` )
`Google LLC, )
` )
` Petitioner, )
` )
` vs. )IPR2022-01411
` )IPR2022-01412
`WAG Acquisition, L.L.C., )IPR2022-01413
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` Deponent testifying from Morgan Hill, California
` Monday, August 21, 2023
` Volume I
`Stenographically Reported By:
`Melissa M. Villagran, RPR
`CSR No. 12543
`Job No. 6056498
`PAGES 1 - 103
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` )
`Google LLC, )
` )
` Petitioner, )
` )
` vs. )IPR2022-01411
` )IPR2022-01412
`WAG Acquisition, L.L.C., )IPR2022-01413
` )
` Patent Owner. )
`Volume I, taken on behalf of Petitioner with all
`participants appearing remotely via videoconference
`and the Deponent testifying from Morgan Hill,
`California, beginning at 9:07 a.m. and ending at
`12:40 p.m. on Monday, August 21, 2023, before
`Melissa M. Villagran, RPR, Certified Shorthand
`Reporter No. 12543.
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`A P P E A R A N C E S :
`A L L A T T E N D E E S A P P E A R I N G R E M O T E L Y
`F o r P e t i t i o n e r :
` C O O L E Y
` B Y : E A M O N N G A R D N E R
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` 1 1 4 4 1 5 t h S t r e e t , S u i t e 2 3 0 0
` D e n v e r , C o l o r a d o 8 0 2 0 2
` 8 5 8 . 5 5 0 . 6 0 0 8
` E g a r d n e r @ c o o l e y . c o m
`F o r P a t e n t O w n e r :
` L I S T O N A B R A M S O N
` B Y : R O N A L D A B R A M S O N
` M I C H A E L L E W I S
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` 4 0 5 L e x i n g t o n A v e n u e , 4 6 t h F l o o r
` N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k 1 0 1 7 4
` 2 1 2 . 2 5 7 . 1 6 4 3
` r o n . a b r a m s o n @ l i s t o n a b r a m s o n . c o m
`3 4
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
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`Volume I
`Exhibit 1101 Deposition from July 6, 2023 15
`Exhibit 1102 Deposition from August 3rd, 2023 15
`Exhibit 1594 '594 Patent 12
`Exhibit 1636 '636 Patent 12
`Exhibit 1824 '824 Patent 13
`2 3
`8 9
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`Exhibit 2006 10
`Exhibit 2007 10
`Exhibit 1006 68
`Exhibit 2002 78
` (None.)
` (None.)
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`1 2
`8 9
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` Morgan Hill, California; Monday, August 21, 2023
` 9:07 a.m.
`having been administered an oath, was examined and
`testified as follows:
` Q Mr. Hoarty, can you state your full name for 09:07:56
`the record.
` A For the -- excuse me.
` For the record, my full name is William Leo
` Q And, Mr. Hoarty, where are you located today? 09:08:04
` A Today I'm in my home in Morgan Hill,
` Q Is there anyone else in the room with you
` A Nobody is in the room with me. I am alone. 09:08:17
` Q Before we get started, Mr. Hoarty, I just
`want to reflect on the record that Petitioner Google
`served a notice for this deposition on August 7th
`stating that the deposition would be recorded by
`stenographic audio and video means. 09:08:43
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` Petitioner Google then scheduled a
`videographer for the deposition today. And not
`until shortly before the deposition did the patent
`owner WAG raise any objections or any issues to
`that. 09:09:12
` MR. GARDNER: Is that correct, Mr. Abramson?
` MR. ABRAMSON: That's correct that we raised
`an objection -- we have raised an objection to video
` MR. GARDNER: Today, correct? 09:09:26
` MR. ABRAMSON: Today.
` Q Now, Mr. Hoarty, you've been deposed before,
` A Yes, sir. 09:09:35
` Q Approximately how many times have you been
` A I believe approximately 20.
` Q You have also been through multiple recent
`depositions, correct? 09:09:47
` A Correct.
` Q So is it fair to say that you have a good
`understanding of how depositions proceed and the
`general rules governing depositions?
` A Correct. 09:09:58
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` Q In that case, I won't spend everybody's time
`going through deposition basics. But I do want to
`remind you that we both need to do our best to not
`talk over each other, especially because we're doing
`this over the Zoom conferencing system. 09:10:16
` Is that fair?
` A That's fair.
