`a2) Patent Application Publication co) Pub. No.: US 2004/0185484 Al
`(43) Pub. Date: Sep. 23, 2004
`Costa et al.
`US 20040185484A1
`Inventors: Gina L. Costa, Beverly, MA (US);
`John H. Leamon, Guilford, CT (US);
`Jonathan M. Rothberg, Guilford, CT
`(US); Michael P. Weiner, Guilford, CT
`Correspondence Address:
`NEW YORK, NY 10017 (US)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`Jan. 28, 2004
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/443,471, filed on Jan.
`29, 2003. Provisional application No. 60/465,071,
`filed on Apr. 23, 2003. Provisional application No.
`60/476,504, filed on Jun. 6, 2003. Provisional appli-
`cation No. 60/476,313, filed on Jun. 6, 2003. Provi-
`sional application No. 60/476,592, filed on Jun. 6,
`2003. Provisional application No. 60/497,985, filed
`on Aug. 25, 2003. Provisional application No. 60/476,
`602, filed on Jun. 6, 2003.
`Publication Classification
`(ST) Ute CI? icccccscsesssnssssssssesnsenesvesneen C12Q 1/68
`(SON) WIS. OTN. scerccresiegocannagrciniomavaga errrgirl 435/6
`This invention relates to methods of generating single
`stranded DNAlibraries for use in amplification and sequenc-
`ing reactions. In various aspects,
`the disclosed methods
`include: fragmenting DNA; polishing the fragments’ ends;
`ligating the fragments to universal adaptors; performing
`strand displacement and extension of the nicked fragments;
`purifying the double-stranded ligation products; capturing
`the double-stranded ligation products onto a solid support;
`and isolating single stranded DNA library fragments, and
`binding these fragments to another solid support.
`Patent Application Publication Sep. 23, 2004 Sheet 1 of 9
`US 2004/0185484 A1
`Fragmentation: template ONA +DNasel
`— A)
`Sample Preparation of
`ae =e S =
`Adenovirus DNA
`“ae =
`P_lish: Pfu DNA polymerase to generate blunt ends
`__Prey —
`Adapter Ligation
`— ——_—_—_
` — ——_—_> —
`5B rT
`Gel extraction of sized, nicked dsONAlib
`‘nick repair and extension
`Gel isolstion
`[ute repair
`ve MMODTee Method2PRK a . .
`— i
`—p or 7g Biotin:
`| Taligese
`> i —>i
`“B,, Bath
`Isolation and Quantitation of ssDNA Library
`Bind non-nicked deD NA to etreptevidin-coated __» ssDHA
`beads and single etrand elution
`Bind to Sepharose DNA Capture Bead (1 ss0 NA per bead)
`Deposition of a single DNA Capture Bead per well
` &
`Patent Application Publication Sep. 23, 2004 Sheet 2 of 9
`US 2004/0185484 Al
`Patent Application Publication Sep. 23, 2004 Sheet 3 of 9
`US 2004/0185484 A1
`Figure 3
`Nick 2
`icked double-stranded DNA
`Addition of 8st DNA Polymerase
`Nick 2
`Nick 1
`A 3
`EDNAfagmert ©200bp)
`4 UniversalAdaptorB(44bp)
`Biotin 5’
`B genesAdaptorA(44bp)
`‘ UniversalAdaptarB(44bp)
`Bst DNA Polymerasebinds single-stranded gaps,
`strand displaces nicked strand and extends fragment
`gDNAfragmert200bp)fiakeasalApacerA(44bp) UniversalAdaptorB(44bp)3"Sf&Biotin 5’
`Result is non-nicked
`double-stranded DNA fragment
`Universal AdaptorA (44bp) Universe] Adaptor B (44bp) .,5ESgDNA frgnent (2200bp)
`en— Bictin5’
`Patent Application Publication Sep. 23, 2004 Sheet 4 of 9
`US 2004/0185484 Al
` AmePauseAAyesMO]2JOaauasaday)uy
`Patent Application Publication Sep. 23, 2004 Sheet 5 of 9
`US 2004/0185484 Al
`Patent Application Publication Sep. 23, 2004 Sheet 6 of 9
`US 2004/0185484 A1
`Figure 7
`Patent Application Publication Sep. 23, 2004 Sheet 7 of 9
`US 2004/0185484 Al
`Time (seconds)
`Patent Application Publication Sep. 23, 2004 Sheet 8 of 9
`US 2004/0185484 A1
`Figure 9A
`3 30
`Time (seconds)
`Figure 9B
`2 1
`0 0
`3< 5S
`z 2
`FSF Fez Fe
`Time (seconds)
`Patent Application Publication Sep. 23, 2004 Sheet 9 of 9
`US 2004/0185484 A1
`Figure 10
`Primer Candidates by Tm
`8x19x19x19x9 tetrads (493,848 total possiblities)
`64 to 66
`66 to 68
`68 to 70
`70 to 72
`Tm 2*(A+T)+ 4*(G+C)
`US 2004/0185484 Al
`Sep. 23, 2004
`[0001] This application claims the benefit of priority to the
`following applications: U.S. Ser. No. 60/443,471 filed Jan.
