
`(12) United States Patent
`Hardin et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 9,779,418 B2
`Oct. 3, 2017
`(71) Applicants:Ryan Hardin, Henderson, TX (US);
`Andrew Hill, Houston, TX (US)
`Inventors: Ryan Hardin, Henderson, TX (US);
`Andrew Hill, Houston, TX (US)
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`HO4W 4/028; HO4W 4/001; HO4W 4/18;
`HO4W 8/18; HO4W 88/02; HO4L 67/18;
`HO4L 67/306; HO4L 67/20; HO4L 67/26;
`References Cited
`6,810,323 B1
`6,847,888 B2
`10/2004 Bullock et al.
`1/2005 Fox et al.
`(21) Appl. No.: 15/009,961
`(22) Filed:
`Jan. 29, 2016
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2016/0148268 Al May 26, 2016
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 14/608,285, filed on
`Jan. 29, 2015, now Pat. No. 9,286,625, which is a
`(51) Int. Cl.
`HO4W 4/00
`GO6Q 30/00
`(52) U.S. Cl.
` GO6Q 30/0261 (2013.01); GO6Q 30/02
`(2013.01); GO6Q 30/0266 (2013.01);
`(58) Field of Classification Search
` HO4W 4/02; HO4W 64/00; HO4W 4/021;
`HO4W 4/023; HO4W 4/206; HO4W 4/027;
`AdMob, Inc., "Help for Advertisers—Ad Pricing", http://www.
`admobscom/home/help/helpfiles/Advertisers/Ad Pricing, May 19,
`Primary Examiner — Olumide T Ajibade Akonai
`Application developers can request to have their applica-
`tions registered for use with a content delivery platform. The
`operator of the content delivery platform establishes perim-
`eters defining geographic areas, and maintains records
`reserving particular areas for delivery of content associated
`with particular sponsors. Registered applications running on
`mobile devices can request content from the content delivery
`platform. Based at least in part on the request, the content
`delivery platform can identify a target location, which may
`be the location of the mobile device, or some other location
`indicated in the request. A mobile device can be provided
`content based on the relationship of the target location to the
`geographic areas, so that a registered application running on
`a mobile device with a target location contained within a
`geographic area assigned to a particular sponsor will receive
`content related to that sponsor.
`25 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
`Content Deavery Fletforrn
`RogIsteree ApOcaton
`eawne Sponsor
`First Spensor's Resented
`Reserved Area
`- - - -rbbjeet ub, r
`, '
`Exhibit 1015
`Page 01 of 23


`US 9,779,418 B2
`Page 2
`Related U.S. Application Data
`continuation of application No. 13/856,392, filed on
`Apr. 3, 2013, now Pat. No. 8,977,247, which is a
`continuation of application No. 12/434,094, filed on
`May 1, 2009, now Pat. No. 8,433,296.
`2008/0098420 Al
`2008/0154728 Al
`2008/0162032 Al
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`7/2008 Wuersch et al.
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`12/2008 Altberge et al.
`1/2009 Baar et al.
`1/2009 Doraswamy
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`5/2009 Nadler
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`2010/0312646 Al
`12/2010 Gupta et al.
`GO6Q 30/02
`GO6Q 30/02
`HO4W 4/02
`AdMob, Inc., "Help for Advertisers—Target the Specific User You
`Want to Reach",
`vertisers/Target, May 19, 2009.
`AdMob, Inc., "iPhone for Advertisers",
`home/help/helpfiles/Advertisers/iPhone Ad, May 19, 2009.
`Google, Inc., "What are the different options for targeting ads to
`mobile phones and devices?", https://adwords.googlescom/support/
`bin/answer=107265&h1=en.sub.--US, May 18, 2009.
`Google, Inc., "How does customized targeting work?", http://
`, May 18,
`Google, Inc., "How are ads ranked?", http://adwords.googlescom/
`support/bin/, May 18, 2009.
`Google, Inc., "How do ads cycle through the search page results?",
`swer=87402, May 18, 2009.
`Google, Inc., "How do I create a mobile ad?", http://adwords.
`, May 18, 2009.
`Google, Inc., "Lesson 3c: Language & Location Targeting", http://
`May 19, 2009.
`Google, Inc., "What is position preference?", http://adwords.
`, May 19,
`Google, Inc., "What are mobile ads?", http://adwords.googlescom/
`support/bin/, May 18, 2009.
`Google, Inc., "Why can't I see my ad?", http://adwords.googlescom/
`support/bin/, May 18, 2009.
`Wayback Machine, "Iphone App Advertisement",
`, Aug. 24, 2008.
`* cited by examiner
`Int. Cl.
`GO6Q 30/02
`H04M 3/42
`H04W 4/02
`H04W 4/18
`H04L 29/08
`U.S. Cl.
`CPC .... G06Q 30/0267 (2013.01); H04M 3/42357
`(2013.01); H04W 4/02 (2013.01); HO4W
`4/021 (2013.01); H04W 4/18 (2013.01); HO4L
`67/20 (2013.01); HO4M 2242/14 (2013.01)
`(58) Field of Classification Search
` GO6Q 30/02; GO6Q 30/0267; GO6Q
`30/0261; GO6Q 30/0241; GO6Q 20/3224;
`GO6Q 30/0251; GO6Q 20/322
` 455/414.1, 414.2, 456.1-456.6, 418, 419
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`6,867,733 B2
`7,009,556 B2
`7,080,402 B2
`7,089,264 B1
`7,096,117 B1
`7,103,368 B2
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`7,200,673 B1
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`2003/0064705 Al
`2003/0101454 Al
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`3/2005 Sandhu et al.
`3/2006 Stewart
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`8/2006 Guido et al.
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`9/2006 Teshima
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`4/2007 Augart
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`2/2016 Shen et al.
`4/2003 Desiderio
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`8/2007 Vengroff et al.
`1/2008 Koli
`Exhibit 1015
`Page 02 of 23


