`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`13 June 2002 (13.06.2002)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 02/47286 A2
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM,AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, CZ,
`(21) International Application Number:©PCT/EP00/12269
`LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ,
`NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SL, SK, SL, TJ, TM,
`TR, TI, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW.
`(51) International Patent Classification’:
`HO04B 7/00
`(22) International Filing Date: 6 December 2000 (06.12.2000)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): NOKIA
`CORPORATION[FI/FI]; Keilalahdentie 4, FIN-02150
`Espoo (FD).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(for US only):
`(75) Inventors/Applicants
`Ari [FI/FI]; Ristiniementie 4 0 30, FIN-02320 Espoo
`(FID. WICHMAN,Risto [FI/FI]; Viipurinkatu 10 A 20,
`FIN-00510 Helsinki (FD. TIRKKONEN, Olav [FI/FI],
`Puroniitynpolku 5 A 6, FIN-00720 Helsinki (FID.
`(74) Agent: COHAUSZ & FLORACK; Kanzlcrstrasse 8a,
`40472 Diisseldorf (DE).
`(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KF, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European
`patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR,IE,
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF,
`CG, CL, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes andAbbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning ofeach regular issue ofthe PCT Gazelte.
`N (57) Abstract: The invention relates to a method for controlling the weighting of a data signal in the at least two antenna elements
`of a first radio connection unit of a radio communications system, which data signal is to be distributed for parallcl transmission to a
`“~~ second radio connectionunit to at least two beams. In orderto improve such a method, it comprises: determining in the second radio
`connection unit a weight information enablingthe first radio connection unit to determine the sets of weights for suitable beams for
`transmission and transmitting it to the first radio connection unit; and distributing the data signal in thefirst radio connection unit to
`those sets of weights and transmitting the data signals simultaneously via the formed beams. Alternatively or additionally, the second
`unit determines the number of beams to be used and informsthefirst unit about it. ‘The invention equally relates to corresponding
`radio connection units, radio connection unit modules and radio communications systems.
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 01 of 39
`Samsung et al. v. XR Commc'ns.
`Exhibit 1011
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 01 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`Method for controlling the weighting of a data signal in the
`at least two antenna elements of a radio connection unit,
`radio connection unit, module and communications system
`The invention relates to a method for controlling the
`weighting of a data signal in the at least two antenna
`elements of a first radio connection unit of a radio
`communications system, which data signal is to be
`distributed to at least two beams for parallel transmission
`of the data signal in at least two at least partly different
`streams to a second radio connection unit with at least one
`antenna element,
`the beams being formed by weighting the
`data signal in the antenna elements with a set of weights
`for each beam. The invention equally relates to a radio
`connection unit, a radio connection unit module and a radio
`communications system to be employed for such a method.
`It is known from wireless communications systems of the
`state of the art to transmit data signals between two radio
`connection units,
`in particular from a base station to a
`in parallel via several transmit antenna elements.
`When using multiple antennas with adapted transmission and
`detection techniques,
`the spatial dimension can be exploited
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 02 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 02 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`at the terminal and the spectral efficiency of fading
`wireless channels can be increased significantly compared to
`conventional single antenna links. A terminal receiving
`signals from such a transceiver can be designed to
`distinguish several channels,
`if they are sufficiently
`The document "Link-Optimal BLAST Processing With Multiple-
`Access Interference" by F.R. Farrokhi, G.J. Foschini, A.
`Lozano, R.A. Valenzuela, Bell Laboratories (Lucent
`in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference,
`Boston, Massachussets, USA, Sept. 24-28, 2000, proceeds from
`a wireless communications system with antenna arrays at
`transmitter and receiver. The system transmits
`parallel data streams simultaneously and in the same
`frequency band, using the multiple antennas. With rich
`the different streams can be separated at the
`receiver because of their distinct spatial signatures. It is
`proposed to make the channel and the interference covariance
`available to the transmitter. The transmitter finds the
`channel eigenmodes in the presence of the interference and
`sends multiple independent data streams through those
`eigenmodes. The total transmitted power is distributed among
`the eigenmodes according to an optimal water-fill process.
