`Validating Sequence Identification Tags Robust to Indels
`Brant C. Faircloth1*, Travis C. Glenn2
`1 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States of America, 2 Department of Environmental
`Health Science, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, United States of America
`Ligating adapters with unique synthetic oligonucleotide sequences (sequence tags) onto individual DNA samples before
`massively parallel sequencing is a popular and efficient way to obtain sequence data from many individual samples. Tag
`sequences should be numerous and sufficiently different to ensure sequencing, replication, and oligonucleotide synthesis
`errors do not cause tags to be unrecoverable or confused. However, many design approaches only protect against
`substitution errors during sequencing and extant tag sets contain too few tag sequences. We developed an open-source
`software package to validate sequence tags for conformance to two distance metrics and design sequence tags robust to
`indel and substitution errors. We use this software package to evaluate several commercial and non-commercial sequence
`tag sets, design several large sets (maxcount = 7,198) of edit metric sequence tags having different lengths and degrees of
`error correction, and integrate a subset of these edit metric tags to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers and sequencing
`adapters. We validate a subset of these edit metric tagged PCR primers and sequencing adapters by sequencing on several
`platforms and subsequent comparison to commercially available alternatives. We find that several commonly used sets of
`sequence tags or design methodologies used to produce sequence tags do not meet the minimum expectations of their
`underlying distance metric, and we find that PCR primers and sequencing adapters incorporating edit metric sequence tags
`designed by our software package perform as well as their commercial counterparts. We suggest that researchers evaluate
`sequence tags prior to use or evaluate tags that they have been using. The sequence tag sets we design improve on extant
`sets because they are large, valid across the set, and robust to the suite of substitution, insertion, and deletion errors
`affecting massively parallel sequencing workflows on all currently used platforms.
`Citation: Faircloth BC, Glenn TC (2012) Not All Sequence Tags Are Created Equal: Designing and Validating Sequence Identification Tags Robust to Indels. PLoS
`ONE 7(8): e42543. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042543
`Editor: Shin-Han Shiu, Michigan State University, United States of America
`Received May 14, 2012; Accepted July 9, 2012; Published August 10, 2012
`Copyright: ß 2012 Faircloth, Glenn. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
`unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
`Funding: This work was supported by a Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Grant to Stephen P. Hubbell and BCF, National Science Foundation (NSF) grant DEB-
`1136626 to BCF and TCG, NSF grant DEB-0614208 to TCG, an Amazon Web Services Educational grant to BCF and TCG, and material (TruSeq-style adapters) and
`sequencing contributions (HiSeq lanes) from Integrated DNA Technologies. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to
`publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
`Indexed-adapter (TruSeq-style) and sequencing
`Competing Interests: This study was partly supported by an Amazon Web Services Educational grant.
`contributions (HiSeq lanes) from Integrated DNA Technologies supported this work. TruSeq-style Oligonucleotide sequences ß 2007–2012 Illumina, Inc. All rights
`reserved. Derivative works created by Illumina customers are authorized for use with Illumina instruments and products only. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
`There are no further patents, products in development or marketed products to declare. This does not alter the authors’ adherence to all the PLoS ONE policies on
`sharing data and materials, as detailed online in the guide for authors.
`* E-mail: brant@faircloth-lab.org
`Synthetic, oligonucleotide sequence identification tags (sequence
`tags) can be attached to individual pieces of DNA allowing pooling
`and sample tracking during massively parallel sequencing (MPS)
`[1–3]. Sequence tags enable efficient distribution of the output
`from these platforms among many individually identifiable
`samples rather than extensive, deep sequencing of single individ-
`uals or mixed samples. Thus, the ability to tag and track sequenced
`DNA from many individuals in multiplex increases the efficiency
`of MPS when the genomes being sequenced are small [4] or when
`researchers want to apportion the output of MPS platforms among
`smaller genomic regions of many individuals [5–7].
