Location-Based Notification as a
`General-Purpose Service
`Jonathan P. Munson
`IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
`19 Skyline Dr.
`Hawthorne, NY 10532
`Vineet K. Gupta
`Department of Computer Science
`University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
`Urbana, IL 61801
`An often-discussed mobile commerce application is proximity-
`based coupon delivery. In a typical scenario a merchant is notified
`when a valued customer is within some distance of a retail outlet,
`upon which the customer is delivered a coupon or some notice of
`a special promotion. We believe that this basic mechanism of
`location-based notification has application far beyond commercial
`promotion, and is also of interest for tourism, traffic information,
`public service, and public safety. Furthermore, we believe that a
`general-purpose location-based notification service that can serve
`all these applications would be highly useful. However, as we will
`show, current architectures deployed by wireless carriers to
`service location-aware applications cannot handle the load of
`positioning requests implied by such a general-purpose service.
`We motivate the need for such a service, discuss the limitations of
`current architectures for providing location information, and detail
`the requirements for an architecture which would make such a
`service possible.
`Categories and Subject Descriptors
`C.2.4 [Computer-Communication Networks]:Distributed
`Systems—Distributed applications
`General Terms
`Performance, Design
`Pervasive computing, mobile commerce, wireless notification
`An often-discussed mobile commerce application is proximity-
`based coupon delivery. In a typical scenario a merchant is notified
`when a valued customer is within some distance of a retail outlet,
`upon which the customer is delivered a coupon or some notice of
`a special promotion. This is an example of what we term location-
`based notification, which we define as the act of sending a text or
`multimedia message to wireless subscribers when they are
`Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
`personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
`not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
`bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise,
`or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior
`specific permission and/or a fee.
`WMC’02, September 28, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
`Copyright 2002 ACM 1-58113-600-5/02/0009…$5.00.
`determined to be in a particular geographical area. The most
`popular scenario involving location-based notification seems to be
`delivering coupons, but we believe that it actually has a wide
`range of applications. For example, it can be used to:
`• Notify a consumer as they enter a shopping center that an
`office supply store’s back-to-school sale is over in two hours.
`tourists brief multimedia descriptions of
`monuments in the Washington, D.C. mall as they enter each
`monument’s surrounding area.
`• Communicate to fair-goers the current events inside the
`venue they are approaching.
`• Notify drivers who enter a certain section of highway that
`construction two miles ahead is causing a backup and they
`should take a detour.
`• Alert drivers that because of severe fog conditions ahead
`they should reduce speed immediately.
`Send a message to all subscribers in a certain area that their
`water supply will be cut off in half an hour to replace a
`section of pipe.
`• Warn a game player that they are entering a “target zone”
`and are in danger of being abducted by aliens.
`Inform lottery players that they are close to the “pot of gold
`at the end of the rainbow” and that they should look for
`someone dressed as a leprechaun.
`Thus we see a range of uses, from public safety and public
`to commercial promotion and
`to pure
`1.1 Location-Based Notification as a
`General-Purpose Service
`It would be possible to build a separate, tailored notification
`system for each one of these applications. This approach,
`however, is feasible only for those applications that are in and of
`themselves important enough to warrant a separate system. It is
`not feasible for most of the applications mentioned above.
`Therefore, we are researching a general-purpose notification
`system open to all organizations and businesses who could use
`such a mechanism to serve their promotional or informational
`needs. Such a system could attract clients large and small, and the
`cost of developing and operating it would be spread over many
`applications. The investment risk is also lowered because no one
`application is expected to carry the profitability.
`To support the applications cited above, a notification system
`should offer:
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 01 of 05


`1. The ability to precisely locate subscribers. We assume the
`use of wireless handsets with ALI (Automatic Location
`Identification) capability that will be deployed for the
`Enhanced 911 (E911) emergency location service mandated
`by the FCC [1]. The system can also be extended to use the
`precise location ability in the automobile navigation systems
`now becoming popular.
