Multi-application smart card
`technology and solutions
`from Proton World
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`P r o t o n
`P r
`s m a
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`Proton Prisma Technology _______________________________________________2
`Proton Prisma Solutions_________________________________________________2
`Proton e-purse ________________________________________________________2
`EMV PLUS ____________________________________________________________2
`ASPIC _______________________________________________________________2
`Third Party Applications_________________________________________________2
`CALC ________________________________________________________________3
`CALC end-to-end system architecture _____________________________________4
`Third Party Applications_________________________________________________5
`Introduction __________________________________________________________6
`Software modules _____________________________________________________6
`Basic Issuance Module ________________________________________________6
`Platform Manager Module _____________________________________________6
`Post Issuance Module _________________________________________________6
`Application templates __________________________________________________6
`CALC standard system interfaces _________________________________________6
`Uniquely flexible product offering _________________________________________7
`Proton Prisma SP (Single Profile) _________________________________________7
`Proton Prisma BP (Basic Profile) __________________________________________7
`Proton Prisma EP (Embedded Profile) ______________________________________7
`Proton Prisma DP (Dynamic Profile) _______________________________________8
`Proton Prisma CP (Combined Profile) ______________________________________8
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`P r o t o n
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`Introduction __________________________________________________________9
`EMV PLUS ____________________________________________________________9
`Business Benefits ______________________________________________________9
`Main characteristics___________________________________________________10
`The end-to-end EMV PLUS solution ______________________________________11
`Introduction ___________________________________________________12
`Various operating modes_______________________________________________13
`CEPS ________________________________________________________13
`R3 domestic and CEPS compatibility _____________________________________14
`Business benefits to the issuing banks ___________________________________14
`The end-to-end Proton e-purse solution __________________________________15
`Introduction _________________________________________________________17
`Business Benefits _____________________________________________________17
`Main characteristics___________________________________________________17
`ADK end-to-end architecture and specifications____________________________19
`Host implementation __________________________________________________19
`Card implementations _________________________________________________19
`DFM based applications ______________________________________________19
`Java CardTM Virtual Machine based applications ____________________________20
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`P r o t o n
`P r
`s m a
`Proton Prisma is the new generation of smart card products from Proton
`World that offers the functionalities required by smart card issuers now
`and in the future.
`Proton World has built up unique expertise in designing and delivering
`smart card solutions to its licensees around the world. Throughout we
`have listened to their requirements and helped them to build the business
`cases for their smart card systems. Not surprisingly for a fast-moving,
`cutting-edge technology like ours, the market requirements have
`changed as the original technology has matured and new technologies
`have opened up new market sectors.
`Proton Prisma retains and reinforces the open architecture and state-of-
`the-art, end-to-end security that has contributed to the success of the
`Proton technology, and offers compliance with the leading international
`smart card standards. This means issuers retain the widest possible
`choice of system components from all the leading manufacturers, within
`a security framework defined by Proton World.
`Proton Prisma enables Your Business
`The power of the Proton Prisma architecture lies in its flexibility.
`Its modular design enables easy integration of smart cards in any sector.
`Proton Prisma allows Interoperability
`Thanks to its detailed specifications and associated certification
`process, Proton World allows third parties to develop Proton Prisma
`compatible components (applications, terminals, cards, etc).
`Proton Prisma lowers the Total Cost of Ownership
`Proton Prisma considerably reduces the integration cost and complexity
`for the card issuer. The Proton Prisma product range also protects the
`card issuer’s investment, as the personalisation processes are identical
`from one card type to another.
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`Proton Prisma: short overview
`Proton Prisma Technology
`The Proton Prisma technology is the foundation of all
`Proton Prisma solutions. The core of the technology is
`CALC (the Card and Application LifeCycle manager) .
`Proton Prisma CALC end-to-end (E2E) is a technological
`platform that manages the life cycle of multi-application
`smart cards, including personalisation and dynamic
`downloading of applications. CALC (E2E) provides a homo-
`geneous card management and personalisation environment
`that is independent of card vendor and card type.
`Proton Prisma Solutions
`On top of this technology platform, Proton World supplies
`Proton Prisma solutions, covering the main smart card
`applications and leaving the door open for additional
`applications. Standard Proton World-defined applications
`and toolboxes are e-purse, EMV PLUS and ASPIC. Proton
`Prisma cards also support applications defined by the
`issuer or by third-party application developers, that may
`be static or dynamically downloadable.
