Dictionary of
`Electrical and
`Apple EX1055 Page 1
`Apple EX1055 Page 1


`Dictionary of
`Electrical and
`New York Chicago SanFrancisco Lisbon London Madrid
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`Sydney Toronto
`Apple EX1055 Page 2
`Apple EX1055 Page 2


` The McGraw-Hill Companies
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`ISBN 0-07-144210-3
`|. Computer engineering—Dictionaries.
`2. Electric engineering—
`Apple EX1055 Page 3
`Apple EX1055 Page 3


`ia Vv
`How to Use the Dictionary i ccccccccccccccssssessuussssssuussssssesisesssssseeeee vii
`Fields And Their SCOPO ooo ccccccccccsssssssssssssvssssausssiussssnessesesisssseesssssevessee ix
`PrONUNCIATION Key ooo cecccccccccsssccssssssesessssessssssssessssessenusssesensvasiseseessasisesessseessessexi
`BZ TOPS een esssssssssssesssssssssssssssssssssccceevussnssuseessessansasassessuseevessissasssaseseessssseeeeeee 1-642
`PPCMIX oa cccccesssssssssssnnsssnsssseseussssssensussessennsssensusssseeusasaseessassssseteeenenseeten 643-679
`Equivalents of commonly used units for the U.S.
`Customary System and the metric SySteM occcccsscsccsscsssssessssssssseesssseecseeee645
`Conversion factors for the U.S. Customary System,
`metric system, and International SySteM ou....ccccccsssesssssssessssssesssssseesessseeeee 646
`Standard Equations oocccecccccccccccccscssessssssssecsssecssuesssessssecssucsssesssessssessnessatssuesssucesecesneess651
`Special CONSTANS ooieeeeccceccsssssssssecsssssseessessssesssssssssvesessuessessssesesesssvesessseeseesseeeesseeeeesenee 655
`Physical COMStANES oo... ccccccsssesssssessseessssecssssvesssseessscsssvecsssecsssecsssvesssseessecsssecsssecssveeees 656
`Electrical and Magnetic UNITS ooo ecccccccseecsseccsseessesssecssecesssesssessecsssessseesseessees657
`Dimensional formulas Of COMMON QUANTITIES ooo.ecccseessseessseesseeecseeeenee 658
`Internal energy and generaliZed WOK .o.....ccccccsseesssssesssssesssssseccssseecsssecessseeesneesees658
`TrIGONOMERTIC FUNCTIONS ooi..cceeecccscssssssessssssseessscssueccessssesccsssescsessssccssesnuesessneceenneesesaee659
`General rules of differentiation and integration .......ceeccecssessssesssnecesseeees 661
`Basic integral trariShOri .:.scascecasscsiccresrsxecoressessessrsnweevesnemermneannetsesreoncerrseamectonces!664
`DOUFSET NERE ALFINI canescens ncn nasa sh sccas concern amen omearrcceneaneneamveroesoasnaed 665
`Schematic electronic SYMDOIS on... ceeccccsssessssssesssneeessnecesssesesssecsssseecsssecssnessneeeessees 672
`Partial family tree of programming laNQUaES ........eecccssseessscccesssneecccecssnnnneess677
`POT CD cece recreates espn nme nnn stn te earreewcerneccarersssceen!678
`Bl SCEOMMARTELIC SHECETUIT vncerceocnnoronnnvssnouisisitreenrianssesinieeshneesonnsansancasszarsasseaanenneean681
`Microwave frequency bands........ssssssssssesssscessssneeseeessnnmneeeeesnnnnneeescsssannessssssnnnes681
`Radio SPOCEIUIM ouuncssssssssssssssesssssssccccsssssssssssssccccsenscesseccessccecenseessesessesssssssnssssscceeceenneqnnnes 682
`Apple EX1055 Page 4
`Apple EX1055 Page 4


