`A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML
`This is a work in progress!
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
`at the editor's draft instead.
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`7/19/22, 10:25 AM
`W3C Working Draft 05 April 2011
`This Version:
`Latest Published Version:
`Latest Editor's Draft:
`Previous Versions:
`Ian Hickson, Google, Inc.
`This specification is available in the following formats: single page HTML, multipage
`HTML, web developer edition. This is revision 1.4802.
`Copyright © 2011 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3C liability, trademark and document use rules apply.
`The bulk of the text of this specification is also available in the WHATWG Web Applications 1.0 specification, under a license that permits reuse
`of the specification text.
`This specification defines the 5th major revision of the core language of the World Wide
`Web: the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). In this version, new features are
`introduced to help Web application authors, new elements are introduced based on
`research into prevailing authoring practices, and special attention has been given to
`defining clear conformance criteria for user agents in an effort to improve interoperability.
`This is a work in progress!
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
`at the editor's draft instead.
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`Status of This document
`This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other
`documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the most
`recently formally published revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C
`technical reports index at http://www.w3.org/TR/.
`If you wish to make comments regarding this document in a manner that is tracked by the
`W3C, please submit them via using our public bug database. If you do not have an
`account then you can enter feedback using this form:
`Feedback Comments
`Please enter your feedback, carefully indicating the title of the section for which you
`are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're
`suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what the problem you're trying
`to solve is. That's more important than the solution, in fact.
`Note: Please don't use section numbers as these tend to change
`rapidly and make your feedback harder to understand.
`Submit feedback (Note: Your IP address and user agent will be publicly recorded for spam
`prevention purposes.)
`If you cannot do this then you can also e-mail feedback to public-html-comments@w3.org
`(subscribe, archives), and arrangements will be made to transpose the comments to our
`public bug database. Alternatively, you can e-mail feedback to whatwg@whatwg.org
`(subscribe, archives). The editor guarantees that all substantive feedback sent to this list
`will receive a reply. However, such feedback is not considered formal feedback for the
`W3C process. All feedback is welcome.
`The working groups maintains a list of all bug reports that the editor has not yet tried to
`address and a list of issues for which the chairs have not yet declared a decision. The
`editor also maintains a list of all e-mails that he has not yet tried to address. These bugs,
`issues, and e-mails apply to multiple HTML-related specifications, not just this one.
`Implementors should be aware that this specification is not stable. Implementors who
`are not taking part in the discussions are likely to find the specification changing
`This is a work in progress!
`out from under them in incompatible ways. Vendors interested in implementing this
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
`specification before it eventually reaches the Candidate Recommendation stage should
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
`join the aforementioned mailing lists and take part in the discussions.
`at the editor's draft instead.
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`The publication of this document by the W3C as a W3C Working Draft does not imply that
`all of the participants in the W3C HTML working group endorse the contents of the
`specification. Indeed, for any section of the specification, one can usually find many
`members of the working group or of the W3C as a whole who object strongly to the
`current text, the existence of the section at all, or the idea that the working group should
`even spend time discussing the concept of that section.
`The latest stable version of the editor's draft of this specification is always available on the
`W3C CVS server and in the WHATWG Subversion repository. The latest editor's working
`copy (which may contain unfinished text in the process of being prepared) contains the
`latest draft text of this specification (amongst others). For more details, please see the
`There are various ways to follow the change history for the HTML specifications:
`E-mail notifications of changes
`HTML-Diffs mailing list (diff-marked HTML versions for each change):
`Commit-Watchers mailing list (complete source diffs):
`Browsable version-control record of all changes:
`CVSWeb interface with side-by-side diffs: http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/html5/
`Annotated summary with unified diffs: http://html5.org/tools/web-apps-tracker
`Raw Subversion interface: svn checkout http://svn.whatwg.org/webapps/
`The W3C HTML Working Group is the W3C working group responsible for this
`specification's progress along the W3C Recommendation track. This specification is the
`05 April 2011 Working Draft.
`Work on this specification is also done at the WHATWG. The W3C HTML working group
`actively pursues convergence with the WHATWG, as required by the W3C HTML working
`group charter.
`This document was produced by a group operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C
`Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection
`with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a
`patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes
`contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of
`the W3C Patent Policy.
`This is a work in progress!
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
`at the editor's draft instead.