`ZS 8117'6U% Sfl
`lualud °S11
`FIG. 1
`onsor €
`\ ,
`175 ---
`Sponsor As & C's
`A A A
`Sponsor A's \\
`Content Delivery Platform
`Sponsor B
`Sponsor C
`Sponsor A
`Exhibit 1015
`Page 03 of 23


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 3, 2017
`Sheet 2 of 7
`US 9,779,418 B2
`200 N
`Content Delivery Platforrh
`Registered Application InfO'
`Second Sponsor
`P. /
`/C) CP/
`/ Registered
`Target Location
`--------- -
`Reserved Area
`------- —
`Abject ot;, ,
`Interest );/
`\N 233 /
`First Sponsor's Reserved
`FIG. 2
`Exhibit 1015
`Page 04 of 23


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 3, 2017
`Sheet 3 of 7
`US 9,779,418 B2
`0 CoCo
`Exhibit 1015
`Page 05 of 23


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 3, 2017
`Sheet 4 of 7
`US 9,779,418 B2
`Receive Sponsor Registration
`Establish Perimeters
`Receive Sponsor's request for
`selected area
`Selected area occupied
`by another?
`Reserve Geographic Area
`411 Selected by Sponsor
`Notify Sponsor of Availability
`Receive Content from Sponsor
`Store Content and Sponsor
`FIG, 4
`Exhibit 1015
`Page 06 of 23


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 3, 2017
`Sheet 5 of 7
`US 9,779,418 B2
`Register Application
`Receive request for Content from
`Device executing Application
`At least one
`Is Target Location N
`,,- Sp onsor's Presence
`in a Sponsor's reserved
`-- No N. N within predetermined „ /
`N 513
`'''N 507
`Select Content from Sponsor
`Increase radius
`Provide Content to Application for
`511 Display on Device
`<, Done increasing? >
`N. .517
`Choose Random Sponsor
`FIG. 5
`Exhibit 1015
`Page 07 of 23


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 3, 2017
`Sheet 6 of 7
`US 9,779,418 B2
`Register Application
`on Platform and
`provide Application
`Application sends
`Content Request
`to Platform using
`Is Key in Platform
`Application sends
`Target Location
`Platform records
`Request Identifier in
`Platform Database
`Platform delivers
`Content and Request
`Identifier to Requesting
`User of Application
`Interacts with
`Application sends More
`Information Request to 1
`Platform using its
`Request Identifier
`previously assigned by 1
`Session is initiated
`between Application
`and Platform
`Is the Request Identifier
`in Platform database?
`Platform delivers More
`Information to Application L
`regarding Advertiser to
`facilitate More Interactionl
`Platform updates
`Request Identifier
`Record as Complete
`FIG. 6
`627 End
`Exhibit 1015
`Page 08 of 23


`ZS 8117`6LL% Sfl
`lualud °S11
`FIG, 7
`Display Adapter
`User Interface
`750 )
`' N,
`Co rimunicationt
`I/O Adapter
`Exhibit 1015
`Page 09 of 23


