`United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Nov. 15, 1994
`6/1987 Kavehradet al. os 379/63
`4,701,760 10/1987 Raoux............
`seve 340/993
`6/1988 Longaker ...scsessncssesecesee 342/357
`1Oe wtose er3“— : 340
`Louis H. M. Jandrell, Dallas, Tex.
`Jr. et
`4,884,208 11/1989 Marinelli et al....
`. 340/989
`[73] Assignee:
`PinpointCommunications, Inc.,
`aS,1EX. 4,891,650 1/1990 Shoffer..........- . 340/990
`a App'- No.: 746,954 1991
`6/1991 Dixon etab.
`cccsscsssssssesseessesses 375/1
`eeeesncereeseee 3753/1
`1/1992 Schilling oe
`- 340/991
`8/1992 Park .
`1/1993 Kato .esesscesecsesssccsesseeseeseersnese 375/1
`6/1993 Sagey cccssenereon. 375/1
`9/1962 United Kingdom .
`1543910 4/1979 United Kingdom .
`5/1981 USSR. .
`Int. Chccs cccssesene GO1S 3/02; HO4K 1/02;
`HO4B 7/17
`[52] US. Ch ceessesssssseccsscsssessnsssssssnene 370/18; 340/991;
`342/457; 375/1; 455/54.1
`[58] Field of Search............... 340/988, 989, 991, 992,
`340/825.08; 342/135, 136, 450, 451, 453, 457,
`463, 378, 50; 455/7, 11.1, 15, 54.1, 56.1; 375/1;
`370/18, 24
`Proceedings of the First Int’l. Elect. Crime Counter-
`measures Conf., Edinburgh, Scotland, “Motor Vehicle
`2/1961 ROSS .vescsccscsscssecscersereerseeresese 342/457
`3,206,751 ~. 342/408—Antijack System,” R. L. French, Jul. 18-20, 1973.9/1965 Knight..
`2/1967 Mahoney..
`-» 342/388
`1975 Carnaham Conference On Crim Countermeasures,
`2/1972 Fuller et al.
`.-. 340/989
`Lexington, Ky., “Vehicle Position Monitoring And
`7/1972 Andersonetal.
`” 342/or
`Tracking System,” Belcher et al., May 7-9, 1975.
`shea xa rossman ve
`Primary Examiner—Benedict V. Safourek
`6/1973, Dunn on.
` Altormey, Agent, or Firm—Arnold, White & Durkee
`3,803,610 4/1974 Hastings etal. ..
`w 342/396
`aea Mors pabinger etal.
`” oa A multilaterating two-way message delivery system for
`3886.554 5/1975 B
`mobile resource management provides efficient two-
`mau @t
`way radio data communication for multitudes of porta-
`3/1976 Westaway....
`«» 342/62
`in half-dupl
`3,986,119 10/1976 Hemmer,Jr. et
`transpondersusing a single Irequency in
`3,997,902 12/1976 Nard wesc 342/396|communication. The system includesat least one tran-
`4,002,983 .. 455/541|Sponder device which transmits and receives data using1/1977 Kavalir et al.
`.. 342/135.
`4,053,889 10/1977 Johnson....
`a radio frequency communication link, and an array of
`4,083,003 4/1978 Haemmig..
`. 455/111
`at least three base stations which communicate with the
`8/1978 Brodeur ....
`w. 342/389
`transponderdevice using the radio frequency communi-
`4,117,404 9/1978 Marshall 0...csesesseseeeeeee 455/7 cation link. The radio frequency communication link
`4,150,380 4/1979 Brodeur....
`employed by each base station and the transponder
`7/1979 Anderson..
`w. 342/357
`device is designed to provide multilateration informa-
`7/1980 MacDoran ...
`... 342/139
`tion and to deliver message data simultaneously. Fur-
`-. 455/54.1_
`8/1980 Freeny, Jr.
`ther, a control arrangement is coupled to the array of
`4,224,596 9/1980 Knickel .....
`~ 340/990
`basestations to coordinate the communication between
`4,302,759 11/1981 Mori et al. secoreencvvvene 342/428
`the base stations and the transponder devices. Time-
`4,359,733 11/1982 O'Neill setseeseaneouseseneee
`wee 342/357
`division multiplex and spread spectrum technologyis
`aoetos ‘,hone Kacnvatne
`oa 340/590
`employed by the system for communication efficiency
`1/1985 Wimbush ..
`and minimizing the effect of multipath interference.
`4,656,476 4/1987 Tavtigian .....i eeeeeee 340/993
`6 Claims, 62 Drawing Sheets
`Antenna Location.