`2. Precisely defined and arbitrarily located notification areas. In
`the first scenario above, the notification area is defined to be
`the shopping center’s parking lot, so that commuters on a
`nearby highway do not receive the promotion. In the
`Washington, D.C. tour guide case, the areas should be such
`that tourists approaching the Lincoln Memorial do not
`receive the description of the Washington Monument.
`3. The ability to detect entrance to a notification area within a
`short time period, such as one minute. This implies
`monitoring the positions of (a.k.a., tracking) the subscribers
`to whom notifications may be sent.
`An important assumption behind our work is that, as the number
`of applications expand, the number of subscribers who may
`receive notifications and thereby must be tracked increases, to the
`point where it is necessary to track each and every subscriber.
`Thus a general-purpose location-based notification system must
`also offer:
`4. The ability to track each and every wireless subscriber at an
`interval that will satisfy requirement #3.
`As we will later argue, current system architectures for providing
`to applications cannot meet
`requirement. We first discuss some work related to location-based
`notification. We then present a high-level model that will
`demonstrate our performance requirements, and will then outline
`an architecture for proximity detection that we believe will scale
`to meet our requirements. Finally, we describe the end-to-end
`architecture of our system.
`The concept of location-based notification is itself not new, and is
`often generically referred to as “geofencing.” A search on the
`Web will turn up many companies offering this capability as a
`fleet-tracking service, typically employing GPS with vehicle-
`mounted receivers.
`Cell-Loc [3] provides location-based notification services known
`as GeoFence™ and GeoLasso™. GeoFence
`is a virtual
`geographic boundary such as one surrounding a factory.
`GeoFence events are generated whenever one of a specified list of
`devices are detected entering and/or exiting the area. GeoLasso™
`is a one-time specification of an emergency notification area.
`Once an area has been defined, a list of cell phone users who are
`active in the area, or have recently been active, will be generated.
`In [5], there was a mention of a system developed by TruePosition
`[11], which “will allow cellular telephone companies to locate
`their customers and warn them of possible dangers in the area.”
`Cingular Wireless has signed on to test the service. We were not
`able to learn more about this service.
`larger context of
`Our work exists
`computing, which itself is part of the field of context-aware
`computing. Space unfortunately does not permit discussion of our
`work’s relation to this body of work.
`Figure 1. High-level model of location-based notification
`To discuss the performance requirements of a general-purpose
`location-based notification system, we decompose the system into
`the high-level model shown in Figure 1. As mentioned above, we
`assume the use of ALI-enabled cell phones as the means of
`determining location.
`In Figure 1, “Subscribers” is the set of subscribers to whom some
`notification may be sent. The Notification Initiator begins the
`process by sending a subscriber ID to the Position Determination
`function, which computes the position of the given subscriber
`using the wireless carrier’s position-determining technology—the
`same technology used for providing E911 service. “Notification
`Areas” is the set of geographic areas that have been created by
`clients of the location-based notification service. These would
`include, from the scenarios above, the shopping center’s parking
`lot, the areas surrounding the Washington Monument and Lincoln
`Memorial, the known area of dense fog, etc. These are specified
`as polygons in geographic coordinates. Proximity Detection
`determines whether a subscriber is in a notification area. The
`Preferences Filter blocks notifications from being sent to
`subscribers when their preferences indicate they do not want
`notifications from a particular client. Notification Composition
`composes a notification to be sent to a subscriber, based on what
`the client specified, and the Notification Delivery system actually
`delivers the notification. This may be the carrier’s SMS system,
`for example.
`We apply the model to widely used system architecture for
`making subscriber positions available to applications. Since we do
`not wish to focus on any particular wireless carrier’s system, we
`discuss the architecture defined for GSM (Global System for
`Mobile Communications).