`US 9,779,418 B2
`This continuation patent application claims priority from
`co-pending U.S. Non-provisional patent application having
`Ser. No. 14/608,285, filed 29 Jan. 2015, entitled "EXCLU-
`GRAPHIC AREAS", which claims priority from U.S. Non-
`provisional patent application having Ser. No. 13/856,392,
`filed 3 Apr. 2013, entitled "EXCLUSIVE DELIVERY OF
`Pat. No. 8,977,247 issued on 10 Mar. 2015, which claims
`priority from U.S. Non-provisional patent application hav-
`ing Ser. No. 12/434,094, filed 1 May 2009, entitled
`GRAPHIC AREAS", now U.S. Pat. No. 8,433,296 issued on
`30 Apr. 2013, all having a common applicant herewith and
`being incorporated herein in their entirety by reference.
`This disclosure relates generally to delivery of content,
`and more particularly to delivery of content within reserved
`geographic areas.
`Advertisements can be delivered to various devices,
`including mobile devices, within communications range of
`areas transmitters or other information providers. For
`example, advertisements can be delivered to cellular phones
`within range of a particular cellular phone provider's net-
`work area. Furthermore, advertisements can be delivered
`using digital billboards, or via the Internet, based on user
`interactions and preferences.
`When delivering advertisements and other content to
`some mobile devices, currently available technologies can
`broadcast the content to all devices equipped to receive
`them. In some cases, advertisements are broadcast to any
`mobile device within a city, or a similar area. When deliv-
`ering non-broadcast content, for example via the Internet, it
`is common to deliver the content in response to a request,
`received from the receiving device. In some cases, push
`technology can be used to deliver content to multiple users
`In each of these cases, a mobile device can usually receive
`content from multiple different content providers. Current
`technologies are, therefore, less than perfect.
`Various embodiments disclosed herein include registering
`an application program for use with a content delivery
`platform, establishing multiple perimeters defining respec-
`tive geographic areas, and maintaining records associating
`sponsors with particular geographic areas. The content
`delivery platform can receive a request from a registered
`application program for content to be displayed on a mobile
`device, and the request can be used to determine a target
`location. In some embodiments, a sponsor is selected based
`on a relationship between the target location and one or more
`reserved geographic areas. Content is then provided to the
`application program.
`In some embodiments, the content delivery platform can
`record a request identifier associated with a received request,
`and provide the request identifier to the mobile device to
`assist in tracking future actions relating to the request for
`5 content. The content delivery platform can also receive
`information related to user interaction with the provided
`content, including the request identifier, and provide addi-
`tional content in response to the received information.
`Content can be delivered to a mobile device running a
`10 registered application if a target location is at least partially
`within a predetermined radial distance of a geographical
`area associated with a sponsor; if the mobile device is not
`located within the predetermined radial distance, the radial
`distance can be increased. In some embodiments, content is
`15 delivered if the target location, e.g. the location of the mobile
`device or another location of interest, is located entirely
`within a geographic area exclusively reserved by a particular
`sponsor. In some embodiments, the content delivery plat-
`form can select from among several sponsors in deciding
`20 which content to deliver to a mobile device.
`In at least one embodiment, the content delivery system
`reserves exclusive interests in geographic areas for particu-
`lar sponsors based on the sponsors' requests, and store a
`record of that interest. In some embodiments, the content
`25 delivery system receives, from a sponsor, content to be
`delivered to mobile devices based on a target location being
`positioned within particular geographic areas. The content
`delivery system can also reserve an interest in geographic
`areas that remain unreserved by other sponsors. Further-
`30 more, some embodiments include time based restrictions.
`Various embodiments can be implemented as a system
`that includes memory, a communications interface, and a
`processor that cooperate to store and execute a program of
`instructions implementing various methods and techniques
`35 described herein. Furthermore, some embodiments can be
`implemented as a computer readable medium tangibly
`embodying a program of instructions.
`FIG. 1 is an abstract representation of exclusive content
`delivery to particular reserved areas according to various
`embodiments of the present disclosure;
`FIG. 2 is a diagram illustrating a target location other than
`45 the location of the mobile device executing a registered
`application, according to embodiments of the present dis-
`FIG. 3 is a graph representing expanded search areas to
`determine which content is delivered according to various
`so embodiments of the present disclosure;
`FIG. 4 is a flowchart illustrating a method of reserving a
`geographic area according to embodiments of the present
`FIG. 5 is a flowchart illustrating registration of an appli-
`55 cation for content delivery according to embodiments of the
`present disclosure;
`FIG. 6 is a flowchart illustrating delivery of content to
`particular applications in a reserved area according to
`embodiments of the present disclosure;
`FIG. 7 is a diagram illustrating a processing system
`according to embodiments of the present disclosure.
`Various embodiments of the present disclosure provide
`for delivering content, such as advertising, to registered
`applications being run on any of various mobile electronic
`Exhibit 1015
`Page 10 of 23


