`Europaisches Patentamt
`European Patent Office
`Office europeen des brevets
`EP O 940 274 81
`(45) Date of publication and mention
`of the grant of the patent:
`03.05.2006 Bulletin 2006/18
`(21) Application number: 99104440.5
`(22) Date of filing: 05.03.1999
`(51) Int Cl.:
`860G 21/073<2006.01J
`E01C 23/088<2006.01J
`860G 17/015<2006•01J
`(54) Device for the variation of the weight distribution on the supports of self-propelled operating
`Vorrichtung zur Anderung der Gewichtsverteilung auf den Stutzen von selbstangetriebenen
`Dispositif pour modifier la repartition du poids sur les supports d'engins automobiles
`(84) Designated Contracting States:
`(30) Priority: 06.03.1998 IT Vl980044
`(43) Date of publication of application:
`08.09.1999 Bulletin 1999/36
`Minnesota 55445 (US)
`(72) Inventor: Bitelli, Romolo
`S. Lazzaro (BO) (IT)
`(74) Representative: Wagner, Karl H. et al
`Gewi.irzmi.ihlstrasse 5
`80538 Mi.inchen (DE)
`(56) References cited:
`EP-A- 0 692 183
`DE-A- 3 233 046
`US-A- 2 914 338
`US-A- 5 076 606
`EP-A- 0 783 984
`DE-A-19 521 747
`US-A- 4 830 397
`US-A- 5 219181
`T"'" m
`~ " N
`Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give
`notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in
`a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art.
`99(1) European Patent Convention).
`Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)
`Page 1 of 10
`EP O 940 274 B1
`[0001] The invention concerns a device for the varia(cid:173)
`tion of the weight distribution on the supports of self-pro(cid:173)
`pelled operating machines, especially of machines used
`for road works.
`[0002] As it is known, the machines for road works are
`operating machines moving on wheels or on tracks con(cid:173)
`nected to the machine body through hydraulic suspen(cid:173)
`[0003] During the movements of some of said ma(cid:173)
`chines, for example of the cold scarifying machines or
`cold planers for asphalt and concrete, the conveyor belt
`for the removed material, which is an important part of
`the machine, shifts in order to load the removed material
`on the lorry. Since the weight of the material is added to
`the weight of the belt, it is clear that the barycenter or
`center of gravity of the machine can be exposed to con(cid:173)
`siderable shifts according to the angle realized by the
`conveyor belt with respect to the longitudinal axis of the
`[0004] Another example of shifting of the center of
`gravity can be observed in machines, still suited for road
`works, having projecting wheels or tracks that, when re(cid:173)
`quired, can be re-entered in order to follow the road nar(cid:173)
`rowing or in order not to cross fixed obstacles. In this
`case the center of gravity of the machine also shifts.
`[0005] Hereinafter, for the sake of brevity and simpli(cid:173)
`fication, the word "wheels" will be used in the description,
`meaning both "wheels" and "tracks".
`[0006] All the above-mentioned machines have inde(cid:173)
`pendent hydraulic suspensions, but a couple of front or
`rear wheels are connected hydraulically in order to form
`an auto-leveling system. This is necessary because the
`supports on four parts realized through stiff suspensions
`could cause a support for the machine just on three parts,
`instead of a support realized on four parts. Instead, by
`connecting the two wheels, a support triangle is pro(cid:173)
`duced, defined by the contact parts on the ground of the
`two wheels driven independently and by the intermediate
`point oft he line joining the two contact parts on the ground
`of the two wheels connected hydraulically, that is to say,
`of the so-called auto-leveling wheels.
`In such a distribution, for example by making
`the rear wheels to be auto-leveling, a support triangle is
`realized where two vertices correspond to the front wheel
`supports and the other vertex corresponds to the inter(cid:173)
`mediate point of the line joining the two contact parts on
`the ground of the rear wheels connected hydraulically.
`[0008] Since, as it has been said, in some cases the
`center of gravity of the operating machines is exposed
`to shifts during the operation and since it is necessary
`that the machines work safely, the center of gravity of
`the machine has to be necessarily inside the support tri(cid:173)
`angle in order to avoid upsetting of the operating ma-
`chine. That is why it is necessary to modify the configu(cid:173)
`ration of the support triangle of the machines so that,
`even in the case of shift of considerable weights on the
`supports, the center of gravity of the operating machine
`is included inside this triangle.
