`Full-Text Search Specialty Data Store
`UNIX and Windows NT
`Valtrus Ex 2017
`Google v Valtrus
`DOCUMENT ID: 36521-01-1250-01
`LAST REVISED: May, 2001
`Copyright © 1989-2001 by Sybase, Inc. All rights reserved.
`This publication pertains to Sybase database management software and to any subsequent release until otherwise indicated in new
`editions or technical notes. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described herein is furnished
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`To order additional documents, U.S. and Canadian customers should call Customer Fulfillment at (800) 685-8225, fax (617) 229-9845.
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`Sybase, Inc., 6475 Christie Avenue, Emeryville, CA 94608.
`Valtrus Ex 2017
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`About This Book ........................................................................................................................... ix
`Introduction ..................................................................................... 1
`What Is the Full-Text Search Specialty Data Store? ........................ 1
`Capabilities of the Full-Text Search Engine ..................................... 1
`High Availablility ........................................................................ 3
`Understanding the Full-Text Search Engine ................................ 5
`Components of the Full-Text Search Engine ................................... 5
`The Source Table...................................................................... 5
`The Verity Collections ............................................................... 6
`Filters......................................................................................... 6
`The text_db Database ............................................................... 6
`The Index Table ........................................................................ 7
`The text_events Table............................................................... 8
`Relationships Between the Components .................................. 8
`How a Full-Text Search Works......................................................... 9
`Configuring Adaptive Server for Full-Text Searches................. 13
`Configuring Adaptive Server for a Full-Text Search Engine........... 13
`Enabling Configuration Parameters ........................................ 14
`Running the installtextserver Script......................................... 14
`Running the installmessages Script ........................................ 16
`Running the installevent Script................................................ 17
`Name the local server ............................................................. 18
`Creating and Maintaining the Text Indexes.................................... 18
`Setting Up Source Tables for Indexing.................................... 19
`Creating the Text Index and Index Table ................................ 20
`Bringing the Database Online for Full-Text Searches ............. 22
`Propagating Changes to the Text Index.................................. 22
`Replicating Text Indexes ......................................................... 23
`Example: Enabling a New Database for Text Searches ......... 24
`Valtrus Ex 2017
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`Setting Up Verity Functions.......................................................... 27
`Enabling Query-By-Example, Summarization, and Clustering....... 27
`Editing the Master style.prm File ............................................. 28
`Editing Individual style.prm Files ............................................. 29
`Setting Up a Column to Use As a Sort Specification ..................... 30
`Using Filters on Text That Contains Tags...................................... 32
`Creating a Custom Thesaurus (Enhanced Version Only) .............. 34
`Examining the Default Thesaurus (Optional) .......................... 35
`Creating the Control File ......................................................... 36
`Creating the Thesaurus........................................................... 37
`Replacing the Default Thesaurus with the Custom Thesaurus 38
`Creating Topics (Enhanced Version Only)..................................... 38
`Creating an Outline File........................................................... 39
`Creating a Topic Set Directory ................................................ 40
`Creating a Knowledge Base Map............................................ 41
`Defining the Location of the Knowledge Base Map................. 41
`Executing Queries Against Defined Topics ............................. 42
`Troubleshooting Topics ........................................................... 42
`Writing Full-Text Search Queries ................................................. 43
`Components of a Full-Text Search Query...................................... 43
`Default Behaviour.................................................................... 44
`Pseudo Columns in the Index Table .............................................. 44
`Using the score Column to Relevance-Rank Search Results . 46
`Using the sort_by Column to Specify a Sort Order ................. 47
`Using the summary Column to Summarize Documents.......... 48
`Using Pseudo Columns to Request Clustered Result Sets..... 48
`Full-Text Search Operators............................................................ 50
`Considerations When Using Verity Operators......................... 51
`Using the Verity Operators ...................................................... 53
`Operator Modifiers ......................................................................... 60
`System Administration.................................................................. 63
`Starting the Full-Text Search Engine on UNIX............................... 63
`Creating the Runserver File .................................................... 63
`Starting the Full-Text Search Engine on Windows NT................... 65
`Starting the Full-Text Search Engine As a Service ................. 65
`Shutting Down the Full-Text Search Engine .................................. 66
`Modifying the Configuration Parameters........................................ 67
`Modifying Values in the Enhanced Version............................. 69
`Available Configuration Parameters........................................ 69
`Setting the Default Language.................................................. 70
`.Setting the Default Character Set........................................... 71
`Valtrus Ex 2017
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`Setting the Default Sort Order ................................................. 72
`Setting Trace Flags ................................................................. 72
`Setting Open Server Trace Flags............................................ 74
`Setting Case Sensitivity........................................................... 74
`Backup and Recovery for the Enhanced Full-Text Search Engine 75
`Customizable Backup and Restore ......................................... 76
`Backing Up Verity Collections ................................................. 76
`Restoring Collections and Text Indexes from Backup............. 77
`Performance and Tuning.............................................................. 79
