`Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2
`om !.l2lllf!IIIS. R!l2Wliil inw
`Cascading Style Sheets, level 2
`CSS2 Specification
`W3C Recommendation 12-May-1998
`This version:
`http·lfwwww3 orgCTR/1998/REC-CSS2-19980512
`l.a1est version:
`Previous version:
`http·lfwww w3 orgCTR/1998/PR-CSS2-19980324
`.Bll!::I..Bo:i. <bbos@w3 org;,
`Hakon Wium I ie <bowcgroe@w3 org>
`Chris Lilley <chris@w3.org>
`lilo lambs <ij@wJ.om.>
`This specification defines Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 (CSS2). CSS2 is a style sheet language that a llows authors and users to attach style (e.g., fonts, spacing,
`and aural cues) to structured documents (e.g., HTML documents and XML applications). By separating the presentation style of documents from the con1ent of
`documents, CSS2 s implifies Web authoring and site maintenance.
`CSS2 builds on CSS1 (see [Cfilil]) and, 1Mth very few exceptions, all valid CSS1 style sheets are valid CSS2 style sheets. CSS2 supports media-specific style
`sheets so that authors may tailo r the presentation of thei r documents to v isual bro1"6ers, aural devices, printers, braille devices, handheld devices, etc. This
`specification a lso supports content positioning, downloadable fonts, table layout, features for internationalization, automatic oounters and numbering, and some
`properties rela1ed to user interface.
`Status of this document
`This document h;,s been reviewed by W3C Members ;md other interes1ed p;,rties ;;ind h;,s been endorsed by the Director ;,s;, W3C Recommendation. It is;, st;,ble
`document and may be used as reference ma1erial o r c ited as a normative reference from another document. W3C:s role in making the Recommendation is to draw
`attention to the specification and to promote its w idespread deployment. This enhances the functionality and interoperability of the Web.
`A list of current W3C Recommendations and other 1echnical documents can be found at .b!!P.:ilwww.w3.org[IR.
`Public discussion of CSS features takes place on www-sty~w3.org.
`Available formats
`The CSS2 specification is available in the following formats:
`bttp·lfwww w3 orgCTR/1998/REC-CSS2-19980512
`a plain text file:
`h!tp·llwwww3 orgCTR/1998/REC-CSS2-19980512/css2 IJcl
`HTML as a gzip'ed tar file:
`HTML as a zip file (this is a '.zip' file not an '.exe'):
`h!tp·lfwww w3 orgCTR/1998/REC-CSS2-19980512/css2zjp,
`as well as a gzip'ed Postscript file:
`.b!!P.:ilwww.w3.o[9/TR/1998/REC-CSS2-1 9980512/css2.ps.g,:,
`and a PDF file:
`http·lfwwww3 orgCTR/1998/REC-CSS2-19980512/css2 pdf
`In case of a discrepancy between the various forms of the specification, btt,r{iwwww3 orgCTR/1998/REC-CSS2-19980512 is considered the definitive version.
`Available languages
`The English version of this specification is the only normative version. However, for translations in other languages see J:,ttp·//www w3 o rg~
`1mdates/translations html
`The list of known errors in this specification is available at .b!!P.:/.www.w3.o[g!filxle/css2-uJl!:!ates/REC-CSS2-19980512-errata.html. Please report errors in this
`document to css2-editors@w3 org.
`Quick Table of Contents
`1 About the css2 Specjficatjon
`2 Introduction to CSS2
`3 Conformance· Baquiramonts and Recommendations
`4 css2 syntax and basjc data ty.All
`5 Selectors
`https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-CSS2- 19980512/0verview.html
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`Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2
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`i.Aw9WJlgJWWU:1Y...Dhln- Cascading, and lnberitance
`Z Medja ll!PII
`8 Box model
`9 Visual formattiog_,mgdtu
`10 Visual formatting model details
`11 Visual effects
`12 Generated content aut0matic numbering.~
`13 Paged medja
`14 Colors and Backgrounds
`18 User interface
`19 Aural sty.Je..mem.