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 02 of 05


`3.1 GSM Location Services Architecture
`Figure 2 shows the logical architecture defined by GSM for its
`LCS (LoCation Services) network feature [2]. To obtain the
`position of a mobile subscriber, the LCS Client sends an LCS
`Service Request
`the Gateway Mobile Location Center
`(GMLC), supplying the subscriber’s IMSI (International Mobile
`Subscriber Identifier) or MSISDN (Mobile Station ISDN
`Number). The GMLC needs to know which MSC is currently
`serving the subscriber, and so obtains this information from the
`Home Location Register (HLR). The request is then forwarded to
`the appropriate MSC. The MSC forwards the request to the
`Serving MLC, either directly or through the BSS (Base Station
`Subsystem), depending on how the SMLC is connected.
`The SMLC encapsulates the location determination technology,
`which may be any of the technologies discussed in Section .
`Handset-based or handset-assisted technologies will make use of
`the Radio Resource Location Protocol (RRLP) this architecture
`defines. This will be used to obtain measurements from the
`handset (handset-assisted) or the position itself (handset-based).
`Two observations of the GSM LCS architecture that we would
`like to make are: (1) it is designed to serve location requests (one-
`time or tracking) for individual subscribers; (2) it is designed
`around the requirement that applications have no prior knowledge
`of a subscriber’s location, but know only subscriber’s IMSI or
`MSISDN. Given these two design points, a gateway-based
`architecture is the logical choice. The GMLC performs the role of
`determining which MSC/VLR is currently serving the given
`subscriber (by obtaining this information from the HLR), and
`forwards the location request accordingly. As long as the request
`load does not become too high, the GMLC will not be a
`3.1.1 Evaluation of Architecture for High-Rate
`Proximity Detection
`The GSM LCS architecture serves the most common applications
`such as emergency
`services, navigation
`applications, field-force automation, and fleet tracking. In these
`applications the number of subscribers whose position is obtained
`in a given time period is small relative to the entire subscriber
`base. Our concept of location-based notification, however,
`presents an entirely different application model. We postulate that
`location-based notification has such wide application that the
`number of subscribers who may be eligible for a notification will
`be large compared to the number of subscribers that are not
`eligible. That is, those subscribers who may opt to not receive
`notifications of a commercial nature, may yet choose to receive
`notifications about traffic conditions or emergencies.
`Under this assumption, the number of requests at interface Le in
`Figure 2 becomes quite large. To illustrate, suppose a wireless
`carrier has 20 million subscribers. Suppose half of these have
`that are ALI-capable. Further, we assume under
`requirement #3 in Section 1.1 that the tracking period is 100
`seconds (to use a round number for convenience). Then the rate of
`requests over Le is 10 million position requests every 100
`seconds, or 100,000 position requests per second. This is far
`beyond a sustainable load with today’s technology.
`This request rate is not easily distributed over multiple servers
`because of the dependence on the HLR to direct the request to the
`appropriate MSC. The actual load on the HLR may be somewhat
`reduced by caching its responses, but the essential bottleneck
`Figure 2. Logical Architecture for GSM Location Services.
`induced by a global server for individual subscriber positions
`If our assumption holds, that the number of subscribers who may
`be eligible for a notification will be large compared to the number
`of subscribers that are not eligible, then the stream of location
`requests over Le, and the requests to the HLR over Lh, are
`unnecessary. Given that the MSC/VLR knows what subscribers it
`is currently serving, it can conceptually generate the request
`stream itself. This observation is the basis for our high-rate
`proximity detection model.
`3.2 High-Rate Proximity Detection
`Our model for high-rate proximity detection is based on the
`assumption that the number of subscribers who may be eligible
`for a notification is large compared to the number of subscribers
`that are not eligible. Thus we initiate location requests at the
`base station subsystem (BSS) level rather than at the network
`level. Furthermore, since the notification area definitions are
`relatively static compared to the subscriber location data, we
`lower the communications load on the carrier network by
`pushing this information down to the BSS level as well. The
`model is shown in Figure 3. For the sake of discussion we
`assume the context of a GSM network, but our model applies
`equally to other network types.
