Thus the
`Apple EX1013 Page 63


`Sec. 2.4
`Speech Sounds and Features
`a m
`11111llli~~1•1t, I
`1\ I
`, .,,~~,
`11 •'
`> (.)
`:::> 2000
`0 w
`a: 1000
`~ <
`11 ....
`ll~b~~i 10 l~-1 •. '
`TIME (sec)
`Figure 2.21 Spectrograms of the sequences /a-m-a/ and a-n-a/.
`spectra of voiced fricatives can be expected to display two distinct components. These
`excitation features are readily observable in Figure 2.24, which shows typical waveforms,
`and in Figure 2.25, which shows spectra for two voiced fricatives. The similarity of the
`unvoiced fricative /fl to the voiced fricative /v/ is easily shown in a comparison between
`corresponding spectrograms in Figures 2.23 and 2.25. Likewise, it is instructive to compare
`the spectrograms of /sh/ and /zh/.
`2.4.7 Voiced and Unvoiced Stops
`The voiced stop consonants /b/, /d/, and /g/, are transient, noncontinuant sounds produced
`by building up pressure behind a total constriction somewhere in the oral tract and then
`suddenly releasing the pressure. For /b/ the constriction is at the lips; for /d/ the constriction
`is at the back of the teeth; and for /g/ it is near the velum. During the period when there is
`total constriction in the tract, no sound is radiated from the lips. However, there is often a
`small amount of low-frequency energy radiated through the walls of the throat (sometimes
`called a voice bar). This occurs when the vocal cords are able to vibrate even though the
`vocal tract is closed at some point.
`Since the stop sounds are dynamical in nature, their properties are highly influenced
`by the vowel that follows the stop consonant. As such, the waveforms for stop consonants
`give little information about the particular stop consonant. Figure 2.26 shows the waveform
`of the syllable /a-b-a/. The waveform of /b/ shows few distinguishing features except for
`the voiced excitation and lack of high-frequency energy.
`Apple EX1013 Page 64


`Chap. 2
`The Speech s·,g
`r7' 1 'es
`• • ..
`t ,►
`t' ;
`; ;J • I ...
`' +r4' t
`a sa
`, 1 .. L, !11,lo~.!u.!uJ11~0~11,l",lv
`......__ __
`" t1Y rr ' r ~ 'l
`100 msec
`Figure 2.22 Waveforms for the sounds /f/, /s/ and /sh/ in the context /a-x-a/ where /x/ is
`the unvoiced fricative.
`N' 5000 ,.........,.......,_-,..-.,.....,.._
`% -
`11!1 ••
`♦♦ ++
`a s
`~ -10831
`Figure 2.23
`- 10184: .
`: -10487
`TIME (aec)
`Spectrogram comparis
`• ons O the sounds /a-f-a/, /a-s-a/ and /a-sh-a/.
`Apple EX1013 Page 65


`Sec. 2.4
`Speech Sounds and Features
`'yvtfV 1Vi
`~v ~ •
`.,... ....
`vt v, rr11 " "
`Figure 2.24 Wavefonns for the sequences /a(cid:173)
`v-a/ and /a-zh-a/.
`The unvoiced stop consonants /p/, /t/, and /k/ are similar to their voiced counterparts
`/bl, /di, and /g/, with one major exception. During t}:le period of total closure of the tract,
`as the pressure builds up, the vocal cords do not vibrate. Then, following the period of
`closure, as the air pressure is released, there is a brief interval of friction (due to sudden
`turbulence of the escaping air) followed by a period of aspiration (steady air flow from the
`glottis exciting the resonances of the vocal tract) before voiced excitation begins.
`Figure 2.27 shows waveforms and Figure 2.28 shows spectrograms of the voiced stop
`/b/ and the voiceless stop consonants /p/ and /t/. The "stop gap," or time interval, during
`which the pressure is built up is clearly in evidence. Also, it can be readily seen that the
`duration and frequency content of the frication noise and aspiration vary greatly with the
`stop consonant.
`Apple EX1013 Page 66


