`(12) (19) (CA) Dem ande-Application
`(21) (Al) 2,284,588
`(51) Int.Cl.® HO4L 12/24, H04Q 11/04
`(30) 1997/03/14 (2,200,011) CA
`(30) 1997/03/14 (2,200,009) CA
`(30) 1997/04/08 (60/043,080) US
` Nl
` Stats Collectors
` Daily
`(57) La présente invention concerne un procédé de
`gestion d’un réseau de télécommunications consistant en
`la mise a jour d’une base de données contenant des
`données relatives aux agréments de niveau de service
`pour des usagers utilisant un modéle d’objet. Des
`données provenant de données du réseau relatives au
`fonctionnement du réseau sont comparées en continu aux
`données stockées dansla base de données. On produit un
`rapport 4 partir de ces données montrant les niveaux de
`fonctionnement pour
`satisfaisant aux engagements stockés dans la base de
`données relatives aux données concernant les agréments
`de niveau de service.
`ivi Industrie Canada
`Industry Canada
`(57) A method managing a telecommunications network
`which involves maintaining a database containing data
`relating to service level agreements with customers using
`an object model. Data from the network data relating to
`the performance of the network is continually compared
`with data stored in the database. A report is generated
`based on this data showing the performance levels for
`individual customers in meeting commitments stored in
`the database containing data relating to the service level
`Google Exhibit 1043
`Google Exhibit 1043
`Google v. Valtrus
`Google v. Valtrus
`CA 02284588 1999-09-14
`International Bureau
`(51) International Patent Classification 6;
`(11) International Publication Number:
`WO 98/42102
`(43) International Publication Date:
`24 September 1998 (24.09.98)
`HO4L 12/24, H04Q 11404 (21) International Application Number:
`(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR,
`BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB, GE,
`LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW,
`Mx, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL,
`patent (GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European
`patent (AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE,IT,
`LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, Cl,
`CM, GA, GN, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`With international search report.
`Before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of the receipt of
`(22) Internationa! Filing Date:
`16 March 1998 (16.03.98)
`(30) Priority Data:
`14 March 1997 (14.03.97)
`14 March 1997 (14.03.97)
`8 April 1997 (08.04.97)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): CROSSKEYS
`Drive, Kanata, Ontario K2K 2W5 (CA).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only); FORGET, Leo [CA/CA];
`55 Forest Creek, Stittsville, Ontario K2S 1M1 (CA).
`13 Riding Way, Kanata,
`Ontario K2M 1C3 (CA).
`(74) Agent: MITCHELL, Richard, J.; Marks & Clerk, P.O. Box
`957, Station B, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5S7 (CA).
`Totals Monthly
`(57) Abstract
`A method managing a telecommu-
`nications network which involves main-
`taining a database containing data re-
`lating to service level agreements with
`customers using an object model. Data
`from the network data relating to the
`performance of the network is contin-
`ually compared with data stored in the
`database. A report is generated based on
`this data showing the performance lev-
`els for individual customers in meeting
`commitments stored in the database con-
`taining data relating to the service level
`Events Collectors
`Stats Collectors
`Raw Daily
`Events and
`Old States
`Daily QOS
`CA 02284588 1999-09-14
`a4 eon
`The presentinvention relates to a method of managing a telecommunications
`network, and in particular to a method of monitoring the compliance with service level
`More and more telecommunications services are now becomingavailable to the
`consumer. In packet switched networks, unlike circuit switched networks, customers are
`not given a dedicated circuit; their data is statistically multiplexed with data from other
`sources. Each customer pays for a particular level of service, and it is therefore important
`to ensure that the customeris receiving the level of service he has paidfor.
`There is a thus need for a system that managesservice level agreements (SLAs)
`between telecommunications service providers and their business customers. Part of the
`managementprocessthat relates to SLAs is the comparison ofthe service providers’
`performancevis-a-vis specific guarantees that it may provide to its customer. Such a
`system must be capable of handling vast amountsofdata.
