David M. Auslander
`Professor of the Graduate School, Mechanical Engineering
`University of California at Berkeley
`Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1740, USA
`University of California at Berkeley, Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Research, College of
`Engineering, 1999 — 2005, Acting Dean, College of Engineering, 2002-03
`University of California at Borkcley, Professor of the Graduate School: joined faculty in 1966 - present
`Northern Research and Development Corp., Cambridge, MA: Senior Engineer, 1961-64
`The Cooper Union, 1961
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1964
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1966
`Areas of Research
`Control system design and analysis, real time software methodology, mechatronics (mechanical system
`control), motion control, energy management systems, dynamic system modeling and simulation
`Visiting Positions
`University of Tokyo, Center for Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (Mexico),
`Princeton University, University of Sydney, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métier (Paris), Ecole
`Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
`Taught classes in mechatronics, real time software, feedback control systems, Developed mechatronics
`sequence (undergraduate and graduate courses in real time software, digital and analog clectronics,
`mechanical system control); Co-Developed new introductory feedback control course; Developed
`measurement and instrumentation course; Authored and co-authored textbooks im these areas; Developed
`robotics-mechatronics course at Univ. of Calif., Merced. Not currently teaching.
`Professional Activities
`International Federation of Automatic Control IFAC) 1996 Triennial Congress, Conf. Mer.
`ASMEDynamics Systems and Control Division, chair 1981, member of various committees
`ASMETransactions, J. Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Editor 1981-86
`legal consulting; co-founder and Senior Consultant of Berkeley Process Control, Inc., a
`developer of controllers for mechanical systems. Berkeley Process Control was acquired by Moog,Inc.,
`in 2008; member, Board of Directors and consultant, XIO, Inc(2014-2021).
`Louis Levy Award (best paper), Franklin Institute (twice)
`Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
`Education Award, Dynamic Systems and Control Division, ASME
`Education Award, American Automatic Control Council
`Control Practice Award, Dynamic Systems and Control Division, ASME
`Donald P.Eckman Award ofthe Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society (ISA)
`Mechatronics and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA), ASME/IEEE, Career Award
`EX. 1003
`EX. 1003


`David M. Auslander
`Mechanical Engineering Department
`University of California at Berkeley
`Books and Book Chapters
`Y. Takahashi, M. Rabins, D. M. Auslander, Control and Dynamic Systems,
`Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 800 pages, 1970. (Also translated into Japanese and
`D. M. Auslander, Y. Takahashi, M. Rabins, Jntroducing Systems and Control,
`McGraw-Hill, New York, 388 pages, 1974. (Also translated into Spanish.)
`A. Al-Shaikh, D. M. Auslander, editors, Case Studies in Computer Control, ASME, 1978,
`87 pages.
`D. M. Auslander, P. Sagues, Microprocessors for Measurement and Control,
`Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1981, 310 pages. (Also translated into Japanese and Chinese.)
`LD. Landau, M. Tomizuka, D. M. Auslander, editors, Adaptive Systems in Control and
`Signal Processing 1983, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1984.
`D.M. Auslander, C.H. Tham, Real-Time Softwarefor Control, Prentice-Hall, Englewood
`Cliffs, NJ, 1990, 493 pages.
`D.M. Auslander, C.H. Tham, "Real-Time Control Software for Manufacturing Systems",
`Chapter in: Advances in Manufacturing and Automation Systems, Academic Press, 1991.
`A. Jana, D.M. Auslander, “Workcell Programming Languagefor Intelligent
`Manufacturing Systems,” chapter 1 in Design and ImplementationofIntelligent
`Manufacturing Systems, Edited by H. R. Parsaei, M. Jamshidi, Prentice-Hall, Upper
`Saddle River, NJ, 1995, pp 1-18.
`D.M.Auslander, C.J. Kempf, Mechatronics: Mechanical System Inierfacing, Prentice-
`Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1996, 242 pages.
`D.M. Auslander, J.R. Ridgely, J.C. Jones, “Real-Time Software for Implementation of
`Feedback Control,” chapter in: The Control Handbook, edited by William S. Levine, CRC
`Press and TEEE Press, pp 323-344, 1996.
`EX. 1003