` Q Also, I will try to ask the best questions I
`can today. But I'm sure from time to time I might
`ask something that is unclear. If I do that, I ask 09:10:30
`that you seek clarification.
` Is that fair?
` A That's fair.
` Q And if you answer a question without seeking
`clarification, I will assume that you understood the 09:10:40
` Is that fair?
` A That's fair.
` Q Is there any reason, such as medications or
`health condition, that you feel you cannot answer 09:10:52
`questions accurately today?
` A No. No problem.
` Q Do you have any materials with you today?
` A I have my deposition documents, the two of
`them, and the exhibits of this matter. 09:11:06
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` Q When you say "deposition documents," what do
`you mean by deposition documents?
` A I wrote two declarations for this matter
`covering the three patents, so the -- at issue.
` Q I see. 09:11:25
` And just to clarify, so when -- I think you
`had said depositions. But did you mean
` A I did. I'm sorry. I've only had one cup of
`coffee. But I'll hurry up -- I'll hurry up on the 09:11:36
`second cup so I'll get my words in order. My
` Q Sounds good.
` The documents you have, are those printed
`documents, or do you have them in electronic form? 09:11:47
` A I have them in electronic form on a screen
`next to me, just on my left.
` Q Do you have any printed materials with you?
` A I do not.
` Q Do you have any -- do you currently have any 09:11:58
`files opened on your computer?
` A I do.
` Q What files do you have opened?
` A My declarations, the two of them, and then
`the exhibits that go to this matter. 09:12:14
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` Q Do you have any other programs open on your
`computer other than the Zoom chat that you are --
` A No. Everything else -- Zoom -- the Zoom
`application is running. Everything else is shut
`down except for the PDF reader that has the 09:12:34
`documents in the matter.
` Q And just to clarify for the record, you had
`said that you have your two declarations open and
`available to you; is that correct?
` A Yes. 09:12:54
` Q One of those declarations is Exhibit 2002; is
`that correct?
` A Exhibit 2007 is one. I'm sorry. Let me
`memorize -- Exhibit 2006 and 2007 are my exhibit
`numbers for my two declarations. 09:13:17
` Q You said Exhibit 2006.
` Can you double-check that to see if it's
` A Sure. I may have to ask for assistance from
`counsel. Let me bring up my -- my rest of -- let me 09:13:36
`bring up the folder that they're in.
` This is Google. I'm sorry. 2002 is the
`exhibit for Patents '826 and -- '824 and '636. My
` I have too many documents open. I will 09:14:15
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`straighten this out. My apologies.
` Q No need to apologize. I just want to make
`sure we're on the same page.
` All right.
` So I just want to get this into the record, 09:14:26
`and we'll try to make it as quickly as possible.
` So you understand that the -- you are here to
`testify today about the expert declarations, those
`two expert declarations that you submitted in the
`Google or in the IPRs that were filed by Google, 09:14:45
` A Correct.
` Q All right.
` And those two declarations cover three
`patents, correct? 09:15:00
` A Correct.
` Q And the first is U.S. Patent No. 9729594.
` Can we call that the '594 patent for short?
` A Yes, of course.
` Q And the declaration that you submitted on the 09:15:17
`'594 patent, that would be Exhibit 2007, correct?
` A Correct.
` Q The other two patents are U.S. Patent
`No. 9762636.
` Can we refer to that as the '636 patent 09:15:37
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` A Yes.
` Q And U.S. Patent No. 9742824, and can we refer
`to that as the '824 patent today?
` A Yes. 09:15:51
` Q Exhibit 2002, I think you already said is the
`declaration that you provided for the IPRs that are
`related to both the '824 and the '636 patents; is
`that correct?
` A Correct. 09:16:08
` Q And it's just a single identical declaration
`for both the '824 and the '636 patent IPRs, correct?
` A It's the same document, correct.
` Q Now, for -- for the purposes of the
`deposition, we premarked and introduced the '594 09:16:30
`patent as Exhibit 1594. We introduced the '636
`patent as Exhibit 1636. And we introduced the '824
`patent as 1824.
` (Exhibit 1594 was marked for
` identification and is attached
` hereto.)
` (Exhibit 1636 was marked for
` identification and is attached
` hereto.)
` ///
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` (Exhibit 1824 was marked for
` identification and is attached
` hereto.)