`Groundbreaking prior work introduced the idea of sequence
`tagging by incorporating tags to sequence reads using polymerase
`chain reaction (PCR) primers and DNA ligation [1–3]. Yet, early
`sequence tags were designed for specific platforms and platform-
`specific error patterns, and few tag sets were created to address the
`complement of errors (insertions, deletions, and substitutions)
`affecting the uniqueness of each tag sequence across the suite of
`current sequencing platforms. Errors can also be introduced to
`sequence tags during tag synthesis and strand replication (library
`preparation or template amplification),
`in addition to DNA
`Errors in sequence tag synthesis occur during the coupling
`reaction, when DNA bases are being joined to form the desired
`oligonucleotide strand [8]. Coupling errors produce n-1, n-2, and
`n-3 congeners containing deletion errors throughout the oligo
`[9,10]. Relatively expensive purification techniques remove most
`of these congeners, particularly the n-2 and n-3 varieties, but some
`n-1 congeners
`remain, even with increasingly sophisticated
`purification methods
`(e.g., HPLC)
`[11]. Thus, all
`oligonucleotides have the potential to contain deletion errors,
`and this potential increases significantly when expensive purifica-
`tion is not used. However, expensive purification techniques are
`increasingly cost prohibitive as the number of required sequence
`PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org
`August 2012 | Volume 7 |
`Issue 8 | e42543
`tags or adapters containing tags increases, and HPLC purification
`can introduce additional problems if sequence tagged adapters or
`sequence tagged primers are sequentially purified [12] without
`accounting for carryover.
`Errors in strand replication often occur during the amplicon
`generation or library preparation process (c.f. [13]), because
`researchers use thermostable DNA polymerases and PCR to
`generate amplicons,
`increase library concentration by ligation-
`mediated PCR, or add sequence tags to adapter-ligated fragments.
`Thermostable DNA polymerases predominately incorporate
`substitution errors to DNA strands during replication [14,15],
`although most DNA polymerases can produce new DNA strands
`containing insertion or deletion errors at a lower frequency
`[15,16]. The error rate is template- and polymerase-dependent,
`and modern proof-reading DNA polymerases having exonuclease
`activity exhibit
`low rates of nucleotide incorporation error,
`suggesting that these types of enzymes should be used in all
`amplicon sequencing and library preparation procedures [17].
`Similar synthesis errors accrue during downstream template
`amplification (i.e., emulsion PCR [emPCR] for 454, Ion Torrent
`and SOLiD platforms or cluster formation for Illumina), but this is
`generally less of a problem because sequences are determined from
`the consensus of many molecules on one particle or in one cluster.
`Sequencing errors occur on all MPS platforms, but the type of
`errors and the error rates vary across MPS platforms [18–25].
`Sequencing errors on platforms
`from Roche 454, Applied
`Biosystems (Ion Torrent), and Pacific Biosciences largely consist
`of insertion and deletion errors, whereas sequencing errors on
`platforms from Illumina and Applied Biosystems (SOLiD) are
`generally substitutions [26,27]. Single-read sequencing error rates
`vary from 0.5–5% [20,21,25,28] on Roche, Illumina, and Applied
`Biosystems platforms to 18% on the Pacific Biosciences platform
`[23]. Sequencing error rates are not uniformly distributed across
`sequence reads from platforms that amplify the templates (e.g.,
`Illumina, Ion Torrent and Roche) with most errors occurring at
`the beginning and end of reads [18,22,29]. This biased distribution
`of sequencing errors along a read affects sequence tags immedi-
`ately adjacent to or far from the start of the sequence read [30] to
`a greater degree than sequence tags offset from 59 or 39 ends.
`Synthesis, replication, and sequencing errors negatively impact
`the utility of sequence tags because they change the basepair
`composition of individual tags by inserting bases to, substituting
`bases within, or deleting bases from the identifying sequence. All
`three types of error can cause one tag to appear identical to
`another (crossover) or sufficiently alter a sequence tag such that it
`is unrecognizable (loss) and untraceable to the source material. A
`uniformly distributed error
`rate of 1.0% during an MPS
`sequencing run producing 106 reads, each having an 8 bp
`sequence tag, results in approximately 77,000 reads (8%) having
`more than one error within the sequence tag (Figure S1).