`Proton e-purse
`Proton Prisma e-purse
`is the successor of the
`domestic Proton purse
`named R3, which is the
`world's most widely-
`used e-purse product with licensees in 35 countries, hav-
`ing over 40 million cards in circulation performing over
`380 million purchase transactions since the first
`programme started in 1995.
`The Proton Prisma e-purse can be used either in domestic
`mode in its country of origin or in interoperable mode in
`other e-purse systems that are based on CEPS (the
`Common Electronic Purse Specifications), the interna-
`tional e-purse standard.
`EMV PLUS is the EMV compliant credit/debit application
`from Proton World. EMV is the international standard for
`debit and credit card applications that specifies smart
`cards (instead of magnetic stripe cards) and which must
`be adopted by all current issuers of credit and debit cards
`that carry one or more of the EMV brands by 2005, to
`avoid all the liability for fraud passing to the issuer. EMV
`PLUS offers more to the card issuer.
`ASPIC (Application for Secure Personal Identification and
`Communication) is an on-card toolbox that Proton
`Prisma issuers can use to create cardholder identification
`and authentication applications based on PKI (the Public
`Key Infrastructure). Typically, these could be used for
`secure access control, access to secure home banking
`services, secure payments using a mobile phone and
`secure Internet payments, where the Internet access
`device can be a PC, a kiosk, a mobile phone, a web phone
`or a digital/web television set.
`Third Party Applications
`A card issuer may want to add a new commercially
`attractive application to its smart cards to differentiate
`its customer offering. To do this, more is required than
`just the capability to develop and download a JavaTM
`applet on to the smart card. The end-to-end infrastructure
`to securely manage the application parameters and keys
`on the smart card must also be in place.
`Also based on CALC characteristics, Proton World experts
`have developed an Application Development Kit (ADK),
`the ultimate tool to conceive, develop and deploy new
`applications on the Proton Prisma platform. The Prisma
`ADK is a complete and comprehensive development envi-
`ronment targeted to smart card, terminal or backend
`application developers. It supports the porting of existing
`applications and the creation of new functionality on the
`Proton Prisma end-to-end platform.
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`P r o t o n
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`I - Proton Prisma technology
`With the Proton Prisma technology, Proton World has defined, specified and certified
`all the elements required for smart card systems, including cards, terminals, host
`systems, security modules, and smart card management system with personalisation
`tools. Supplied directly by Proton World or by partners, all those elements rely on
`CALC, the core of Proton Prisma technology.
`CALC was developed to support a clear need for multi-
`application capabilities and ease of use in managing and
`deploying multi-application smart cards.
`CALC has been specially designed to respond to the
`needs of the sectors in which smart cards play or will
`play an important role: finance, transit, government
`and telecommunications.
`Multi-card vendor:
`The CALC specifications are card vendor-independent,
`with the major card vendors already committed to
`delivering Proton Prisma cards. This means that
`issuers can use a selection of cards from a variety of
`manufacturers, all those cards behaving identically. This
`allows the issuer to operate freely in a competitive
`CALC aims to meet two fundamental requirements
`of smart card issuers worldwide:
`true vendor and card platform independence,
`allowing the issuer to work in a multi-card type,
`multi-platform environment
`uniform and simplified personalisation and appli-
`cation download in an open, multi-application
`and multi-vendor environment
`Seamless migration:
`Different CALC based card types are available:
`mono-application, multi-application, SIM and transit.
`Any Proton Prisma certified application will be
`personalised identically on all these types of card.
`This allows card issuers to start off with mono-
`application cards and seamlessly migrate to multi-
`application cards.
`Market segmentation:
`CALC allows the issuer to provide different types of
`cards to different customer segments: low-end cards
`for standard cardholders and high-end dynamic
`download cards for the cardholder with more complex
`requirements. Proton Prisma Matrix, described later
`in this brochure, can easily and securely manage these
`different card profiles simultaneously in the field.
`More than 100 million Proton World smart cards
`have been issued world-wide. This practical experience
`has taught us that an end-to-end system architecture
`is a necessity for the market. The result of Proton
`World’s operational know-how is CALC. The jury of
`the Cartes 2001 competition awarded CALC with a
`Sesame for best new software, because of its effec-
`tiveness and ease of use.
`CALC’s unique key derivation and key management
`system improves overall security by reducing expo-
`sure to risk if a key is compromised somewhere in
`the system, at personalisation or at card level.
