` IPR2023-00151
` PATENT 7,110,779
`Page 1
` Petitioner,
` Patent Owner.
` __________________________________/
` Friday, July 21, 2023
` 9:02 a.m. - 2:26 p.m.
` Remote Location
` Via Zoom Videoconference
` All Parties Remote
` Stenographically reported by:
` Erica Field, RPR, CA-CSR, GA-CSR, WA-CSR,
` FL Notary
` Job No. 7588
`Speir Technologies Ltd.
`Ex. 2016 - Page 1
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` ZHI DING, taken in the above-entitled
` matter before ERICA FIELD, RPR, California
` Certified Shorthand Reporter (License No.
` 14515), New Jersey Certified Court Reporter
` (License No. 30XI00244800), New Mexico
` Certified Court Reporter (License No. 575),
` Washington Certified Shorthand Reporter
` (License No. 22020479), Illinois Certified
` Shorthand Reporter (License No. 084004952),
` Georgia Certified Court Reporter (License
` No. 5338-8044-2296-7296), Florida
` Professional Reporter (Licence No. 1109),
` New York Notary, Florida Notary taken via
` remote videoconference on Friday,
` July 21, 2023, commencing at 9:02 a.m.
`Speir Technologies Ltd.
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` On behalf of the Petitioner:
` 3200 RBC Plaza
` 60 South Sixth Street
` Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
` (612) 335-5070
` fryckman@fr.com
` kdarby@fr.com
` On behalf of the Patent Owner:
` 200 Madison Avenue
` 24th Floor
` New York, New York 10016
` (212) 951-0100
` jpetrsoric@bc-lawgroup.com
` rauchter@bc-lawgroup.com
`2 3 4
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` Thereupon,
` the proceedings began at 9:02 a.m.:
` THE STENOGRAPHER: The attorneys
` participating in this deposition
` acknowledge that I'm not physically
` present in the deposition room and
` that I will be reporting this
` deposition remotely. The parties and
` their counsel consent to this
` arrangement and waive any objections
` to this manner of reporting.
` MR. PETRSORIC: This is
` John Petrsoric from BC Law Group, and
` you have my agreement.
` MR. FRYCKMAN: This is
` John-Paul Fryckman for petitioner, and
` you have my agreement as well.
` Whereupon,
` ZHI DING, Ph.D.,
` having been first duly sworn or affirmed, was
` examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Ding.
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` A. Good morning, Counsel.
` Q. Quick -- some quick housekeeping.
` How many times have you been
` deposed before approximately?
` A. Approximately 15 times.
` Q. Okay. So you're fairly familiar
` with the ground rules then; is that fair to
` say?
` A. I'm fairly familiar with general
` rules of depositions and also remote
` deposition as well.
` Q. Any reason you can't testify
` truthfully today?
` A. No. None whatsoever.
` Q. And if you need to take a break,
` please let me know. All I will ask is that
` you allow me to finish a line of questioning,
` and I will try to get through it as quickly
` as possible, if that's okay.
` A. Certainly.
` Q. And I know we all have a habit of
` answering too quickly or speaking too
` quickly, so I think to keep the record neat,
` I will try to finish my questions and let you
` finish your answers before the next one of us
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` speaks. Is that okay?
` A. Oh, yeah. Of course.
` Sorry. Did you mean to say I was
` answering too quickly?
` Q. No, no. Either you might answer
` too quickly, or I might jump into the next
` question too quickly. I just wanted to bring
` that to both of our attention so we have a
` cleaner transcript.
` A. Okay.
` Q. And you're here today to testify
` with respect to two separate IPR proceedings.
` Is that your understanding?
` A. That is my understanding.
` Q. And one of those IPR proceedings
` is -- or inter partes review proceedings is
` IPR 2022-01512.
` Is that your understanding?
` A. Yes, I believe so.
` Q. And the other proceeding is the
` IPR 2023-00151.
` Is that your understanding?
` A. Yes, that is my understanding.
` Q. You submitted declarations in both
` of these proceedings, correct?
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` A. I did submit declarations in both
` proceedings.
` Q. How did you prepare for your
` deposition today?
` A. I prepared by deposition for today
` by reviewing my own declarations, and I also
` reviewed the prior arts, and I had some
` meetings with counsel in preparation for
` today's deposition.
` Q. And how long approximately did you
` meet with counsel for?