`Probability ensures
`sequence tags, which allow
`multiplexing of more samples, are affected by sequencing error
`to a greater degree, and tags of longer length should have greater
`minimum distance from all tags in the set.
`Using error-correction schemes,
`researchers can construct
`sequence tags that are more robust to synthesis, replication, and
`sequencing errors (i.e., minimizing crossover and loss) while also
`allowing the correction of certain types of errors. Hamady et al.
`[31] used Hamming codes [32] to develop a set of error-correcting
`sequence tags with which they successfully tracked a large number
`of reads in multiplex (see also [33]). However, Hamming codes
`assume that the errors occurring within each sequence tag are only
`substitutions [34,35]. Insertion and deletion errors violate the
`codeword scheme and reduce the utility of Hamming-based tags
`Not All Sequence Tags Are Created Equal
`when commercial synthesis does not completely remove n-1
`standard Taq polymerase is used during strand
`replication, or
`sequence data are generated on platforms
`incorporating insertion and deletion errors
`(Figure 1;
`Additionally, when Hamming-distance tags are constructed using
`a binary representation of each base (e.g., T = 00; G = 01; C = 10;
`A = 11), which we define as ‘‘binary encoding’’ (Figure S2), 33% of
`substitution errors, while detectable, are uncorrectable because
`sequencing errors occur among actual nucleotides (Figure 2; [37]).
`Thus, sequence tags appropriately designed using Hamming codes
`should use nucleotide representations of each base rather than
`their binary encoding [37].
`Sequence tags based on the edit metric or Levenshtein distance
`[38,39] are superior to Hamming-distance tags, because edit
`metric sequence tags are robust to the types of errors introduced
`by oligonucleotide synthesis, replication, and DNA sequencing:
`insertions, deletions, and substitutions. Edit metric sequence tags
`allow for error correction according to the following formulas [38–
`Required Edit Distance~2|(Errors)z1
`Correctable Errors~(Edit Distance{1)=2
`Figure 1. Insertion and deletion errors violate the codeword
`scheme and reduce the utility of Hamming-based tags. Panel (A)
`shows two sequence tags that are different from one another by seven
`substitutions (Hamming distance = 7) – a distance more than sufficient
`to differentiate tags in the presence of substitution errors. However,
`these same two tags have an edit distance of two (B) – meaning that a
`total of two insertions, substitutions, or deletions can turn Tag 1 into
`Tag 2 and confuse samples. Although it seems improbable that two
`indels or substitutions would occur in a sequence tag, consider the
`third case (C) in which a single deletion event at the 59 end of a
`sequence tag adjoining DNA template beginning with 59 guanine
`confuses Tag 1 with Tag 2. Edit metric sequence tags of distance three
`or greater would mitigate this mistake.
`PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org
`August 2012 | Volume 7 |
`Issue 8 | e42543
`Not All Sequence Tags Are Created Equal
`(3) methods for prepending sequence tags to amplification primers
`and inserting tags into platform-specific sequencing adapters; and
`(4) multiprocessing support to speed tag generation when tag
`lengths are long ($8 nt).
`We use components of EDITTAG to validate a number of
`existing sequence tag sets provided by commercial and non-
`commercial sources, design several sets of edit metric sequence
`tags of varying edit distance, and integrate a subset of edit metric
`sequence tags to Epicentre Nextera adapters, Illumina TruSeq
`adapters, and PCR primers. We then validate this subset of tags by
`sequencing across the indices of indexed adapters and sequence-
`tagged PCR primers on the Illumina (GAIIx and HiSeq 2000) and
`Roche 454 (FLX Titanium) platforms.