`29, 2003, U.S. Ser. No. 60/465,071 filed Apr. 23, 2003; U.S.
`Ser. No. 60/476,504 filed Jun. 6, 2003, U.S. Ser. No.
`60/476,313filed Jun. 6, 2003, U.S. Ser. No. 60/476,592 filed
`Jun. 6, 2003, U.S. Ser. No. 60/476,602 filed Jun. 6, 2003,
`USS. Ser. No. 60/476,592 filed Jun. 6, 2003, and U.S. Ser.
`No. 60/497,985 filed Aug. 25, 2003. All patent andpatent
`applicationsin this paragraph are hereby incorporated herein
`by reference in their entirety.
`[0002] This application also incorporates by reference the
`following copending U.S. patent applications: “Bead Emul-
`sion Nucleic Acid Amplification” filed Jan. 28, 2004,
`“Double Ended Sequencing”filed Jan. 28, 2004, and “Meth-
`ods Of Amplifying And Sequencing Nucleic Acids” filed
`Jan. 28, 2004.
`[0003] The invention relates to protein chemistry, molecu-
`lar biology, and methodsof preparing single-strandedlibrar-
`ies for sequence analysis. More specifically, this invention
`includes methods of processing DNA for use in amplifica-
`tion and sequencing reactions.
`protruding single strands complementary to the cohesive
`ends of cleavage sites of restriction endonucleases (rather
`than the recognition sequences). Various functional groups
`or specific nucleic acid sequences designed for particular
`applications may be selectively attached to the aforemen-
`tioned subsets of fragments. Selective attachment of index-
`ing linkers having known base sequences in their cohesive
`ends to a subset of fragments bearing the complementary
`cohesive ends can be used for the detection, identification,
`isolation, amplification, and manipulation of the subset of
`[0007] U.S. Pat. No. 6,468,748 describes a method of
`sorting genes and/or gene fragments comprising several
`steps. First, ds cDNA molecules are prepared from mRNA
`molecules by reverse transcription, using a poly-T primer
`optionally having a general primer-template sequence
`upstream from the poly-T sequence, yielding ds cDNA
`molecules having the poly-T sequence, optionally having
`the general primer-template sequence. Second, the ds cDNA
`molecules are digested with a restriction enzyme that pro-
`duces digested cDNA molecules with cohesive ends having
`overhanging ssDNA sequences of a constant number of
`arbitrary nucleotides. Third, the digested cDNA molecules
`are ligated to a set of dsDNA oligonucleotide adaptors, each
`of which adaptors has at one of its ends a cohesive-end
`ssDNA adaptor sequence complementary to one of the
`possible overhanging ssDNA sequences of the digested
`cDNA, at
`the opposite end a specific primer-template
`sequence specific for the ssDNA adaptor complementary
`sequence, and in between the ends a constant sequence that
`is the sameforall of the different adaptors of the set. Fourth,
`the ligated cDNA molecules are amplified by separate
`In amplification by polymerase chain reaction
`polymerase chain reactions,utilizing for each separate poly-
`(PCR), two primers are designed to hybridize to the template
`merase chain reaction a primer that anneals to the cDNA
`DNAat positions complementary to respective primers that
`poly-T sequence optionally having the cDNA general
`are separated on the DNA template molecule by some
`primer-template, and a primer fromasetof different specific
`number of nucleotides. The base sequence of the template
`primers that anneal to the cDNAspecific primer-template
`DNAbetween and including the primers is amplified by
`sequences. Fifth, the amplified cDNA molecules are sorted
`into nonoverlapping groups by collecting the amplification
`whereby the numberof copies of the target DNA fragments
`products after each separate polymerase chain reaction, each
`is increased by several orders of magnitude. Amplification is
`group of amplified cDNA molecules determined by the
`exponential as 2", where n equals the number of amplifica-
`specific primer that annealed to the specific primer-template
`tion cycles. Following PCR,
`the amplified DNA may be
`sequence and primed the polymerase chain reaction.