`:::c: -> CJ
`z w
`=> 2000
`0 w
`Chap. 2
`The Speech s·
`+ ( 1r'i ~
`I ,,,hit.
`t..hl .! ~It
`~ I
`+ 'i'
`•II 1'°
`ti +
`w 11881
`~ <
`TIME (sec)
`Figure 2.25 Spectrograms for the sequences /a-v-a/ and /a-zh-a/.
`a '
`100 ffllee ------------l
`Figure 2.26 Wavefonn t
`or t e sequence /a-b-a/.
`' . ·, '·,
`..... :1·
`Apple EX1013 Page 67


`Sec. 2.4
`Speech Sounds and Features
`.. )wA .. WJ. LH L, . 0
`w·· ,av v
`at a
`Figure 2.27 Wavefonns for the sequences /a-p-a/
`and /a-t-a/.
`2.4.8 Review Exercises
`As a self-check on the reader's understanding of the material on speech sounds and their
`acoustic manifestations, we now digress and present some simple exercises along with the
`solutions. For maximum effectiveness, the reader is encouraged to think through each
`exercise before looking at the solution.
`Exercise 2.1
`1. Write out the phonetic transcription for the following words:
`he, eats, several, light, tacos
`2. What effect occurs when these five words are spoken in sequence as a sentence? What
`does this imply about automatic speech recognition?
`Apple EX1013 Page 68


`. . . .
`2000 It •
`~ 4000
`0 w
`< -12840
`Chap. 2
`The Speech Signal
`11111J • ~l,M!III".\
`O !-t, -----
`:.,.__ __
`TIME (sec)
`Figure 2.28 Spectrogram comparisons of the sequences of voiced (/a-b-a/) and voiceless (/a-p-a/
`and /a-t-a/) stop consonants.
`Solution 2.1
`1. The phonetic transcriptions of the words are
`Phoneme Seguence
`/s~v ul/
`/1 aYt/
`2. When the words are spoken together, the last sound of each word merges with the
`first sound of the succeeding word (since they are the same sound), resulting in strong
`coarticulation of boundary sounds. The ARPABET transcription for the sentence is:
`the durations of
`All information about word boundaries is totally lost; furthermore,
`the common sounds at the boundaries of words are much shorter than what would be
`predicted from the individual words.
`Exercise 2.2
`Some of the difficulties in large vocabulary speech recognition are related to the irregularities
`in the way basic speech sounds are combined to produce words. Exercise 2.2 highlights a
`couple of these difficulties.
`1. In word initial position of American English, which phoneme or phonemes can never
`occur? Which hardly ever occur?
`2. There are many word initial consonant clusters of length two, such as speak, drank,
`plead, and press. How many word initial consonant clusters of length three are there
`in American English? What general rule can you give about the sounds in each of the
`three positions?
`Apple EX1013 Page 69


`Sec. 2.4
`Speech Sounds and Features
`3. A nasal consonant can be combined with a stop consonant (e.g., camp, tend) in a limited
`number of ways. What general rule do such combinations obey? There are several
`notable exceptions to this general rule. Can you give a couple of exceptions? What
`kind of speaking irregularity often results from these exceptions?
`Solution 2.2
`1. The only phoneme that never occurs in initial word position in English is the /ng/ sound
`(e.g., sing). The only other sound that almost never occurs naturally in English, in
`initial word position, is /zh/ except some foreign words imported into English, such as
`gendanne, which does have an initial /zh/.
`2. The word initial consonant clusters of length three in English include
`The general rule for such clusters is
`/sound s/unvoiced stop/semivowel/
`3. The general rule for a nasal-stop combination is that the nasal and stop have the
`same place of articulation, e.g., front/lips (/mp/), mid/dental (Int/), back/velar (Ing k/).
`Exceptions occur in words like summed (/md/) or hanged (Ing di) or dreamt (/mt/).
`There is often a tendency to insert an extra stop in such situations (e.g., dreamt -+
`Exercise 2.3
`An important speech task is accurate digit recognition. This exercise seeks to exploit knowl(cid:173)
`edge of acoustic phonetics to recognize first isolated digits, and next some simple connected
`digit strings. We first need a sound lexicon (a dictionary) for the digits. The sound lexicon
`describes the pronunciations of digits in terms of the basic sounds of English. Such a sound
`lexicon is given in Table 2.3. A single male adult talker (LRR) spoke each of the 11 digits in
`random sequence and in isolation, and spectrograms of these spoken utterances are shown in
`Figure 2.29. Figure 2.30 shows spectrograms of two connected digit sequences spoken b

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