`1560 Broadway
`Suite 1200
`Denver, CO 80202
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virgmia 22313-1450
`111111111111111111111111]~!1]~~1~~1~ ~~ ~~~~ 11~~1111111111111111111111111
`Date Mailed: 02/12/2020
`This is in response to the Power of Attorney filed 02/09/2020.
`The Power of Attorney in this application is accepted. Correspondence in this application will be mailed to the
`above address as provided by 37 CFR 1.33.
`Questions about the contents of this notice and the
`requirements it sets forth should be directed to the Office
`of Data Management, Application Assistance Unit, at
`(571) 272-4000 or (571) 272-4200 or 1-888-786-0101.
`page 1of1


`f>TO/A!NBO (07-17)
`Approved for use through 03/31/2021, OMS 06S:lAl035
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under \he Paperwork Reduction Aet of 1995, no person !s required to respond lo a collection of Information unless !t displays a valid OMS control number
`BTG/AIA/EG (07-17)
`Approved for use through 03/94/2632, OMB 0651-0035
`U.S, Patent and Trademark Office: US, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Underr the Paperwork Reduction Act of 3985, ne person ig raquirad to respond te a callaction of inf rimation unless it dissiays a valid OMB contrat number
`I hereby revoke all previous powers of attorney given in the application identified in the attached
`statement under 37 CFR 3.73(c).
`pi hereby revoke all previous powers of attorney given in the applicationidentifiedinthe attached _
`| statement under37CFR 3.73(c).
`| hereby appoint:
`D f'ractltfoner(sj named below (ff more than ten patent practitioners ere to be riamed, then a customer number must be used):
` Registration |
`Practitionar(s} named below (if more than ten patent practitioners are to be named, then a customer number must be used}:
`1--~~~~~~~~~~~--~·--+~ ......... ~---l
`Practitioners associated with Customer Number:|16°71 ‘3°77
` As attorney({s} or agent(s} to represent the undersigned before the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) In connection with
`As attorney(s) or agent(s) to represent the um:lerslgned before the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) In connection wlth
`any and al! patent applications assigned g
`to the undersigned according to the USPTO assignment records or assignment documents
`anyand all patent applications assigned onlyto thesunersianed according to the USPTO assignment records or assignment documents
`attached to this form In ;u:cordam;e with 37 CFR 3.73(c).
`Please change the correspondence address forthe application identified in the attached statement
`Please change the correspondence address for the appllcation identified in the attached statement
`under 37 CFR 3,73(c) to:
`under 37 CFR 3,73(c} to:
`~ The address associated with Customer Number: 16 713 7
`i x
`The address associated with Customer Number:
`i 671 a0
`D --Firm or indlvlduai name
`[| Firm or individual name
`l State
`I Zip
`J Email
`Assignea name and address: Dali Wireless, Inc.
`535 Middlefield Road
`Assignee name and address: Dali Wireless, Inc.
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`535 Middle£leld Road
`A copy of this farm, together'with a statement under 37 CFR 3.73{c) (Form PTO/AIA/96 or equivalent) is required to be
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`fled in each application In which this form is used, The statement under 37 CFR 3.73{c] may be completed by one of the
`A copy of this form, together with a statement under 37 CFR 3.73{c) {Form PTO/AIA/96 or equivalent) Is required to be
`practitioners appointed in this form, and must identify the application inwhich this Power of Attorneyistebefiled.
`filed in each application In which this form Is used. The statement under 37 CFR 3.73{c) may be completed by one of the
`SIGNATURE of Assignee of Record
`practitioners appointed in this form, and must ldentlf'J the application In which this Power of Attorney Is to be flied.
`The indixidualyaose signature and title is supplied below Is authorized to act on behalf of the assignee,
`SIGNATURE of Assignee of Record
`| Date December 13, 2019
` Signature
`The lndh.tiduaiel.w riose signature and title !s supplied below is authorlied to act on behalf of the assignee.
`Namé Albert Lee, PhtD.
`I Date December 13, 2019
`\U MJ,l....
`Title Founder, ChairmanandChiefExecutive Officer
`:~T iel~~~~-·n_e _ _ _ _ _ · - - - · - - - - - i
`Name Albert Lee, Ph.D.