`central-battery system
`See crystal headphones
`ceramic-based microcircutt
`|rtecte) A Micro.
`system=|comMuN| A telephone
`miniature circuit printed on a ceramic substrat
`or telegraph system which obtainsall the energy
`{ sa'ram-ik, bast 'mi-kr6,sar-kat }
`for signaling (and for speaking,
`in the case of
`ceramic capacitor§|&LEC| A capacitor whose di.
`the telephone) from a single battery of secondary
`electric is a ceramic material such assteatite o
`cells located at the main exchange.
`{ jsen-tral
`barium titanate, the composition of which can
`‘bad-a-ré ,sis-tam }
`be varied to give a wide range of temperature
`central control=[sys ENG] Control exercised over
`{ sa'ram-ik ka'pas-ad-ar }
`an extensive and complicated system from a
`ceramic cartridge
`|ENG ACOUS| A device cop.
`single center.
`{ 'sen-trel kan'trdl }
`taining a piezoelectric ceramic element, used
`See star network.
`in phonograph pickups
`and microphones
`{ 'sen-tra,lizd kon, fig-ya'ra-shen }
`{ so'ram-ik 'kar-trij }
`centralized database
`{compuT sci| A database
`ceramic earphones
`at a single physical location, usually employed
`{ sa'ram-ik 'ir,f6nz }
`in conjunction with centralized data processing.
`|ELECTR| Atype of mechanicalfilter
`{ ‘sen-tra,lizd 'dad-a ,bas}
`that uses a series of resonant ceramic disks
`[ComPuT Sci| The
`centralized data processing
`to obtain a band-pass response.
`{ sa’ram-ik
`processing of all
`the data concerned with a
`'fil-tor }
`given activity at one place, usually with fixed
`ceramic microphone
`|ENG ACOUS| A micro
`equipmentwithin one building.
`phone using a ceramic cartridge.
`{ sa’ram-ik
`‘dad-a 'pras,as-in }
`'mi-kra,f6n }
`central office [COMMUN]Aswitching unit, in-
`[ENG ACOUS] A phonograph
`ceramic pickup
`stalled in a telephone system serving the general
`pickup using a ceramic cartridge.
`{ so'ram-ik
`public, having the necessary equipment and
`'‘pik-ap }
`operating arrangements for
`terminating and
`See electrostriction trans-
`ceramic transducer
`interconnecting lines and trunks. Also known as
`{sa'ram-ik tranz'dii-sar}
`telephonecentral office.
`{ 'sen-tral 'd-fas }
`ceramic tube
`[ELECTR] An electron tube having
`central office line See subscriber line.
`{ jsen-tral
`a ceramic envelope capable of withstanding
`10-fas ,lin }
`operating temperatures over 500°C,as required
`central processing unit§|COMPUTSCi| The part of
`during reentry of guided missiles.
`{ sa’ram-ik
`a computercontaining the circuits requiredto in-
`'tiib }
`terpret and execute the instructions. Abbreviated
`ceraunograph=|ENG| Aninstrumentthat detects
`{'sen-tral 'pras,as-in ,yii-nat }
`radio waves generated by lightning discharges
`central-processing-unit time
`[comput sci] The
`and records their occurrence.
`{ sa'ron-a,graf}
`time actually required to processa setof instruc-
`Cerenkov rebatron radiator
`|ELECTR| Device in
`tions in the logic unit ofa computer.
`which a tightly bunched, velocity-modulated
`‘pras,es-in ,yU-nat ,tim }
`electron beam is passed through a holein
`central terminal
`[comPuT sci] A communication
`a dielectric;
`the reaction between the higher
`device which queuestellers’ requests for pro-
`velocity of the electrons passing throughthehole
`cessing and which channels answersto the con-
`and the slower velocity of the electromagnetic
`soles originating the transactions.
`energy passing throughthe dielectric results in
`radiation at some frequency higher than the
`[ELEC] Aswitch that is opened
`frequency of modulation of the electron beam.
`by centrifugal force and is usually closed by a
`{ cha'ren-kof jré-ba,tran jrad-é,ad-ar}
`spring when the centrifugal force is reduced.
`cermet resistor
`|ELEC| A metal-glaze resistor.
`{ sen'trif-a-gal 'kad,aut }
`consisting of a mixture of
`finely powdered
`{NAv| In radar, the estimate of a con-
`precious metals and insulating materials fired
`tact’s position as a single point, whereas the
`onto a ceramic substrate.
`'sar,metri'zis-tar }
`echoes may have occupied adjacent beam po-
`certainty equivalence control=|CONTSYS| An op-
`sitions and-or range cells on successive pulses;
`timal control law for a stochastic adaptivecontrol
`the result of a centroiding algorithm in a radar
`system which is obtained bysolving the control
`contact generator.
`{ 'sen,trdid }
`problem in the case of known parameters and
`centroid of asymptotes
`[CONT Sys| The inter-
`substituting the known parameters with their
`section of asymptotes in a root-locus diagram.
`{ 'sart-an-té i'kwiv-a-lans kan'trdl}
`{'sen,troid av 'as-am,t6d-éz}
`certificate |COMMUN|Adata record containing
`Cepstrum vocoder
`(ENG ACOUS| A digital device
`an identification, a digital signature from 4
`for reproducing speech in which samples of
`third party who is believed to be trustworthy.
`the cepstrum of speech,
`together with pitch
`attesting to the authenticity of
`the identity,
`information, are transmitted to the receiver, and
`and an encryption key which provides a basis
`are then converted into an impulse responsethat
`for two unknown entities to establish a shared
`is convolved with an impulse train generated
`from the pitch information.
`'sep-tram 'v6
`{ sar'tif-i-kat }
`A photocathode obtained by exposing a thin
`ceramic amplifier§(ELECTR| An amplifier that uti-
`layer of antimony to cesium vaporat elevat
`lizes the piezoelectric properties of semiconduc-
`temperatures; has a maximum sensitivity in the
`tors such as silicon.
`{ sa'ram-ik'am-pla,fi-ar }
`Apple EX1055 Page 5
`Apple EX1055 Page 5


