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`Confidential Material
`Provisional Patent Application
`Multiple Light Source Illuminating System
`By Yechezkal Evan Spero
`Moshav Tifrach
`M.P. Hanegev
`July 8, 2002
`light chip source up to the
`A digital LED lighting fixture is designed from the electroluminescent
`that best
`lighting application utilizing optical components and electronic
`advantage of the small size, compact beam spread,
`low operating voltage and long lifetime of solid
`state clectroluminescent light sources. The design is based on the fact that the relative contribution of
`multiple discreet components of different spatial intensity distribution and color spectrum can be varied
`by effecting the current, voltage and duty cycle. The digital lamp uses the amalgam of different light
`source characteristics to build a new combined light source characteristic. The electronic nature of the
`light source is taken advantage of to provide other control and signaling functions. An integral lamp/
`luminaire device is described as the basis of the lighting system with power supply and control
`apparatus fitting the application together with a number ofspecific designs.
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to electromagnetic radiation systems designed to irradiate a desired area
`with visible, or any other wavelengths including UV or infrared, with a desired intensity and spatial
`power distribution. It relates generally to a flexible lighting system employing an LED light source.
`Present cost effectiveness is
`in situations where low lighting levels are required. Step,
`landscape and emergency lighting are examples require low lighting levels to begin with and
`thus present at this time a cost effective application. A number of other requirements make an LED
`light source well adapted to these applications
`including mechanical
`robustness, protection from
`moisture ingress and long lifetime. With improvement
`in solid-state electroluminescent energy
`conversion efficiency,
`illuminating devices based on the present
`invention will replace incandescent,
`fluorescent and HID huminaries.
`2. Description of the Prior Art
`In typical present day luminaire (lighting fixture) practice, a lamp with a radially uniform spatial light
`distribution is placed within an optical assembly consisting of a reflector and or refractor to the end of
`having the light exit the luminaire in the desired direction and preferred distribution pattern. This is a
`Y. E. Spero - Provisional Patent Application
`Multiple Light Source Illuminating System
`page 1/19
`July 8, 2002
`Page 2 of 27
`Page 2 of 27


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`Confidential Material
`involves cost and inefficiencies in redirecting the light. Lighting is often provided in
`process that
`rooms where daylight contributes significantly to the overall lighting level or in areas near the window
`but the lighting system is not flexible enough spatially to take advantage of it or the lighting is always
`on at maximum power irrespective of whether or not there is activity in the room to justify the lighting
`the color quality of the
`Even when external dimming controls are provided to the lighting fixture,
`lighting is deleteriously affected. At a lower lighting level a warmer color temperature is generally
`required and the luminaire lamp coloris not adjustable.
`Lighting systems are generally based around a lamp source and lighting application. When a new lamp
`source arrives generally they are placed into present-day lighting luminaire designs which are not
`optimal for the new light source. LED’s are a light source which have a number of advantages due to
`relatively long life expectancy. However, the high cost of lumen per watt makes them uneconomical
`lighting applications. A few applications of which step, stairwell, pathway and emergency
`for most
`lighting are examples require low lighting levels to begin with and thus present at this time a feasible
`application. A number of other
`requirements make an LED light source well adapted to these
`applications. Very often in these applications the areas over which the lighting is to be provided are
`large and bringing electric power to the luminaire is a significant safety and cost consideration. An
`inherently low voltage light source such as an LED is suitable for use with the safe 12 or 24 volt of a
`distributed power system of low current demand. The control of the light distribution, especially the
`beam cut-off necessary at low light levels to prevent discomfort, is well suited to the high directionality
`of the small
`light source. Maintenance of luminaires in outdoor applications and requirement
`watertight resealing increases fixture cost and complexity. Robustness of luminaires located on ground
`level from passersby or vandalism is another requirement.
`reflector, socket and ballast are separate units.
`the lamp,
`lighting fixture construction,
`In prior art
`Foremost the lamp must be replaceable and thus access provided because its lifetime is less than other
`components in the fixture. The reflector is large to envelop the light source and provide ray control
`and is manufactured of special, highly reflective, material. The power-conditioning device such as a
`core and coil ballast or more recently electronic power transistor components differs again from the
`reflector and fixture material.
`The dissimilarity of the manufacturmg technologies,
`operating lifetimes and materials results in a multi-component
`fixture assembly held together by
`fasteners which don’t lend themselves to mass production an are not factory sealedforlife.