`.&!l?!!ndix A. Asam 11le style sheet for HTML 4.0
`.Appendix B Changes from css1
`ARpendix C lmr;,lementatiPn and perf0rmancI notes for fonts
`.&!l?!!ndix D. The grammar of CSS2
`ARPPndix E References
`.&!l?!!ndix G. Descriptor index
`.Appendix H Index
`Full Table of Contents
`1 About the CSS2 S
`..................... ~~ ........................ millW!I
`1 3 Cooventions
`1.3.1 Document laogl,Lage elements and attributes
`1.3.2 CSS proRfil!Y: definitions
`{y,.nlies to
`Percentage values
`Media grouP-§.
`1 3 3 Shorthand Ptnf.llllliil
`1 3 4 Notes and examples
`1.3.5 Images and loog descriptions
`1 4 Acknowledgllll!!Jm
`1 5 Copyright Notire
`2 Introduction to CSS2
`2 1 A brief css2 l\rtocial for HTMi
`22 A brief CSS2 Mrn:ial for XMI
`2.3 The CSS2 P.rooessiog model
`2 3 1 Tbe cam@s
`2 3 2 css2 addressing model
`2.4 CSS desig!l.P.rinciP.les
`3 Conformance· Beauirements and Recommendations
`3 1 Definitions
`3.2 Conformance
`3 3 Ermr oonditions
`3 4 The textlcss content type_
`4 CSS2 syntax and basic data tY.P.!!
`4 1 1 Iokenization
`4 .1.2 Ke~ords
`4 1 3 Characters and case
`4 1 4 Statements
`4 1 § Blocks
`4 1 7 Rule sets declaration blocks and seleclors
`4.1.8 Declarations and proP.erties
`4 1 9 Comments
`4 2 Rules for ha ad ling parsing=
`4.3 Values
`~gers and real numbers
`4 3 21 englba
`4.3.3 Peroen1age....§.
`4 3 4 URI + URN - URI
`4 3 5 Counters
`4.3.6 Colors
`4 3 BTjmes
`4.3.9 Freguencies
`4 310 Strin~
`4 4 CSS document representation
`4.4.1 Referring to characters not represented in a character encoding
`5 Selectors
`5 1 Pattern matching
`5.2 Selector SY.ntax
`5.2.1 GrouP.ing_
`5 3 Univecsal selecior
`5 4 Il£pe selecto[lj
`5.5 Desoendant selec1ors
`5 6 Child selectors
`5 7 Adiarent sibling selectorn
`5.8 Attribute selec1ors
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`Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2
`5 8 1 Matching attributes and attribute values
`5 8 2 Default attribLrte vahJeS in DIPS
`5.8.3 Class selectors
`5 9 IP selectors
`5 1 0 Pseudo-elements and pseudo:dasses
`5.11 Pseudo-dasses
`5 11 1 ·fi mt-child pse1Jdo::Glass
`5 11 2 The Hok pseudo-dasses· •!ink and •visited
`5.11.3 The dY.namic P.Seudo-classes: :hover :active and :focus
`5 11 4 Ibe Jangua.g!lpseudo-dass· ·Jang
`5 12 Pseudo-elements
`5.12.1 The :first-li ne pseudo-element
`5 12 2 The ·fir,;t-Jetter pseudo-element
`5 12 3 The ·before and ·after pseudo-elements
`6 Assigning_p.!S!J>~ values, Cascading, and Inheritance
`6 1 Soedfied ~ and actual values
`6 11 Soedfied valL,es
`6.1.2 Computed values
`6 1 3 Actual values
`6 2 Inheritance
`6.2.1 The 'inherit value
`6 4 The cascade
`6.4.1 Cascadiog order
`6.4.2.lirn.po rtant w !es
`6 4 3 Calculating a selector's spedfidbl
`6.4.4 Precedence of non-CSS P.resenlational hints
`7 1 Introduction to media ty~
`7.2 Sped!},ing media-de,!!!ndent style sheets
`Z 2 1 The @media rule
`7 3 Recognized media MJes
`7 .3.1 Media g!Ql!P..§.
`8 Box model
`8 1 Box dimensions
`8.2 Example of marginsLP.addiog, and borders
`u.Margln properties· 'margill:l!l.P:,.lnargill:rigbtjnarg~.lnar~..wd.lllarQin'.
