`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII IIII I 111111111111111 lllll lllll 11111111111111111111111
`(43) International Publication Date
`25 April 2002 (25.04.2002)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 02/33063 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification 7: C12N 9/04, 15/53
`(21) International Application Number: PCT/KR0l/01271
`(22) International Filing Date:
`26 July 2001 (26.07.2001)
`[KR/KR]; 17-4, Daehyun I-dong, Puk-ku, Daegu 702-041
`(KR). CHOI, Myung-Sook [KR/KR]; #102-203 Gar(cid:173)
`denheights, Bumuh 4-dong, Soosung-ku, Daegu 706-014
`(KR). JUNG, Un-Ju [KR/KR]; #206, 112-8 Daehyun
`I-dong, Puk-ku, Daegu 702-041 (KR).
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`20 October 2000 (20.10.2000) KR
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): TG
`BIOTECH, INC. [KR/KR]; 452-2, Sungnae 1-dong,
`Kangdong-ku, Seoul 134-031 (KR).
`(74) Agent: LEE, Won-Hee; Sung-ji Heights II, 8th Floor,
`642-16 Yoksam-dong, Kangnam-ku, Seoul 135-080 (KR).
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU,
`CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GH,
`GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, lN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KZ, LC, LK,
`LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX,
`MZ, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL,
`TJ, TM, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW.
`(71) Applicant and
`(72) Inventor: HUH, Tae-Lin [KR/KR]; #255-107 Dongsuh(cid:173)
`town Apt. Shinmae-dong, Soosung-ku, Daegu_706-781
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): KOH, Ho-Jiu
`(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European
`patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, IE,
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPT patent (BF, BJ, CF,
`CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD,
`[Continued on next page}
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`~ (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to a cytosolic isocitrate dehydrogenase, its gene, and its use in the treatment of obesity,
`~ hyperlipidemia, and fatty liver. The expression of the ID Pc gene and the concomitant increase in ID Pc level bring about an increase
`in the cellular level of NADPH, which causes the lipid deposition in adipocytes, leading to obesity and fatty liver. A decrease in
`0 the cellular level of NADPH, resulting from the suppression of the gene expression of IDPc, has the effect of inhibiting the lipid
`> deposition in adipocytes. Further, by taking advantage of the suppressive or inhibitory effects of isocitrate dehydrogenase inhibitors,
`__.., pharmaceutically effective materials for the prophylaxis and treatment of obesity, hyperlipidemia and fatty liver can be developed.
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
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`WO 02/33063 Al
`1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII IIII I 111111111111111 lllll lllll 11111111111111111111111
`with international search report
`entirely in electronic form (except for this front page) and
`available upon request from the International Bureau
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid(cid:173)
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin(cid:173)
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
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`WO 02/33063
`The present invention relates to an isoci trate
`dehydrogenase which ~- v~.~
`the production of NADPH
`necessary for the biosynthesis of lipids,
`fatty acids, squalene and cholesterol, and its use in
`the treatment of metabolic diseases, including obesity,
`hyperlipidemia and fatty liver. Also,
`the present
`invention relates to an isocitrate dehydrogenase gene,
`transfectant cells harboring the genes in their genome,
`isocitrate dehydrogenase continuously throughout their
`Taking part in the TCA (tricarboxylic acid) cycle,
`decarboxylation of citric acid into a-ketoglutarate
`with concurrent production of NADH or NADPH.
`In higher
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`WO 02/33063
`isozymes can be separated into three classes according
`their cofactors
`the cell:
`mitochondrial NAD+-dependent
`isocitrate dehydrogenase
`to as
`"IDH"), mitochondrial
`5 NADP+-dependent
`isocitrate dehydrogenase
`referred to as "IDPm"), and cytoplasmic NADP+-dependent
`isocitrate dehydrogenase (hereinafter referred to as
`"IDPc") . Among
`these isoci tr ate isoenzymes,
`IDH has
`been assumed to play a major role in the oxidative
`decarboxylation of
`acid cycle
`(TCA) with concurrent production of a(cid:173)
`ketoglutarate and NADH.
`is used for energy
`generation through the electron transfer system and a(cid:173)
`ketoglutarate is a metabolite used in the synthesis of
`amino acids such as glutamic acid, glutamine, arginine,
`and praline,
`and other biological products.
