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`CommScope Ex. 1036


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`three-phase e throttle
`three-phase adj (ca, 1900) : of, relating to, or operating by meansof a
`thriving adj (1607) : characterized by success or prosperity — thriv-
`combination of three circuits energized by alternating electromotive
`ing-ly \'chri-vin-le\ adv
`forces that differ in phase by onethird ofa cycle
`thro \'thrii\ prep (15c) archaic : THROUGH
`three-piece adj (ca. 1909) : consisting of or made in three pieces <a ~~
`‘throat\'throt\ 7 [ME throte, fr. OE; akin to OHG drozza throat] (bef.
`12c) 1a (1): the part of the neck in frontof the spinal column (Q)
`three-point landing n (1918) : an airplane landing in which the two
`i the passage through the neck to the stomach and lungs b (1): VOICE
`main wheels of the landing gear and the tail wheel or skid or nose
`(2) : the seat of the voice 2: something resembling the throat esp. in
`wheel touch the ground simultaneously
`being an entrance, a passageway,a constriction, or a narrowed part: as
`‘ee-quarter adj (1677) : extending to three-quarters of the normal
`a; the orifice of a tubular organ esp. of a plant b: the opening in the
`full length <a ~ sleeve>
`vamp of a shoe at the instep c : the part of a tennis racket that con-
`nects the head with the shaft 3: the curved part of an anchor’s arm
`three-quarter—bound adj (ca. 1951) of a book : bound like a half-
`whereit joins the shank — see ANCHORillustration — at each other’s
`pound book but having the material on the spine extended to cover
`aboutonethird of the boards — three-quarter binding 7
`throats : in open and aggressive conflict
`{hree-ring circus 7 (1904) 1: circus with simultaneous performanc-
`*throat vt (ca. 1611) 1:to utter in the throat: MUTTER 2: to sing or
`enunciate in a throaty voice
`es in three rings 2: something wild, confusing, engrossing, or enter-
`throat-ed \'thré-ted\ adj (ca. 1530) : having a throat esp. of a specified
`three R’s 7 pl[fr. the facetiously used phrase reading, ‘riting, and 'rith-
`kind — usu, used in combination <white-rhroated)
`metic] (1828) 1: the fundamentals taught in elementary school; esp
`throat-latch \'thrét-lach\ 7 (1794) 1:4 strap ofa bridle or halter pass-
`y reading, writing, and arithmetic 2: the fundamentalskills in a field
`of endeavor
`ing under a horse's throat 2: the part of a horse’s throat around
`which the throatlatch passes —- see HORSEillustration
`three-score \'thré-'sk6r, -'skor\ adj (14c) : being three times twenty
`throaty \'thré-té\ adj throat-iser; -est (ca. 1645) 1: uttered or pro-
`duced from low in the throat <a ~ voice) 2: heavy, thick, and deep
`three-some \'thré-sam\ 7 (14c) 1: a group of three persons orthings
`as if from the throat (~ notes of a horn) — throateidy \"thrd-t?1-8\
`;7RI0 2: a golf match in which one personplayshis ball against the
`ady — throat-iness \'thr6-té-nos\ 1
`ball of two others playin each stroke alternately
`‘throb \'thrib\ vi throbbed; throb-bing {ME throbben] (l4c) 1: to
`three-spined stickleback \'thré-
`pulsate or pound with abnormalforce or rapidity 2: to beat or vi-
`‘spin(d)-\ 1 (1769) : a stickleback
`brate rhythmically — throb-ber 7
`(Gasterosteus aculeatus) chiefly of
`*throb n (1579) ; BEAT, PULSE
`fresh and brackish waters that
`throe \'thrd\ n_ [ME thrawe, throwe, fr. OE thrawu, thréa threat, pang;
`typically has three dorsal spines
`akin to OHG drawathreat] (13c)_1: PANG, SPASM <death ms) <~s of
`three~toed sloth \'thré-'tad-\_
`2 pl: a hard or painful struggle <the ~s of revolutionary
`(1879) : any of a genus (Bradypus)
`social change —M. D. Geismar>
`of sloths having three clawed dig-
`three-spined stickleback
`its on each foot and nine verte-
`thromb-or thrombo- comb form [Gk thrombosclot] : blood clot : clot-
`ting of blood <thrombin> <thromboplastic>
`brae in the neck — compare TWO-TOED SLOTH
`thrombin \'thrim-bon\ 7 [ISV] (1898) : a proteolytic enzymethat is
`three~wheel-er \-,hwé-lor, -,wé-\ 7 (1886) : any of various vehicles hav-
`ing three wheels
`formed from prothrombin andfacilitates the clotting of blood by cata-
`lyzing conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
`thre-node \'thré-yndd,
`'thre-\_ (1858) : THRENODY — thre-nodsic
`throm-bo-cyte \-bs-,sit\ 1 [ISV] (1893) : BLooD PLATELET;also : an in-
`\thri-'na-dik\ adj — hren-o.dist \'thre-noa-dist\ 7
`tentebrate celi with similar function — throm-bo-cyt-ic \,thrim-ba-'si-
`thren-o-dy \'thre-no-d8\ n, pl -dies [Gk thréndidia, fr. thrénos dirge +