` A. Let me try to calibrate my time
` here.
` Yeah, approximately seven --
` between seven and eight hours.
` Q. And besides meeting with counsel
` and reviewing your declaration and some of
` the prior art references, did you do anything
` else to prepare for the deposition?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you have in front of you the
` declaration you submitted in the inter partes
` review proceeding IPR 2022-01512?
` A. I have both declarations here with
` me. It -- my apologies, Counsel. It might
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` be easier if we just refer to the patent
` number as opposed to the long numeral you
` were reading off.
` Q. Understandably good suggestion.
` So the '152 proceeding is with
` respect to the patent that ends in '777, the
` triple seven patent.
` And then the other proceeding,
` which I referred to by 2023-00151, refers to
` the '779 Patent?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And both of your declarations were
` submitted as Exhibit 1003 in the proceeding
` on the '777 Patent and the proceeding on the
` '779 Patent, correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And both of your declarations
` refer to some prior art -- some common prior
` art references; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And one of those prior art
` references is US Patent Number 6,453,168?
` A. That is right.
` Q. And I believe you referred to this
` reference in your declarations as McCrady,
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` correct?
` A. That is correct. McCrady.
` Q. Is it okay if we use that
` reference throughout the remainder of the
` deposition?
` A. We'll be glad to do that, yes,
` sir.
` Q. Similarly -- and that was
` Exhibit 1005 in both -- to both declarations;
` is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then the next reference was US
` Patent Number 7,511,604 to Raphaeli, et al.;
` is that correct?
` A. Yes, that is true.
` Q. And that patent, if we refer to it
` as Raphaeli, is that acceptable?
` A. Of course. I will be happy to do
` that.
` Q. And that particular patent was
` Exhibit 1006 in -- for both declarations,
` correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Then Exhibit 1007, for both
` declarations, was a patent to Kuwahara; is
`Speir Technologies Ltd.
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` that correct?
` A. Yes. Yes, sir.
` Q. And is it okay if we refer to
` Exhibit 1007 as Kuwahara?
` A. Of course. Kuwahara it is.
` Q. Finally, US Patent
` Number 7,058,414 to Rofheart, et al. was
` referred to as Exhibit 1009 in both
` declarations; is that correct?
` A. Let me check the number real
` quick. This is the one I'm a little foggy on
` in terms of memory. Yes. Yes, it is.
` Q. Okay. And is it okay if we refer
` to this patent as Rofheart?
` A. Of course.
` Q. Do you have a recollection of
` approximately how long you spent preparing
` the declaration you submitted in the
` proceeding for the '777 Patent?
` A. Frankly, I don't have
` recollections as to how long I spent
` preparing the declaration for '777 in
` particular. But just based on the volume,
` you can tell it is not short. It was -- it
` was hours of work, but I don't recall
`Speir Technologies Ltd.
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` precisely how many hours I spent in
` preparation for this entire declaration
` including reviewing the prior art and
` charting the differences and writing basis
` for the declaration.
` So I'm sorry, I just don't recall
` how many hours. I imagine it was very long
` hours -- many, many long hours.
` Q. Did you write the initial draft of
` the declaration yourself?
` A. I wrote the draft. This is my
` report. I wrote the declaration with
` counsel's help.
` Q. And when you say "with counsel's
` help," what do you mean by that?
` A. Well, I'm not a lawyer; therefore,
` I need help legal definitions and, you know,
` the principles that I've alluded to in my
` declaration, as I listed under Section 5,
` legal standards -- legal standards for claim
` construction, legal standards for obviousness
` and so forth.
` I relied on counsel's advice,
` counsel for the petitioner, of course.
` Q. So besides those portions that you
`Speir Technologies Ltd.
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` just mentioned, did you draft the remaining
` portions of the declaration yourself?
` A. For the declaration, that is my
` declaration, and this is my report. It is
` not the counsel's report or anyone else's
` report.
` Q. That wasn't exactly my question.
` I'm just more curious, did you
` draft those portions of the declaration
` yourself?
` A. I beg your pardon. I don't know
` what you mean by "those portions."
` Q. You mentioned that counsel
` assisted you with Section 5 of the
` declaration, and I'm -- I would like to know
` with the remaining portions of the
` declaration whether you drafted those
` portions yourself or whether a counsel
` assisted you in drafting any of those other
` portions?
` MR. FRYCKMAN: Objection. Form.