`A object of the invention is to provide such a system.
`According to the present invention there is provided a method managing a
`telecommunications network comprising the steps of creating an object model
`representing actual service elements in a network; collecting raw data from said actual
`service elements in the network and storing said raw data in said object model;
`maintaining a database containing data relating to service level agreements with
`customers using the object model, continually comparing the raw data in the object model
`with the data stored in said database, and generating a report showing the performance
`levels for individual customers in meeting commitments.
`The method may be implemented, for example, on a Sun Sparc Ultra 2 Unix-
`based workstation and, for example, work in conjunction with a Newbridge Networks
`Corporation 46020 network manager.
`In a preferred embodimentthe event is generated when the discrepancy between
`performancelevels and commitments exceed a predetermined threshold value.
`As a specific example, consider a case where the service provider guarantees a
`Cell Loss Ratio of a specific percentage for an ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
`PVCservice. This ratio is guaranteed over a monthly period. A PVC (permanentvirtual
`circuit ) is a logical circuit between two points used to carry bi-directional information.
`The Cell Loss Ratio indicates the quality of a specific service by providing a
`measurementof the amountofdata loss by the service provider’s network due to various
`reasons such as network congestion and network failure. The Cell Loss Ratio for an ATM
`PVC basedservice is calculated using the following formula:
`CLR =((2), Ra+ > Rz)-(2 Ta+% Tz)y( x Rat D Rz) * 100
`CA 02284588 1999-09-14
`where CLR = Cell Loss Ratio
`Ra = numberofdata cells received by the provider’s network from side A
`Rz = numberof data cells received by the provider’s network from side Z
`Ta = numberofdata cells transmitted by the service providerto side A
`Tz = numberof data cells transmitted by the service providerto side Z.
`Data whichrelates to Ra, Rz, Ta, and Tz is typically available from the ATM
`switching equipmentin the form ofstatistical counters that are regenerated every fifteen
`minutes. Variousotherstatistics, provided by the ATM switching equipment, are required
`for the verification of other service quality metrics.
`These statistical counters must be collected by a managementsystem in order to
`aggregate and summarize the various quality metrics associated with each service. This
`involves storing and managing millionsofstatistical counters that are required to manage
`the services offered by a typical service provider. In order to gain a better perspective as
`to the magnitudeof this need, let’s consider the following typical example.
`A service provider must measure service performance metrics on 50,000 PVC
`services. Each PVC service generates 2 statistical reports per 15 minute interval ( 1 for
`each side of the PVC ). Eachstatistical report consists of an identifier, a time stamp,
`and 8 statistical counters. Thus in this scenario, the management system must process 9.6
`million records (50,000*2*96 intervals ). Furthermore, raw statistical information must
`typically be available on-line for up to 60 days. Thus the system must manage ( 9.6 * 60)
`576 million records or 54 gigabytes of storage space.
`Ideally, all of this information should be in one database table. Given the size of
`the table (576 million records), it must be indexed or searches in this table would be
`cumbersomeand time consuming. Conversely, the processing to add 9.6 million records
`to an indexed table of 576 million records would take days, as the amount of time
`required to load data into an indexed table grows exponentially with respect to the volume
`of data already in the table.
`The difficulty is how to manageeffectively and efficiently this vast quantity of
`data that changesrapidly in real time. This is quite a daunting task.
`In a preferred embodiment, a plurality of working table fragments forming part of
`a fragmented table are created in memory,data is loaded in successive predetermined
`time periods into successive table fragments in a predetermined sequence, and the data are
`processed separately when loaded into the table fragments.
`The data are preferably loaded into said table fragments using a round robin table
`fragmentation strategy.
