A Gaussian Probability Accelerator
`for SPHINX 3
`Binu K. Mathew, Al Davis, Zhen Fang
`School of Computing
`University of Utah
`Salt Lake City, UT 84112 USA
`November 18, 2002
`Revised on July 22, 2003
`Accurate real-time speech recognition is not currently possible in the mobile embedded
`space where the need for natural voice interfaces is clearly important. The continuous na-
`ture of speech recognition coupled with an inherently large working set creates significant
`cache interference with other processes. Hence real-time recognition is problematic even
`on high-performance general-purpose platforms. This paper provides a detailed analysis
`of CMU’s latest speech recognizer (Sphinx 3.2), identifies three distinct processing phases,
`and quantifies the architectural requirements for each phase. Several optimizations are
`then described which expose parallelism and drastically reduce the bandwidth and power
`requirements for real-time recognition. A special-purpose accelerator for the dominant
`Gaussian probability phase is developed for a 0:25(cid:22) CMOS process which is then analyzed
`and compared with Sphinx’s measured energy and performance on a 0:13(cid:22) 2.4 GHz Pen-
`tium4 system. The results show an improvement in power consumption by a factor of 29
`at equivalent processing throughput. However after normalizing for process, the special-
`purpose approach has twice the throughput, and consumes 104 times less energy than the
`general-purpose accelerator. The energy-delay product is a better comparison metric due to
`the inherent design trade-offs between energy consumption and performance. The energy-
`delay product of the special-purpose approach is 196 times better than the Pentium4. These
`results provide strong evidence that real-time large vocabulary speech recognition can be
`done within a power budget commensurate with embedded processing using today’s tech-


`1 Introduction
`For ubiquitous computing to become both useful and real, the computing embedded in
`all aspects of our environment must be accessible via natural human interfaces. Future
`embedded environments need to at least support interfaces such as speech (this paper’s
`focus), feature, and gesture recognition. A viable speech recognizer needs to be speaker
`independent, accurate, cover a large vocabulary, handle continuous speech, and have imple-
`mentations amenable to mobile as well as tethered computing platforms. Current systems
`fall short of these goals primarily in the accuracy, real time, and power requirements. This
`work addresses the latter two problems. Modern approaches to large vocabulary continuous
`speech recognition are surprisingly similar in terms of their high-level structure[16]. Our
`work is based on CMU’s Sphinx3[7, 10] system. Sphinx3 uses a continuous model that
`is much more accurate than the previous semi-continuous Sphinx 2 system but requires
`significantly more compute power.
`Sphinx3 runs at 1.8x slower than real time on a 1.7 GHz AMD Athlon. Performance is
`hardly the problem since Moore’s Law improvement rates means all that is needed is a
`little time. A much more important problem is that the real time main memory bandwidth
`requirement of Sphinx3 is 800 MB/sec. Our 400 MHz StrongARM development system
`has a peak bandwidth capability of only 64 MB/sec and this bandwidth costs 0.47 watts of
`power. A reasonable approximation is that power varies with main memory bandwidth for
`Sphinx3 indicating that Sphinx3 is at least an order of magnitude too slow and consumes an
`order of magnitude too much power for embedded applications. This provides significant
`motivation to investigate an alternate approach.
`A simplistic view of Sphinx3’s high-level structure consists of 3 phases: front-end signal
`processing which transforms raw signal data into feature vectors; acoustic modeling which
`converts feature vectors into a series of phonemes; and a language model based search that
`transforms phoneme sequences into sequences of words. The process inherently considers
`multiple probable candidate phoneme and word sequences simultaneously. The final choice
`is made based on both phoneme and word context. We focus on the dominant processing
`component of the acoustic and search phases in this paper which we call GAU and HMM
`The organization of Sphinx3 is shown in Figure1. Rectangles represent algorithmic phases
`and rounded boxes represent databases. The numbers in parenthesis are the approximate
`on-disk size of the databases before they are loaded into memory and possibly expanded.
`The 3 phases are front end signal processing, Gaussian probability estimation, and Hidden
`Markov Model evaluation, subsequently referred to as FE, GAU, and HMM.
` Page 2