`Updating Existing Indexes.............................................................. 79
`Increasing Query Performance ...................................................... 80
`Limiting the Number of Rows .................................................. 80
`Ensuring the Correct Join Order for Queries........................... 80
`Reconfiguring Adaptive Server ...................................................... 81
`cis cursor rows ........................................................................ 81
`cis packet size ......................................................................... 82
`Reconfiguring the Full-Text Search Engine ................................... 82
`batch_size .............................................................................. 82
`min_sessions and max_sessions............................................ 83
`Using sp_text_notify....................................................................... 83
`Configuring Multiple Full-Text Search Engines .............................. 84
`Creating Multiple Full-Text Search Engines at Start-Up.......... 84
`Adding Full-Text Search Engines............................................ 84
`Configuring Additional Full-Text Search Engines.................... 85
`Multiple Users ................................................................................ 86
`Verity Topics ................................................................................. 87
`What are Topics? ........................................................................... 87
`Topic Organization .................................................................. 87
`Weight Assignments................................................................ 88
`Using a Topic Outline File .............................................................. 88
`Making Topics Available ................................................................ 89
`Setup Process ......................................................................... 89
`Knowledge Bases of Topics........................................................... 89
`Combining Topics into a Knowledge Base.............................. 90
`Structure of Topics ......................................................................... 91
`Top-Level Topics..................................................................... 92
`Subtopics................................................................................. 92
`Evidence Topics ...................................................................... 93
`Topic and Subtopic Relationships ........................................... 93
`Maximum Number of Topics .......................................................... 94
`Topic Naming Issues............................................................... 94
`Valtrus Ex 2017
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`Verity Query Language .................................................................. 95
`Query Language Summary ..................................................... 95
`Operator Precedence Rules.................................................... 99
`Sample Topic Outlines ................................................................. 100
`Operator Reference ..................................................................... 102
`ACCRUE Operator ................................................................ 102
`ALL Operator......................................................................... 102
`AND Operator........................................................................ 102
`ANY Operator........................................................................ 102
`CONTAINS Operator............................................................. 103
`ENDS Operator ..................................................................... 103
`= (EQUALS) Operator ........................................................... 104
`FILTER Operator................................................................... 104
`> (GREATER THAN) Operator.............................................. 104
`>= (GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO) Operator.................. 104
`< (LESS THAN) Operator...................................................... 105
`<= (LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO) Operator .......................... 105
`IN Operator............................................................................ 105
`MATCHES Operator.............................................................. 105
`NEAR Operator ..................................................................... 106
`NEAR/N Operator.................................................................. 107
`OR Operator.......................................................................... 107
`PARAGRAPH Operator......................................................... 107
`PHRASE Operator ................................................................ 108
`SENTENCE Operator............................................................ 108
`SOUNDEX Operator ............................................................. 108
`STARTS Operator ................................................................. 108
`STEM Operator ..................................................................... 109
`SUBSTRING Operator .......................................................... 109
`THESAURUS Operator ......................................................... 109
`WILDCARD Operator ............................................................ 109
`Using Wildcard Special Characters....................................... 110
`Searching for Non-alphanumeric Characters ........................ 110
`WORD Operator.................................................................... 111
`Modifier Reference....................................................................... 112
`CASE Modifier....................................................................... 112
`MANY Modifier ...................................................................... 112
`NOT Modifier ......................................................................... 113
`ORDER Modifier.................................................................... 113
`Weights and Document Importance............................................. 113
`Topic Weights........................................................................ 113
`Which Operators Accept Weights ......................................... 114
`How Weights Affect Importance ............................................ 115
`Assigning Weights................................................................. 117
`Valtrus Ex 2017
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`Automatic Weight Assignments............................................. 118
`Tips for Assigning Weights.................................................... 118
`Changing Weights ................................................................. 119
`Topic Scoring and Document Importance.................................... 119
`Designing Topics.......................................................................... 122
`Preparing Your Topic Design ....................................................... 122
`Understanding Your Information Needs ................................ 123
`Understanding Your Documents ........................................... 124
