Case 6:21-cv-00816-ADA Document 39-1 Filed 04/01/22 Page 1of11
`Exhibit A
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`Case 6:21-cv-00816-ADA Document 39-1 Filed 04/01/22 Page 2 of 11
`— against —
`— against —
`No. 6:21-cv-00815-ADA
`Patent Case
`No. 6:21-cv-000816-ADA
`Patent Case
`I, Keith J. Teruya, declare as follows:
`I am submitting this declaration with regard to certain questions of a technical
`nature that have been referred to me in connection with the above-referencedlitigation, which
`accuses the Defendants of infringing U.S. Patent Nos. 9,742,824 (Compl. Ex. A) (the “’824
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`Case 6:21-cv-00816-ADA Document 39-1 Filed 04/01/22 Page 3 of 11
`Patent”); 9,729,594 (Compl. Ex. B) (the “’594 Patent”); and 9,762,636 (Compl. Ex. C) (the
`“°636 Patent”) to Harold Price (collectively, the “Asserted Patents’’).
`I am being compensated for my work in this matter by WAG Acquisition, L.L.C.
`(“WAG”), at the rate of $450.00 per hour, with reimbursementfor actual expenses. I have no
`personalor financial stake or interest in the outcome of the above-referencedlitigation. My
`compensationis not tied to the outcomeofthis matter, is not based on the substance of the
`opinionsrendered here, and I have no financial interest in WAG.
`I have a long professional backgroundin information technology and network
`engineering, and for the past 20 years I have been the chief executive officer of a specialized
`Internet hosting companythat I founded, which amongother things provides Tier I Network
`Operations Center capabilities for corporations, local municipalities, Federal Government
`programs, and regulatory agencies in and around southern California. Over the course of my
`career I have developed extensive technical experiencein the field of the Asserted Patents, as
`discussedbriefly below, including experience concerning multimedia communication protocols
`over the Internet and computer networks. A copy of my curriculum vitae is attached as Exhibit
`Myday-to-day work in my present capacity involves direct hands-on as well as
`strategic involvementin the issues of networked data distribution and access, including without
`limitation architecting and configuring high-capacity content servers, proxy servers, content
`distribution networks (CDNs), edge and origin servers, peer-to-peer communications, as well as
`the lower-level routing and switching infrastructure and communicationsprotocols and standards
`underlying such systems.
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`Case 6:21-cv-00816-ADA Document 39-1 Filed 04/01/22 Page 4 of 11
`In prior positions, I was the Chief Technology Architect (in addition to being the
`CEO)for 15 years for a company I foundedthat wasthe original communications technology
`“skunk-works” for Novell Inc. In this capacity, I designed basic and advanced
`telecommunications and network interfaces for Novell and other companies and developed a
`mastery of the standards and protocols underlying the Internet. I authored the Network
`Communications Services Interface (“NCSI”) that became a de-facto communications software
`LAN/WANstandard, with more than 3 million deployments of software. I also developed
`protocol adjustments in Novell IPX Protocol for adaptive packet buffering required by
`LAN/WANcommunication (Asynchronous and LAPB X.25) gateways, receiving Industry
`Product of the Year awards for successive years (1988, 1990, 1991 and 1996).
`I previously served for 10 years architecting network information processing
`technologies for Goldman Sachsas a senior consultant. In this capacity, I was the architect,
`designer, development manager, and developer in Goldman’s Network Workstation
`Technologies Department. I was also the architect of Goldman’s product strategy and
`deploymentof online delivery of consolidated live market data information into local and wide
`area network-based workstations for mission critical securities trading operationsin the
`worldwide trading roomsofthe firm. In particular, I developed proprietary adaptive buffering
`protocols to mitigate stream delays whenterrestrial transatlantic data links were routed through
`backupsatellite connections affecting the flow of steaming market data feeds used for program
`trading operations.
`As Chief Technology Officer of ShowBizData Inc. between 2000 and 2002 as an
`“early adopter” pioneered the online Internet streaming of various lived events of the Cannes
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`Film Festival, BFTA Awards and the Sundance Film Festival using both commercial and
`proprietary systems wearchitected and developed.
`I am also a Network Computing Paradigm Awardrecipient.
`I believe that I am qualified to provide reliable technical opinionsin the field of
`the Asserted Patents.