`This collection of Information ls required by 3? CFR 4,31, 1.32, and 1.33, The information Is required to bballror cetein a hanefit by the public, which is te update
`(and by the USPTO ta process} thefile of 2 patent or reexamination proceeding. Canfidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C, 122 and 37 CFR 4.44 and 4.44, This
`Title Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
`eclection is estimated to take 18 minutes to complete, Including gathering, preparing, and submitting the compluted appilcation form to the USPTO. Time will vary
`depending upon the Individual case. Any comments onthe amountof time you require t0 complete thi: form and/or suggestions for reciucing this burden, should
`This coll!!ctlon of ll'lformatlol'l ls required by 37 CFR 1.:11, 1.32, and 1.3:1. The Information Is required to obtain or r~taln a benefit by the public, which I$ to update
`be sent ta the Chief information Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, f.0, Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450, DO NOT
`SEND PEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS, SEND 70: Commissioner far Patents, #.0, Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22343-4430,
`{and by the USPTO to proce5s) il:e file of a patent or reexamination pmceedlng. Confldentlality Is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 Cf fl 1.11 and 1.14. This
`collection ls estlm~ted to take 18 minutes to complete, Including gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed ~ppllc~t!on form to the USPTO. Time wm vary
`ifyou need assistance in completing the form, call 1-800-P10-9189 and select option 2.
`depending upon the lndMclual case. Any comments on the ~mount o( time you require to complete thl~ form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should
`be sent to the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. Departme11t of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandrla, VA 22313·1450. 00 NOT
`SEND FEES OR COMl"lETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. :SF.NO TO: Commlssh:iner for Plitel'I~, P.O. Sol! 14!SD, AleNandr!a, VA :U913·14!SD.
`If you need ossf.~tance In completing the form, call 1.f;/OO·PT0·9199 and select option 2.
`Page 2
`CommScope Ex. 1033


`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`Electronic AcknowledgementReceipt
`Application Number:
`International Application Number:
`Title of Invention:
`Title of Invention:
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Customer Number:
`Customer Number:
`Jason Vick/Joanne Vos
`Jason Vick/Joanne Vos
`Filer Authorized By:
`Filer Authorized By:
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Receipt Date:
`Receipt Date:
`Jason Vick
`Jason Vick
`Filing Date:
`Filing Date:
`Time Stamp:
`Time Stamp:
`Application Type: Provisional
`Application Type:
`Payment information:
`Submitted with Payment
`Submitted with Payment
`I no
`66102.100446e40fe7Md 1192135adc03fe2b}
`File Size(Bytes)/
`Document Description
`File Listing:
`Number Message Digest|Part/.zip|P (if appl.)
`File Size(Bytes}/
`(if appl.)
`Message Digest
`Part /.zip
`Document Description
`File Name
`Statement_ Under _373c_ w _PO
`A_ 10333-24-PROV.pdf
`661af2c100446e40fe7fd 1192f3Sadc03fe2b
`Page 3
`CommScope Ex. 1033
`a e
`Confirmation Number:


`Multipart Description/PDF files in .zip description
`Document Description
`Description=|Assigneeshowingofownershipper37CFR3.73 =
` acumentDescription=| acument
`the application.
`Assignee showing of ownership per 37 CFR 3.73
`Power of Attorney
`Total Files Size (in bytes)
`Total Files Size (in bytes)
`This Acknowledgement Receipt evidences receipt on the noted date by the USPTO of the indicated documents,
`characterized by the applicant, and including page counts, where applicable. It serves as evidence of receipt similar to a
`This Acknowledgement Receipt evidences receipt on the noted date by the USPTO of the indicated documents,
`Post Card, as described in MPEP 503.
`characterized by the applicant, and including page counts, where applicable.It serves as evidence of receipt similar to a
`Post Card, as described in MPEP 503.
`New Agglications Under 35 U.S.C. 111
`If a new application is being filed and the application includes the necessary components for a filing date (see 37 CFR
`New Applications Under 35 U.S.C. 111
`1.53(b)-(d) and MPEP 506), a Filing Receipt (37 CFR 1.54) will be issued in due course and the date shown on this
`If a new applicationis being filed and the application includes the necessary componentsfor a filing date (see 37 CFR
`1.53(b)-(d) and MPEP 506), a Filing Receipt (37 CFR 1.54) will be issued in due course and the date shownonthis
`Acknowledgement Receipt will establish the filing date of the application.
