`Honorable Board,
`Petitioner is also available 1/5, 1/9, and 1/10, noting that all counsel are on the West
`Coast. Petitioner objects to the argumentative nature of Patent Owner’s email, but will reserve
`comment until a conference call or until direction by the Board to submit opposing remarks.
`M. Smith
`Counsel for Petitioner
`(202) 669(cid:882)6207
`Dear Board,
`Patent Owner seeks leave to file a corrected declaration for Panayiotis Tsaparas (EX2051) filed with the Patent
`Owner Response in IPR2022-01545. The proposed correction is in response to an objection raised in the
`Petitioner’s Reply relating to the perjury statement. The declaration as-filed includes the following perjury
`“I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
`The Petitioner’s Reply objected to the above statement for allegedly not complying with 28 U.S.C. § 1746. The
`proposed correction would revise the above perjury statement to account for the fact that Dr. Tsaparas executed
`his declaration outside the United States by specifying that the perjury statement is made “under the laws of the
`United States of America,” per 28 U.S.C. § 1746. Also, while Patent Owner does not believe the inclusion of
`the statement “to the best of my knowledge and belief” is improper, the corrected declaration would remove that
`phrase as well to resolve the objection raised in the Petitioner’s Reply. (cid:3)
`Allowing correction is believed to be appropriate in this case since Patent Owner has timely sought to address
`the issue, Dr. Tsaparas’ declaration already contains a perjury statement, Petitioner deposed Dr. Tsaparas, and
`Petitioner’s Reply substantively responded to Dr. Tsaparas’ declaration. Thus, this case is similar to other
`situations where there has been no prejudice and the Board has allowed correction. See Fine Agrochemicals Ltd.
`v. Stoller Enterprises, Inc., IPR2020-00683, Paper 9 (PTAB June 17, 2020) (citing Microsoft Corporation v.
`Enfish, LLC, IPR2013-00559, Paper 13 (PTAB Jan. 23, 2014); see also Google LLC et al. v. Cywee Group Ltd.,
`IPR2018-01257, Paper 69 (PTAB Sept. 6, 2019); Fidelity Information Services, LLC v. Mirror Imaging,
`LLC, CBM2017-00064, Paper 54 (PTAB Jan. 2, 2019).
`Petitioner indicated it would oppose. Patent Owner is available any time on 1/3, 1/5, 1/9, and 1/10.(cid:3)