Comparative Evaluation of
`Server-push and Client-pull Architectures for Multimedia Servers(cid:0)
`Sriram S. Rao
`Harrick M. Vin
`Ashis Tarafdar
`Distributed Multimedia Computing Laboratory
`Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin
`Taylor Hall 2.124, Austin, Texas 78712-1188, USA
`E-mail: fsriram,vin,, Telephone: (512) 471-9732, Fax: (512) 471-8885
`Realizing a wide range of multimedia services will require
`the development of high performance, integrated multime-
`dia servers (or file systems) which can efficiently manage
`the storage, access, and transmission of audio, video, and
`textual objects. Traditionally storage servers have em-
`ployed fundamentally different mechanisms for managing
`the storage and access of each of these objects. Whereas
`most conventional text file systems employ a client-pull ar-
`chitecture, most video servers proposed in the literature
`employ a server-push architecture. Hence, the most funda-
`mental question is: what is an appropriate architecture for
`integrated multimedia servers? In this paper, we take a step
`towards addressing this question by outlining the qualita-
`tive and quantitative differences between the server-push
`and client-pull architectures.
`1 Introduction
`Recent advances in computing and communication tech-
`nologies have made it feasible as well as economically
`viable to provide on-line access to a variety of information
`sources (such as books, images, video clips, newspapers,
`etc.) over high speed networks. Since these sources may
`contain multiple types of information (namely, imagery,
`audio, video, as well as textual and numeric data), the re-
`alization of such services will require the development of
`high performance, integrated multimedia servers (or file
`systems) which can efficiently and simultaneously manage
`the storage, access, and transmission of a variety of hetero-
`geneous objects.
`Traditionally, storage servers have employed fundamen-
`tally different mechanisms for managing the storage and
`access of audio, video, and textual data. For instance, most
`conventional text file systems employ a client-pull architec-
`ture, in which the server retrieves information from disks
`(cid:0)This research was supported in part by IBM, Intel,
`National Science Foundation (Research Initiation Award CCR-
`9409666), NASA, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
`(MERL), Sun Microsystems Inc., and the University of Texas
`at Austin.
`only in response to an explicit read request from a client
`[4]. Observe that, although such servers generally em-
`ploy some prefetching and caching techniques to improve
`the performance of retrieval, due to the aperiodic nature
`of accesses, requests for retrieving information from the
`disk subsystem are triggered only in response to explicit
`access requests from the client. On the other hand, due
`to the sequential and periodic nature of digital video play-
`back, most video servers proposed in the literature service
`client requests by proceeding in terms of periodic rounds
`[1, 2, 5, 8]. During each round, the server retrieves and
`transmits a fixed number of media units (i.e., frames) for
`each client. The retrieval and transmission proceeds con-
`tinuously, without any explicit requests from the clients,
`until a request to terminate the playback is received by the
`server. We refer to such servers as employing a server-push
`Given that integrated multimedia servers of the future
`will be required to efficiently and simultaneously support
`textual/numeric as well as audio and video objects, the most
`fundamental question is: what is an appropriate architec-
`ture for integrated multimedia servers? Since server-push
`architecture cannot be used for unpredictable, aperiodic re-
`quests, it is clear that integrated multimedia servers must
`employ the client-pull architecture. Hence, the fundamen-
`tal question becomes: can we adapt the client-pull architec-
`ture to efficiently service audio and video requests? What
`are the tradeoffs between using such an adaptation of the
`client-pull architecture vs. a server-push architecture for
`audio and video requests? Clearly, if the requirements
`imposed by audio and video objects can be easily and ef-
`ficiently met by the client-pull architecture, then the in-
`tegrated multimedia server will need to support only the
`client-pull architecture (i.e., a relatively small extension of
`the existing file systems may suffice). If, on the other hand,
`server-push architecture is both qualitatively and quantita-
`tively superior to its client-pull counterpart for meeting the
`requirements of audio and video objects, then both client-
`pull and server-push architectures will need to co-exist in
`an integrated server (i.e., a fundamental shift in paradigm
`as compared to conventional file systems).
`Although the problem of designing multimedia servers
`Petitioners' Exhibit 1028
`Page 0001


`has received substantial attention over the past few years,
`almost no effort has been devoted to the evaluation of these
`two architectures.
`In this paper, we take a step towards
`addressing this limitation by outlining the qualitative and
`quantitative differences between the server-push and client-
`pull architectures. Since digital video is more demanding
`with respect to storage space and bandwidth requirement
`as compared to audio, we will compare these architectures
`with respect to their ability to meet the requirements of
`video streams.
`The rest of this paper is organized as follows: we de-
`scribe the operational semantics of a video server employ-
`ing the server-pull and the client-pull architectures in Sec-
`tions 2 and 3, respectively. A comparative evaluation of
`the two architectures is presented in Section 4, and finally,
`Section 5 summarizes our results.
