`org.w3c.dom (Java 2 Platform SE 5.0)
`~ Package Class .Liu. Il:A8 Pepmcatad IIJllu. .1mJR
`~ ~ !!£!!!!!!
`k.v11™ 2 Pio/form
`Si11nilllrd Ed. 5. 0
`Package org.w3c.dom
`Provides the interfaces for the Document Object Model (DOM) which is a oomponcnt AP! of the Java AP! for XML Processing.
`Dest ripJiJul
`Interface Summary
`The Attr interface represents an attribute in an Ele.ent object.
`Cbl cKltcDI II
`Docu ment
`CDATA sections arc used to escape blocks of text oontaining characters that would othcrmsc be regarded as markup.
`The Characteroata interface extends Node with a set of attributes and methods for accessing character data in the DOM.
`This interface inherits from Character-Data and represents the content of a comment. i.e .• all the characters between the starting' <I--• and ending' -->'.
`The oocuaent interface represents the entire HTML or XML document.
`DocuaentFragaent is a '1ightwcight'' or "minimal" Docuaent object
`Each oocuaent has a docty~ attribute whose value B either null or a DocuaentTy~ object.
`The OOMConfigur-ation interface represents the configurJ.tion of a document and maintains a table of recognized parametcIS.
`IXlMEr-r-or is an interface that describes an error.
`Dll'IErrorHandler is a caUback interface that the DOM implementation can call when reporting errors that happens while processing XML data, or when
`d oing some other processing (c.g,
`The DCJli'II■pleaent aUon interface provides a number of methods for performing operations that arc independent of any partic ular instance of the doc wnent
`object model.
`DOMimplemenlatio nLisl
`The IXlMI■pleeent at ion List interface provides the abstraction ,of an ordered collection of DOM implementations. without defining or constraining how this
`collection is implemented.
`DOMlmf!lemenlationSource This interface permits a DOM implementer to supply one or moro implementations, based upon requested fcarures and versions, as specified in .
`IXlMLocator- is an interface that describes a location (e.g.
`NameLis t
`The DCJl1Str-1nglist interface provides the abstraction of an ordered coDcction ofDCJ11Str-ing values, without defining or constraining how this collection is
`The Element interface represents an clement in an HTML or XML document
`This interface represents a known entity, either p,1rscd. or unpaiscd, in an XML document.
`EntityReference nodes may be used to represent an entity reference in the tree.
`Objects implementing the Naae<!Nodel<ap interface arc used to rqrescnt oollcctions of nodes that can be accessed by name.
`The Na .. Llst interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of paraUcl pairs of name and namcspace values (which could be null values),
`without defining or constraining how th.is collection is implemented.
`The Node interface is the primary datatypc for the entire Document Object Model.
`The NodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes., without defining or constraining how this co0cction is implemented.
`This interface represents a notation declared in the DTD.
`The Pr-ocessingin st ruction interface represents a ''processing instruction", used in XML as a way to keep processor-specific information in the text of the
`The Text interface inherits from CharacterOata and represents the textual content (tcnncd ,bu:1H;:tci:dara in XML) of an Eleaent or Attl"'.
`~ The Type Info interface represents a type referenced from E l~ t or Attr nodes, specified in the schemas associated with the docwnent
`When associating an object to a key on a node using Node.setuserOata() the application can provide a handler that gets called when the node the object is
`associated to is being ckmcd, imported, or renamed.
`Exception Summary
`IDOM operations only raise exceptions in 11cxccptional" circumstances, i.e., when an operation is impossible to perform (either for logical reasons. because data
`is Inst, or because the impkmcntation has beoomc unstable).
`Package org.w3c.dom Description
`Provides the interfaces for the Document Object Model (DOM) which is a component AP! of the Java AP! for XML Processing. The Dccumcnt Object Model Level 2 Ccrc AP! aUows
`progra.rm: to dynamically access and update the content and structure of documents. Sec the .spc;cjfis:rntion for more information.
`S ince:
`~ Package Class .Liu. Il:A8 Pepmcatad IIJllu. .1mJR
`k.v11™ 2 Plotform
`Sianilllrd Ed. 5. 0
`Submit a bug or feature
`For further API refermc-e and dei.-eloper documentation, see @ya Z SOK SE PO'clonrr Dgqvnnttatioo That documentation c-0ntains mere detailed, dei.-eloper-targetod descriptions, with concq,tual overviC'W'S, definitions of terms,
`worlc.arounds, and worlc.ing c.ode examples.
`Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights ~ervcd. Use is subjoc.t to ~
`. Also see the dsxavnrntatiPD tr::distril211ti20 oolicy.
`https://web. mit.edu/java _ v1 .5.0 _ 22/d istrib/share/docs/ap i/o rg/w3d dom/package-s ummary. html
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