`Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
`Director, DUB
`Associate Director, CREATE
`University of Washington
`Box 352350
`Seattle, WA 98195-2350
`Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington
`Adjunct Professor, Human Centered Design & Engineering
`Adjunct Professor, The Information School
`Curriculum Vitae
`Last Updated July 2022
`Autumn 2017 – present
`Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington
`Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington
`Autumn 2011 – Summer 2017
`Autumn 2006 – Summer 2011
`Doctor of Philosophy, Human Computer Interaction
`Human Computer Interaction Institute, School of Computer Science
`Carnegie Mellon University
`Dissertation: Constructing and Evaluating Sensor-Based Statistical Models of Human Interruptibility
`Advised by Scott E. Hudson
`Committee: Christopher Atkeson, Eric Horvitz, Robert Kraut
`Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
`Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (Virginia Tech)
`Degree in Honors, with Honors Thesis
`Minors in Math and Political Science
`Major QCA: 4.0/4.0, Overall QCA: 3.96/4.0
`Visiting Researcher, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA
`Hosts: Desney Tan, Mary Czerwinski
`Post-Doctoral Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University
`Graduate Research Assistant, Carnegie Mellon University
`Advisor: Scott E. Hudson
`Research Intern, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY
`Hosts: Jennifer Lai, John Richards, Paul Chou
`Undergraduate Research Assistant, Virginia Tech
`Advisors: John Carroll, Mary Beth Rosson
`Developer, IBM Research Triangle Park, Raleigh Durham, NC
`February 2006
`May 2000
`Summer 2007
`Spring 2006 – Summer 2006
`Fall 2000 – Spring 2006
`Summer 2003
`Fall 1998 – Spring 2000
`Summer 2000
`Developer, Appropriate Technologies, Chesapeake, VA
`Summer 1997, Fall 1997, Summer 1998
`Best Paper Honorable Mention, ASSETS 2018
`Examining Image-Based Button Labeling for Accessibility in Android Apps through Large-Scale Analysis
`[P.89], for Top 5% of 158 submissions
`Best Paper Honorable Mention, DIS 2018
`Examining Self-Tracking by People with Migraine: Goals, Needs, and Opportunities in a Chronic Health Condition
`[P.85], for Top 5% of 405 submissions
`Best Paper Honorable Mention, ASSETS 2017
`Epidemiology as a Framework for Large-Scale Mobile Application Accessibility Assessment
`[P.84], for Top 5% of 126 submissions
`James Fogarty - Curriculum Vitae
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`Best Paper Award, CHI 2017
`Examining Menstrual Tracking to Inform the Design of Personal Informatics Tools
`[P.78], for Top 1% of 2400 submissions
`Best Paper Honorable Mention, CHI 2017
`TummyTrials: A Feasibility Study of Using Self-Experimentation to Detect Individualized Food Triggers
`[P.77], for Top 5% of 2400 submissions
`Best Paper Award, CSCW 2016
`Boundary Negotiating Artifacts in Personal Informatics: Patient-Provider Collaboration with Patient-Generated Data
`[P.64], for Top 1% of 571 submissions
`Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science Allen Newell Award for Research Excellence
`with Scott Hudson, Daniel Avrahami, Johnny Lee, Chris Harrison, Robert Xiao
`for “Innovative and Practical Physical Interaction Techniques”
`Best Paper Honorable Mention, CHI 2015
`Barriers and Negative Nudges: Exploring Challenges in Food Journaling
`[P.60], for Top 5% of 2120 submissions
`University of Washington Innovation Research Award
`with Julie Kientz, Sean Munson, Shwetak Patel, Roger Vilardaga, Jasmine Zia
`for “A Connected Approach to Personalized Mobile Health”
`Best Paper Honorable Mention, CHI 2014
`Gesture Script: Recognizing Gestures and their Structure using Rendering Scripts and Interactively Trained Parts