`The invention also provides a telecommunications network service level manager
`comprising a database containing data relating to service level agreements with customers
`CA 02284588 1999-09-14
`- 20 -
`using an object model; a database defining an object model representing actual service
`elements in a network; meansfor receiving from the network raw datarelating to the
`WO 98/42102
`CA 02284588 1999-09-14
`performanceof the network; meansfor continually comparing the data received from the
`network with data stored in said database, and meansfor generating a report based on said
`data showing the performancelevels for individual customers in meeting commitments
`stored in said database containing data relating to said service level agreements.
`The inventionstill further provides a method ofcontrolling a computerin an
`object-oriented environment wherein descriptors implemented as an object oriented class
`are used to store meta information on other classes in the system.
`The invention will now be described in more detail, by way of example only, with
`reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:
`Figure | is a software architecture diagram of a systemin accordance withthe invention;
`Figure 2 is a data flow diagram;
`Figure 3 is a databaseentity relationship diagram for the object model,
`Figure 4 showsthe entities contained in the SMIB;
`Figure 5 showsthe entities contained in the HIB;
`Figure 6 showsthe entities contained in the SIB;
`Figure 7 is a software Architecture Diagram showing daily data process flow;
`Figure 8 showsthe system table fragmentationstrategy;
`Figure 9 showsa fragmented HIB table and related entries in the DBSpace usagetable in
`the SMIB;
`Figure 10 illustrates the identifying and detaching aged data in a HIB table;
`Figure 11 illustrates the attaching of new data to a table in a HIB and updating the
`Dbspcace usage table in the SMIB;
`Figure 12 shows combinationsofstart and completion times of states, caused by events in
`the SMIB;
`Figure 13 showsthe object models for a telcom information managementarchitecture;
`Figure 14 illustrates the different types of descriptors that are employed in the system;
`Figure 15 showsthe top layer object model;
`Figure 16 shows the admin entity in Figure 13; and
`Figure 17 showsthe service layer object model of Figure 13.
`Aswill be apparent from the following description, the invention implements an object
`model to efficiently construct the management system capable of handling a large volume
`of information. Referring now to Figure 1, Database Monitor (ckdbmon) 1 exchanges
`messages with the system databases, namely the service management information
`database (SMIB)2, the historical information database (HIB)3, summarized information
`database (SIB) 4, and Network Interface Systems Director (the Keep Alive Process) 5.
`The ckdbmon 1 does not interface directly with the system databases, but with a relational
`CA 02284588 1999-09-14
`WO 98/42102
`database management system (RDBMS) 7 employed by the system, namely Informix
`Online version 7.13.
`The Monthly Frame Relay and ATM Statistics are derived from the Daily Frame Relay
`and ATM summarizationsalready contained in the SIB 4. This is indicated in Figure 2
`with the asterisk (*). Figure 3 illustrates the process flow ofthis data as it relates to the
`daily processing of the system Data.
`The Data Management Framework consists of a database monitoring tool, load and
`unload utilities, and several scripts that employ the load and unloadutilities in order to
`migrate and summarize data between the various databases. The monitoring component
`utilizes the Network Interface keep alive process and the monitoring tool’s outputis
`logged in a Network Interface Logging Tool compatible format 8. The advantages of
`doing so are that the logging interface is common between the database and network
`interface frameworks, and the ability to reuse coded andtested tools is provided.
`The load and unloadutilities also use the log tool formatto postall operational andalert
`messages, as do the utility scripts.
`The role of the monitoring tool | is to ensure that the system databases do not exceed
`predefined space utilization thresholds, that the System databases remain active and
`available to the end users, and that the Informix Onlinespecific event log file (typically
`called online.log) does not grow too large. Should sections of the System databases
`becometoo full (exceeding the threshold), a message is posted, via the log tool, to the
`System Administrator (not shown).
`If, for some reason, the System databases are in an unavailable state (due to Informix
`Online being brought off-line), the monitor 1 will make several attempts to restart
`Informix Online and will again post an alert to the System Administrator stating that
`Informix Onlineis off-line and it (the monitor) is attemptingto restart it.