`sequenced through conventional sequencing methods(see,
`USS. Pat. No. 6,274,320).
`[0008] U.S. Pat. No. 5,863,722 describes a method and
`materials for sorting polynucleotides with oligonucleotide
`tags. The oligonucleotide tags are capable of hybridizing to
`complementary oligomeric compoundsconsisting of sub-
`units having enhanced binding strength and specificity as
`compared to natural oligonucleotides. Such complementary
`oligomeric compounds are referred to as “tag comple-
`ments.” Subunits of tag complements may consist of mono-
`mers of non-natural nucleotide analogs, referred to as “anti-
`sense monomers” or they may comprise oligomers having
`lengths in the range of 3 to 6 nucleotides or analogsthereof,
`including antisense monomers, the oligomers being selected
`from a minimally cross-hybridizing set. In such a set, a
`duplex made up of an oligomerof the set and the comple-
`ment of any other oligomerof the set contains at least two
`mismatches. In other words, an oligomer of a minimally
`cross-hybridizing set at best forms a duplex havingat least
`two mismatches with the complementof any other oligomer
`of the same set. Tag complements attached to a solid phase
`support are used to sort polynucleotides from a mixture of
`polynucleotides each containing a tag. The surface of each
`[0005] Samples comprising large template DNA or whole
`DNAgenomes comprising long nucleotide sequences are
`not conduciveto efficient amplification by PCR. These long
`molecules do not naturally possess sequences useful for
`primer hybridization. In addition, if primer hybridization
`sequences are added to double stranded DNA molecules,it
`is difficult to ascertain the directionality of the amplified
`DNA molecules and this frustrates sequencing efforts.
`[0006] Various methods have been designed to overcome
`some of these deficiencies. For example, U.S. Pat. No.
`5,508,169 describes that subsets of nucleic acid fragments
`may be indexed (i.e., selected or targeted) based upon the
`information contained in non-identical 5'-protruding or
`3'-protruding cohesive ends. This includes fragments having
`3, 4 or 5 base cohesive ends, such as those revealed by
`cleavage of DNA by TypeII restriction endonucleases and
`interrupted palindrome recognizing typeII restriction endo-
`nucleases. The patent describes nucleic acid molecules simi-
`to adaptors (called indexing linkers) which contain
`US 2004/0185484 Al
`Sep. 23, 2004
`support is derivatized by only one type of tag complement
`which has a particular sequence. Similarly, the polynucle-
`otides to be sorted each comprise an oligonucleotide tag in
`the repertoire, such that identical polynucleotides have the
`same tag and different polynucleotides have different tags.
`Thus, when the populations of supports and polynucleotides
`are mixed under conditions which permit specific hybrid-
`the adaptor ligated DNA mol-
`In other aspects,
`ization of the oligonucleotide tags with their respective
`complements, subpopulations of identical polynucleotides ecules comprisingafirst double stranded universal adaptor
`are sorted onto particular beads or regions. The subpopula-
`and second double stranded universal adaptor is attached to
`tions of polynucleotides can then be manipulated on the
`a solid support via one strand of the double stranded
`universal adaptor (via the first or second universal adaptor).
`solid phase support by micro-biochemical techniques.
`The adaptor ligated DNA molecules which havenot attached
`[0009] U.S. Pat. No. 5,728,524 describes a processfor the
`to a solid support are washed away, and onestrand of the
`categorization of nucleic acid sequences in which these
`adaptorligated DNA molecules is released. This generates a
`sequencesare linked to a population of adaptor molecules,
`mixture comprising a plurality of ssDNAs comprising a
`each exhibiting specificity for linking to a sequence includ-
`population of single stranded molecules with a first and
`ing a predetermined nucleotide base. The resulting linked
`second universal adaptor pair, thereby generating a library.
`sequences are then categorized based uponselection for the
`particular base.