`AcknowledgementReceiptwill establish thefiling date of the application.
`National Stage of an International Agglication under 35 U.S.C. 371
`National Stage of an International Application under 35 U.S.C. 371
`If a timely submission to enter the national stage of an international application is compliant with the conditions of 35
`If a timely submission to enter the national stage of an international application is compliant with the conditions of 35
`U.S.C. 371 and other applicable requirements a Form PCT /DO/E0/903 indicating acceptance of the application as a
`U.S.C. 371 and other applicable requirements a Form PCT/DO/EO/903 indicating acceptanceof the application as a
`national stage submission under 35 U.S.C. 371 will be issued in addition to the Filing Receipt, in due course.
`national stage submission under 35 U.S.C. 371 will be issued in addition to the Filing Receipt, in due course.
`New International Agglication Filed with the USPTO as a Receiving Office
`NewInternational Application Filed with the USPTO as a Receiving Office
`If a new international application is being filed and the international application includes the necessary components for
`If a new international application is being filed and the international application includes the necessary componentsfor
`an international filing date (see PCT Article 11 and MPEP 181 O), a Notification of the International Application Number
`an internationalfiling date (see PCT Article 11 and MPEP 1810), a Notification of the International Application Number
`and of the International Filing Date (Form PCT/R0/1 OS) will be issued in due course, subject to prescriptions concerning
`andof the InternationalFiling Date (Form PCT/RO/105)will be issued in due course, subject to prescriptions concerning
`nationalsecurity, and the date shown onthis AcknowledgementReceiptwill establish the internationalfiling date of
`national security, and the date shown on this Acknowledgement Receipt will establish the international filing date of
`the application.
`Page 4
`CommScope Ex. 1033


`PTO/AIA/96 (08-12)
`Approved for use ihrough 01/31/2013. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a co!lection of information un!ess it disp!ays a vaiid OMB rnntroi number.
`PTO/AIA/S6 (08-1 2)
`Approved for use through 01/21/2013. OMB 0651-003
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: U.S, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERGE
`of 1995, no persons are required te respond to ac
`Appl~anVP~entOwner: _D_A_L_l_W~~R~E_L_E_S_S_,_IN~C_·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
`Application No./Patent No.: 61/382,836
`Flied/Issue Date: September 14, 2010
`Applicant/Patent Owner:
`Application No./Patent No.; &1/382,836
`Filed/Issue Date: September 14, 2010
`, a Corporation
`(Name of Assignee)
`(Type of Assignee, e.g., corporation. partnership. university, government agency, etc.)
`_g Corporation
`states that, for the patent application/patent identified above, it is (choose one of options i, 2, 3 or 4 below):
`{Name of Assignee}
`(Type of
`Assignee, e.g.. corooration,
`partnership, university, government agency,
`1. 0 The assignee of the entire rigi1t, title, and interest.
`states that, fer the patent application/patent identified above, itis (choose one cf options 7, 2, 3 or 4 below):
`The assignee of the entire right, title, and interest.
`An assignee of less than ti1e entire right, tit!e, and interest (check applicable box):
`LJ The extent (by percentage) of its ownership interest is _______________________________ %. Additional Statement(s) by the owners
`t| An assignee of less than the entire right, title, and interest (check applicable pox:
`holding the balance of the interest must be submitted to account for i 00% of tl1e ownership interest
`L|The extent (by percentage}of its ownership interestis
`neiding the balance of the interest must be submitted tc account for 100% ot the‘ownership interest.
`[J There are unspecified percentages of ownership. The other parties, including inventors, who together own the entire
`[| There are unspecified percentages of ownership. The other parties, including inventors. who together own the entire
`right, title and interest are:
`right, title andinterest are:
`Additional Statement(s) by the owner(s) holding the balance of tl1e interest must be submitted to account for the entire
`Additional Statemeni(s) by the owner(s) holding the balance of the interest must be submitted to account for the entire
`right, title, and interest.
`right, title, and interest.
`3. [J The assignee of an undivided interest in the entirety (a complete assignment from one of the joint inventors was made).
`C] The assignee of an undivided interest in the entirety (a complete assignment from one of the joint inventors was made).