`Using Scanned Data ............................................................. 124
`Categorizing Document Samples.......................................... 125
`Topic Design Strategies ............................................................... 125
`Top-Down Design.................................................................. 126
`Bottom-Up Design ................................................................. 126
`Designing the Initial Topic ............................................................ 127
`Outlining a Topic ................................................................... 127
`Top-Down Topic Outline Example......................................... 128
`Bottom-Up Topic Outline Example ........................................ 132
`System Procedures .................................................................... 137
`sp_check_text_index.................................................................... 138
`sp_clean_text_events .................................................................. 139
`sp_clean_text_indexes................................................................. 139
`sp_create_text_index ................................................................... 140
`sp_drop_text_index...................................................................... 142
`sp_help_text_index ...................................................................... 143
`sp_optimize_text_index................................................................ 144
`sp_redo_text_events.................................................................... 145
`sp_refresh_text_index.................................................................. 146
`sp_show_text_online.................................................................... 147
`sp_text_cluster ............................................................................. 148
`sp_text_configure......................................................................... 150
`sp_text_dump_database.............................................................. 151
`sp_text_kill ................................................................................... 154
`sp_text_load_index ...................................................................... 155
`sp_text_notify ............................................................................... 156
`sp_text_online .............................................................................. 157
`Sample Files ................................................................................ 159
`Default textsvr.cfg Configuration File ........................................... 159
`The sample_text_main.sql Script ................................................. 163
`Sample Files Illustrating Full-Text Search Engine Features ........ 164
`Custom Thesaurus ................................................................ 164
`Topics.................................................................................... 164
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`Clustering, Summarization, and Query-by-Example ............. 165
`getsend Sample Program ............................................................ 165
`Unicode Support.......................................................................... 167
`Index ........................................................................................................................................... 169
`Valtrus Ex 2017
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`About This Book
`This book explains how to use the Full-Text Search Specialty Data Store
`product with Sybase® Adaptive Server™ Enterprise.
`This book describes the features and functionality of the enhanced version
`which is a separately priced product.
`This book is for System Administrators who are configuring Adaptive
`Server for a Full-Text Search Specialty Data Store and for users who are
`performing full-text searches on Adaptive Server data.
`How to Use This Book
`This book includes the following chapters:
`Chapter 1, “Introduction,” provides an overview of Full-Text Search
`Specialty Data Store.
`Chapter 2, “Understanding the Full-Text Search Engine,” describes
`the components of the Full-Text Search Specialty Data Store and how
`it works.
`Chapter 3, “Configuring Adaptive Server for Full-Text Searches,”
`describes how to configure Adaptive Server so that Full-Text Search
`Specialty Data Store can perform full-text searches on the databases.
`Chapter 4, “Setting Up Verity Functions,” describes the setup you
`need to do before issuing full-text search queries.
`Chapter 5, “Writing Full-Text Search Queries,” describes the
`components you use to write full-text search queries.
`Valtrus Ex 2017
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`Adaptive Server Enterprise Documents
`Chapter 6, “System Administration,” provides information about
`system administration issues.
`Chapter 7, “Performance and Tuning,” provides information about
`performance and tuning issues.
`Chapter 8, “Verity Topics,” provides information about configuring
`the Verity engine.
`Appendix A, “System Procedures,” describes Full-Text Search
`Specialty Data Store system procedures.
`Appendix B, “Sample Files,” contains the text of the textsvr.cfg file,
`describes the sample files included with Full-Text Search Specialty
`Data Store, and discusses issues regarding the sample_text_main.sql
`Appendix C, “Unicode Support,” describes how to configure Full-
`Text Search Specialty Data Store to use Unicode.
`Adaptive Server Enterprise Documents
`The following documents comprise the Sybase Adaptive Server
`Enterprise documentation:
`The release bulletin for your platform – contains last-minute
`information that was too late to be included in the books.
`A more recent version of the release bulletin may be available on the
`World Wide Web. To check for critical product or document
`information that was added after the release of the product CD, use the
`Sybase Technical Library.
`The Installation Guide for your platform – describes installation,
`upgrade, and configuration procedures for all Adaptive Server and
`related Sybase products.
`Configuring Adaptive Server Enterprise for your platform – provides
`instructions for performing specific configuration tasks for Adaptive
`What’s New in Adaptive Server Enterprise? – describes the new
`features in Adaptive Server version 12.5, the system changes added to
`support those features, and the changes that may affect your existing
`Valtrus Ex 2017
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` About This Book
`Transact-SQL User’s Guide – documents Transact-SQL, Sybase’s
`enhanced version of the relational database language. This manual
`serves as a textbook for beginning users of the database management
`system. This manual also contains descriptions of the pubs2 and
`pubs3 sample databases.
`System Administration Guide – provides in-depth information about
`administering servers and databases. This manual includes
`instructions and guidelines for managing physical resources, security,
`user and system databases, and specifying character conversion,
`international language, and sort order settings.
`Reference Manual – contains detailed information about all Transact-
`SQL commands, functions, procedures, and datatypes. This manual
`also contains a list of the Transact-SQL reserved words and
`definitions of system tables.