`We assume an SMLC attached to the BSS. There is a Proximity
`Detection (PD) node associated with each SMLC. A Query
`Distributor (QD) node is associated with the MSC. An MSC
`may serve tens to hundreds of BSCs. A PD node has a list of
`subscribers that it has received from, and is continuously
`updated by, the QD. The QD examines the set of currently
`served subscribers in the VLR and updates the PD nodes
`according to which BSC the subscriber is served by. For each
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 03 of 05


`Local Proximity
`Detection Systems
`Figure 3. Model for High-Rate Proximity Detection.
`subscriber served by its BSC, a PD requests the subscriber’s
`location from the SMLC at periodic intervals.
`This scheme bypasses the carrier’s network for delivering location
`requests to the SMLC. The carrier network may not be completely
`offloaded, however. Depending on the location technology used,
`there may be messages exchanged by the mobile station and the
`and A-GPS
`measurement data to be exchanged. Other technologies rely on
`passive measurements and so would not require such messages.
`Further investigation is needed to determine the effects of high-
`rate proximity detection on this part of the system.
`the next section we describe a high-level, end-to-end
`architecture for a general-purpose location-based notification
`system. The high-rate proximity detection model is a component
`of this system.
`In this section we provide a high-level description of a general-
`purpose notification service. The service has two sets of clients:
`notification publishers—merchants, the highway department,
`municipal governments—and wireless subscribers. We assume a
`simple model where publishers pay to publish notifications and
`subscribers pay nothing to receive them. In fact, we can imagine
`incentives to subscribers like a small credit to their wireless phone
`bill for every notification they receive.
`The design of the service is based on several requirements.
`Specification-based notification. The service should enable
`publishers to submit a specification for a notification that
`defines the notification area and other parameters. Publishers
`should not be required to provide systems support for the
`• Notification in multiple forms. The system should support
`specification of the form of the notification, with support for
`the various forms available within a carrier’s system. The
`forms may include SMS, WAP push, e-mail, or a custom
`Subscriber preferences. A subscriber should have the
`ability to block notifications according to the publisher of the
`notification. He/she should also have some control over the
`rate of notifications that are sent to him/her.
`Identity protection: The notification service provider must
`not reveal the identity and precise location of the subscriber
`to the notification publishers. Subscribers may choose to
`reveal their location only in their response to a particular
`4.1 High-Level Architecture
`Our architecture for location-based notification (shown in Figure
`4) encompasses three primary processes: (1) defining the
`notification “campaign,” (2) detecting subscribers within a
`notification area, and
`(3) composing and delivering
`notifications to subscribers. shows the logical components of our
`4.1.1 Defining the Notification Campaign
`The process of defining a notification campaign proceeds as
`follows. A merchant or other notification publisher defines a
`Notification Campaign Specification, including: (1) area of
`notification (polygon of geographic coordinates), (2) who should
`receive notifications (perhaps as an identifier of a program a
`subscriber must have opted in to), and (3) the form of notification
`(e.g., WAP push, SMS, or other). The Notification Service creates
`a Notification Campaign ID and returns it to the publisher.
`The Notification Service sends Campaign ID and area definition
`to appropriate Proximity Detection nodes, depending on the
`location of the notification area. The Proximity Detection node
`stores the Campaign ID and area definition in its spatial database.
`4.1.2 Proximity Detection
`We have discussed the proximity detection process in Section 3.2.
`When a subscriber is determined to be in a notification area, the
`PD node sends a proximity event to the Notification Processor
`(NP). The event contains the subscriber ID and the Campaign ID.
`4.1.3 Composing and Delivering Notifications
`The notification delivery process accommodates different delivery
`methods and allows publishers to personalize the notifications that
`are sent.