`Figure 1: Anatomy of a Speech Recognizer
`A moreaccurate and detailed view is that GAU precomputes Gaussian probabilities for
`sub-phonetic HMM states (senones). The output of the GAU phase is used during acoustic
`model evaluation and represents the probability of observing a feature vector in an HMM
`state. The set of feature vectors that can be observed from a state are assumed to follow
`a Gaussian distribution. The Gaussian probability is computed as the weighted sum of
`the Mahanalobis distance of the feature from a set of references used while training the
`recognizer. The Mahanalobisdistanceisa statistically significant distance squared metric
`between two vectors. Given a feature vector Feat andthe pair of vectors (M, V) (hereafter
`called a component) which represent the mean and variance from a reference, GAU spends
`mostof its time computing the quantity:
`d = ¥8_, FinalWeight, + FinalScale, * 3~3°,(Feat{i] M{i])? « V {iJ
`GAUis a componentof several recognizers including Sphinx3, Cambridge University’s
`HTK,ISIP andSirocco to name a few [6, 7, 14, 13, 4]. For Sphinx3, the length ofall three
`vectors is 39 and each element is an IEEE 754 32-bitfloating pomt number. The Gaussian
`table contains 49,152 components.
`Sphinx uses feedback from the HMM phase to minimize the number of components GAU
`needs to evaluate.
`In the worst case, every single component needs to be evaluated for
`every single frame. A real time recognizer should havethe ability to perform 4.9 inillion
`componentevaluations per second. In practice, the feedback heuristic manages to reduce
`this number to well under 50%. The Viterbi search algorithm for HMMsis multiplication
`intensive, but Sphinx as well as many other speech recognizers convert it to an integer
`addition problem by using fixed point arithmetic in a logarithmic domain. FE and GAU are
`the only floating point tensive components of Sphinx.
`Page 3


`The Sphinx3 code spends less than 1% of its time on front end processing, 57.5% of the
`time on the Gaussian phase and 41.5% on the HMM phase. While our work has addressed
`the entire application, the work reported here addresses the optimization and implementa-
`tion of the dominant Gaussian phase. The contributions include an analysis of the Sphinx3
`system, an algorithmic modification which exposes additional parallelism at the cost of
`increased work, an optimization which drastically reduces bandwidth requirements, and
`a special-purpose co-processor architecture which improves Sphinx3’s performance while
`simultaneously reducing the energy requirements to the point where real-time, speaker-
`independent speech recognition is viable on embedded systems in today’s technology.
`2 Characterization and Optimization of Sphinx 3
`To fully characterize the complex behavior of Sphinx, we developed several variants of the
`original application. In addition to the FE, GAU and HMM phases, Sphinx has a lengthy
`startup phase and extremely large data structures which could cause high TLB miss rates on
`embedded platforms with limited TLB reach. To avoid performance characteristics being
`aliased by startup cost and TLB miss rate, Sphinx 3.2 was modified to support check-
`pointing and fast restart. For embedded platforms, the check-pointed data structures may
`be moved to ROM in a physically mapped segment similar to kseg0 in MIPS processors.
`Results in this paper are based on this low startup cost version of Sphinx referred to as
`Previous studies have not characterized the 3 phases separately [2, 8]. To capture the phase
`characteristics and to separate optimizations for embedded architectures, we developed a
`“phased” version of Sphinx 3. In phased, each of the FE, GAU and HMM phases can
`be run independently with input and output data redirected to intermediate files. In the
`rest of this paper FE, GAU, HMM refers to the corresponding phase run in isolation while
`phased refers to all three chained sequentially with no feedback. In Phased, FE and HMM
`are identical to original, while GAU work is increased by the lack of dynamic feedback
`from HMM. Breaking this feedback path exposes parallelism in each phase and allows the
`phases to be pipelined. GAU OPT refers to a cache optimized version of the GAU phase
`alone. PAR runs each of the FE, GAU OPT and HMM phases on separate processors. It
`also uses the same cache optimizations as GAU OPT.
`We used both simulation and native profiling tools to analyze Sphinx 3. Simulations pro-
`vide flexibility and a high degree of observability, while profiled execution on a real plat-
`form provides realistic performance measures and serves as a way to validate the accuracy
`of the simulator. The configurations used to analyze Sphinx 3 are:
` Page 4