`Whenthe Informix specific event log file exceeds the predefined size that the monitoris
`gauging it against, the monitor 1 will removelogfile entries (checkpoint notification
`messages only), starting with the oldest ones, until the log file again fits within a specified
`size range.
`These monitoring functions provide the System Administrator with more freedom,asless
`manual checking of the System Databases status is necessary. Additionally, the monitor
`promotes greater System database availability as the most common database operation-
`stopping difficulty, namely running out of space, is monitored andalerts are sent in
`anticipation of a problem occurring,not just in response to one.
`The Director 5 (the Network Interface keep alive process) ensures that the database
`monitor (ckdbmon)1 is started and remains active. The ckdbmon,in turn, ensures that the
`database management system 7 (Informix Online) remains active. Ckdbmon 1 will
`WO 98/42102
`CA 02284588 1999-09-14
`shutdowngracefully, if it receives a shutdown command from the Director 5. However
`ckdbmonwill not shut down Informix Online when the Director’s shutdown messageis
`Informix may only be broughtoff-line by the Administrator explicitly issumg the valid
`Informix commands (onmode -uy, followed by onmode -ky). Informix is immuneto the
`Director’s shutdown commands, and cannotbe broughtoff-line by ckdbmon,sothat the
`System databases may remain on-line, and available, even if the Director or ckdbmon
`should experience difficulties and shutdown.
`Figure 3 illustrates an example of an object model in accordance with the mvention. In
`Figure 3, the object entities are defined as follows.
`Service Entities
`The customeris a legally identified organization that is contracting
`for the supply of one or more services from one or moreservice
`Parent to: Contract, Current Service, Historical Service, Contact
`via Customer id number.
`The contract is a legal administrative and technical document
`describing what will be provided to the Customer, how and whenit
`will be provided and the terms and conditions under whichit will
`be provided. It also describes the obligations placed upon the
`Parent to: Current Service, Historical Service, Contact, Contract
`Threshold via Contract id number.
`Child of: Customer via Customer id number.
`Contract Threshold
`Contract Thresholds are SLA thresholds that are associated with a
`Child of: Contract via Contract id number.
`Current Service
`A service is anything that the service provider determinesthat
`customers wish to purchaseandthat the service provideris willing
`to supply. A Current Service record contains information on a
`currently provided service.
`Parent to: Service Component, Contact via Service id number.
`WO 98/42102
`CA 02284588 1999-09-14
`Child of: Customer via Customer id number, Contract via Contract
`id number, Service Profile via Service Profile id number.
`Historical Service
`A service is anything that the service provider determinesthat
`customers wish to purchaseandthat the service provideris willing
`to supply. A Historical Service record contains information that
`was current until the associated customer, contract, or service
`profile changed.
`Child of: Customer via Customer id number, Contract via Contract
`id number, Service Profile via Service Profile id number.
`A Contact unambiguously identifies a person whocarries out a role
`associated with a specific service entity (Customer, Contract,
`Current Service).
`Child of: Customer, Contract, Current Service via service entity id
`number, Person via Person id number.
`Service Component
`A service componentis any network entity that is used within a
`service offered to a customer. Each service can consist of one or
`more service components. At the time of the network entity
`creation, the service componentwill not be related to any service.It
`may be assigned to a serviceatalater time.
`Parent to: Frame Relay PVC, Frame Relay CTP, ATM PVC, ATM
`CTP, TDM Circuit, TDM NI, Service Information, Events, Current
`State, Old State via Service Component id number.
`Child of: Current Service via Service id number.
`Service Profile
`A service profile describes the characteristics of a specific service
`or group ofservices.
`Parent to: Current Service, Historical Service, Valid Service
`Component, Service Profile Threshold via Service Profile id
`Valid Service Components
`A description of each Valid Service Componentthat can be
`associated with a Service Profile.
`Child of: Service Profile via Service Profile id number.
