Page 1
` _________________________
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` Patent No. 10,600,046
` Case No. IPR2022-01239
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
` Thursday, May 11, 2023
`Reported by:
`Job No.: SY007187
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`Page 2
` _________________________
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` Patent No. 11,018,724
` Case No. IPR2022-01256
` Videoconference deposition of GERALD
`WILLIAM SMITH, taken remotely on behalf of the
`Patent Owner, beginning at 9:28 a.m. Eastern
`Daylight Time, on Thursday, May 11, 2023, via Zoom,
`before Susan Ashe, CSR, RMR, CRR.
`1 2
`5 6
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`Page 3
` On behalf of the Petitioner:
` 5299 DTC Boulevard, Suite 1340
` Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111
` (913) 777-5600
` (Via Videoconference)
` On behalf of the Patent Owner:
` 411 Theodore Fremd Avenue
` Suite 206 South
` Rye, New York 10580
` (212) 257-5797
` (Via Videoconference)
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`Gerald William Smith
`Page 4
` BY MR. COWELL 5, 115
` BY MR. HART 110
`4 5
`7 8 9
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`Page 5
` THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2023;
` --o0o--
` All counsel present stipulate
` that the witness shall be sworn remotely
` by the court reporter.
` * * *
` having been first duly sworn, was examined
` and testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, Mr. Smith.
` A Good morning, Rich. I hope things are
`well in your part of the woods.
` Q Thank you.
` Can you state your full name for the
` A Sure. It's Gerald, with a "G" as in
`"golf"; William, middle name; Smith, last name.
` Q Thank you.
` And have you been deposed before?
` A I have.
` Q How many times?
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` A I'd say in my life, probably this is the
`Page 6
`fourth one.
` Q Okay. And one of those times was in a
`different proceeding regarding RFCyber's patents.
` Is that right?
` A Yes, yes. The previous one was RFCyber.
`Yes, sir.
` Q Can you tell me, what were the other
` A There was a Security Exchange Commission
`and a Department of Justice, as I remember it.
` Q The only time you've been deposed in a
`patent case before is in that other RFCyber case.
` A That's correct -- yes. Yes.
` Q All right. So why don't we just go over
`the ground rules very quickly.
` Today you understand you're here to
`provide full and truthful testimony?
` A Correct. On the '724 and the '046, is
`my understanding.
` Q Okay. You understand that I'll ask
`questions and you'll answer them. Correct?
` A Correct.
` Q Okay. If at any point you don't
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`understand one of my questions, please let me know
`Page 7
`and I'll do my best to rephrase it or clarify it.
` But if you do answer, I'll assume you
` Is that fair?
` A Correct. Yes, that's fair.
` Q Okay. From time to time, your counsel
`may object. Unless he instructs you not to answer,
`however, you still have to answer my question.
` Is that understood?
` A Understood.
` Q Okay. If at any time you'd like to take
`a break, just let me know.
` But if there's a pending question, I'll
`ask that you answer it before we go on a break.
` Is that fair?
` A Yes, that's fair.
` Q Okay. Are you on any medications today
`that would prevent you from giving full and truthful
` A No, sir.
` Q Okay. Is there any other reason you
`can't give full and truthful testimony today?
` A Not to my knowledge.
` Q How did you prepare for today's
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`Page 8
` A I reviewed the declarations and some of
`the source material prior to today's meeting, since
`it was written more than a year ago, so just to try
`to refamiliarize myself to the level I can --
`though, I....
` Don't be surprised if I ask for further
`clarification, since I'm used to delivering right
`after preparing, in many cases -- not in a legal
` But that's how I prepared: I reviewed
`the declarations.
` Q Okay. Did you meet with anybody to
` A I did coordinate with counsel.
` Q Okay. And how long did you meet with
` A It's in terms of -- a few hours.
` Q Okay. Was that Mr. Hart?
` A Yes.
` Q And was anybody else present?
` A There were from time to time. The names
`escape me at the moment.
` But Paul was in, and there was my
`principal point of contact.
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` Q Were there any nonlawyers that you met
`Page 9
` A Not to my knowledge.
` Q Did you meet with anyone from Apple?
` A No.
` Q Have you provided declarations in other
`IPR proceedings before?
` A I have.
` Q About how many?
` A I'm trying to do the math. Probably a
`dozen by now, over my 30-plus year career in IP
` Q Have you ever testified in court?
` A No; never gotten that far.
` Q Have you ever provided an opinion where
`you opined that a patent was valid?
` A No, I have not -- to my knowledge, I
`have not.
` Q Where do you work currently?
` A I currently work in -- that's a complex
` I'm principally a consultant for the
`Homeland Security, Transportation and Security
`Administration, where I manage a very large
`credential program.