`[P.55], for Top 5% of 2043 submissions
`National Academy of Sciences Kavli Fellow
`Best Paper Award, dg.o 2011
`Attitudes Toward Online Availability of US Public Records
`[P.43], for Top 1 of 62 submissions
`National Science Foundation CAREER Award
`Best Paper Award, CHI 2010
`Prefab: Implementing Advanced Behaviors Using Pixel-Based Reverse Engineering of Interface Structure
`[P.36], for Top 1% of 1346 submissions
`Best Paper Honorable Mention, UbiComp 2009
`HydroSense: Infrastructure-Mediated Single-Point Sensing of Whole-Home Water Activity
`[P.32], for Top 3 of 251 submissions
`Best Paper Honorable Mention, CHI 2009
`Amplifying Community Content Creation with Mixed Initiative Information Extraction
`[P.31], for Top 5% of 1130 submissions
`Best Paper Award, CHI 2005
`Examining Task Engagement in Sensor Based Statistical Models of Human Interruptibility
`[P.11], for Top 1% of 372 submissions
` “Best of UIST” Invitee for SIGGRAPH 2004 Reprise
`GADGET: A Toolkit for Optimization Based Approaches to Interface and Display Generation
`[P.7], for Top 3 of 116 submissions
`Kong, J., Zhong, M., Fogarty, J., Wobbrock, J.O. (2022). Quantifying Touch: New Metrics for Characterizing What Happens During a
`Touch (ASSETS 2022). To Appear.
`Fok, R., Zhong, M., Ross A.S., Fogarty, J., Wobbrock, J.O. (2022). A Large-Scale Longitudinal Analysis of Missing Label Accessibility
`Failures in Android Apps. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2022). pp. 1–16.
`[P.102] Mariakakis, A., Karkar, R., Patel, S.N., Kientz, J.A., Fogarty, J., Munson, S.A. (2022). Using Health Concept Surveying to Elicit Usable
`Evidence: Case Studies of a Novel Evaluation Methodology. JMIR Human Factors. Vol. 9, Iss. 1. Jan 2022. e30474.
`Kirchner, S., Schroeder, J., Fogarty, J., Munson, S.A. (2021). “They don’t always think about that”: Translational Needs in the Design
`of Personal Health Informatics Applications. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
`(CHI 2021). 16 pages.
`James Fogarty - Curriculum Vitae
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`Page 2 of 14
`Epstein, D.A., Dontcheva, M., Fogarty, J., Munson, S.A. (2020). Yarn: Adding Meaning to Shared Personal Data through Structured
`Storytelling. Proceedings of Graphics Interface (GI 2020). Acceptance Rate: 52%.
`Suh, J., Williams, S., Fann, J.R., Fogarty, J., Bauer, A.M., and Gary Hsieh. (2020). Parallel Journeys of Patients with Cancer and
`Depression: Challenges and Opportunities for Technology-Enabled Collaborative Care. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer
`Interaction. Vol. 4, CSCW1. May 2020, 36 pages.
`Pina, L.R., Sien, S., Song, C., Ward, T.M., Fogarty, J., Munson, S.A., Kientz, J.A. (2020). DreamCatcher: Exploring How Parents and
`School-Age Children can Track and Review Sleep Information Together. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction.
`Vol. 4, CSCW1. May 2020. 25 pages.
`Munson, S.A., Schroeder, J., Karkar, R., Kientz, J.A., Chung, C., Fogarty, J. (2020). The Importance of Starting With Goals in N-of-1
`Studies. Frontiers in Digital Health. Vol. 2. May 2020.
`Schroeder, J., Suh, J., Wilks, C., Czerwinski, M., Munson, S.A., Fogarty, J., Althoff, T. (2020). Data-Driven Implications for Translating
`Evidence-Based Psychotherapies into Technology-Delivered Interventions. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pervasive
`Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth 2020). pp. 274–287.
`Swearngin, A., Wang, C., Oleson, A., Fogarty, J., Ko, A.J. (2020). Scout: Rapid Exploration of Interface Layout Alternatives through
`High-Level Design Constraints. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020). pp. 1-13.
`Acceptance Rate: 24%.
