Case 6:21-cv-00816-ADA Document 39 Filed 04/01/22 Page 1 of 24
`– against –

`No. 6:21-cv-00816-ADA
`Patent Case
`EXHIBIT 1012 - PAGE 0001


`Case 6:21-cv-00816-ADA Document 39 Filed 04/01/22 Page 2 of 24
`TABLE OF AUTHORITIES ....................................................................................................... ii
`INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1
`BACKGROUND .................................................................................................. 1
`Technological Overview ....................................................................................... 1
`LEGAL PRINCIPLES ........................................................................................ 4
`ATTORNEY STATEMENTS IN MEET AND CONFERS ............................ 6
`DISPUTED CONSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................... 7
`“as required to maintain about a predetermined number of media data elements”
`        ................................................. 7
`             
`         ............................................... 11
`“each sending is at a transmission rate as fast as the data connection between the
`            
`         .............................................. 
`“all of the media data elements that are sent by the server system to the
`requesting user systems are sent from the data structure under the control of the
`            
`c            ........................... 16
`“supplying, at the server system, media data elements representing the program”
`            ................................... 17
`CONCLUSION .................................................................................................. 18
`EXHIBIT 1012 - PAGE 0002


`Case 6:21-cv-00816-ADA Document 39 Filed 04/01/22 Page 3 of 24
`3M Innovative Props. Co. v. Tredegar Corp.,
`     .......................................................................................... 
`Allergan, Inc. v. Teva Pharms. USA, Inc.,
` -CV--         ..................... 10
`Amgen, Inc. v. Chugai Pharm. Co.,
`      ......................................................................................... 
`Azure Networks, LLC v. CSR PLC,
`      ......................................................................................... 
`BASF Corp. v. Johnson Matthey Inc.,
`     .......................................................................................... 6
`Biosig Instruments, Inc. v. Nautilus, Inc.,
`      ......................................................................................... 7
`Cohesive Techs., Inc. v. Waters Corp.,
`     .......................................................................................... 
`Comark Commc’ns, Inc. v. Harris Corp.,
`      ......................................................................................... 
`CUPP Cybersecurity, LLC v. Trend Micro, Inc.,
` -cv--          ............................ 17
`Datamize, LLC v. Plumtree Software, Inc.,
`     .......................................................................................... 7
`David Netzer Consulting Eng’r LLC v. Shell Oil Co.,
`     .......................................................................................... 
`Application of Eltgroth,
`     ......................................................................................... 1
`Epos Techs. Ltd. v. Pegasus Techs. Ltd.,
`     .......................................................................................... 
`Immersion Corp. v. Samsung Elecs. Am., Inc.,
`No. 2:17-CV--         ........................... 10
`EXHIBIT 1012 - PAGE 0003


`Case 6:21-cv-00816-ADA Document 39 Filed 04/01/22 Page 4 of 24
`Interval Licensing LLC v. AOL, Inc.,
`     .......................................................................................... 7
`Liebel-Flarsheim Co. v. Medrad, Inc.,
`     ............................................................................................ 
`Max Blu Techs., LLC v. Cinedigm Corp.,
`No. 2-CV--         ........................ 11
`Media Rts. Techs., Inc. v. Cap. One Fin. Corp.,
`     ........................................................................................ 17
`Nautilus Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc.,
`    ....................................................................................................... 6, 8
`Neodron, Ltd. v. Fujitsu Am., Inc.,
`          ................... 10
`Oatey Co. v. IPS Corp.,
`     .......................................................................................... 
`Ortho-McNeil Pharm., Inc. v. Caraco Pharm. Labs., Ltd.,
`     .......................................................................................... 
`Phillips v. AWH Corp.,
`      en banc .....................................................................  
`Teva Pharms. USA, Inc. v. Sandoz, Inc.,
`    ........................................................................................................... 7
`Thorner v. Sony Computer Entm’t Am. LLC,
`     .......................................................................................... 
`Vitronics Corp. v. Conceptronic, Inc.,
`     ............................................................................................ 
`W.L. Gore & Assocs., Inc. v. Garlock, Inc.,
`      ....................................................................................... 10
`EXHIBIT 1012 - PAGE 0004