`2 Server-push Architecture
`A multimedia server using the server-push architecture ex-
`ploits the sequential and periodic nature of media playback
`and services multiple streams by proceeding in fixed du-
`ration rounds. To maintain playback continuity, the server
`accesses sufficient number of media units to sustain play-
`back at the clients for the duration of a round, and ensures
`that the total time spent in retrieving the media units does
`not exceed the duration of a round.
`To formulate these requirements, consider a multimedia
`server that is servicing n clients, each retrieving a video
`stream S (cid:2) S(cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:2) Sn, respectively. Let Pi denote the
`playback rate (expressed in frames/sec) for stream Si, and
`let R denote the duration of a round (expressed in seconds).
`Then, the number of frames fi of stream Si accessed during
`a round is given by:
`(cid:2) (cid:4)
`fi (cid:0) Pi (cid:2) R
`Assuming that the storage of media units is organized on
`disk in terms of media blocks (each containing several me-
`dia units), the server can: (1) exploit the sequentiality of
`video playback to determine the set of media blocks to be
`accessed in a round; (2) batch all of these requests; and (3)
`employ disk scheduling algorithms (e.g., SCAN, greedy
`[9]) to minimize the seek time and rotational latency in-
`curred during the retrieval.
`Determination of the round duration R is governed by
`the following tradeoffs. Increasing the duration of the round
`increases the number of media units, and hence the num-
`ber of media blocks, accessed during a round. In a disk
`array based server, since successive blocks of a stream are
`stored on different disks, increasing the number of blocks
`to be accessed during a round decreases the average seek
`time and rotational latency overhead per block (since it is
`amortized over a larger number of blocks). Consequently,
`increasing the round duration yields an effective increase
`in the throughput of the server, which, in turn, increases
`the number of clients that can be serviced simultaneously.
`The rate of increase in the effective throughput, however,
`monotonically decreases with increase in the round dura-
`tion, and saturates beyond a certain value. The threshold
`beyond which any increase in the round duration does not
`yield an increase in the number of clients is a function of
`the disk performance characteristics (i.e., seek time, rota-
`tional latency, data transfer rate, etc.), the media block size,
`as well as the number of disks in the array. A multime-
`dia server can select the round duration to be equal to this
`threshold value to maximize the number of clients that can
`be serviced simultaneously. On the other hand, since the
`round duration also determines the amount of information
`that is pre-fetched, the server may determine the round du-
`ration based on the buffer space availability at the server
`and client sites.
`T plk (cid:0) T pl
` (cid:5)
`3 Client-pull Architecture
`In the client-pull architecture, a server retrieves informa-
`tion from disk subsystem only in response to explicit read
`requests from clients. Consequently, if such an architecture
`is employed by a multimedia server, then to ensure play-
`back continuity, clients must issue retrieval requests such
`that the requested media units are available at the client
`sites prior to their scheduled playback instants. To meet
`this objective, the client must: (1) determine the playback
`instants of media units and (2) estimate the time instants at
`which retrieval requests for media units must be issued.
`Since the storage of media units is organized on disk
`in terms of fixed size blocks, clients can reduce the com-
`munication overhead associated with the read requests by
`accessing information from the server in terms of media
`blocks (instead of media units).
`In such a scenario, the
`client can define the playback instant of a media block as
`the time at which the first frame stored in that media block
`has to be displayed. Thus, if T pl and T pl
`k denote the time at
`which playback was initiated at the client and the playback
`instant of block k, respectively, then we have:
`jPk(cid:0) j(cid:3) Fjk
`where, Fj denotes the number of frames (including the
`fractional frames) stored in the jth media block, and Pi
`denotes the playback rate of stream Si.
`Having determined the playback instant of a media
`block, the client has to estimate response time (i.e., the
`network transmission delay as well as the queuing delay
`incurred at the server) of a request, and then issue the re-
`quest appropriately. Specifically, if (cid:7) denotes the response
`time estimate, then the time at which retrieval request for
`media block k is issued (denoted by T rek ) must satisfy:
`k (cid:3) T pl
`T re
`(cid:2) (cid:4)
`k (cid:4) (cid:7)
`Whereas the queuing delay at the server depends on the
`number of clients being serviced, the rate at which requests
`are issued by the clients, and the service rate (or throughput)
`of the disk subsystem; the queuing delays at the network
`depend on the traffic mix, the specifics of the network pro-
`tocol, and the scheduling algorithms employed in the net-
`work. Consequently, the estimate of (cid:7) may widely vary
`over time. Moreover, the process of deriving an accurate
`estimate is non-trivial. Consequently, a client may utilize a
`worst-case estimate of (cid:7) derived by assuming a maximum
`load scenario (e.g., maximum number of clients that may
`need to be serviced simultaneously by the server). This
`will certainly simplify the implementation of clients, al-
`beit at the expense of larger buffer space requirement and
`increased initiation latency.