`activity is regulated as a control point of the TCA
`cycle. Therefore, IDH is a key enzyme to regulate not
`the TCA cycle, but also energy metabolism,
`20 protein biosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism because
`metabolites of
`the TCA cycle
`take part
`Since its isolation from yeast and pig,
`IDH has
`been under study.
`is an allosterically
`regulated enzyme that exists as an octamer composed of
`two nonidentical subunits IDHl and IDH2 sharing high
`homology with each other.
`I DHl plays a role in the
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`WO 02/33063
`regulation of
`enzyme activity while
`responsible for the catalytic activity (Keys, D. A. &
`McAlister-Henn, L.,
`J. Bacterial., 172,
`(a, p,
`subunits), swine IDH also exists as an octamer (2(a 2p
`Broken down
`three subunits
`y)) in active form.
`Found to have bipartite structures, IDPm and IDPc
`Although both having molecular weight of about 45 kDa
`10 with high homology, the two enzymes were identified as
`independent proteins,
`reaction experiments using polyclonal
`antibodies (Plaut, G. W. E. et al., Biochem. Biophys.
`Acta., 760, 300-308, 1983; Fantania, H. R. et al.,
`FEBS, 322, 245-248, 1993).
`IDPm and
`IDPc are highly tissue-specific.
`In cardiac muscle
`tissues, for instance, more than 90 % of total NADP+-
`mitochondria and
`remaining 10 % is
`In contrast, it is reported that as low as
`NADP+ -dependent
`mitochondria while
`cytoplasm (Plaut, G. W. E., Current Topics
`in Cell
`25 Regulation, 2, 1-27, 1983).
`As mentioned
`isocitrate dehydrogenase
`isozymes have been characterized concerning some of
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
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`WO 02/33063
`their structural characteristics, but not concerning
`nowhere had been
`studies on precise mechanisms of IDPm and IDPc until
`the publication of recent reports which merely made
`the assumption that IDPm catalyzes a reverse reaction
`in the TCA cycle to convert a-ketoglutarate through
`isocitrate to citrate, which
`is associated with a
`precursor for
`the biosynthesis of fatty acids and
`cholesterol, with concurrent conversion of the citrate
`(Des Rosiers, C. et al., J. Biol.
`Chem., 269, 27179-27182, 1994; Fernandez, C. A. et al.,
`J. Biol. Chem., 270, 10037-10042, 1995).
`Significance in gluconeogenesis is suggested for
`IDPm owing to its catalysis of a reverse reaction of
`the TCA cycle.
`In contrast, none of the reports for
`IDPc are concerned with its metabolic functions.
`is known to be expressed in large quantities in the
`ovary and the mammary gland. Of the NADPH producing
`quantitatively analyzed to produce NADPH
`in greater
`quantities than do
`important enzymes of the pentose
`phosphate to 6-phosphoglucono-8-lactone and NADPH, 6-
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
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`WO 02/33063
`phosphogluconate dehydrogenase for the conversion of
`6-phosphogluconate to ribulose-5-phosphate and NADPH,
`and cytoplasmic malic enzyme for
`the conversion of
`malate to pyruvate and NADPH; by factors of 16, 8 and
`18, respectively
`(Veech, R. L. et al., Biochem. J.,
`115, 609-619, 1969).
`metabolisms of fatty
`cholesterol and hormones
`a large quantity of NADPH for their
`10 activities. Thus far, the NADP producing enzymes such
`as glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme
`have been believed
`to play an
`?upplying NADPH to cytoplasm. However, in light of its
`ability to produce cytoplasmic NADPH,
`IDPc is expected
`to be more
`the regulation of
`supply of NADPH. Ultimately, it is assumed that IDPc
`plays a crucial role in the biosynthesis of fatty
`acids and cholesterol. Among the fatty acid synthases
`the biosynthesis of
`acids, ~-
`ketoacyl-ACP reductase and enoyl-ACP reductase require
`NADPH as a cofactor for
`their catalysis.
`biosynthesis of cholesterol, a large quantity of NADPH
`is required for
`the reactions catalyzed by HMG-CoA
`reductase and squalene
`and for the final
`to cholesterol.
`Accordingly, control of the activity of IDPc, which
`functions to supply most of the NADPH required in the
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
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`WO 02/33063
`cell, is very important to regulate the biosynthesis
`of fatty acids and their derivatives, lipids,
`and cholesterol and its derivatives.
