Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` IPR 2022-01411
` IPR 2022-01412
` IPR 2022-01413
` PATENT 9,729,594 B2
` )
` )
` Petitioner, )
` )
` vs. )
` )
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` DATE: October 4, 2023
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` | 866-4Team GE
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`WAG, Exhibit 2016
`Google LLC v. WAG Acquisition, LLC, IPR2022-01413
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` TRANSCRIPT of the deposition of the
`witness, called for Oral Examination in the
`above-captioned matter, said deposition being taken
`by and before MICHAEL FRIEDMAN, a Notary Public and
`Certified Court Reporter of the State of New Jersey,
`at ZOOM VTC, ALL PARTIES REMOTE, on October 4, 2023,
`commencing at approximately 10:30 in the morning.
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` | 866-4Team GE
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`405 Lexington Avenue
`New York, NY 10174
`Attorneys for WAG Acquisition
`55 Hudson Yards
`New York, NY 10001
`Attorneys for Google
` * * * *
`7 8 9
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` I N D E X
` By Mr. Abramson 7
` * * * *
` E X H I B I T S
` (No new exhibits marked.)
` * * * *
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` - - -
` Deposition Support Index
` - - -
`Direction to Witness Not to Answer
`Page Line Page Line Page Line
`Request for Production of Documents
`Page Line Page Line Page Line
`Page Line Page Line Page Line
`Questions Marked
`Page Line Page Line Page Line
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` Michael Friedman, a Certified Shorthand
` Reporter. This deposition is being held
` via videoconferencing equipment.
` The witness and reporter are not in
` the same room. The witness will be sworn
` in remotely, pursuant to agreement of
` all parties. The parties stipulate that
` the testimony is being given as if the
` witness was sworn in person.
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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`D R. N A T H A N I E L P O L I S H,
` called as a witness, having been first
`duly sworn according to law, testifies as follows:
` MR. ABRAMSON: Just for the record,
` it's Ronald Abramson from Liston
` Abramson for the patent owner. Okay.
` Q Good morning, Dr. Polish.
` A Good morning.
` Q If you could, we have a few things.
` Let me -- you have Exhibit 1006
` A Let's see.
` (Witness reviewing.)
` 1006, which document is that?
` Q That would be Hill, the Hill
` A Okay, yes. I have got it, yeah.
` Q Turning to figure 1 of this patent,
`do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q And there's a -- do you see this
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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`dashed line, a square dashed line that
`surrounds most of the elements in that
` A Yes, I think it's labeled 104 in
`the figure.
` Q Right. And according to the
`patent, what is 104?
` A (Witness reviewing.)
` So the patent refers to 104 as the
`workstation. It's labeled that way in the
`figure as well.
` Q Okay. And what do you understand
`the workstation to be referring to?
` A The workstation, let me just take a
`quick look here.
` (Witness reviewing.)
` Right. So in the description in
`column 3 of figure 1, they talk about a user
`106 utilizes the workstation 104 to play
`movie data.
` The workstation may be a convention
`personal computer, high-performance
`workstation or dedicated hardware especially
`suited for audio-video playback. That's how
`they use the term. It seems reasonable to
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` Q In figure 1 do you see the dashed
`line surrounding elements of that figure?
` A Yes.
` Q So do you understand the components
`that are illustrated inside of the rectangle
`to be components within the workstation?
` A That's my general understanding.
` I don't know that the patent makes
`a particular big deal about that, but it
`certainly seems to be suggesting -- it's
`making a distinction between the user, which
`is outside the dashed line, and the sources
`which are outside the dashed line making a
`distinction between those elements and the
`things that are within the box that are part
`of the workstation, it's somehow some kind of
`an integrated piece.
` Q So do you see the -- do you see the
`element marked, "Source list manager 116"?
` A Yes.
` Q And source manager 120?
` A Yes.
` Q And the disclosure describes that
`cliplist manager 116 from time to time
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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`communicates with Source Manager 120.
` Correct?