`8 3 1 Collapsing margins
`8.4 Padding pJQperties;'.padcfulg-Jop', 'paddmg-Jigt1!'.,_'padcful9:bottom' "p~ng-lfil!'., and 'padcfulg'
`a 5 Border P.1!2~
`8 5 1 Border width· 'bordec-tqp-width' 'bordAr-dght-width' 'bordo:-bottorn-width' 'bordAr-left-width' and 'border-width'
`8.5.2 Border color: 'border-foP.-«>lor' 'border-right-«>lor', 'border-bottom-colo~ 'border-left-colo~ and 'border-«>lor'
`8.5.3 Border s!Yje: 'border-top-§!yjg'.. 'border-right-s!Y~ 'border-bottom-s!Y~ 'border-left-§!yjg'.. and 'border-s)yjg'.
`8 5 4 Border shorthand pmperties· 'bordAr-too' 'border-bottom' 'bordAr-riQbr. 'border-letr and 'borde~
`9 Visual formatting model
`s.1 1011:Pduction to tbe vjsual fQrmattjng model
`S 1 1 The Yiewll9[1
`9 1 2 Containing blocks
`9.2 Controlling box generation
`9 2 1 Block-level elements and block boxes
`Anonvmous block boxes
`9.2.2 In line-level e lements and inline boxes
`&uw.vmous inline boxes
`9 2 3 Co mp act boxes
`9.2.4 Run-in boxes
`9 2 5 The 'djspla.y.'.JlmPfttlY.
`9 3 Positioning schemes
`9.3.1 Choosiog a P.OSitioning scheme: 'P.Qsition' P.!!!P.fil!Y.
`S 3 2 Box offsets· 'JoP:,.iigbt 'bottom' 'left'
`S 4 Normal flow
`9.4.1 Block formattiog~
`S 4 2 Jnlioe (ormattjng--"9IJ.lelll
`9 4 3 Relative positioning
`S 5 1 fosjtjonjng the float· !be lJoat' pmllft11Y.
`S 5 2 Controlling flow next 1P floats· the 'clear' pmPilI1)(
`9.6 Absolute positioning,
`9 6 1 Fixed positioning
`9 7 Relationships between 'displiOC 'position' and 'fioat'
`9.8 ComP.arison of normal flow, floats, and absolute positioning_
`Sa 1 Normal flow
`9 8 2 Relative positioning
`9.8.3 Floatiog a box
`9 8 4 AbsoJute positioning
`9 91 ayered presentation
`9.9.1 Sped!ying the stack level: the 'z-index' R[QP.~
`9 10 Text dicectio□- the 'direction' and 'unicodft-bidi' pro~
`10 Visual formatting model details
`10.1 Definition of "containing block"
`10 2 Content width· the Width' RW.Rm!Y.
`10 3 computing widths and margiris.
`10.3.1 lnline non-replaced elements
`1 0 3 2 lnline ..replaced elemenl5
`10 3 3 Blod<-level non-replaced elements in normal fiow
`10.3.4 Block-level,_[filllaced e lements in normal fiow
`10 3 5 Floating, oon-ceplf!Cfld elements
`10 3 s floating replaced eJemenJli
`10.3.7 Absolutely_RQsitioned, non-reP.laced e lements
`10 3 a AbsoJ11tely posiJionf,d.rnpJa.ced elements
`10 4 Minimum and maximum widths· 'min-width' and 'max-width'
`https://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-CSS2- 19980512/0verview.html
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`Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2
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`10 5 Content height lbe 'hei9llt.12!!21Je11Y.
`10 s comput;ng heights and maqiias
`10.6.1 lnline non-replaoed elements
`10 6 2 lnline ..replaced elements block-level .r.eplaced elements in normal flow and floating,;:eplaced elements
`10 6 3 Blod<-level non-replaced elements in normal fiow and floating 000:replaced elements
`10.6.4 Absolutely_P.Qsitioned . .!!2!!:[!!P.laced elements
`10 s s Absol11Jely ~ .replaced elements
`10 7 Minimum and maximum heights· 'mio-height' and 'max-height:
`10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height and 'vertical-align:._fllilP.erlies
`10 6 1 1 eadjng and balHeading
`11 Visual effects
`11.1 Overflow and c liP.P.Lng,
`11 1 1 Overflow· the 'overflow' PWIWIY-
`11 1 2 Clipping· Jhe 'clip' property
`11.2 Visibili!Y.: the 'visibili!Y.'..P.!21.!!H!Y.