`the maximised capacity is supposed to be achieved.
`The method, as described above, always assumes that the
`receiver has at least two antenna elements. Preferably,
`the aforementioned concept,
`the number of transmit and
`receive elements is the same.
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 03 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 03 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`The parallel transmission via a plurality of antenna
`elements in transceiver and terminal enables a reduction of
`Eb/No (Eb = energy per bit; No = noise power density per Hz)
`requirements for achieving data rates associated with higher
`order constellations like 8PSK,
`16QAM, or 64QAM. Moreover,
`it enables the expansion of the number of rate options for
`adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) and an increase of the
`maximum rate.
`It is an object of the invention to provide a further
`improved method for controlling the weighting of a data
`signal in the at least two antenna elements of a transceiver
`of a wireless communications system which allows for high
`data rates in the downlink matched to channel conditions.
`This object is reached on the one hand by a first method for
`controlling the weighting of a data signal in the at least
`two antenna elements of a first radio connection unit of a
`radio communications system, which data signal is to be
`distributed to at least two beams for parallel transmission
`of the data signal in at least two at least partly different
`streams to a second radio connection unit with at least one |
`antenna element,
`the beams being formed by weighting the
`data signal in the antenna elements with a set of weights
`for each beam,
`the method comprising:
`- determining in the second radio connection unit a weight
`information enabling the first radio connection unit to
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 04 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 04 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`determine the sets of. weights for at least two suitable
`beams for transmission of a data signal from the first
`radio connection unit to the second radio connection
`transmitting the determined weight
`information to the
`first radio connection unit; and
`in the first radio
`- distributing the data signal
`connection unit to at least two sets of weights
`determined from the received weight
`information and
`transmitting the data signals simultaneously via the at
`least two formed beams.
`the invention proceeds
`With regard to this first method,
`from the idea that the second radio connection unit is in
`possession of the most comprehensive information relevant
`for selecting suitable beams for transmission of the data
`signal and for determining sets of weights for the selected
`beams. It is therefore proposed to calculate all relevant
`information needed for the weighting of the data signals in
`the antenna elements of the first radio connection unit
`already at the second radio connection unit. The feedback
`information includes a weight information from which the
`first radio connection unit can determine the set of weights
`for each beam that is to be used for transmission of the
`data signals from the first radio connection unit to the
`second radio connection unit. Each feedback information
`indicates the weighting of the data signal for each of the
`different antenna elements of the first radio connection
`unit. This way,
`the information needed for obtaining the
`weight sets can be determined with the full information
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 05 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 05 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`present at the second radio connection unit, while only the
`information needed is fed back to the first radio connection
`It is to be noted that the feedback information can include
`the set of weights for each selected beam,
`the first radio
`connection unit only having to apply the received sets for
`forming the selected beams. It is not required, however,
`that the second radio connection unit determines and
`transmits all sets of weights, if there exists an a priori
`fixed or negotiated way of calculating multiple weights from
`a single feedback known to both, first and second radio
`connection unit. Then, a reduced feedback information is
`sufficient, which enables the first radio connection unit to
`determine the necessary sets of weights. Therefore,
`second radio connection unit controls the parallel beams
`with weight
`information either directly using explicit
`feedback for all beams or implicitly using reduced feedback
`and the knowledge of beam parameterisation at the first
`radio connection unit.
`On the other hand,
`the object is reached by a second method
`for controlling the weighting of a data signal in the at
`least two antenna elements of a first radio connection unit
`of a radio communications system, which data signal is to be
`distributed to at least two beams for parallel transmission
`of the data signal in at least two at least partly different
`streams to a second radio connection unit with at least one
`antenna element,
`the beams being formed by weighting the
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 06 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 06 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`data signal in the antenna elements with a set of weights
`for each beam, said second method comprising:
`- determining in the second radio connection unit the
`number of beams to be used for transmission of a data
`signal from the first radio connection unit to the second
`radio connection unit;
`- providing the first radio connection unit with
`information about the determined number of beams; and
`- distributing the data signal
`in the first radio
`connection unit to the number of beams corresponding to
`the number of beams determined in the second radio
`connection unit.