`[0009] Further, attention is drawn to EP O 692 183 A 1
`which is directed to suspension means fora utility vehicle,
`such as a grape harvester, which comprises a straddling
`frame supported at its front and rear ends by double(cid:173)
`acting hydraulic cylinders which can be exended or re(cid:173)
`tracted in order to level the frame. The rear cylinders are
`normally blocked for providing the vehicle with a fixed
`rear axle, while the front cylinders are hydraulically inter(cid:173)
`connected in order to let them extend or retract in oppo(cid:173)
`sition to each other for providing the vehicle with an ar(cid:173)
`ticulated axle. The hydraulic cylinders are governed by
`two control valves which enable lifting, lowering and side-
`15 ways levelling of the frame. During levelling operations,
`the hydraulic connection between the front cylinders is
`automatically broken by a control valve in order to en(cid:173)
`hance the stability of the vehicle.
`[0010] US-A-5 219 181 discloses the features of the
`preamble of claim 1 and an anti-roll system for turn com(cid:173)
`pensation in a vehicle which generates a differential hy-
`draulic signal in which a pressurizing potential corre(cid:173)
`sponds to a first curve direction and a complementary
`return hydraulic potential. The system includes a pair of
`rear wheel cylinder and piston assemblies and a pair of
`front wheel cylinder and piston assemblies. A hydraulic
`circuit is connected to conduct the pressurizing potential
`to move the pistons in a first rear wheel cylinder and
`piston assembly and a first front wheel cylinder and piston
`30 assembly, while conducting the return signal to move the
`pistons in second front wheel cylinder and piston assem(cid:173)
`bly and a second rear wheel cylinder and piston assem(cid:173)
`bly. A hydraulic conductor directly connects correspond(cid:173)
`ing ends of the rear wheel cylinder and piston assemblies
`to provide a hydraulic conduction between those assem(cid:173)
`blies in response to conduction of the differential hydrau(cid:173)
`lic signal. A tilt limitation feature is provided in the front
`wheel cylinder and piston assemblies and is connected
`to the hydraulic circuit for limiting the maximum displace-
`40 ment of the pistons in the rear and front wheel cylinder
`and piston assemblies. In a vehicle, the system reacts
`to a turn by causing the front and rear wheel cylinder and
`piston assemblies to tilt the vehicle in a direction to coun(cid:173)
`teract the vehicle rolling force caused by the turn. The
`tilt-limitation element operates to limit the amount of tilt
`produced by the system of the invention to counteract
`vehicle roll force. Sensors provide an indication of the
`turn direction of the vehicle, but no indication of the de-
`gree of turning.
`[0011] Similarly, DE 195 21 747 discloses a roll control
`and suspension level control for a vehicle. There is no
`indication of determining or producing signals which are
`proportional to a variation of the center of gravity config(cid:173)
`[0012] The main object of the present invention is
`therefore to realize a device for the variation of the weight
`distribution on the front or rear supports connected hy(cid:173)
`draulically so that such a variation has the effect of mod-
`Page 2 of 10
`EP O 940 274 B1
`ifying the supporting triangle so that the center of gravity
`is always inside said triangle.
`[0013] Another object to be achieved is that the varia(cid:173)
`tion of the supporting triangle can be made automatic
`according to the variation of the weight distribution of the
`operating machine.
`[0014] These and other objects, which will be better
`understood later, are achieved by a device for the vari(cid:173)
`ation of the weight on the supports of self-propelled op(cid:173)
`erating machines, especially for road works, as set forth
`in claim 1. Preferred embodiments of the present inven-
`tion may be gathered from the dependent claims. Pref(cid:173)
`erably, the machines comprise a body supported on
`wheels or tracks by hydraulic suspensions. The device
`of the present invention comprises at least one couple
`of hydraulic cylinders relative to the rear (or front) sup(cid:173)
`ports. The hydraulic cylinders are double-acting cylin(cid:173)
`ders, each one having a first chamber connected hydrau(cid:173)
`lically to the corresponding first chamber of the other cor(cid:173)
`responding support, each second chamber of said cylin-
`ders being selectively connected through at least one
`electrovalve to an external source of hydraulic pressure.