`Before proceeding with the notification process, the NP consults a
`database of subscriber preferences. (We do not here discuss how
`subscribers manage their preferences.) We offer a simple, “opt-
`in/opt-out” model of preferences. Users may choose to receive
`selected classes of notifications
`(current classes
`Emergency, Traffic, and Commercial) or particular notification
`programs. A program is a set of campaigns, and is analogous to
`an application. The scenarios of the Washington, D.C. tour guide,
`the action game, and the location-based lottery would be
`examples of programs. Users may choose not to receive
`notifications from selected publishers. The NP processes a
`notification if the campaign is in a class or program that the user
`has opted-in to and is not from a publisher the user has opted-out
`the corresponding notification campaign
`The NP retrieves
`specification for the content and delivery method of the
`notification (e.g., WAP push [10] or SMS [1]). The campaign
`specification includes the content (e.g., WML for WAP push or
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 04 of 05


`Notification area
`Detection Areas
`Publisher Interface
`Notification Campaign
`Proximity events
`To user’s device
`Figure 4. High-Level Architecture of General-Purpose Location-Based Notification System
`text for SMS) of the notification. The NP composes the
`notification according to the publisher’s content specification and
`then sends a request to the appropriate carrier gateway to deliver
`the notification.
`We have developed a first prototype general-purpose notification
`service. The prototype serves as a testbed for performance
`evaluations, and as a vehicle for exploring the systems-level
`issues involved in our distributed proximity detection system.
`Initial performance studies, in which we are now engaged, are
`focused on determining the performance characteristics of our
`architecture relative to the GSM LCS architecture. Carrier
`components such as the MSC/VLR are simulated, as is the
`position-determining technology. For the latter, we are using City
`Simulator [4] to simulate large numbers of users moving
`throughout a city. For high performance in proximity detection
`computations we use the IBM DB2 database with Spatial
`Extender [9]. For the Notification Processor we are using the
`Intelligent Notification System [2], a commercial version of
`which is part IBM’s WebSphere family [8].
`Once our initial performance evaluations are complete, we plan to
`extend our testbed to allow us to model the resources used by the
`position determination technology. These resources include not
`only the processor cycles of the position-determining compute
`server, but also the radio resources used to communicate with the
`mobile terminal, as well as the mobile terminal’s own resources of
`processor cycles and battery power. This will allow us to better
`evaluate the impact of high-rate proximity determination in an
`actual wireless system.
`We have identified certain ways in which our system can be
`improved with respect to flexibility. One of these is the need for
`personalization of notifications. For example, a merchant may
`wish to offer the consumer a promotion tailored to the consumer,
`or may wish to initiate an interactive session with them. This will
`require some interface with the notification system, and we are
`studying options for doing this.
`We also wish to evaluate user response to the system. It will be
`critical to give users mechanisms to avoid a level of annoyance
`that will cause them to simply turn off the system altogether.
`Controlled user studies involving simulated notifications is a
`technique we are considering.
`[1] 3GPP TS 24.011: "Short Message Service (SMS) support on
`mobile radio interface".
`[2] V. Bazinette, N.H. Cohen, M.R. Ebling, G.D.H. Hunt, H.
`Lei, A Purakayastha, G. Stewart, L. Wong, D.L. Yeh, “An
`Intelligent Notification System,” IBM Research Technical
`Report TR 22089.
`[3] Cell-loc Location Technologies. http://www.cell-
`[4] J. Myllymaki and J. Kaufman, “City Simulator: A Spatial
`Data Generator,” IBM alphaWorks emerging technologies
`toolkit, April 2002.
`[5] CTIA Daily News, May 29th, 2002.
`[6] Enhanced 911.
`[7] GSM 03.71: "Digital cellular telecommunications system
`(Phase 2+); Location Services (LCS); Functional
`Description; Stage 2".
`[8] IBM WebSphere Product Family,
`[9] IBM DB2 Spatial Extender,
`[10] Push Message Specification”, WAP Forum. WAP-251-
`PushMessage-20010322-a. URL:
`[11] TruePosition Location Based Services Solutions.
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 05 of 05

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