`Just like in the first proposed method,
`in the second
`the second radio
`proposed method according to the invention,
`connection unit makes use of its knowledge in order to
`determine an information relevant for beamforming in the
`first radio connection unit and transmits this information
`to the first radio connection unit. The difference is that
`the information may include the number of beams that
`are to be formed by the first radio connection unit.
`Both methods are aimed at controlling the weighting of a
`data signal that is to be divided, usually after encoding
`and modulation,
`into at least two parts for transmission. At
`least partly different symbols are therefore transmitted in
`parallel using the at least two formed beams, even though
`the symbols transmitted by the two beams do not have to be
`completely different.
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 07 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 07 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`The weight
`information for the selected beams and the number
`of beams respectively can be signalled to the first radio
`connection unit using any feasible technique known in the
`state of the art.
`The transmitted data signals can be received at the second
`radio connection unit by one antenna element or by several
`antenna elements.
`The above stated object of the invention is equally reached
`by a radio connection unit that can be used as first and/or
`as second radio connection unit, comprising means
`respectively for realising the methods according to the
`invention. Moreover,
`the object is reached by radio
`connection unit modules comprising means for realising the
`methods according to the invention in a first or second or a
`combined first and second radio connection unit. Finally,
`also a radio communications system with radio connection
`units suitable for realising the methods according to the
`invention reaches this object of the invention.
`Preferred embodiments of the invention become apparent from
`the subclaims.
`In the first method according to the invention,
`the second
`radio connection unit preferably determines the set of
`weights for at least two dominant downlink beams that are
`spatially sufficiently independent or uncorrelated for
`reception at said second radio connection unit. The sets of
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 08 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 08 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`. weights for forming the downlink beams that are fed back to
`the first radio connection unit can be calculated at the
`second radio connection unit so that they enable an
`efficient signal separation at the receiver. As an example,
`if the two most dominant beams are highly correlated,
`first radio connection unit and the second radio connection
`unit can use only one of them for an efficient parallel
`In this case, only one of those most dominant
`beams is used and in addition another dominant beam with a
`smaller eigenvalue but which is sufficiently different from
`the two most dominant beams. With sufficient information
`about the beamforming at the first radio connection unit,
`instead of all needed sets of weights only some
`reduced weight
`information from which several sets of
`weights can be determined can be transmitted to the first
`radio connection unit as feedback information.
`In a further preferred embodiment of the first of the
`proposed methods,
`the second radio connection unit not only
`determines the downlink beams and the corresponding weight
`information indicating the sets of weights that are to be
`used for multiple transmission, but also the data rates to
`be used for each of the selected beams. The data rates are
`determined in the second radio connection unit according to
`the characteristics of the received channels and information
`about the determined data rates is transmitted to the first
`radio connection unit. This means,
`the data rate mapping to
`multiple beams is done at least partially using a second
`radio connection unit to first radio connection unit
`feedback. Thereby,
`the downlink data rate using multiple
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 09 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 09 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`transmit beams or weight sets can be maximised.
`In order to
`be able to assign the data rates,
`the signal-to-noise ratio
`(SNR) or signal-to-interference ratio (SIR), or signal-to-
`noise-plus-interference ratio (SINR) of the different
`channels can be evaluated. Moreover, with correlated
`the data rate should typically be reduced
`regardless of the number of transmit or receive antenna
`elements. The data rates can be determined in a way that the
`total data rate remains constant. Advantageously, however,
`the total data rate is determined in a way that it coincides
`with a data rate requested by the terminal and that the
`associated transmission power supports the quality-of-
`service (QoS) criteria (e.g. SIR, SNR, SINR, Bit Error Ratio
`BER, Frame Error Rate FER, Outage) set for the transmitted
`service by the terminal.
`The information about changes in the data rates transmitted
`from the second to the first radio connection unit can be
`differential or absolute.