`Present LED light strips consist of circuitry including a plurality of LEDs mounted on a substrate and
`connected to electrical conductors. The circuitry is encased within a tubelike, partially transparent
`protective sheathing and connected to a power source for selective LED illumination. Two exemplary
`types of LED strips are described generally in U.S. Pat. No. 5,130,909 to Gross, issued Jul. 14, 1992
`and entitled "Emergency Lighting Strip" and U.S. Pat. No. 4,597,033 to Meggs et al, issued Jun. 24,
`1986 and entitled ‘Flexible Elongated Lighting System." Such strips are utilized in a variety of indoor
`and outdoor configurations such as emergency pathway markers, exit door indicators and ornamental
`lighting arrangements.
`LED lamps and ballast systems can reduce maintenance costs due to an average rated life of 100,000
`hours. This is five to eight times the typical service life of conventional fluorescent and metal halide
`Y. E. Spero - Provisiona! Patent Application
`Multipfe Light Source Illuminating System
`page 2/19
`July 8, 2002
`Page 3 of 27
`Page 3 of 27


`Confidential Material
`lamps. The present system is especially well suited for applications where relamping is difficult or
`U.S. Pat. No 6,346,777 issued February 12, 2002 to Kim teaches an illuminating lamp assembly An
`LED lamp apparatus comprises a plurality of LED lamps including at least one LED chip mounted on a
`printed circuit board, on which a driver circuit and/or a control circuit are provided in a printed circuit
`pattern to drive and/or control the LED chip. The device is independent of the lighting application and
`is simply a lamp not a lamp and fixture combination.
`US. Pat. No. 5,018,290 issued May 28, 1991 to Kozek et al. Teaches an exit sign with a plurality of
`low voltage incandescent lamp mounted on a printed circuit board to provide illumination from within
`a housing. There is no combination of different light source characteristics to build a new combined
`light source characteristic.
`U.S. Pat. No. 6,379,022 issued April 30, 2002 to Amerson, et al. titled "Auxiliary illuminating device
`having adjustable color temperature" describes an auxiliary illuminating device that has a least two
`preset ratios of light adjustable color temperature. The color temperature is adjusted by varying the
`light output at least two independently adjustable light sources. The light source is an array of at least 2
`colors. The light source typically uses at least one set of LED's. The application specifically relates to
`use in producing correct lighting for photography but does not relate to general illumination so that its
`control equipment does not correlate the overall
`illuminance level to the color temperature smoothly
`over the range of illumination nor doesit integrate the aiming function for correct light distribution.
`In many energy conserving multi resident stairwell lighting systems the lights are typically activated by
`pressing a button in the hallway or in each apartment.
`This requires special wiring between the
`switches and the central controller. With long life LED lamps a low energy distributed lighting solution
`could always be on for orientation purposes and would only turn on to full output when activity levels
`Therefore, it would be advantageous to have a lighting luminaire that requires no maintenance, has
`highly directional light output, is robust, mass produce able as a single unit, factory sealed, works on
`high or low voltage, is efficient, low cost and easily controllable as to intensity, light distribution and
`or color spectrum.
`A lighting device incorporates multiple discrete light sources and their ancillary optical and electrical
`control equipment into an integrated illuminating clement. The overall effect of the light source is the
`result of the combination of these multiple sources operating together. Preferably the power
`conditioning circuitry,
`light sources,
`logic control circuitry, sensors and optical elements are packaged
`together in one integral device. The system contrives a lighting device which replaces the present day
`lighting fixtures or
`luminaires including:
`the lamp; optical
`light control element/s
`such as reflector, refractor and shade; power conditioning devices such as a ballast; control equipment
`Y. E. Spero - Provisional Patent Application
`Multiple Light Source [luminating System
`page 3/19
`July 8, 2002
`Page 4 of 27
`Page 4 of 27


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`Confidential Material
`such as switch, dimmer, and timer; and sensors such as a photocell. An additional apparatus that
`conducts electric power along length, as does electrical wiring, may be added to the system to provide
`further unitization. The integral lighting element is packaged in the shape of a globe, strip or disc and
`is designed to quick connect
`to the electric power carrying conductors. Provision is made for
`mechanical affixation to a structural surface although a typical “bulb” shape with a screw in base can
`be provided for retrofit locations where a socket is available. In this case although packaged to appear
`as a typical “A” shaped light bulb,
`the device is actually an all-in-one lamp socket and reflector
`The system is built around a digital light source. That is, the emanating lighting effect is the sum of the
`characteristics of a multiplicity of discreetly controllable
`sources. The difference between the
`individual light sources and their summation manifests itself in the resultant
`light characteristic, be in
`its intensity, spatial
`intensity distribution, spectral energy content and spectral
`intensity distribution. A
`light source for this purpose may be electroluminescent such as a Light Emitting Diode (LED) junction
`or carbon-related field emission devices
`such as a nanotube- phosphor-combination or even an
`incandescent source. While a one-source lamp will not have the flexibility to effect the most correct
`illumination characteristics including maintaining correct color
`temperature for
`the lighting task at
`hand over changing environmental conditions, such as in a windowed room between peak daylight and
`nighttime hours,
`two or more differentiated sources
`increase the operating range. Therefore,
`illuminating device may be described as a "digital" light source or as a Multiple Solid-state Light
`Source (MSLS)and essentially replaces the lamp of present-day luminaires.