` A. The report -- I wrote the report,
` and the technical grounds analysis are
` entirely my own. Counsel from time to time,
` if I recall, assisted in clarifying the
`Speir Technologies Ltd.
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` language that we -- I often get advice from
` counsel about what words and languages are --
` maybe has a legal meaning, and since I'm not
` a trained attorney, I try to stay away from
` using loaded words.
` So those are the -- that's my
` recollection as to how I drafted the report
` and then submitted that.
` Q. Have you compared your declaration
` in the proceeding for the '777 Patent to the
` petition at all?
` A. Have I compared? No. I don't
` remember comparing anything about the
` petitioning -- petitions. Yeah. No, I don't
` recall that at all.
` Q. On to technical matters.
` I would ask you to pull up the
` Exhibit 1005, McCrady.
` A. Yes.
` Q. And I would to first ask you,
` generally, what is it that's -- what type of
` system is it that McCrady is describing?
` A. Okay. Right now, at this point,
` I'm going to go to my report, but before I
`Speir Technologies Ltd.
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` dig into it, there is -- there are two quick
` typos I would like to fix for the record.
` The -- if I may go straight to
` the -- to the -- this is regarding the '777
` declaration. So I would like -- I would like
` to go to -- let's see which section it was I
` had issues. There's some -- there's more
` typos.
` Okay. Paragraph 241 on Page 145,
` there's an equation that was taken out from
` the Rofheart prior art. That's equation 10.
` And in the equation, there is -- the line it
` start was D equals to. And by the transcript
` you can see that it says, D equals to
` c x Trt/2.
` What really had happened was this
` was an error when I -- when the text was
` copied out of the prior art, that X was
` actually a multiplication sign, and
` unfortunately the small mistake was made. So
` I would like to correct that that X in
` equation 10 should have been not a Roman
` letter X. It should be a multiplication sign
` across.
` So that's -- and then the same
`Speir Technologies Ltd.
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` thing happened on the very next page. In
` Paragraph 243, you will see the same equation
` that should also be similarly corrected and
` for exactly the same reasons.
` The fonts also played a trick. In
` Paragraph 244, the very last line, the
` equation was D average equals to c -- the X
` should still be a multiplication sign, and
` TRT-average/2.
` So that's the first two pages --
` three locations where I would like to make a
` correction on.
` And then, similarly, if we flip
` forward to Paragraph 268 on Page 152 of the
` declaration, the same typo persisted.
` There's a D average equals to c. That should
` be a multiplication, TRT-average/2, not a
` Roman letter X.
` That's -- later on, when we get to
` the other declaration, similar request will
` be made by me to correct the typo. That's
` what I have right now.
` I apologize for interrupting your
` questioning, Counsel.
` Q. That's okay. So you -- so while
`Speir Technologies Ltd.
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` we're at it, do you want to identify those
` particular paragraphs in the declaration for
` the '779 Patent, or are you comfortable
` stating it's the same correction that you're
` making in likely multiple locations?
` A. Yeah, it's likely multiple
` locations. I can begin by listing the page
` and paragraph number for the other
` declaration if we -- if you prefer that we
` just take care of them once for all.
` Q. I -- it's your correction, so I
` will let you have the floor in terms of the
` details you would like to describe.
` A. All right, Mr. Chairman. Go to
` the '779 declaration. And I will start by
` pointing to the same typographic -- same
` typographic copy error.
` In Paragraph 300 on Page 179, and
` also in Paragraph 302 on Page 180, and
` there's also Paragraph 303, also on Page 180,
` the final line. And I also see another one
` at least.
` This is not meant to be
` exhaustive, but I can find another one that's
` in Paragraph 332 on Page 187. And I will
`Speir Technologies Ltd.
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` stop here.
` In case there are others,
` similar -- this is the similar error, and it
` should be obvious to anyone reading it that
` there was a transcription error copying the
` multiplication sign into a Word text.
` Q. I probably wouldn't have noticed
` it if you didn't raise it.
` A. All right.
` Q. With that said, are there any
` other errors that you know of in either
` declaration?
` A. Not at the moment. Not that I
` know of. Thank you for the opportunity to
` make a correction.
` Q. If you during the deposition come
` across any errors or things you believe
` require a correction, will you please let me
` know?
` A. Certainly. Certainly, I would.
