Low Latency Live Video Streaming
`Using HTTP Chunked Encoding
`Viswanathan Swaminathan #1, Sheng Wei #2
`# Advanced Technology Labs, Adobe Systems Incorporated
`345 Park Ave, San Jose, CA 95110, USA
`Abstract—Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) based stream-
`ing solutions for live video and video on demand (VOD) applica-
`tions have become available recently. However, the existing HTTP
`streaming solutions cannot provide a low latency experience
`due to the fact that inherently in all of them, latency is tied
`to the duration of the media fragments that are individually
`requested and obtained over HTTP. We propose a low latency
`HTTP streaming approach using HTTP chunked encoding, which
`enables the server to transmit partial fragments before the entire
`video fragment is published. We develop an analytical model to
`quantify and compare the live latencies in three HTTP streaming
`approaches. Then, we present the details of our experimental
`setup and implementation. Both the analysis and experimental
`results show that the chunked encoding approach is capable of
`reducing the live latency to one to two chunk durations and that
`the resulting live latency is independent of the fragment duration.
`Progressive download over HTTP has been widely used for
`video on demand (VOD) applications, where end users down-
`load media files from the web server progressively and watch
`them online. Recently, video streaming solutions using HTTP
`for both live video and VOD have become available[1][2].
`HTTP video streaming leverages the widespread deployment
`of the web infrastructure. More importantly, HTTP video
`streaming can be scaled to a large number of users, leveraging
`the HTTP caches in content delivery networks (CDNs).
`However, most of the current HTTP live video streaming
`solutions[1] are based on HTTP requests/responses at
`level of a video fragment, which is a small segment of well
`formed media in time. As shown in Fig. 1, the client sends
`an HTTP request for a specific video fragment and receives
`the fragment via an HTTP response from the server. It is
`important to note that the server can send out a response only
`when an entire fragment has been published. Therefore, the
`HTTP scheme causes the latency of the live video (i.e., time
`difference between the time when the live event happens and
`when it is played back at the client) to be dependent on the
`fragment duration. This introduces a latency of at least one
`fragment duration to the total live latency in addition to the
`network delay. In the worst case, as in the example shown
`in Fig. 1, if the request for fragment 1 arrives at the server
`right before fragment 2 is published, the resultant live latency
`is two fragment durations. Since latency affects live video
`experiences, it is important to reduce the live latency in the
`HTTP streaming solutions.
`Fig. 1. Example of a fragment-based HTTP live video streaming. The live
`latency is at least 1 to 2 fragment durations.
`A simple and direct solution to address the latency issues
`is to reduce the duration of the fragments. However, since
`the fragment duration is inversely proportional to the number
`of pairs of requests (and responses) for a certain length of
`video content, the reduced fragment duration would cause an
`explosion in the number of HTTP requests and responses,
`which greatly impacts the performance of HTTP servers and
`We propose an HTTP chunked encoding based approach to
`break the correlation between live latency and fragment du-
`ration. HTTP chunked encoding is a data transfer mechanism
`in HTTP 1.1[3] that enables the HTTP server to send out
`partial responses (called chunks) before the entire requested
`content is generated. We use chunked encoding to further
`divide a video fragment into multiple chunks and regard a
`video chunk as the basic unit for the responses. We show that
`the chunked encoding approach can reduce the live latency
`to between 1 and 2 chunk durations while keeping the total
`number of requests and responses unaltered. To the best of our
`knowledge, this is the first use of HTTP chunked encoding in
`live video streaming. The contributions of this paper include:
`(1) the first use of HTTP chunked encoding to break the
`correlation between live latency and fragment duration and
`reducing the live latency to between 1 and 2 chunk durations,
`and (2) an analytical model
`to quantify and compare the
`latencies in three live streaming approaches, namely fragment-
`based, server-wait, and chunked encoding approaches.