`The other parties, including inventors, who together own the entire right, title, and interest are:
`The other parties, including inventors, who together own the entire right, title, and interest are
`Additional Statement(s} by the owner(s} holding the balance of the Interest must be submitted to account for the entire
`Additional Statement(s) by the owner(s) i1olding the balance of the interest must be submitted to account for the entire
`right, title, and interest.
`right, title, and interest
`4, CJ The recipient, via a court proceeding or the like (e.g., bankruptcy, probate}, of an undivided interest in the entirely (a
`4. [J The recipient, via a court proceeding or the like (e.g., bankruptcy, probate), of an undivided interest in the entirety (a
`complete transfer of ownership interest was made). The certified document(s) showing the transter is attached.
`complete transfer of ownership interest was made). The certified document(s) showing the transfer is attached.
`The interest identified in option 1, 2 or 3 above (not option 4) is evidenced by sither (choose ane of options A or B below}:
`The interest identified in option 1, 2 or 3 above (not option 4) is evidenced by either (choose one of options A or B below):
`A. I An assignment from the inventor(s) of the patent application/oatent identified above. The assignrnent was recorded in
`A. D An assignment from the inventor(s) of tl1e patent application/patent identified above. Tl1e assignment was recorded in
`the United States Patent and Trademark Office at Real
`_, Prame
`, or for which a copy
`therecf is attached.
`the United States Patent and Trademark Office at Reel ________________________________ , Frame _______________________________ , or for which a copy
`thereof is attached.
`LY} A chain of tite from the inventor(s), of the patent application/patent identified above, to the current assignee as follows:
`B. CJ A chain of title from the inventor(s), of the patent application/patent identified above, to the current assignee as follows:
`1. From:
`Panui Lemson, Shawn Patrick Stapleton, Sasa Traikovic, Albert S. Lee To:
`l. From: Paul l.e1mon, Shawn Patrick Slapieton. Sasa Trajkovic, Albert S. To: DALI SYSTEMS CO. LTD.
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`Ree| 825596
`, Frame 0644
`, of for which a copy thereofis attached.
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`Reel 025596
`, Frame 0644
`, or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`Reg! 045126
`, Frame v6r7
`_ of for which a copy thereof is attached.
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`[Page 1 of 2]
` is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public whic! is to file (and by the USPTOto
`Reel 045126
`, Frame 0677
`, or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR3.74(b). The inform
`process} an application. Gontidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 GFR 1.11 and 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 1
`tes to complete, including
`gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed applicationform te the USPTO. Time will vary depending ugen th
`ividual ¢
`Any comments on the amount
`[Page 1 of 2]
`of time you reauire to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief information
`er, US. Patent and Trademark
`This co!leciion of information is required by 37 CFR 3.73(b). The information is required to obtain or reiain a benefit by the public which is to fi!e (and by the USPTO to
`Cffice, U.S. Department of Commerce, 7.0, Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMSTO THIS ADDRESS. SEND
`process) an app!ication. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1 .11 and 1.14. This co!lection is estimated to take 12 minutes to complete, including
`TO: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22373-1459.
`gathering, preparing. and submitting the completed application lorrn to the US PTO. Time wiii vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the amount
`of time you require to comp!ete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief information Officer. U.S. Patent and Trademark
`ifyou need assisiunce in completing the form, call 1-800-PTO-9199 and select option 2.
`Office, U S. Department of Commerce, P 0. Box 1450, A!exandria, VA 22313-1450 DO NOT SEr~D FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO TH IS ADDRESS. SEND
`TO: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`Page 5
`lfyou need assistance in completing the form, call 1-800-PT0-9199 and select option 2.
`CommScope Ex. 1033


`PTOi AIA/96 (08-12)
`Approved for use through 01 /31/2013. OMB 0651-0031
`U.S Patent and Trademark Oiiice; U.S DEPARTME~JT OF COMME.RCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`PTO/AIAVS6 (08-12)
`Approved for use through 01/81/2013. CMB 0651-0031
`¥s a valid OMB control n
`Under the Pagers
`3. From: ___________________ To: __________________ _
`The document was recorded in ti1e United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`Reel ________________________________ , Frame ________________________________ , or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`4. From:
`Reel ,Frame , oF for which a copy thereof is attached.