` Q. Getting back to McCrady --
` A. Okay. Go ahead. Sorry.
` Q. Can you -- I will just re-ask it.
` Generally, what type of system is
` it that McCrady is describing?
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` A. Right. So as I wrote in my
` report, McCrady is entitled Method and
` Apparatus for Determining the Position of a
` Mobile Communication Device Using Low
` Accuracy Clocks.
` This particular patent, as I
` understand, really describes that a position
` location system (10) would include a target
` or a master mobile communication device or
` radio (12) in communication with four
` reference communication devices and that
` these devices can be any portable electronic
` devices equipped with wireless transmission
` and reception capabilities.
` McCrady's patent is discussing
` method and apparatus for determining the
` position of a mobile communication device in
` this context.
` Q. And the -- were you just referring
` to Paragraph 51 of your declaration in the
` '777 matter?
` A. Yes, I'm referring to my
` declaration in Paragraph 50 and 51.
` Q. And Paragraph 51 refers to McCrady
` at Column 6, Lines 44 through 56 initially?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. And then if you -- turning to
` McCrady, the next paragraph in McCrady
` beginning at Column 6, Line 57 recites that,
` Each of the reference radios (14, 16, 18, and
` 20) can be any radio located at a known
` position that is capable of communicating
` with the master radio (12) in the manner
` described herein to convey position and
` range-related information.
` Do you see that?
` A. I heard you, but I missed the
` first part. Did you say, Counsel, that
` you're reading off McCrady directly or
` reading off my declaration's quotes of
` McCrady?
` Q. That was directly read from
` McCrady.
` A. Okay. I need to open that just so
` that we are on the same page literally.
` Referring to Figure 1, the
` position location system (10) includes a
` target of master mobile communication device
` or radio (12) communicating with four
` reference communication devices (14, 16, 18,
`Speir Technologies Ltd.
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` and 20).
` Is that what we are reading or the
` next paragraph?
` Q. I was reading from the next
` paragraph.
` A. I see. Starting from Line 57?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Okay. Yes, I see that paragraph.
` Q. The following sentence from there
` says that, One or more of the reference
` radios can be beacon-like radio fixedly
` mounted in a known location such as on a
` tower or building; is that correct?
` A. It -- that's what -- yeah, that's
` what McCrady stated in this paragraph.
` Q. And then in that next sentence, it
` states that, One or more of the reference
` radios can also be a mobile radio capable of
` determining its position from other sources
` such as from reception of global positioning
` system, GPS signals, or from being presently
` located at a surveyed position whose
` coordinates are known and stored -- known and
` entered into the radio.
` And then in parentheses, the
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` reference radios are not themselves GPS
` satellites.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. So is it your understanding that
` McCrady is describing a system where the
` reference radios will have some known
` position for ranging purposes?
` MR. FRYCKMAN: Objection. Form.
` A. My understanding reading this
` version of McCrady is that as an example, one
` or more of the reference radios can be mobile
` radios capable of determining its own
` position from other sources.
` I do not view that as the entirety
` of McCrady's invention. In fact, it is not.
` Q. And what you are saying is that
` the reference radios will have a known
` position associated with them?
` A. No. That's -- what we are reading
` literally is that one or more of the
` reference radios -- one or more can also be a
` mobile radio capable of determining its
` position from other sources. I emphasize the
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` word "capable."
` Q. And when you say "capable," does
` McCrady require that the -- as part of the
` ranging mechanisms described therein that the
` reference radios have a known position at the
` time of -- the ranging is accomplished?
` A. I do not believe that was my
` opinion either in my declaration or just
` reading from McCrady.
` Q. Do you have an opinion from
` reading McCrady that is to the contrary?
` MR. FRYCKMAN: Objection. Form.
` A. I beg your pardon. I don't quite
` understand the question yet. When you said
` "contrary," how do you mean?
` Q. Does McCrady describe a ranging
` mechanism where the reference -- the position
` of the reference radios is not known?
` A. Yeah, I do not -- I do not recall
` that. If you need me to look, I can check.
` At least for what we have just read, these
` were examples given by McCrady that in the
` event that the position is unknown and it's
` showing that there's a particular Figure 1,
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` that the position location can be obtained by
` the master mobile communication device, a
` radio 12, in communication with these
` reference radios.
` Q. Do you know if McCrady describes
` a -- strike that.
` Do you know if McCrady describes a
` system where the position of the reference
` radios is not known?
