`(Alleged) Patent Owner
`U.S. PATENT NO. 10,880,721
`Case IPR2022-01234
`UNDER 35 U.S.C. §312 AND 37 C.F.R. §42.104


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1
`II. MANDATORY NOTICES ............................................................................. 1
`Real Party-In-Interest ............................................................................ 1
`Related Matters ...................................................................................... 2
`Counsel and Service Information .......................................................... 4
`37 C.F.R. §42.8(b)(4): Service Information .......................................... 4
`PAYMENT OF FEES UNDER 37 C.F.R. §42.103 ........................................ 4
`IV. CERTIFICATION OF GROUNDS FOR STANDING .................................. 5
`Prior-Art References.............................................................................. 5
`Relief Requested .................................................................................... 6
`VI. NO DISCRETIONARY DENIAL .................................................................. 6
`A. No Prior Petition by Petitioner .............................................................. 6
`The Presented Grounds Are Dissimilar to Previous Art and
`Arguments ............................................................................................. 7
`Efficiency, Fairness, and the Merits Support Institution ...................... 7
`VII. THE ’721 PATENT ......................................................................................... 8
`Technology Summary ........................................................................... 8
`Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art .....................................................12
`VIII. CLAIM CONSTRUCTION ..........................................................................13
`A. Agreed constructions ...........................................................................13
`“gateway” (Claims 1, 20, 38) ..............................................................14


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`“means for causing the wireless apparatus to establish
`communications with the destination node through the
`communications channel identified by the access code” (Claim
`20) ........................................................................................................15
`“means for communicating with the routing controller to obtain
`from the routing controller the access code” (Claim 34) ....................16
`IX. OVERVIEW OF THE PRIOR ART .............................................................16
`Buckley ................................................................................................16
`Bates ....................................................................................................19
`Ejzak ....................................................................................................20
`SPECIFIC GROUNDS ..................................................................................22
`A. Ground I: Claims 1, 2, 6, 9, 14-16. 20, 25, 34, 38-39, 43, 46,
`49-50, 135-136, and 140 Are Obvious Over Buckley. .......................22
`Claim 1 ......................................................................................22
`Claim 2 ......................................................................................32
`Claim 6 ......................................................................................34
`Claim 9 ......................................................................................35
`Claim 14 ....................................................................................35
`Claim 15 ....................................................................................36
`Claim 16 ....................................................................................38
`Claim 20 ....................................................................................39
`Claim 25 ....................................................................................42
`10. Claim 34 ....................................................................................42
`11. Claim 38 ....................................................................................45
`12. Claim 39 ....................................................................................48
`13. Claim 43 ....................................................................................49
`14. Claim 46 ....................................................................................49
`15. Claim 49 ....................................................................................49
`16. Claim 50 ....................................................................................50
`17. Claim 135 ..................................................................................52
`18. Claim 136 ..................................................................................52
`19. Claim 140 ..................................................................................53


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`Ground II: Claims 50 and 140 Are Obvious Over Buckley in
`View of Ejzak. .....................................................................................54
`1. Motivation to Combine .............................................................54
`Claim 50 ....................................................................................58
`Claim 140 ..................................................................................60
`Ground III: Claims 1, 2, 6, 9, 14-16. 20, 25, 34, 38-39, 43, 45-
`46, 49-50, 135-136, and 140 Are Obvious Over Buckley in
`View of Bates. .....................................................................................62
`1. Motivation to Combine .............................................................62
`Claim 1 ......................................................................................67
`Claim 2 ......................................................................................72
`Claim 6 ......................................................................................72
`Claim 9 ......................................................................................73
`Claim 14 ....................................................................................73
`Claim 15 ....................................................................................73
`Claim 16 ....................................................................................74
`Claim 20 ....................................................................................75
`10. Claim 25 ....................................................................................76
`11. Claim 34 ....................................................................................76
`12. Claim 38 ....................................................................................77
`13. Claim 39 ....................................................................................78
`14. Claim 43 ....................................................................................78
`15. Claim 45 ....................................................................................78
`16. Claim 46 ....................................................................................79
`17. Claim 49 ....................................................................................79
`18. Claim 50 ....................................................................................80
`19. Claim 135 ..................................................................................81
`20. Claim 136 ..................................................................................81
`21. Claim 140 ..................................................................................81
`D. Ground IV: Claims 50 and 140 Are Obvious Over Buckley in
`View of Bates and Further in View of Ejzak. .....................................82
`1. Motivation to Combine .............................................................82
`Claim 50 ....................................................................................82
`Claim 140 ..................................................................................83
`XI. SECONDARY CONSIDERATIONS ...........................................................84