`Materials and Methods
`EDITTAG provides a suite of Python (http://www.python.org)
`programs for: validating sequence tags for conformance to the edit
`or Hamming distance metrics, designing edit metric sequence tags,
`and incorporating sequence tags to amplicons or platform-specific
`sequencing adapters. We describe implementation details for each
`of these EDITTAG processes, and we follow each description with
`the steps we followed to implement or validate each process.
`Sequence Tag Validation
`The validate_edit_metric_tags.py program within EDITTAG
`checks existing tag sets, alone or incorporated into PCR primers or
`sequencing adapters,
`for conformance to the edit metric by
`performing pairwise, edit distance comparisons between each tag
`in the input set and all other tags in the set. In short, the program
`iterates through the set of tags input; computes the pairwise edit
`distance between all tags in the set using either a C-based Python
`module or a pure-Python method; and outputs either
`minimum distance of the set, those tag pairs having an edit
`distance less than the minimum expected, or the edit distance
`between all members of a set, depending on the output options
`selected by the user. This program is also capable of computing
`the Hamming distance between sequence tag inputs based on
`selection of the Hamming algorithm in place of the edit distance
`algorithm by the user.
`We used validate_edit_metric_tags.py to test the conformance
`of eight existing sequence tag sets available from commercial
`(Illumina, Inc. and Roche 454, Inc.) and non-commercial sources
`[29,31,40–42] to their respective distance metric (Hamming or
`edit) by appropriately formatting an input file for these tags (File
`S1) and inputting this file to the program. We used the tag-
`rescanning feature of design_edit_metric_tags.py (described below)
`to determine the number of tags in these sequence tags sets having
`minimum edit distances of three and five.
`Sequence Tag Design
`is a
`Technically, designing error-correcting sequence tags
`matter of generating all n-length combinations of [A,C,G,T];
`filtering tags based on subjective or platform-specific criteria
`including removal of: combinations containing homopolymer
`runs, combinations with undesirable base composition, or
`individual tags that are perfect self-complements; and iteratively
`comparing each tag in the remaining group against all other tags
`in the remaining group to create the largest set that maintains
`some minimum edit distance. Practically, the process is more
`complex because the design of
`sequence tag sets
`comparison of all tags in the candidate set to all other tags in
`the candidate set. Given sequence tags of sufficient length, this
`requirement rapidly approaches the limits of desktop computation.
`Figure 2. Using Hamming codes to design binary encoded
`sequence tags when synthesis, replication, or sequencing
`errors mutate the nucleotide sequence reduces the number
`of single-base errors that are correctable during downstream
`demultiplexing. Here, we show two sequence tags (Tag 1 and Tag 2)
`and both their nucleotide and binary encodings. Tag 1 and Tag 2 have a
`Hamming distance of four between their binary representations and a
`Hamming distance of two between their nucleotide representations.
`Error 1 is correctable to Tag 2, because a single nucleotide substitution
`(in purple) results in a single, binary difference (11 versus 01) between
`Error 1 and Tag 2, and single binary errors are correctable when tags are
`at least three binary differences from each other. Error 2 and Error 3 tags
`also exhibit a single nucleotide substitution (in purple) but two binary
`differences from Tag 1 and two binary differences from Tag 2. Because
`there is more than a single binary difference, we cannot determine
`whether the source tag was originally Tag 1 or Tag 2, we cannot correct
`the error, and we must discard the read. More generally, because of the
`binary encoding and the Hamming distance between tags (Hamming
`distance four between binary representations, Hamming distance two
`between nucleotide representations), we can correct single binary
`errors seen in the substitutions around the perimeter of inset (B), but
`we cannot correct double binary errors across the diagonals of inset (B).
`Because these single nucleotide, double binary substitutions (i.e., across
`the diagonals) comprise two of six potential substitution mutations, we
`cannot correct 33% (2/6) of single nucleotide substitution errors.