`Native execution: SGI Onyx3, 32 R12K processors at 400 MHz, 32KB 2 way IL1, 32KB
`2 way DL1, 8 MB L2. Software: IRIX 64, MIPS Pro compiler, Perfex, Speedshop.
`Simulator (default configuration): SimpleScalar 3.0, out of order CPU model, PISA ISA,
`8 KB 2 way IL1, 2 cycle latency, 32 KB 2 way DL1, 4 cycle latency, 2 MB 2 way L2, 20
`cycle latency, 228 cycle DRAM latency, L1 line size 64 bytes, L2 line size 128 bytes.
`It appeared likely that a multi-GHz processor might be required to operate Sphinx in real
`time. Parameters like L1 cache hit time, memory accesstime, floating point latencies etc
`were measured on a 1.7GHz AMD Athlon processor using the Imbench hardware perfor-
`mance analysis benchmark [9]. Numbers that could not be directly measured were ob-
`tained from vendor micro architecture references. Simplescalar was configured to reflect
`these parameters. Unless mentioned otherwise, the remainder of this paper uses the default
`Native profiling indicates that the original Sphinx 3 spends approximately 0.89%, 49.8%
`and 49.3% ofits compute cycles in the FE, GAU and HMM phasesrespectively. Another
`recent study found that as high as 70% of another speech recognizers execution time was
`spent in Gaussian probability computation [8]. In thephased version we found that approx-
`imately 0.74%, 55.5% and 41.3% of time was spent in FE, GAU and HMM respectively.
`Since FE is such a small component of the execution time, we ignore it in the rest of this
`study and concentrate on GAU and HMM.
` 9.43%
` 7.27% MissRate
`L1 Data Cache Size
`Figure 2: L1 DCache Missrate
`Figures 2 and 3 show the L1 Dcache and L2 cache miss rates for original, phased, FE,
`Page 5


`OF eR

`as] 3g gs & =F x,
`to OF
`Ae se xe oe2
`ANE ee
`Nx 28 JN
`a Ce
`ee eee
`+f SN
`ag AAW
`\a: x
`7 N
`NS Se
`3 N
`N& sf

`Ne 3 2
`¥N = Fe=e
`NG We 2 Vg V3 Ve VF
`BAN Paw
`ANG DA a ee a
`L2 Cache Size
`Figure 3: L2 Cache Missrate
`HMM and GAUfor a variety of configurations. Since earlier studies showed that larger
`line sizes benefited Sphinx II, 64 byte L1 and 128 byte L2 cache line sizes were chosen [2].
`In addition, the L2 cache experiments assume a 32K L1 Deache. Both figures assume an
`8 KB ICache. Since Sphinx has an extremely low instruction cache missrate of 0.08% for
`an 8KB ICache, no other ICache experiments were done. The SGIdata providesa reality
`check since they represent results obtained using hardware performance counters. Though
`the SGI memory system latency is much lowerthan that of simulated processors on account
`of low processor to memory clock ratio, the L2 results are very similar in character to the
`8MB simulation results in spite of the effects of out of order execution affected by memory
`system latency and differences in cache replacement policy. The L1 results are not directly
`comparable since the R12000 uses a 32 byte L1 line size and suffers from cache pollution
`caused by abundant DTLB misses.
`Figure 4 showsthe average bandwidth required to process the workloadin real time. This
`is obtained by dividing the total L2 to memory traffic while Sphinx operates on a speech
`file by the duration in seconds of the speech signal. The evidence suggests that bandwidth
`starvation leadingto stalls on L2 missesis the reason this application is not able to meet real
`time requirements. The memory bandwidth required for this application is several times
`higher than whatis available in practice (not theoretical peak) on most architectures. For
`example, a 16 fold improvementin L2 size from 256 KB (the L2 size of a 1.7 GHz Athlon)
`to 8 MB (SGI Onyx) produces only a very small decrease in the bandwidth requirement
`of GAU.This phase essentially works in stream mode making 100 sequential passes per
`Page 6