` A (Witness reviewing.)
` You're talking about the cliplist
`manager 116 and 120 and the source manager
` Q Yeah.
` A (Witness reviewing.)
` Well, they certainty work together.
`I'm just looking at the description in Hill
`of figure 1.
` Q Well, let me restate -- refer you
`to column 6 as an example.
` Look at column 6, line 13 and 14.
`Do you see where it says in step 314,
`"Cliplist manager requests the frame from the
`appropriate source manager 120"?
` A Yes.
` Q So that's -- using that as an
`example, that would be an example.
` My question was, from time to time,
`from time to time in Hill, it does disclose
`that communications take place between the
`cliplist manager and the source manager 120.
` Correct?
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` A Yes.
` Q And you see that there's an
`unlabeled line from the cliplist manager to
`the source manager, a line with a right angle
`in it?
` A Yes.
` Q Which has an arrow at one end of
` Right?
` A Right.
` Q On the source manager end of it.
` So do you understand that to be
`referencing communications that may take
`place from time to time between cliplist
`manager and source manager 120?
` A Yes, I think that line is
`representative of the requests that are
`talked about in the paragraph you read a
`moment ago starting at line 13 of column 6.
` Q All right. Those requests take
`place internally to workstation 104.
` Correct?
` A What do you mean by internally
` Q Well, the cliplist -- the specifics
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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`describes an occasion on which the cliplist
`manager makes a request to source manager
` And my question is, that is -- that
`request itself as between cliplist manager
`116 and source manager 120, that request is
`internal to the workstation.
` Correct?
` A Well, that request as -- at least
`to the extent we're looking at this diagram,
`that request is entirely within what is
`labeled, "Workstation."
` How it's implemented in a -- any
`particular implementation might be -- the
`communication might flow any number of
`different ways, but those two components
`communicate with each other, and those two
`components are part of the workstation.
` Q Right. And just go back and -- you
`just testified, well, that request is -- at
`least to the extent we're looking at this
`diagram that request is entirely within what
`is labeled, "Workstation." That's what you
`just testified.
` My question is, then, that
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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`particular request, which is the one you
`identified as being entirely within the
`labeled, "Workstation," you would not
`understand that that request was being made
`over the internet.
` Correct?
` A So I don't think that would be
`the -- necessarily the default read of it. I
`mean, there's nothing in Hill that would say
`that you couldn't do that.
` But I think the way that they
`described this is these are two components,
`the cliplist manager and the source manager.
`Those components are part of the workstation,
`and they communicate with each other.
` There's nothing that says that you
`couldn't send that communication to some
`other place and have it come back, but
`there's nothing that says that you couldn't
`implement it in a way that went out over the
`internet, but there's nothing here that says
`you would.
` And there's -- the sort of easy
`read of it is it's entirely within the box.
` Q Okay. Let me ask you about, in
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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`column 6 -- well, sorry. Column 4.
` A Okay.
` Q There's also -- you mentioned
`referring back to figure 1. You see where it
`has source 120 -- I'm sorry -- source 122 --
` A Yes.
` Q -- on the document?
` A Yes.
` Q And there are -- you referred to
`that earlier as sources, in plural. Is
`that -- that's what you meant?
` Right?
` A Yes. The way that it's represented
`in the figure is that there is multiple
`rectangles there stacked on top of each
`other. And the way the patent talks about it
`is there can be multiple sources.
` Q Right. Source manager 120 is
`illustrated in the same manner.
` Correct?
` A Yes.
` Q It could be multiple -- if there
`were multiple sources, there would be
`multiple source managers.
` Right?
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` A Well, there could be. There could
`be different ways you can do it, but there
`certainly could be multiple source managers
`and there can be multiple sources.
` Q Okay. If I had multiple types of
`sources, there could be multiple types of
`sources also.
` Right?
` A There can be multiple sources, and
`those sources could be of all different
` I'm not exactly sure what you mean
`by type there, but there can be different
`sources and there can be different kinds of
`media in the different sources. There just
`can be multiple sources.