`Ross, A.S., Zhang, X., Fogarty, J., Wobbrock, J.O. (2020). An Epidemiology-Inspired Large-Scale Analysis of Android App Accessibility.
`ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS). Vol. 13, Iss. 1. Apr 2020.
`Schroeder, J., Karkar, R., Murinova, N., Fogarty, J., Munson, S.A. (2019). Examining Opportunities for Goal-Directed Self-Tracking to
`Support Chronic Condition Management. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technologies
`(IMWUT). Vol. 3, Iss. 4. Dec 2019. 26 pages.
`Chaudhuri, B., Perlmutter, L., Petelka, J., Garrison, P., Fogarty, J., Wobbrock, J.O., Ladner, R.E. (2019). GestureCalc: An Eyes-Free
`Calculator for Touch Screens. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2019). pp. 112–123.
`Acceptance Rate: 26%.
`Chung, C., Wang, Q., Schroeder, J., Cole, A., Zia, J., Fogarty, J., Munson, S.A. (2019). Identifying and Planning for Individualized
`Change: Patient-Provider Collaboration Using Lightweight Food Diaries in Healthy Eating and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Proceedings
`of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT). Vol. 3, Iss. 1, Sep 2019. pp. 1-27.
`Schroeder, J., Karkar, R., Fogarty, J., Kientz, J.A., Munson, S.A., Kay M. A Patient-Centered Proposal for Bayesian Analysis of
`Self-Experiments for Health. Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research. Vol. 3, Iss. 1. Mar 2019. pp. 124-155.
`Ross, A.S., Zhang, X., Fogarty, J., Wobbrock, J.O. (2018). Examining Image-Based Button Labeling for Accessibility in Android Apps
`through Large-Scale Analysis. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2018). 119-130.
`Acceptance Rate: 26%. Best Paper Honorable Mention.
`Zhang, X., Tran, T., Sun, Y., Culhane, I., Jain, S., Fogarty, J., Mankoff, J. (2018). Interactiles: 3D Printed Tactile Interfaces to Enhance
`Mobile Touchscreen Accessibility. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2018). pp. 131-142.
`Acceptance Rate: 26%.
`Zhang, X., Ross, A.S., Fogarty, J. (2018). Robust Annotation of Mobile Application Interfaces in Methods for Accessibility Repair and
`Enhancement. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2018). pp. 609-621.
`Acceptance Rate: 21%.
`Karkar, R., Kocielnik, R., Zhang, X., Zia, J., Ioannou, G.N., Munson, S.A., Fogarty, J. (2018). Beacon: Designing a Portable Device for
`Self-Administering a Measure of Critical Flicker Frequency. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and
`Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT). Vol. 2, Iss. 3. Sept 2018. pp. 1-27.
`Schroeder, J., Chung, C., Epstein, D.A., Karkar, R., Parsons, A., Murinova, N., Fogarty, J., Munson, S.A. (2018). Examining Self-Tracking
`by People with Migraine: Goals, Needs, and Opportunities in a Chronic Health Condition. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on
`Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2018). pp. 135-148. Acceptance Rate: 23%. Best Paper Honorable Mention.
`Ross, A.S., Zhang, X., Fogarty, J., Wobbrock, J.O. (2017). Epidemiology as a Framework for Large-Scale Mobile Application
`Accessibility Assessment. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2017). pp. 2-11.
`Acceptance Rate: 26%. Best Paper Honorable Mention.
`Kuksenok, K., Aragon, C., Fogarty, J., Lee, C.P., Neff, G. (2017). Deliberate Individual Change Framework for Understanding
`Programming Practices in Four Oceanography Groups. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Supported
`Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2017). pp. 663-691.
`Swearngin, A., Ko, A.J., Fogarty, J. (2017). Genie: Input Retargeting on the Web through Command Reverse Engineering. Proceedings
`of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017). pp. 4703-4714. Acceptance Rate: 25%.
`James Fogarty - Curriculum Vitae
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`Evans, A.C., Davis, K., Fogarty, J., Wobbrock, J.O. (2017). Group Touch: Distinguishing Tabletop Users in Group Settings via Statistical
`Modeling of Touch Pairs. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017). pp. 35-47.