`waneEee adeclis &
`= 75041
`er aie
`ZAaaY y
`pe gw, Fh
`L2 Cache Size
`Figure 4: L2 to Memory Bandwidth
`second over a 14 MB Gaussian table. The speech signal itself contributes only 16KB/s
`to the total bandwidth requirements. Some computation saving heuristics in Sphinx also
`have the beneficial side effect of helping to save bandwidth by not touching blocks that are
`deemed improbable. Until the L2 size reaches 8 MB, long term reuse of Gaussian table
`entries in the L2 is infrequent. It should be noted that the bandwidth requirement of GAU
`in isolation is more severe than if it were operating inside original, since feedback driven
`heuristics cannot be applied.
`ILP in Sphinx
`Before exploring special-purpose architecture extensions for speech, it is worthwhile to in-
`vestigate the limits of modern architectures. GAUis a floating point dominant code while
`HMM is dominated by integer computations. GAU also appears to be easily vectorizable.
`We performed twosimulation studies to explore possibilities for extracting ILP. For GAU,
`a surplus of integer ALUs were provided and the numberoffloating point units were var-
`ied. Since this algorithm uses an equal number of multiplies and adds, the number of
`floating point adders and multipliers were increased in equal numbers from | to 4, which
`corresponds to the X axis varying from 2 to 8 FPUs in Figure 5. Two different memory
`system hierarchies were considered: a reasonable one for a multi GHZ processor() and an
`aggressive memory system with lower latencies. Reasonable configuration: 32KB DL1,
`Page 7


`4 cycle latency, 2MB L2, 20 cycle latency, 2 memory ports. Aggressive configuration:
`32KB DL1, 2 cycle latency, 8MB L2, 20 cycle latency, 4 memory ports.
`The SGI-2+2f entry describes the measured total IPC on the R12000 which has 2 integer
`and 2 floating point units. The SGI-2 entry is the measured floating point IPC alone.In the
`case of GAU,IPC remains low becauseof the inability of the algorithm to have sufficient
`memory bandwidth to keep the FPUsactive. In the case of the R12000 whichcan issue two
`floating point operations per cycle, the IPC for this loop is an underwhelming 0.37. GAU
`OPT, uncovers opportunities for ILP by virtue of its cache optimizations thereby improving
`IPC greatly. However, IPC saturates at 1.2 in spite of available function units. A recently
`published study also indicated IPC in the range of 0.4 to 1.2 for another speech recognizer
`[8]. Clearly, the architecture and compiler are unable to automatically extract the available
`ILP which again argues for custom acceleration strategies.
`Number of FPUs
`Number of FPUs
`Figure 5: GAU and GAU OPT IPC
`Figure 6 shows the corresponding experiment for the HMM phase.In this experiment, the
`numberof integer adders and multipliers in equal numbers varies from | to 4. In spite of
`available execution resources, IPC remains low.It should be notedthat in both experiments,
`the SGI results are indicative of cases where the CPU to memory clockratio is low. This
`ratio will undoubtedly increase in the future.
`The observations from sections 2, 2.1 have several implications: If speech is an “always on”
`feature, it could cause significant L2 cache pollution and memory bandwidth degradation to
`the foreground application. To guarantee real time processing, it might be better to stream
`data around the L2 rather than pollute it. Since the L2 cache is one of the largest sources
`of capacitance on the chip, accessing it for stream data also incurs a large power overhead.
`Low power embeddedplatforms may not need any L2 cacheatall since dramatic increases
`Page 8