`D.M.Auslander, J. R. Ridgely, J. D. Ringgenberg, Control Softwarefor Mechanical
`Systems: Object Oriented Design in a Real-Time World, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle
`River, NJ, 2002, 339 pages.
`D.M.Auslander. “Digital Controllers,” chapter in Hncyclopedia ofPhysical Science and
`Technology (third Edition), Academic Press, 2003, pp 441-460.
`D.M. Auslander, J-D Decotigne, “Network Fundamentals,” chapter in Handbook of
`Networked and Embedded Control Systems, edited by D. Hristu-Varsakelis and W. S.
`Levine, Birkhauser, pp 197-223, 2005.
`Journal and Conference Papers
`D. B. Spalding, D. M. Auslander, and T. R. Sundaram, "The Calculation of Heat and Mass
`Transfer through the Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate at High Mach Numbers,
`with and without Chemical Reaction,"
`Supersonic Flow, Chemical Processes and
`Radiative Transfer, Pergamon Press,211-276, 1964.
`D. M. Auslander, "Distributed System Simulation with Bilateral Delay-Line Models,"
`Trans. ASME, J. ofBasic Engineering, 90, 195-200, 1968.
`D. M. Auslander, "Simulation and Design of Fluidic Systems with Long Lines, "ASME
`paper #68-WA/AUTO-12, 1968.
`D. M. Auslander, and D. C. Sharma, "Study of Certain Clinical Disorders Related to the
`Biosynthesis and Regulation of Steriod Hormones by Computer Simulation," Progress in
`Cybernetics, Gordon and Breach, 467-490, 1970.
`G. F. Oster, D. M. Auslander, "Generalized Circuits for Thermodynamic Systems," Proc.
`of the 1970 International Conference on Circuit and System Theory, Kyoto, Japan,
`161-162, 1970.
`Y. Takahashi, C. S. Chan, and D. M. Auslander, "Parameter Tuning of Linear DDC
`Algorithms," ASME paper
`linearen DDC-Algorithmen," Regelungstecknik
`Prozess-Datenverarbeitung, 6, 237-244, 1971.
`D. P. Garg, D. M. Auslander, and M. J. Rabins, "A Synthesis Technique for Nonlinear
`Control Systems Using a Frequency Domain Stability Criterion," 7rans. ASME,J. ofBasic
`Engineering, 92 348-354, 1970.
`D. M. Auslander, "Distributed-Parameter Models for Continuous-Time Systems," Proc. of
`the 1970 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Denver, Colorado, 242-251, 1970.
`EX. 1003


`D. M. Auslander, "Evolutions in Automatic Control," Trans. ASME, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas.
`and Control, 93, 4-9, 1971.
`R. W.Phillips, D. M. Auslander, "The Electro-Plastic Flow Modulator," First Symposium
`on Flow,Its Measurement and Control, 1243-1251, 1971 (Proceedings published in 1974).
`"Topological Representations of Thermodynamic
`G. F. Oster, D. M. Auslander,
`Systems,Part I - Basic Concepts," Journal of the Franklin Institute, 292,1-17, 1971.
`"Topological Representations of Thermodynamic
`G. F. Oster, D. M. Auslander,
`Systems,Part II - Some Elemental Subunits for Irreversible Thermodynamics," Journal of
`the Franklin Institute, 292, 77-92, 1971.
`D. M. Auslander, D. G. Chong and Y. Takahashi, "Optimal Digital Kalman Filtering for
`Systems with Continuous Input Noise," ASME Paper #71-WA/AUT-21, 1971.
`D. M. Auslander, T. E. Lobdell and D. G. Chong, "A Large-Scale Model of the Human
`Cardiovascular System and its Application to Ballistocardiography," 7rans. ASME, J. Dyn.
`Sys., Meas. and Control, 94, 230-238, 1972 (also, Bibl, Cardiov. 32: 15-21, Karger,
`Basel, 1973).
`D. M. Auslander, G. F. Oster, A. Perelson, and G. Clifford, "On Systems with Coupled
`Chemical Reaction and Diffusion," 7rans. ASME, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas. and Control,
`239-248, 1972.
`G. F. Oster, D. M. Auslander, "The Memristor: A New Bond Graph Element," Zrans.
`ASME, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas. and Control, 94, 249-252, 1972.
`D. M. Auslander, "A Structured-Data Interactive Dynamic System Simulation Language
`Suitable for Mini-Computer Implementation," 7rans. ASME, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas. and
`Control, 96, 261-268, 1974.
`D. M. Auslander, G. F. Oster, C. F. Huffaker, "Dynamics of Interacting Populations,"
`Journal of the Franklin Institute, 297, 345-375, 1974.
`D. M. Auslander, N. T. Tsai, F. Farazian, "Bond Graph Models for Torsional Energy
`Transmission,” /rans. ASME#, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas. and Control, 97, 53-59, 1975.
`Y. Takahashi, D. M. Auslander, "Simple Discrete Control of Industrial Processes," rans.
`ASME, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas. and Control, 97, 354-361, 1975.
`G. F. Oster, D. M. Auslander, T. T. Allen, "Deterministic and Stochastic Effects in
`Population Dynamics," Trans. ASME, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas. and Control, 98, 44-48, 1976.
`EX. 1003