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`Table of Contents
`1 Introduction
`1.1 Background
`1.2 Audience
`1.3 Scope
`1.4 History
`1.5 Design notes
`1.5.1 Serializability of script execution
`1.5.2 Compliance with other specifications
`1.6 HTML vs XHTML
`1.7 Structure of this specification
`1.7.1 How to read this specification
`1.7.2 Typographic conventions
`1.8 A quick introduction to HTML
`1.9 Conformance requirements for authors
`1.9.1 Presentational markup
`1.9.2 Syntax errors
`1.9.3 Restrictions on content models and on attribute values
`1.10 Recommended reading
`2 Common infrastructure
`2.1 Terminology
`2.1.1 Resources
`2.1.2 XML
`2.1.3 DOM trees
`2.1.4 Scripting
`2.1.5 Plugins
`2.1.6 Character encodings
`2.2 Conformance requirements
`2.2.1 Conformance classes
`2.2.2 Dependencies
`2.2.3 Extensibility
`2.3 Case-sensitivity and string comparison
`2.4 UTF-8
`2.5 Common microsyntaxes
`2.5.1 Common parser idioms
`2.5.2 Boolean attributes
`2.5.3 Keywords and enumerated attributes
`2.5.4 Numbers
` Non-negative integers
` Signed integers
` Real numbers
` Percentages and lengths
` Lists of integers
` Lists of dimensions
`This is a work in progress!
`2.5.5 Dates and times
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
` Months
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
` Dates
`at the editor's draft instead.
` Times
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` Local dates and times
` Global dates and times
` Weeks
` Vaguer moments in time
`2.5.6 Colors
`2.5.7 Space-separated tokens
`2.5.8 Comma-separated tokens
`2.5.9 References
`2.5.10 Media queries
`2.6 URLs
`2.6.1 Terminology
`2.6.2 Dynamic changes to base URLs
`2.6.3 Interfaces for URL manipulation
`2.7 Fetching resources
`2.7.1 Protocol concepts
`2.7.2 Encrypted HTTP and related security concerns
`2.7.3 Determining the type of a resource
`2.8 Common DOM interfaces
`2.8.1 Reflecting content attributes in IDL attributes
`2.8.2 Collections
` HTMLCollection
` HTMLAllCollection
` HTMLFormControlsCollection
` HTMLOptionsCollection
`2.8.3 DOMTokenList
`2.8.4 DOMSettableTokenList
`2.8.5 Safe passing of structured data
`2.8.6 DOMStringMap
`2.8.7 DOM feature strings
`2.8.8 Exceptions
`2.8.9 Garbage collection
`2.9 Namespaces
`3 Semantics, structure, and APIs of HTML documents
`3.1 Documents
`3.1.1 Documents in the DOM
`3.1.2 Security
`3.1.3 Resource metadata management
`3.1.4 DOM tree accessors
`3.1.5 Creating documents
`3.1.6 Loading XML documents
`3.2 Elements
`3.2.1 Semantics
`3.2.2 Elements in the DOM
`3.2.3 Global attributes
` The id attribute
` The title attribute
` The lang and xml:lang attributes
` The xml:base attribute (XML only)
` The dir attribute
` The class attribute
`This is a work in progress!
` The style attribute
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
` Embedding custom non-visible data with the data-*
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
`at the editor's draft instead.
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`3.2.4 Element definitions
` Attributes
`3.2.5 Content models
` Kinds of content
` Metadata content
` Flow content
` Sectioning content
` Heading content
` Phrasing content
` Embedded content
` Interactive content
` Transparent content models
` Paragraphs
`3.2.6 Requirements relating to bidirectional-algorithm formatting
`3.2.7 Annotations for assistive technology products (ARIA)
`3.3 APIs in HTML documents
`3.4 Interactions with XPath and XSLT
`3.5 Dynamic markup insertion
`3.5.1 Opening the input stream
`3.5.2 Closing the input stream
`3.5.3 document.write()
`3.5.4 document.writeln()
`3.5.5 innerHTML
`3.5.6 outerHTML
`3.5.7 insertAdjacentHTML()
`4 The elements of HTML
`4.1 The root element
`4.1.1 The html element
`4.2 Document metadata
`4.2.1 The head element
`4.2.2 The title element
`4.2.3 The base element
`4.2.4 The link element
`4.2.5 The meta element
` Standard metadata names
` Other metadata names
` Pragma directives
` Other pragma directives
` Specifying the document's character encoding
`4.2.6 The style element
`4.2.7 Styling
`4.3 Scripting
`4.3.1 The script element
` Scripting languages
` Restrictions for contents of script elements
` Inline documentation for external scripts
`4.3.2 The noscript element
`4.4 Sections
`4.4.1 The body element
`This is a work in progress!