`The document was recorded in ti1e United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`Reel ______ , Frame ______ , or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`6. From:
`. Frame
`. of for which a copy thereofis attached.
`5. From: ___________________ To: __________________ _
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`Reel ______ , Frame ______ , or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`Reel :Frame . of for which a copy thereofis attached.
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`The document was recorded in the United States Patent and Trademark Office at
`Reel ______ , Frame ______ , or for which a copy thereof is attached.
`, Frame
`,_ or for which 4 capy thereof is attached.
`D Additional documents in the chain of title are listed on a supplemental sheet(s).
`t| Additional documents in the chain ofiitle are listed cn a supplemental sheetis).
`Printed o
`As required by 37 CFR 3.73(c)(1 )(i), the documentary evidence of the chain of title from the original owner to the
`As required by 37 CFR 3.73(e}(1)(/}, the documentary evidence of the chain of title from the original owner to the
`assignee was, or concurrently is being, submitted for recordation pursuant to 37 CFR 3. i I.
`assignee was, or concurrently is being, submitted for recordation pursuant to 37 CFR 3.11.
`[NOTE: A separate copy (i.e., a true copy of tl1e original assignment document(s)) must be submitted to Assignment
`[NOTE: A separate copy {i.e., a true copy of the original assignment document(s)) must be submitted to Assignment
`Division in accordance with 37 CFR Part 3, to record the assignment in the records of the USPTO. See MPEP 302.08]
`Division in accordance with 37 CFA Part 3, to record the assignment in the records of the USPTO. See MPEP 302.08}
`The undersigned (whose title is supplied below) is authorized to act on behalf of the assignees.
`The undersigned (whose title is supplied below) is authorized to act on behalf of the assignee.
`‘Jason H. Vick/
`February 9, 2020
`iJason H. Vick/
`February 9, 2020
`Jason H. Vick
`Jason H. Vick
`Printed or Typed Name
`Titie or Registration Number
`[Page 2 of 2]
`[Page 2 of 2]
`Page 6
`CommScope Ex. 1033


`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virgmia 22313-1450
`United States Patent and ‘Trademark Office
`P.C. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virgnia 22313-1450
`371(¢) DATE
`Law Offices of James E. Eakin
`P.O. Box 1250
`Law Offices of James E. Eakin
`Menlo Park, CA 94026
`P.O. Box 1250
`Menlo Park, CA 94026
`111111111111111111111111]~!1]~~1~~1~~11~~ jllHJ11111111111111111111111111
`Date Mailed: 06/14/2011
`Date Mailed: 06/14/2011
`Receipt is acknowledged of this provisional patent application. It will not be examined for patentability and will
`Receipt is acknowledged of this provisional patent application. It will not be examined for patentability and will
`become abandoned not later than twelve months after its filing date. Any correspondence concerning the application
`become abandoned notlater than twelve monthsafter its filing date. Any correspondence concerning the application
`must include the following identification information: the U.S. APPLICATION NUMBER, FILING DATE, NAME OF
`mustinclude the following identification information: the U.S. APPLICATION NUMBER,FILING DATE, NAME OF
`APPLICANT, and TITLE OF INVENTION. Fees transmitted by check or draft are subject to collection. Please verify
`APPLICANT, and TITLE OF INVENTION. Fees transmitted by check or draft are subject to collection. Please verify
`the accuracy of the data presented on this receipt. If an error is noted on this Filing Receipt, please submit
`the accuracy of the data presented on this receipt. If an error is noted on this Filing Receipt, please submit
`a written request for a Filing Receipt Correction. Please provide a copy of this Filing Receipt with the
`a written request for a Filing Receipt Correction. Please provide a copy of this Filing Receipt with the
`changes noted thereon. If you received a "Notice to File Missing Parts" for this application, please submit
`changesnotedthereon.If you received a "Notice to File Missing Parts" for this application, please submit
`any corrections to this Filing Receipt with your reply to the Notice. When the USPTO processes the reply
`any corrections to this Filing Receipt with your reply to the Notice. When the USPTO processesthe reply
`to the Notice, the USPTO will generate another Filing Receipt incorporating the requested corrections
`to the Notice, the USPTO will generate another Filing Receipt incorporating the requested corrections
`Applicant( s)
`Paul LEMSON, Woodinville, WA;
`Paul LEMSON, Woodinville, WA;
`ShawnPatrick STAPLETON, Burnaby, CANADA;
`Shawn Patrick STAPLETON, Burnaby, CANADA;
`Sasa Trajko TRAJKOVIC, Burnaby, CANADA;
`Sasa Trajko TRAJKOVIC, Burnaby, CANADA;
`Albert S. LEE, San Mateo, CA;
`Albert S. LEE, San Mateo, CA;
`Powerof Attorney:
`Power of Attorney:
`James Eakin--27874
`James Eakin--2787 4