`D. M. Auslander, "Specifications for a Simulation Language for Population Ecology,"
`Proceedings, 8th AICA Congress, 421-427, 1976.
`"Nonlinear Differential Equation Solving in the Engineering
`D. M. Auslander,
`Curriculum," Engineering [Education (Journal of the American Society for Engineering
`Education), 67, 1977.
`D. M. Auslander, M. Tomizuka, Y. Takahashi, "Process Control Experience and a
`Self-Tuning Method for a Finite-Time Settling Controller/Observer," Zrans. ASME, J.
`Dyn. Sys., Meas. and Control, 99, 209-210, 1977.
`S. Abedi-Hayati, D. M. Auslander, "Control of a Single-Actuator Shaking Table, " ASME
`Paper #77-WA/Aut-11, 1977.
`D. M. Auslander, Y. Takahashi, M. Tomizuka, "Direct Digital Process Control: Practice
`and Algorithms for Microprocessor Application," Proc. of the IEEE, 66, 199-208, 1978.
`"A Continuous-System Simulation Language Designed for LSI
`D. M. Auslander,
`Economics," Mathematics and Computersin Simulation, XX,308-313, 1978.
`"Random Evolutionarily Stable
`J. Guckenheimer, G. F. Oster,
`D. M. Auslander,
`Strategies," Theoretical Population Biology, 13, 276-293, 1978.
`M. Tomizuka, D. M. Auslander, Y. Takahashi, "Simple Finite-Time Settling Control and
`Manipulated Variable Softening for Reverse-Reaction, Overshoot, and Oscillatory
`Processes," 7rans. ASME, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas. and Control, 100, 50-58, 1978.
`M. Tomizuka, D. M. Auslander, Y. Takahashi, "A Tutorial Introduction to Discrete-Time
`Optimal Control," ASME Paper #78-WA/DSC-18, 1978.
`D. R. Gunewardana, M. Tomizuka, D. M. Auslander, "Application of Optimal Preview
`Control to Power Plant Cooling Systems," Trans. ASME, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas. and Control,
`101, 162-171, 1979.
`D. M. Auslander, M. Tomizuka, H. Lee, "An Optimal Standard for Solar Heating Systems,"
`Trans. ASME, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas. and Control, 101, 138-149, 1979.
`S. Abedi-Hayati, D. M. Auslander, "Control of Multi-Actuator Electro-Hydraulic Shaking
`Tables," Fluidics Quarterly, 11, 1-16, 1979.
`D. M. Auslander, D. A. Dornfeld, P. Sagues, "Software for Microprocessor Control of
`Mechanical Equipment," Proc. of the Joint Automatic Control Conference, June, 1979,
`Denver, Colorado.
`EX. 1003


`S. R. Schiller, M. L. Warren, D. M. Auslander, "Comparison of Proportional and On/Off
`Solar Collection Loop Stategies Using a Dynamic Collector Model," 7rans. ASM, J. of
`Solar Energy Engineering, 102, 257-263, 1980.
`D. M. Auslander, R. C. Spear, G. E. Young, "A Simulation-Based Approach to the Design
`of Control Systems with Uncertain Parameters," 7rans. ASME, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas. and
`Control, 104, 20-26,1982.
`C. Vilmer, M. L. Warren, D. M. Auslander, "Interaction of a Solar Space Heating System
`with the Thermal Behavior of a Building," Proc. of ASME Conference on Systems
`Simulation, Economic Analysis/Solar Heating and Cooling Operational Results, Reno,
`Nev., 1981.
`J.D. Stahr, D. M. Auslander, R. C. Spear, G. E. Young, "An Approachto the Preliminary
`Evaluation of Closed-Ecology Life Support System (CELSS) Scenarios and Control
`Strategies," Proc. Joint Societies Conference on Environmental Systems, ASME papaer
`#8 1-ENAS-38, San Francisco, 1981.
`D. M. Auslander, "Parasol-Il A Laboratory Simulation and Control Tool for Small
`Computers," Computers in Mechanical Engineering 1, 25-36,1982.
`D. M. Auslander, H-G Cai, X-Q Bian, "Finite-State Machine Approach to Preview Control
`of Two-Dimensional Motion," Proc., ASME Computer Engineering Conference, 1982.
`D. M. Auslander, "Spatial Effects on the Stability of a Food-Limited Moth Population,"
`Journal ofthe Franklin Institute, 314,347-365, 1982.
`I. E. Eronini, W. H. Somerton, D. M. Auslander, "A Dynamic Model for Rotary Rock
`Drilling," frans. ASME, J. ofEnergy Resources Technology, 104, 108-120, 1982.
`J.B. Shung, M. Tomizuka, D. M. Auslander, G. Stout, "Feedback Control and Simulation
`of a Wheelchair," Trans. ASME, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas. and Control, 105, 101-105, 1983.
`J. B. Shung, G. Stout, M. Tomizuka, D. M. Auslander, "Dynamic Modeling and Analysis
`of a Wheelchair," Trans. ASME, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas. and Control, 105, 96-100, 1983.
`T. Ishida, P. Sagues, D. M. Auslander, M. Tomizuka, R. L. Woods, "Engine Air Control
`(EAC) Fuel Injection System," Proc. of the 1984 American Control Conference (ACC),
`San Diego, CA, 1984.
`M. Niv, D. M. Auslander, "Optimal Control of a Robot with Obstacles, "Proc. of the 1984
`American Control Conference (ACC),San Diego, CA, 1984.
`T-L. A. Yeh, M. Tomizuka, D. M. Auslander, "Modeling and Multivariable Digital Control
`EX. 1003