`4.4.2 The section element
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
`4.4.3 The nav element
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
`4.4.4 The article element
`at the editor's draft instead.
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`4.4.5 The aside element
`4.4.6 The h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6 elements
`4.4.7 The hgroup element
`4.4.8 The header element
`4.4.9 The footer element
`4.4.10 The address element
`4.4.11 Headings and sections
` Creating an outline
`4.5 Grouping content
`4.5.1 The p element
`4.5.2 The hr element
`4.5.3 The pre element
`4.5.4 The blockquote element
`4.5.5 The ol element
`4.5.6 The ul element
`4.5.7 The li element
`4.5.8 The dl element
`4.5.9 The dt element
`4.5.10 The dd element
`4.5.11 The figure element
`4.5.12 The figcaption element
`4.5.13 The div element
`4.6 Text-level semantics
`4.6.1 The a element
`4.6.2 The em element
`4.6.3 The strong element
`4.6.4 The small element
`4.6.5 The s element
`4.6.6 The cite element
`4.6.7 The q element
`4.6.8 The dfn element
`4.6.9 The abbr element
`4.6.10 The time element
`4.6.11 The code element
`4.6.12 The var element
`4.6.13 The samp element
`4.6.14 The kbd element
`4.6.15 The sub and sup elements
`4.6.16 The i element
`4.6.17 The b element
`4.6.18 The mark element
`4.6.19 The ruby element
`4.6.20 The rt element
`4.6.21 The rp element
`4.6.22 The bdi element
`4.6.23 The bdo element
`4.6.24 The span element
`4.6.25 The br element
`4.6.26 The wbr element
`4.6.27 Usage summary
`4.7 Edits
`This is a work in progress!
`4.7.1 The ins element
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
`4.7.2 The del element
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
`4.7.3 Attributes common to ins and del elements
`at the editor's draft instead.
`4.7.4 Edits and paragraphs
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`4.7.5 Edits and lists
`4.8 Embedded content
`4.8.1 The img element
` Requirements for providing text to act as an alternative for
` General guidelines
` A link or button containing nothing but the image
` A phrase or paragraph with an alternative graphical
`representation: charts, diagrams, graphs, maps, illustrations
` A short phrase or label with an alternative graphical
`representation: icons, logos
` Text that has been rendered to a graphic for
`typographical effect
` A graphical representation of some of the
`surrounding text
` A purely decorative image that doesn't add any
` A group of images that form a single larger picture
`with no links
` A group of images that form a single larger picture
`with links
` A key part of the content
` An image not intended for the user
` An image in an e-mail or private document
`intended for a specific person who is known to be able to
`view images
` Guidance for markup generators
` Guidance for conformance checkers
`4.8.2 The iframe element
`4.8.3 The embed element
`4.8.4 The object element
`4.8.5 The param element
`4.8.6 The video element
`4.8.7 The audio element
`4.8.8 The source element
`4.8.9 The track element
`4.8.10 Media elements
` Error codes
` Location of the media resource
` MIME types
` Network states
` Loading the media resource
` Offsets into the media resource
` The ready states
` Playing the media resource
` Seeking
` Timed text tracks
` Text track model
` Sourcing in-band text tracks
` Sourcing out-of-band text tracks
` Text track API
`This is a work in progress!
` Event definitions
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
` User interface
` Time ranges
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
`at the editor's draft instead.