`US 9,779,418 B2
`devices configured to be readily moved, carried, or other-
`wise transported between different various geographic areas
`defined by perimeters. Sponsors can reserve an exclusive
`interest, or in some embodiments a semi-exclusive interest,
`in a geographic area, so that other sponsors' advertisements
`are excluded from being broadcast or otherwise provided to
`a registered program being executed on a mobile device
`located within a reserved geographic area.
`Referring first to FIG. 1, system 100, is illustrated. System
`100 can provide for exclusive delivery of advertising or
`other content to registered applications running on mobile
`devices located within a particular proximity to a reserved
`geographic area. System 100, as illustrated, includes content
`delivery platform 112, which is in communication with
`developer platform 108, and systems or individuals operat-
`ing under control of sponsor A 121, sponsor C 123, and
`sponsor B 125. Content delivery platform 112 receives a
`request from developer platform 108 to register a program or
`other application for use on mobile devices. Content deliv-
`ery platform 112 can use the registered application program
`to provide selected content to mobile devices.
`In some embodiments, a registered application program is
`provided to mobile devices by developer platform 108,
`content delivery platform 112, one of sponsor A 121, spon-
`sor C 123, or sponsor B 125, or by another desired delivery
`mechanism. In some embodiments, registering the applica-
`tion program with content delivery platform 112 allows
`developer 108 to receive revenue from sponsor A 121,
`sponsor C 123, or sponsor B 125 for content displayed on a
`mobile device located within, or in proximity to, a geo-
`graphical area reserved by one or more of the sponsors.
`Sponsor A 121, sponsor C 123, or sponsor B 125 can
`reserve an exclusive interest in a particular geographic area
`by sending a request to content delivery platform 112. In
`some embodiments, the request can be for exclusive deliv-
`ery of content to mobile devices running any registered
`application within given geographic areas, or for content to
`be delivered to particular registered applications based on a
`target location. The request can also include time limitations,
`limitations based on the length of time a mobile device
`remains within a given geographic area, or other desired
`limitations. Furthermore, the reserved interest can be either
`completely exclusive, or semi-exclusive.
`System 100 can include a network, for example Internet
`131, through which content delivery platform 112, can
`communicate to other networked devices; and communica-
`tion towers 144, which can include AM or FM broadcast
`towers, mobile telephone stations, or other suitable commu-
`nication infrastructure, including satellites (not illustrated)
`that might be useful in providing content based on a target
`location. Content delivery platform 112 can use this com-
`munication infrastructure to communicate with various
`computing devices, including portable computer 179, which
`may include laptop computers, desktop computers, palmtop
`tablet computers, digital video recorders
`(DVRs), television set-top boxes, or any of various general
`or dedicated purpose computers that can be carried or
`transported; wireless device 177, which can include personal
`digital assistants (PDAs), cellular telephones, personal com-
`munication system (PCS) devices, music players, video
`players, gaming consoles, or portable televisions; or any of
`various devices that may be included in, or carried by, motor
`vehicles 171, 173, or 175, including navigation systems,
`satellite radios, or the like. It should be noted that the term
`"mobile device" can include all computing devices as listed
`above that can communicate with content delivery platform
`112, that the above listing of devices is not exhaustive, and
`that a device that qualifies as one type of device may also be
`considered to be of another type. For example, a mobile
`phone may also be a general purpose computing device, a
`radio, a television, and a navigation system.
`Still referring to FIG. 1, consider first motor vehicle 171,
`which is located within sponsor A's reserved geographic
`area 143. A driver of first motor vehicle 171 can receive
`advertisements or other content from Sponsor A via a
`registered application running on a radio, a PDA, a cellular
`io telephone, a laptop, or a global positioning navigation
`device (none of which are specifically illustrated). In this
`example, because first motor vehicle 171 is located within
`sponsor A's reserved geographic area 143, content delivery
`platform 121 provides content exclusively related to sponsor
`15 A 121; advertisements or other content from sponsor C 123
`and sponsor B 125 can be excluded.
`Portable computer 179 can be connected to Internet 131
`via a hardwired network connection, a Wi-Fi connection or
`other suitable communication connection. In some embodi-
`2o ments, if portable computer 179 is running a registered
`program application, the user of portable computer 179 will
`receive content related exclusively to sponsor A as long as
`he is within sponsor A's reserved geographic area 143. In
`some embodiments, the driver of first motor vehicle 171 and
`25 the user of laptop 179 will still be able to receive advertise-
`ments from other sponsors through devices not running a
`program that has been registered on content delivery plat-
`form 112, or through non-registered programs running on
`the same device.
`In some embodiments, the location of mobile devices, or
`another target location, can be determined using various
`suitable methods. For example, a mobile device running a
`registered application can provide location information to
`content delivery platform 112 in the form of latitude or
`35 longitude coordinates, raw or processed GPS data, or other
`location information received and recorded by either the
`device itself or another device. In some embodiments, a
`target location, e.g. the location of a mobile device, can be
`determined based on signals received from cellular trans-
`40 mission towers, satellites, or methods such as triangulation
`or dead reckoning, or by IP address. Content delivery
`platform 112 can receive the location of mobile devices from
`a third source, for example a location provider, a cellular
`telephone network provider, or a third party tracking source,
`45 rather than from the mobile device itself. Thus, the location
`of a mobile device can be received from the mobile device,
`determined by content delivery platform 112, received from
`a third-party source, or determined based on a combination
`of these or other methods.
`Sponsor A's reserved geographic area 143 illustrates an
`embodiment in which a perimeter can be defined by streets,
`county boundaries, city boundaries, landmarks, or other
`features commonly found on maps. In contrast, sponsor B's
`reserved geographic area 145 can be an ellipse, circle, oval,
`55 or other geometric shape that can be determined, at least in
`part, based on a radius.
`In this example, both second motor vehicle 173 and
`wireless device 177 are located within sponsor B's reserved
`geographic area 145. The driver of second motor vehicle 173
`60 and the user of wireless device 177 can receive advertise-
`ments or other content via towers 144. For example, if the
`driver of second motor vehicle 173 is operating a navigation
`device executing an application program registered by
`developer 108, advertisements and other content received on
`65 the navigation device can be determined based on the
`location within sponsor B's reserved geographic area 145.
`Likewise, the user of wireless device 177 will receive
`Exhibit 1015
`Page 11 of 23