`In the first case, e.g. only a
`requested increase or decrease in a data rate has to be
`indicated in the feedback, while in the second case,
`data rate can change arbitrarily, but more feedback is
`The determination of multi-rate beams is preferably done in
`the second radio connection unit by taking into account the
`effective signal-to-noise ratio for parallel beams and by
`using in addition the knowledge of the receiver structure in
`the second radio connection unit. For example,
`receivers can be better suited for mitigating inter-beam
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 10 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 10 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`interferences than others. Furthermore,
`the inter-beam
`interference can be optimised when controlling jointly the
`transmit powers, weight coefficients and data rates.
`In an equally preferred embodiment of the first method
`according to the invention,
`the second radio connection unit
`determines alternatively or in addition to the data rate
`distribution an advantageous power distribution over the
`selected downlink beams. Like the data rates, also the power
`distribution is determined in the second radio connection
`unit according to the characteristics of the received
`channels. The second radio connection unit transmits
`information about this distribution to the first radio
`connection unit for controlling the antenna elements
`accordingly. Equivalent as for the data rates,
`the total
`power over all used beams can be kept constant.
`The optimal power allocation can be determined in a way that
`the desired SIR is met after the sets of weights have been
`fixed. A downlink power assignment for the power of downlink
`beams with fixed beam coefficients from a base station to a
`number of terminals is described in "Optimal downlink power
`assignment for smart antenna systems" by Weidong Yang;
`Guanghan Xu,
`in Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing,
`1998; Proceedings of the 1998 IBEE, Vol. 6, pp. 3337-3340.
`This approach can be adapted for the first method of the
`invention to be used to jointly determine the powers and the
`Q0S parameters for each of several parallel downlink beams
`from a first radio connection unit to a given second radio
`connection unit rather than for the power of downlink beams
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 11 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 11 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`from a base station to multiple users, where to each user
`there is assigned one beam.
`the transmit powers for the downlink beams
`can be determined jointly with the determination of the set
`of weights or corresponding weight information for the
`optimal beams. In the document "Joint Optimal Power Control
`and Beamforming in Wireless Networks Using Antenna Arrays",
`by F. Rashid-Farrokhi, L. Tassiulas, and K. J. Ray Liu,
`Transactions On Communications, vol. 46, no. 10, October
`1898, pp. 1313-1323, an algorithm is provided for computing
`transmission powers and beamforming weight vectors, such
`that a target SINR is achieved for each link from one base
`station to a plurality of terminals with minimal
`transmission power.
`In the documents, it is proposed that
`for a fixed power allocation, each base station maximises
`the SINR using the minimum variance distortionless response
`(MVDR) beamformer. Next,
`the mobile powers are updated to
`reduce the cochannel interference. This operation is done
`iteratively until the vector of transmitter powers and the
`weight coefficients of the beamformers converge to the
`jointly optimal value. Assuming that at least two spatial
`channels have been estimated for the second radio connection
`the sets of weights and the power optimisation
`techniques proposed by Farrokhi et al. can be used in the
`first method of the invention to determine multiple beams
`for parallel transmission from the first to the (single)
`second radio connection unit instead of from a base station
`to multiple users. As a result,
`the second radio connection
`unit has all relevant information for optimising the beams
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 12 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 12 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`and for distributing the signals to at least two parallel
`Furthermore, for determining the at least two suitable
`downlink beams, channel
`information and/or interference
`information can be used in the second radio connection unit.
`A possibility for determining an interference covariance
`matrix that can be used in the method according to the
`invention to calculate the optimal eigenvectors at the
`second radio connection unit,
`is described e.g.
`in "Maximum
`bikelihood Multipath Channel Parameter Estimation in CDMA
`Systems", by C. Sengupta, A. Hottinen, J.R. Cavallaro, and
`B. Aazhang, 32nd Annual Conference on Information Sciences
`and Sysetms (CISS), Princeton, March 1998,
`information, which may include the sets of
`The weight
`weights, and/or the data rates and/or the power distribution
`can be determined in the second radio connection unit either
`based on short term variations of the received channels or
`based on the stationary structure of the received channels
`or on a combination of both.
`In a slowly fading channel,
`short term variations can be used to determine the weight
`information and related data rate information.