`Performance and Tuning Guide – explains how to tune Adaptive
`Server for maximum performance. This manual includes information
`about database design issues that affect performance, query
`optimization, how to tune Adaptive Server for very large databases,
`disk and cache issues, and the effects of locking and cursors on
`The Utility Guide – documents the Adaptive Server utility programs,
`such as isql and bcp, which are executed at the operating system level.
`The Quick Reference Guide – provides a comprehensive listing of the
`names and syntax for commands, functions, system procedures,
`extended system procedures, datatypes, and utilities in a pocket-sized
`book. Available only in print version.
`The System Tables Diagram – illustrates system tables and their entity
`relationships in a poster format. Available only in print version.
`Error Messages and Troubleshooting Guide – explains how to resolve
`frequently occurring error messages and describes solutions to system
`problems frequently encountered by users.
`Component Integration Services User’s Guide – explains how to use
`the Adaptive Server Component Integration Services feature to
`connect remote Sybase and non-Sybase databases.
`Java in Adaptive Server Enterprise – describes how to install and use
`Java classes as datatypes, functions, and stored procedures in the
`Adaptive Server database.
`Valtrus Ex 2017
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`Adaptive Server Enterprise Documents
`Using Sybase Failover in a High Availability System – provides
`instructions for using Sybase’s Failover to configure an Adaptive
`Server as a companion server in a high availability system.
`Using Adaptive Server Distributed Transaction Management
`Features – explains how to configure, use, and troubleshoot Adaptive
`Server DTM features in distributed transaction processing
`EJB Server User’s Guide – explains how to use EJB Server to deploy
`and execute Enterprise JavaBeans in Adaptive Server.
`XA Interface Integration Guide for CICS, Encina, and TUXEDO –
`provides instructions for using Sybase’s DTM XA interface with
`X/Open XA transaction managers.
`Glossary – defines technical terms used in the Adaptive Server
`Sybase jConnect for JDBC Programmer’s Reference – describes the
`jConnect for JDBC product and explains how to use it to access data
`stored in relational database management systems.
`Full-Text Search Specialty Data Store User’s Guide – describes how
`to use the Full-Text Search feature with Verity to search Adaptive
`Server Enterprise data.
`Historical Server User’s Guide –describes how to use Historical
`Server to obtain performance information for SQL Server and
`Adaptive Server.
`Monitor Server User’s Guide – describes how to use Monitor Server
`to obtain performance statistics from SQL Server and Adaptive
`Monitor Client Library Programmer’s Guide – describes how to write
`Monitor Client Library applications that access Adaptive Server
`performance data.
`Other Sources of Information
`Use the Sybase Technical Library CD and the Technical Library Web site
`to learn more about your product:
`Valtrus Ex 2017
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` About This Book
`Technical Library CD contains product manuals and technical
`documents and is included with your software. The DynaText
`browser (included on the Technical Library CD) allows you to access
`technical information about your product in an easy-to-use format.
`Refer to the Technical Library Installation Guide in your
`documentation package for instructions on installing and starting
`Technical Library.
`Technical Library Web site is an HTML version of the Technical
`Library CD that you can access using a standard Web browser.
`To use the Technical Library Web site, go to www.sybase.com and
`choose Documentation, choose Technical Library, then choose
`Product Manuals.
`Directory Paths
`For readability, directory paths in this manual are in UNIX format. On
`Windows NT, substitute $SYBASE with %SYBASE% and replace slashes
`(/) with backslashes (\). For example, replace this user input:
`Formatting SQL Statements
`SQL is a free-form language: there are no rules about the number of words
`you can put on a line or where you must break a line. However, for
`readability, all examples and syntax statements in this manual are
`formatted so that each clause of a statement begins on a new line. Clauses
`that have more than one part extend to additional lines, which are indented.
`Valtrus Ex 2017
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`SQL Syntax Conventions
`The conventions for syntax statements in this manual are as follows:
`{ }
`[ ]
`Table 1: Syntax statement conventions
`Command names, command option names, utility names, utility
`flags, and other keywords are in
`bold Courier
` in syntax statements and in bold Helvetica in paragraph text.
`Variables, or words that stand for values that you fill in, are in
`Curly braces indicate that you choose at least one of the
`enclosed options. Do not include braces in your option.
`Brackets mean choosing one or more of the enclosed options is
`optional. Do not include brackets in your option.
`Parentheses are to be typed as part of the command.
`The vertical bar means you may select only one of the options
`The comma means you may choose as many of the options
`shown as you like, separating your choices with commas to be
`typed as part of the command.
`( )
`Syntax statements (displaying the synta