`Improved security is also the consequence of CALC-
`based personalisation using derived keys rather than
`master keys, reducing risk if a personalisation master
`key is compromised. With CALC, dynamic downloading
`of an application is secure even when connecting to
`unreliable networks.
`Apple EX1005 Page 7


`Proton World is an active member of Global-
`Platform, a cross-industry, non-profit organisation
`that manages a set of public specifications for multi-
`application smart card management. Proton World
`has made contributions that have helped to enhance
`the GP 2.1 specifications release. CALC is an extension
`of the core GP 2.1 specifications.
`One of the specific characteristics of CALC is that it
`hides most of the particularities of the underlying
`card platform and card operating system. This
`ensures that smart card applications behave in a
`consistent manner from one card type to another
`and it allows the card issuer to manage a mixture of
`different card types and card platforms in the same
`operational environment.
`Unique to CALC is its support of both the existing
`card operating systems offered by today’s card ven-
`dors and the newer open dynamic platforms, such as
`Java CardTM, which allow the dynamic downloading
`of applets.
`With CALC, no costly future migration is necessary.
`Personalisation processes are identical for all Proton
`Prisma card types and therefore protect the investment.
`Common PIN management.
`On a multi-application card, different applications
`may require the use of a PIN (e.g. EMV, CEPS e-purse
`and PKI).
`It is important that different applications use the
`same PIN as it has been shown that cardholders
`become confused if they have to use different PINs
`for different applications on a single card. CALC
`manages a common card PIN and provides PIN veri-
`fication services to the card applications, thus avoiding
`the requirement that each application manages its
`own PIN.
`CALC requires a very light infrastructure at the mass
`personalisation bureau. This is especially important
`for larger issuers as it reduces the burden of managing
`different mass-personalisation bureaux, in a multi-
`application, multi-card environment. Also, the ability
`to use insecure channels (e.g. the Internet) for the
`dynamic downloading of applications allows issuers to
`use a relatively cheap and widespread infrastructure.
`CALC end-to-end
`system architecture
`The CALC E2E architecture is implemented at card
`level with CALC and at host level with Matrix.
`Proton Prisma Matrix is Proton World’s implemen-
`tation at host level of the CALC end-to-end speci-
`fications. It is a set of smart card management
`system software modules that can be integrated in
`any existing card issuer system environment.
`At card level, with the card masks and dedicated
`mechanisms, CALC is present on all Proton Prisma
`cards. All the standard Proton Prisma applications
`and toolboxes rely on CALC for personalisation,
`security and the downloading of new applications
`(DP profile only). The Proton Prisma card range is
`a non-exhaustive set of pre-defined card profiles
`for low-end cards but also high-end cards with a
`Java CardTM Virtual Machine.
`CALC also provides strong support at perso bureau
`level by providing software that Prisma-enables
`perso bureau machines.
`As shown in the diagram, CALC manages a number
`of interfaces between the various components of a
`card management system: the card, the mass
`personalisation bureau, the issuer’s personalisation
`tool, the issuer’s card management system and the
`application host systems. The on-card CALC component
`is the representative of the card issuer on the card
`and is mandatory on all Proton Prisma cards.
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`P r o t o n
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`RT + dyn.
`Matrix modules
`Mass Perso
`EMV Application
`PKI Application
`RT +perso
`: Interfaces specified by CALC
`EMV: a credit/debit application based on the EMV (Europay, MasterCard & Visa) standard - PKI: a cardholder identification application
`that uses the Public Key Infrastructure - OS: the card Operating System - Perso: personalisation - HSM: Host Security Module
`For each of these interfaces, detailed specifications
`are available from Proton World. Compliance with
`CALC by the different suppliers (card vendor, card
`issuer, personalisation bureau, application provider,
`etc.) will assure card issuers of the overall functionality
`and consistent behaviour across different applications
`and different vendors.
`Third-party applications
`For each of the interfaces managed by CALC,
`detailed specifications are available from Proton
`World. Compliance with the CALC specifications will
`allow third-party providers to develop and market
`Proton Prisma-compatible applications and services.
`This allows vendors to capitalise on the base of
`issued Proton Prisma cards (as CALC compliance is
`required to personalise/download an application on
`a Proton Prisma card) and to offer services and
`applications to issuers of Proton Prisma cards. The
`ADK (Application Development Kit) is Proton World’s
`response to support third parties in this effort.