`US 9,779,418 B2
`advertisements related to sponsor B from within a registered
`application. In some embodiments, content delivery plat-
`form 112 can prevent content from sponsor A 121 and
`sponsor C 123 from being delivered to a mobile device
`carried by second motor vehicle 173 and wireless device
`177, because both motor vehicle 173 and wireless device
`177 are located in sponsor B's reserved geographic area 145.
`Turning next to sponsor A and sponsor C's reserved
`geographic area 147, note that the perimeter is a square,
`rectangle or similarly shaped. In some embodiments, the
`perimeter may be defined entirely by longitude and latitude
`lines and/or coordinates that constitute an area. In other
`embodiments, sponsor A and sponsor C's reserved geo-
`graphic area 147 can be partially bounded by a longitude or
`latitude line, a road, river, railway, county, state, parish, city,
`locality, or other desired boundary. In some embodiments,
`the perimeter of a sponsor A and sponsor C's reserved
`geographic area 147 can be defined by a combination of
`longitude or latitude lines, with one or more remaining
`boundaries defined based on radius or diameter.
`Because third motor vehicle 175 is within sponsor A and
`sponsor C's reserved geographic area 147, a mobile device
`carried by third motor vehicle 175 can receive advertising
`content from either or both sponsor A and sponsor C. In
`some embodiments, the interest in sponsor A and sponsor
`C's reserved geographic area 147 can be equally divided
`between sponsor A 121 and sponsor C 123, while in other
`embodiments one of sponsor A 121 and sponsor C 123 can
`have an interest superior to that of the other. In some
`embodiments, content delivery platform 112 can deliver
`advertisements or other content related to Sponsor A at
`selected times, while content related to Sponsor C is deliv-
`ered at other times. Additionally, content related to sponsor
`A may be delivered via a first registered application, while
`content related to sponsor C can be delivered via a second
`registered application. Thus, sponsors can advertise or pro-
`vide other content to members of particular demographics
`based on a type of application a particular demographic is
`more likely to use.
`Referring next to FIG. 2, a target location other than a
`mobile device in a system 200 is illustrated according to
`embodiments of the present disclosure. As shown in FIG. 2,
`a user of registered application 231 is located within the
`perimeter defining first sponsor's reserved area 207. Object
`of interest 233 is located in second sponsor's reserved area
`205. In some embodiments, object of interest 233 can be any
`type of object of interest to the user of registered application
`231. For example, object of interest 233 could be a friend of
`the user of registered application 231, and this friend may be
`employing a mobile phone, a laptop, a kiosk computer, a
`PDA, or any other device capable of sending location
`information 216 directly or indirectly to registered applica-
`tion 231. In some embodiments, target location information
`216 can be any type of information that can be used to
`determine the location of the object of interest 233. In at
`least one embodiment, target location information 216 may
`be a geocoded twitter message. In another example, object
`of interest 233 could be an end destination on a map, and the
`location information 216 of this end destination can be sent
`to registered application 231.
`In response to receiving the target location information
`216 from object of interest 233, registered application 231
`can send a request 213 to content delivery platform 212. The
`request can include, but is not limited to, information
`indicating the location of object of interest 233, a request for
`content, information indicating the location of registered
`application 231, information indicating the identity of the
`registered application 231, and a previously received request
`Content delivery platform 212 can receive and process