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`XII. CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................84


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`Google v. Ecofactor,
`IPR2021-01578, Paper 9 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 18, 2022) ............................................. 8
` Page(s)


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721 (’721 Patent)
`File History of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721(without NPL’s and
`foreign references)
`Declaration of Dr. Vijay Madisetti
`Curriculum vitae of Dr. Vijay Madisetti
`U.S. Patent No. 7,668,159 (“Buckley”)
`U.S. Patent No. 7,995,565
`U.S. Patent No. 6,954,654 (“Ejzak”)
`U.S. Patent App. Pub. No. 2009/0047922
`U.S. Patent No. 8,731,163 (“Bates”)
`RFC 3261
`U.S. Patent No. 7,245,609
`Claim Construction Order (Dkt. No. 67) in Case No. 6:21-cv-00668-
`ADA (W.D. Tex.)
`Joint Claim Construction Statement (Dkt. No. 59) in Case No. 3:22-
`CV-03202 (N.D. Cal)
`U.S. Patent Pub. No. 2008/0167039
`U.S. Patent Pub. No. 2002/0102973
`U.S. Patent No. 8,542,815
`Exhibit 2016 in Apple, Inc. v., Inc., IPR 2016-01201
`(P.T.A.B. Feb. 10, 2017)
`Email with attachment from Counsel for Patent Owner Regarding
`Claim Construction, dated March 2, 2022
`“Convergence Technologies for 3G Networks IP, UMTS, EGPRS
`and ATM”, by Jeffery Bannister et al., Wiley, England (2004)


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`IETF RFC 3986, available at
`IETF RFC 2543, available at
`U.S. Patent No. 7,283,507
`Excerpts from Microsoft Computer Dictionary, 5th ed. (2002)
`Excerpts from Wireless Encyclopedia, Althos Publishing (2007)
`International Patent Publication No. WO 01/89145 A2
`Excerpt from the File History of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721 –
`“Roaming – Wikipedia” (submitted along with IDS on September
`24, 2013)


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`Application Server
`Domain Name System
`E.164 Number Mapping
`Internet Protocol
`IP Multimedia Routing Number
`IP Multimedia Subsystem
`Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art
`Public Safety Answering Point
`Public Switched Telephone Network
`Session Initiation Protocol
`Uniform Resource Indicators
`User Equipment
`wireless Local Area Network


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`Meta Platforms, Inc. (“Meta” or “Petitioner”) requests inter partes review of
`claims 1, 2, 6, 9, 14-16. 20, 25, 34, 38-39, 43, 45-46, 49-50, 135-136, and 140
`(“Challenged Claims”) of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721 (EX1001, “the ’721 Patent”).
`The Challenged Claims address a technique for routing phone calls. The
`technique starts when a phone sends to a server a message that includes the phone’s
`location and a destination node identifier. The server responds with a temporary,
`local number selected from a pool. The temporary number is used to establish a call
`between the phone and a destination node. The patent uses this technique to help
`avoid long distance and roaming charges by routing the call over an IP network. But
`the patented technique was well-known in the prior art. This includes art that
`disclosed using the phone’s location to select a temporary, local number from a pool,
`and using that number to route calls to a destination node. The art also disclosed
`using temporary numbers in Voice-over-IP (“VoIP”) calls and calls made when
`mobile phones were roaming away from their home networks. The Challenged
`Claims should be canceled.
`A. Real Party-In-Interest
`Petitioner identifies the following real parties-in-interest: Meta Platforms, Inc.
`(fka Facebook, Inc.) and WhatsApp LLC.