`Petitioners' Exhibit 1028
`Page 0002


`4 Comparative Evaluation
`In what follows, we highlight the qualitative and quantita-
`tive differences between the server-push and the client-pull
`4.1 Qualitative Differences
`To provide QoS guarantees, both server architectures must
`employ admission control algorithms. These admission
`control algorithms utilize information regarding the cur-
`rent load as well as estimates for the data rate requirement
`of the new client, and determine whether the new client can
`be admitted for service without violating the requirements
`of the clients already in service. Once admitted, the server
`must ensure that the QoS guarantees provided to the clients
`are realized. Observe that deterministic admission control
`algorithms, which provide deterministic service guaran-
`tees to clients by making worst-case assumptions during
`the admission control process, ensure that the system re-
`sources (e.g., network and disk bandwidth) are never over-
`subscribed. This simplifies the task of providing service
`that meets the QoS guarantees, albeit at the expense of
`lower server and network utilization. On the other hand, if
`the server employs statistical admission control algorithms
`to improve utilization, then the system resources may be-
`come overloaded during transient periods.
`By exploiting the sequentiality and periodicity of media
`playback, a server-push architecture is able to predict the
`bit rate requirement of each round, and thereby detect such
`overload prior to its occurrence. This makes it possible for
`the server to take corrective actions (e.g., read-ahead blocks
`from the bottleneck disks in prior rounds, reduce the reso-
`lution level of each object being accessed, etc.) to eliminate
`the transient overload, while ensuring that the QoS require-
`ments of the none of the clients being serviced are violated
`[3, 10]. However, to achieve this objective, the server must
`maintain the state of each of the client (for instance, for a
`client retrieving a video stream, the state information being
`maintained at the server may include the playback rate at
`the client, the next frame to be accessed, the QoS desired by
`the client, and the QoS being provided). The client-pull ar-
`chitecture, on the other hand, migrates the complexity and
`the task of maintaining continuous playback (or in general,
`meeting the QoS requirements of the applications) to the
`clients. The server is relatively simple and maintains very
`little state information. Since a client does not possess in-
`formation regarding the QoS requirements of all the other
`clients, development of overload control policies, which
`can ensure that the QoS requirements of all the clients are
`met, poses a formidable task. In fact, the literature to-date
`does not contain any schemes for achieving this objective.
`A fundamental advantage of the client-pull architecture
`is that it is inherently suitable for supporting adaptive appli-
`cations over heterogeneous computing and communication
`environments (e.g., shared inter-networks) with dynami-
`cally changing resource availability. This is because, with
`changes in resource availability, the client can alter its re-
`quest rate so as to ensure that it can keep pace with the
`server. To illustrate, when the load on CPU increases or
`when the response time estimates indicate that the network
`is congested, then an adaptive media playback application
`can reduce its bandwidth requirements by requesting only
`a subset of blocks, or by requesting the delivery of a lower
`resolution version of the same object.
`The server-push architecture, in its simplest form, does
`not assume any feedback from the clients at all. In fact,
`admission of a client for service constitutes a “contract” be-
`tween the server and the client: the server guarantees that it
`will access and transmit sufficient information during each
`round so as to meet the QoS requirements of the client; and
`the client guarantees that it will keep pace with the server
`by consuming all the data transmitted by a server during
`a round within a round duration. Note that such contrac-
`tual requirements can be easily met by clients and servers
`in video-on-demand environments, in which the server is
`connected to dedicated hardware (e.g., set-top boxes) at
`client sites over dedicated communication links. How-
`ever, in an integrated multimedia computing environment,
`in which the computing and the communication resources
`may be shared by a wide range of clients and applications,
`the server and clients may not always be able to maintain
`respective ends of their contract (and may need to alter
`their requirements and service based on the availability of
`resources). Supporting such adaptive applications will re-
`quire the development of additional protocols.
`Finally, in both architectures, a real-time communication
`channel for transmitting media streams must be established
`from the server to the client sites when a client is admitted
`for service. However, in the client-pull architecture, an
`additional guaranteed real-time channel must be established
`from clients to server so as to obtain some delay guarantees
`for the delivery of retrieval request messages. Even though
`the bandwidth requirement of such a channel is low, it
`represents an additional cost to the system.