`A further improvement is where the lamp and lighting fixture function are carried out in one device. In
`a typical present-day lighting fixture, a lamp with a symmetrical distribution in placed in a reflector to
`redirect the light involving added cost of the reflector and performance inefficiencies. While PAR and
`other integral reflector lamps exist they again have a symmetrical distribution in one of the axes and
`are large due to the high temperature of operation and need to distance reflective surfaces due to heat
`consideration. Since the solid state or LED lamp is made of cool operating components which have a
`mechanical base (versus a 1000K gas discharge which is free floating} it allows for an integral small
`sized optical element near the source. Where the terms optics or optical mentioned herein refer to
`redirecting light
`rays through any of the known phenomenon including:
`refraction and
`diffraction. Typically, an LED will come packaged in an optical assembly consisting of a reflector and
`lens with 8° to 50° spreads being typical. A Surface Mount Device -SMD LED with no optics will still
`be limited to 180° dueto its construction.
`A power-conditioning device such as a ballast is required to operate efficient fluorescent and HID light
`sources but is separate therefrom in function and physical construction.
`In the MSLS the source is
`electronic as is the control equipment and thus the electric power conditioning circuitry can be
`integrated with the light source circuitry and packaged as one on a PC board or integrated circuit
`manufactured in the same way of the same materials. Power transistors come packaged in plastic and
`so do LED junctions only that the LED package is light transmitting and can be formed into a lens. The
`packaging also lends itself to the same manufacturing methodology such as soldering elements onto a
`PC board. This combined unit of compatible mass producible apparatus including the solid-state lamps,
`their optical assembly, electronic ballast gear and structural fixture equipment contrive a unique Digital
`Lighting Fixture (DLF) device.
`Y. E. Spero - Provisional Patent Application
`Multiple Light Source Illuminating System
`page 4/19
`July 8, 2002
`Page 5 of 27
`Page 5 of 27


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`Confidential Material
`A further improvement is the reduction all electronic and optical components to the chip level. That is,
`light-emitting junctions may be placed with power electronics in an integrated circuit. The carrier is
`made of materials and shaped to carry out optical and or heat
`transfer functions. Multiple light
`emitting junctions of similar or differing characteristics, a function of doping and diffusion, are placed
`with the control circuitry on chips.
`Sets of chips with similar or differing characteristics may be
`geometrically arranged to provide a specific light distribution and color mixing. The total envelope is
`then a combined lamp and lighting fixture and is positioned within the room to be illuminated at the
`design height and position to give a consistent and sufficient lighting to the area under its control.
`The teachings of the present invention prescribe an illuminating device which serves as a replacement
`for the lamp, socket, reflector, electric power control gear, dimmer and mechanical structure of a
`present-day lighting fixture or
`luminaire. A semiconductor junction packaged integrally with light
`controlling components contrives a Solid-State Light Source SLS and many together form an MSLS,
`which when combined with power conditioning elements make up a DLF. The basis of the invention
`is the use ofmultitude ofdiscreet light emitting sources to generate light.
`The advance over priorart is a solid-state light source with increased:
`Efficiency- more effective lumen per watt electricity.
`Durability - physical strength, life expectancy, lumen maintenance and spectralstability.
`Lighting quality - as related to visual comfort and "atmosphere".
`Functionality - ability to control the light placement, intensity and color temperature and
`as needed.
`Integrating the light source with power conditioning electronics, control circuitry and sensors gives
`additional cost benefits and functionality including:
`Massproduction capability
`Sealed-for-life fixture
`Exact optical performance — less spill light
`Compact design
`The discreet light emitting elements by operating and not operating, at full power or at a fraction of
`either partially or in unison, generate light with optimal spectral distribution, spatial distribution and
`intensity for the viewing task at hand. This is accomplished without recourse to separate reflectors to
`redirect the light, filters to alter color, shades to control glare or dimmers to control
`intensity. An
`example of light source used in a DLF would be an electroluminescent semi-conducting material an
`example of which is a LED. Such a source is characterized relative to a standard incandescent lamp by
`its small dimensions,
`low power, monochromatic spectrum, high resistance to physical shock, high
`directionality of the light output, and high cost.