`of a Thermal Mixing Tank,” ASME paper #83-WA/DSC-8, 1983.
`P.S. Babcock IV, D. M. Auslander, R. C. Spear, "Dynamic Considerations for Control of
`Closed Life Support Systems, Advances in Space Research, 4,263-270, 1984.
`P. S. Babcock IV, D. M. Auslander, M. Tomizuka, A. D. May, "The Role of Adaptive
`Discretization in a Freeway Simulation Model," Transportation Research Record, 971,
`M. Tomizuka, A. Jabbari, R. Horowitz, D. M. Auslander, M. Denome, "Modelling and
`Identification of Mechanical Systems with Nonlinearities, "Proc., IFAC Symposium on
`System Identification, York, GB, 1985.
`D. M. Auslander, "Uniform Control System Software," Proc., Conference on Applied
`Motion Control, Minneapolis, 1985.
`K.C. Tsai, D. M. Auslander, "A Statistical Methodology for the Design of Robust Process
`Controllers," Trans. ASME, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas. and Contrel, 110, No. 2, June, 1988,
`A.C. Holt, B. Cunningham, G.C. Johnson, and D. M. Auslander," An Ultrasonic Technique
`for Axial Bolt-Stress Determination," Review ofProgress in Quantitative Nondestructrive
`Evaluation, Vol 6B, Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1987.
`J.J. Langberg, WJ. Gibb, J.C. Griffin, and D. M. Auslander, "Identification of Ventricular
`Tachycardia with use of the Morphology of the Endocardial Electrogram," Circulation, 77,
`No. 6, 1363-1369.
`R.A. Lyman, D.M. Auslander, S. Rahgavan, "The Effects of Pulse Type Actuation on
`Control System Performance," Proceedings, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, 1988.
`D.M. Auslander, "Technology for Computer Assisted, Medical Decision Making,"
`Proceedings, Cardiostim, Monaco, Monte Carlo, June, 1988.
`D.M.Auslander, "Learning to Design for Control," Computers in Mechanical
`Engineering, 7, No. 2, Sept/Oct 1988, 34-40.
`L.L. Chen, A.D. May, D.M. Auslander, "Freeway Ramp Control Using Fuzzy Set Theory
`for Inexact Reasoning," 7ranspn. Res-A, 24A, No. 1, 1990, 15-25.
`D. M.Auslander and M.Rizzi, "Effect of Control Algorithms on Fixed Pitch Wind Turbine
`Generators," 7rans. ASME, J. Solar Energy Engineering, 112, No. 3, August 1990, 147-
`EX. 1003