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` And I do my own work in terms of smart
`Page 10
`card diagnostics and the like in a company I formed
`called Generic Smart Cards LLC, which is how I'm
`represented -- I'm linked up with Paul today.
` Q Can you tell me what kind of work you do
`for Homeland Security or TSA?
` A Sure, sure. I am the principal
`consultant on a identity biometrically enabled smart
`card that we've been issuing since 2007. And
`it's -- every day is a -- its own unique challenges.
` But that's what I do.
` I don't make policy. I don't run
`anything operationally, that sort of thing.
` But I'm a principal consultant based on
`my extensive background in smart cards, standards,
`things like GlobalPlatform -- things like that.
` Q You use GlobalPlatform in your work for
`Homeland Security?
` A I do, yeah. It's just shy of an
`international standard.
` The organization hasn't elected to run
`down that track, but it's a widely used framework.
` Q All right. What do you do for Generic
`Smart Cards LLC?
` A Mostly I build diagnostic equipment,
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`which are host to smart card, smart card to host,
`usually direct communications trying to either debug
`the card, the reader, the host, or everything -- all
`Page 11
`the above.
` Q All right. So you make equipment that
`performs diagnostics on smart cards.
` Did I understand that right?
` A That's correct, right.
` And those are based on different
`platforms, yes -- on the host side.
` Q Where are you today, physically?
` A Yes. I -- I moved recently. I'm in
`Sarasota, Florida, near St. Armands. Okay?
` Q How long have you been working as a
`consultant for Homeland Security?
` A Coming up on 20 years -- well, I
`actually joined in 2007.
` Q 2007. So, about 16 years.
` Is that right?
` A 16 years -- yeah, 16 plus. Maybe it
`feels like 20. I don't know, yeah.
` Q Do you do any work with mobile payments
`for Homeland Security?
` A I do not. I got out of the payment
`industry before that. This is more identity space.
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` Q When did you get out of the payment
`Page 12
` A I'm computing the math here....
` Well, at least 2003.
` And based on some other roles in between
`before joining Homeland, I would say up to about
`2005, I'd say.
` I keep an interest in it because every
`once in a while they do something interesting over
`there. But I wouldn't say that was my -- that has
`been my focus since about 2005.
` Q Okay. So since 2005, you've haven't
`been in the payment industry.
` Is that correct?
` A I have not, no. I wasn't representing
`anybody in the payment industry, also. Right.
` Q You understand we're here today for a
`deposition in regards to two different IPR
` Is that right?
` A That's correct.
` Q And one of those is IPR2022-1239.
` Is that right?
` A Yeah. I know them as referencing patent
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` But give me a second, if you would. I
`Page 13
`just want to make sure I've got that.
` That would be on the -- each page, I
`would think.
` Q Yeah.
` A Okay.
` (Witness reading.)
` A Yeah, the -1239 -- yes, that's one of
`them. That's the -- what, the '046 matter, yes.
` Q Right. That was my next question.
` The -1239 proceeding is regarding
`U.S. Patent No. 10,600,046.
` Is that right?
` A That's what the cover page says and
`that's what I opined against, yes.
` I'm just double-checking that, going to
`the cover page....
` Yes, 10,600,046.
` And we've already stated the IPR number.
`Yes, sir.
` Q Is it okay if I refer to that as the
`"'046 patent" going forward?
` A Yes. I actually would prefer that,
`because that's kind of how I think.
` Q Okay. And then we're also here in
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`regards to IPR2022-1256. Correct?
` A Yes. I'm pulling that up now on the --
`Page 14
` (Pause.)
` A -1256, yes. -01256, yes.
` Q Okay. And that IPR-1256 is regarding
`U.S. Patent 11,018,724.
` Is that right?
` A That's correct. That's what I have.
` Q All right. And then is it okay if refer
`to that patent as the "'724 patent" going forward?
` A Yes, please.
` Q You've been looking at things on your
`screen. Can you tell me what documents you have
`before you.
` A Yes. Right now I have the '046, which
`we just mentioned, and the '724.
` And that's all I have in front of me at
`the moment.
` Q Okay. What applications do you have
`open on your computer right now?
` A Oh, I have Adobe Acrobat; this
`application, which is a Zoom application; and I have
`my Google email open.
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` But I can close that or whatever you
`Page 15
`need in that regard.
` Q Yeah, if you could close your Google
`email that would be preferable.
` A Yes, I will do that right now.
` Signing out.... It's always slow.
` And I closed the browser as well.
` Q Great.
` A So it's just Adobe and Zoom, is what I
`have open now.
` Q Okay. And do you have any folders open
`with the materials from this case?
` A I can get to them. But at this point,
` I just opened the two declarations.
`Because I felt that was -- we'd be talking about
`those. So that's where I started.