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`Video streaming has become a popular application that
`generates more than half of the Internet traffic[4]. Begen et
`al.[1] provide a comprehensive summary of video streaming
`over the Internet. There are two main categories of video
`streaming: push-based techniques and pull-based techniques.
`In the push-based scheme, the server pushes the video content
`to the client using a persistent or multicast session, e.g., real-
`time streaming protocol (RTSP) in conjunction with real time
`protocol (RTP)[5] and Adobe’s real time messaging protocol
`(RTMP)[6]. In the pull-based approach, the client actively
`requests video from the server (e.g., via HTTP) and plays
`it back. Progressive download widely used in online video
`applications[7] is a good example of pull-based approach.
`Recently, several HTTP streaming frameworks and systems
`have become available, e.g., Adobe Flash Media Server[8] and
`OSMF Player[9], Microsoft Smooth Streaming[10], and Apple
`HTTP Live Streaming[11]. In October 2010, MPEG’s Dy-
`namic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) standard has
`reached the committee draft state[12]. HTTP-based approaches
`leverage the simplicity and widespread deployment of HTTP
`servers and caches that are cost effective compared to the push-
`based approaches. However, all the existing HTTP streaming
`solutions are based on 2∼4 or even 10 second video fragments
`and do not provide a low latency live video experience.
`HTTP chunked transfer encoding supported by HTTP 1.1[3]
`enables a web server to transmit partial responses in chunks
`before the complete response is ready. It has been widely used
`in web applications with dynamically generated content, where
`the length of the response is unknown until the full content
`is generated. To the best of our knowledge, HTTP chunked
`encoding has not been used in live video streaming for user
`experience optimization.
`In this section, we develop an analytical model to quantify
`the live latency in HTTP live video streaming. We first
`introduce a model to analyze the live latency in the existing
`fragment-based approach, in which we confirm that the live
`latency is approximately 1 to 2 fragment durations. Then,
`we propose two new approaches for low latency in HTTP
`live streaming, namely server-wait and chunked encoding
`approaches, and analyze the live latency in each of them
`using the same analytical model. Besides live latency, we also
`analyze another metric, namely starting delay, which is defined
`as the delay between the time when the client sends out the
`first fragment request and when it begins playing the first
`fragment. The starting delay determines how long the end user
`has to wait before the video begins, which is another important
`factor in the live video experience. Table I summarizes the
`symbols for the parameters and metrics that we use in the
`analytical model.
`1This includes the encoding and decoding latencies. For simplicity, we
`aggregate these two different
`latencies as they are infinitesimally small
`compared to the fragment duration.

`Time when the live event of fragment i begins.
`Network delay.1
`Time when client requests fragment i.
`Time when client begins playing back fragment i.
`Time when the most recent chunk in fragment i begins.
`Fragment duration.
`Chunk duration.
`Live latency of fragment i.
`Starting delay of fragment i, i.e., tp,i − tr,i.
`(a) fragment-based approach
`(b) server-wait approach
`(c) chunked encoding approach
`Fig. 2. Analytical model for live latency and starting delay.
`A. Fragment-Based Approach
`The fragment-based approach is used in the existing HTTP
`live streaming solutions[9][10][11]. The basic unit of HTTP
`requests and responses is a video fragment, which is defined
`in the magnitude of seconds (e.g., 4 seconds in a typical
`live streaming use case). Pseudocode 1 describes the detailed
`procedure of the fragment-based scheme. The client first re-
`quests the metadata to bootstrap the video session (henceforth
`referred as bootstrap) from the server, which indicates the
`most recent fragment that has been published. Then, the client
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`requests the fragment indicated by the bootstrap, and the server
`responds with the entire requested fragment.