`Thus, we can correct up to two sequencing errors in sequence tags
`from a set having an edit distance of five. Although edit metric
`sequence tags are provided by several commercial (e.g., Roche
`454, Inc.) and non-commercial sources [40,41], there are few
`available methods (c.f. [29]) of generating sets of edit metric-based
`sequence tags. Furthermore, current methods may generate tags
`that do not correctly follow the edit metric (Table 1), and current
`methods are best suited to generating sequence tag sets comprising
`tags of shorter length (#8 nt). The continually increasing output of
`MPS platforms suggests that
`large collections of edit metric
`sequence tags will be essential to distributing output across smaller
`genomes, select genomic regions, and populations of individuals.
`Here, we introduce EDITTAG, a collection of tools for testing
`sequence tags for conformance to the edit or Hamming distance
`metric, generating edit metric sequence tags, and programmati-
`cally applying sequence tags to PCR primers and platform-specific
`sequencing adapters. EDITTAG differs from similar programs by
`providing: (1) a method to check the conformity of previously
`designed tags, adapters, linkers, or primers to the edit metric; (2) a
`method to generate edit metric sequence tags of arbitrary length;
`PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org
`August 2012 | Volume 7 |
`Issue 8 | e42543
`Not All Sequence Tags Are Created Equal
`PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org
`August 2012 | Volume 7 |
`Issue 8 | e42543
`For example, the full set of 10 nucleotide tags contains 1,048,576
`members, which requires 550 billion pairwise edit distance
`comparisons across all tags in the candidate set. If storage of each
`result requires 8 bits,
`then storing the entire array requires
`approximately 500 GB - a daunting object with which to work.
`Additionally, this considers only the first stage of processing and
`the additional computational and storage overhead
`required to select and test subsets of edit metric sequence tags.
`Thus, we modified the approach used by the lexicode algorithm
`[43] to speed up processing, reduce memory consumption, and
`enable parallelization of jobs across multiple processors. Briefly,
`our approach first generates all n-length combinations of
`[A,C,G,T]. Then, if the remaining group is sufficiently large, we
`apportion tags into discrete batches of 25,000 tags, and we
`distribute each batch among the available number of processing
`to (optionally)
`remove those tags having problematic
`composition (homopolymers, improper GC, perfect self-comple-
`ments). After filtering, we rebuild the set of candidate tags returned
`from each processing core, and we create the following data
`structure, where the 0th position of each ‘‘row’’ below is a
`sequence tag ‘‘key’’ to which we pair a ‘‘value’’ comprising a list of
`all tags in the set:
`If this data structure is sufficiently long (more than 500 ‘‘rows’’ as
`illustrated above), we apportion the structure into batches
`containing 500 ‘‘rows’’, and we distribute each batch among the
`available number of processors. Iterating over each row, we then
`compute the edit distance between the ‘‘key’’ and all sequence tags
`in the value list using either a C-based Python module (http://
`pylevenshtein.googlecode.com) or a pure-Python method. To
`reduce memory consumption when iterating over millions of tags,
`we produce a summary vector for each key giving the count of all
`other sequence tags having values that fall within edit distance
`categories (0, 1, 2, …, N), and we use the 0-indexed position of the
`count in the vector to denote the edit distance. Thus, the vector:
`corresponds to a key having a single tag edit distance 0 from the
`key, 12 tags edit distance one from the key, 124 tags edit distance
`two from the key, and five tags edit distance three from the key.
`We then reduce the data by keeping only those keys having the
`maximum count of comparisons at the minimum desired edit
`distance, a technique that allows us to reduce the remaining
`number of pairwise comparisons over the entire data set by
`approximately 99% (estimated from the generation of eight
`nucleotide, edit distance three tags).
`After reducing the data, for each key we compute the edit
`distance between the key and all sequence tags in the value; we
`drop any tags in the value less than the desired edit distance; and
`we iterate over the remaining tags in the value, retaining only
`those tags that are also the desired edit distance from one another.