`aeidein to sing —- more at DRONE, ODE] (1634) : a song of lamentation
`for the dead : ELEGY
` \,thram-bo-,si-te-'pé-né-a, -nya\ n [NL, fr. ISV
`thrombocyte + NL -o- + -penia] (1923) : persistent decrease in the num-
`thre-o-nine \'thré-s-;nén\ n [ threonic acid (C4HgOs)] (1936) : a
`ber of blood platelets that is often associated with hemorrhagic condi-
`colorless crystalline essential amino acid CsHyNQ3
`tions — throm+bo-cy-to-peenic \-nik\ adj
`thresh \'thrash,'thresh\ vb [ME thresshen, fr. OE threscan; akin to OUG
`throm-bo-em-bo-lism \,thram-bé-'em-ba-yli-zom\
`(1907) : the block-
`dreskan to thresh] vt (bef. 12c) 1: to separate seed from (a harvested
`ing of a blood vessel by a particle that has broken away from a blood
`plant) mechanically; also : to separate (seed) in this way 2: THRASH 4
`clotatits site of formation — throm-bo-em-bol-c \-em-"b4-lik\ adj
`3: to strikerepeatedly ~ vi 1: to thresh grain 2: THRASH 2,3
`throm-bo-kinase\,thram-b6-'ki-,nis,-ndz\ 7 [ISV] (1908) : THROMBO-
`thresh-er 7 (14c) 1: one that threshes; esp : THRESHING MACHINE’ 2
`throm-bo.lyt-ic \,thrim-bo-'li-tik\ adj (1929) ; destroying or breaking
`thresher shark 7 (1888) : a large nearly cosmopolitan shark (Alopias
`up a thrombus<a ~~ agent) <-~ therapy>
`vulpinus) having a greatly elongated curved upperlobeofits tail with
`throm-bo-phle-bi-tis \,thrim-bé-fli-'bi-tes\ n [NL] (ca. 1890) : inflam-
`whichit is said to thresh the water to round up the fish on which it
`mation of a vein with formation of a thrombus
`feeds —- seé SHARKillustration
`throm-bo-plas-tic \-'plas-tik\ adj [ISV] (1911): initiating or accelerat-
`threshing machine x (1775) : a machine for separating grain crops into
`ing the clotting of blood
`grain or seeds and straw
`throm-bo.plas-tin \-'plas-ton\ n [ISV,fr. thromboplastic] (191 D:acom-
`thresh-old \'thresh-,héld,
`‘thre-shdld\ 7 [ME thresshold,
`fr. OE
`plex enzyme foundesp. in bloodplatelets that functions in the conver-
`threscwald; akin to ON threskjoldr threshold, OE threscan to thresh]
`sion of prothrombin into thrombin in the clotting of blood
`(bef. 12c) 1: the plank, stone, or piece of timberthat lies under a door
`throm-bo-sis \thrim-'bd-sas, thram-\ n, p/ -boses \8éz\ [NL, fr. Gk
`tSILL 2a: GATE,DOOR b (1): END, BOUNDARY;specif : the end of a
`thrombésis clotting, fr. thrombousthai to becomeclotted, fr. thrombos
`runway (2): the place orpoint of entering or beginning : OUTSET <on
`clot] (1866)
`: the formation or presence of a blood clot within a blood
`the ~ of anew age) 3a: the point at which a physiological or psy-
`vessel — throm:-bot-ic \-'b4-tik\ adj
`chological effect begins to be producedb: a level, point, or value
`above which something is true orwill take place and below whichit is
`throm-box-ane \thrim-'bak-,san\ 7 [thromb- + ox- + -ane] (1975) : any
`not or will not
`of several substances that are formed from endoperoxides, cause con-
`threwpast ofTHROW
`striction of vascular and bronchial smooth muscle, and promote blood
`thrice \'thris\ adv [ME thrie, thries, fr. OE thriga; akin to OFris thria
`throm-bus \'thriim-bas\ 7, p/ thrombi\-,bi, -;bé\ [NL,fr. Gk thrombos
`three times, OE thrie three] (13c) 1: three times 2a: ina threefold
`clot] (ca. 1693) : a clot of blood formed within a blood vessel and re-
`manner or degree_b: to a high degree
`maining attached to its place of origin — compare EMBOLUS
`thrift \'thrift\ n [ME, fr. ON, prosperity, fr. thrifask to thrive] (3c)
`‘throne\'thrén\ 7 [ME frone, throne, fr. OF trone, fr, L thronus, fr. Gk
`thealthy and vigorous growth 2: careful management esp. of money
`thronos — more at FIRM] (13c) 1a: the chair ofstate of a sovereign or
`S chiefly Scot : gainful occupation 4: any ofa genus (Armerig)of the
`high dignitary (asa bishop) b: the seat of adeity 2: royal power and
`plumbagaq family of perennial evergreen acaulescent herbs; esp’: a sca-
`dignity : SOVEREIGNTY 3 pi: an order of angels — see CELESTIAL HI-
`pose herb(4. maritima) with pink or white flower heads 5: a savings
`bank or savings and loan association — called also thrift institution
`"throne yb throned; thron-ing y¢ (14c) 1: to seat on athrone 2: to
`thrift-less \'thrift-los\ adj (1568) 1: Jacking usefulness or worth 2
`invest with kingly rank or power ~ yi 1: to sitonathrone 2: to
`‘ careless, wasteful, or incompetent in handling money or resources
`hold kingly power
`: IMPROVIDENT — thriftessly ady — thriftdess:ness n
`throne room 7 (1864) : a formal audience room containing the throne
`thrift shop 1 (1944) : a shop that sells secondhand articles and esp.