`Pseudocode 1 fragment-based HTTP live streaming
`1: Client requests bootstrap information;
`2: Server responds with bootstrap indicating fragment i has
`been published;
`3: repeat
`Client requests fragment i;
`Server responds with fragment i;
`Client plays fragment i;
`i ← i + 1;
`8: until Client stops playing;
`We analyze the live latency and starting delay of the
`fragment-based scheme using the three time lines (camera,
`server, and client) shown in Fig. 2(a). The live latency of video
`fragment i can be expressed as:
`Li = tp,i − ti
`= tr,i − ti + 2λ
`= df + 2λ + tr,i − ti+1
`In the fragment-based approach,
`the client would request
`fragment i after fragment i has been published to the media
`server and before fragment i + 1 is read.2 Therefore, tr,i is
`within the following range:
`ti+1 + λ ≤ tr,i ≤ ti+2 + λ
`Combining Equations (1) and (2) and considering df = ti+2−
`ti+1, we obtain:
`df + 3λ ≤ Li ≤ 2df + 3λ
`The starting delay of the fragment-based approach can be
`calculated as:
`Di = tp,i − tr,i = 2λ
`B. Server-Wait Approach
`The server-wait approach is a new streaming scheme with
`a small modification to the fragment-based approach. The
`fundamental change is that the client requests the current
`video fragment that is being published and not the one that
`has already been completely ready and published. In order to
`accomplish this, the client requests the next fragment after the
`one indicated by the bootstrap information. Since the fragment
`has not been completely ready at the time when the client
`requests it, the server would wait until the completion of the
`fragment before it sends out the response. We describe the
`detailed procedure of the server-wait scheme in Pseudocode
`2. The modifications compared to the fragment-based approach
`lie in lines 4∼6, where the client requests the next fragment,
`and the server waits for the completion of the fragment.
`2In actual scenarios, a client buffer may be used and the request may be
`delayed. However, this analysis focuses on minimum live latency and ignores
`the client buffer.
`Pseudocode 2 server-wait HTTP live streaming
`1: Client requests bootstrap information;
`2: Server responds with bootstrap indicating fragment i has
`been published;
`3: repeat
`Client requests fragment i + 1;
`Server waits until fragment i + 1 is published;
`Server responds with fragment i + 1;
`Client plays fragment i + 1;
`i ← i + 1;
`9: until Client stops playing;
`Fig. 2(b) shows the timelines and major events in the server-
`wait scheme. Similar to Equation (1), we calculate the live
`latency as shown in Equation (5) to be approximately one
`fragment duration.
`Li = tp,i − ti = df + λ
`Similar to Equation (4), the starting delay can be expressed
`Di = tp,i − tr,i = ti+1 + λ − tr,i
`Since the client requests the current fragment that is being
`published, we have the following range for tr,i:
`ti + λ ≤ tr,i ≤ ti+1 + λ
`Combining Equations (6) and (7) and considering df = ti+1−
`ti, we obtain the range for Di:
`0 ≤ Di ≤ df
`C. Chunked Encoding Approach
`The server-wait approach reduces the live latency to approx-
`imately one fragment duration. However, it still does not break
`the correlation between live latency and fragment duration.
`Also, the increased starting delay (up to one fragment dura-
`tion) raises another concern to the user experience. In order
`to break the correlation and further reduce the live latency,
`we propose an HTTP chunked encoding based approach. Our
`intuition is that the only way to break the fragment dependence
`is to introduce a finer granularity than that of a video fragment
`for HTTP responses. On the other hand, in order not to cause
`the number of requests/responses to explode, the basic unit
`for HTTP request (i.e., fragments) should not become smaller.
`These two goals seem contradictory to each other. However,
`we show that both of them can be satisfied by leveraging HTTP
`chunked encoding as defined in the HTTP 1.1 specification[3].