`Finally, we determine the count of remaining tags in the value list
`for each key, and we return the key (and its values) having the
`largest value list. Additionally, we include an option that quickly
`Not All Sequence Tags Are Created Equal
`returns subsets of keys within this final set having edit distances
`from the key at values greater than the minimum desired edit
`We used this approach to design sets of edit metric sequence
`tags ranging from four to 10 nucleotides in length and having edit
`distances of three. We used the shortcut method described above
`to select subsets, within each of these sets, having edit distances
`from four to nine. After creating these edit distance tags, we
`validated each set of resulting tags for conformance to the edit
`metric using validate_edit_metric_tags.py, the program described
`in the previous subsection.
`Sequence Tag Application
`EDITTAG provides two convenience programs for integrating
`sequence tags to platform-specific adapters and PCR primers. The
`first program (add_tags_to_primers.py)
`is meant primarily for
`integration of sequence tags to PCR amplicons when designing
`sequence-tagged PCR primers.
`In brief,
`this program adds
`sequence tags to the 59 ends of both upper and lower PCR
`primers, optionally removes
`common bases between each
`sequence tag and primer sequence, optionally prepends both
`primers with a sequence (GTTT) promoting +A addition [44] to
`facilitate adapter ligation, uses Primer3 [45] to evaluate tagged
`for complementarity problems and the presence of
`hairpins, and outputs all tagged primers to an sqlite (http://
`www.sqlite.org) database or comma-separated file for subsequent
`evaluation and selection.
`The second program (add_tags_to_adapters.py) simply inte-
`grates designed sequence tags to adapters and/or primers by
`inputting the list of desired sequence tags, the adapter/primer
`sequence 59 of the sequence tag location, and the adapter/primer
`sequence 39 of the sequence tag location. This program is largely
`meant to reduce mistakes when manually positioning sequence
`tags within large numbers of adapters or primers.
`Testing Sequence Tag Integration to PCR Primers
`To test
`the design and resulting utility of PCR primers
`sequence-tagged using the helper program, we integrated the
`entire set (n = 164) of 10 nucleotide, edit distance five sequence
`tags (File S2) to primers amplifying the rbcLa locus in land plants
`[46,47]. We used the resulting database to select 95 hairpin-free,
`sequence tagged primers (File S3) which we had commercially
`synthesized, adding a single 39 phosophorothioate linkage to each
`oligo (Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc.). We used these primers
`to amplify the rbcLa locus in 190 tropical forest tree species (2695
`in a reaction mixture containing 5.0 mL CTAB-
`extracted [48], purified (AMPure) DNA, 0.3 mM KAPA dNTP
`mix, 0.2 mM each primer, 16 KAPA HiFi PCR Buffer, 0.5 U
`KAPA HiFi HotStart polymerase and the following touchdown
`PCR thermal profile: 95uC for 30 s; 20 cycles of 95uC for 30 s,
`66uC for 30 s minus 0.25uC per cycle, 72uC for 1.5 min; 20 cycles
`of 95uC for 30 s, 60uC for 30 s, 72uC for 1.5 m; 72uC for 15 min.
`Following PCR, we visualized amplicons by running 7 mL of PCR
`product on 1.5% agarose gels for 90 minutes at 100 V and
`staining with ethidium bromide.
`We cleaned PCR amplicons and normalized amplicon concen-
`trations across samples using SequalPrep normalization plates
`(Invitrogen, Inc.), combined sequence-tagged PCR amplicons
`from a 96-well plate into a single pool, and concentrated the pool
`using a SpeedVac. Prior to sequencing, we used T/A ligation to
`add standard 454 GS FLX Titanium sequencing adapters to the 59
`and 39 ends of each amplicon pool [49]. We quantified the
`resulting adapter-ligated amplicon pools using qPCR (KAPA
`Biosystems), we combined amplicon pools at equimolar ratios, and
`PLOS ONE | www.plosone.org
`August 2012 | Volume 7 |
`Issue 8 | e42543
`we sequenced amplicon pools using a portion of one 1/8th plate of
`a 454 GS FLX Titanium sequencing run (UCLA Genotyping
`Core). We demultiplexed the resulting sequence data using
`demuxipy (https://github.com/faircloth-lab/demuxipy/); com-
`bined the read counts by sequence tag from each pool of rbcLa
`amplicons to minimize the variance introduced to counts by
`differences in template quality,
`template quantity, and PCR;
`averaged the count of reads per sequence tag across pools; and
`computed fold difference between the average number of reads
`per sequence-tag and the global average number of reads.