`Acceptance Rate: 25%.
`Chung, C., Agapie, E., Schroeder, J., Mishra, S.R., Fogarty, J., Munson, S.A. (2017). When Personal Tracking Becomes Social:
`Examining the Use of Instagram for Healthy Eating. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
`(CHI 2017). pp. 1674-1687. Acceptance Rate: 25%.
`Zhang, X., Ross, A.S., Caspi, A., Fogarty, J., Wobbrock, J.O. (2017). Interaction Proxies for Runtime Repair and Enhancement of Mobile
`Application Accessibility. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017). pp. 6024-6037.
`Acceptance Rate: 25%.
`Epstein, D.A., Lee, N.B., Kang, J.H., Agapie, E., Schroeder, J., Pina, L.R., Fogarty, J., Kientz, J.A., Munson, S.A. (2017). Examining
`Menstrual Tracking to Inform the Design of Personal Informatics Tools. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in
`Computing Systems (CHI 2017). pp. 6876-6888. Acceptance Rate: 25%. Best Paper Award.
`Karkar, R., Schroeder, J., Epstein, D.A., Pina, L.R., Scofield, J., Fogarty, J., Kientz, J.A., Munson, S.A., Vilardaga, R., Zia, J. (2017).
`TummyTrials: A Feasibility Study of Using Self-Experimentation to Detect Individualized Food Triggers. Proceedings of the ACM
`Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017). pp. 6850-6863. Acceptance Rate: 25%.
`Best Paper Honorable Mention.
`Chung, J., Demiris, G., Thompson, H., Chen, K.Y., Burr, R., Patel, S.N., Fogarty, J. (2017). Feasibility Testing of a Home-Based Sensor
`System to Monitor Mobility and Daily Activities in Korean American Older Adults. International Journal of Older People Nursing.
`Mar 2017.
`Zia, J., Chung, C., Schroeder, J., Bales, E., Schenk, J., Munson, S.A., Kientz, J.A., Fogarty, J., Heitkemper, M. (2017). The Feasibility,
`Usability, and Perceived Clinical Utility of Traditional Paper Irritable Bowel Syndrome Food and Symptom Journals.
`Neurogastroenterology and Motility. Vol. 29, Iss. 2. Feb 2017.
`Schroeder, J., Hoffswell, J., Chung, C., Fogarty, J., Munson, S.A., Zia, J. (2017). Supporting Patient-Provider Collaboration to Identify
`Individual Triggers using Food and Symptom Journals. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative
`Work (CSCW 2017). pp. 1726-1739. Acceptance Rate: 35%.
`Pina, L.R., Sien, S., Ward, T., Yip, J.C., Munson, S.A., Fogarty, J., Kientz, J.A. (2017). From Personal Informatics to Family Informatics:
`Understanding Family Practices around Health Monitoring. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported
`Cooperative Work (CSCW 2017). pp. 2300-2315. Acceptance Rate: 35%.
`Choe, E.K., Abdullah, S., Rabbi, M., Thomaz, E., Epstein, D.A., Kay, M., Cordeiro, F., Abowd, G.D., Choudhury, T., Fogarty, J., Lee, B.,
`Matthews, M., Kientz., J.A. (2017). Semi-Automated Tracking: A Balanced Approach for Self-Monitoring Applications. IEEE Pervasive
`Computing. Vol. 16, Iss. 1. Jan 2017. pp. 74-84.
`Epstein, D.A., Kang, J., Pina, L.R., Fogarty, J., and Munson, S.A. (2016). Reconsidering the Device in the Drawer: Lapses as a Design
`Opportunity in Personal Informatics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing
`(UbiComp 2016). pp. 829-840. Acceptance Rate: 24%.
`Zia, J.K., Chung, C., Schroeder, J., Munson, S.A., Kientz, J.A., Fogarty, J., Bales, E., Schenk, J.M., Heitkemper, M.M. (2016). The
`Feasibility, Usability, and Clinical Utility of Traditional Paper Food and Symptom Journals for Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
`Neurogastroenterology & Motility. Vol. 29, Iss. 2. Sep 2016.