` Q Right. And in column 4, let's go
`down to line -- line 29, the beginning.
` At the beginning of the very end of
`line 28 going on to line 29 down to line 30,
`do you see the sentence that says, "The
`course manager 120 provides the necessary
`interface," paren, "i.e., hardware or
`software for communicating with a source
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q So if there was -- in case -- in
`Hill, in accordance with Hill where there was
`more than one source and more than one source
`manager, each source manager would have the,
`quote, "necessary interface" for
`communicating with its corresponding
`source 122.
` Correct?
` A Yes, I think that's right.
` Q Is there any specific disclosure in
`Hill in such a case that the interfaces of
`those source managers would all be the same?
` MR. GARDNER: Objection, form.
` A (Witness reviewing.)
` Do you mean -- you mean literally
`the same or similar to each other? My
`understanding is that the source manager
`provides an interface to the source.
` And there's -- I don't think it
`really talks about implementation detail
`deeper than that in terms of how you
`implement it and whether you would be sharing
`hardware or software, so I'm not sure it
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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`partly depends on what you're asking there.
` Q What I'm asking you, there's no
`specific disclosure in Hill to the effect
`that those various interfaces, if there was
`more than one, would all work in the same
` MR. GARDNER: Objection, form.
` A (Witness reviewing.)
` Q Doctor, can you answer that? Okay.
` A Yeah, there's no -- I don't think
`there's any disclosure of that. I think the
`source managers use what interface is
`necessary for the particular source that
`they're talking to.
` Q All right. Okay. I want you to
`turn -- I want to turn to your declaration
`for a minute. I mean -- let's see. It would
`be Exhibit 1111.
` A Okay.
` MR. GARDNER: From which IPR?
` MR. ABRAMSON: From this one, so
` this would be the reply declaration from
` August 28, 2023. It's been filed as
` Exhibit 1111.
` Q Do you have that handy? I'm sure
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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`you do.
` A Yes. Just to be clear, this is one
`that looks like my signature is dated
`September 7, 2023.
` MR. GARDNER: I think he wants the
` August 28th one from the '594 patent
` IPR.
` MR. ABRAMSON: I think you're
` looking at the ones from the '862 patent
` or the --
` THE WITNESS: Right. That's
` Exhibit 1111. This is --
` Q They're all Exhibit --
` A I see. Okay. Great. I think I
`got it.
` So this one, my signature is dated
`August 28, 2023. Okay.
` Q That's the one.
` In this declaration, you cited a
`reference by Swami Nathan. I'm referring now
`to paragraph 101 of your declaration, and
`it's -- it's on page 65. The reference to
`Swami Nathan is on page 65.
` A (Witness reviewing.)
` Q Do you see that?
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` A One second.
` (Witness reviewing.)
` So it's paragraph 101, you said?
` Q Yeah.
` A (Witness reviewing.)
` Yeah, I see that.
` Q Okay. Swami Nathan itself I think
`is Exhibit 1104. I don't know if you have
`that handy.
` A Let me see.
` (Witness reviewing.)
` I'm having trouble with this
`computer. Give me one second.
` It's -- also, the Adobe needed some
`further authentication.
` (Witness reviewing.)
` You can e-mail it to me, whatever
`you want to do. We're pulling it up. It
`wasn't on the device I'm working with right
`now. We're just getting it.
` MR. GARDNER: Hold on, Ron. I need
` to e-mail it to him. We're having
` computer difficulties.
` MR. ABRAMSON: No worries.
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` (Whereupon a discussion was held
` off the record.)
` Q While you're doing that, I will
`step away for a minute.
` (Whereupon a discussion was held
`off the record.)
` A I have the document in front of me.
`I don't know if anyone is listening yet.
` Q Sorry.
` A I put the document in front of me.
` Q Good. Right.
` So just looking at this document,
`this is from 2011.
` Correct?
` A (Witness reviewing.)
` That looks to be right, yes.