`The reaction thrust furnished by the respective hydraulic
`piston is proportional to the difference of the reaction
`force between said cylinders, thereby realizing the mod-
`ification of the supporting ideal triangle of the operating
`[0015] According to an embodiment of the invention
`the variation of pressure in the second chamber of one
`of the two double-acting cylinders is obtained by a source
`of external pressure connected to said second pressure
`chamber through a pressure reducer. Further, the exit
`pressure from the reducer can be varied to give a pres(cid:173)
`sure which is varied according to the request, so as to
`modify the supporting triangle of the machine according
`to what it is believed as necessary.
`[0016] According to a preferred embodiment, the pres(cid:173)
`sure provided by the external source is distributed by a
`double way electrovalve which maintains the pressure
`discharged in both of the second chambers when the
`electro valve is in the rest position, and selectively con(cid:173)
`nects one or the other chamber of each cylinder by re(cid:173)
`[0017] Further characteristics and features of the in(cid:173)
`vention will be better explained in the description of a
`preferred embodiment of the invention given as an illus(cid:173)
`trating but not limiting example and shown in the accom(cid:173)
`panying drawings where:
`Figs. 1 and 1 a
`Fig. 2
`Fig. 3
`show, in a side view and a plan view,
`respectively, an operating machine for
`road works, the construction of which
`may cause a shift of the center of grav(cid:173)
`ity during the work;
`shows a scheme of the device of the
`invention in the rest position;
`shows the supporting triangle when
`the device of Fig. 2 is ineffective;
`Fig. 4
`Fig. 5
`Fig. 6
`Fig. 7
`shows the scheme of the device of the
`invention with a cylinder submitted to
`a variation of pressure;
`shows the consequent variation of the
`supporting triangle;
`shows the scheme of the device of the
`invention with another cylinder submit(cid:173)
`ted to variations of pressure;
`shows the variation of the supporting
`triangle relative to the device of Fig. 6.
`[0018] Referring to the above mentioned figures, an
`operating machine, e.g. a scarifier machine or cold planer
`indicated by 10, has two front supports, indicated by 1
`15 and 2, and two rear supports, indicated by 3 and 4, which
`can be seen schematically also in Fig. 2.
`[0019] The scarifier machine has also a movable con(cid:173)
`veyor belt 5, which can move 40°-45° from the longitudi(cid:173)
`nal line of the machine.
`[0020] While the machine 10 is supported on the front
`tracks 1 and 2 through single-acting hydraulic cylinders,
`the rear supports of the tracks 3 and 4 are connected to
`the machine through double-acting cylinders 7 and 8,
`respectively. More particular, the cylinder? has an upper,
`first chamber 71 and a lower, second chamber 72, while
`the cylinder 8 has an upper first chamber 81 and a lower,
`second chamber 82. The piston 73 for the cylinder 7 and
`83 for the cylinder 8 separates the upper and lower cham(cid:173)
`bers from each other. The rod 74 of the piston 73 is con(cid:173)
`nected to the support of the wheel or track 3, and the rod
`84 of the piston 83 is connected to the support of the
`wheel or track 4. The first chambers 71 and 81 are hy(cid:173)
`draulically connected through the pipeline 78 so that,
`lacking the pressure in the second chambers 72 and 82,
`respectively, in the first chambers 71 and 81 there is a
`fluid at a certain and always equal pressure. Therefore,
`the pressures in the two chambers being equal as an
`effect of the connection through the pipeline 78, the pis(cid:173)
`tons 73 and 83 are always supported on the two wheels
`40 or tracks independently of the distribution of the weights
`on the operating machine and independently of the po(cid:173)
`sition of the center of gravity.
`[0021] Substantially, if P is the weight bearing on the
`rear supports, each track 3 and 4 and therefore each
`45 piston 73 and 83 connected to it supports a weight of P/
`2. This is illustrated in Fig. 3 using the ideal supporting
`triangle indicated with ABC where the two vertices A and
`B correspond to the supports of the front wheels and the
`vertex C corresponds to the middle part of the part con-
`50 necting the rear supports 3 and 4. Obviously, the baryc(cid:173)
`enter or center of gravity G located inside the supporting
`triangle A, B, C.