` Q My understanding, Mr. Hoarty, is you have 09:17:01
`copies available to you for the 594636 and '824
`patents; is that correct?
` A That is correct.
` Q What did you do to prepare for today's
`deposition? 09:17:20
` A I reviewed my two declarations. I reviewed
`the -- the asserted patents in the matter.
` Q When you say the two asserted patents in the
`matter, what are you refer --
` A No. I didn't say two patents. I said the 09:17:38
`asserted -- the other patents that were from
`the -- asserted in this matter, Exhibits 1002
`through 1008.
` Q Any other documents that you reviewed?
` A I have -- I reviewed the Dr. Polish 09:18:01
`declaration, Exhibit 2002, and the patents
`themselves, Exhibit 1001, which is the '594 patent.
`And then, of course, the two you just cited, '824,
` Q Maybe I'll ask a better question to get us 09:18:24
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`through this quickly.
` Did you review any documents outside of
`exhibits or declarations that are already introduced
`into this matter?
` A No, I did not. 09:18:41
` Q Sir, you also submitted declarations in other
`IPR proceedings that are related to some of the same
`patents, correct?
` A Correct.
` Q And you were deposed in relation to those 09:18:57
`other IPR proceedings; is that correct?
` A Correct.
` MR. GARDNER: Mr. Abramson, I don't know the
`best way to do this, but I had premarked a copy of
`Mr. Hoarty's July 6, 2023 deposition as Exhibit 1101 09:19:11
`and a copy of Mr. Hoarty's August 3rd, 2023
`deposition as Exhibit 1102.
` How would you like to handle allowing
`Mr. Hoarty to have access -- have access to those
`documents? 09:19:44
` MR. ABRAMSON: You can put them through the
`Google -- through the Zoom chat, I suppose.
` COURT REPORTER: Can we go off the record for
`a minute.
` MR. GARDNER: Yeah, let's do that. 09:20:00
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` (Exhibit 1101 was marked for
` identification and is attached
` hereto.)
` (Exhibit 1102 was marked for
` identification and is attached
` hereto.)
` (Recess.)
` Q Mr. Hoarty, you've been provided a copy of
`Exhibit 1101. 09:27:03
` A Yes.
` Q Can you open that document?
` A Give me one more second, and I'll be able to
`do that.
` Okay. I have it open. 09:27:41
` Q And Exhibit 1101 is a copy of your deposition
`from July 6, 2023, correct?
` A It appears to be, yes.
` Q And during that deposition, you answered
`questions honestly, correct? 09:27:54
` A Yes, that's correct.
` Q And you stand by the testimony you provided
`during that deposition, correct?
` A I believe so.
` Q I'm hopeful that I will save us all time by 09:28:04
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`not having to recover all of the subject matter that
`you went through during that deposition, but I want
`to confirm, Mr. Hoarty, that you adopt your
`testimony at --
` MR. ABRAMSON: Hold on. I'm going to object 09:28:23
`insofar as this transcript is not -- is not signed.
` MR. GARDNER: First, Mr. Abramson, you can
`note an objection to form, but I'm going to proceed
` MR. ABRAMSON: I object that the 09:28:43
`deposition -- the transcript is -- is not signed.
`And I object to the extent -- that this question,
`whether he adopts it or not, is beyond the scope of
`his direct testimony in this case.
` Object. 09:29:00
` MR. GARDNER: Okay.
` MR. ABRAMSON: My objection is noted.
` You may proceed.
` Q Mr. Hoarty, do you adopt your testimony from 09:29:07
`that IPR just the same as you would provide the same
`testimony today if I asked you the same questions?
` MR. ABRAMSON: Objection. Those questions
`are beyond the scope of this direct examination in
`this case. 09:29:23
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` THE DEPONENT: I -- I don't know how to
`answer because I haven't -- I haven't -- I'd have to
`review what I said. I think in the intervening
`month, I perhaps could be more concise or -- in one
`answer or another. 09:29:44
` But without reviewing this, I would be unable
`to say that I'm going to -- say the same thing today
`if you asked me the same question. Although the
`intent will be the same and my opinions will remain
`the same, I think you'll find -- I can perhaps 09:30:00
`better -- better -- more clearly respond to your
`questions than several months ago.
` Q And did you -- have you since that deposition
`reviewed those deposition transcripts? 09:30:14
` A Actually, I have not. I'm sorry to say. I
`did not.