`Services offered by CALC compo-
`nent to on-card applications: PIN
`verification, card/application sta-
`tus, secure host messaging, etc.
`Personalisation script for mass
`Dynamic download of applications
`Real-time secure messaging.
`Personalisation script for mass
`Application specific data for
`personalisation/dynamic download
`Real-time secure application
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`Proton Prisma Matrix has been designed to manage the life cycle and application
`inventory of every issued smart card throughout its life cycle. The Matrix software
`modules have been developed with state-of-the-art technology to offer optimal
`availability and reliability of smart card services in all possible business scenarios.
`Because of these features, several card issuers have already chosen Proton Prisma
`Matrix modules to support their large scale purse and debit/credit deployments.
`Software modules
`basic issuance module
`Platform manager module
`Post Issuance module
`The Proton Prisma Matrix product portfolio consists
`of three software modules that allow all card
`management systems to be upgraded to Proton
`Prisma. Its modular design allows issuers to start
`small, with limited investments, then to migrate
`gradually and seamlessly to the full multi-application
`Basic Issuance Module
`The Basic Issuance Module is designed to enable
`smart cards for every possible legacy system. By
`implementing the unique and innovative CALC E2E
`concepts, the Basic Issuance Module offers the card
`issuer the ability to generate scripts to personalise
`Proton Prisma cards before issuance.
`Platform Manager Module
`Many of the technical and commercial benefits of
`the Proton Prisma product range are the result of
`the implementation of the Platform Manager. This
`module can be plugged-in and requires no signifi-
`cant development by the card issuer. It allows the
`card issuer to simultaneously manage any combination
`of Proton Prisma cards, Proton Prisma applications
`and Proton Prisma business models.
`Post Issuance Module
`The Post Issuance Module is designed to add, modify
`or delete applications on smart cards that are
`already in the hands of the end user.
`Application templates
`Adding an application to a smart card requires more
`than just the capability to download an applet.
`Application parameters and keys must be defined or
`imported from external systems and must be securely
`transmitted to the card (for both pre- and post-
`issuance). Proton World has defined extremely flexible
`application templates to handle this process. A card
`issuer can integrate any new application to the
`Proton Prisma Matrix infrastructure by registering a
`new application template.
`CALC standard system interfaces
`Proton World has defined the CALC interfaces in
`conjunction with GlobalPlatform to assure plug-
`and-play interoperability for all critical components
`and processes in a (multi-application) smart card
`system. Thanks to those interfaces, the card issuer
`can integrate additional functionalities (or services
`offered by multiple competing vendors) without
`having to modify the deployed infrastructure.
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`P r o t o n
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`Proton E-purse, EMV PLUS and ASPIC are standard Proton Prisma applications.
`Third parties can add other applications to the Proton Prisma card, before or after
`card issuance. A number of Proton Prisma smart card profiles have been defined with
`different configurations of applications. All these profiles are fully compatible with
`each other and allow an easy migration from a low-end mono-application smart card
`to a high-end multi-application smart card. The following list of predefined packages
`are not exhaustive and other tailor-made profiles can always be customised. This flex-
`ibility is due to the CALC end-to-end architecture.
`Uniquely flexible product offering
`Issuers can choose more than one package if they
`wish to offer differentiated services to individual
`groups of customers, confident in Proton World's
`guarantee that they will all interoperate with each
`other. Alternatively, issuers can start with the basic
`profile package and migrate to a more sophisticated
`one as their smart card system evolves.
`Proton Prisma SP (single profile)
`Proton Prisma Single Profile EMV (SP/EMV) is a
`cost-effective Proton Prisma product package,
`which has been designed as an entry-level product
`for EMV credit/debit issuers who require the simplest
`possible smart card solution at the lowest possible
`price for their initial EMV migration. Being an entry
`level product, only EMV-SDA is supported.
`Proton Prisma SP/EMV cards contain EMV PLUS and
`space for third-party-defined applications such as
`secure access or customer loyalty schemes.
`Static Third Party
`Proton Prisma BP (basic profile)
`The core contains CALC and DFM. The applications
`included as standard are domestic e-purse and EMV
`credit/debit with SDA. Using DFM, issuers can add static
`issuer-defined or third party-defined applications.