`[0022] When the operating machine moves the con(cid:173)
`veyor belt 5 which discharges the material, e.g. into the
`55 position indicated in Fig. 5, the electronic control unit 11
`receives the signal 51 indicating the rotation angle of the
`conveyor belt and transmits a signal 11 O to the electro(cid:173)
`valve 12 and a signal 111 to the pressure reducer 13. In
`Page 3 of 10
`EP O 940 274 B1
`this way, the pressure reducer 13 which is connected to
`the hydraulic pressure source or pump 9 through a pipe(cid:173)
`line 91, reduces the pressure in accordance with the sig-
`nal 111 provided by the electronic control unit 11, and
`the reduced pressure passes through the pipeline 92 and
`arrives at the electrovalve 12. Such an electrovalve, be-
`ing energized by the signal 110, is open in the position
`controlled by the switch X and permits the pressurized
`oil to arrive to the second chamber 72 of the cylinder 7.
`In this way, the pressure applied to the piston
`73 will be the difference between the pressure equally
`exercised on the two chambers 71 and 81 and the pres(cid:173)
`sure provided by the device through the hydraulic pres(cid:173)
`sure source or pump 9 and the pressure reducer 13.
`[0024] Therefore, the effect obtained is the different
`reaction in the supports of the wheels or tracks 3 and 4.
`It is clear that in this way the wheel or track 4 can support
`a bigger weight and so the vertex C of the supporting
`triangle moves towards C', as we can see in Fig. 5.
`[0025] Consequently, the barycenter or center of grav-
`ity G, which has moved towards G' because of the move(cid:173)
`ment of the conveyor belt 5, always falls inside the sup(cid:173)
`porting triangle A, B, C', thus giving the machine stability.
`[0026] Figs. 6 and 7 show the same behaviour of the
`device of the invention when the conveyor belt 5 of the
`operating machine is oriented in the opposite direction.
`In this case, the sensor located at the conveyor belt will
`provide a signal 52 to the electronic control unit 11, which
`in turn provides a signal 112 activating the switch Y in(cid:173)
`stead of the switch X of the electrovalve 12, while the
`pressure reducer 13 is adjusted in accordance with the
`signal 113 received from the electronic control unit 11 to
`give a pressure P1 different from the pressure P request-
`ed before.
`[0027] With these signals, the electrovalve 12 and the
`pressure reducer 13 are arranged so that the pressure
`reaches the second chamber 82 of the cylinder 8. Con(cid:173)
`sequently, there will be a variation of the total pressure
`on the piston 83, which is different from the pressure on
`the piston 72, so that the supporting triangle is modified
`through the movement of the vertex C towards the vertex
`C". As the new center of gravity G" has moved from the
`previous position G, the new center of gravity remains
`inside the supporting triangle.
`[0028] The usefulness of the device of the invention is
`evident, because during the operating of the machine
`and during the movement of the belt and of the weights
`bearing on the machine and on the belt, the machine
`reacts by modifying the supporting triangle of the ma(cid:173)
`chine so as to always maintain the safety conditions.