`Zhang, X., Pina, L.R., and Fogarty, J. (2016). Examining Unlock Journaling with Diaries and Reminders for In Situ Self-Report in Health
`and Wellness. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016). pp. 5658-5664.
`Acceptance Rate: 23%.
`Epstein, D.A., Cordeiro, F., Hsieh, G., Fogarty, J., and Munson, S.A. (2016). Crumbs: Lightweight Daily Food Challenges to Promote
`Engagement and Mindfulness. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2016).
`pp. 5632-5644. Acceptance Rate: 23%.
`Epstein, D.A., Caraway, M., Johnston, C., Ping, A., Fogarty, J., and Munson, S.A. (2016). Beyond Abandonment to Next Steps:
`Understanding and Designing for Life after Personal Informatics Tool Use. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in
`Computing Systems (CHI 2016). pp. 1109-1113. Acceptance Rate: 23%.
`Karkar R., Zia J., Vilardaga R., Mishra S.R., Fogarty J., Munson S.A., Kientz J.A. (2016). A Framework for Self-Experimentation in
`Personalized Health. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA). Vol. 23, Iss. 3, pp. 440-448.
`Zia, J., Schroeder, J., Munson, S.A., Fogarty, J., Nguyen, L., Barney, P., Heitkemper, M., Ladabaum., U. (2016). Feasibility and Usability
`Pilot Study of a Novel Irritable Bowel Syndrome Food and Gastrointestinal Symptom Journal Smartphone App. Clinical and
`Translational Gastroenterology. Vol. 7, Iss. 3, e147.
`Chung, C., Dew, K., Cole, A., Zia, J., Fogarty, J., Kientz, J.A., and Munson, S.A. (2016). Boundary Negotiating Artifacts in Personal
`Informatics: Patient-Provider Collaboration with Patient-Generated Data. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer
`Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2016). pp. 768-784. Acceptance Rate: 25%. Best Paper Award.
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`Page 4 of 14
`Huang, D., Zhang, X., Saponas, T.S., Fogarty, J., Gollakota, S. (2015). Leveraging Dual-Observable Input for Fine-Grained Thumb
`Interaction Using Forearm EMG. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2015).
`pp. 523-528. Acceptance Rate: 24%.
`Epstein, D.A., Ping, A., Fogarty, J., Munson, S.A. (2015). A Lived Informatics Model of Personal Informatics. Proceedings of the
`International Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2015). pp. 731-742. Acceptance Rate: 23%.
`Cordeiro, F., Bales, E., Cherry, E., and Fogarty, J. (2015). Rethinking the Mobile Food Journal: Exploring Opportunities for Lightweight
`Photo-Based Capture. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2015). pp. 3207-3216.
`Acceptance Rate: 23%.
`Cordeiro, F., Epstein, D., Thomaz, E., Bales, E., Jagannathan, A.K., Abowd, G., and Fogarty, J. (2015). Barriers and Negative Nudges:
`Exploring Challenges in Food Journaling. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2015).
`pp. 1159-1162. Acceptance Rate: 23%. Best Paper Honorable Mention.
`Dixon, M., Nied, A.C., and Fogarty, J. (2014). Prefab Layers and Annotations: Extensible Pixel-Based Interpretation of Graphical
`Interfaces. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2014). pp. 221-230.
`Acceptance Rate: 22%.
`Epstein, D.A., Cordeiro, F., Bales, E., Fogarty, J., and Munson, S.A. (2014). Taming Data Complexity in Lifelogs: Exploring Visual Cuts of
`Personal Informatics Data. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2014). pp. 667-676.
`Acceptance Rate: 27%.
`Hipke, K., Toomim, M., Fiebrink, R., and Fogarty, J. (2014). BeatBox: End-User Interactive Definition and Training of Recognizers for
`Percussive Vocalizations. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2014). pp. 121-124.