` Q All right. But I understand you do have
`copies of the files from this case. Correct?
` A As I understand it, I have the complete
`record, is what I've been advised.
` And based on the references and
`everything else -- again, did a lot of that work a
`year ago -- I believe I have a complete record.
`Yes, sir.
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` Q Okay. And the copies you have, are
`Page 16
`those clean copies or do they have annotations or
`notes or anything of that sort?
` A The ones I have in the complete
`record -- I didn't look at every one, it's 300
`megabytes per matter -- but my understanding is
`they're all clean copies.
` Q Okay. If you do happen to open
`something that has notes or annotations, would you
`please tell me?
` A Will do. Absolutely.
` Q Okay. We just talked about
`declarations. So in both of these two proceedings,
`you submitted a declaration.
` Is that right?
` A That's correct.
` Q And starting with the declaration
`regarding the '046 patent, are all of your
`obviousness opinions for the '046 patent included in
`your declaration?
` A The short answer is yes.
` Q Okay. Is there a long answer?
` A No, no. I always have to think about
`things. I'm trying to shut my professor brain down.
` Q Okay. And then turning to the other
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`proceeding regarding the '724 patent, are all of
`your obviousness opinions regarding the '724 patent
`included in your declaration for the -- that
`Page 17
` A Yes.
` Q And each of your declarations cites to
`evidence for your opinions. Correct?
` A Yes.
` Q And do your declarations cite all the
`evidence you relied on to arrive at your opinions in
`those declarations?
` A I would say almost.
` There's also my direct experience as a
`40-year smart card expert.
` But as far as trying to verify or
`justify a particular element, I'd say that it's
`mostly yes -- other than, yes, I am a smart card
` Q Okay. All the documents on which you
`relied are cited within your declarations.
` Is that right?
` A Absolutely.
` Q Who hired you to work on this case?
` A Who hired me?
` Q Yes.
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` A ERISE IP retained me as Generic Smart
`Page 18
` Q And when were you retained to work on
`this case?
` A Paul would know that probably better
`than me, and I could look it up.
` But I'm thinking a year, a year and a
`half ago, just in rough terms.
` Q Okay. And -- well, have you been
`retained in connection with any district court
`litigation regarding RFCyber?
` A I had in the past with -- I believe it
`was Samsung.
` Q Are you currently under retainer to work
`in connection with district court litigation
`regarding RFCyber?
` A Just what -- this matter we're talking
`about today.
` Other than that, no, I have no
` Q I'm sorry. I think I may have gotten
`garbled there.
` Are you currently retained to work in
`the district court litigation, not the IPRs,
`regarding RFCyber?
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` A I know I'm retained for the IPR.
`Page 19
` I think I can go beyond that, but I have
`to check with the contract language.
` Q Did you conduct a prior art search in
`connection with this case?
` A I generally do on all matters before I
`even begin. I want to make sure that I have, you
`know, enough capability and skill sets to be -- you
`know, to add value.
` So I did some background searches, yes.
` Q Roughly, when was that?
` A Oh, that was some time ago. I would
`say, again, what -- not -- usually it's right after
`I get retained, I tend to start with a search of
`prior art.
` Again, my experience helps direct me to
`look at this or that.
` Q So roughly about 12 to 18 months ago?
` A Yeah, I'd say that's a reasonable time
` Q Okay. And why did you perform a prior
`art search?
` A It's just part of my nature of how I
`learn my role as -- I don't know if it's correct or
`not -- as my role as an expert witness is, you're
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`going to deal with a matter, who's also has thought
`Page 20
`about these ideas either partially or completely.
`So it's just a part of my behavior.
` Q How much time did you spend on the prior
`art search?
` A I usually don't spend that much, but I
`would say under a week, even more -- it might be
`more -- eight to ten hours, just to get a feel for
`the material.
` So -- and again, it wasn't to get --
`drill down on any claim element or anything. It was
`just -- it was more of a competence kind of thing
`and knowing how rich the field is in a particular
`technology area.
` Q Did you locate the references that you
`used in your declarations?
` A Some of them, yes.
` If not, having worked directly on things
`like GlobalPlatform.
` That was an easy one.
` Q Did you yourself formulate the grounds
`on which you opine in your declarations?
` A I assisted.
` I contributed to say grounds, yes.
` Q Okay. Let's turn to the -1239
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`proceeding, which is on the '046 patent.
`Page 21
` A Yes, sir.
` '046, okay. I'm at the cover page at
`this point.
` Q Okay. And there's three grounds of
`invalidity presented in the '046 petition. Correct?
` A Yeah, I'm getting there now.
` (Pause.)
` A Yes, opinions regarding one, two, and
` I thought we had four in this one.
` We're talking about the '046. Right?
` Q Correct.