` Event summary
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` Security and privacy considerations
` Best practices for authors using media elements
` Best practices for implementors of media elements
`4.8.11 The canvas element
` Color spaces and color correction
` Security with canvas elements
`4.8.12 The map element
`4.8.13 The area element
`4.8.14 Image maps
` Authoring
` Processing model
`4.8.15 MathML
`4.8.16 SVG
`4.8.17 Dimension attributes
`4.9 Tabular data
`4.9.1 The table element
`4.9.2 The caption element
`4.9.3 The colgroup element
`4.9.4 The col element
`4.9.5 The tbody element
`4.9.6 The thead element
`4.9.7 The tfoot element
`4.9.8 The tr element
`4.9.9 The td element
`4.9.10 The th element
`4.9.11 Attributes common to td and th elements
`4.9.12 Processing model
` Forming a table
` Forming relationships between data cells and header cells
`4.9.13 Examples
`4.10 Forms
`4.10.1 Introduction
` Writing a form's user interface
` Implementing the server-side processing for a form
` Configuring a form to communicate with a server
` Client-side form validation
`4.10.2 Categories
`4.10.3 The form element
`4.10.4 The fieldset element
`4.10.5 The legend element
`4.10.6 The label element
`4.10.7 The input element
` States of the type attribute
` Hidden state
` Text state and Search state
` Telephone state
` URL state
` E-mail state
` Password state
` Date and Time state
` Date state
`This is a work in progress!
` Month state
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
` Week state
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
` Time state
`at the editor's draft instead.
` Local Date and Time state
`Page 10 of 19
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` Number state
` Range state
` Color state
` Checkbox state
` Radio Button state
` File Upload state
` Submit Button state
` Image Button state
` Reset Button state
` Button state
` Common input element attributes
` The autocomplete attribute
` The dirname attribute
` The list attribute
` The readonly attribute
` The size attribute
` The required attribute
` The multiple attribute
` The maxlength attribute
` The pattern attribute
` The min and max attributes
` The step attribute
` The placeholder attribute
` Common input element APIs
` Common event behaviors
`4.10.8 The button element
`4.10.9 The select element
`4.10.10 The datalist element
`4.10.11 The optgroup element
`4.10.12 The option element
`4.10.13 The textarea element
`4.10.14 The keygen element
`4.10.15 The output element
`4.10.16 The progress element
`4.10.17 The meter element
`4.10.18 Association of controls and forms
`4.10.19 Attributes common to form controls
` Naming form controls
` Enabling and disabling form controls
` A form control's value
` Autofocusing a form control
` Limiting user input length
` Form submission
` Submitting element directionality
`4.10.20 APIs for the text field selections
`4.10.21 Constraints
` Definitions
` Constraint validation
` The constraint validation API
` Security
`4.10.22 Form submission
` Introduction
`This is a work in progress!
` Implicit submission
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
` Form submission algorithm
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
` Constructing the form data set
`at the editor's draft instead.
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` URL-encoded form data
` Multipart form data
` Plain text form data
`4.10.23 Resetting a form
`4.11 Interactive elements
`4.11.1 The details element
`4.11.2 The summary element
`4.11.3 The command element
`4.11.4 The menu element
` Introduction
` Building menus and toolbars
` Context menus
` Toolbars
`4.11.5 Commands
` Using the a element to define a command
` Using the button element to define a command
` Using the input element to define a command
` Using the option element to define a command
` Using the command element to define a command
` Using the accesskey attribute on a label element to define a
` Using the accesskey attribute on a legend element to define
`a command
` Using the accesskey attribute to define a command on other
`4.12 Links
`4.12.1 Introduction
`4.12.2 Links created by a and area elements
`4.12.3 Following hyperlinks
`4.12.4 Link types
` Link type "alternate"
` Link type "author"
` Link type "bookmark"
` Link type "external"
` Link type "help"
` Link type "icon"
` Link type "license"
` Link type "nofollow"
` Link type "noreferrer"
` Link type "pingback"
` Link type "prefetch"
` Link type "search"
` Link type "sidebar"
` Link type "stylesheet"
` Link type "tag"
` Sequential link types
` Link type "next"
` Link type "prev"
` Other link types
`4.13 Common idioms without dedicated elements
`4.13.1 The main part of the content
`This is a work in progress!
`4.13.2 Bread crumb navigation
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
`4.13.3 Tag clouds
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
`4.13.4 Conversations
`at the editor's draft instead.