`Acceptance Rate: 28%.
`Dixon, M., Laput, G., and Fogarty, J. (2014). Pixel-Based Methods for Widget State and Style in a Runtime Implementation of Sliding
`Widgets. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014). pp. 2231-2240.
`Acceptance Rate: 23%.
`Lü, H., Fogarty, J., and Li, Y. (2014). Gesture Script: Recognizing Gestures and their Structure using Rendering Scripts and Interactively
`Trained Parts. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2014). pp. 1685-1694. Acceptance
`Rate: 23%. Best Paper Honorable Mention.
`Epstein, D.A., Borning, A., and Fogarty, J. (2013). Fine-Grained Sharing of Sensed Physical Activity: A Value Sensitive Approach.
`Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2013), pp. 489-498.
`Acceptance Rate: 23%.
`Andrew, A., Borriello, G., and Fogarty, J. (2013). Simplifying Mobile Phone Food Diaries: Design and Evaluation of a Food Index-Based
`Nutrition Diary. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare
`(PervasiveHealth 2013), pp. 260-263. Acceptance Rate: 27%.
`Roesner, F., Fogarty, J., and Kohno, T. (2012). User Interface Toolkit Mechanisms for Securing Interface Elements. Proceedings of the
`ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2012), pp. 239-250. Acceptance Rate: 22%.
`Munson, S.A., Avrahami, D., Consolvo, S., Fogarty, J., Friedman, B., Smith, I. (2012). Sunlight or Sunburn: A Survey of Attitudes
`toward Online Availability of US Public Records. Information Polity, July 2012, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 99-114.
`Dixon, M., Fogarty, J., and Wobbrock, J.O. (2012). A General-Purpose Target-Aware Pointing Enhancement Using Pixel-Level Analysis
`of Graphical Interfaces. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2012), pp. 3167-3176.
`Acceptance Rate: 23%.
`Amershi, S., Fogarty, J., and Weld, D.S. (2012). ReGroup: Interactive Machine Learning for On-Demand Group Creation in Social
`Networks. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2012), pp. 21-30.
`Acceptance Rate: 23%.
`Larson, E., Froehlich, J., Campbell, T., Haggerty, C., Atlas, L., Fogarty, J., Patel, S.N. (2012). Disaggregated Water Sensing from a
`Single, Pressure-Based Sensor: An Extended Analysis of HydroSense using Staged Experiments. Pervasive and Mobile Computing,
`Vol. 8, No. 1, February 2012, pp. 82-102.
`Ziola, R., Grampurohit, S., Landes, N., Fogarty, J., and Harrison, B. (2011). Examining Interaction with General-Purpose Object
`Recognition in LEGO OASIS. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2011),
`pp. 65-68. Acceptance Rate: 33%.
`Amershi, S., Fogarty, J., Kapoor, A., and Tan, D.S. (2011). Effective End-User Interaction with Machine Learning. Proceedings of AAAI
`Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2011), Nectar Track, pp. 1529-1532. Acceptance Rate: 31%.
`Patel, K., Drucker, S.M., Fogarty, J., Kapoor, A., Tan, D.S. (2011). Using Multiple Models to Understand Data. Proceedings of the
`International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2011), pp. 1723-1728. Acceptance Rate: 17%.
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`Page 5 of 14
`Cooper, S., Khatib, F., Makedon, I., Lü, H., Barbero, J., Baker, D., Fogarty, J., and Popović (2011).
`Analysis of Social Gameplay Macros in the Foldit Cookbook. Proceedings of the International Conference on the Foundations of
`Digital Games (FDG 2011), pp. 9-14. Acceptance Rate: 30%.
`Munson, S.A., Avrahami, D., Consolvo, S., Fogarty, J., Friedman, B., and Smith, I. (2011). Attitudes Toward Online Availability of US
`Public Records. Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2011), pp. 2-9. Acceptance Rate: 75%.
`Best Paper Award.