`[0010] However, the art does not describe methods for
`generating libraries of unknown fragment sequences addi-
`tionally comprising two known sequences, each different
`than the other, one being adjoined at each end. Thus, a need
`exists for a method which overcomes shortcomings of the
`prior art. Accordingly, the present invention is directed to
`describing such methods, materials, and kits as required to
`facilitate manipulation of multiple DNA sequences in a
`In certain aspects, the single stranded DNA mol-
`ecules are delivered into droplets in a water-in-oil emulsion
`(i.e., microreactors), or onto multiwell surfaces (e.g., Pico-
`Titer plates).
`[0018] The single stranded DNA molecules may be deliv-
`ered via attachment to a solid support(e.g., beads).
`[0020] The sequence of the fragmented DNA may be
`known or unknown.
`In a preferred embodiment,
`sequence of the fragmented DNA, particularly the sequence
`of the ends of the fragmented DNA,is unknown.
`In another aspect, the present invention includes a
`method for generating a ssDNA library linked to solid
`supports comprising:
`(a) generating a library of ssDNA
`templates; (b) attaching the ssDNA templates to solid sup-
`ports; and (c) isolating the solid supports on which one
`ssDNA template is attached. In still another aspect, the
`present invention includesa library of mobile solid supports
`made by the method disclosed herein.
`{0011] This invention describes a novel method for pre-
`paring a library of multiple nucleic acid sequences from a
`sample wherethe library is suited to further quantitative and
`analysis, particularly where the multiple
`nucleic acid sequences are unknown and derived from large
`template DNA or whole(orpartial) genome DNA.In certain
`embodiments of the invention, sequencesof single stranded
`DNA(ssDNA)are prepared from a sample oflarge template
`DNAor whole or partial DNA genomesthrough fragmen-
`tation, polishing, adaptorligation, nick repair, and isolation
`of ssDNA.
`FIG.1 is a schematic representation of the entire
`processof library preparation including the steps of template
`DNAfragmentation (FIG. 1A), end polishing (FIG. 1B),
`adaptorligation (FIG. 1C),nick repair, strand extension and
`gel isolation (FIG. 1D). FIG.1 also depicts a representative
`agarose gel containing a sample preparation of a 180-350
`base pair adenovirus DNA library according to the methods
`of this invention.
`the present
`in one aspect,
`{0012] Therefore,
`provides a methodfor clonally isolating a library comprising
`a plurality of ssDNAs, wherein each ssDNA comprises a
`first single stranded universal adaptor and a second single
`stranded universal adaptor, the method comprising:
`(a) fragmenting large template DNA mol-
`ecules to generate a plurality of fragmented DNA
`(b) attaching a first or second universal double
`stranded adaptor to a first end of each fragmented
`DNA molecule and a first or second universal adap-
`tor to a second end of each fragmented DNA mol-
`ecule to form a mixture of adaptor ligated DNA
`(c) isolating a plurality of single stranded
`DNA molecules each comprising a first single
`stranded universal adaptor and a second single
`stranded universal adaptor; and
`[0026] FIG. 3 represents the strand displacement and
`(d) delivering the single stranded DNA mol-
`extension of nicked double-stranded DNA_fragments
`ecules into reactors such that a plurality of the
`accordingto the present invention. Following the ligation of
`reactors include one DNA molecule, thereby clonally
`universal adaptors generated from synthetic oligonucle-
`isolating the library.
`otides, double-stranded DNA fragments will be generated
`[0023] FIG. 2A is a schematic representation of the uni-
`versal adaptor design according one embodimentof the
`present invention. Each universal adaptor is generated from
`two complementary ssDNA oligonucleotides
`designed to contain a 20 bp nucleotide sequence for PCR
`priming, a 20 bp nucleotide sequence for sequence priming
`and a unique 4 bp discriminating sequence comprised of a
`non-repeating nucleotide sequence (i.e., ACGT, CAGT,
`[0024] FIG. 2B depicts a representative universal adaptor
`sequence pair for use with the invention. Adaptor A sense
`strand: SEQ ID NO:1; Adaptor A antisense strand: SEQ ID
`NO:2; Adaptor B sense strand: SEQ ID NO:3; Adaptor B
`antisense strand: SEQ ID NO:4.
`[0025] FIG. 2C is a schematic representation of universal
`adaptor design for use with the invention.
`US 2004/0185484 Al
`Sep. 23, 2004
`primer sequence and a discriminating key sequence and
`wherein one adaptoris attached to biotin; (d) separating and
`isolating the plurality of ligated DNA fragments; (e) remov-
`ing any portion of the plurality of ligated DNA fragments; (f)
`nick repair and strand extension of the plurality of ligated
`DNA fragments; (g) attaching each of the ligated DNA
`fragments to a solid support; and (h) isolating populations
`comprising single-stranded adaptor-ligated DNA fragments
`for which there is a unique adaptor at each end (ie.,
`providing directionality).