`D. M. Auslander and K. Dass, "Stopping: The Endpoint of Mechanical Motion Control,"
`ilectrosoft, Computational Mechanics Publications, 1, No. 3, September, 1990, 166-182.
`D.M.Auslander, J.C. Griffin, A. Mayya, "Identification of Fiducial Points in Serial Data,"
`Trans. ASME, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas. and Control, 113, No. 1, March, 1991, 178-183. (also
`in /ntelligent Control Systems, DSC-Vol. 16, ASME, December 1989)
`T. Yamaguchi, P. Slakey, M. Saxton, D.M. Auslander, P.A. Bachand, "Submicron
`Movementof an XY Table and a Feasibility Study for using Switching Mode
`Controllers," Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, Kyoto, Japan, July, 1990.
`J Hu, J.P. Beans, D.M. Auslander, "Start/Stop Control of Fixed-Pitch Wind Energy
`Turbines," Solar Energy, 46, No. 1, 1991, 29-40.
`R.C. Spear, F. Bois, T. Woodruff, D.M. Auslander, J. Parker, S. Selvin, "Modeling
`Benzene Pharmaco-Kinetics Across Three Sets of Animal Data: Parametric Sensitivity
`and Risk Implications," Risk Analysis, 11:641-654, 1991.
`D. M.Auslander, "Control Implementation: Real Time Multitasking/Multiprocessing,"
`Advances in Control Education, IFAC Symposium, Boston, MA, June, 1991.
`TJ. Woodruff, F.Y. Bois, D. Auslander, R.C. Spear, "Structure and Parameterization of
`Pharacokinetic Models: Their Impact on Model Predictions," Risk Analysis, 12, No. 2,
`K. Kamei, D.M. Auslander, K. Inoue, "A Fuzzy Clustering Method for Multidimensional
`Parameter Selection in Systems with Uncertain Parameters," [EEE International
`Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Mar. 1992, San Diego, CA.
`A. Fuyii, A. Mauer, C.C. Chung, H. Li, D.M. Auslander, " Fine Motion Control:
`Nanometer Positioning of an XY Table," ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Dec. 1992,
`Annaheim, CA.
`S. Gopalaswamy, D.M. Auslander, "Performance Analysis of a Mixed Traffic Network in
`a Manufacturing Environment," American Control Conference, June, 1993, San
`Francisco, CA.
`D.M. Auslander, M. Lemkin, A-C Huang, "Control of Complex Mechanical Systems,"
`International Federation of Automatic Control, 1993 World Congress, July, 1993,
`Sydney, Australia.
`W. J. Gibb, D. M. Auslander, J. C. Griffin, "Selection of Myocardial Electrogram
`Features for use by Implantable Devices," /EEE Transactions on Biomedical
`Engineering, 40, No. 8, Aug., 1993, pp 727-735.
`EX. 1003


`D.M. Auslander, "Operator Interface Development for Control Software," /AEH Control
`Systems, 13, No. 4, Aug., 1993, pp 66-72.
`D.M. Auslander, "Unified Real Time Task Notation for Mechanical System Control,"
`ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Dec. 1993.
`H. Li, K. Watanabe, D. Auslander, R.C. Spear, "Model Parameter Estimation and
`Analysis: Understanding Parametric Structure," Annals ofBiomedical Engineering, v22,
`pp 97-111, 1994.
`Karen H. Watanabe, Frederic Y. Bois, Joan M. Daisey, David M. Auslander, and Robert
`C. Spear, "Benzene Toxicokinetics in Humans: Exposure of Bone Barrow to
`Metabolites," OEM,June 1994, 51(6): 414-20.
`W.J. Gibb, D. M. Auslander, J. C. Griffin, "Adaptive Classification of Myocardial
`Electrogram Waveforms," JEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 41, No. 8,
`Aug., 1994, pp 804-808.
`A-C Huang, D. M. Auslander, “Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Systems Using
`Backstepping,” American Control Conference, June, 1994.
`E, Mizutani, J-S. R. Jang, K. Nishio, H. Takagi, D.M. Auslander, “Coactive Neural
`Networks with Adjustable Fuzzy Membership Functions and Their Applications,”
`Proceedingsof the 3“ International Conference on Fuzzy Logic, Neural nets and Soft
`Computing, lizuka, Japan, August, 1994.
`E, Mizutani, H. Takagi, D.M. Auslander, “A Cooperative System of Neural Networks
`and Genetic Algorithm with Fuzzy Population Generator for Computer Color Recipe
`Prediction,” Proceedings of the 3"! International Conference on Fuzzy Logic, Neural nets
`and Soft Computing, lizuka, Japan, August, 1994.
`W.S. Ellis, D.M. Auslander, and M.D. Lesh, "Effects of coupling heterogeneity on
`fractionated electrograms in a model of non-uniformly anisotropic ventricular
`myocardium", J. ofElectrocardiology, vol. 278, 1994, p. 171-178
`D. M. Auslander, A-C Huang, M. Lemkin, “A Design and Implementation Methodology
`for Real Time Control of Mechanical Systems,” Mechatronics, Pergamon, 5, No. 7, 1995,
`pp 811-832.
`J. N. Eisenberg, C. W. Pawlowski, D. R. Maszle, D. M. Auslander, “System Issues for
`Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems,” Life Supp & Biosph Sci, 1, No. 3/4, 1995,
`pp 141-157.
`EX. 1003