`In higher animals, lipid deposition follows the
`fallowing procedure. When excess energy sources are
`the differentiation of adipose cells is
`resulting in an increase in the number
`and size of white adipose
`tissues with concomitant
`deposition of lipids.
`the white adipose
`tissue allows the ob gene to be actively expressed,
`which leads to an increase in body leptin level.
`response, the hormonal action in the brain is changed
`toward the decreasing of appetite. Meanwhile, excess
`calories are consumed to maintain the body temperature,
`using uncoupler proteins
`(UCP) .
`In the white adipose
`tissue, expression of the genes which encode master
`transcription factors for the proliferation of adipose
`peroxysome proliferator-activated
`and ADDl/SREBPl,
`Thus, adipose cell differentiation and
`lipid deposition are promoted and excess body energy
`is stored
`in lipid
`that body energy is
`balanced (Hu, E. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,
`92, 9856-9860, 1995; Keller, H. et al., Proc. Natl.
`25 Acad. Sci. USA, 20, 9856-9860, 1993; Freytag S. O., et
`al., Genes Dev., 8, 1654-1663, 1994; Tontonoz, P. et
`al., Mol. Cell. Biol., 13, 4753-4759, 1993; Spiegelman,
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
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`WO 02/33063
`B. M., Cell, 87, 377-389, 1996). Examples of ligands
`the activation of PPARy,
`a master
`transcription factor for adipose cell differentiation,
`include polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic
`acid, docosahexanoic acid (DHA), and arachidonic acid
`(Krey, G. et al., Mol. Endocrinol., 11, 779-791, 1997;
`Yu et al., J. Biol. Chem., 270, 2397 5-23983, 1995) .
`Also, prostaglandin J2 is known to serve as a ligand
`of the master
`( Forman B. M. et
`10 al., Cell, 83, 803-812, 1995; Kliewer S. A. et al.,
`Cell, 83, 813-819, 1995).
`is concluded a high
`possibility that IDPc might be directly involved in
`controlling the biosynthesis of various
`cholesterol and hormones owing
`its ability
`produce NADPH. Also, IDPc can be assumed to play a key
`role in obesity and fatty liver by encouraging the
`production of activating ligands for PPARy,
`such as
`acids and arachidonic acid to
`cascade expression of various genes
`the differentiation of adipose cells.
`the requirement of a
`large quantity of
`possibility that artificial control of intracellular
`levels of ID Pc and its reaction product NADPH might
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`WO 02/33063
`Leading to the present invention, the intensive
`research on
`the mechanism of
`through molecular
`experiments using
`cells and transgenic mice, conducted by the present
`inventors, resulted in the finding that intracellular
`levels of IDPc and its reaction product NADPH have a
`influence on not only
`the differentiation
`rate of adipose cells and lipid deposition in adipose
`cells, but the biosynthesis of lipids and cholesterol.
`it is an object of
`the present
`to provide
`isoci trate dehydrogenase
`enzyme for producing NADPH, and its gene.
`It is another object of the present invention to
`provide a fused gene construct which contains a gene
`encoding isocitrate dehydrogenase, a transfectant cell
`20 which harbors the gene in its genome, and a transgenic
`animal which
`throughout its lifespan.
`It is a further object of the present invention
`to provide the use of ~~v~•~
`dehydrogenase and its
`treatment and prophylaxis of obesity,
`hyperlipidemia, and fatty liver or in the biosynthesis
`of lipids.
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
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`WO 02/33063
`structures of a basic LNCX-vector (top), a recombinant
`vector into which an
`IDPc gene is inserted in the
`sense orientation to increase the expression of the
`IDPc gene in NIH3T3 F442A adipocytes (middle), and a
`recombinant vector into which an IDPc gene is inserted
`expression of the IDPc gene in NIH3T3 F442A adipocytes
`Fig. 2a provides optical photographs showing Oil(cid:173)
`adipocytes differentiated
`15 NIH3T3 F442A (left),
`the transfectant FSl cells with
`transfectant FASl cells with decreased
`IDPc gene
`expression (right) on plates (upper panel) and in part,
`magnified at 200 power (lower panel).
`Fig. 2b provides optical photographs showing the
`lipid deposition in adipocytes, which is in a NADPH
`dose-dependent pattern.