`4.13.5 Footnotes
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`4.14 Matching HTML elements using selectors
`4.14.1 Case-sensitivity
`4.14.2 Pseudo-classes
`5 Loading Web pages
`5.1 Browsing contexts
`5.1.1 Nested browsing contexts
` Navigating nested browsing contexts in the DOM
`5.1.2 Auxiliary browsing contexts
` Navigating auxiliary browsing contexts in the DOM
`5.1.3 Secondary browsing contexts
`5.1.4 Security
`5.1.5 Groupings of browsing contexts
`5.1.6 Browsing context names
`5.2 The Window object
`5.2.1 Security
`5.2.2 APIs for creating and navigating browsing contexts by name
`5.2.3 Accessing other browsing contexts
`5.2.4 Named access on the Window object
`5.2.5 Garbage collection and browsing contexts
`5.2.6 Browser interface elements
`5.2.7 The WindowProxy object
`5.3 Origin
`5.3.1 Relaxing the same-origin restriction
`5.4 Session history and navigation
`5.4.1 The session history of browsing contexts
`5.4.2 The History interface
`5.4.3 The Location interface
` Security
`5.4.4 Implementation notes for session history
`5.5 Browsing the Web
`5.5.1 Navigating across documents
`5.5.2 Page load processing model for HTML files
`5.5.3 Page load processing model for XML files
`5.5.4 Page load processing model for text files
`5.5.5 Page load processing model for images
`5.5.6 Page load processing model for content that uses plugins
`5.5.7 Page load processing model for inline content that doesn't have a
`5.5.8 Navigating to a fragment identifier
`5.5.9 History traversal
` Event definitions
`5.5.10 Unloading documents
` Event definition
`5.5.11 Aborting a document load
`5.6 Offline Web applications
`5.6.1 Introduction
` Event summary
`5.6.2 Application caches
`5.6.3 The cache manifest syntax
` Some sample manifests
`This is a work in progress!
` Writing cache manifests
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
` Parsing cache manifests
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
`5.6.4 Downloading or updating an application cache
`at the editor's draft instead.
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`5.6.5 The application cache selection algorithm
`5.6.6 Changes to the networking model
`5.6.7 Expiring application caches
`5.6.8 Disk space
`5.6.9 Application cache API
`5.6.10 Browser state
`6 Web application APIs
`6.1 Scripting
`6.1.1 Introduction
`6.1.2 Enabling and disabling scripting
`6.1.3 Processing model
` Definitions
` Calling scripts
` Creating scripts
` Killing scripts
` Runtime script errors
`6.1.4 Event loops
` Definitions
` Processing model
` Generic task sources
`6.1.5 The javascript: URL scheme
`6.1.6 Events
` Event handlers
` Event handlers on elements, Document objects, and Window
` Event firing
` Events and the Window object
`6.2 Base64 utility methods
`6.3 Timers
`6.4 User prompts
`6.4.1 Simple dialogs
`6.4.2 Printing
`6.4.3 Dialogs implemented using separate documents
`6.5 System state and capabilities: the Navigator object
`6.5.1 Client identification
`6.5.2 Custom scheme and content handlers
` Security and privacy
` Sample user interface
`6.5.3 Manually releasing the storage mutex
`7 User interaction
`7.1 The hidden attribute
`7.2 Activation
`7.3 Focus
`7.3.1 Sequential focus navigation and the tabindex attribute
`7.3.2 Focus management
`7.3.3 Document-level focus APIs
`7.3.4 Element-level focus APIs
`7.4 Assigning keyboard shortcuts
`7.4.1 Introduction
`This is a work in progress!
`7.4.2 The accesskey attribute
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
`7.4.3 Processing model
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
`7.5 The contenteditable attribute
`at the editor's draft instead.
`7.5.1 User editing actions
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`7.5.2 Making entire documents editable
`7.6 Spelling and grammar checking
`7.7 Drag and drop
`7.7.1 Introduction
`7.7.2 The drag data store
`7.7.3 The DataTransfer interface
` The DataTransferItems interface
` The DataTransferItem interface
`7.7.4 The DragEvent interface
`7.7.5 Drag-and-drop processing model
`7.7.6 Events summary
`7.7.7 The draggable attribute
`7.7.8 The dropzone attribute
`7.7.9 Security risks in the drag-and-drop model
`7.8 Editing APIs
`8 The HTML syntax
`8.1 Writing HTML documents
`8.1.1 The DOCTYPE
`8.1.2 Elements
` Start tags
` End tags
` Attributes
` Optional tags
` Restrictions on content models
` Restrictions on the contents of raw text and RCDATA
`8.1.3 Text
` Newlines
`8.1.4 Character references
`8.1.5 CDATA sections
`8.2 Parsing HTML documents
`8.2.1 Overview of the parsing model
`8.2.2 The input stream
` Determining the character encoding
` Character encodings
` Preprocessing the input stream
` Changing the encoding while parsing
`8.2.3 Parse state
` The insertion mode
` The stack of open elements
` The list of active formatting elements
` The element pointers
` Other parsing state flags
`8.2.4 Tokenization
` Data state
` Character reference in data state
` RCDATA state
` Character reference in RCDATA state
` RAWTEXT state
`This is a work in progress!