`circuit switching
`ciphermachine —|COMMUN| Mechanicalorelectri-
`cal apparatus for enciphering and deciphering.
`|COMMUN| A message which has been
`transformed by a cipher so that it can be read
`only by those privy to the secrets of the cipher.
`|COMMUN| A stream
`cipher in which the cryptographic bit stream
`generated at a given time is determined by the
`ciphertext generated at earlier times.
`{ 'sar-kat jel-a-
`time), and theseNbits of ciphertext are fed back
`clude normal maintenance and repair activities
`intothe algorithm byfirst shifting the current DES
`{'sar-kat kan'dish-a-nig }
`input N bits to theleft, and then appending the
`circuit design |ELEC| The art of specifying the
`N bits of ciphertext to the right-hand side of the
`components and interconnections of an électri-
`shifted input to produce a new DESinput used
`cal network.
`{ ‘sar-kat da'zin }
`for the next iteration of the algorithm.—{ {si-far
`circuit diagram |ELEC| A drawing, using stan-
`dardized symbols, of the arrangement and inter-
`connections of the conductors and components
`of an electrical or electronic device or installa-
`tion. Also known as schematic circuit diagram.
`wiring diagram.
`{ 'sar-kat ,di-a,gram }
`circuit efficiency |ELECTR| Of an electron tube,
`the power delivered to a load at
`the output
`terminals of
`the output circuit at a desired
`frequency divided by the powerdelivered by the
`electron stream to the output circuit at that
`'sar-kati'fish-an-sé }
`Circuit element
`See component.
`ciphony |COMMUN] Atechniqueby which security
`|COMMUN| A circuit rating defining
`circuit grade
`is accomplished by converting speech into a
`the ability to carry information; grades include
`series of on-off pulses and mixing these with the
`telegraph, voice, and broad-band.
`pulses supplied by a key generator; to recover
`grad }
`the identical key must
`|ELEC| A device in a circuit
`be subtracted and the resultant on-off pulses
`breaker to remove energy from an arc in order
`reconverted into the original speech pattern;
`to extinguish it.
`{ 'sar-kat ,in-ta,rap-tar}
`Circuit loading |ELEC| Power drawn fromacircuit
`unauthorized listeners are unable to reconstruct
`the plain text unless they have an identical
`by an electric measuring instrument, which may
`key generator and the daily key setting.
`alter appreciably the quantity being measured.
`{ 'sar-kat ,l6d-in }
`circuit noise
`|COMMUN| In telephone practice,
`the noise which is brought to the receiver elec-
`trically from a telephone system, excluding noise
`picked up acoustically by telephone transmitters.
`{'sar-kat ,ndiz }
`|COMMUN] Ratio of the circuit
`circuit noise level
`noise at that point to some arbitrary amount
`of circuit noise chosen as a reference; usually
`expressed in decibels above reference noise,
`signifying the reading of a circuit noise meter,
`or in adjusted decibels, signifying circuit noise
`meter reading adjusted to represent interfering
`effect under specified conditions.
`iNdiz ,lev-al }
`circuit protection |ELECTR| Provision for auto-
`matically preventing excess or dangerous tem-
`peratures in a conductorand limiting the amount
`of energy liberated when an electrical failure
`'sar-kat pra'tek-shan }
`Circuit reliability |COMMUN| The percent of timea
`circuit was available to the user during a specified
`period of time.
`'sar-katri,li-a'bil-ad-é }
`|ELECTR| Combination of active and
`passive components mounted in a single enve-
`lope like that used for tubes, to serve as one
`or more complete operating stages.
`|ELECTR| Any equipment at-
`tached to a radio transmitter, radio receiver, or
`telephone for scrambling or unscrambling voice
`'si-fa-né i,kwip-ment }
`circle diagram |ELEC| A diagram which gives a
`graphical solution of equations for a transmis-
`sion line, giving the input impedanceofthe line
`as a function of load impedanceand electrical
`{ jsar-kal jdi-a,gram }
`|ELECTR| Mode of cathode-ray
`storage of binary digits in which one kind ofdigit
`is represented by a small circle of excitation of
`the screen, and the otherkind by a similar circle
`{ {sar-kal ;dat ,mdd}
`See electric circuit.
`MAG| A complete wire, radio, or carrier commu-
`See volt-ohm-milliammeter.
`See printed circuit board.
`|ELEC| An electromagnetic device
`that opens a circuit automatically when the cur-
`rent exceeds a predetermined value.
`Circuit capacity |COMMUN| Number of communi-
`Apple EX1055 Page 6