`E, Mizutani, H. Takagi, D.M. Auslander, “A Cooperative System Based on Soft
`Computing Methods to Realize Higher Precision of Computer Color Recipe Prediction,”
`Proceedings, Applications and Scinece of Artificial Neural Networks, The International
`Society for Optical Engineering, Orlando, FL, April, 1995.
`M. Lemkin, P-H Yang, D.M. Auslander, “Using a Hydraulically Balanced Beam as a
`Case Study in Control Implementation for Control Education,” American Control
`Conference, Seattle, WA, June, 1995; Also, ASME J. Dynamics Systems Measurement
`and Control, vol. 115 #4, Dec 1997, pp 815-819.
`M. Lemkin, P-H Yang, A.C. Huang,J. Jones, D.M. Auslander, “Velocity Estimation
`From Widely Scattered Encoder Pulses,” American Control Conference, Seattle, WA,
`June, 1995.
`J.N. Eisenberg, D.R. Maszle, C.W. Pawlowski, D.M.Auslander, “Methodology for Plant
`Growth Strategies in Life-Support Systems,” ASCE Journal ofAerospace Engineering,8,
`No.3, July, 1995, pp 139-147.
`W:S. Ellis, D.M. Auslander, and M.D. Lesh, "Fractionated electrograms from a computer
`model of heterogeneously uncoupled anisotropic ventricular myocardium", Circulation,
`vol. 92, 1995, p. 1619-1626
`J.-D. Decotignie, D.M. Auslander, M. Moreaux, “ Fieldbus Based Integrated
`Communications and Control Systems - Architectural Implications,” 4" International
`Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, Mie University, Tsu, Mie, Japan, March, 1996.
`J.-D. Decotignie, D.M. Auslander, “Executives for Real-Time Control,” Japan/USA
`Conference on Flexible Automation, Boston, MA,July, 1996.
`N.A. Kheir, KJ. Astrom, D.M. Auslander, K.C. Cheok, G.F. Franklin, M. Masten, M.
`Rabins, “Control System Engineering Education,” Automatica, 32, No. 2, Elsevier
`Science, Ltd., 1996, pp 147-166.
`W.S. Ellis, S.J. Eisenberg, D.M. Auslander, M.W. Dae, A. Zakhor, and M.D. Lesh,
`"Deconvolution: a novel signal processing approach for determining activation time from
`fractionated electrograms and detecting infarcted tissue", Circulation, vol. 94, 1996,p.
`M.A. Lemkin, B.E. Boser, D.M. Auslander, “A Fully Differential ZA Accelerometer with
`Drift Cancellation Circuitry,” Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop, Hilton Head,
`SC, June, 1996.
`W.S. Ellis, S.J. Eisenberg, D.M. Auslander, M.W. Dae, A. Zakhor, and M.D. Lesh,
`"Deconvolution of electrogramsto detect infarcted myocardium", Proceedings ofIEEE
`EX. 1003