`Service Profile Threshold
`WO 98/42102
`CA 02284588 1999-09-14
`Service Profile Thresholds are SLA thresholds that are associated
`with a Service Profile.
`Child of: Service Profile via Service Profile id number.
`Administrative Entities
`A role identifies all the actions, with respect to the System,that a
`user in a specific job function is permitted to perform.
`Parent to: User, Entity Access via Role id number.
`A user is a communicating entity which is registered in the Resolve
`Databases for the purpose of performing tasks with the Resolve
`Parent to: Audit Entry via User id number. Additionally, all
`creation of and modifications to Customers, Contracts, Current
`Services, Historical Services, Service Profiles, Network Entities
`(PVC’s, CTP’s, NI, etc.), Roles, Persons can be performed by
`existing Userids only.
`Child of: Person via Person id number, Role via Role id number.
`A personis a specific individual. All Contacts must be Persons. All
`Users must be Persons.
`Parent to: Contact, User via Person id number.
`Audit Entry
`An audit entry is generated each time user performs an operation.
`This entry contains references to the user, the action performed,the
`type of entity operated on, and the time the operation occurred.
`Child of: User via User id number, Valid Entity Operations via
`Entity/Operation number.
`Entity Access Control
`This entity is used to define what operations, on whatentity, are
`permitted for a given role. One instanceofthis record is created for
`each entity to which a specific role has privileges on.
`Child of: Role via Role id number, Valid Entity Operations via
`Entity/Operation number.
`Valid Entity Operations
`CA 02284588 1999-09-14
`WO 98/42102
`This entity 1s used to define valid operation and entity
`combinations for the Resolve System. These combinationsare then
`used to assign Entity Access to Roles, and to create Audit
`Parent to: Audit Entry, Entity Access Control via Entity/Operation
`Frame Relay Permanent Virtual Circuit.
`Parent to: FR NP, FR CTP via Network Entity id number.
`Child of: Service Component via Network Entity 1d number.
`Frame Relay Circuit Termination Point. A FR PVC will have two
`or more (two in this release) Termination Points. Future services,
`such as multicast connections will have multiple CTP’s.
`Child of: FR PVC, Service Componentvia Circuit id number.
`Network Entities
`Frame Relay Network Performance. This entity consists of network
`performancestatistics collected from each FR PVC path end.
`Parent to: FR PVC Daily NP, FR PVC Monthly NP via FR PVC id
`number, and Path End id number.
`Child of: FR PVC via FR PVC id number.
`FR PVC Daily NP
`FR PVC Daily Network Performance. Daily summarization of FR
`PVC Network Performance.
`Child of. FR NP via FR PVC id number, and Path End id number.
`FR PVC Monthly NP
`FR Monthly Network Performance. Monthly summarization of FR
`PVC Network Performance.
`Child of: FR NP via FR PVC id number, and Path End id number.
`Asynchronous Transfer Mode Permanent Virtual Circuit.
`Parent to: ATM NP, ATM CTPvia Network Entity id number.
`Child of. Service Component via Network Entity id number.
`WO 98/42102
`CA 02284588 1999-09-14
`Asynchronous Transfer Mode Circuit Termination Point. An ATM
`PVC will have two or more (two in this release) Termination
`Points. Future services, such as multicast connections will have
`multiple CTP’s.
`Child of: ATM PVC, Service Componentvia Circuit id number.
`Asynchronous Transfer Mode Network Performance. This entity
`consists of network performancestatistics collected from each
`ATM PVCpath end.
`Parent to: ATM PVC Daily NP, ATM PVC Monthly NP via ATM
`PVCid number, and Path End id number.
`Child of. ATM PVC via ATM PVCid number.
`ATM PVC Daily Network Performance. Daily summarization of
`ATM PVC Network Performance.
`Child of: ATM NP via ATM PVCid number, and Path End id
`ATM PVC Monthly NP
`ATM Monthly Network Performance. Monthly summarization of
`ATM PVC Network Performance.