`If Required, Foreign Filing License Granted: 09/28/2010
`If Required, Foreign Filing License Granted: 09/28/2010
`The country code and number of your priority application, to be usedforfiling abroad under the Paris Canvention,
`is US 61/382,836
`The country code and number of your priority application, to be used for filing abroad under the Paris Convention,
`is US 61 /382,836
`Projected Publication Date: None, application is not eligible for pre-grant publication
`Non-Publication Request: No
`Projected Publication Date: None, application is not eligible for pre-grant publication
`Early Publication Request: No
`Non-Publication Request: No
`Early Publication Request: No
`Since the rights granted by a U.S. patent extend only throughouttheterritory of the United States and have no
`effect in a foreign country, an inventor who wishes patent protection in another country must apply for a patent
`in a specific country or in regional patent offices. Applicants may wish to considerthefiling of an international
`Since the rights granted by a U.S. patent extend only throughout the territory of the United States and have no
`application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). An international (PCT) application generally has the same
`effect in a foreign country, an inventor who wishes patent protection in another country must apply for a patent
`page 1 of 3
`in a specific country or in regional patent offices. Applicants may wish to consider the filing of an international
`application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). An international (PCT) application generally has the same
`page 1of3
`Page 7
`CommScope Ex. 1033


`effect as a regular national patent application in each PCT-member country. The PCT process simplifies the filing
`of patent applications on the same invention in member countries, but does not result in a grant of "an international
`patent" and does not eliminate the need of applicants to file additional documents and fees in countries where patent
`effect as a regular national patent application in each PCT-member country. The PCT process simplifies thefiling
`protection is desired.
`of patent applications on the same invention in member countries, but does notresult in a grant of "an international
`patent" and doesnot eliminate the need of applicantsto file additional documents and fees in countries where patent
`protection is desired.
`Almost every country has its own patent law, and a person desiring a patent in a particular country must make an
`application for patent in that country in accordance with its particular laws. Since the laws of many countries differ
`Almost every country has its own patent law, and a person desiring a patent in a particular country must make an
`in various respects from the patent law of the United States, applicants are advised to seek guidance from specific
`application for patent in that country in accordancewithits particular laws. Since the laws of many countries differ
`foreign countries to ensure that patent rights are not lost prematurely.
`in various respects from the patent law of the United States, applicants are advised to seek guidance from specific
`foreign countries to ensure that patent rights are not lost prematurely.
`Applicants also are advised that in the case of inventions made in the United States, the Director of the US PTO must
`issue a license before applicants can apply for a patent in a foreign country. The filing of a U.S. patent application
`Applicants also are advised that in the case of inventions made in the United States, the Director of the USPTO must
`serves as a request for a foreign filing license. The application's filing receipt contains further information and
`issue a license before applicants can apply for a patent in a foreign country. Thefiling of a U.S. patent application
`guidance as to the status of applicant's license for foreign filing.
`serves as a request for a foreign filing license. The application's filing receipt contains further information and
`guidance asto the status of applicant's license for foreign filing.
`Applicants may wish to consult the USPTO booklet, "General Information Concerning Patents" (specifically, the
`Applicants may wish to consult the USPTO booklet, "General Information Concerning Patents” (specifically, the
`section entitled "Treaties and Foreign Patents") for more information on timeframes and deadlines for filing foreign
`section entitled "Treaties and Foreign Patents") for more information on timeframes and deadlinesfor filing foreign
`patent applications. The guide is available either by contacting the USPTO Contact Center at 800-786-9199, or it
`patent applications. The guide is available either by contacting the USPTO Contact Center at 800-786-9199, or it
`can be viewed on the USPTO website at
`can be viewed on the USPTO website at http:/
`For information on preventing theft of your intellectual property (patents, trademarks and copyrights), you may wish

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