`US 10,858,177 B2
`( 10 ) Patent No .:
`Dec. 8 , 2020
`( 45 ) Date of Patent :
`( * ) Notice :
`( 71 ) Applicant : K - FEE SYSTEM GMBH , Bergisch
`Gladbach ( DE )
`( 72 ) Inventor : Marc Krüger , Bergisch Gladbach ( DE )
`( 73 ) Assignee : K - FEE SYSTEM GMBH , Bergisch
`Gladbach ( DE )
`Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 0 days .
`( 21 ) Appl . No .: 16 / 860,432
`Apr. 28 , 2020
`( 22 ) Filed :
`( 65 )
`Prior Publication Data
`Aug. 13 , 2020
`US 2020/0255212 A1
`Related U.S. Application Data
`( 60 ) Continuation of application No. 16 / 438,818 , filed on
`Jun . 12 , 2019 , which is a continuation of application
`( Continued )
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`( 30 )
`Jul . 22 , 2010
`( DE )
`10 2010 031 988
`Sep. 2 , 2010
`( DE )
`10 2010 044 251
`( DE )
`Feb. 7 , 2011
`10 2011 010 534
`( 51 ) Int . Ci .
`A47 ) 31/44
`B65D 85/80
`( 2006.01 )
`( 2006.01 )
`( Continued )
`( 52 ) U.S. Ci .
`B65D 85/8043 ( 2013.01 ) ; A47J 31/4492
`( 2013.01 ) ; B65D 65/466 ( 2013.01 ) ; B650
`2203/06 ( 2013.01 ) ; B65D 2203/10 ( 2013.01 )
`( 58 )
`( 56 )
`Field of Classification Search
`A47J 31/4492 ; B65D 85/8043 ; B65D
`65/466 ; B65D 2203/06
`See application file for complete search history .
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`Primary Examiner Brian W Jennison
`( 74 ) Attorney , Agent , or Firm — The Dobrusin Law Firm ,
`( 57 )
`A beverage system for producing a beverage . The beverage
`system includes a portion capsule and a beverage machine .
`The portion capsule includes a lid sealed to a base element
`having a cavity within which a beverage raw material is
`provided . The base element has a circumferential flange
`having a top side and a bottom side with a barcode located
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`detector to read the barcode , a media chute configured to
`receive and support the portion capsule , and a pump con
`trolled to push water into the portion capsule only upon a
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`20 Claims , 12 Drawing Sheets
`LE 12
`2 ku
`Nespresso USA, Inc. Ex. 1064
`Page 1 of 26
`US 10,858,177 B2
`Page 2
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