`Froehlich, J., Larson, E., Saba, E., Campbell, T., Atlas, L., Fogarty, J., and Patel, S. (2011). A Longitudinal Study of Pressure Sensing to
`Infer Real-World Water Usage Events in the Home. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pervasive Computing
`(Pervasive 2011), pp. 50-69. Acceptance Rate: 24%.
`Dixon, M., Leventhal, D., and Fogarty, J. (2011). Content and Hierarchy in Pixel-Based Methods for Reverse Engineering Interface
`Structure. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2011), pp. 969-978.
`Acceptance Rate: 26%.
`Grochow, K., Stoermer, M., Fogarty, J., Lee, C.P., Howe, B., Lazowska, E. (2010). COVE: A Visual Environment for Multidisciplinary
`Ocean Science Collaboration. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on e-Science. pp. 269-276.
`Patel, K., Bancroft, N., Drucker, S., Fogarty, J., Ko, A., and Landay, J.A. (2010). Gestalt: Integrated Support for Implementation and
`Analysis in Machine Learning Processes. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
`(UIST 2010), pp. 37-46. Acceptance Rate: 18%.
`Welbourne, E., Balazinska, M., Borriello, G., and Fogarty, J. (2010). Specification and Verification of Complex Location Events with
`Panoramic. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2010), pp. 57-75. Acceptance Rate: 17%.
`Kriplean, T., Borning, A., Waddell, P., Klang, C. and Fogarty, J. (2010). Supporting Agile Modeling through Experimentation in an
`Integrated Urban Simulation Framework. Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2010), pp. 112-121.
`Acceptance Rate: 54%.
`Dixon, M. and Fogarty, J. (2010). Prefab: Implementing Advanced Behaviors Using Pixel-Based Reverse Engineering of Interface
`Structure. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2010), pp. 1525-1534.
`Acceptance Rate: 22%. Best Paper Award.
`Amershi, S., Fogarty, J., Kapoor, A., and Tan, D. (2010). Examining Multiple Potential Models in End-User Interactive Concept
`Learning. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2010), pp. 1357-1360.
`Acceptance Rate: 22%.
`Lin, T., Etzioni, O., and Fogarty, J. (2009). Identifying Interesting Assertions from the Web. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on
`Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2009), pp. 1787-1790. Acceptance Rate: 35%.
`Amershi, S., Fogarty, J., Kapoor, A., and Tan, D. (2009). Overview-Based Example Selection in End-User Interactive Concept Learning.
`Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2009), pp. 247-256. Acceptance Rate: 18%.
`Froehlich, J., Larson, E., Campbell, T., Haggerty, C., Fogarty, J., and Patel, S.N. (2009). HydroSense: Infrastructure-Mediated
`Single-Point Sensing of Whole-Home Water Activity. Proceedings of the International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
`(UbiComp 2009), pp. 235-244. Acceptance Rate: 12%. Best Paper Honorable Mention.
`Hoffmann, R., Amershi, S., Patel, K., Wu, F., Fogarty, J., and Weld, D.S. (2009). Amplifying Community Content Creation with
`Mixed-Initiative Information Extraction. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2009),
`pp. 1849-1858. Acceptance Rate: 24%. Best Paper Honorable Mention.
`Everitt, K.M., Bragin, T., Fogarty, J., and Kohno, T. (2009). A Comprehensive Study of Frequency, Interference, and Training of
`Multiple Graphical Passwords. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2009),
`pp. 889-898. Acceptance Rate: 24%.
`Wobbrock, J.O., Fogarty, J., Liu, S., Kimuro, S., and Harada, S. (2009). The Angle Mouse: Target-Agnostic Dynamic Gain Adjustment
`Based on Angular Deviation. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2009),
`pp. 1401-1410. Acceptance Rate: 24%.
`Campbell, T., Ngo, B., and Fogarty, J. (2008). Game Design Principles in Everyday Fitness Applications. Proceedings of the ACM
`Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2008), pp. 249-252. Acceptance Rate: 23%.
`Adar, E., Dontcheva, M., Fogarty, J., and Weld, D.S. Zoetrope: Interacting with the Ephemeral Web. (2008). Proceedings of the ACM
`Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2008), pp. 239-248. Acceptance Rate: 19%.
