`V.S. Gerogiannis, D.M. Rekkas, P.P. Dallas and N.H.Choulis
`University of Athens, Department of Pharmacy,
`Division of Pharmaceutical Technology,
`Panepistimioupolis 157 71, Athens, Greece
`During the past few years, great interest was developedin the subject of
`floating. In the present study, the floating and swelling characteristics of
`several excipients used controlled release technology were examined. The
`floating behavior was evaluated with resultant weight measurements, while a
`gravimetric method was employedfor studying their swelling. The experiments
`were carried out in two different media, i.e. deionized water and simulated
`meal in order to monitor possible differences. The results indicated that higher
`molecular weight polymers and slowerrates of polymer hydration are usually
`followed by enhancedfloating behavior. The floating characteristics ofall
`evaluated excipients were improved when simulated meal medium wasused.
`Finally, the combination of resultant weight measurements and swelling
`experiments can be used to determine in vitro the buoyancy, weight and
`Presented at 11th Pharm. Tech. Conf., April 6-8, 1992, Manchester, U.K.
`Copyright © 1993 by Marcel Dekker, Inc.
`MSNExhibit 1045 - Page 1 of 21
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`volume changes of orally administered dosage forms and to predict floating
`Gastrointestinal (Gl) residence time depends on manyfactors such as the
`density of the dosage form (1, 2, 3), the size of the dosage form (1, 3), meal
`intake (4, 5, 6), nature of the meal (4, 7), sleep (8), posture (9), exercise (10),
`Many researchers (11, 12, 2, 13, 14) have suggested that a floating
`dosage form may either prolong GI residence time or at least prevent erratic
`gastric emptying during the digestive phase (1). Moreover, during the past
`few years, several dosage forms, like the Hydrodynamically Balanced System
`(HBS) (11), were designed to prolong Gl residence time dueto their floating
`capabilities. Under that scope, it would be useful to examine the floating and
`swelling characteristics of several excipients used in controlled release
`technology. To achievethat, resultant weight and water uptake measurements
`of several dosage forms, immersed in specific media, were performed, and
`volume changes were monitored at various time intervals.
`All excipients werefilled volumetrically, by a manual method, into size 2
`hard gelatin capsules (Capsugel AG, CH).
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`The excipients used were: Hydroxypropy!l methylcellulose (HPMC):
`MethocelgradesK, E and F (Colorcon, U.K.), sodium carboxymethyicellulose:
`CMCNa, (Aqualon, U.S.A.), hydroxypropylcellulose: HPC grade H (Nisso,
`Japan), Polycarbophil: Noveon AA1 (BF.Goodrich, U.S.A.) poly(ethylene) oxide:
`Polyox grades WSR N-750 and WSR-303 (Union Carbide, U.S.A.), sodium
`alginate: Protanal LF 20/200 and Protanal LF 120M (Protan Biopolymer A/S,
`Valrelease® capsules (Hoffmann-La Roche) were also evaluated.
`Test Media
`- Air free deionized water (D.W.) (density =0.997gr/ml)
`- Simulated meal medium (S.M.M.), prepared by mixing the complete
`nutrition product Ensure”
`(Abbott Laboratories, Hellas) with the adequate
`amountof deionized water (5.0/4.6) (density = 1.033gr/ml).
`Floating Measurements
`The floating characteristics of the above excipients were evaluated with
`resultant weight measurements. Resultant Weight Force (FRW) is a vertical
`force and represents the vectorial sum of the buoyancy (Fg) and gravity (Fy)
`forces which act on an object whenit is immersed in a specific medium (15)
`(Equation 1).
`Faw = Fp - Fw => RW.g = B.g-W.g => R.W = B-W = df.V-W
`where: g is the acceleration of gravity, df is the fluid density and V, W are the
`volume and the weightof the object respectively. RW was measuredin vitro.