`10._—_[have been askedto identify the level of training and/or experience that would
`qualify someoneas a person ofordinary skill in the art (““POSITA”), in the field of the Asserted
`Patents (Internet streaming media), circa 1999-2000. In my opinion, a POSITA would have
`working familiarity with the basic standards applicable to distribution content over the Internet,
`including the most commonvideo encoding and streaming protocols. In my view, the education
`and/or working experience necessary to acquire the requisite familiarity with the subject matter
`to qualify as a POSITA would haveincluded either (1) a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in a
`field such as Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or Computer Science, or an
`equivalent field that includes network engineering as a topic of study, plus at least one year of
`practical academic or industry technical experience in the computer networkfield, such as
`serving as an engineer for an streaming content provider performing network design,
`development, or configuration tasks, or as a software developer for network communications
`software orrelated utility software, or (2) or at least three years’ fulltime technical experience as
`stated (or an equivalent combination of academic study and work experience).
`11.—_I refer herein to text found in the specifications of the Asserted Patents. These
`patents differ in the claims appendedat the end of the respective patent documents, but share a
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`commonwritten description preceding the claims, and a commonset of drawings. However, due
`to pagination and other incidents of the Patent Office printing process, the line and column
`citations for specific wording varies slightly from patent-to-patent. Unless otherwise noted, my
`citations are to the column and line numbers of the ’594 patent (chosen only becausethatis the
`patent most cited by the Defendants in their submissions).
`Digital media programming may becollected in the aggregate in a media file on
`an electronic storage device, e.g., a computer disk. See 1:57-60.
`The programming maybedistributed by distributing replicas of the physical
`medium (e.g., CDs or DVDs), or by download over a communications network ofthe entire file
`comprising the program.
`14.|However, it is often considered advantageous to stream the file rather than
`provide physical copies or a download of the entire program, for numerousreasons, including,
`for example, handling live programming where the program may be ongoing or concerns a
`current event, and should be delivered in at least perceived real time. See, e.g., 1:60-67. It is also
`well appreciated that other reasons for streaming as opposed to download include efficiency of
`time and bandwidth utilization, limiting unauthorized copying,etc.
`Digital media comprises a time-sequenced succession of data elements, into
`which an audio/video program is digitally encoded, and from which encodingitis electronically
`played out, in the proper sequence,in a player device. See, e.g., 6:30-32.
`16.|Communicating a time-sequenced and continuous stream of data such as that in
`an audio/video encoding and playback places demands on the communications channel,
`especially where the channelis over the Internet. See 2:34-40.
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`The Internet operates on individually routed packets of typically 1500 bytes each.
`Data elements cognizable to user applications are repackaged into such packets, on the server,
`for transmission. The packets are reassembledat the receiving end for the corresponding
`application on the receiving side. “Transport” mechanismsexist to handle transit of the packets
`through the network (such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), though there are others).
`Transport protocols such as TCP are engineered to ensure “reliable” delivery of the packets —
`i.e., that they all (eventually) get through, and are provided at the receiving end in the proper
`order. However, given the compromises built into a routed packet network such as the Internet,
`such “transport protocols” do not guarantee “timely” delivery of the packets. There is inherent
`uncertainty as to when packetswill arrive.
`Distributing Internet streaming media to a mass audience requires other
`techniques (beyond whatis provided at the transport layer of the networking technology), in
`order to provide acceptable streaming startup characteristics and continuity. These are addressed
`by the patents in this case. Without such measures, the streaming can be very frustrating to users,
`for two principal reasons: (1) the necessity to “buffer” data on the player side before starting
`playback,entailing a startup delay comparable in duration to the numberof seconds of buffer
`protection required, and (2) interruptions resulting when the player buffer runs out of data.
`The patents in this case provide solutionsfor this problem.
`In one embodiment(not directly involved here), the server also buffers data and
`uses the buffer it builds up prior to starting the transmission to jump-the start with a high-speed
`transmission of an entire buffer-load of streaming data to the player. This provide a rapid startup
`of playback and establishes a full buffer on the player side to protect the remainder of the
`transmission. See, e.g., id., 8:1-26.
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`The solution particularly relevant to the infringement chargedin this case is
`disclosed and claimed in connection with whatis referred to as a “pull” embodiment. Seeid.,
`‘In the pull embodiment, as described primarily at 14:42-15:18 in the ’594 patent,
`the pace of transmission of a stream can instead be regulated by player requests for elements of
`the stream. In the pull embodiment, streaming data elements are accumulated on the server side
`from a media source (similar to the “buffer” in the above-described embodiment), and are each
`associated with serial identifiers. In the pull embodiment, the player monitors the state of its own
`buffer, including without limitation the level of the buffer and what elements it needs for
`continuousplayback, and requests them from the serverby their serial identifiers, as needed to
`provide uninterrupted playback. So long as the connection allows each element to be sent in less
`time than it takes to play it back, this technique also serves as an effective stream control
`mechanism. Thefirst so-identified element in this embodiment correspondsto the initial buffer-
`load of data in the buffering embodiment, andits rapid transfer likewise jump-starts thefilling of
`the player buffer and the ability to begin playback, providing a startup benefit comparable to that
`provided by the buffering embodiment.