`Static 3rd party-
`defined applications
`(domestic )
`Static issuer-
`defined applications
`Proton Prisma EP (embedded profile)
`The core contains CALC and DFM and a crypto-
`co-processor. The applications included as standard
`are: the e-purse (that can be accessed in domestic or
`CEPS interoperable mode), EMV credit/debit with
`SDA or DDA, and ASPIC (a toolbox for PKI-based
`applications). Using DFM, issuers can add static
`issuer-defined or third-party-defined applications.
`Static 3rd party-
`defined applications
`(domestic & CEPS)
`DFM / Crypto
`Apple EX1005 Page 11


`Proton Prisma DP (dynamic profile)
`The core contains CALC 2.1 (which supports the
`dynamic downloading of applications), DFM, a crypto-
`co-processor, and a Java CardTM Virtual Machine.
`The applications included as standard are: e-purse
`(that can be accessed in domestic or CEPS interoper-
`able mode), EMV credit/debit with SDA or DDA, and
`ASPIC (a toolbox for PKI-based applications).
`Dynamic 3rd
`Static 3rd party-
`defined applications
`(domestic &
`DFM / Crypto
`Using DFM, issuers can add static issuer-defined or
`third-party-defined applications, or they can
`dynamically download them as JavaTM applets.
`Proton Prisma CP (Combined profile)
`Proton Prisma CP is a solution that implements
`Proton Prisma technology on a dual interface platform.
`This product is targeted both towards transit card
`issuers and towards banks cooperating with public
`transport operators on joint smart card projects.
`The core of Proton Prisma CP contains the multi-
`application platform CALC. On top of CALC, Prisma
`CP offers a mixture of financial smart card applica-
`tions (the domestic Proton e-purse and EMV PLUS)
`and a transit application. Proton Prisma CP provides
`a high level of integration between the banking
`purse and the transit application, enabling joint
`issuers to maximise synergies.
`Static 3rd party-
`defined applications
`(domestic & contactless)
`All Proton Prisma packages are fully retro-compatible
`with existing Proton R3 systems, making it easy and
`cost-effective to migrate, as Proton Prisma cards can
`use the existing Proton infrastructure alongside
`Proton R3 cards.
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`P r o t o n
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`II - Proton Prisma Solutions
`The EMV specifications for payment systems ("EMV") were jointly published by Europay,
`MasterCard and Visa. The EMV payment specifications provide a world-wide standard
`and interoperable framework for credit card payment, debit card payment, cash
`withdrawal from an ATM and charge-back transactions.
`The main objectives of the EMV specifications are:
`to permit the interoperability of smart card-based
`payment systems in an international environment.
`by virtue of using smart cards, to increase the
`security of transactions compared to the magnetic-
`stripe card-based programmes.
`to increase the number of off-line transaction
`payments with improved risk management.
`MasterCard* and Visa have announced that from
`2005 onwards they will not be liable for fraud arising
`from the use of magnetic-stripe cards bearing one of
`their brands . This means that any current issuers of
`MasterCard and Visa-branded cards, will have to
`have migrated by then from magnetic-stripe cards
`to smart cards, or risk isolation from the EMV
`EMV specifies two types of data authentication:
`static (SDA) where the RSA security certificate is
`loaded during the personalisation process, and
`dynamic (DDA) where the RSA security certificate is
`calculated during each transaction. The DDA version
`of EMV requires a crypto-co-processor on the cards to
`maintain fast transaction speeds.
`*Europay is now a fully owned subsidiary of MasterCard International
`EMV PLUS is Proton World’s response to the market ‘s
`need for a chipcard-based solution for credit and
`debit applications based on the EMV standard. It
`uses standard EMV terminals, standard EMV acquirer
`and issuer host systems and standard EMV clearing
`and settlement networks.
`The Proton Prisma EMV application offers the following
`advantages to the issuers:
`Full integration with the other Proton Prisma
`standard applications and toolboxes
`Supported by CALC
`Multi-vendor, multi-card type support
`SDA, DDA, CDA templates available now
`EMV PLUS consists of:
`an EMV credit/debit card application
`an EMV host module, MATRIX, to manage the EMV
`cards (from pre- and post issuance to maintenance
`of the card)
`a range of complementary services.
`Business Benefits
`Thanks to the CALC technology and MATRIX, issuers
`can start with Proton Prisma’s inexpensive and easy-
`to-use SP/EMV card, and be fully ready today for EMV
`migration - with the door open to multi-application
`with minimal upgrade and development cost.