`Alternatively, short term information can be used for
`signalling only the data rate and/or the power information
`for beams that are determined by using the stationary
`structure of the received channels. With short term
`variations, high resolution beams can be calculated such
`that the instantaneous data rate ig maximised. This, of
`course, works only in slowly fading environments.
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 13 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 13 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`In case the stationary structure of the received channels is
`used for determining the weight
`information for the at least
`two downlink beams, preferably the eigenvectors of the
`Spatial signal covariance matrices are calculated. However,
`the weight information for the preferred beams can be
`calculated in any other suitable way. For example,
`subspace weight vectors can be tracked with a singular value
`decomposition and subspace tracking, which does not require
`the calculation of the correlation matrix and a subsequent
`eigenvalue decomposition. Such a tracking can be taken e.g.
`from "Solving the SVD Updating Problem for Subspace Tracking
`on a Fixed Sized Linear Array of Processors" by C.
`Sengupta,J.R. Cavallaro, and B. Aazhang, International
`Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
`(ICASSP), Volume 5, pp. 4137-4140, Munich, April 1997.
`Alternatively, an independent component analysis can be
`applied, as described e.g. by U.F. Cardoso and P. Comon in:
`"Independent Component Analysis, a Survey of Some Algebraic
`methods", Proc.
`ISCAS Conference, volume 2, pp. 93-96,
`Atlanta, May 1996.
`In this case,
`the beams transmitted in
`parallel are typically non-orthogonal.
`In a preferred embodiment of the second method according to
`the invention,
`the second radio connection unit determines
`the number of beams to be used for transmission of a data
`signal from the first radio connection unit to the second
`radio connection unit based on channel and/or interference
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 14 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 14 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`As one possibility for transmitting the information about
`the determined number of beams in the second method
`according to the invention,
`the determined number of beams
`to be used for transmission of a data signal from the first
`radio connection unit to the second radio connection unit
`can simply be indicated by the number of beams that are
`transmitted from the second radio connection unit to the
`first radio connection unit. As mentioned above,
`the number
`of beams can also be included in the number of sets of
`weights determined and transmitted as proposed for the first
`method according to the invention.
`In the second method according to the invention,
`the first
`radio connection unit can signal in addition to the number
`of beams beam indices selected for transmission, enumerated
`in some way.
`The first method according to the invention can, but does
`not necessarily,
`include the second method according to the
`invention. That means,
`in the first method according to the
`the number of beams to be used can be determined
`first in the second radio connection unit and for this
`number of beams, sets of weights are determined and
`transmitted to the first radio connection unit, or the
`number is included in the weight
`information if this weight
`information does not include the complete set of weights to
`be used. Alternatively,
`the number of sets of weights
`determined in the second radio connection unit can be fixed.
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 15 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 15 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`— mn
`In both methods according to the invention,
`the second radio
`connection unit should recover the data signals distributed
`to the at least two beams in the first radio connection unit
`and transmitted in at least two at least partly different
`streams to the second radio connection unit. This means,
`parts transmitted by different streams have to be combined
`again in the correct symbol/bit order.
`In a preferred embodiment of both methods according to the
`the first radio connection unit transmits weight
`information used for beamforming to the second radio
`connection unit and the second radio connection unit uses
`the received weight information for evaluation of the
`received data signals. With this knowledge,
`the quality and
`the speed in determining information to be transmitted to
`the first radio connection unit can be improved.
`In an
`alternative embodiment for the first method of the
`the second radio connection unit can make use of
`its own knowledge included in the weight information
`transmitted to the first radio connection unit for
`recovering the data signals.
`In both embodiments,
`the second
`radio connection unit can use the channel estimates obtained
`for each antenna element,
`the transport format information,
`and the used beam coefficients for each beam in order to
`detect and decode the information most efficiently. The
`receiver can use any techniques known in the art to that
`including joint detection,
`joint decoding,
`detection/decoding and channel estimation implemented either
`iteratively, or non-iteratively. As an example,
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 16 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 16 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`analogous to those described in A. Hottinen and Oo.
`Tirkkonen, "Iterative decoding and detection in a high data
`rate downlink channel," Proc. NORSIG, Kolmorden, Sweden,
`June 2000, can be used.