` Script data state
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
` Tag open state
`at the editor's draft instead.
` End tag open state
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` Tag name state
` RCDATA less-than sign state
` RCDATA end tag open state
` RCDATA end tag name state
` RAWTEXT less-than sign state
` RAWTEXT end tag open state
` RAWTEXT end tag name state
` Script data less-than sign state
` Script data end tag open state
` Script data end tag name state
` Script data escape start state
` Script data escape start dash state
` Script data escaped state
` Script data escaped dash state
` Script data escaped dash dash state
` Script data escaped less-than sign state
` Script data escaped end tag open state
` Script data escaped end tag name state
` Script data double escape start state
` Script data double escaped state
` Script data double escaped dash state
` Script data double escaped dash dash state
` Script data double escaped less-than sign state
` Script data double escape end state
` Before attribute name state
` Attribute name state
` After attribute name state
` Before attribute value state
` Attribute value (double-quoted) state
` Attribute value (single-quoted) state
` Attribute value (unquoted) state
` Character reference in attribute value state
` After attribute value (quoted) state
` Self-closing start tag state
` Bogus comment state
` Markup declaration open state
` Comment start state
` Comment start dash state
` Comment state
` Comment end dash state
` Comment end state
` Comment end bang state
` DOCTYPE state
` Before DOCTYPE name state
` DOCTYPE name state
` After DOCTYPE name state
` After DOCTYPE public keyword state
` Before DOCTYPE public identifier state
` DOCTYPE public identifier (double-quoted) state
` DOCTYPE public identifier (single-quoted) state
` After DOCTYPE public identifier state
` Between DOCTYPE public and system identifiers state
`This is a work in progress!
` After DOCTYPE system keyword state
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
` Before DOCTYPE system identifier state
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
` DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted) state
`at the editor's draft instead.
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` DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted) state
` After DOCTYPE system identifier state
` Bogus DOCTYPE state
` CDATA section state
` Tokenizing character references
`8.2.5 Tree construction
` Creating and inserting elements
` Closing elements that have implied end tags
` Foster parenting
` The rules for parsing tokens in HTML content
` The "initial" insertion mode
` The "before html" insertion mode
` The "before head" insertion mode
` The "in head" insertion mode
` The "in head noscript" insertion mode
` The "after head" insertion mode
` The "in body" insertion mode
` The "text" insertion mode
` The "in table" insertion mode
` The "in table text" insertion mode
` The "in caption" insertion mode
` The "in column group" insertion mode
` The "in table body" insertion mode
` The "in row" insertion mode
` The "in cell" insertion mode
` The "in select" insertion mode
` The "in select in table" insertion mode
` The "after body" insertion mode
` The "in frameset" insertion mode
` The "after frameset" insertion mode
` The "after after body" insertion mode
` The "after after frameset" insertion mode
` The rules for parsing tokens in foreign content
`8.2.6 The end
`8.2.7 Coercing an HTML DOM into an infoset
`8.2.8 An introduction to error handling and strange cases in the parser
` Misnested tags: <b><i></b></i>
` Misnested tags: <b><p></b></p>
` Unexpected markup in tables
` Scripts that modify the page as it is being parsed
` The execution of scripts that are moving across multiple
` Unclosed formatting elements
`8.3 Serializing HTML fragments
`8.4 Parsing HTML fragments
`8.5 Named character references
`9 The XHTML syntax
`9.1 Writing XHTML documents
`9.2 Parsing XHTML documents
`9.3 Serializing XHTML fragments
`9.4 Parsing XHTML fragments
`This is a work in progress!
`For the latest updates from the HTML WG,
`10 Rendering
`possibly including important bug fixes, please look
`10.1 Introduction
`at the editor's draft instead.
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`10.2 The CSS user agent style sheet an