`of a sovereign
`clothes and is often run for charitable purposes
`‘throng \'thron\ n [ME thrang, throng, fr. OE thrang, gethrang; akin to
`thrifty \'thrif-ta\ adj thrift-i-er; -est (15c) 1; thriving by industry and
`OEthringan to press, crowd, OHG dringan, Lith trenkti to jolt} (bef.
`frugality ; PROSPEROUS
`2 : growing vigorously 3: given to or
`12c) 1a:a multitude of assembled persons b: a large number : HOST
`marked by ‘economy and good management
`syn see SPARING —
`2a: a crowding together of many persons b : PRESSURE <this ~ of
`thrift-i-ly \-to-le\ adv — thrifteimess \-té-nos\ 7 |
`business —-S. R. Crockett)
`syn see CROWD
`thrill \'thril\ vb [ME thirlen, thrillen to pierce, fr. OE thyrlian, fr. thyrel
`*throng vb thronged; throng-ing \'thrén-in\ vt (1534) 1: to crowd
`hole, fr. thurh through — more at THROUGH] vt (1592) 1a: to cause
`upon: PRESS 2: to crowd into : PACK <shoppers ~ing the streets) ~~
`to experience a sudden sharp feeling of excitement b : to cause to
`yi: to crowd together in great numbers
`have a shivering ortingling sensation 2: to cause to vibrate or trem-
`ble perceptibly ~ vi 1: to move orpass so as to cause a sudden wave
`thros+tle \'thri-sal\ n (ME, fr. OE — more at THRUSH] (bef, 12c)
`'THRUSH 1; specif’: SONG THRUSH
`of emotion 2: to becomethrilled: a: to experiencea sudden sharp
`excitément b: TINGLE, THROB 3: TREMBLE, VIBRATE — thrill 7 —
`‘throt-tle \'thra-t°l\ vb throt-tled; throt-tling \'thrat-lin, ‘'thra-t*l-in\
`thrill-ing-ly \'thri-lin-lé\ adv
`[ME throtien,fr. throte throat] yt (15c) 1a (1): to compress the throat
`of: CHOKE (2): to kill by such action b: to prevent or check expres-
`thribler \'thri-lor\ 7 (1889) : one that thrills; esp : a work of fiction or
`sion or activity of : SUPPRESS 2a: to decrease the flow of (as steam or
`drama designed to hold the interest by the use of a high degree ofin-
`fuel to an engine) by a valve b : to regulate and esp. to reduce the
`trigue, adventure, or suspense
`speedof (as an engine) by such means_c: to vary the thrust of (a rock-
`thrips \"thrips\ n, p/ thrips [L, woodworm,fr. Gk] (1795) : any ofan or-
`et engine) during flight ~ vi : to throttle something (as an engine) —
`der (Thysanoptera) of small to minute sucking insects most of which
`feed often destructively on plant juices
`thrive \'thriv\ vi throve \'thrdv\ or thrived; thriy-en \'thri-van\ also
`rived; thriy-ing \'thri-vin\ [ME,fr. ON thrifask, prob, reflexive of
`thrifa to grasp] (13c) 1: to grow vigorously: FLOURISH '' 2; to gain in
`Wealth or possessions : PROSPER 3: to progress toward ‘orrealize a
`80a] — thriv-er \'thri-var\ 1
`+ &
`\o\ abut \°\ kitten, F table \or\ further \a\ ash \a\ ace \a\ mop, mar
`\ai\ out
`\ch\chin \e\bet
`\é\easy \g\go \i\hit
`\i\ice \i\ job
`\n\ sing \6\ go \o\law \oi\ boy \th\ thin \th\ the \ii\ loot \u\ foot
`\y\ yet \zh\ vision \a, k, °, 03, %, vw, te, “\ see Guide to Pronunciation

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