`12 Generated cgptent autPmatic numbeciog.~
`12 1 The ·before and ·after pse1Jdo-elements
`12.2 The 'content ~l.!!H!Y..
`12 3 Interaction of ·before and ·after with 1rnmpact' and 'outin' elements
`12 4 Quotation ma dss
`12.4.1 Specify.i!Jg_guotes w ith the '9!.!Q~Ll.![Q!l!H!Y.
`12 4 2 lnsertiog.,guotes with the 'content pm.Re!lY..
`12 5 Automatic counters and numbering
`12.5.1 Nested counters and SCOJl!!
`12 5 2 Counter sty.Je:i.
`12 5 3 Countern in elements with 'disolay; none'
`12.6 Markers and lists
`12 6 1 Madsern· the •marker-offset' n~
`12 6 2 l ists· the 'list-style-type• 'list-style-image• 'list-style-positiPn' and •tist-style' properties
`13 Pi!!Jl!d media
`13 1 Introduction to RaQed....wwiLa.
`13 2 Page boxes· the @page rule
`13.2.1 Paoo marg ins
`1.322..Eage 5ize· the 'sjze' Pfl21lmY.
`Rendering page bores that 00 oot fit a target sheet
`Positioning t~~,Hi. box on the sheet
`~P marks- the 'marks· Pt9RiUlY.
`13 2 4 I ett eight and first pages
`13.2.5 Content ou1side the R,!00 box
`13 3 1 Break before/after elements· 'page-break-lxdore· 'page-br:eak-aftec' 'page-break-inside'
`13.3.2 Usiog named p_w!!§.;j>_w!!'.
`13.3.3 Breaks inside e lements: 'ornhans' 'widows'
`13 3 4 AIIPlffld pagejirew
`13 3 5 forced page breaks
`13.3.6 "Best" llllge__breaks_
`13 4 cascadingjo_lhe_pag=Dlel!.1
`14 ColPrs and Backgrounds
`14 .1 Foreground color: the 'oolo( p.!Ql.!e[!Y.
`14 2 The backgro.uwl
`14 2 1 BackgmImd properties• 'backgmund-rnlo~ 'background-image' 'backgrotInd-repeat' ·background-attachment' 'backgrotInd-position' and
`14 3 Gamma correction
`15.1 Introduction
`15 2 Font specification
`15 2 l font specjficat;on properties
`15.2.2 Font family_; the font-family' .fllilP.e[!y_
`15 2 3 font styljag· tbe 'font-style:, 'font-variant' :to.ol:Y.'.eigbt and 'font-stretch' pro~
`15 2 4 Font sizw the :toot~size· and :toot-size--adiust properties
`15.2.5 Shorthand font proJ1!![!Y,: the 'font' P.!211!!W.
`15 2 6 Generic font families
`15 3 Font selection
`15 3 1 font Descriptions and @font-taw
`15.3.2 Descriptors for Selecting a Font 'font-family.'., 'font-style~ 'font-variant', 'font-weigl!r., 'font-stretch' and 'font-size'
`15 3 3 Descriptors for Font Data Qualification· 'unicode-range:.
`15 3 4 Descciptw for Numeric ValLJes· 'units-pee-em'
`15.3.5 DescriP-tor for Referenciog: 'src'
`15 3 s Descriptors for Matching:_:~~~~...'.caJl:heigbl:...:ll:beighf..:aww.r. and 'descent
`15 3 7 Descriptors for Synthe5is· 'widths· 'bbox' and ·detinitiott5ffi'
`15.3.8 DescriQtors for Alignment 'baseline' 'centerline' 'mathline' and ,oQline'
`15 3 9 fxamfllll
`15 4 font Characteristics
`15.4.1 Introducing Font Characteristics
`15 4 2 Eull foot name
`15 4 3 Coordinate units on the em square
`15.4.4 Central Baseline
`15 4 5 font fnroding,
`15 4 6 Font family name
`15.4.7 Gl}'llh w idths
`15 4 8 Hwizontal stem width
`15 4 9 Height of uppercase glv.pns.