` Q Let me just ask you again, for Exhibit 1101,
`for your July 6, 2023 deposition, you answered
`questions during that deposition honestly, correct? 09:30:34
` A I did.
` Q And you stand by your testimony, correct?
` MR. ABRAMSON: Objection; beyond the scope of
` THE DEPONENT: Again, I'd like to -- in 09:30:44
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`general -- I can say in general, yes, but
`specifically, I would really like to have a chance
`to look at this.
` Q Do you recall anything from that deposition 09:30:55
`that you think you answered dishonestly or
` A God, I wish my memory were that good.
` There are many patents at issue.
` MR. ABRAMSON: Objection. 09:31:11
` THE DEPONENT: I'm sorry. Go ahead.
` Q So I'll just ask again.
` Do you recall anything from that deposition
`that you think you answered dishonestly or 09:31:18
` A I do not recall anything that was dishonest
`or incorrect.
` Q Let's go to Exhibit 1102. Can you open that
`document? 09:31:31
` A All right. One second. I'm sorry. It just
`takes it a second to open. Okay. I'm on 1102.
` Q And is this a copy of your deposition
`transcript from August 3rd, 2023?
` A It appears to be. 09:31:58
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` Q And during that deposition, did you answer
`questions honestly, Mr. Hoarty?
` MR. ABRAMSON: I'm going to object again.
` This -- I believe this transcript is signed,
`and these questions are -- these questions are 09:32:16
`beyond the scope of direct.
` MR. GARDNER: Mr. Abramson, you are limited
`to objecting to form.
` MR. ABRAMSON: I'm not limited to objection
`to form. Go back and read the trial practice guide. 09:32:31
`My objection was proper, and I stand on the
` Q Mr. Hoarty, did you answer questions honestly
`during your August 3rd, 2023 deposition? 09:32:46
` A Yes.
` Q And do you stand by the testimony you
`provided during your August 3rd, 2023 deposition?
` MR. ABRAMSON: Objection. It's beyond the
`scope of this direct. 09:32:59
` THE DEPONENT: All I can say is that on
`occasion, I was perhaps misunderstood a question. I
`might not have answered as clearly as I could have
`or fully understand -- understood a question.
` So without reviewing -- without a specific 09:33:13
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`question, I can say, in general, I did my best.
`There were things I didn't fully understand that
`perhaps I could have answered better.
` Q Are you aware -- are you aware of any 09:33:29
`examples of that?
` A Again, I truly wish my memory were that
`articulate, but without -- without looking at the
`document or being referenced to a particular
`question, that would not -- I don't have a specific 09:33:43
`example that I could provide.
` Q Do you have the '594 patent available,
`Mr. Hoarty?
` A I do.
` Q Can you open that? 09:33:57
` A I will. Give me one second.
` It's open.
` Q Can you go to Claim 1 of the '594 patent?
` A Sure.
` Okay. I'm there. 09:34:23
` Q Actually, before I do this, do you also have
`the '636 and '824 patents open?
` A I have '834 open. I can get '636. I have
`two of the three. But give me one second.
` Okay. They are open. 09:35:13
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` Q I want to start with Claim 1 of the '594
` Are you there?
` A I am.
` Q And Claim 1 of the '594 patent recites a 09:35:21
`method for operating a media player to receive and
`play an audio or video program.
` Do you see that?
` A I do.
` Q Now, I want you to move to Claim 1 of the 09:35:33
`'636 patent.
` A Okay.
` Q In Claim 1 -- sorry.
` Are you there?
` A Almost. I am there. 09:35:50
` Q Claim 1 of the '636 patent recites a method
`for distributing a live audio or video program.
` Do you see that?
` A I do.
` Q And can you go to Claim 1 of the '824 patent? 09:36:01
` A One second.
` Let me just adjust something here so it's a
`little bit easier for me to dance around here. I'm
`sorry. I thought I had that lined up. My
`apologies. 09:36:39
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` Okay. I have it.
` Q Claim 1 of the '824 patent recites (as read):
` "A method for distributing over the
` Internet from a server system to one
` or more user systems a prerecorded 09:36:51
` audio or video program."
` Do you see that?
` A I do.
` Q So just for the record, the '594, the '636,
`and the '824 all reference an audio or video program 09:37:10
`in the preamble, correct?
` A Correct.