`International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. 3, 1996,
`M.A. Lemkin, B.E. Boser, D.M. Auslander, J.-H. Smith “A 3-Axis Force Balanced
`Accelerometer Using a Single Proof-Mass”, International Solid State Conference on
`Sensors and Actuators, Chicago, IL, June, 1996.
`D. M.Auslander, C. Pawlowski, J. Ridgely, “Reconciling Programmable Logic
`Controllers (PLCs) with Mechatronics Control Software,” IEEE International Conference
`on Control Applications, Detroit, MI, September, 1996.
`P-H Yang, D.M. Auslander, “A Unified Approachto Iterative Learning Control Using
`Neural Network and Integral Control with Anti-Windup,” American Control Conference,
`Albequerqe, NM,June, 1997.
`B.A. Awabdy, W-C Shih, D.M. Auslander, “Nanometer Positioning of a Linear Motion
`Stage UnderStatic Loads,” JEEE’ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 3, #2, June
`1998, pp 113-119.
`P-H Yang, D. M. Auslander, “Controlling the Transition from Stable Resting to Tracking
`Control of an Unstable System,” American Control Conference, Philadelphia, PA, June,
`1998. Also, ASME J. Dyn Sys. Meas. And Control, June, 2002.
`D.M.Auslander, “Concepts of ‘State’ in Introductory Control Education,” Perspectives
`in Control, Edited by D. Normad-Cyrot, Springer-Verlag, London, 1998, pp. 179-190.
`E. Mizutani, H. Takagi and D.M. Auslander, “Evolving Color Recipes,” JEEE
`Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, in press.
`W'S. Ellis, A. Sippensgroenewegen, D.M. Auslander, M.D. Lesh, “The Role ofthe Crista
`Terminalis in Atrial Flutter and Fibrillation: a Computer Modeling Study,” Avnals of
`Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 28, pp. 742-754, 2000.
`C.W. Pawlowski, D.M. Auslander, “A Hierarchical Approach to the Sustainable
`Managementof Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems: Part 1: An Ecological and
`Engineering Synthesis,” Life Support and Biosphere Science. (Vol. 7, pp. 161-170, 2000)
`C.W. Pawlowski, D.M. Auslander, “A Hierarchical Approach to the Sustainable
`Management of Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems: Part 2, System Realization
`and Analysis,” Life Support and Biosphere Science. (Vol. 7, pp. 171-185, 2000)
`D. M. Auslander, “An Object-Oriented Approach to Basic Mechanics,” Proceedings of
`the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, November
`2000, Orlando, Fla, pp 771-778.
`EX. 1003


`S. Lanning, C.C. Federspiel, D.M. Auslander, “The Impact of Phase Modulation on the
`Performance of Pulse-Width Modulated Controls”, American Control Conference,
`Arlington, VA, June 25-27, 2001.
`R.A. Martin, C.C. Federspiel, D.M. Auslander, "Supervisory Control for Energy Savings
`and Thermal Comfort in Commercial Building HVAC Systems," AAAI 2002 Spring
`Symposium on Information Refinement and Revision for Decision Making: Modeling for
`Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Prediction, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA, 25-27 Mar 2002.
`R.A. Martin, C.C. Federspiel, D.M. Auslander, "Responding to Thermal Sensation
`Complaints in Buildings?" ASHRAF Transactions, v108(1), 2002.
`Lin, C., C. Federspiel, and D. Auslander, "Multi-Sensor Single-Actuator Control of
`HVACSystems." International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations,
`Richardson, TX, October, 2002.
`Auslander, David, “Java As a Basis for Direct Mechanical System Control, International
`Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 2"! Conference on Mechatronic Systems,
`Berkeley, CA, December, 2002.
`Boucher, T. D., D. M. Auslander, C. E. Bash, C. C. Federspiel, C. D. Patel, 2004,
`“Feasibility of Dynamic Control for Data Center Energy Optimization,” ASME Journal
`ofKlectronic Packaging, June, 2006. Also, Proceedings of The Ninth Intersociety
`Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomenain Electronic Systems, 2004:
`ITHERM ‘04, June 1-4, Vol. 1, 593-600.
`Nawaz, A. Auslander, D.M., Pankow, D., “Evaluation of a Data Fusion Method for
`Various Sensor Systems onboard the SNAP Satellite”, 55th International Astronomical
`Conference 2004, IAC-04-A.3.04, Vancouver, Canada.
`Peffer, T, E. Arens, X. Chen, J Jang, D. Auslander, “A Tale of Two Houses: the Human
`Dimension of Demand Response Enabling Technology from a Case Study of an Adaptive
`Wireless Thermostat,” American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE),
`ACEEE SummerStudy on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA, Aug.,
`Chen, X, J. Jang, D. Auslander, T. Peffer, E. Arens, ” Demand Response-Enabled
`Residential Thermostat Controls,” American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
`(ACEEE), ACEEE SummerStudy on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA,
`Aug., 2008.
`Kim, J.H., 8. Tang, D.M. Auslander, D. Pankow, R. Besuner, M. Sholl, P. Jelinsky,
`“System Modeling, Analysis and Parametric Studies for SNAP Attitude Control System,”
`EX. 1003