`Case 6:21-cv-00816-ADA Document 39 Filed 04/01/22 Page 5 of 24
`U.S. Patent Nos.     (the “’ Patent”   
` (the “’ Patent” and     (the “’ Patent”  Harold Price
`(collectively, the “Asserted Patents”       for distributing
`audio-visual media over the Internet. The Asserted Patents each claim priority to provisional
`application no. , dated September 12, 2000. They share similar disclosures, but claim
`different aspects of the disclosure.
`WAG holds full title to the Asserted Patents and accuses Defendants Google LLC and
`         -     
`claims 1-        -       
`               
`require no construction.
`A. Technological Overview
`The Asserted Claims address the problem of how to achieve the perception of immediate
`startup (“Instant-          -visual media
`stream, as well as thereafter maintaining uninterrupted delivery. See, e.g.   -
`       see also id. -18 (“Immediate
`      
`             
`– sets of time-sequenced data elements. Id. -       
`            Id. -
`A problem arises when the aim is to distribute a media program via streaming over the
`             
`Plaintiff’s Responsive Claim Construction Brief (Amazon)
` Page 1
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`Case 6:21-cv-00816-ADA Document 39 Filed 04/01/22 Page 6 of 24
`               
`          delivering data, does not guarantee timely
`delivery of data between nodes. See, e.g., ’  -      
`     - -        
`will be delivered, but cannot assure when any individual item will arrive. Thus, since media
`programming relies on time-sequenced data, the Internet is inherently susceptible to transmission
`delays of varying magnitude, for delivering such programming. See Declaration of Keith Teruya,
`  ¶ 12-18  .1
`Internet delivery delays result (inter alia      
`routing nodes. Larger delays in data transit potentially result in sustained interruptions for the
`data consumer (see, e.g.   -          
`stuttering startup and frequent recurring interruptions. See id., 6:11-12 (“startup delays and
`A long-standing partial solution is to add a buffer to the client device. Id. -
`Allowing the client-side buffer first to receive and accumulate a portion of the stream, amounting
`to, e.g.             
`      nsmission delays before the client-side buffer runs out of
`          See, e.g., id. -27. The
`                 -side
`       See id. -     
`     t before Plaintiff’s patents, and it was very
`1             
`declaration to argue its claim construction positions, but rather has limited it to only those points
`           the Court.
`Plaintiff’s Responsive Claim Construction Brief (Amazon)
` Page 2
`EXHIBIT 1012 - PAGE 0006


`Case 6:21-cv-00816-ADA Document 39 Filed 04/01/22 Page 7 of 24
`           
`Internet. Id. -.
`           
`invention uses two buffers, one on the server side, and one on the client side, which interact in a
`particular way. See   -26. The server waits until the server-side buffer is full before
`sending this data to the client. In this embodiment, the buffer operates on a first-in-first-out
`  –            – so that there is
`                -start the
`transmission to the client. See, e.g., id., -    20.
`In a separate embodiment (see   -, which is the embodiment most
`pertinent to the claims asserted in this case, the pace of transmission of a stream can instead be
`regulated by player requests for elements of the stream. This is referred to herein as the “pull”
`embodiment. In the pull embodiment, streaming data elements are accumulated on the server
`side from a media source (similar to the “buffer” in the above-   
`each associated with serial identifiers. In the pull embodiment, the player monitors the state of its
`own buffer, including without limitation the level of the buffer and what elements it needs for
`              
`               
`         que, referred to as “pull,” also serves as an effective
`stream control mechanism. The first so-identified element in this embodiment corresponds to the
`initial buffer-            -starts
`the               
`comparable to that provided by the buffering embodiment. See Teruya Decl. ¶ 22.
`Plaintiff’s Responsive Claim Construction Brief (Amazon)
` Page 
`EXHIBIT 1012 - PAGE 0007