`4 \>=
`round-trip times
`é Lae
`NS / reo \
`0 as
`Positionof \4
`AVvahicietL,“ pre’
`A Mg
`BES,1 &
`fis. aa
`12e oseStation#3?
`\ /
`sae eee mT
`APPLE 1022
`APPLE 1022
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 1 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 2 of 62
`An Example of Cab Dispatching
`A fare calls for a cab, and the operator enters the call
`details into the Dispatch computer system
`Dispatch computer requests a poll of all cabs in the area
`group via the dedicated line connection to the ARRAY
`ontrol Center
`ARRAY Control Center schedules a group call. During the
`prearranged time slots, each cabin the group's
`ansponderrespondswith status message, including the
`ab's availablity to carry a fare.
`e basestations near the cabs receive the signals,
`easure the arrival time and send all the status messages
`ith corresponding arrivaltimes to the control center
`© control center validatesall the received data &
`aicuiates the position of each of the respondent cabs.
`2 results are formatted and transmitted to the
`ab-dispatching computer via the same dedicated
`landline connection.
` e Dispatch Computer determines the cab nearest to
`e fare, and formats a dispatch messagefor the cab
`driver. The Dispatch computer requests the ARRAY
`stem to deliver the messageto the specific cab
`ia the dedicated line.
`ARRAY deliver the message to the cab. The status of the
`ab's data terminal changesfrom ‘available’ to
`“en-route” whenthedriverrolls on the call.
`e status changesignals the availability of
`he cab wheneverits polled.
` hen the cab picks up thefare, is en-route, dropsit off,
`headsfor the depot, etc, the appropriatestatusis
`ignalied by the driver hitting the appropriate button on
`his terminal, and the statusis available wheneverthe
`cab's transponderis polled.
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 3 of 62
`An example of message pickup trom a mobile & delivery
`to the application end-point using the communication
`protocol of the ARRAY system
`Subsciber enters a message into mobile terminal, or sensors
`& Pushbuittons in the vehicle change the status
`Messageis buffered and formatted in
`the TransModem's data butfer
`TransModem sends a service-request-data-biock to system
`during the service-request portion of the system-cycie,
`indicating the length of the message(in time siots)
`measure the time ofifs arrival at the base-station.
`Between four and seven base-stations near the
`TransModem receive the service-+equest message and
`The service request message-data and signal arrivai-times|58
`are sent via landline to the Control Center
`NCC validates & processes the data and caiculates the
`position of the TransModem, determines the Base-station
`closest to the TransModem, schedules the time-siots during
`which the message will be picked-up & sends the schedule
`information to the base-station via landline.
`The scheduling information (polling slot and number of
`reserved response siots) sets up the polling message
`sequencein the base-station
`The “Pick-up’* polling message transmitted from designated
`base-station during the designated timesiot
`The Transmodem receives the polling message and
`responds by transmitting the whole messagein a
`concatenated series of timeslots 68
`"Pick-up" polling message transmitted from designated
`base-station during the designated timeslot
`Control Center validates & processes the data and
`caiculates the position of the TransModem,determines the
`destination for the message and sends it to its destination via
`a dedicated or dial-up landline.
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 4 of 62
`asdgJoADUD .eeeeé---a—~~~©qé8/\’‘’sBujondsay¢-|,‘,uoiheiUMOJUMOGDJO}\/suotisod\/\|/\/sudydis
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 5 of 62
`WN= \=
` su)~
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 6 of 62
`7 cells
`@,ooa—— (il)=eee
`i107 Reowyu
`ft CRNa\\Xis
`, \ * \.,
`NL \
`SON i
`_ LE
`4 cells
`3 cells KL
`Figure 3b
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 8 of 62
`eo NS
`So ~~ SosN
`p fof
`; i.
`\ NF
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 9 of 62
`Hyperbolic "LANES"
`Base Statio
`Figure 6
`U.S. Patent
`15, 1994
`Sheet 10 of 62
` “WinyAMeSoreeas
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 11 of 62
`fae -
` ect»*.YoyDo07DULIajUYy
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 12 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 13 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 14 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`, 1994
`Sheet 15 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 16 of 62
`venicle status
` Randomly select
`oneof availabie
`service request
`eroed transmits request
`and waits for
`transactions Any Base-Station
`Process polling
`Figure 13a
`Respond fo
`polling message
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 17 of 62
`iHustration of the three major modesof
`the System Cycle used to regulate the
`operation of the ARRAY system's
`Communication Protocol
`Primary Base-station
`transmits the source
`time- synchronization
`message and signal at
`the beginning of each
`one-second cycle
`Figure 13b
`When the transponder-modem
`detects a changeofstatus,
`Possibly frorn messages
`teceivedvia the extemal
` terminat connection port or via
`the extemal sensor port, the
`transponder formulates either a
`status change service response
`packet, or d message
`containing the data received
`from the terminal, and buffersif
`in its own internal, high-speed
`Secondary time-signal
`repeating Base-stations
`re-transmits the
`If the position orthe desired
`eae and signal
`ransponder is not known then the
`the next time-siots
`near the beginning of Control Center schedules a region|[!oving identified the beginning
`of the service-request period
`wide polling sequence, designed to
`each one-second cycle
`from the housekeeping
`teach the desired transponder in
`information, the transponder
`the fewest polling transactions
`selects one of the available
`service request timeslot at
`When the randomly selected
`ime-slot arrives, the transponder
`transmits it's service request
`packet, and waits for a response
`from the system.