`that contain two nicked regions following T4 DNAligase
`treatment (FIG. 3A). The addition of a strand displacing
`enzyme(i.e., Bst DNA polymerase I) will bind nicks (FIG.
`3B), strand displace the nicked strand and complete nucle-
`otide extension of the strand (FIG. 3C) to produce non-
`nicked double-stranded DNAfragments (FIG. 3D).
`[0027] FIG. 4 represents the isolation of directionally-
`ligated single-stranded DNA according to the present inven-
`tion using streptavidin-coated magnetic beads. Following
`ligation with universal adaptors A and B (the two different
`adaptors are sometimesreferred to as a “first” and “second”
`universal adaptor), double-stranded DNA will contain adap-
`tors in four possible combinations: AA, BB, AB, and BA.
`When universal adaptor B contains a 5'-biotin, magnetic
`streptavidin-coated solid supports are used to capture and
`isolate the AB, BA, and BB populations (population AA is
`washed away). The BB population is retained on the beads
`as each end of the double-stranded DNAis attached to a
`bead and is not released. However, upon washing in the
`presence of a low salt buffer, only populations AB and BA
`will release a single-stranded DNAfragmentthat is comple-
`mentary to the bound strand. Single-stranded DNA frag-
`ments are isolated from the supernatant and used as template
`for subsequent applications. This method is described below
`in more detail.
`[0029] FIG. 6 represents truncated product produced by
`PCR primer mismatch at cross-hybridization region (CHR).
`[0030] FIGS.7A-7D depict the assembly for the nebulizer
`used for the methods of the invention. A tube cap was placed
`over the top of the nebulizer (FIG. 7A) and the cap was
`secured with a nebulizer clamp assembly (FIG. 7B). The
`bottom of the nebulizer was attached to the nitrogen supply
`(FIG. 7C) and the entire device was wrapped in parafilm
`(FIG. 7D).
`[0031] FIG. 8 depicts representative BioAnalyzer output
`from analysis of a single stranded DNAlibrary.
`[0032] FIG. 9A depicts representative results for LabChip
`analysis of a single stranded DNAlibrary following nebu-
`lization and polishing.
`[0036] Unless otherwise defined, all technical and scien-
`tific terms used herein have the same meaning as commonly
`understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which this
`invention belongs. Methods and materials similar or equiva-
`lent to those described herein can be used in the practice of
`the present invention, and exemplified suitable methods and
`materials are described below. For example, methods may
`be described which comprise more than two steps. In such
`methods, not all steps may be required to achieve a defined
`goal and the invention envisions the use of isolated steps to
`achieve these discrete goals. The disclosures of all publica-
`tions, patent applications, patents, and other references are
`incorporated in toto herein by reference. In addition, the
`materials, methods, and examplesare illustrative only and
`not intended to be limiting.
`[0028] FIG.5representsan insert flanked by PCR primers
`and sequencing primers.
`[0037] As used herein, the term “universal adaptor”refers
`to two complementary and annealed oligonucleotides that
`are designed to contain a nucleotide sequence for PCR
`priming and a nucleotide sequence for sequence priming.
`the universal adaptor may further include a
`unique discriminating key sequence comprised of a non-
`repeating nucleotide sequence (i.e., ACGT, CAGT,etc.). A
`set of universal adaptors comprises two unique and distinct
`double-stranded sequencesthat can be ligated to the ends of
`double-stranded DNA. Therefore, the same universal adap-
`tor or different universal adaptors can be ligated to either end
`of the DNA molecule. When comprised in a larger DNA
`molecule that
`is single stranded or when present as an
`oligonucleotide, the universal adaptor may bereferred to as
`a single stranded universal adaptor.
`[0033] FIG. 9B depicts representative size distribution
`results for an adaptor-ligated single stranded DNA library
`following nebulization, polishing, and gel purification.
`[0034] FIG. 10 depicts the calculation for primer candi-
`dates based on melting temperature.
