`1.2 Concepts
`• Interaction model
`• Working file
`■ RCS file
`• Fundamental operations
`• Keywords
`1.2.1 Interaction model
`The interaction model is straightforward. For each working file, you initialize its RCS file
`once, then enter a cycle of checkout, modification, and checkin operations. Along the way,
`you can tweak some of the RCS file's metadata, as well. All of this is done through RCS
`commands; you need not modify the RCS file directly (and in fact you should probably
`avoid doing so lest RCS become confused). This model is somewhat analogous to using a
`library (of books). With a library, you sign up for a library card (initialize), then enter a cycle
`of taking a book home (checkout), enjoying it (NB: without modification, one hopes), and
`returning it to the library (checkin).
`Furthermore, you can compare revisions in the RCS file against each other, examine the
`user- (hopefully high) quality descriptions of the changes each revision embodies, merge
`selected revisions, and so forth.
`1.2.2 Working file
`RCS commands operate on one pair of files at a time. The working file is what you
`normally view and edit (e.g., a file of C programming language source code named a. c).
`Because the working file's contents can be extracted from the RCS file (called instantiating
`a working file), it can be safely deleted to regain some disk space.
`1.2.3 RCS file
`The RCS file is a separate file, conventionally placed in the subdirectory Res, wherein RCS
`commands organize the initial and subsequent revisions of the working file, associating
`with each revision a unique revision number along with the remembered particulars of the
`checkin that produced it. It also contains a description of the working file and various other
`metadata, described below.
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`username may modify revno (that is, do a checkin operation to deposit the next higher
`revision, or a higher revision numberon the same branch as revno).
`1.2.4 Fundamental operations
`The checkin operation records the contents of the workingfile in the RCSfile, assigningit
`a new (normally the next higher) revision numberand recording the username, timestamp,
`state (a short symbol), and user-supplied log message(a textual description of the
`changesleadingto that revision). It uses diff to find the differences betweenthetip of the
`default branch andthe workingfile, thereby writing the minimal amountof information
`neededto be able to recreate the contents of the previous tip.
`1.2.5 Keywords
`The keywords and their values are:
`The login nameof the user who checkedin the revision.
`The checkoutoperation identifies a specific revision from the RCSfile and either displays
`the content to standard outputor instantiates a workingfile, overwriting any current
`instantiation with the selected revision. In either case, the content may undergo keyword
`expansion, which replacestext of the form ‘$keyword$’ with (possibly) different text
`comprising the keyword andits value, depending on the current keyword expansion mode
`(see Substitution mode option).
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`The date and time the revision was checkedin. Mayinclude an appended timezone
`A standard headercontaining the absolute RCS filename, the revision number, the
`date and time, the author, the state, and the locker(if locked). May include an
`appendedtimezone offset.
`Sameas‘Header’, except that only the basename appears (no directory components).
`The login nameof the user who locked the revision (emptyif not locked).
`The log message supplied during checkin, preceded by a headercontaining the RCS
`filename, the revision number, the author, and the date and time. May include an
`appendedtimezone offset.
`Existing log messagesare not replaced. Instead, the new log message is inserted
`after ‘$Log:...$’. This is useful for accumulating a complete change log in a source
`Eachinserted line is prefixed by the string that prefixes the ‘Logs’ line. For example,
`if the ‘$Log$’ line is
`// $log:
`tan.cc $
`then RCSprefixes eachline of the log with ‘// ’ (slash, slash, space). This is useful
`for languages with commentsthat go to the end oftheline.
`The convention for other languagesis to use a ‘ * ’ (Space, asterisk, space) prefix
`inside a multiline comment. For example, theinitial log comment of a C program
`conventionally is of the following form:
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`For backwards compatibility with older versions of RCS, if the log prefix is ‘/*’ or ‘(*’
`surroundedby optional white space, inserted log lines contain a space instead of‘/’
`or ‘(’; however, this usage is obsolescent and should not be relied on.
`* $Llog$
`The symbolic name used to checkout the revision, if any. For example, ‘co -rJoe’
`generates ‘$name: Joe $’. Plain co generates just ‘$name: $’.
`The basename of the RCSfile.
`The revision number assignedto the revision.
`The absolute RCSfilename.
`The state assigned to the revision with the -s option of res orci.
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