` on
`ll Reasonable
`Gi Aggressive
`Number of ALUs

`Figure 6: HMM IPC
`Figure 7: Measured Speedup on R12K
`in L2 size are not accompanied by corresponding improvements in DRAM bandwidth or
`performance. Bandwidth reduction is important for its own sake as well as to reduce power
`consumption. Bandwidth partitioning so that each phase has independentaccessto its data
`set is important.
`2.2 Results of Software Optimizations for Sphinx
`Cache Optimizations: In the Section 2, GAU was shown to be bandwidth starved. The
`GAUcode in phased was instrumented and found to require approximately twice the
`amount of computation as in original. However, Figure 7 showsthat phased suffers only
`0.85 times slow down overoriginal on an R12000. Clearly, a large fraction of the excess
`computation is hidden by memory latency. With processor to memory speedratios increas-
`ing in the future, an out of order processor can hide an even larger amount of compute
`overhead. The key is to improve the memory system behavior without an unreasonable
`increase in compute requirements.
`To achieve this goal, two transformations were performed on phased. First, a blocking op-
`timization similar in spirit to loop tiling is performed whichdelaysthe initial speech signal
`by 100ms or 10 frames. The Gaussian probabilities for all 10 frames are then computed
`by making a single pass over the Gaussian tables. This effectively reduces the number
`of passes to 10 per second where original would have done 100. The blocking factor is
`limited to 10 to avoid a perceptible real-time lag at the decoder output. Sphinx allocates
`the mean and variance vectors used for Gaussian computation described in section 1 sepa-
`rately. Second, every component evaluation consumes one mean and one variance vector.
`Weinterleaved corresponding vectors to reduce cache conflicts. Since Sphinx originally
`allocated each table of vectors separately and each is more than 7 MB,they potentially
`Page 9


`for(senone = 0; senone < N; senone++)
`for(block=0; block < 10; block++)
`for(c=0; c < 8; c++)
`for(i=0, sum=0.0; i < 39; i++)
`// Loop 0
`// Loop 1
`// Loop 2
`// Loop 3
`t = X[block][i] -
`sum = t * t *
`sum = max(sum, MINIMUM_VALUE);
`score[senone][block] += sum *
`Gautable[senone][c].FinalScale +
`Figure 8: Cache Optimized Gaussian Algorithm
`conflict with each other in the cache. To avoid this, corresponding mean and variance vec-
`tors are interleaved and padded with an additional 64 bytes to be exactly 3 L2 cache lines
`long. This padding strategy consumes bandwidth but simplifies DMA transfers for the co-
`processor architecture described later. The optimized version appears in Figure 8. Note
`the interleaving of vectors and a blocking loop that is not present in the equation shown in
`Section 1. More details of how this affects a hardware implementation will be presented in
`the next section. The optimized version appears in Figures 2, 3, 4 and 7 as the data point
`GAU OPT demonstrates the true streaming nature of GAU. Figure 4 shows that GAU
`OPT uses a factor of 4.7 to 3.9 less bandwidth than GAU in simulation with a factor of 4.2
`improvement obtained on a real machine. This supports our claim that GAU processing
`can be done without an L2 cache. With a 256 KB L2 cache, the GAU OPT bandwidth is
`174 MB/s. We have calculated that with no heuristic, and no L2 cache, GAU OPT can meet
`its real time requirements with 180 MB/s of main memory bandwidth. This has important
`implications for the scalability of servers that process speech.
`Figures 2 and 3 show dramatic reduction in the cache miss rates in both simulation and
`native execution. The L2 native execution results are better than simulation results. The
`large variation in the L1 results is due to the 32 byte L1 line size on the R12000 and also
` Page 10


`possibly because of an extremely large number of TLB misses. The software miss handler
`could easily pollute the L1 cache. The important point is that Figure 7 shows that OPT,
`a version of phased with our GAU OPT blocking optimizations achieves a slight speedup
`over original in spite of performing a larger number of computations. In summary, to be
`able to extract parallelism, the feedback loop was broken which approximately doubled the
`GAU workload. With cache optimizations (which are not possible with feedback), the loss
`due to the extra GAU workload is recovered and the exposed parallelism is now open for
`further optimization.
`Parallelization: Based on the percentage of execution time, Amdahl’s law predicts a factor
`of 1.97 speedup if GAU and HMM processing could be entirely overlapped. It is clear that
`a special-purpose architecture for GAU can have significant speedup, as well as power and
`scaling benefits. We parallelized Sphinx in order to see if there were any practical impedi-
`ments to achieving good speedup. We developed, a parallel version of Sphinx, called PAR,
`which runs each of the FE, GAU OPT and HMM phases on separate processors. In effect,
`this models an SMP version of Sphinx 3 as well as the case where each processor could
`be replaced by a special-purpose accelerator. As shown in Figure 7, the parallel version
`achieves a speedup of 1.67 over the original sequential version. A custom accelerator will
`likely be even better. The HMM phase was further multi-threaded to use 4 processors in-
`stead of 1, but the resulting 5 processor version was slower than the 2 processor version
`due to the high synchronization overhead. Our research shows that HMM processing also
`benefits from special-purpose acceleration but that work is not reported here.
`3 A GAU Acceleration Architecture
`The tight structure of the GAU computation lends itself to a high-throughput custom im-
`plementation. The key questions are how to achieve area, power and bandwidth efficiency
`as well as scalability. This section describes how we achieved these goals by a) reduc-
`ing the floating point precision, b) restructuring the computation, and c) sharing memory
`Sphinx designers try hard to eliminate floating point computation wherever possible. GAU
`and FE are the only floating point dominant computations in Sphinx. An attempt was
`made to convert GAU to use fixed point integer arithmetic. This was a total failure. The
`computations require a very high dynamic range which cannot be provided with 32 bit
`scaled integer arithmetic. Fortunately, the scores of the highly probable states are typically
`several orders of magnitude higher than those of the less likely ones indicating that a wide
`range is more important than precision.
` Page 11