`15.4 .10 Heig ht of lowercaseglyJ!hs
`15 4 11 I ower Baseline
`15 4 12 Mathematiral Baseline
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`Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2
`15 4 13 Maxjmal bounding..b!l.x.
`15 4 14 Maximum unaoceotAd height
`15.4.15 Maximum unaccented deP.lh
`15416 Panose-1 number
`15 4 11 Range ot 1s0 10§46 characters
`15 4 19 Vertical stem width
`15 4 20 Yectical stroke angle
`15.5 Font matching.J!.!92rithm
`~JlRillgjonUye,ight values 1P font names
`15 5 2 Examples of fpnt matching
`16 1 lodeotatjon· the )ext-indent' p_mPIUlY.
`16 2 Alignment the )ext-aljgn' property
`16.3 Decoration
`16 3 1 Underljnjng~~g . and bljnkjng· the 'text;<leroratjon' PJOPIUlY.
`16 3 2 Text shadows· the )ext-shadow' property
`16.4 Letter and word spacing: the 'letter-spacing' and 'v.ord-spacingJl[Ql.!!!rties
`16 5 Capitalization· the 1text-transfouu' RW.~
`16 6 Whitespace· the 'white-soace· property
`17 1 Introduction to tables
`17 2 The css table model
`17.2.1 Anony:mous table objects
`17 3 Column selectors
`17 4 Tables in the visual formatting model
`17.4.1 Caption P-QSition and alignment
`17 5 Yis1@l laynut of table oonteots
`17 5 1 Table layers and transparency
`17.5.2 Table w idth algorithms: the 'table-lID'.2!!!'..p_Il!R~
`fixed fable lav.md.
`Aufomallc fable layout
`17.5.3 Table height a lggrithms
`17 5 4 Horizontal alignment in a ooh1mn
`17 5 5 Dynamic mw and column effects
`17.6 Borders
`lZ 6 l The separated borders model
`Borders arntmd ema(y cells· the 'emo(V-ceils' pmpertx
`17.6.2 The collapsiog border model
`Border conflict resohdion
`lZ 6 3 Border style_s
`17.7 Audio renderiog of tables
`17.7.1 SP.eaking headers: the 'speak-header' proP.fil!Y.
`18 Usm interface
`18 1 Cursors· the 'a,csot' property
`19.2 user preferences tor aolor:s
`18 3 User preferetJCAs for fonts
`18 4 Dynamic outHoes· the 'ouUioe' property
`18.4.1 Outlines and the focus
`19 Aural style shnts
`19.1 Introduction to aural s!Y.!e sheets
`19 2 Volume pmpecties· 'YPlume'
`19 3 Speaking propertjes· 'speak'
`19.4 Pause proP.erties: 'P.ause-before' j>ause-after' and 'pause'
`.19...5..C.ue.pmperties• 'ct1e.before' 'ct1e.aftet' and 'cue·
`19 6 Mixing properties· 'play-during'
`19.7 SP.atial proP.erties: 'azimuth' and 'elevation'
`19 8 Voice characteristic Rm~s.peech-rate' 'w ire-familV.....mtw:..:~ge:~ and 'richness'
`19 9 Speech properties- 'speak-punctuation· and 'speak-numeral'
`~P.!!ndix A. Asam 11le s~le sheet for HTML 4.0
`.Appendix 6 Changes from css1
`6 l New tynctonaljty
`B2 UPdated descriptions
`6 3 Semantic changes from css1
`ARPPndix C Implementation and performance notes for fonts
`C.1 Glossa[Y.offont1erms
`C 2 Font retrieval
`c 3 Meaning of the Panose Pig its
`C.4 Deducing Unicode RanQ!!sforTrueTy:~
`c 5 Automatic descriptQulene.rallilo.
`Apppndjx P The grammar otcss2
`D.1 Grammar
`P 2 I exiral scanner
`P 3 Comparison of tokenization in CSS2 and CSS1
`AR.ll!!ndix E. References
`E 1 Normative references
`E 2 lnfouuative reteceoces
`AR.ll!!ndix F. Prop~ index
`AAPtndix G Pesriptor index
`Appendix H Index
`~ © 1998 l,:Y3C_ (MIL filBIA. KlliP_ ), All Rights Reserved.
`llft.lll. contents. RlllPWftS. jndex
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