`Fig. 3 is a diagram illustrating the construction
`expression vector
`for use
`generating a transgenic animal, in which an IDPc cDNA
`downstream of
`(phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) gene promoter.
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
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`WO 02/33063
`Fig. 4 provides photographs showing a comparison
`in body size and epididymal fat pad deposit between F1
`transgenic mice of
`the present
`invention and normal mice.
`5 provides
`increase in the expression level of obesity-indicative
`genes in the adipose tissue of the transgenic mice of
`the presen.t invention, compared to normal mice.
`Fig. 6a is a histogram comparing the body weight
`of the transgenic mice F1 to that of normal mice.
`Fig. 6b is a histogram comparing the liver weight
`of the transgenic mice F1 to that of normal mice.
`is a histogram comparing
`activity and blood IDPc level of the transgenic mice F1
`to those of normal mice.
`[NADPH]/[NADPH+NADP+] of the transgenic mice F1 to that
`of normal mice.
`Fig. 6e is a histogram comparing the epididymal
`fat pad weight of the
`._.,_c:a.u.::,,.p::;u.,. mice F1 to that of
`normal mice.
`Fig. 6f
`is a histogram comparing
`the blood
`triglyceride and cholesterol levels of the transgenic
`mice F1 to those of normal mice.
`Fig. 6g is·a histogram comparing the triglyQeride
`and cholesterol levels in the liver of the transgenic
`mice F1 to those of normal mice.
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`WO 02/33063
`Fig. 6h is a histogram comparing the blood leptin
`level of the transgenic mice
`to that of normal mice.
`7a provides photographs
`tissues of
`transgenic mice of
`the present
`invention and the control mice.
`Fig. 7b provides photographs showing adipocyte of
`the transgenic mice of the present invention and the
`control mice.
`Fig. Sa is a graph illustrating the inhibitory
`activity of
`dehydrogenase activity.
`Fig. Sb is a graph illustrating the inhibitory
`activity of methyl
`isoci tr ate against
`isoci trate
`dehydrogenase activity.
`Fig. 9 provides optical photographs showing Oil-
`Red-O-dyed adipocytes differentiated from NIH3T3 F442A
`treated with
`(left), oxalomalate
`(middle), and methyl
`), magnified at 100 power
`panel) and 200 power (lower panel).
`Fig. 10a is a histogram illustrating comparing
`the weights of the liver and epididymal fat pad of the
`rats in which the isoci tr ate dehydrogenase inhibitor
`of the present invention is administered, to those of
`rats administered with no inhibitors.
`Fig. 10b is a histogram illustrating comparing
`the blood triglyceride and cholesterol levels of the
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
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`WO 02/33063
`rats into which the isocitrate dehydrogenase inhibitor
`of the nr-oQ,or,r invention is administered, to those of
`non-administered rats.
`Fig. 10c is a histogram illustrating comparing
`the blood HDL
`level of
`the rats
`into which
`isocitrate dehydrogenase
`inhibitor of
`the present
`invention is administered, to that of non-administered
`In an aspect, the present invention pertains to
`an isocitrate dehydrogenase enzyme which catalyzes the
`production of NADPH necessary for the biosynthesis of
`fatty acids and cholesterol and
`the deposition of
`isoci trate
`the present
`invention is
`isolated from mice. The mouse-derived IDPc gene of the
`present invention, as listed in Sequence No. 3, has an
`open reading frame
`(ORF) 1,245 bp in size, with a 3'(cid:173)
`untranslated region
`in which a base sequence
`a putative poly-A signal, exists.
`protein for which the IDPc gene codes consists of 414
`amino acids,
`in Sequence No.
`4, with
`molecular weight of 46,575 Da. Alignment of the IDPc
`amino acid sequences
`from various species
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
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`WO 02/33063
`that the mouse IDPc of the present invention shares a
`homology of 97.8 % with rat IDPc, 68.5 % with bovine
`IDPm, and 64. 4 % with yeast IDPc. Particularly, an
`amino acid sequence from 412 to 414 of the mouse IDPc
`is identical to the target sequence of peroxisome,
`which is known to be involved in the biosynthesis and
`degradation of fatty acids and cholesterol. Therefore,
`this suggests the high possibility that IDPc moves to
`peroxisomes and takes part in the synthesis of
`acids and cholesterol thereat.