`Validating Edit Metric Tag Addition to Nextera-style
`To validate edit metric sequence tags incorporated to Nextera-
`style sequencing adapters, we first
`removed the Epicentre-
`provided IDX1 and IDX8 adapters from the Nextera barcoding
`kit to ensure the edit distance of the remaining set (n = 10 adapters)
`was three. We then created 14 new Nextera adapter sequences by
`incorporating six nucleotide, edit metric three sequence tags to
`each adapter, and we used validate_edit_metric_tags.py to ensure
`we maintained an overall edit distance of
`three among all
`members of the set (File S4). We commercially synthesized and
`HPLC-purified these new adapters (Integrated DNA Technolo-
`gies, Inc.), and we incorporated each indexed adapter to target
`enriched [50] genomic DNA using PCR, according to the Nextera
`manual (Epicentre Biotechnologies). Following PCR, we quanti-
`fied the indexed libraries using qPCR (KAPA Biosystems), pooled
`sequencing libraries at equimolar concentrations into groups of 12,
`and sequenced the pooled libraries using two lanes of an Illumina
`GAIIx DNA sequencer (LSU Genomics Facility). Because we were
`interested in validating our ability to sequence across these indices
`and because we wanted to fairly compare our ability to sequence
`across edit metric and ‘‘standard’’ (Hamming distance) sequence
`tags, we demultiplexed sequence data using the standard Illumina
`pipeline, counted, and compared the number of reads assigned to
`each sequence tag.
`Validating Edit Metric Tag Addition to TruSeq-style
`To validate edit metric sequence tags integrated to TruSeq-style
`sequencing adapters, we used the helper program (add_tags_to_a-
`dapters.py) to incorporate 10 nt sequence tags of edit distance five
`to a set of 135 TruSeq-style adapters (File S5). We commercially
`synthesized all 135 adapters (Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc.),
`with a replicate subset of 24 that were HPLC-purified using a
`randomization protocol to ensure adapters did not follow each
`other on the HPLC (eliminating relevant carry-over), and we
`conducted two experiments.
`In the first experiment, we focused on a subset of adapters
`where the first 6 nt of the 10 nt tag conforms to a minimum edit
`distance of 3 (BFIDT-000 to BFIDT-045). We made an equimolar
`pool of the 24 adapters, and we used this adapter pool to construct
`a library with a single genomic DNA sample using Illumina
`TruSeq reagents (leaving out the standard Illumina adapters). We
`then pooled this mixed library with a subset of Nextera-style
`adapters (total
`library mass = 1% TruSeq style; 99% Nextera-
`style), and we sequenced libraries using a single lane of a GAIIx
`(see details above). We demultiplexed sequence data using the
`standard Illumina pipeline, counted, and compared the number of
`reads assigned to each sequence tag.
`In the second experiment we incorporated 12 EDITTAG
`indexed adapters and 12 Illumina TruSeq indexed adapters to
`DNA libraries using a modified version of an on-bead library
`Not All Sequence Tags Are Created Equal
`preparation method [51] and reagents from New England Biolabs.
`Following preparation, we quantified libraries using qPCR (Kapa
`Biosciences, Inc.), normalized library concentration across sam-
`ples, and enriched individual or pooled libraries
`for ultra-
`conserved elements using 2560 probes [50,52]. Following PCR
`recovery and Qubit qua

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