` Q In your view, Mr. Hoarty, other than the
`difference between live and prerecorded, does the
`phrase "audio or video program" in the '594, '636, 09:37:26
`and '824 patents mean the same thing?
` MR. ABRAMSON: Object; beyond the scope.
` THE DEPONENT: On the face of it. It appears
`that audio and video program would mean the same
`thing. 09:37:48
` Q Can you go to back to the '594 patent?
` And I would like you to go to Column 14.
` A All right. I'm there.
` Q And in Column 14 at line 56, there's a 09:38:08
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`sentence that reads (as read):
` "The user computer then continues
` with additional data requests for the
` duration of playing the audio/video
` material." 09:38:26
` Do you see that?
` A I do.
` Q And in your opinion, Mr. Hoarty, these lines
`would help a person of skill in the art understand
`the meaning of audio or video program in the claims. 09:38:40
` Correct?
` A I would presume so. Yes.
` Q And you agree, Mr. Hoarty, that when the
`specification says, quote, for the duration of
`playing, end quote, that could be only 10 seconds of 09:39:02
`a 1-minute video, correct?
` MR. ABRAMSON: Object; beyond the scope of
` THE DEPONENT: Without any further context,
`duration is whatever it implies, whatever the user 09:39:20
`-- as a POSITA, assume it made reference to a user
`of the system's choice.
` Q And that could be just a portion of the audio
`or video program, correct? 09:39:43
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` A Yes. As far as I understand human nature,
` MR. ABRAMSON: Object to the form.
`BY MR. GARDNER: 09:39:58
` Q So you would agree, Mr. Hoarty, that an audio
`or video program might only refer to a portion of
`the program, correct?
` A I believe it could.
` Q Are you aware that the patent owner has taken 09:40:14
`the position that an audio or video program refers
`to the entirety of an audio or video program?
` A I can see how that could -- that could easily
`be the case. It's a term that can be used in
`context. 09:40:40
` Q But you agree in the context of the claims
`and in the patent that audio/video program could
`refer to either a portion of the audio or video
`program or the entirety of the audio/video program,
`correct? 09:40:55
` MR. ABRAMSON: Object to the form.
` THE DEPONENT: If it's in reference to a
`claim and the intent of the claim, I would not have
`an opinion.
`/// 09:41:03
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` Q But at least the portion of the specification
`that we looked at in the '594 patent in Column 14,
`lines 56 through 58, you would understand that to
`reference that the audio or video program could be 09:41:27
`just a portion of the program or the entirety of the
`program, correct?
` MR. ABRAMSON: Object to form.
` THE DEPONENT: In the context of the
`specification, it would -- as a POSITA, I would read 09:41:43
`that as the duration that the user was viewing the
` Q And we agree that could be just a portion of
`the program, correct? 09:41:56
` MR. ABRAMSON: Object -- just object to the
`form. He answer -- he answered the question.
` Q I'm not sure. There's no answer on the
`record. So -- 09:42:06
` MR. ABRAMSON: He answered the previous
`question, and you asked it again. He answered
` MR. GARDNER: I'll ask the question again.
`/// 09:42:17
`Veritext Legal Solutions
` 866-299-5127
`Page 25
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1103
`Google LLC v. WAG Acquisition, IPR2022-01413
`Page 0025


` Q Can we agree that the duration that the user
`was viewing the program could just be a portion of a
`program, correct?
` MR. ABRAMSON: Object to the form. 09:42:26
` THE DEPONENT: In the -- in the context of
`the specification, I would read this it would be as
`the user computer is playing for the duration that
`the user wishes the program to play.
`BY MR. GARDNER: 09:42:42
` Q I just want to be clear, Mr. Hoarty, that
`that could just be a portion of the program,
` A Sure. I watched the beginning of Top Gun
`last night. But my wife is tired of me watching it 09:42:53
`for the 50th time, so I only watched the first
`5 minutes. So yes, it could be whatever -- whatever
`the user chooses.
` Q I want to go back to Claim 1 of the '594
`patent. 09:43:12
` A Okay.
` I'm there.
` Q You see, I guess it's in the second
`limitation, where it recites "receiving each" and
`starts there. 09:43:35
`Veritext Legal Solutions
` 866-299-5127
`Page 26
`Petitioner's Exhibit 1103
`Google LLC v. WAG Acquisition, IPR2022-01413
`Page 0026


` A I do.
` Q And

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