`Each excipient was examinedatleast three times. The apparatus used, which
`MSNExhibit 1045 - Page 3 of 21
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`1. Balance
`2. Interface
`3. Water-bath
`4. Test medium
`S. Computer
`6. Printer
`Figure 1: The resultant weight measurement
`is shown in Figure 1, was based on the one developed recently by
`Timmermans and Moes(16,17,18). The most important difference was that
`the balance (Mettler AE200) was connected through an RS 232C interface to
`a Personal Computer and the recorder was substituted by a printer. Thus, at
`any time an exact indication (gr) of the RW vaiue was available. The
`MSNExhibit 1045 - Page 4 of 21
`MSNv.Bausch - IPR2023-00016
`apparatus wasvalidated through comparison of theoretical and experimental
`data for spherical objects. The difference between the mean experimental and
`the mean theoretical value of RW was not greater than 0.87%. A standard
`deviation (SD) of less than 0.0042 was calculated between five subsequent
`Swelling Measurements
`A gravimetric method (19, 20, 21, 22) was considered to be the most
`suitable in order to study the swelling behavior of the excipients.
`capsules, containing the excipients, were kept in USP dissolution baskets
`without rotation. The wet weight of the swollen dosage form was recordedat
`specific time intervals. Swelling characteristics were expressed in terms of
`water uptake (WU) (%) (22, 23) according to the equation 2:
`(W of swollen form - initial W of the form)
`WU (%) = wnn---22-nnennnncenseccnnnnesneneenannnenn x100
`initial W of the form
`The selected excipients are polymeric materials that can absorb a
`significant amount of water (more than 20% of their dry weight), while
`maintaining a distinct three-dimmensional structure. As a result, they conform
`to the definition of hydrogels provided by Gehrkeet al, (24). When a dosage
`form is immersedin a specific medium and after the dissolution of the gelatin
`capsule, an outer gel layer is formed, accompanied by an increase ofits
`volume. The process of erosion, due to dissolution of the gel formed or to
`MSN Exhibit 1045 - Page 5 of 21
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`deaggregation (20), and the creation of new gel layers affect both the volume
`and the weight of the dosage form.
`The RW force which is responsible for floating depends on both the
`weight and the buoyancy forces, as shown in equation 1. Water uptake and,
`consequently, weight gain should be compensated by adequate swelling in
`order to keep the dosage form at buoyant state. RW data for each dosage
`form were plotted versus time. Representative graphs are shownin Figures 2
`and 3.
`In all cases RW decreasedin a step-like pattern, due to the periodic
`release of air bubbles created by the substitution of air, enclosed in pores of
`the formulation, by the test medium. Such a phenomenon does not take
`place in the case of Valrelease (Figure 2),which maybe due to the
`compression of the capsule contents. This observation is in aggreementwith
`previous findings of Timmermans et al
`In each graph,
`horizontal zero baseline represents the measurement obtained by the
`apparatus when no dosage form was immersed. The point where an RW
`graph crosses the zero baseline indicates the Maximum Floating Time (MFT),
`namely, the time period a dosage form remains at buoyant state, when
`immersed in a specific medium. An additional criterion applied in the
`evaluation of excipients was the Area Under the Curve (AUC), i.e. the area
`between the RW curve andthe zero baseline. These data are summarized in
`Table 1.
`According to Table 1, it can be derived that different viscosity grades of
`the same polymerdisplay significant differences both in AUC and MFT values.
`MSNExhibit 1045 - Page 6 of 21
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`Wr [200U}9/\»
`Table 1: Area Under the Curve (AUC) and Maximum Floating Time
`(MFT) derived from Resultant Weight measurements of
`dosage forms. Parentheses indicate SD.
` Methocel K 100M
`Methocel K 100M CR
`Methocel K 100M CR
`Methocel E 4M
`Methocel E 4M
`Methocel E 10M CR
`Methocel F4M
`Noveon AA1
`Polyox 750
`Polyox 303
`Polyox 303
`Protanal LF 20/200
`Protanal LF 120M
`Protanal LF 120M
`Deionized Water
`-M.M.: Simulated Meal Medium
`MSN Exhibit 1045 - Page 9 of 21
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`Particularly, Methocel K 100M displays better floating capabilities compared
`to Methocel K 4M (46.7% greater AUC, 34.3% longer MFT). According to the
`product's information pamphlet (25), Methocel K 100M has greater Molecular
`Weight (MW) than Methocel K 4M. The same was observedin the case of
`Polyox polymers (Table 1).