`Child of: FR NP via FR PVC id number, and Path End id number.
`TDM Circuit
`Current State
`Time Division Multiplexing Circuit.
`Parent to: TDM NIvia Network Entity id number.
`Child of: Service Component via Network Entity id number.
`Time Division Multiplexing NetworkInterface.
`Child of: TDM Circuit, Service Component via TDM Circuit id
`An Eventis information describing an occurrence on the network
`entity for which a report is required.
`Parent to: Current State, Old State via Event id number.
`Child of. Service Component via Network Entity id number.
`WO 98/42102
`CA 02284588 1999-09-14
`Old State
`The Current State of each Service Componentis described. The
`Event id numberlinks this entity to the Event which caused the
`Service Componentto be in its Current State.
`Child of: Service Component via Network Entity id number, Event
`via Event id number.
`Previousstates of each Network Entity. This entity also describes
`the duration of time (in seconds) that the Network Entity was in a
`Child of: Service Component via Network Entity id number, Event
`via Event id number.
`FR PVC Daily Quality of Service. This entity describes the quality
`of service provided, for each Frame Relay PVC NetworkEntity,
`with respect to availability time, outage time, etc. on a daily basis.
`The QOSstatistics are derived from the data contained in the Old
`State entity.
`Child of: Old State via Network Entity id number.
`FR PVC Monthly QOS
`FR PVC Monthly Quality of Service. This entity describes the
`quality of service provided, for each Frame Relay PVC Network
`Entity, with respect to availability time, outage time, etc. on a
`monthly basis. The QOSstatistics are derived from the data
`contained in the Old State entity.
`Child of: Old State via Network Entity id number.
`ATM PVC Daily Quality of Service. This entity describes the
`quality of service provided, for each Asynchronous Transfer Mode
`PVC Network Entity, with respect to availability time, outage time,
`etc. on a daily basis. The QOSstatistics are derived from the data
`contained in the Old State entity.
`Child of: Old State via Network Entity id number.
`ATM PVC Monthly QOS
`WO 98/42102
`CA 02284588 1999-09-14
`ATM PVC Monthly Quality of Service. This entity describes the
`quality of service provided, for each Asynchronous Transfer Mode
`PVC Network Entity, with respect to availability time, outage time,
`etc. on a monthly basis. The QOSstatistics are derived from the
`data contained in the Old State entity.
`Child of: Old State via Network Entity id number.
`TDM Daily QOS
`TDM Daily Quality of Service. This entity describes the quality of
`service provided, for each Time Division Multiplexing Circuit
`Network Entity, with respect to availability time, outage time,etc.
`on a daily basis. The QOSstatistics are derived from the data
`contained in the Old State entity.
`Child of: Old State via Network Entity id number.
`TDM Monthly QOS
`TDM Monthly Quality of Service. This entity describes the quality
`of service provided, for each Time Division Multiplexing Circuit
`Network Entity, with respect to availability time, outagetime,etc.
`on a monthly basis. The QOS statistics are derived from the data
`contained in the Old State entity.
`Child of: Old State via Network Entity id number.
`System Entities
`Service Info
`Info Type
`This entity is used as an attach point for addition description
`information relating to the Network Entities.
`Child of: Service Component via Network Entity id number, Info
`Type via Info Type id number.
`This entity is used to specify the type of service information that
`can be associated with each Network Entity.
`Parent to: Service Info via Info Type id number.
`Stat Collector Info
`This entity contains information regarding each setofstatistics that
`is collected.
`Event Collector Info
`This entity contains information regarding each event collection
`46020 Event Translation
`WO 98/42102
`CA 02284588 1999-09-14
`This entity maps 46020 events to Resolve events.
`46020 Stat Translation
`This entity maps 46020statistics to Resolvestatistics and indicates
`whichstatistics should be gathered for the Resolve Databases.