`the conductivity. Also known asresistivity; spe-
`_{ i'lek-tra-kal ,ré-zis'tiv-ad-é }
`electrical resistor See resistor.
`electrical resonator See tank circuit.
`{ i'lek-tra-
`system |ELEC| System of wiring,
`relays, and other equipment asso-
`ciated with receiving and distributing electricity.
`electrical transcription See transcription.
`{ i'lek-
`[ELEC] A standard in terms of
`which some electrical quantity is evaluated.
`|ELEC| A standard referenceposi-
`tion from which rotor angles are measured in syn-
`chros and other rotating devices.
`{ i'lek-tra-kal
`|ELEC|A discharge of electricity
`through a gas, normally characterized by a
`voltage drop approximately equal to the ioniza-
`tion potential of the gas. Also known as arc.
`in meters per secong
`is the speed of light
`Symbolized €9.
`_{ ijlek-trik 'kan-stant}
`electric contact
`|£LEC| A physical contact that
`permits current flow between conducting parts
`Also known as contact.
`_{ ijlek-trik 'kén,takt}
`electric contactor See contactor.
`_{ iflek-trik ‘ky
`|ELEC| A simple geometrical
`jtak-tar }
`electric control=|ELEC| The control of a machine
`symbol used to represent a component of a
`or device by switches, relays, or rheostats, as
`circuit in a schematic circuit diagram.
`contrasted with electronic control by electron
`tubes or by devices that do the work of electron
`{ ijlek-trik kan'trdl}
`electric controller
`|ELEC|A device that goy.
`erns in some predetermined mannerthe elec.
`tric power delivered to apparatus.
`kon'trdl-ar }
`See synchronous converter
`electric converter
`{ i}lek-trik kan'vard-ar}
`electric corona See corona discharge.
`ko'r6-na }
`{ ijlek-trik 'ka-rant }
`electric current See current.
`See current density.
`electric current density
`{ ijlek-trik |ka-rant ,den-sad-é }
`electric current meter See ammeter
`ika-rant ,;méd-ar}
`{ ijlek-trik 'kad,aut}
`electric cutout See cutout.
`electric delay line
`[ELECTR] A delay line using
`properties of lumped or distributed capacitive
`electric-arc lamp See arc lamp.{i'lek-trik ,ark
`and inductive elements; can be usedfor sig-
`nal storage by recirculating information-carrying
`wave patterns.
`{ ijlek-trik di'la ,lin }
`|ELEC| 1.Asingle unit of aprimary or
`electric dipole
`[ELEC] A localized distribution of
`secondary battery that converts chemical energy
`2. A single unit of a device
`positive and negative electricity, without net
`that converts radiant energy into electric energy,
`charge, whose meanpositions of positive and
`such as a nuclear, solar, or photovoltaic cell.
`negative charges do not coincide._{ijlek-trik'di
`ipdl }
`{ ijlek-trik 'charj }
`__[ELEC| A quantity char-
`electric dipole moment
`acteristic of a charge distribution, equalto the
`|ELEC| Alsoknownascircuit. 1.A
`path or group of interconnected paths capable of
`vector sum over the electric charges of the
`product of the charge andtheposition vectorof
`2. An arrangementof
`one or more complete, closed paths for electron
`the charge.
`{ ijlek-trik 'di,p6Gl ,m6-mant}
`electric discharge See discharge._{ijlek-trik ‘dis
`{ ijlek-trik 'sar-kat}
`electric circuit theory See circuit theory.
`electric-discharge lamp
`{ i'lek-trik 'dis,charj ,lamp }
`electric-discharge tube
`{ i'lek-trik 'dis,charj ,tiib }
`electric displacement
`[ELEC] The electric field
`intensity multiplied by the permittivity. Symbol
`ized D. Also knownasdielectric displacement:
`dielectric flux density; displacement; electricdis
`placement density; electric flux density; electric
`{ i'lek-trik dis'plas-mant}
`electric d
`density Sce electric displace
`|ELEC| A direct wire path for
`current between two points in acircuit.
`{ iflek-
`ment.{i'lek-trik dis'plas-mant ,den-sad-é}
`{ ijlek-trik 'koil }
`|ELEC| A comparator
`which movementresults in a change in some
`electrical quantity, which is then amplified by
`{ ijl!ek-trik kam'par-ad-ear}
`See capacitor.
`{ ijlek-trik
`{ iflek-trik
`{ ijlek-trik
`See discharge lamp.
`See discharge tube
`See conductor.
`Apple EX1055 Page 7


` IM
`Apple EX1055 Page 8

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