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`Apple EX1002 Page 1


`PTO/AIA/96 (08-12)
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`A pplicant/Pa
`________ ________ _____________ _
`Application No./Patent No.: Unassigned
`1 ___ ___ ____ _ _
`�:·:1edllssue D
`ate: _h_e_r_e_w_i_U_
`yments using rnobile devices for settling paTitled: Method and apparatus
`RFCyber Corporation
`a California corporation
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`PTOi AIA/96 (08-12J
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`Joe Zheng
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`Titie or Registration Number
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`Apple EX1002 Page 3


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`Method and apparatus for settling payments using mobile devices
`For good and valuable co.nsickratkm, the receipt and sufficiency of \Vhich is hereby
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`Apple EX1002 Page 4




`Docket No.: RFID-085C1
`Method and apparatus for mobile payments
`lnventor(s): Xiangzhen Xie
`C505, Long Tai Xuan, Nanguang Village
`Nanshang District
`Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, 518051, China
`Citizenship: P.R. China
`Liang Seng Koh
`41291 Carmen Street
`Fremont, CA 94539, USA
`Citizenship: USA
`Hsin Pan
`2374 Olive Avenue
`Fremont, CA 94539, USA
`Citizenship: USA.
`Date of Deposit: June 2, 2015
`Express Mail Label # E-filing
`I hereby certify that this paper or fee is being deposited with the United States Postal
`Service using "Express Mail Post Office To Addressee" service under 37 CFR 1.10 on
`the date indicated above and is addressed to "Mail Stop: New Application,
`Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313"
`/ joe zheng /
`Joe Zheng
`Apple EX1002 Page 6


`Method and apparatus for mobile payments
`Xiangzhen Xie
`Liang Seng Koh
`Hsin Pan
`This application is a continuation of co-pending US Pat. App. Serial
`No.: 13/853,937 filed on 03/29/2013, now US Pat. No.: 9,047,601 issued
`on 06/02/2015.
`Field of the Invention
`The present invention is generally related to the area of electronic
`commerce. Particularly, the present invention is related to a mobile device configured
`to settle payments using a mobile device reading electronic bills or invoices off from
`another mobile device in a near field communication range.
`The Background of Related Art
`For many credit or debit card transactions, the payment process is
`started by a customer asking for a bill when checking out a purchase. A cashier or
`service member brings a bill to the customer for verification. The customer then hands
`out a credit/debit card to the service member. The service member brings the card to a
`Point of Sales (POS) counter to initiate a transaction payment. The service member
`then brings back a receipt to the customer for signature to authorize the transaction. It
`is a lengthy process that typically takes a couple of minutes or much longer when the
`service member has to take care of multiple payment transactions at a time. In
`addition, in the case for the debit card transactions, the process may be even more
`troublesome when a PIN is needed to authorize the transaction at the POS.
`Apple EX1002 Page 7


`There is a need to simplify the payment process. With the advancement
`in mobile devices, it is anticipated that many consumers will carry one with them. Thus
`there is an opportunity of using a mobile device to quickly settle the payment at a point
`of sale (POS).
`This section is for the purpose of summarizing some aspects of the
`present invention and to briefly introduce some preferred embodiments.
`Simplifications or omissions may be made to avoid obscuring the purpose of the
`section. Such simplifications or omissions are not intended to limit the scope of the
`present invention.
`The present invention is related to techniques for mobile devices
`configured to support settlement of charges in electronic invoices or bills. According to
`one aspect of the present invention, a mobile device embedded with a secure element
`generates or is loaded with an electronic invoice. When the mobile device is brought to
`a consumer with an NFC mobile device, the data including the electronic invoice and
`other information regarding the mobile device or an owner thereof is read off wirelessly
`into the NFC mobile device. After the user verifies the amount being charged and
`authorizes the payment, the NFC mobile device communicates with a payment
`gateway or network for payment that is configured to proceed with the payment in
`accordance with a chosen payment method.
`According to another aspect of the present invention, the mobile device
`is a contactless card or part of a point of sale (POS) machine used to generate the
`electronic invoice. One embodiment of the present invention provides unanticipated
`benefits and advantages in an application in which a payment process would
`otherwise have to be involved in more than one contacts between a merchant and the
`consumer. One of such applications is a payment process in a restaurant, where a
`consumer is given a check first for verification and a chance to add a gratitude before
`Apple EX1002 Page 8