`HTTP chunked encoding enables the HTTP server to send
`out partial responses to a request for dynamically generated
`content. The partial responses can be assembled by the client
`to form up an entire response. More importantly, the client
`is able to consume any received partial response before the
`reception of all the parts. Note that chunked encoding breaks
`up the basic unit of responses while maintaining that of
`requests, which satisfies both goals we discussed for live
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`latency reduction. Pseudocode 3 shows the detailed procedure
`of the chunked encoding approach. We evenly divide a video
`fragment into n smaller chunks for chunked encoding. Similar
`to the server-wait approach, the client requests the fragment
`that is being published (fragment i + 1 in line 4). On the
`server side, although fragment i + 1 is not complete, there are
`j chunks that are already published. In this case, the server
`would send out chunk j immediately after it receives the client
`request and keep sending the remaining chunks of fragment
`i + 1 once they are ready. The client can play chunk j as soon
`as it is delivered.
`Pseudocode 3 chunked encoding-based HTTP live streaming
`1: Client requests bootstrap information;
`2: Server responds with bootstrap indicating fragment i has
`been published;
`3: repeat
`Client requests fragment i + 1;
`Server checks that chunk j of fragment i + 1 has been
`while j ≤ n do
`// n is the number of chunks in a fragment
`Server sends out chunk j;
`Client plays chunk j
`j ← j + 1;
`end while
`i ← i + 1;
`13: until Client stops playing;
`The analysis of timelines for the chunked encoding approach
`is shown in Fig. 2(c). Since the client can start playing chunk j
`as soon as it is delivered as a partial response, the live latency
`Li = tp,i − tc,i = tr,i + 2λ − tc,i
`According to Fig. 2(c) and Pseudocode 3, the client request
`for fragment i + 1 arrives in between the completion times of
`chunk j and chunk j + 1. Therefore,
`tc,i + dc ≤ tr,i + λ ≤ tc,i + 2dc
`Combining (9) and (10), we have the following range for live
`dc + λ ≤ Li ≤ 2dc + λ
`the starting delay stays the same as the
`From Fig 2(c),
`fragment-based approach:
`Di = tp,i − tr,i = 2λ
`D. Summary and Discussion
`We summarize the analysis of live latency and starting delay
`for the three schemes in Table II. We assume the typical
`case that the network and encoding/decoding latency is in the
`order of hundreds of milliseconds, and the fragment/chunk
`duration is in the order of seconds. Therefore, λ << dc and
`λ << df . Based on this assumption, we can conclude that
`the server-wait approach reduces the live latency from 1∼2
`fragment durations to 1 fragment duration, but it increases
`the starting delay to up to 1 fragment duration. The chunked
`encoding approach further reduces the live latency to 1∼2
`chunk durations while still maintaining the original low start-
`ing latency. In a typical use case when we set df =4 sec and
`dc=1 sec, we can obtain 4x reduction in the live latency while
`maintaining the same starting delay (2λ, where λ << dc).
`More importantly, in the chunked encoding scheme, the live
`latency is independent of fragment duration, which enables
`the possibility of increasing the fragment duration and thus
`reducing the number of requests and responses in HTTP live
`video streaming. This results in reducing the load on HTTP
`servers/caches and improving their performance considerably.
`This is another huge benefit we obtain from the chunked
`encoding scheme.
`chunked encoding
`Live Latency
`(df + 3λ) ∼ (2df + 3λ)
`(dc + λ) ∼ (2dc + λ)
`Starting Delay
`0 ∼ df
`We designed and implemented the chunked encoding
`scheme into a live video streaming prototype. The overall
`architecture of the prototype is shown in Fig. 3. The live
`video encoder encodes the live video captured by a camera
`into a common video format (e.g., mp4 and f4v). Then, the
`encoded video is published to the media server via a low
`latency push-based media streaming protocol, such as RTP or
`RTMP.3 The live video packager at the media server packages
`the video stream into video chunks and stores them into a
`media file. The media file is deployed on an HTTP server that
`provides live video streaming to the video player via HTTP
`requests and responses. In this section, we discuss the design
`and implementation issues in the following components: live
`video packager, media file, HTTP server, and video player.