`46020 CallAtt Translation
`This entity maps 46020 objects to Resolve Network Entities. This
`includes the ability to map more than one Network Management
`System’s objects.
`Table Version Info
`This entity is used to track the version of each physicaltable in the
`Resolve Databases. This table ensures that incorrect versions of
`data are not restored.
`Archive Info
`This entity tracks all Resolve archives, both full database backups
`of the SMIB and SIB, and daily table backups within the HIB.
`DBSpace Usage
`This entity keeps track ofall the dbspaces available and in use in
`the Resolve Databases. This entity is used to maintain the large
`inflow and outflow of data to the HIB.
`The Physical Database Design is the physical, or actual, representation of the Object
`Modeland Logical Database Design. In mostinstances, the physical design maps quite
`closely to the logical design, but some deviations may be to achieve greater response
`performance,or to take advantage of additional features of the RDBMS employed,or to
`accommodate a lack of required features in the RDBMS.
`The SMIB2 is an operational!data store. It contains both ‘soft data’ - data (customer,
`contract, SLA) that can be derived from other Service Provider systems, and data that is
`in a constant state of flux - Service and Service Componentdata.
`The SMIB2is the definitive source from which to derive inventory and status reports on
`the Networks, the impact on Service Provider Customers, and the appropriate individuals
`to contact with respect to Network events.
`Dueto the fact that a sizable portion of the SMIB’s data is changed daily, the SMIB is
`enabled as a transaction logging database. That is, any changes madeto the SMIB are not
`only stored in the database, but also recorded in transaction logs that can be replayed in
`the event that disaster recovery is necessitated, thus the SMIB can berecovered uptoits
`most recent update
`WO 98/42102
`CA 02284588 1999-09-14
`Note that the data contained in the Events, Current State, and Old State entities is only a
`single days worth. This data is migrated, nightly, to the HIB. The SMIB is shownin
`Figure 4.
`The HIB 3, shown in Figure5, is a very large store of data. It contains Network Events,
`the corresponding Network Entity states, and the Network PerformanceStatisticsforall
`the Network Entities that are currently being tracked (as indicated in the SMIB). By
`volumeof data, the HIB is approximately 40 to 50 timeslarger.
`In the simplest sense, the HIB is a data warehouse. It contains very large volumesofdata,
`covering the same Network Entities over a period of time (60 days, in the case of Resolve
`1.0), and the data is never updated by endusers, or by connecting systems.
`The HIB is NOT a data warehouse from the view that it does not contain data brought
`together from multiple heterogeneous data sources, but this is a discussion that is of litile
`relevance to this document. Suffice to say, that the HIB contains a very large volume of
`data that is quite static in nature.
`The daily Events, Current States, and Old States are migrated to the HIB from the SMIB
`nightly, and the Network PerformanceStatistics are loaded, from flat files (created by the
`Network Interface Stats Collectors - see Resolve Release 1.0 "Architect" Network
`Interface for 46020 Detailed Functional Specification - reference [8]) into the HIB
`The data in the HIB is held on-line (within the active database) for a period of 60 days,
`and is then purged. It is, however, saved on tape, and may be recovered for additional
`analysis with the assistance of the Resolve Administrator.
`Unlike the SMIB 2, the HIB 3 does not employtransaction logging, meaning that the HIB
`cannot be recovered to the most recent point in time. Recovery to the most recent point in
`time, however, is not necessary as the HIB does not permit user updates against it. Since
`the only updates are performed by nightly processes, the new data added to the HIB daily
`is archived to tape by one of these processes. Thus, any disaster recovery may be
`performed by the Resolve Administrator using the daily data that has been archived to
`The SIB 4 contains the end productofall the data collection and processing efforts.It is
`here that the end users of Resolve 1.0 may most easily extract meaningful information.
`All the information in the SIB is summarized and processed data extracted from the HIB.
`The processes to create SIB information may be customized to suit a particular Service
`WO 98/42102
`CA 0228