`Earlier work explored the use of special-purposefloating point formats in Gaussian estima-
`tion to save memory bandwidth [11]. Special floating point formats should be almost in-
`visible to the application. This reduces complexity and enables the development of speech
`models without access to any special hardware. We conducted an empirical search for the
`precision requirements by creating a custom software floating point emulation library for
`GAU.Thelibrary supports multiplication, addition, MAC, and (a — b)? operations on IEEE
`754 format floating point numbers. The approach was to experimentally reduce mantissa
`and exponent sizes without changing the output results of the Sphinx3 recognizer. The
`result is an IEEE 754 compatible 12-bit mantissa and 8-bit exponent format similar to an
`IEEE 754 numberin that, it has a sign-bit, an 8-bit excess 127 exponent and a hidden one-
`bit in its normalized mantissa. Unlike IEEE 754 whichhas 23 explicit-bits in the mantissa,
`we only need 12-bits. Conversion between the reduced precision representation and IEEE
`754 is trivial. Though our study was done independently, we subsequently found a previous
`study whicharrived at similar conclusions based on an earlier version of Sphinx [15]. How-
`ever this study used digit serial multipliers which cannot provide the kind of throughput
`required for GAU computation. Hence wechoseto use fully pipelined reduced precision
`multipliers instead.
`Another key insight is that current high performance microprocessors provide a fused mul-
`tiply add operation which would benefit GAU. However, GAU also needs an add multiply
`(subtract-square) operation. There is scope for floating point circuit improvements relying
`on the nature of (a — b)? alwaysreturning a positive number. Further gains can be obtained
`both in area, latency, power and magnitude of the numerical error by fusing the operations
`(a — b)? « c. This is the approach wehavetaken.
`Figure 9 illustrates the system context for our GAU accelerator. Figure 10 showsthe details
`of the acceleratoritself.
`Coproc 2
`Low Priority
`Figure 9: Top Level Organization of Gaussian Estimator
`Page 12