`Harada, S., Lester, J., Patel, K., Saponas, T.S., Fogarty, J., Landay, J.A., and Wobbrock, J.O. VoiceLabel: Using Speech to Label Mobile
`Sensor Data. (2008). Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI 2008), pp. 69-76.
`Acceptance Rate: 47%.
`Patel, K., Fogarty, J., Landay, J.A., and Harrison, B. (2008). Examining Difficulties Software Developers Encounter in the Adoption of
`Statistical Machine Learning. Proceedings of AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2008), Nectar Track, pp. 1563-1566.
`Acceptance Rate: 22%.
`James Fogarty - Curriculum Vitae
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`Weld, D.S., Wu, F., Adar, E., Amershi, S., Fogarty, J., Hoffmann, R., Patel, K., and Skinner, M. (2008). Intelligence in Wikipedia.
`Proceedings of AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2008), Senior Papers Track, pp. 1609-1614. Acceptance Rate: 40%.
`Lü, H. and Fogarty, J. (2008). Cascaded Treemaps: Examining the Visibility and Stability of Structure in Treemaps. Proceedings of
`Graphics Interface (GI 2008), pp. 259-266. Acceptance Rate: 38%.
`Fogarty, J., Tan, D., Kapoor, A., and Winder, S. (2008). CueFlik: Interactive Concept Learning in Image Search. Proceedings of the ACM
`Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008), pp. 29-38. Acceptance Rate: 22%.
`Patel, K., Fogarty, J., Landay, J.A., and Harrison, B. (2008). Investigating Statistical Machine Learning as a Tool for Software Development.
`Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008), pp. 667-676. Acceptance Rate: 22%.
`Toomim, M., Zhang, X., Fogarty, J., and Landay, J.A. (2008). Access Control by Testing for Shared Knowledge. Proceedings of the ACM
`Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008), pp. 193-196. Acceptance Rate: 18%.
`Hoffmann, R., Fogarty, J., and Weld, D.S. (2007). Assieme: Finding and Leveraging Implicit References in a Web Search Interface for
`Programmers. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2007), pp. 13-22.
`Acceptance Rate: 17%.
`Fogarty, J. and Hudson, S.E. (2007). Toolkit Support for Developing and Deploying Sensor-Based Statistical Models of Human
`Situations. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2007), pp. 135-144.
`Acceptance Rate: 24%.
`Avrahami, D., Fogarty, J., and Hudson, S.E. (2007). Biases in Human Estimation of Interruptibility: Effects and Implications for
`Practice. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2007), pp. 51-60. Acceptance Rate: 24%.
`Tullio, J., Dey, A.K., Chalecki, J., and Fogarty, J. (2007). How it Works: A Field Study of Non-Technical Users Interacting with an
`Intelligent System. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2007), pp. 31-40.
`Acceptance Rate: 24%.
`Andrew, A., Borriello, G., and Fogarty, J. (2007). Toward a Systematic Understanding of Suggestion Tactics in Persuasion
`Technologies. Proceedings of the Conference on Persuasive Technology (Persuasive 2007), pp. 259-270. Acceptance Rate: 44%.
`Fogarty, J., Au, C., and Hudson, S.E. (2006). Sensing from the Basement: A Feasibility Study of Unobtrusive and Low-Cost Home
`Activity Recognition. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2006), pp. 91-100.
`Acceptance Rate: 22%.
`Tang, K.P., Keyani, P., Fogarty, J., and Hong, J.I. (2006). Putting People in their Place: An Anonymous and Privacy-Sensitive Approach
`to Collecting Sensed Data in Location-Based Applications. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing
`Systems (CHI 2006), pp. 93-102. Acceptance Rate: 23%.
`Fogarty, J., Baker, R.S., and Hudson, S.E. (2005). Case Studies in the use of ROC Curve Analysis for Sensor-Based Estimates in Human
`Computer Interaction. Proceedings of Graphics Interface (GI 2005), pp. 129-136. Acceptance Rate: 28%.