`a final charge is determined and paid. Using the NFC mobile device, the consumer
`can finish the payment using a chosen payment method at the point of sale without
`further contacting the merchant.
`According to still another aspect of the present invention, a consumer
`uses his/her mobile device, per the data received therein, to settle the payment
`process with a payment network, where the payment network may be an existing
`payment infrastructure (e.g., money transfer or credit card/debit). A payment response
`is sent to the merchant once a payment is delivered to a designated account by the
`According to still another aspect of the present invention, the mobile
`device being used by the consumer is itself an electronic purse. Thus the consumer
`operates his/her mobile device to settle the charge once the electronic invoice is
`received and displayed thereon.
`According to still another aspect of the present invention, the mobile
`device used by the consumer is a near field communication (NFC) device and being
`part of a mobile payment ecosystem in which various parties are work with each other
`in order for the mobile payment ecosystem successful. Via a server (e.g., implemented
`as a manager) configured to provide what is referred to herein as Trusted Service
`Management (TSM), the secure element in the mobile device can be remotely
`personalized and various applications or modules can be downloaded, updated,
`managed or replaced after they are respectively provisioned via the Trusted Service
`Manager (i.e., the TSM server). One of the modules being installed in the POS
`machine or an NFC device used by the merchant is referred to as Smart Bill Payment.
`The module is configured to facilitate the communication between the merchant (its
`device) and the user (his/her mobile device) and the data exchange therebetween,
`where the mobile device being used by the user is installed with a corresponding
`application related to Smart Bill Payment.
`[001 0]
`One important features, advantages and benefits in the present invention
`is to facilitate the settlement of charges using an NFC mobile device to read off data
`pertaining to an electronic invoice. The present invention may be implemented as a
`Apple EX1002 Page 9


`single device, a server, a system or a part of system. It is believed that various
`implementations may lead to results that may not be achieved conventionally.
`According to one embodiment, the present invention is a method for
`settling a payment, the method comprises: providing a software module to be
`executed in a first mobile device embedded with a secure element, wherein the secure
`element has been personalized and the software module is provisioned with the
`personalized secure element, the first mobile device is configured to include data
`pertaining to an electronic invoice; receiving a payment request from a second mobile
`device after a user of the second mobile device authorizes the payment to the
`electronic invoice transported wirelessly from the first mobile device, wherein the
`second mobile device is a near-field communication device and is configured to
`execute an application that communicates with the software module in the first mobile
`device to read the data off from the first mobile device; verifying the payment request;
`and sending a payment response to a user of the first mobile device after the payment
`request is processed. In the embodiment, the second mobile device includes a display
`screen and is caused to display the electronic invoice when the data is in the second
`mobile device.
`According to another embodiment, the present invention is a gateway
`provided for settling a payment, the gateway may include a server or a collection of
`servers. The gateway comprises a portal providing a software module to be
`downloaded and executed in a first mobile device embedded with a secure element,
`wherein the secure element has been personalized and the software module is
`provisioned with the personalized secure element, the first mobile device is configured
`to include data pertaining to an electronic invoice. The gateway further comprises a
`server that includes: a processor and a store, coupled to the processor, for code to be
`executed in the processor to cause the server to perform operations of:
`receiving a payment request from a second mobile device after a user of the
`second mobile device authorizes the payment to the electronic invoice
`transported wirelessly from the first mobile device, wherein the second mobile
`device is a near-field communication device and is configured to execute an
`Apple EX1002 Page 10


`application that communicates with the software module in the first mobile
`device to read the data off from the first mobile device;
`verifying the payment request; and
`sending a payment response to a user of the first mobile device after the
`payment request is processed.
`Other objects, features, and advantages of the present invention will
`become apparent upon examining the following detailed description of an embodiment
`thereof, taken in conjunction with the attached drawings.
`The invention will be readily understood by the following detailed
`description in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, wherein like reference
`numerals designate like structural elements, and in which:
`FIG. 1A shows a system configuration according to one embodiment of
`the present invention, where the payment network represents a collection of services
`or networks provided to settle payments via a financial institution;
`FIG. 1 B shows a flowchart or process of settling a payment according to
`one embodiment, where the process may be implemented in software or a
`combination of software and hardware;
`FIG. 2A shows a mobile payment ecosystem in which related parties are
`shown in order for the mobile payment ecosystem successful;
`FIG. 2B shows a flowchart or process of provisioning one or more
`applications according to one embodiment;
`FIG. 2C shows a data flow illustrating various interactions among
`different parties when an application is being provisioned in one embodiment;
`FIG. 2D shows a data flow among different entities when preparing the
`application data in provisioning an application;
`FIG. 2E shows a flowchart or process for locking or disabling an installed
`Apple EX1002 Page 11