`That's the copyright date on it.
` Q So this is addressing a streaming
`embodiment between an HTTP client and an HTTP
` Correct?
` A Yes.
` Q So these authors, if you look at
`the column on the right on page 1, right-hand
`column on page 1, do you see the paragraph we
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` A Yes.
` Q So in Swami Nathan it looks like
`there's -- according to that diagram at the
`top, there's a request for frag 1 and a
`response for frag 1, then a request for
`frag 2 and a response for frag 2.
` Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` I'm sorry to say that the computer
`I was handed has just done something. I'm
` THE WITNESS: Did you e-mail me
` Swami Nathan?
` MR. GARDNER: I did.
` THE WITNESS: You did. Okay.
` Q You guys are in New York. You can
`just come here.
` A Where are you?
` Q The old-fashioned way. We're in
`the Chrysler building.
` A We can wave.
` All right. I have the diagram in
`front of me.
` Q You're at 44 Hudson Yards?
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` A 55 -- it's 55 Hudson Yards.
` Q Okay.
` A I can see the Intrepid from here.
` Q Yeah, I know where you are. I was
`thinking about Hudson Street. You're at
`Hudson Yards.
` At any rate, do you have that
` A Yeah.
` Q So looking at figure 1, that refers
`to fragment-based HTTP live video streaming.
` Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q So there's a request for frag 1, a
`response for frag 1, then after that a
`request for frag 2 and a response for frag 2
`and so forth.
` Correct?
` A Yes.
` Q Do you see the paragraph that says,
`"We propose"?
` A Yes.
` Q And actually, before we get there,
`he's got an illustration. He has something
`called, "Live Latency"?
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` A Yeah.
` Q Which is -- apparently that's
`something that he wants to reduce.
` Right?
` A As I understand it, Live Latency is
`the time from when he wants to start to when
`he can start playback and -- yeah, that's
`what he's calling Live Latency.
` Q So that includes -- is that the --
`something he calls frag duration.
` Right?
` A Yeah.
` Q What is frag duration?
` A So my understanding of what he's
`talking with this paper -- what this paper is
`talking about, there's this problem of if you
`have -- if you break the video up into large
`pieces, then you have to wait for an entire
`piece to come down before you can do
` So while there are efficiencies to
`having large pieces, it means that you have
`longer live latencies, so by using this
`chunking coding, it lets you have large
`pieces but have smaller chunks so that you
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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`can reduce the amount of time that you have
`to wait.
` That seems to be the core issue of
`this paper.
` Q So the HTTP request -- strike that.
` Each -- the stream comprises a
`plurality of fragments.
` Right?
` A Well, my understanding is that
`the -- that there's a video segment which is
`the thing that's requested, and then because
`of the -- this chunk encoding, these chunks
`are subsets or sub components of the thing
`that's requested, and those things get sent
`down -- they get sent down in pieces.
` Q Okay. You just said there's a
`video segment which is the thing that's
`requested, so what's requested is you called
`it a video segment.
` Right?
` A What do they call it here? Right.
`They talk about the latency -- reading from
`the abstract, that latency is tied to the
`duration of the media fragments that are
`individually requested and obtained over
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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`HTTP, so those media fragments are the pieces
`that are requested under HTTP.
` Q Right. So the program stream
`comprises a plurality of fragments.
` Correct?
` A I think that's right.
` Q And when he's -- what he's
`proposing here is to use chunked encoding for
`the respective fragment.
` Right?
` A Yeah. He's saying -- it's the
`second column of his first page -- "We use
`chunked encoding to further divide a video
`fragment into multiple chunks," yeah,
`multiple chunks.
` Q So the chunks are -- chunks are
`subsets of -- each chunk is a subset of a
` A I think in the parlance of this
`paper, I think that's right.
` Q Okay. But the fragments -- the
`fragments themselves are not requested as
`chunks of the stream?
` A I'm not sure I understand the
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` Q Well, when you do chunked encoding,
`there's a -- strike that.