`In addition, the intensity of the light output over a
`defined range is more a function of the current rather than of the voltage and within limits may be
`varied by orders ofmagnitude without deleteriously affect’ the efficiency or lifetime ofthe LED.
`to 2 lumen
`Although the light production of a typical 5mm, 50mA maximum rated, LED of between 1
`is much too low to be of any practical use for illumination, the combined output of a few to hundreds
`of LED's is quite significant. Higher current LED’s are now being introduced which operate at 200mA
`and provide 10 to 20 lumen. This however, is still is highly impractical for use in lighting a room when
`compared to a 100 watt incandescent lamp of 1700 lumen. A “light bulb" of the present invention is
`comprised of a multitude of LED's where each LED or group of LED's may be of the same or different
`(color- where said wavelength may be mono or multi chromatic),
`light output, spatial
`Y. E. Spero - Provisional Patent Application
`Multiple Light Source Illuminating System
`page 5/19
`July 8, 2002
`Page 6 of 27
`Page 6 of 27


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`Confidential Material
`distribution and operating frequency (as when an alternating signal is used or it is multiplexed). The
`light from an LED or group of LED's of red color operating with an LED of blue and green color
`impinging on an object would appear to the viewer as “white light". By varying the number and/or
`light power output of a specific color LED or group of LED's relative to the others, a different intensity
`and color temperature oflight with a “warm”or "cool" appearance may be effected.
`The efficiency of many types of LED's (the chemical make-up of the junction differs between colors) is
`high relative to incandescent but low relative to discharge lamps. However, the theoretical efficiency is
`quite high and the inefliciencies have to do with getting the light out between the junction and heat
`dissipation considerations. Expressed in lumens per watt LED's may produce up to 30 lumen/W versus
`100 /W for a discharge lamp and 18 for an incandescent.
`In the preferred embodiment, a highly
`efficient constant current power source is used to drive the LED's where the electronic circuit
`is a
`series connection of the discreet light sources. The open failure of an LED or series of LEDs which
`would interrupt
`the circuit
`is circumvented by the use of Zener diodes, placed such that
`functionality of the lamp would not be seriously affected. The constant current power source has the
`advantage that different LEDs, of different forward voltage drops, from different manufacturing runs or
`chemical composition, may be operated together.
`The life expectancy of an LED can be expected to be 240,000 hours between failure. Due to light
`degradation over time average lifetime is normally rated at 100,000 hours. At best an incandescent’s
`rated life may be 1,000 hours and that of a fluorescent, 20,000 hours. However, the LED operated in a
`circuit would have only the reliability of the circuit and MTBF divided by the number of series
`connected LED'S. A printed circuit board with the LED's alternately connected to separate circuits
`with redundant access to the power sources and with the use of Zener diodes every so many LED's to
`circumvent any failed sections could operate directly off of the 120/240V line. Any voltage AC or DC
`from 4V up to 480V is practical. The LED's of the hole -thru or SMT type would be soldered in place
`or the LED's connected leg to leg without using a PC board.
`The LED's are mounted flat in rectangular patters or in concentric circles or on or within holes situated
`on geometrically curved surfaces such as on a sphere or hemisphere of round, parabolic or elliptical
`shape according to the desired candle power distribution pattern. A flexible PC board is manufactured
`in the flat and then “origami” style cutouts are made allowing the PCB to be bent and shaped into the
`preferred form. LEDs are insertable into holes made in plastic or metal forms to secure the LED’s in
`the correct location at the correct aiming.
`For fluorescent lamp retrofit applications, the MSLS would
`be linear with LED's mounted all around the circumference or predominantly downwards
`whichever lighting effect is desired. In comparison to a fluorescent lamp, where the light is produced
`equally in all directions irrespective of the final distribution pattern required in the room, the DLF has
`the advantage of producing light to begin with directed only where it's needed. The number of SLS
`aimed in a specific direction at the time of manufacture is such that the proportion and angle of the
`light going to the ceiling and floor are calculated to produce the desired result. Louvers and reflectors
`are unnecessary to prevent glare or redirect the light. Up to 40% of the light produced in a fluorescent
`fixture goes

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