`[0029] As has been said before, the device of the in(cid:173)
`vention can be applied also to machines different from
`the example. For example, it can be applied to machines
`with wheels projecting from the contour of the machine
`and being adapted to be withdrawn or swung-in in par(cid:173)
`ticular conditions. The modification of the distance of the
`wheels implies a modification of the supporting triangle
`and therefore the need to adapt such supporting triangle
`to possible movements of the barycenter or center of
`gravity of the machine, which is possible if the device of
`the invention is applied to such shapes or types of ma(cid:173)
`1. Device for the variation of the weight distribution on
`the supports of self-propelled operating machines,
`especially for road works, comprising:
`at least one pair of hydraulic cylinders (7, 8) as(cid:173)
`sociated with rear supports (3, 4) or front sup(cid:173)
`ports (1, 2), the hydraulic cylinders (7, 8) being
`double-acting cylinders, each comprising a first
`chamber (71, 81) and a second chamber (72,
`82) separated by a corresponding piston (73,
`83), each cylinder of said at least one pair of
`hydraulic cylinders (7, 8) having its first chamber
`(71, 81) connected hydraulically to the corre(cid:173)
`sponding first chamber (71, 81) of the other cyl(cid:173)
`inder of said at least one pair of hydraulic cylin(cid:173)
`ders (7, 8);
`at least one electrovalve (12) adapted to connect
`a selected one of said second chambers (72,
`82) of said at least one pair of hydraulic cylinders
`to an external source (9) of hydraulic pressure
`while connecting the corresponding other one
`of said second chambers (72, 82) of said at least
`one pair of hydraulic cylinders with a hydraulic
`fluid reservoir, characterized in that,
`said electrovalve (12) is actuated, and the hy(cid:173)
`draulic pressure provided from said pressure
`source (9) to said electrovalve (12) is adjusted,
`in response to signals (51, 52) which are pro(cid:173)
`portional to a variation of the center of gravity
`configuration of the operating machine.
`40 2. Device according to claim 1, wherein the electrov(cid:173)
`alve is a two-way electrovalve (12) adapted to con(cid:173)
`nect each of said second chambers (72, 82) with a
`reservoir of hydraulic fluid in a quiescent or neutral
`position in order to keep the pressure of each said
`second chambers (72, 82) of each of said double(cid:173)
`acting hydraulic cylinders discharged.
`3. Device according to claim 1 or 2, wherein said elec(cid:173)
`trovalve (12) is responsive to signals (110, 112) pro(cid:173)
`vided by an electronic control unit (11) in response
`to receiving said signals (51, 52) proportional to the
`variation of the center of gravity configuration of the
`operating machine.
`55 4. Device according to one of the preceding claims,
`wherein a pressure reducer (13) is provided between
`the pressure source (9) and the electrovalve (12),
`said pressure reducer (13) being adapted to change
`Page 4 of 10
`EP O 940 274 B1
`the pressure supplied to the electrovalve (12).
`5. Device according to claim 4, wherein the pressure
`reducer (13) is adapted to change the pressure sup-
`plied to the electrovalve in response to signals (111,
`113) provided by an electronic control unit (11) in
`response to receiving said signals (51, 52) propor-
`tional to the variation of the center of gravity config-
`uration of the operating machine.
`6. Self-propelled operating machine (10) comprising a
`device according to one of the preceding claims, said
`operating machine further comprising:
`a movable conveyor belt (5) adapted to be piv-
`oted into angled positions with respect to the
`longitudinal direction of the operating machine
`(10) resulting in a variation of the center of grav-
`ity configuration of said operating machine (10),
`a sensor adapted to generate a signal (51, 52)
`indicating the angular position of the conveyor
`belt (5).
`7. Machine (10) according to claim 6 wherein the ma-
`chine (10) is supported on the front supports (1, 2)
`through single-acting hydraulic cylinders and on the
`rear supports (3, 4) through said double-acting hy-
`draulic cylinders (7, 8), respectively.
`8. Machine (10) according to claim 7 wherein said con(cid:173)
`veyor belt (5) is attached to the machine near the
`front of the machine.