`Fig. 3. Architecture and data flow of the live video streaming system.
`3We use RTMP in the implementation of our prototype.
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`A. Live Video Packager
`The live video packager receives the live video stream from
`the video encoder in a frame-by-frame manner. It outputs the
`fragmented video stream to a media file. Each fragment is
`further divided into smaller chunks with a constant chunk
`duration, dc. We use constant chunk duration to ensure that
`the times needed for publishing and playing a video chunk are
`approximately equal, which ensures that the server is able to
`send out the next chunk before the depletion of the current
`chunk from the client buffer. We use a time-based approach
`to package the live video stream into chunks. The live video
`packager keeps a buffer to hold the incoming video frames.
`When the time interval between the oldest and newest frames
`in the packaged content exceeds dc, the live video packager
`flushes the content of the buffer as a new chunk to the media
`B. Media File
`that has been
`The media file stores the video content
`published and serves as the source for live video streaming
`to the end user. In the existing HTTP live video streaming
`scheme without chunked encoding, the format of the media file
`is based on fragments, as shown in Fig. 4(a). With chunked
`encoding, as shown in Fig. 4(b), video chunks become the
`basic unit in the media format. However, the new format
`still maintains the fragment information (e.g., metadata (post)
`indicates the end of a fragment), because the HTTP request
`from client is still on a fragment basis.
`Fig. 4. Format of media files (one fragment).
`C. HTTP Server
`The HTTP server sends out video fragments on a chunk-by-
`chunk basis upon a fragment request from the client. We use a
`pull-based mechanism to check periodically whether a chunk
`is published and ready to be sent. We show the processing
`flow of the HTTP server in Fig. 5. The server waits for a pre-
`configured time and checks the media file for new chunks. If
`there is any new chunk available, it forms up a response with
`the chunk and sends it to the client. If the current chunk is
`the last one of the entire fragment, which is indicated by the
`metadata (post) in Fig. 4(b), the server sends out a zero chunk
`which ends the response to the current fragment request. Note
`that a push mechanism is arguably a superior approach that
`would give better server performance. Implementing a push
`based approach and its performance impact is currently left as
`future work.
`Fig. 5. Flow of the HTTP server.
`D. Video Player
`The video player has two tasks in the chunked encoding
`approach. First, it requests the current fragment that is being
`published to the media server. Second, it plays back the video
`as soon as receiving each chunk from the HTTP server.
`One possible downside of using a low latency system
`(irrespective of whether it is traditional real time or HTTP
`streaming) is that the video buffer at the player may not
`maintain a large buffer of video content, because any content is
`played back as soon as it is received. If there is a temporary
`slowdown or packet loss in the network, it may cause the
`video buffer to be depleted before the next chunk arrives. In
`this case, the video playback may freeze and the live latency
`would increase by at least the freezing time. By the time when
`the network recovers, the video playback can still continue as
`the accumulated chunks would still be received via the reliable
`HTTP connection. However, the live latency cannot catch up
`to compensate for the freezing time unless the player decides
`to skip ahead.
`We address this issue by enabling a fast forwarding mech-
`anism in the video player.4 The fast forwarding mechanism
`ensures that the client plays back the video content faster than
`the wall clock time, in the case where the length of the video
`buffer is beyond a threshold value. In our implementation of
`the prototype, we set the threshold value for fast forwarding
`as the chunk duration dc.
`A. Live Latency Measurements
`We embed timecode in the video while encoding to measure
`the live latency. In particular, the encoder embeds a timecode
`(system time) to a video stream every 15 frames. When the
`client plays a video frame that has a timecode, it fetches the
`system time and subtracts the timecode from it to obtain the
`live latency for that frame. By collecting the calculated live
`latency every 15 frames at the client, we can obtain the profile
`of live latency over time. Furthermore, we either ensure that
`the system time is synchronized between the encoder and the
`player or we run the two on the same machine when collecting
`experimental results.