`Polyox 303 (M.W. 7.000.000) shows 618.3%
`greater AUC and more than 479% longer MFT compared to Polyox 750 (M.W.:
`300.000). From the above observations, it can be concludedthat as the M.W.
`of these polymersincreases,their floating characteristics are enhanced.
`Chemical substitution of Methocel polymers seemsto affect the floating
`characteristics as well. According to the product's information pamphlet (25)
`the differences in chemical substitution result in different rates of hydration.
`The lowest percentage of the hydrophobic substituent (methoxyl group) and
`the highest amount of hydrophilic (hydroxylpropoxyl) substitution give to
`MethocelK series the fastest rate of hydration compared to E andFseries.
`The findings displayed on Table 1 indicate that there might be somekind of
`correlation between the rate of hydration and floating characteristics among
`polymersof the sameviscosity grade. Methocel K 4M, for instance, which has
`the fastest rate of hydration displays 21.9% smaller AUC and 16.4% shorter
`_MFT compared to Methocel E 4M, whichis the next fastest. Methocel K 4M
`also shows 29.5% and 35% smaller AUC and MFT values respectively when
`compared to F 4M, which has the slowest rate of hydration.
`It should be
`mentioned, however, that the above explanation contradicts with previously
`conducted research (26) which indicated that the rates of hydration between
`HPMCseries are not significantly different.
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`From Table 1,
`it can be concluded that Methocel K 100M (90% passed
`through a 40 meshscreen) exhibits more than 13.3% longer MFT and 9.5%
`larger AUC compared to Methocel K 100MCR (99% passes through an 100
`meshscreen). A similar effect of particle size is also observed in the caseof
`sodium alginate. Protanal LF 120M (99% passes through 120 meshscreen)
`displays 10.1% and 32.3% larger AUC and MFT values respectively (Table 1)
`compared to Protanal LF 20/200 (99% passes through a 200 meshscreen).
`Although the polymer’s particle size seems to have someeffect on floating
`behavior, the differences were not found significantly different ( t test,
`p< 0.01).
`The floating behavior of the various dosage forms depends upon the
`medium used as well
`(Table 1).
`This has also been suggested by
`Timmermans et al (16,17,18). Dosage forms displayed larger AUCs and
`longer MFTs when immersed in SMM. The higher density of SMM compared
`to DW leads to higher buoyancy values for the same dosage form volume.
`Moreover, this effect may be attributed to the presence of fatty substances
`which delay water uptake. Excluding Methocel K 100M CR which showed
`similar AUC in both DW and SMM, therest of excipients displayed an at least
`10% higher AUC when immersed in SMM compared to DW. All excipients
`increasedtheir MFT for at least 18% in SMM.
`It should also be mentionedthat
`all members of MethocelK series under evaluation remained buoyant for more
`than 8 hours when the test medium was SMM.
`Swelling measurements were performed separately in orderto collect data
`on the weight increase of the various forms over time and also to examineif
`MSNExhibit 1045 - Page 11 of 21
`MSNv. Bausch - IPR2023-00016
`there is any correlation with the previous findings on the floating behavior of
`excipients. Water Uptake (%) (Equation 2) data were plotted versus time
`(Figures 4, 5). The above graphs express the swelling behavior of a range of
`excipients both in DW and SMM. It should be pointed out that such data alone
`cannot provide accurate information on floating characteristics, which is
`depicted by the fact that dosage forms such as Polyox 303 and Valrelease,
`with radically different WU profiles, display both excellent floating behavior.