` It's not even a request. It's the
` Right?
` When you do chunked encoding, the
`server generates a header that says,
`"Transfer encoding chunk."
` Correct? And its response?
` MR. GARDNER: Objection to form.
` A I would have to look into a little
`more detail as to exactly what the -- what
`the server does in the case of chunked
` My understanding is simply that
`there's a HTTP request that is sent, and then
`in the case of chunked encoding it will come
`down in separate chunks. The exact mechanism
`of how the server is doing that, I would have
`to review.
` Q You don't know offhand?
` A No. It's a pretty -- it's a pretty
`rarely used and esoteric encoding method.
` Q Okay. And -- are you familiar with
`something called Transfer Encoding:Chunked?
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` MR. GARDNER: Objection, form.
` A What is the context there?
` Q Part of the HTTP 1.1 specification,
`a parameter referred to as transfer-encoding?
` MR. GARDNER: Objection, form.
` A Yeah. I mean that's -- that's
`simply -- well, yeah, I'm familiar with it.
`I would have to look at the overall HTTP spec
`to put that in context, but yes, I'm familiar
`with its existence.
` Q Okay. And let's look at that. Let
`me see where the -- where the exhibit is.
` I will upload another exhibit here.
`It's Exhibit 2011, 2011, RFC 2068.
` Do you have that handy?
` A Let's see if I do. Let's see.
` MR. GARDNER: I'm there. You would
` have to go up to look at the PO's
` exhibits folder, and it will be in
` there.
` Do you see where I'm referring to?
` THE WITNESS: Not really. Can
` you --
` A (Witness reviewing.)
` Okay. I've got it.
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`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
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` Q You have it.
` I would like to turn to PDF
`page 21. That would be internal page -- I
`can't tell if it's the top or the bottom.
`Assuming the page numbers are at the bottom
`of this thing, it would be page 24, section
`3.6, "Transfers Encodings."
` A One second. Almost there.
` (Witness reviewing.)
` Okay. I'm there.
` Q Okay. Do you see transfer encoding
`and one possible value of that being chunked?
` A Yes.
` Q And so is it correct that if -- if
`the end of the HTTP -- if an HTTP server is
`going to respond to a request with a body
`that is chunked, there will be a header that
`says, "Transfer encoding chunked."
` Correct?
` MR. GARDNER: Objection to form.
` A There will be a header that will
`indicate that it's -- that it's chunked.
`That's right.
` Q Okay. So that in Swami Nathan, is
`it correct to say is that they have adapted
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`WAG, Exhibit 2016
`Google LLC v. WAG Acquisition, LLC, IPR2022-01413
`Page 28 of 101


`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
`Page 29
`their server to -- when it sends the
`fragments to send them using chunked
` MR. GARDNER: Objection, form.
` A I believe in Swami Nathan that they
`are using chunked encoding, and they've --
`and they've modified -- they've produced a
`modified client that can use the chunks and
`begin playing sooner than they could if they
`were waiting for the whole fragment.
` Q Okay. You don't understand Swami
`Nathan to be treating the fragments
`themselves as HTTP chunks?
` A My understanding is that -- Swami
`Nathan has a number of pseudo code algorithms
`in it that show what they're talking about.
`They are -- they're issuing HTTP requests for
`individual fragments the same way you would
`without changing, but then the chunked
`encoding allows to you get subsets of the
`fragments, that is to say chunks before the
`whole thing is complete, before the whole
`fragment is complete.
` And that's -- that's what they've
`done. They've just allowed you -- they've --
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`WAG, Exhibit 2016
`Google LLC v. WAG Acquisition, LLC, IPR2022-01413
`Page 29 of 101


`Dr. Nathaniel Polish - October 4, 2023
`Page 30
`I think they talked about separating the
`notion of latency from fragment size.
` You can have really big fragments
`and then just start playing based upon chunks
`coming down.
` Q Okay. Let me ask you this: You
`see the -- going over to column -- where is

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