`[0035] This invention relates to the preparation of sample
`DNAfor amplification and sequencing reactions. The inven-
`tion includes a method for preparing the sample DNA
`comprised of the following steps:
`(a) fragmenting large
`template DNA or whole genomic DNA samplesto generate
`a plurality of digested DNA fragments; (b) creating com-
`patible ends on the plurality of digested DNA samples; (c)
`ligating a set of universal adaptor sequences onto the ends of
`fragmented DNA molecules to make a plurality of adaptor-
`ligated DNA molecules, wherein each universal adaptor
`sequence comprises a PCR primer sequence, a sequencing
`the term “discriminating key
`[0038] As used herein,
`sequence”refers to a sequence including a combination of
`the four deoxyribonucleotides (i.e., A, C, G, T). The same
`discriminating sequence can be used for an entire library of
`DNAfragments. Alternatively, different discriminating key
`sequences can be used to track libraries of DNA fragments
`derived from different organisms. Longer discriminating key
`sequences can be used for a mixture of more than one
`[0039] As used herein, the term “plurality of molecules”
`refers to DNA isolated from the same source, whereby
`different organisms may be prepared separately by the same
`method. In one embodiment, the plurality of DNA samples
`is derived from large segments of DNA,e.g., genomic DNA,
`cDNA,viral DNA, plasmid DNA, cosmid DNA,artificial
`chromosome DNA(e.g., BACs, YACs, MACs, PACs), syn-
`thetic DNA, phagemid DNA, phasemid DNA, or from
`reverse transcripts of viral RNA. This DNA maybe derived
`from any source, including any mammal (i.e., human, non-
`humanprimate, rodent, or canine), plant, bird, reptile, fish,
`fungus, bacteria, or virus.
`US 2004/0185484 Al
`Sep. 23, 2004
`[0040] As used herein,the term “library” refers to a subset
`of smaller sized DNA species generated from a larger DNA
`template, e.g., a segmented or whole genome.
`[0041] As used herein, the term “unique”, as in “unique
`PCR priming regions” refers to a sequence that does not
`exist or exists at an extremely low copy level within the
`DNAmolecules to be amplified or sequenced.
`[0042] As used herein, the term “compatible” refers to an
`end of double stranded DNA to which an adaptor molecule
`may be attached (i.e., blunt end or cohesive end).
`[0043] As used herein, the term “fragmenting”refers to a
`process by whicha larger molecule of DNA is converted into
`smaller pieces of DNA.
`[0044] As used herein, “large template DNA” would be
`DNAof more than 5 kb, 10 kb, or 25 kb, preferably more
`than 500 kb, more preferably more than 1 MB, and most
`preferably 5 MB orlarger.
`[0045] As used herein, the term “stringent hybridization
`conditions” refers to those conditions under which only fully
`complimentary sequences will hybridize to each other.
`[0046] The following discussion summarizes the basic
`steps involved in the methodsof the invention. The steps are
`recited in a specific order, however, as would be known by
`one of skill
`in the art,
`the order of the steps may be
`manipulated to achieve the same result. Such manipulations
`are contemplated by the inventors. Further, some steps may
`be minimized as would also be known byoneofskill in the
`[0047] Fragmentation
`In the practice of the methods of the present
`invention, the fragmentation of the DNAsample can be done
`by any means known to those of ordinary skill in the art.
`the fragmenting is performed by enzymatic,
`chemical, or mechanical means. The mechanical means may
`include sonication, French press, ITPLC, HydroShear (Gen-
`eMachines, San Carlos, Calif.), and nebulization. The enzy-
`matic means may be performed by digestion with Deoxyri-
`bonuclease I (DNase I), nonspecific nucleases, or single or
`multiple restriction endonucleases. In a preferred embodi-
`the fragmentation results in ends for which the
`sequence adjacent to the end is not known. The sequence
`adjacent to the end may beat least 5 bases, 10 bases, 20
`bases, 30 bases, or 50 bases.
`[0049] Enzymatic Fragmentation
`Ina preferred embodiment, the enzymatic means is
`DNase I. DNaseI is a versatile enzyme that nonspecifically
`cleaves double-stranded DNA (dsDNA)to release 5'-phos-
`phorylated oligonucleotide products. DNase I has optimal
`activity in buffers containing Mn?*, Mg?* and Ca?*. The
`purpose of the DNaseI digestion step is to fragmenta large
`DNAgenomeinto smaller species comprising a library. The
`cleavage characteristics of DNase I will result in random
`digestion of template DNA (i.e., minimal sequence bias) and
`in the predominanceof blunt-ended dsDNAfragments when
`used in the presence of manganese-based buffers (Melgar, E.