`B. Live Latency
`We measure the live latency of the fragment-based, server-
`wait, and chunked encoding approaches in order to verify
`our analytical results in Section III. Since the client may
`begin the live video streaming at any random time point,
`we repeat the experiment using each approach 50 times to
`obtain a distribution of possible live latency values. Fig. 6
`4We use the fast forwarding mechanism in the OSMF player[9].
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`Page 0005


`the live latency. However, the latency can recover very soon
`(within seconds) because of the use of the fast forwarding
`scheme. Also, the jitters can be avoided by increasing the
`client buffer, which is a common approach in any HTTP
`or non-HTTP live streaming approaches for improving user
`(a) df =4 sec
`(b) df =10 sec
`Fig. 6. Probability density of live latency using fragment-based, server-wait,
`and chunked encoding schemes: (a) when the fragment duration is 4 seconds,
`and (b) when the fragment duration is 10 seconds.
`shows our experimental results of the frequency (probability
`density) at which each latency value occurs. In Fig. 6(a), we
`set fragment duration df =4 sec and chunk duration dc=1 sec.
`We observe that the most likely latency value in the frag-
`ment-based, server-wait, and chunked encoding approaches is
`5.5∼7.5 sec, 6.5 sec, and 2.5 sec, respectively. This matches
`with our analytical results in Section III (df∼2df , df , and
`dc∼2dc, respectively). In Fig. 6(b), we set df =10 sec and
`dc=1 sec. The latency values in the three approaches follow
`the same pattern that matches our analytical results. Note
`that in Fig. 6(b) the most likely live latency in the chunked
`encoding approach is the same as that in Fig. 6(a) (2.5 sec).
`This validates that the live latency in our chunked encoding
`approach is independent of fragment duration.
`C. Reliability
`We evaluate the reliability of the chunked encoding ap-
`proach by executing the implemented prototype on a lossy
`wireless network. Fig. 7 shows our experimental results for a
`800-second video playback, where df =4 sec and dc=1 sec.
`The live latency stays constantly around 2.5 sec in more than
`90% of the time. During the playback, we observe around 10
`times that the video buffer is depleted that causes a jitter in
`Reliability test using the chunked encoding approach. The video
`Fig. 7.
`streaming is on a lossy wireless network and lasts for 800 seconds.
`We have introduced a new HTTP chunked encoding ap-
`proach to reduce the latency in live video streaming. We com-
`pared the chunked encoding approach with the fragment-based
`and server-wait schemes in the proposed analytical model
`and real experiments. Both the analysis and experimental
`results showed that the chunked encoding approach reduces the
`latency from 1∼2 fragment durations to 1∼2 chunk durations
`while still keeping a low starting delay. We showed that the
`low latency HTTP live video streaming approach enables the
`possibility of using large fragments to improve HTTP server
`and cache performances.
`[1] A. Begen, T. Akgul, M. Baugher, Watching Video over the Web. IEEE
`Internet Computing, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2011, pp. 54-63.
`[2] S. Akhshabi, A. Begen, C. Dovrolis, An Experimental Evaluation of Rate-
`Adaptation Algorithms in Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, MMSys 2011,
`pp. 157-168.
`[3] R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, T.
`Berners-Lee, Hypertext Transfer Protocol – HTTP/1.1, RFC 2616, June
`[4] Cisco Visual Network Index (VNI), 2009,
`[5] H. Schulzrinne, A. Rao, R. Lanphier, Real Time Streaming Protocol
`(RTSP), RFC 2326, April 1998. http:/
`[6] Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) specification 1.0, Adobe Systems
`[7] YouTube, http://www.
`[8] Adobe Flash Media Server,
`[9] Open Source Media Framework,
`[10] Microsoft Smooth Streaming,
`[11] Apple HTTP Live Streaming,
`[12] MPEG advances Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH)
`toward completion,
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