` A Maybe I don't completely understand your
`meaning, but -- let me see, maybe go to -- a little
`further down, if I could.
` (Pause.)
` A Maybe you can point me into the
`declaration where I should look.
` There's my qualifications.
` (Pause.)
` A I'm getting there.
` Q Well, maybe I'll ask it a different way.
`I don't know that you have it laid out in grounds in
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`your --
`Page 22
` (Court reporter request for clarity.)
` MR. COWELL: Oh, I'm sorry.
` (Court reporter request for clarity.)
` MR. COWELL: Sure -- well, I'm not sure
` I can repeat it, because I don't remember what
` I said. But I will -- I'm just going to ask
` the question a different way.
` Q There's only three combinations you
`present opinions on with regard to the '046 patent.
` Is that right?
` A I believe I presented four different
` Hold on a minute. I will go back to the
`table of contents.
` I don't know if that's a relevant place
`to go, but I did opinions regarding Laracey and
`Jogu. I did opinions of....
` Nope, you're right. That's right.
`That's the same -- same combination.
` Yes, given that -- given those, that
`would be three. You are correct.
` Q Okay. And your obviousness opinions
`are -- the first combination is based on Laracey and
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`Page 23
` Is that right?
` A That's correct.
` Q And the second opinion is Laracey, Jogu,
`and Tang.
` Is that right?
` A And Tang, yes.
` Q And third one is Laracey, Jogu, and
` Is that right?
` A That's correct.
` Q Okay. Are you the one who discovered
`the Laracey reference?
` A I don't recall now who found what, when.
`So that's not a question I can really give you a
`definitive answer on.
` I don't believe so. But, again, I don't
`do an extensive prior art search unless asked to do
`an extensive prior art search.
` Q Okay. Do you recall if you were the one
`who discovered any of those four references on which
`you relied?
` A This is on the '046?
` Q Yeah.
` A I would say the same answer, that I
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`don't really recall that I was the one that brought
`Page 24
`that forward.
` Q Okay. Are you aware of any references
`that anticipate any claim of the '046 patent?
` A When you say "anticipate," it says --
`has the same wording and all that as the '046.
` Is that what you mean by that?
` Q No. I'll ask it a different way.
` Are you aware of any references that
`disclose, within a single reference, all the
`elements of any claim of the '046 patent?
` A Beyond what I've opined on, which is
`always in combination, I do not.
` Q Right. And all your opinions rely on
`combinations. Correct?
` A That's correct, or for a given claim
`element, yes -- where needed, yes.
` Q Do you know what a "tag" is?
` A Well, if I go to Webster's, it's pretty
`long. But are you referring to a radio frequency
`identification tag? Is that what you mean, or
`something more generic, in terms of an object?
` Q What is a radio frequency identification
` A A radio frequency identification tag is
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`typically static memory of the originals, static
`Page 25
`memory that had connectivity in a non-contact way.
` And we tended -- started to call them
`"RFID" tags and the like.
` Some have more specificity these days.
`But that's my understanding -- versus a, say, a
`contactless smart card, which is a different animal
`in my mind.
` Q Is an RFID tag what's being referred to
`in the claims of the '046 patent?
` A I don't believe so. I think that was --
`my understanding or read of that was, it was an
`object. Okay? And then we managed that object.
` And if anything else, maybe it was to
`try to separate it out from, let's say, a
`contactless smart card or other means to do things.
` So I did not use that term "tag" to mean
`RFID tag -- which is even worse, which in my mind
`means memory only.
` So, no, I just see tag meaning the
` Q When you say "tag" meaning the object,
`what do you mean by "object"?
` A "Object" is just that. It's a construct
`of different tuples and things and functionality put
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`around it.
`Page 26
` Now, can you call a tag -- can you use a
`tag for other things? Perhaps.
` But for me, a tag is a very simple,
`primitive thing.
` Q You said a tag is a simple, primitive
`thing. Correct?
` A As I understand it, as a smart card
`expert, yes.
` And there's actually standards built up
`around RFID tags which are separate and distinct
`from other instantiations, if you will, of
`non-contact means.
` Q Is there some other non-contact means
`that wouldn't be a tag?
` A Yes -- well, in my mind there is.
` Q Okay. In your mind, what are some of
` A Of course, a full-up smart card
`processer and memory, okay, is supporting either an
`ISO standard like 14443 or near-field
` A barcode is a non-contact means. Okay?
`That could be -- that can serve as a tag.
` The things that clip off my sweater,
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`too, sometimes is a tag. But I don't think that
`Page 27
`we're talking about that here.
` So a tag, as I saw it grow up in the
`industry, since it goes all the way back to the
`'50s, was -- is basically -- what I've seen is, it's
`a pretty static thing with a particular protocol
`that you talk to it

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