`FIG. 2F shows an exemplary architecture diagram of a portable device
`enabled as an e-purse conducting e-commerce and m-commerce, according to one
`embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 3A is a block diagram of related modules interacting with each other
`to achieve what is referred to herein as e-purse personalization by an authorized
`personnel (a.k.a., personalizing a mobile device or a secure element therein while
`provisioning an application);
`FIG. 3B shows a block diagram of related modules interacting with each
`other to achieve what is referred to herein as e-purse personalization by a user of the
`FIG. 3C shows a flowchart or process of personalizing an e-purse
`according to one embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 4A and FIG. 4B show together a flowchart or process of financing,
`funding, load or top-up an e-purse according to one embodiment of the present
`FIG. 4C shows an exemplary block diagram of related blocks interacting
`with each other to achieve the process FIG. 4A and FIG. 4B;
`FIG. 5A is a diagram showing a first exemplary architecture of a portable
`device for enabling e-commerce and m-commerce functionalities over a cellular
`communications network (i.e., 3G, L TE or GPRS network), according an embodiment
`of the present invention;
`FIG. 5B is a diagram showing a second exemplary architecture of a
`portable device for enabling e-commerce and m-commerce functionalities over a wired
`and/or wireless data network (e.g., Internet), according another embodiment of the
`present invention;
`FIG. 5C is a flowchart illustrating an exemplary process of enabling the
`portable device of FIG. 5A for services/applications provided by one or more service
`providers in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention;
`Apple EX1002 Page 12


`FIG. 6A is a diagram showing an exemplary architecture, in which a
`portable device is enabled as a mobile POS conducting e-commerce and m(cid:173)
`commerce, according to one embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 6B is a diagram showing an exemplary architecture, in which a
`portable device is enabled as a mobile POS conducting a transaction upload operation
`over a network, according to an embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 6C is a flowchart illustrating an exemplary process of conducting m-
`commerce using the portable device enabled as a mobile POS with an e-token
`enabled device as a single functional card in accordance with one embodiment of the
`present invention;
`FIG. 6D is a flowchart illustrating an exemplary process of conducting m-
`commerce using the portable device enabled as a mobile POS against a an e-token
`enabled device as a multi-functional card; and
`FIG. 7 is a diagram depicting an exemplary configuration in which a
`portable device used for an e-ticking application.
`In the following description, numerous specific details are set forth to
`provide a thorough understanding of the present invention. The present invention may
`be practiced without these specific details. The description and representation herein
`are the means used by those experienced or skilled in the art to effectively convey the
`substance of their work to others skilled in the art. In other instances, well-known
`methods, procedures, components, and circuitry have not been described in detail
`since they are already well understood and to avoid unnecessarily obscuring aspects
`of the present invention.
`Reference herein to "one embodiment" or "an embodiment" means that a
`particular feature, structure, or characteristic described in connection with the
`embodiment can be included in at least one implementation of the invention. The
`appearances of the phrase "in one embodiment" or "in the embodiment" in various
`Apple EX1002 Page 13


`places in the specification are not necessarily all referring to the same embodiment,
`nor are separate or alternative embodiments mutually exclusive of other embodiments.
`Further, the order of blocks in process, flowcharts or functional diagrams representing
`one or more embodiments do not inherently indicate any particular order nor imply
`limitations in the invention. As used in this specification and the appended claims, the
`singular forms "a," "an," and "the" include plural referents unless the context clearly
`dictates otherwise. It should also be noted that the term "or" is generally employed in
`its sense including "and/or" unless the context clearly dictates otherwise.
`Embodiments of the present invention are discussed herein with
`reference to FIGS. 1A - 7. However, those skilled in the art will readily appreciate that
`the detailed description given herein with respect to these figures is for explanatory
`purposes only as the invention extends beyond these limited embodiments.
`Near Field Communication (NFC) presents significant business
`opportunities when used in mobile devices for applications such as payment, transport
`ticketing, loyalty, physical access control, and other exciting new services. To support
`this fast evolving business environment, various NFC-enabled mobile phones or
`devices are being advanced to support various uses in daily life.
`FIG. 1A shows a system configuration 100 according to one embodiment
`of the present invention. A network 102 represents a collection of services or networks
`provided to settle payments by a financial institution. In other words, it is a system
`providing services to electronically transfer money or settle payments. What makes it a
`system is that it employs cash-substitutes as the traditional payments are negotiable
`instruments such as drafts (e.g., checks) and documentary credits, such as letter of
`credits. With the advent of computers and electronic communications, a large number
`of alternative electronic payment systems have emerged. These include debit
`cards, credit cards, electronic funds transfers, direct credits, direct debits, internet
`banking and e-commerce payment systems. Payment systems are used in lieu of
`tendering cash in domestic and international transactions and consist of a major
`service provided by banks and other financial institutions.
`Apple EX1002 Page 14


`The payment system or network 102 may be physical or electronic and
`has its own procedures and protocols. An example of the payment system that has
`become globally available is Visa or Master Card, a true global credit card and
`automated teller machine network. Both merchants and consumers use the payment
`system to settle transactions.
`According to one embodiment, a payment gateway 104 includes a server
`or a collection of servers configured to provide an application that may be installed in a
`mobile device for a user thereof to enj

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