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`B. Related Matters
` (“Patent Owner” or “VoIP-Pal”) is asserting the ’721 Patent
`and related U.S. Patent 8,630,334 (“’234 Patent”) against Petitioner in Case No.
`5:22-cv-03202 (N.D. Cal.) (the “Litigation”). Both patents are also asserted in other
`pending litigations:
` VoIP-Pal v. Google, No. 3:22-cv-03199 (N.D. Cal.)
` VoIP-Pal v. Amazon, No. 6-21-cv-00668 (W.D. Tex.)
` VoIP-Pal v. Verizon, No. 6-21-cv-00672 (W.D. Tex.)
` VoIP-Pal v. T-Mobile, No. 6-21-cv-00674 (W.D. Tex.)
` VoIP-Pal v. Samsung, No. 6-21-cv-01246 (W.D. Tex.)
` VoIP-Pal v. Huawei, No. 6-21-cv-01247 (W.D. Tex.)
` Verizon v. VoIP-Pal, No. 3-21-cv-05275 (N.D. Cal.)
` Twitter v. VoIP-Pal, No. 3-21-cv-09773 (N.D. Cal.)
`Both patents were also asserted in completed litigations:
` VoIP-Pal v. Apple, No. 6-21-cv-00670 (W.D. Tex.)
` Apple v. VoIP-Pal, No. 3:21-cv-05110 (N.D. Cal.)
` VoIP-Pal v. AT&T, No. 6-21-cv-00671 (W.D. Tex.)
` AT&T v. VoIP-Pal, No. 3-21-cv-05078 (N.D. Cal.)
`Petitioner is simultaneously filing one other petition challenging different
`’721 Patent claims and two other petitions challenging the ’234 Patent.


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`Certain claims of the ’234 Patent are subject to a petition for IPR in Google
`LLC v., Inc., No. IPR2022-01072 (P.T.A.B.); Google LLC v. VoIP-
`, Inc., No. IPR2022-01073 (P.T.A.B.);, Inc. v.,
`Inc., No. IPR2022-01178 (P.T.A.B.);, Inc. v., Inc., No.
`IPR2022-01179 (P.T.A.B.). Certain claims of the related ’721 Patent are subject to
`a petition for IPR in Google LLC v., Inc., No. IPR2022-01074
`(P.T.A.B.); Google LLC v., Inc., No. IPR2022-01075 (P.T.A.B.);
`, Inc. v., Inc., No. IPR2022-01180 (P.T.A.B.);
`, Inc. v., Inc., No. IPR2022-01181 (P.T.A.B.).
`Petitioner, Patent Owner, Amazon, Google, Twitter, AT&T, and Verizon are
`also involved in pending and closed litigations involving U.S. Patent No.
`1 Meta, No. 6-20-cv-00267 (W.D. Tex.); Amazon, No. 6:20-cv-00272
`(W.D.Tex.); Google, No. 6:20-cv-00269 (W.D.Tex.); Twitter, Nos. 3:21-cv-
`02769 and 3:20-cv-02397 (N.D.Cal.); Apple, No. 5:20-cv-02460 (N.D.Cal.) and
`No. 6:20-cv-00275 (W.D.Tex.); AT&T, No. 5:20-cv-02995 (N.D.Cal.) and No.
`6:20-cv-00325 (W.D.Tex.); Verizon, No. 5:20-cv-03092 (N.D.Cal.) and No.
`6:20-cv-00327 (W.D.Tex.).


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`To Petitioner’s knowledge, there are no other judicial or administrative
`matters that would affect or be affected by a decision here.
`C. Counsel and Service Information
`Lead Counsel
`Back-Up Counsel
`W. Todd Baker (No. 45,265)
`Postal and Hand-Delivery Address:
`1301 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20004
`Telephone: (202) 389-5000
`Facsimile: (202) 389-5200
`Ellisen Shelton Turner (No. 54,503)
`Postal and Hand-Delivery Address:
`2049 Century Park East,
`Los Angeles, CA 90067
`Telephone: (310) 552-4200
`Facsimile: (310) 552-5900
`Joshua Popik Glucoft (No. 67,696)
`Postal and Hand-Delivery Address:
`2049 Century Park East,
`Los Angeles, CA 90067
`Telephone: (310) 552-4200
`Facsimile: (310) 552-5900
`37 C.F.R. §42.8(b)(4): Service Information
`Meta concurrently submits a Power of Attorney, 37 C.F.R. §42.10(b), and
`consents to electronic service to
`Review of 20 claims is requested. The undersigned authorizes the Office to
`charge to Deposit Account No. 506092 the 37 C.F.R. §42.15(a)(1) fee and any
`additional fees due for this Petition.