`4.2 Quantitative Comparison
`To evaluate the performance of servers that employ ei-
`ther of these architectures, we have carried out extensive
`trace-driven simulations. Trace data from several MPEG
`encoded VBR video streams were used for the simulations,
`and the performance of both architectures was evaluated
`under similar load conditions. We used the following three
`metrics for evaluating the two server architectures: (1) the
`number of clients that can be supported by the server, (2)
`the playback initiation latency, and (3) the buffer space
`(cid:5) Number of clients: Round-based scheduling enables
`the server-push architecture to batch the set of blocks
`to be accessed from the disk subsystem, and thereby
`employ efficient disk scheduling algorithms (e.g.,
`SCAN). On the contrary, a server employing the client-
`pull architecture services client requests in the order
`received, and hence, incurs high seek time and rota-
`tional latency overhead. Such a server can improve the
`throughput by employing disk scheduling techniques
`such as SCAN-EDF [6]. However, our experiments
`have demonstrated that, even in such a scenario, the
`number of clients that can be supported by the client-
`pull architecture were 5% to 20% (for block sizes of
`256KB and 32KB, respectively) lower as compared to
`the corresponding server-push architecture [7].
`(cid:5) Initiation latency: We define initiation latency to be
`the difference between the time at which playback is
`Petitioners' Exhibit 1028
`Page 0003


`initiated and the time at which the request is trans-
`mitted by the client. Since a server-push architecture
`schedules the retrieval of blocks for a client only at
`round boundaries and transmit blocks accessed during
`a round in the following round, the time interval be-
`tween submitting a request to the server and receiving
`the first packet containing the result may vary between
`(cid:9)R(cid:2) R(cid:10). A server employing the client-pull architec-
`ture, on the other hand, may initiate the retrieval of a
`block in response to a request immediately, and hence,
`may yield very small initiation latencies.
`Observe that a server employing the push architec-
`ture can substantially reduce the initiation latency by
`modifying the round schedule generated prior to the
`receipt of a new request such that: (1) the new request
`is serviced as soon as possible and (2) the QoS require-
`ments of the clients already in service are not violated.
`In fact, our experiments have demonstrated that, by
`employing such a scheme, the initiation latency of a
`server-push architecture can be brought within 10ms
`of the client-pull architecture [7].
`(cid:5) Buffer space requirement: Since round-based schedul-
`ing synchronizes the accesses of blocks from each
`disk, and hence requires simultaneous buffer allo-
`cations, the server-push architecture imposes higher
`buffer space requirements at the server as compared
`to its client-pull counterpart. Assuming the same net-
`work transmission protocol is used in either archi-
`tecture, while servicing 110 clients, the difference in
`buffer requirement at the server end between the two
`architectures was about 2MB - which, given the cur-
`rent memory prices, is insignificant [7].
`The buffer space requirement at the client site, on the
`other hand, is a function of the amount of information
`read-ahead by the client prior to initiating playback.
`Our experiments have demonstrated that, given similar
`load conditions, the buffer space requirement of the
`server-push architecture is higher by 500KB [7].
`5 Concluding Remarks
`Realizing a wide range of multimedia services will require
`the development of high performance, integrated multime-
`dia servers (or file systems) which can efficiently man-
`age the storage, access, and transmission of audio, video,
`and textual objects. Traditionally storage servers have em-
`ployed fundamentally different mechanisms for managing
`the storage and access each of these objects (e.g., client-pull
`architecture of conventional text file systems vs. the server-
`push architecture of most video servers). In this paper, we
`have taken a step towards defining the architecture of in-
`tegrated multimedia storage servers. Specifically, we have
`described the qualitative differences between the server-
`push and client-pull architectures. We have described the
`results of our preliminary experiments which demonstrate
`that: (1) the server-push architecture supports 5% to 20%
`larger number of clients as compared to the client-pull ar-
`chitecture and (2) both architectures impose nearly the same
`buffer requirement and yield similar initiating latencies. We
`are currently in the process of carrying out a detailed evalu-
`ation of these two architectures. We expect that the results
`of our experiments will define the architecture of integrated
`multimedia storage servers of the future.
`6 Acknowledgments
`This study was suggested, in part, by Pawan Goyal. Addi-
`tionally, the analysis and the experiments presented in this
`paper have immensely benefited from the discussions with
`Pawan Goyal, Scott Page, C. S. Raghavendra, and Prashant
`[1] D. Anderson, Y. Osawa, and R. Govindan. A File
`System for Continuous Media. ACM Transactions on
`Computer Systems, 10(4):311–337, November 1992.
`[2] J. Gemmell and S. Christodoulakis. Principles of De-
`lay Sensitive Multimedia Data Storage and Retrieval.
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`[3] P. Goyal and H.M. Vin. Network Algorithms and
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`1379, March 1996.
`[4] M. K. McKusick, W. N. Joy, S. J. Leffler, and R. S.
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`[8] F.A. Tobagi, J. Pang, R. Baird, and M. Gang. Stream-
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`Petitioners' Exhibit 1028
`Page 0004

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