`request 213 to identify the location of registered application
`231 and the location of object of interest 233. In some
`embodiments, both locations need not be identified. Further-
`more, in some embodiments the specific location need not be
`identified, as long as a determination that object of interest
`233 is located within a given proximity of second sponsor's
`reserved area 205, or that registered application 231 is
`located within first sponsor's reserved area 207.
`Content delivery platform 212 can provide registered
`15 application information 217 to second sponsor 225 to allow
`second sponsor 225 to deliver second sponsor's content 214
`to registered application 231. The registered application
`information 217 can be an application identifier, a request
`identifier, a target location, a communications address, or
`20 other information that can be utilized by second sponsor
`225. In some embodiments, application information 217
`need not be provided to second sponsor 225, but instead can
`be processed internally by content delivery platform 212,
`and a determination can be made for second sponsor's
`25 content 214 to be delivered directly to application 231 from
`content delivery platform 212, or a third party (not illus-
`Note that in the illustrated embodiment, despite the fact
`that registered application 231 is located within first spon-
`30 sor's reserved area 207, the information delivered to regis-
`tered application 231 can be content related exclusively to
`second sponsor's reserved area 205, in which object of
`interest 233 is located. This is because, in the illustrated
`embodiment, the target location is the location of object of
`35 interest 233, rather than the location of a mobile device
`executing registered application 231.
`In some embodiments, information from the first sponsor
`can also be delivered to registered application 231, because
`the locations of the device running registered application
`40 231 and object of interest 233 are both considered target
`locations. Furthermore, in some embodiments content need
`not be delivered directly from second sponsor 225, but
`instead can be provided by content delivery platform 212, or
`a third party (not illustrated).
`Referring next to FIG. 3, a graph showing various geo-
`graphic areas with reference to longitude and latitude is
`illustrated according to some embodiments of the present
`disclosure. The geographic areas in FIG. 3 are for illustration
`only and carry no particular significance with respect to their
`so geometric shapes. Graph 300 includes a triangular area 320,
`reserved for sponsor A; pentagonal area 371, reserved for
`sponsor G; and octagonal area 330, also reserved for sponsor
`G. In the illustrated example, sponsor G has two physical
`addresses: G1 327, which lies within sponsor G's reserved
`55 octagonal area 330, and G2 328 which, lies within sponsor
`A's reserved triangular area 320. Furthermore, in the illus-
`trated embodiment, sponsor A does not have a physical
`location within sponsor A's reserved triangular area 320.
`These examples help illustrate that there is not necessarily a
`60 correlation between a sponsor's physical address and a
`reserved geographic area, although in some embodiments
`there may be such a correlation.
`As illustrated by FIG. 3, a single target location F 333 is
`located within sponsor G's reserved octagonal area 330, and
`65 target location F 333 can be a mobile device running a
`registered application, or target location F 333 can represent
`a target location other than the location of a mobile device,
`Exhibit 1015
`Page 12 of 23


`US 9,779,418 B2
`as illustrated in FIG. 2. In some embodiments, the mobile
`device with target location F 333 receives advertising exclu-
`sively from advertiser G.
`As further illustrated by FIG. 3, there are four target
`locations: target location A 321, target location B 323, target
`location C 325, and target location G 392

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