`1. Einrichtung zur Anderung der Gewichtsverteilung
`auf die Stutzen von selbstgetriebenen Arbeitsma(cid:173)
`schinen, insbesondere fur StraBenarbeiten, wobei
`die Einrichtung folgendes aufweist:
`mindestens ein Paar von Hydraulikzylindern
`(7,8), die mit hinteren Stutzen (3, 4) oder vorde-
`ren Stutzen (1, 2) assoziiert sind, wobei die Hy-
`draulikzylinder (7, 8) doppelt wirkende Zylinder
`sind, die jeweils eine erste Kammer (71, 81) und
`eine zweite Kammer (72, 82), getrennt durch ein
`entsprechenden Kolben (73, 83), aufweisen,
`wobei die erste Kammer (71, 81) jeden Zylinders
`des mindestens einen Paars von Hydraulikzy(cid:173)
`lindern (7, 8) hydraulisch mit der entsprechen-
`den ersten Kammer (71, 81) des anderen Zylin(cid:173)
`ders des mindestens einen Paars von Hydrau-
`likzylindern (7, 8) verbunden ist;
`mindestens ein Elektroventil (12), das in der La-
`ge ist, eine ausgewahlte der zweiten Kammern
`(72, 82) des mindestens einen Paars von Hy-
`draulikzylindern mit einer externen Hydraulik-
`druckquelle (9) zu verbinden, wahrend es die
`entsprechende andere der zweiten Kammern
`(72, 82) des mindestens einen Paars von Hy-
`draulikzylindern mit einem Hydraulikstromungs-
`mittelreservoir verbindet,
`dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass
`das Elektroventil (12) betatigt wird und der von der
`Druckquelle (9) an das Elektroventil (12) gelieferte
`Hydraulikdruck eingestellt wird ansprechend auf Si-
`gnale (51, 52), die proportional sind zu einer Ande-
`rung der Schwerpunktkonfiguration der Arbeitsma-
`2. Einrichtung gema.B Anspruch 1, wobei das Elektra-
`ventil ein Zweiweg-Elektroventil (12) ist, das in der
`Lage ist, jede der zweiten Kammern (72, 82) mit ei-
`nem Hydraulikstromungsmittelreservoir in einer Ru-
`he- oder Neutralposition zu verbinden, um den Druck
`jeder der zweiten Kammern (72, 82) jedes der dop-
`pelt wirkenden Hydraulikzylinder entlastet zu halten.
`3. Einrichtung gema.B Anspruch 1 oder 2, wobei das
`Elektroventil (12) ansprechend ist auf Sign ale (110,
`112), die durch eine elektronische Steuereinheit (11)
`geliefert werden, und zwar ansprechend auf den
`Empfang der Signale (51, 52), die proportional sind
`zu der Anderung der Schwerpunktkonfiguration der
`4. Einrichtung gema.B einer der vorgehenden Anspru(cid:173)
`chen, wobei eine Druckverminderungseinrichtung
`(13) zwischen der Druckquelle (9) und dem Elektro-
`ventil (12) vorgesehen ist, wobei die Druckvermin(cid:173)
`derungsvorrichtung (13) in der Lage ist, den an das
`Elektroventil (12) gelieferten Druck zu verandern.
`5. Einrichtung gema.B Anspruch 4, wobei die Druckver(cid:173)
`minderungsvorrichtung (13) in der Lage ist, den an
`das Elektroventil gelieferten Druck ansprechend auf
`Signale (111, 113) zu verandern, die von einer elek(cid:173)
`tronischen Steuereinheit (11) geliefert werden, und
`zwar ansprechend auf die Signale (51, 52), die pro(cid:173)
`portional sind zu der Anderung der Schwerpunktkon(cid:173)
`figuration der Arbeitsmaschine.
`6. Selbstgetriebene Arbeitsmaschine (10), die eine
`Einrichtung gema.B einem den vorgehenden Anspru(cid:173)
`che aufweist, wobei die Arbeitsmaschine ferner fol(cid:173)
`gendes aufweist:
`ein bewegliches Forderband (5), das in der Lage
`ist, in abgewinkelten Positionen bezuglich der
`Langsrichtung der Arbeitsmaschine (10) ge(cid:173)
`schwenkt zu werden, was eine Anderung der
`Schwerpunktkonfiguration der Arbeitsmaschine
`(10) ergibt, und
`Page 5 of 10
`EP O 940 274 B1
`einen Sensor, der geeignet ist zum Erzeugen
`eines Signals (51, 52), das die Winkelposition
`des Forderbandes (5) anzeigt.
`7. Maschine (1 0) gemaB Anspruch 6, wobei die Ma(cid:173)
`schine (10) auf den vorderen Stutzen (1, 2) durch
`einzeln wirkende Hydraulikzylinder und auf den hin(cid:173)
`teren Stutzen (3, 4) durch die doppelt wirkenden Hy(cid:173)
`draulikzylinder (7, 8) getragen wird.
`8. Maschine (10) gemaB Anspruch 7, wobei das For(cid:173)
`derband (5) nahe der Front der Maschine an der Ma(cid:173)
`schine befestigt ist.