`In addition to IDPc,
`IDPm, a gene having a base
`sequence similar to that of the IDPc gene,
`is also
`used for producing NADPH required for the biosynthesis
`acids and cholesterol and the deposition of
`lipids in accordance with the present invention.
`In another aspect, the present invention pertains
`to a fused gene construct containing the gene, a novel
`cell strain which anchors the gene, and a transgenic
`animal which
`throughout its lifespan.
`this end,
`the gene of
`interest is
`inserted into a mammalian expression vector in such a
`way as to transcribe the gene in the sense direction
`or in the antisense direction.
`In this regard, retroviral expression vectors are
`preferably used as
`the gene carrier, with highest
`preference for pLNCX retroviral vector.
`pLNCX, which
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
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`WO 02/33063
`is derived from MMLV
`(Moloney murine leukemia virus),
`has a CMV
`( cytomegalovirus) promoter for expressing
`exogenous genes
`in mammalian cells, and a neomycin
`gene as a
`marker, along with an LTR
`( long
`terminal repeat) sequence, an identification factor of
`retroviral vectors.
`the fused gene constructs thus prepared,
`those which are transcribed in the sense direction by
`the CMV promoter are used to enhance the chµLc~~..1.u of
`IDPc, while those designed for antisense transcription
`are used
`the expression.
`recombinant vectors are
`into NIH3T3 Ll
`kind of preadipocytes.
`the cell
`transfectants which were identified to have integrated
`the IDPc gene into their genomes, the cells in which
`IDPc gene were inserted in the sense direction were
`named FSl, which was deposited with
`the Korean
`for Type Culture
`of Korea Research
`Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
`under the deposition No. KCTC 0861BP, on Sep. 6, 2000.
`On the other hand, cell strains which have the IDPc
`gene inserted in the antisense direction were named
`Compared to the mouse NIH3T3 Ll cells into which
`only the pLNCX vector was
`introduced (control) ,
`enzyme activity was measured to be higher by about 2
`fold in the mouse NIH3T3 11 transfectant cell in which
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
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`WO 02/33063
`IDPc gene was
`inserted· in the sense direction
`(FSl), but lower by about 0.4 fold in the mouse NIH3T3
`transfectant cells
`in which
`IDPc gene was
`inserted in the antisense direction (FASl).
`The effect of IDPc on the biosynthesis of fatty
`acids can be quantitatively measured with Oil-Red-0, a
`dye specific for
`lipids, which
`is applied
`adipocytes which have been differentiated
`transfectant cells after treatment with insulin. As a
`lipid production was
`to be conducted
`more actively
`transfectant cell FSl with
`improved IDPc gene expression than the control cell.
`the other hand,
`little deposition of lipids was
`found in the transfectant cells FASl with lowered IDPc
`gene expression, compared to the control cell (see Fig.
`2a). While being differentiated to adipocytes in the
`presence of NADPH, which
`an enzymatic reaction
`product of IDPc,
`the transfectant cells into which
`only pLNCX was
`that is, control cells,
`intracellular lipid deposits as the concentration of
`NADPH increases (see Fig. 2b). These results indicate
`that IDPc, its gene, or its enzymatic reaction product
`NADPH plays a key role in determining intracellular
`lipid deposits.
`in order
`to examine
`the activity of
`isocitrate dehydrogenase, the fused gene construct is
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
`Page 17 of 99


`WO 02/33063
`used to prepare a transgenic animal which harbors the
`IDPc gene within its genome.
`1. Preparation of Fused Gene Construct
`To express the IDPc gene permanently,
`there is
`required the integration of the gene into the genome
`of an animal. To this end, first, it is necessary to
`construct a recombinant vector which can express the
`gene of interest in mammals.
`In the resulting fused
`gene construct, the expression of the gene of interest
`is regulated under a suitable promoter gene. The term
`~fused gene construct" as used herein, means
`functional assembly of genes for use in transformation
`of certain organisms, which is comprised essentially
`of at least one structural gene, and at least one cis(cid:173)
`expression of the structural gene.
`Generally, a cis-acting regulatory element may be
`in the form of a promoter, an enhancer, an intron, a
`5'-UTR (untranslated region), and a 3'-UTR.
`In a fused
`gene construct, the cis-acting regulatory element may
`be located at any site of 10 kb or less distant from
`the 5'-flanking region, 3'-flanking region, 5'-end or
`3'-end of the structural gene or inside the structural
`gene (in the case of an intron) .