`If aresponse does netarive
`within the next two system
`cycles, the transponder
`assumes that the message was
`not received bythe systern and
`selects another random
`time-slot from those available
`for service requests and fries
`Primary & secondary
`Base-stations transmit
`lsystern calibration signals
`to validate integrity of
`operation of complete
`local coverage region
`Should a primary or
`secondary base-station
`foil, then dynamic
`information will be
`transmitted to the tertiary
`base-stations to take up
`the role and function of
`the tailed station during
`this system housekeeping
`The duration of the
`service request period is
`identified by the time-slot
`numberofits start, and it
`continues fill the end of
`the cycle.
`If the position of the desired mobile
`Transponder-mnoderns are
`approximately known, specific
`base-stations, selected by the
`Control Center, transmit polling
`signals and send messages to any
`single or pre-arranged groups of
`obile transponder-modemis in the
`order scheduled by the Control
`If a Transponder had previously
`requested a particuior service, then
`the Control Center schedules a
`contiguous group of time-siots
`during which the service will be
`pertormed, eg. no other
`base-stations or transponders will be
`active during the time that a
`transponder is polied to send a
`Pending block of data-packets by
`the selected base-station
`When requested to do so Polling
`transactions are used fo signal
`transponders to use auxiliary
`addressing schemes, that can
`Pffectively join them into any number
`of groups. Further, each memberof
`a groupis assigned a response
`time-slot during whichit will respond
`when polled via the auxilliary address
`with a specific transaction response
`Otherwise, the response is in the
`‘orm of a polling message which
`triggers the transponderfo
`transmit up to 15packets of the
`message it wants to send.
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 18 of 62
`U.S, Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 19 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 20 of 62
`U.S, Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 21 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 22 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 23 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 24 of 62
` Peergree,ENOf6tFE:||hendynoLL¥1OOJaNOD
`‘inpiAifill){, —
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 25 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 26 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 27 of 62
` YGLzembtaigioBa:OJ0QO-jeuUU_YD
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 28 of 62
`Quartz Substrate
`Figure 28
`Input Transducer
`SAW During transmission
`Output Transducers
`Figure 29
`Output — Spread Spectrum
`[>Sequence A-B @ IF frequency
`to Transmitter
`Input — Excitation Pulse
`Burst @ IF frequency
`SAW during reception
`He I
`Input - Received spread spectrum
`sequence A-B @ IF frequency
`Figure 30
`Output — Correlated
`iF-pulse burst
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 29 of 62
`O¢cS! OAS|
` 9084LeainbiS8UasUlPSJOSUUOD
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 30 of 62
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 31 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.15, 1994
`Sheet 32 of 62
` i|L-—-—-—-~—-—-—-OS0E
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 33 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 34of 62
`toetT¢los gosey4°AourasoyoIBeyuy[OT|rooneenonenieannccns
` Bupuy4OfZHINSL8EOZOF'foteetennnnetercrnenen
` «woolyoquuAs
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 35 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 36 of 62
`:doy: (OUBESydrueyy<
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 37 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 38 of 62
`eyuesayig sroyesBoju)
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 39 of 62
`Signal to
`B oer
` Proximity
`Block Diagram of
`Personne! Monitoring System
`Figure 38
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 40 of 62
`PS8ae =|=“sindu}
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 41 of 62
`t !
`S} 6B
`Om |
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`U.S. Patent
`Noy, 15, 1994
`Sheet 42 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 43 of 62
` Jaydnoa
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 44 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 45 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 46 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 47 of 62
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 48 of 62
`U.S. Patent
` i|||t|40070-ONINLL3003ONIGV31
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 49 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 50 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 15, 1994
`Sheet 51 of 62
`U.S. Patent
`Noy. 15, 1994
`Sheet 52 of 62