`1. Dispositif de modification de la repartition des poids
`sur les supports d'engins automobiles, en particulier
`pour travaux routiers, comprenant:
`3. Dispositif selon la revendication 1 ou 2, dans lequel
`l'electrovanne (12) agit en reponse a des signaux
`(110, 112) fournis par un module electronique de
`commande (11) en reponse a la reception desdits
`signaux (51, 52) proportionnels a la variation de la
`configuration du centre de gravite de l'engin.
`4. Dispositif selon l'une des revendications preceden(cid:173)
`tes, dans lequel un reducteur de pression (13) est
`prevu entre la source depression (9) et l'electrovan(cid:173)
`ne (12), le reducteur de pression (13) etant adapte
`a modifier la pression fournie a l'electrovanne (12).
`5. Dispositif selon la revendication 4, dans lequel le re-
`ducteur de pression (13) est adapte a modifier la
`pression fournie a l'electrovanne en reponse a des
`signaux (111, 113) fournis par un module electroni(cid:173)
`que de commande (11) en reponse a la reception
`desdits signaux (51, 52) proportionnels a la variation
`de la configuration du centre de gravite de l'engin.
`6. Engin automobile (10) comprenant un dispositif se(cid:173)
`lon l'une des revendications precedentes, cet engin
`comprenant en outre :
`au moins deux verins hydrauliques (7, 8) asso(cid:173)
`cies a des supports arrieres (3, 4) ou a des sup(cid:173)
`ports avants (1, 2), les verins hydrauliques (7,
`8) etant des verins a double action comprenant
`chacun une premiere chambre (71, 81) et une
`deuxieme chambre (72, 82) separee par un pis-
`ton correspondant (73, 83), chacun desdits au
`moins deux verins hydrauliques (7, 8) ayant sa
`premiere chambre (71, 81) reliee hydraulique-
`ment a la premiere chambre (71, 81) de l'autre
`desdits au moins deux verins hydrauliques (7,
`8) ;
`au moins une electrovanne (12) adaptee a con-
`necter l'une selectionnee des secondes cham-
`bres (72, 82) desdits au moins deux verins hy(cid:173)
`drauliques (7, 8) a une source externe (9) de
`pression hydraulique tout en connectant l'autre
`correspondante des secondes chambres (72,
`82) desdits au moins deux verins hydrauliques
`(7, 8) a un reservoir de fluide hydraulique,
`caracterise en ce que l'electrovanne (12) est ac(cid:173)
`tionnee et la press ion hydrauliquefournie par la sour(cid:173)
`cede pression (9) vers l'electrovanne (12) est ajus-
`tee, en reponse a des signaux (51, 52) qui sont pro(cid:173)
`portionnels a la variation de configuration du centre
`de gravite de l'engin.
`2. Dispositif selon la revendication 1, dans lequel l'elec-
`trovanne est une electrovanne (12) a deux voies
`adaptee a connecterchacune des deuxiemes cham(cid:173)
`bres (72, 82) a un reservoir de fluide hydraulique
`dans un etat de repos ou etat neutre de fa9on a main(cid:173)
`tenir dechargee la pression de chacune des deuxie-
`mes chambres (72, 82) de chacun des verins hy(cid:173)
`drauliques (7, 8) a double action.
`35 7.
`une courroie de convoyeur mobile (5) adaptee
`a pivoter selon des positions inclinees par rap(cid:173)
`port a la direction longitudinale de l'engin (10),
`d'ou ii resulte une variation de la configuration
`du centre de gravite de l'engin (10), et
`un detecteur adapte a produire un signal (51,
`52) indiquant la position angulaire de la courroie
`du convoyeur (5).
`Engin (10) selon la revendication 6, dans lequel l'en(cid:173)
`gin (10) est porte sur les supports avants (1, 2) par
`l'intermediaire de verins hydrauliques (7, 8) a simple
`action et sur les supports arrieres (3, 4) par l'inter(cid:173)
`mediaire de verins hydrauliques (7, 8) a double ac(cid:173)
`tion, respectivement.
`8. Machine (10) selon la revendication 7, dans laquelle
`la courroie de convoyeur (5) est fixee a l'engin pres
`de l'avant de l'engin.
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