`AIAAApplied Aerodynamics Conference, Aug. 18-21, 2008.
`Burke, W., D.M. Auslander, “Robust Control of Residential Demand Response Network
`with Low Bandwidth Input,” ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Ann
`Arbor, MI, Oct., 2008.
`M. Najafi, D. Auslander, P. Bartlett, P. Haves, "Overcoming the Complexity of
`Diagnostic Problems due to Sensor Network Architecture", Eleventh International
`Conference on Intelligent Systems and Controls (ISC 2008), Orlando, Florida, November
`M. Najafi, D. Auslander, P. Bartlett, P. Haves, "Application of Machine Learning in Fault
`Diagnostics of Mechanical Systems", International Conference on Modeling, Simulation
`and Control (ICMSC'08), October 2008.
`M. Najafi, D. Auslander, P. Bartlett, P. Haves, "Fault Diagnostics and Supervised
`Testing: How Fault Diagnostic tools can be Proactive?", Eleventh International
`Conference on Intelligent Systems and Controls (SC 2008), Orlando, Florida, November
`Auslander, D.M., J. Cermenska, G. Dalton, M de la Pena, C_K.H. Dharan, W.
`Donokowski, R. Duck, J.H. Kim, D. Pankow, A. Plauche, M. Rahmani, S. Sulack, TF.
`Tan, P. Turin, T. Williams, “Instrument Boom Mechanisms On The Themis Satellites;
`Magnetometer, Radial Wire, And Axial Booms,” Space Science Reviews, Springer, vol
`144, Dec. 2008, 185-211.
`Burke, W, D. M. Auslander, “PWM Synchronization for Intelligent Agent Scarce
`Resource Auction,” ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Hollywood, CA,
`Oct., 2009,
`Burke, W, D. M. Auslander, “Low-Frequency Pulse Width Modulation Design for
`HVAC Compressors,” ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical
`Conferences, Sept., 2009.
`Keep, T.M., F. E. Sifuentes, D. M. Auslander, and D. S. Callaway, “Using load switches
`to control aggregated electricity demandfor load following and regulation,” 2011 IEEE
`Power & Energy Society Conference,” Detroit, MI, July, 2011.
`Najafi, M., D. Auslander, P. Bartlett, P. Haves, M. D. Sohn, (2012) Application of
`machine learning in the fault diagnostics of air handling units, Journal of Applied Energy,
`Volume 96, August 2012, Pages 347-358.
`Najafi, Massieh, David M. Auslander, Philip Haves, and Michael D. Sohn, “A statistical
`pattern analysis framework for rooftop unit diagnostics,” ASHRAE: HVAC&RResearch,
`EX. 1003


`18(3):1-11, 2012.
`Trager, Jason, Michael Sankur, Tyler Jones, Dave Auslander, Paul Wright, Jorge Ortiz,
`David Culler, Jay Taneja, “Rapidly Adaptable Plug-load Simulation for Evaluating
`Energy Curtailment Strategies”, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy,
`Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA, August, 2012.
`Jones, Tyler, David Auslander, Jay Taneja, Michael Sankur, Therese Peffer, “Improved
`Methods to Load Prediction in Commercial Buildings”, American Council for an Energy
`Efficient Economy, SummerStudy on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove,
`CA, August, 2012.
`Peffer, Therese, David Auslander, Domenico Caramagno, David Culler, Tyler Jones,
`Andrew Krioukov, Michael Sankur, Jay Taneja, Jason Trager, Sila Kilaccote, Rongxin
`Yin, Yan Lu, Prasad Mukka, “Deep Demand Response: The Case Study of the CITRIS
`Building at the University of California-Berkeley”, American Council for an Energy
`Efficient Economy, SummerStudy on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove,
`CA, August, 2012.
`Murthy, N., J. Taneja, K. Bojanczyk, D. Auslander, and D. Culler, "Energy-Agile
`Laptops: Demand Response of Mobile Plug Loads Using Sensor/Actuator Networks," in
`the Third IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications
`(SmartGridComm'l!2), November 2012.
`Arnold, D., M. Sankur, and D. Auslander, “An Energy Information Gateway for use in
`Residential and Commercial Environments,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Power and
`Energy Society General Body Meeting, San Diego, Ca, 2012..
`Arnold, Daniel, Michael Sankur, David M. Auslander, “An Architecture for Enabling
`Distributed Plug Load Control for Commercial Building Demand Response,” 2013 TEEE
`PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Washington, DC, Feb. 2013.
`Arnold, Daniel, Michael Sankur, David M. Auslander, “The Next Generation Energy
`Information Gateway for use in Residential and Commercial Environments,” IEEE
`Power and Energy Society Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, July 2013.
`Arnold, D., M. Sankur, and D. Auslander, “Optimal Control of Office Plug-Loads for
`Commercial Building Demand Response,” ASME Dynamic Systems Control
`Conference, Stanford, Ca. 2013.
`Sankur, M., D. Arnold, and D. Auslander, “An Architecture for Integrated Commercial
`Building Demand Response,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society
`General Body Meeting, Vancouver BC. 2013.
`EX. 1003


`Sankur, M., D. Arnold, and D

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