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`Petitioner certifies under Rule 42.104(a) that the ’721 Patent is available for
`IPR and that Petitioner is not barred or estopped from requesting IPR of the
`Challenged Claims on the grounds herein. Petitioner certifies: (1) Petitioner does not
`own the ’721 Patent; (2) Petitioner (or any real party-in-interest) has not filed a civil
`action challenging the validity of any ’721 Patent claim; (3) Petitioner files this
`Petition within one year of the date it was served with a complaint asserting
`infringement of the ’721 Patent; (4) estoppel provisions of 35 U.S.C. §315(e)(1) do
`not prohibit this IPR; and (5) this Petition is filed after the ’721 Patent was granted.
`Prior-Art References
`U.S. Patent No. 7,668,159 (“Buckley”) (EX1005), filed August 3,
`2007 and granted February 23, 2010, is prior-art under at least pre-AIA 35 U.S.C.
`U.S. Patent No. 6,954,654 (“Ejzak”) (EX1007), filed July 31, 2001
`and granted October 11, 2005, is prior-art under at least pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. §§102(a)
`and 102(b).
`U.S. Patent No. 8,731,163 (“Bates”) (EX1009), filed May 9, 2007 and
`granted May 20, 2014, is prior-art under at least pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. §102(e).


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`B. Relief Requested
`Petitioner requests cancellation of the Challenged Claims as unpatentable
`under 35 U.S.C. §103 as follows:
`Proposed Statutory Rejection
`1, 2, 6, 9, 14-16. 20, 25, 34, 38-
`39, 43, 46, 49-50, and 135-136
`Obvious under §103 over Buckley
`50 and 140
`Obvious under §103 over Buckley
`in view of Ejzak
`1, 2, 6, 9, 14-16. 20, 25, 34, 38-
`39, 43, 45-46, 49-50, and 135-
`Obvious under §103 over Buckley
`in view of Bates
`50 and 140
`Obvious under §103 over Buckley
`in view Bates and further in view
`of Ejzak
`A. No Prior Petition by Petitioner
`Neither Petitioner nor any associated real-party-in-interest has previously
`filed any IPR or PGR petitions against the ’721 Patent. This petition is being filed
`before Patent Owner has filed its Preliminary Response to any other petition not filed
`by Petitioner. Thus, this is not a “follow-on” petition and there is no basis for the
`Board to exercise discretion under 35 U.S.C. §314(a) and 37 C.F.R. §42.108(a).
`Also, there are no other IPR or PGR petitions challenging claims 2 or 9 of the ’721


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`The Presented Grounds Are Dissimilar to Previous Art and
`All factors under 35 U.S.C. §325(d) favor institution. The grounds apply
`Buckley, Ejzak, and Bates, which were not applied against the Challenged Claims
`or discussed during the ’721 Patent’s prosecution. See generally EX1002. Nor are
`these references relied upon in any other IPR or PGR proceeding against the
`Challenged Claims.
`C. Efficiency, Fairness, and the Merits Support Institution
`Under the Interim Procedure for Discretionary Denials in AIA Post-Grant
`Proceedings with Parallel District Court Litigation, the Board should not exercise its
`§314(a) discretion based on the Litigation.
`Factor 1: Institution will enable the Board to resolve validity and relieve the
`Court of that issue. Petitioner will move the Court for a stay if IPR is instituted.
`Factor 2: The Board will very likely issue its Final Written Decision before
`trial in the Litigation where no trial date is scheduled.
`Factor 3: All major milestones in the Litigation are yet to occur, and deadlines
`for them have not been set, such that substantial work remains in the Litigation.
`Factor 4: Petitioner stipulates in the Litigation that, if this IPR is instituted,
`Petitioner will not pursue invalidity of the Challenged Claims on the grounds raised,
`or that reasonably could have been raised, in this IPR.