`The Defendants in the Amazon and Google cases make overlapping claim
`construction requests. I have been asked to address specific technical issues referred to me with
`regard to the Defendants’ requests.
`1. Playbackrate
`“Playback rate” is sometime used in streaming technologyto refer to the
`“normalness”of playback, and described by a metric, whichis nota datarate itself, but rather a
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`Case 6:21-cv-00816-ADA Document 39-1 Filed 04/01/22 Page 9 of 11
`characteristic of how the data is to be played back. Thus,in that usage, “1.0” means normal
`rendition, numbershigher than 1.0 mean speeded-up rendition, and numbers lower than 1.0 mean
`slow motion (or if negative, reverse) rendition.
`The programmingis also encoded,typically not just as binary 1s and 0s
`corresponding to raw camera and microphoneinputs, but in a mannerthat processes, shapes,
`organizes, and most importantly, compressesthe digital representation. An important variable in
`the encodingis the resolution of the media — how manypixels are in the imageandits size and
`shape, and howprecisely and often sound, illumination and coloring levels are sampled.It is
`customary to encode the media at a nominalbitrate (bits per second). The actual bitrate will often
`be variable, due to taking advantage of providing higher compression to slow-moving material
`(because the data for slow-moving material has more redundancythat can be removed by
`compression). The nominalbitrate in such cases is approximate.
`Asusedin the specification, a POSITA would understand “playback rate”to refer
`to the bitrate of the media data at a normal (1.0) rendition. Because of the considerations noted
`above, the playback rate, as a data rate, may of necessity be approximate.
`2. “as required to maintain about a predetermined numberof media data elements”
`A POSITA mightanalogize this to maintaining abouta target level in a gas tank
`during an automobile trip. Any attentive driver appreciates that due to variable distances to gas
`stations, the tank level may end up varyingslightly from the target before a fill-up, with no
`operational downside.
`Inthe streaming context, there can well be a similar factor at play, resulting from
`the varying sizes of streaming data elements, due to variable bitrate (VBR) encoding. This is
`addressed at 4:55-5:6 of the specification.
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`29.|Media data elements are discrete, as far as media applications are concerned. In
`the case where the media is VBR-encoded,the size of the elements can vary. Since the elements
`are handled as units, and the size (as well as duration) of individual elements can vary, target
`buffer levels therefore must be approximate. But since multiple elements will be in the buffer,
`the variation in just how full the buffer is when near the target level is not operationally
`significant. It is akin to a roundingerror,orfilling a bucket to a specified level with irregular
`objects. This is not a practical issue at all for a POSITA, any more than a recipe calling for two
`cups of large shrimp would be indefinite for a chef.
`3. “each sendingis at a transmission rate as fast as the data connection between the
`server system and each requesting user system allows”
`The specification says that “[t]he server buffer 14 “sends’ data by deliveringit to
`the transport mechanism.” A POSITA understandsthat, in a server sending data overa transport
`mechanism,the transport mechanism makesa “connection” with the requesting user system, and
`that once data is delivered to the transport mechanism,for that connection, it is sent to the user
`system as fast as possible, taking into account everything that Defendants raise, including the
`maximum capacity of the connection elements themselves, the available bandwidth, and the
`permitted bandwidth. “As fast as the data connection ... allows” requires nothing more than
`simply handing the data to the transport mechanism.This is evident to a POSITA even without
`reference to the specification, but is certainly reinforced by the express description at 8:38-48 (of
`the °824 patent; 8:36-46 of the ’594 patent).
`4. “data rate”
`A POSITA would understand the term “data rate” as used the specified claims as
`referring to the rate at which the connection between the server and the user system operates.
`The claims specify both that the data is sent as fast as this connection will allow, and that that
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`Case 6:21-cv-00816-ADA Document 39-1 Filed 04/01/22 Page 11 of 11
`rate should also be morerapid than the playback rate. That is exactly whatthe specification
`teaches, whenit states (just like the claim)that (i) “The media data will be transmitted to the user
`as fast as the data connection between the user computer and the server will allow.” 14:60-62 (as
`to which, see point 3 above), and(ii) “the connection from the Internet to the useris faster than
`that required for media playback.” 9:62-63. A POSITA understandsthat the latter claim
`requirement in particular (“wherein the data connection has a data rate more rapid than the
`playback rate”) flows from the need to be able to replenish the user buffer on demand, andthat to
`do so reliably requires the connection to supply data to the user buffer faster than it is played out.
`I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoingis true and correct. Executed at
`McMinnville, Oregon, U.S.A. on March 31, 2022.
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