`We implement loops 1,2,3 (from the optimized GAU algorithm in Figure 8) in hardware
`while the outer loop is implemented in software. The max operation can be folded into the
`denormal floating point number handling section of our floating point adder without addi-
`tional latency, but empirically it can be discarded without sacrificing recognition accuracy.
`The organization in Figure 9 is essentially a decoupled access/execute architecture where
`the outer loop runs on a host processor and instructs a DMA engine to transfer X, Mean and
`Var vectors into the accelerators input memory. A set of 10 input blocks are transferred into
`the accelerator memory and retained for the duration of a pass over the entire interleaved
`Mean/Var table. The Mean/Var memory is double buffered for simultaneous access by the
`DMA engine and the accelerator. The accelerator sends results to an output queue from
`where they are read by the host processor using its coprocessor access interface.
`(cid:3) c floating point unit, followed by an adder that
`The datapath consists of an (a (cid:0) b)2
`accumulates the sum as well as a fused multiply add (a (cid:3) b + c) unit that performs the
`final scaling and accumulates the score. Given that X, Mean, and Var are 39 element
`vectors, a vector style architecture is suggested. The problem comes in the accumulation
`step since this operation depends on the sum from the previous cycle, and floating point
`adders have multi-cycle latencies. For a vector length of N and an addition latency of M, a
`straight forward implementation takes (N-1) * M cycles. Binary tree reduction (similar to
`an optimal merge algorithm) is possible, but even then the whole loop cannot be pipelined
`with unit initiation interval.
`This problem is solved using by reordering Loops 1,2,3 to a 2,3,1 order. This calculates
`(cid:3) V term for each input block while reading out the mean and variance
`an (X (cid:0) M )2
`values just once from the SRAM. Effectively this is an interleaved execution of 10 separate
`vectors on a single function unit which leaves enough time to do a floating point addition
`of a partial sum term before the next term arrives for that vector. The cost is an additional
`10 internal registers to maintain partial sums. Loops 2,3,1 can now be pipelined with
`unit initiation interval. In the original algorithm the Mean/Var SRAM is accessed every
`cycle whereas with the loop interchanged version this 64-bit wide SRAM is accessed only
`once every 10 cycles. Since SRAM read current is comparable to function unit current in
`the CMOS technology we use, the loop interchange also contributes significant savings in
`power consumption.
`The Final Sigma unit in Figure 10 works in a similar manner except that instead of a floating
`point adder, it uses a fused multiply add unit. It scales the sum, adds the final weight and
`accumulates the final score. Due to the interleaved execution this unit also requires 10
`intermediate sum registers. This unit has a fairly low utilization since it receives only 8
`* 10 inputs every 39 * 10 * 8 cycles. It is useful since it makes it possible for the host
`processor to read one combined value per block instead of having to do 8 coprocessor
`reads. To save power this unit is disabled when it is idle. In a multi-channel configuration
` Page 13


`it is possible to share this unit between multiple channels.
`SOE Partial
`Figure 10: Gaussian Coprocessor
`The datapath shown in Figure 10 has been implementedusing a datapath description lan-
`guage (Synopsys Module Compiler Language) and is subsequently synthesized for a 0.25
`CMOSprocess. The control sections were written in Verilog and synthesized using Syn-
`opsys Design Compiler. The gate level netlist is then annotated with worst case wire loads
`calculated using the same wire load model used for synthesis. The netlist is then simulated
`at the Spice level using Synopsys Nanosim andtransistor parameters extracted for the same
`0.25 process by MOSIS. Energy consumption is estimated from the RMSsupply current
`computed by Spice. The unoptimized fully pipelined design can operate above 300 MHz
`at the nominal voltage of 2.5 volts with unitinitiation interval. At this frequency the per-
`formance exceeds the real time requirements for GAU,indicating an opportunity to further
`reduce power. A lower frequency and voltage can be used to further reduce power.
`The accelerator was designed and simulated along with a low-power embedded MIPS-like
`processor that we could modify as needed to support special purpose co-processoracceler-
`ators. This control processoris a simple in-order design that uses a blocking L1 DCache
`and has no L2 cache. To support the equivalent of multiple outstanding loads, it uses the
`MIPScoprocessor interface to directly submit DMA requests to a low priority queue in
`the on-chip memory controller. The queue supports 16 outstanding low priority block read
`requests with block sizes being multiples of 128 bytes. A load request specifies a ROM ad-
`dress and a destination — one of the Feat, Mean or Var SRAMs. The memory controllerini-
`tiates a queued memory read andtransfers the data directly to the requested SRAM index.
`A more capable out of order processor couldinitiate the loads directly. Software running on
`the processor core does the equivalent of the GAU OPTphase. It accumulates 100ms or 10
`frames of speech feature vectors (1560 bytes) into the Feat SRAM periodically. This trans-
`fer uses the memory controller queue interface. Next, it loads two interleaved Mean/Var
`vectors from ROM into the corresponding SRAM using the queue interface . A single
`Page 14


`transfer in this case is 640 bytes. The Mean/Var SRAM is double buffered to hide the
`memory latency. Initially, the software fills both the buffers. It then queues up a series of
`vector execute commands to the control logic of the Gaussian accelerator. A single com-
`mand corresponds to executing the interchanged loops 2,3,1. The processor then proceeds
`to read results from the output queue of the Gaussian accelerator. When 10 results have
`been read, it is time to switch to the next Mean/Var vector and refill the used up half of the
`Mean/Var SRAM. This process continues until

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