`In both methods of to the invention,
`the first radio
`connection unit can be a base station and the second radio
`connection unit a terminal,
`the formed beams being downlink
`beams. Equally,
`the first radio connection unit can be a
`terminal and the second radio connection unit a base
`the formed beams being uplink beams. Consequently,
`the methods can also be employed with a base station and a
`terminal which can both form the first radio connection unit
`and the second radio connection unit.
`The proposed method is of particular advantage when used in
`FDD systems.
`The first and second radio connection units are preferably
`base stations and user equipments, where base station and
`user equipment can include either only means for one of the
`first and the second radio connection unit or means for
`In the following,
`the invention is explained in more detail
`for three embodiments.
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 17 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 17 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`All three embodiments of a method according to the invention
`relate to a WCDMA FDD wireless communications system,
`which data signals are to be transmitted with a very high
`data rate from a base station to a user equipment. The base
`station comprises an antenna array with M antenna elements
`and the user equipment comprise an antenna array with N
`antenna elements. The data signals are transmitted in
`parallel and with the same frequency, but with different
`beams from the base station to the user equipment.
`The beams are formed by assigning a different set of weights
`the set of weights
`to the data signals assigned to one beam,
`determining the weighting with which each data bit is
`transmitted from each antenna element of the base station.
`To each beam,
`there is assigned a data rate with which bits
`are to be transmitted and an output power. The number of
`beams to be used,
`the beam weights,
`the data rates and the
`power for the selected beams are determined in the user
`equipment .
`The first embodiment of a method according to the invention
`is proposed for correlated spatial channels. A specific
`parameterised weight set for the base station antenna array
`is assumed. That is, it is assumed that the base station has
`an uniform linear array (ULA);
`the antennas have equal
`spacing, which spacing is small enough to allow significant
`(but not necessarily close to unit) correlation between
`neighbouring antennas. Under those assumptions, a particular
`parameterised beam-forming concept is used at the user
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 18 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 18 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`equipment in which the transmit weight/array vector,
`parameterised by 9, is given by:
`w(0) = fe? get? f 4M
`The feedback can be calculated e.g. using the eigenvectors
`corresponding to the two largest eigenvalues of the channel
`matrix H"H, where H=(h,,..., h,) and where h, is the impulse
`response between the m™ array element and all antennas of
`the user equipment. When denoting these vectors
`= 1,2) and solving
`by e,,,;
`G= argmax|w(4)" emax_i
`the phases at the transmit element m are w, = Ql ner
`some (not
`If the user equipment finds it advantageous,
`necessarily orthogonal)
`linear combinations of the
`eigenvectors may be used as a basis for directing the beams
`from the ULA,
`instead of the eigenvectors e
`For example,
`if the data rates that may be assigned to the beams are such
`that the beam with the highest eigenvalue may support more
`data than can be transmitted with the highest supportable
`data rate,
`the user equipment may choose to select
`correlating beams, where a suitable mixture of orthogonal
`beams are used to reach the maximal data rate with an
`acceptable Quality of Service.
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 19 of 39
`Exhibit 1011
`Page 19 of 39
`WO 02/47286
`The set of parameters 0i for parallel transmission is fed
`back to the base station applying e.g. Mode 1 feedback
`In Mode 1,
`the feedback bit signals in
`successive slots the real and the imaginary parts of the
`feedback weights, or the angular parameters 0i in this case.
`It is also possible to parameterise the gains of the
`antennas with one or more parameters. One parameterisation
`would be to have the gains linearly increasing or decreasing
`along the linear array. Other parameterisation would enhance
`or suppress the central antenna elements, or every second
`element. If antenna gains are parameterised,
`maximisation above chooses the best angular and gain
`parameters to match the eigenvectors. This information can
`be transmitted e.g. by closed-loop Mode 2 signalling.
`closed-loop Mode 2,
`the feedback weight is signalled as a
`Gray coded message with 3 phase bits and 1 gain bit. The
`gain bit,
`transmitted every fourth slot, selects the
`relative gain between the two transmit elements. Here, Mode
`2 si