`In addition to the
`structural gene and cis-acting regulatory element, the
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
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`WO 02/33063
`including a polyadenylation signal
`transcription or
`ribosome-binding sequence, an intron, etc. Further to
`these, a base sequence for improving the efficiency of
`the insertion of a gene of interest into the genome or
`certain sites, and a marker gene for identifying the
`insertion may be provided for the fused gene construct.
`A promoter for the fused gene construct to be
`used in making a
`transgenic animal
`include the CMV
`promoter, or expression regulatory regions for genes
`expressible in white adipose tissues, such as genes
`adipocyte protein 2
`(aP2) and IDPc.
`In a preferred
`embodiment of the present invention, there is employed
`phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
`(PEPCK) gene, which
`is expressed in both the liver and the white adipose
`In more detail, the preparation of a transgenic
`animal in which the permanent expression of the IDPc
`gene is conducted starts with the cytosolic PEPCK gene
`of rats. From this gene, a 2.2 kb 5'-upstream sequence
`containing a promoter was obtained. Downstream of this
`sequence, a mouse IDPc cDNA was inserted in the sense
`25 orientation to prepare a fused gene construct, which
`was named pPEPCKIDPc.
`There are two kinds of PEPCK
`genes: one codes for a cytosolic enzyme and the other
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
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`WO 02/33063
`for a mitochondrial enzyme.
`In the present invention,
`a 5'-upstream
`sequence of
`the gene encoding
`cytosolic PEPCK (hereinafter referred to as "PEPCK-C")
`was employed.
`In the liver,
`the intestine and the
`tissues, where
`the PEPCK-C
`expressed under the regulation of the promoter, are
`existing in the 5'-upstream sequence. The 2.2 kb 5'(cid:173)
`upstream sequence of the PEPCK-C gene used in
`10 present invention contains a gene sequence near nt 987,
`which is known as a regulatory region necessary for
`efficient expression in white adipose
`R. W. Annu. Tev. Biochem., 66, 581-611, 1997).
`Mice are useful for making
`but any animal,
`if it can be made
`available in the present invention because IDPc is an
`enzyme expressed in all higher animals.
`2. Preparation of Embr_yo
`One of the most important steps in making of a
`transgenic animal
`fused gene
`conducted with
`the aid of a microinjection system.
`When microinjecting the fused gene construct to an
`embryo, an automatic microinj ection system which is
`able to automatically control amounts of DNA to the
`limit of 4 pl is preferably used because of it being
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
`Page 20 of 99


`WO 02/33063
`to conventional manual
`The mouse
`embryo which
`contains the IDPc fused gene construct was deposited
`with the Korean Collection for Type Culture of Korea
`5 Research
`Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
`(KRIBB) under the deposition No. KCTC 0874 BP, on Nov.
`4, 2000.
`3. Preparation of Transgenic Animal
`embryo containing
`fused gene
`construct is
`into a
`afford a transgenic animal.
`In the present invention
`the implantation of the embryo into a surrogate mother
`is conducted at
`the one-cell stage of
`the embryo
`for convenience.
`Immediately after the microinjection of the fused gene
`embryo of
`the one-cell
`implanted to the oviduct of a surrogate mother, so as
`to reduce various processes necessary to culture the
`embryo to the two-cell stage. For implantation into an
`oviduct at the two-cell stage, for instance, an embryo
`is required to be cultured for one additional day in
`an incubator.
`In order to implant a
`two-cell stage
`the oviduct
`the embryo must be
`inserted deep into the oviduct, or it is necessary to
`perforate the oviduct by use of a needle. However, the
`implantation of
`the one-cell
`Rigel Exhibit 1033
`Page 21 of 99


`WO 02/33063
`surrogate mother may be conducted under conditions
`similar to those for qenera mouse embryos, al though
`the implantation site is the oviduct funnel.
`Using the transgenic animal thus made,
`the in
`vivo activity of IDPc was examined in terms of the
`following indicators:
`1. Enlargement of Epididymal Fat Pad
`23 weeks after birth, F1 heterozygous
`10 mice had grown bigger than control mice. When being
`transgenic mice were
`measured to be significantly increased in the size of
`the epididymal fat pad with a body weight 14 times as
`heavy as that of the control mice. Additionally, when
`being frayed,

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