` A. Do I know whether McCrady gave
` examples when the positions of the reference
` radios are unknown?
` I don't recall that. I don't
` recall writing about that subject. My
` understanding of McCrady is that McCrady
` does -- McCrady's patent is about position
` location, not about ranging.
` I recall your earlier question
` was -- appears to mix the two, position
` location versus ranging. I would just like
` to state that McCrady is about -- is more --
` is about more than ranging. It is about the
` position location system. And the '777
` Patent insofar as -- most of the claims are
` about ranging.
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` So one would argue there's a
` difference between the two. One -- a person
` of ordinary skill would argue there's a
` difference between the two.
` Q. Thank you for the clarification.
` So the -- is it fair to say that
` McCrady as part of accomplishing a position
` location -- strike that.
` Is it fair to say that McCrady as
` part of determining a position location uses
` a ranging mechanism?
` A. McCrady described the steps of
` locating a mobile radio station through
` exchange of messages, and that message, in
` fact -- that message exchange allows the -- I
` can go right into the specific part -- is
` Paragraph 54, McCrady determines -- 54 of my
` declaration.
` McCrady determines a propagation
` delay that is a round-trip propagation time
` associated with the transmission of each
` ranging message transmitted at time of
` transmission and the respective reply signal
` therefore received at the time of arrival
` using the known device latency.
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` Here I quote from McCrady, by
` precisely knowing the time of transmission of
` the outbound ranging message, the far and
` turnaround time at the reference radio
` supplied to the master radio in the reply
` ranging message, the time of arrival of the
` replied ranging message, and the internal
` transmission/reception processing delays, the
` master radio can precisely determine the
` two-way radio signal propagation time between
` itself and each reference radio.
` More specifically, the two-way or
` round-trip propagation time, TRT, is the time
` of arrival of the reply message minus the
` time of transmission (TT) of the outbound
` message minus the duration of the turnaround
` time and internal processing delays within
` the master radio.
` I will stop here.
` So suffice to say that McCrady
` here discussed the use of a ranging message
` and the reply message in response to the
` ranging message to determine the device
` position.
` Q. Going back to the first sentence
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` you just read -- and before I do that, what
` you just read from McCrady was beginning at
` Column 8, Line 65 and going through about
` Column 9, Line 9; is that correct?
` A. It does start from Column 8,
` Line 65 and proceed to Column 9, and the
` entire paragraph ends at Column 9 of Line 22.
` I think it's 22 or maybe 23. It's hard to
` tell. Sorry.
` Q. That's always a problem with the
` patents, isn't it?
` A. Yes, indeed.
` Q. Going back to the first sentence
` beginning at Column 8, Line 65, it says, by
` precisely knowing the time of transmission of
` the outbound ranging message.
` Is McCrady saying that the time of
` transmission of the outbound ranging message
` would be precisely known?
` A. McCrady does denote TT, the
` acronym TT, as the time of transmission. And
` this particular paragraph in McCrady does
` state that the ranging -- the ranging steps
` here relies on the knowledge of the time of
` the transmission of the outbound ranging
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` message.
` Q. And is McCrady saying in the first
` sentence that this acronym TT, the time of
` transmission, is something that is precisely
` known?
` A. It says that by precisely knowing
` the time of transmission of outbound ranging
` message, you would know the actual value of
` the TT, thereby allow it to be subtracted as
` you see from Column 9, on the next page, in
` equation 2 of McCrady.
` Without knowing the time of
` transmission, it would be impossible to
` subtract it out of the TRT in equation 1 of
` McCrady in Column 9.
` Q. And in addition to the time of
` transmission, TT, McCrady in this section
` also refers to the far end turnaround time at
` the reference radio, and then parentheses,
` supply to the master radio in the reply
` ranging message; is that correct?
` A. This paragraph does indeed talk
` about the duration of the turnaround time
` denoted as Greek letter delta TTA and the
` internal processing delay within the master
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` radio delta TID.
` Q. And I think I was more
` specifically referring to the delta TTA. And
` that's what we are -- McCrady is referring to
` as the far end turnaround time at the
` reference radio; is that correct?
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. And is it your understanding from
` this paragraph that McCrady is also saying
` that's another time value that's precisely
` known?
` A. This -- I think the word
` "precisely" is used to discuss -- to describe
` the time of transmission because you're the
` one -- by