`and D. A. Goldthwait.
`1968. Deoxyribonucleic
`nucleases. II. The effects of metal on the mechanism of
`action of Deoxyribonuclease I. J. Biol. Chem. 243: 4409).
`The range of digestion products generated following DNase
`treatment of genomic templates is dependent on three
`factors: i) amount of enzyme used (units); ii) temperature of
`digestion (° C.); and iii) incubation time (minutes). The
`DNase I digestion conditions outlined below have been
`optimized to yield genomic libraries with a size range from
`50-700 base pairs (bp).
`is used to
`In a preferred embodiment, DNase I
`digest large template DNA or whole genome DNAfor 1-2
`minutes to generate a population of oligonucleotides that
`range from 50 to 500 bp, or 50 to 700 bp.
`In another
`preferred embodiment, the DNaseI digestion is performed
`at a temperature of 10° C.-37° C. In yet another preferred
`embodiment, the digested DNA fragments are 50 bp to 700
`bp in length.
`[0052] Mechanical Fragmentation
`[0053] Another preferred method for nucleic acid frag-
`mentation is mechanical fragmentation. Mechanical frag-
`mentation methods include sonication and nebulization, and
`use of HydroShear, HPLC, and French Press devices. Soni-
`cation may be performed by a tube containing DNA in a
`suitable buffer Gc. 10 mM Tris, 0.1 mM EDTA) and
`sonicating for a varying number of 10 second bursts using
`maximum output and continuous power Sonicators are com-
`mercially available from, e.g., Misonix Inc. (Farmingdale,
`N.Y.), and can be used essentially as described by Bankier
`and Barrell (Bankier, A. T., Weston, K. M., and Barrell, B.
`G., “Random cloning and sequencing by the M13/dideoxy-
`nucleotide chain termination method”, Meth. Enzymol. 155,
`51-93 (1987). For sonication,it is preferred to maintain the
`nucleic acid at a uniform temperature by keeping the sample
`on ice. Constant
`temperature conditions, at 0° C.
`example, are preferred to maintain an even fragmentdistri-
`bution. The optimal conditions for sonication may be deter-
`mined empirically for a given DNA sample before prepara-
`tive sonication is performed. For example, aliquots of DNA
`can be treated for different times under sonication and the
`size and quality of DNA can be analyzed by PAGE. Once
`optimal sonication conditions are determined, the remaining
`DNAcan be sonicated according to those pre-determined
`[0054] Another preferred method for nucleic acid frag-
`mentation is treatment by nebulizers (e.g., protocols, and
`hardware available from GeneMachines, San Carlos, Calif.
`Also see U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,506,100 and 5,610,010). In nebu-
`lization, hydrodynamic shearing forces are used to fragment
`DNAstrands. For example, DNA in a aqueoussolution can
`be passed through a tube with an abrupt contraction. As the
`solution approaches the contraction, the fluid accelerates to
`maintain the volumetric flow rate through the smaller area of
`the contraction. During this acceleration, drag forces stretch
`the DNA until it snaps. Optionally, the DNA solution can be
`passed several times (e.g., 15 to 20 cycles) through the
`contraction until the fragments are too short for further
`shearing. By adjusting the contraction and the flow rate of
`the fluid,
`the size of the final DNA fragment may be
`determined. Software for controlling and monitoring reac-
`tion conditions is available to allow automation of the
`nebulizing process. As another advantage,
`there are no
`special buffer requirements for nebulization. For example,
`DNAmay besuspended in various solutions including, but
`not limited to, water, Tris buffer, Tris-EDTA buffer, and
`Tris-EDTA with up to 0.5 M NaCl.
`US 2004/0185484 Al
`Sep. 23, 2004
`[0055] Polishing
`[0056] Polishing digestion of genomic DNA (gDNA)tem-
`plates with DNase I
`in the presence of Mn** produces
`fragments of DNA that are either blunt-ended or have
`protruding termini with one or two nucleotides in length.
`Similarly, fragmentation of DNA by mechanical means
`provides a combination of fragments with blunt-ends or
`overhanging ends. These DNA fragments, whether gener-
`ated enzymatically or mechanically, may be “polished”
`using the procedure described below.
`[0057] Polishing (also called end repair) refers to the
`conversion of non-blunt ended DNAinto blunt ended DNA.
`In one method, polishing may be pe

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