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`Also, claims 2 and 9 challenged in this Petition are not asserted in the
`Litigation and not challenged in any other IPR or PGR petition. The Board should
`address those additional claims for the public’s benefit. Google v. Ecofactor,
`IPR2021-01578, Paper 9 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 18, 2022).
`Factor 5: In view of the other Fintiv factors—which heavily weigh against
`the exercise of §314(a) discretion—the parties’ similarity is of limited weight.
`Factor 6: This Petition’s merits are strong, which weighs against the Board
`exercising §314(a) discretion under.
`A. Technology Summary
`Traditional Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTNs) route telephone
`calls over circuit-switched telephone (aka “voice”) networks.2 See EX1007 1:19-22.
`The ’721 Patent uses a sequence of messages sent over a “non-voice” network (such
`2 Such networks are known as “circuit-switched” because they can involve a
`dedicated circuit connection to transmit data (as electrical signals) between the
`caller and destination node. In contrast, “packet-switched” networks (such as the
`Internet) break data into smaller packets that are separately routed over network
`connections to the recipient, which reassembles the packets when received. See
`EX1003 ¶40.


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`as a packet-switched Internet Protocol (IP) network) to route PSTN voice calls over
`an IP network (aka VoIP). EX1001 8:36-42, 9:9-16.
`The ’721 Patent’s process begins when a mobile telephone (purple3 element
`12 in Figure 1 below) sends an “access code request message” to an access server
`(orange element 14) belonging to a telecommunications service provider (such as
`AT&T). Id. 11:51-55. The access code request message includes the intended
`callee’s identifier, such as a telephone number, and the caller’s “location identifier.”
`Id. 11:66-12:2, 12:20-22. Based on that information in the access code request
`message, the access server responds with an “access code” in an “access code reply
`message.” Id. 12:63-67. The “access code” is a temporary number, such as a local
`telephone number, used to route the call. Id. 13:4-7.
`3 Color in the diagrams in this petition are annotations added by Petitioner for
`illustration. All emphasis herein is added, unless indicated otherwise.


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`In Figure 1, the “access code” is the temporary telephone number in yellow-
`highlighted element 20 (i.e., 1-604-345-1212). This temporary number is used to
`route the call within the phone’s home network towards a gateway (green element
`18). The gateway bridges the PSTN (element 29) to an IP Network (element 26), so
`that calls originating or terminating on the PSTN can be routed over IP network to a
`callee’s IP phone (blue element 36). Id. 13:49-56. As was well-known in the art, IP
`networks such as the Internet do not apply long-distance or roaming charges, so
`routing a call over such networks in this manner avoids such charges. EX1011 (prior
`art) `1:7-19 (“By moving voice traffic to IP networks, companies may reduce or
`eliminate certain toll charges associated with transporting calls over [PSTN]”).


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`The access server (element 14) may receive the access code request message
`“over a non-voice network, such as an internet using WiFi or GPRS technology for
`example” EX1001 11:58-59. The mobile telephone’s location identifier (which is
`included in the access code request message) may be “an IP address of the mobile
`telephone [] in a wireless IP network, such as the non-voice network…” Id. 12:26-
`29. The server’s access code reply message, which includes the temporary number
`(access code), may be returned over the non-voice, IP network (element 16). The
`mobile telephone may then use the access code to initiate a call on the voice network
`(element 15) that is then routed over the IP Network (element 26).
`The purported invention is summarized in Figure 3, which depicts the process
`from the telephone’s perspective as found, e.g., in claim 1:


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`The ’721 Patent contains symmetric claims from the access server’s perspective,
`e.g., claim 51.
`Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art
`A POSITA at the time of the ’721 Patent would have had a Bachelor’s degree
`in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering, or an equivalent field, and
`approximately two years of experience with networks. Additional education might
`compensate for less experience, and vice-versa. EX1003, ¶¶45-47.