`To investigate further the previous findings Buoyancy (B) has been also
`estimated. Based on Equation 1, B can be caiculated by adding RW and the
`weight (W) of the dosage form at a specific time point. Both B and W data
`were plotted versus the square root of time. Then regression analysis was
`In all cases, regressionlines for B versus the square rootof time
`displayed greater intercept and smaller slope values compared to W versus
`the square rootof time lines. At the point where the regressionlines of B and
`W cross eachother, i.e. when B equals W, the dosage form starts sinking
`(Figure 6). Therefore,
`that point represents MFT, and,
`thus the above
`regression equations can be applied effectively in calculating mathematically
`MFT. Additionally, the volume (V) of a dosage form can be calculated by
`dividing B by the test medium density.
`Since the volume of orally
`administered dosage forms could influence GI residence time (27) the above
`measurements can be very useful. The calculated volumes at various time
`points of several dosage forms, after immersion in a specific medium, are
`shownin Table 2. According to this Table, Polyox 303 acquires after eight
`MSN Exhibit 1045 - Page 12 of 21
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` "@SDB|B4I|DA(a—x)XOAIO”d(+y)‘42WOOL&|e90u}eW‘SOE
`(% ) 3¥VidN YALVM
`(% ) 3¥WVLdN YSLVM
`COW ) 1UBlam ‘AouDsong
`pupuUZ98ZISWy |PD0U}EWJO}SUWIZASsns4aA}YyYbIayPpuDAoUDAONg:gainbi4
`Table 2: Volume of several excipients filled in size 2 hard
`gelatin capsules after immersion
`in a particular
`medium. Bars indicate SD.
`Time (HR)
`Volume (ML)
`Methocel E 10M CR
`Methocel F 4M
`Polyox 303
`Polyox 303
`: Deionized Water
`-M.M.: Simulated Meal Medium
`MSNExhibit 1045 - Page 16 of 21
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`Table 3: Slopes
`of the
`regression lines of Weight
`(Slope W)
`and Volume (Slope V)
`of time,
`for excipients filled in size 2 hard gelatin capsules.
`Parentheses indicate SD.
`Dosage Form
`Slope W
`Slope V
`: Deionized Water
`S.M.M.: Simulated Meal Medium
`hours of immersion in DW thelargerV, 8.7 times greater comparedtoitsinitial
`V. Moreover,
`the measurment of V helps identifying which of the two
`processes-weight gain or volume expansion- is more important for a particular
`excipient. For that purpose, W and V were plotted versus the squareroot of
`time and regression analysis was performed for the first eight hours. The
`slopes of these regression lines, for some of the excipients used, are shown
`MSNExhibit 1045 - Page 17 of 21
`MSNv.Bausch - IPR2023-00016
`in Table 3.
`In all cases, the slopes of W increase versus the square root of
`time were larger than those of V increase. The slower rate of V increase
`compared to W increase indicates that after a particular time point, V
`expansion can not generate a buoyancy force substantial enough to
`counteract W increases.
`It should also be mentioned that the slopes of both
`W and V are decreased in SMM compared to DW.
`In orderto investigate
`further the above findings, the ratio of the slope of W over the slope of
`V(slopeW/slopeV), versus the root of time was calculated. This ratio seems
`to correlate with the floating behavior of the excipients. More specifically, the
`lower the value of the ratio, the better the floating characteristics. As a
`the floating behavior of an excipient can be predicted by
`monitoring W and V over a time period.
`Resultant Weight measurements of excipients, widely used in controlled
`release technology, show that higher molecular weight polymers and slower
`rates of polymer hydration are usually followed by enhanced floating behavior.
`Therefore, the selection of high molecular weight and less hydrophilic grades
`of polymers seem to improve floating characteristics. The floating behavior of
`all evaluated excipients was enhanced when simulated meal medium was
`usedinstead ofdistilled water. The resultant weight measurements combined
`with swelling experiments can be used to determinein vitro the buoyancy and
`volume changesversustime of various orally administered dosage forms. The
`MSN Exhibit 1045 - Page 18 of 21
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`slopes of weight, volume and buoyancy of dosage forms versus the square
`root of time provide important information on their behavior, when immersed
`in a specific medium, and can be effectively applied to predict floating
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