`Apple EX1005 Page 13


`emv plus
`emv 2000
`As illustrated in the figure above, EMV PLUS is
`compliant with Visa, Mastercard and American
`Express requirements, and has been defined in close
`collaboration with the major Proton World licensees.
`It also incorporates certain requirements for domes-
`tic debit and credit systems.
`The affinity between EMV (debit, credit), CEPS
`(e-purse) and ASPIC (PKI for home banking and
`e-commerce) applications on the card is very high,
`as it is generally believed that most financial issuers
`will put all of those applications on their bank, debit
`and credit cards.
`Main characteristics
`EMV PLUS payment application specifications com-
`ply with the major international payment schemes
`(e.g. Visa, MasterCard and American Express) while
`allowing issuers to support their own proprietary
`brands. Issuers will consequently be able to issue
`cards supporting different brands with the same
`back-office and the same personalisation process.
`The choice of the brand is simply a matter of con-
`figuration during card personalisation.
`The Proton Prisma EMV PLUS payment application
`supports various risk management rules, which in
`turn allows it to support various application types,
`e.g. credit with sophisticated card risk management
`for off-line transactions, debit for "mostly off-line" ,
`as well as "on-line-only" transactions. It is recog-
`nised that some issuers will gradually evolve from
`on-line debit systems to off-line debit systems
`thanks to the improved card risk management
`offered by EMV PLUS, but also that some issuers will
`keep on-line-only debit systems whilst enjoying the
`benefits of interoperable EMV cards.
`Integration with Proton Prisma
`Within the Proton Prisma environment, the EMV
`PLUS application uses many of the services offered
`by the Proton Prisma multi-application, multi-vendor
`platform, such as application life cycle management,
`personalisation support and common PIN mana-
`The Proton Prisma EMV PLUS application can adapt
`itself dynamically to the terminal environment or
`profile. This could, for instance, mean different
`processes for domestic or interoperable transactions,
`for off-line/on-line terminals, and for the different
`brands supported by the card (co-branding).
`Support for certain domestic requirements
`The Proton Prisma EMV PLUS application has a "fast
`on-line" capability. EMV has been designed for off-
`line use. In order to support on-line operations
`where necessary (e.g. in a domestic debit system),
`and within a reasonable transaction time (i.e. not
`slower than the current one), a fast on-line opera-
`tion must be guaranteed.
`Card Risk Management
`This facility allows the on-card application to manage
`the risk of performing transactions off-line from the
`issuer. The Card Risk Management rules allow EMV
`providers to reduce the number of on-line authori-
`sations while minimising the risks inevitably inherent
`in off-line transaction processing. These risk man-
`agement rules are defined during the personalisation
`of the EMV application on the card.
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`P r o t o n
`P r
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`Terminal implementation
`Proton Prisma EMV solution works with standard
`EMV terminals.
`Security module implementation
`Proton Prisma Host Security Modules (HSMs) support
`Proton World’s technology offering is complement-
`ed by a wide range of support services: business and
`technology consulting, training, and project manage-
`ment. These services are aimed at guiding customers
`in the definition of the business case and the imple-
`mentation and roll-out plans and to make sure that
`all components of the end-to-end solution work
`The end-to-end EMV PLUS solution
`Card implementation
`At card level, Proton World offers, in partnership
`with card vendors, a wide range of card types from
`low end cards to high end cards.
`The Proton Prisma Basic Profile (BP) supports EMV
`with SDA, where the RSA security certificate is
`loaded during the personalisation process.
`The Proton Prisma Embedded Profile (EP) and
`Dynamic Profile (DP) packages support EMV with
`SDA or DDA, where the RSA security certificate is
`calculated during each transaction. To maintain fast
`transaction speeds when using DDA, a crypto-co-
`processor is present on the cards.
`The cards are personalised using Proton Prisma Matrix.
`Host implementation
`The EMV Host application is provided by Proton
`World partners. Through close collaboration, Proton
`World has implemented the EMV specifications that
`guarantee the full integration capability of its EMV
`offering with those of its partners. The EMV host
`system needs a CALC-compliant interface in order
`for the host to supply the specific EMV application
`personalisation data (e.g. brand, profile, risk man-
`agement data).
`Proton Prisma Matrix, Proton World’s smart card
`management system, is fully configured to manage
`Proton Prisma cards carrying the EMV PLUS application.
`Apple EX1005 Page 15


`The Proton Prisma e-purse is the successor to the successful Proton R3 e-purse. The
`e-purse complements

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