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`A. Agreed constructions
`This Petition applies the parties’ agreed constructions in the Litigation for the
`following terms governed by 35 U.S.C. § 112 ¶ 6:
`Claim Term
`Agreed Construction
`“means for receiving, from a user of
`Function: receiving, from a user of the
`the wireless apparatus, a destination
`mobile telephone, a destination node
`node identifier”
`(claim 20)
`Structure: a dialing input, which is a key
`pad, a voice recognition unit, or a
`parameter memory with prestored
`destination node identifiers
`“means for transmitting an access
`Function: transmitting an access code
`code request message to an access
`request message to an access server
`(claim 20)
`Structure: a network interface
`“means for receiving an access code
`Function: receiving an access code reply
`reply message from the access server
`message from the access server in


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`in response to the access code request
`response to [said/the] access code request
`(claim 20)
`Structure: a network interface
`“means for receiving from the
`Function: receiving from the mobile
`wireless [apparatus/device] [the/an]
`telephone [said/an] access code request
`access code request message”
`(claims 34, 77)
`Structure: a network interface
`“means for transmitting the access
`Function: transmitting [said/an/the]
`code reply message including the
`access code reply message including
`access code to the wireless apparatus”
`[said/the] access code to the [mobile
`(claims 34, 77)
`telephone/wireless apparatus]
`Structure: a network interface
`“gateway” (Claims 1, 20, 38)
`The plain and ordinary meaning of “gateway” in the ’721 Patent is a “device
`that connects networks that use different communication protocols.” EX1023;
`EX1024; EX1025 (cited during prosecution, see EX1002, 119-125), 1:14-15;
`EX1001, Fig. 1, 23:21-32, 32:3-6; EX1003, ¶¶49-51. A W.D.Tex.4 court similarly
`4 Petitioner was not a party in any case where the claims have been construed.


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`construed the term to mean “[a] device that connects networks and can adjust a
`protocol of traffic moving between the connected networks.” EX1012, 3.
`Patent Owner contended this term carries an unspecified “plain and ordinary
`meaning,” without clarifying what that meaning is. EX1013, 8.
`The asserted grounds satisfy all the above constructions, as explained below.
`to establish
`the wireless apparatus
`for causing
`the destination node
`communications with
`communications channel identified by the access code” (Claim 20)
`The Board should construe this term as performing the function of “causing
`the wireless apparatus to establish communications with the destination node
`through the communications channel identified by the access code” and as
`incorporating the structure of “a network interface, including switched line channels
`in a public switched telephone network (PSTN).” EX1001, 9:25-27, 9:50-62, 13:38-
`48, 23:38-52; EX1003 ¶55. Patent Owner argued the term should instead incorporate
`the structure of “[m]obile telephone 12 having a microprocessor 52 programmed to
`implement the algorithm illustrated in FIG. 3, which includes block 149 labeled
`‘Initiate voice/video call using access code.’ The apparatus 12 includes an I/O port
`(56) for communication. See FIG. 2.” EX1018. The asserted grounds satisfy both
`constructions, as explained below.


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`“means for communicating with the routing controller to obtain
`from the routing controller the access code” (Claim 34)
`The Board should construe this term as performing the function of
`“communicating with said routing controller to obtain from said routing controller
`said access code” and as incorporating the structure of “an input/output port that
`transmits the access code request message, as received from the mobile telephone,
`to the routing controller and receives, from the routing controller, the access code
`reply message.” EX1001, 14:40-53, 14:58-64; EX1003 ¶57. Patent Owner argued
`the term should instead incorporate the structure of “[a]n I/O port of an access server
`and/or an I/O port of a routing controller.” EX1018. The asserted grounds satisfy
`both constructions, as explained below.
`Petitioner does not contend that any other terms require construction to
`resolve this Petition.
`A. Buckley
`Buckley teaches routing PSTN calls over packet-switched networks. See
`EX1005, Abstract. Buckley’s Figure 1 depicts example components that may be
`involved, including:
` mobile phones (i.e. User Equipment (UE) (element 102));
` Circuit-Switched (CS) networks (e.g. PSTN (element 110)); and,


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
` Packet-Switched (PS) networks (e.g. wireless Local Area Network
`(WLAN) Broadband Access (element 108) and Internet protocol
`Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Core Network (element 112)).
`Id., 3:19-65.
`Buckley’s Application Server (AS) (element 114-1 through 114-N) uses well-
`known Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) messaging (access code request and reply
`messages) to assign a temporary IP Multimedia Routing Number (IMRN) (access
`code) that allows CS-originated calls to be routed over IMS (IP) networks. Id. For


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,880,721
`example, Figure 3A (excerpted below) depicts this process, which begins when the
`calling mobile phone (UE, element 302) sends a SIP Invite message (element 312)
`to the home AS (network node 308). Id.

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