`Case 6:21-cv-00816-ADA Document 39 Filed 04/01/22 Page 8 of 24
`Claim terms are generally given their plain and ordinary meaning. Phillips v. AWH Corp.,
`       en banc Azure Networks, LLC v. CSR PLC  
`              
`accustomed meaning in        (internal quotations and
` , vacated on other grounds,    . The plain and ordinary
`                   e
`art in question at the time of the invention.” Philips    
`“‘Although the specification may aid the court in interpreting the meaning of disputed
`           
`generally be read into the claims.’” Comark Commc’ns, Inc. v. Harris Corp.   
`     Constant v. Advanced Micro-Devices, Inc.    
`   “[I]t is improper to read limitations from a preferred embodiment described in
`the specification—even if it is the only embodiment—into the claims absent a clear indication in
`the intrinsic record that the patentee intended the claims to be so limited.” Liebel-Flarsheim Co.
`v. Medrad, Inc.       
`             according
`               
`                
`Thorner v. Sony Computer Entm’t Am. LLC          
`              
`          Id. (internal quotations and citations
`. To disavow the full scope of a claim term, the patentee’s statements in the specification
`or prosecution history must represent “a clear disavowal of claim scope.” Id.   (internal
`Plaintiff’s Responsive Claim Construction Brief (Amazon)
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`   . When “an applicant’s statements are amenable to multiple
`         3M Innovative
`Props. Co. v. Tredegar Corp.       
`Further, absent clear disclaimer in the specification or prosecution history, it is improper
`             
`Oatey Co. v. IPS Corp.    1277-78    see also Epos Techs. Ltd. v.
`Pegasus Techs. Ltd.        Vitronics Corp. v. Conceptronic,
`Inc.,       .
`               
`art about the scope of the invention with reasonable certainty.” Nautilus Inc. v. Biosig
`Instruments, Inc.              
`                  
`filed. Id. at 08. As it is a challenge to the validity of a patent, the failure of any claim in suit to
`comply with § 112 must be shown by clear and convincing evidence. BASF Corp. v. Johnson
`Matthey Inc.       
`When a term of degree is used in a claim, “the court must determine whether the patent
`provides some standard for measuring that degree.” Biosig Instruments, Inc. v. Nautilus, Inc.,
`          Similarly, when a subjective
`term is used, the court must determine whether the patent's specification supplies some objective
`standard for measuring the scope and boundaries of the term. See Interval Licensing LLC v. AOL,
`Inc.        Datamize, LLC v. Plumtree Software, Inc.  
` -   .
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`             
`than the intrinsic record in determining the legally operative meaning of claim language.’”
`Phillips     quoting C.R. Bard, Inc. v. U.S. Surgical Corp.    862
`   see also Teva Pharms. USA, Inc. v. Sandoz, Inc.    - 
`    directed to “evidentiary     
`WAG has two parallel cases in this Court, but this section of the present brief concerns
`only WAG’s case against Google et al.       appears to
`have a different view about the meet and confer process than Plaintiff. Plaintiff met and
`conferred with Google’s counsel in a good faith to attempt to narrow terms in dispute in this
`case. In those meet and confer sessions, Google inappropriately insisted on turning these
`discussions into a process of obtaining and  a written record of the parties’ claim
`construction arguments. Such discussions are not part of the file history of the patents and they
`are not evidence about the meaning of the terms. After Google’s counsel one-sidedly sent a
`written record that it created of the first such discussion, Plaintiff’s counsel told Google’s
`counsel that this was inappropriate and that discussions would need to be limited to the stated
`purpose of whether terms in dispute could be narrowed. Google now uses this to argue claim
`construction based on Plaintiff’s alleged “silence” about the meaning of terms.
`Without any authority, under the rubric of “meet and confer,” Google propounded what
`amounted to written interrogatories concerning claim construction arguments. Not satisfied that
`Plaintiff objected to the same, its counsel then opted to submit an attorney declaration in the
`present briefing, attaching Google’s email record of the meet & confer process. See hibit A to
`the Declaration of Cameron Vanderwall, D.I. -2. Plaintiff respectfully submits that this
`submission of M&C correspondence is inappropriate and     . Plaintiff
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`does not believe it needs to respond herein to the various statements in Google’s opening claim
`construction brief about meet and confer discussions.
`A. “as required to maintain about a predetermined number of media data elements”
` nt, claims 1, 6, 11) (alleged indefinite)
`Terms such as “about” or  are not inherently definite or indefinite, since
`           ,” and as
`such, “[s]ome modicum of uncertainty … is the price of ensuring the appropriate incentives for
`innovation.” Nautilus   at    . W  
`and “about” are thus appropriately used to “avoid[ ] a strict numerical boundary to the specified
`parameter.” Ortho-McNeil Pharm., Inc. v. Caraco Pharm. Labs., Ltd.     
` .         related “range must be interpreted in its
`technol   ,” and as such “depends upon the technological facts of the
`particular case.” Id. The Court        [] limitation serves” to
`determine the scope of the claimed variance indicated by the claim language. Cohesive Techs.,
`Inc. v. Waters Corp.        When “nothing in the specification,
`prosecution history, or prior art provides any indication as to what range ... is covered,” the claim
`can be found indefinite. Amgen, Inc. v. Chugai Pharm. Co.      
`     Amgen, the intrinsic record here provides ample support to apprise
`a POSITA as to the scope and purpose of the “about a predetermined number of media data
`elements” limitation.
`2 WAG contends that, unless otherwise noted, the Disputed Terms may be construed consistently
`across the Asserted Patents.
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`            
`player plays out media from a buffer in the player. See ’ Patent, -    
`for the same reason as the other embodiment – to ensure a steady flow of media for continuous
`   
`               
`            
`in the user's buffer.
`Id., -           
`The reason why the amount sought to be maintained in the buffer is (and in general must
`be                 
`          s in this
`             
`appropriate variation where VBR-encoded data may be involved.” Id., -6. Due to this
`potential swing in bitrates in the encoding, as the specification discloses, it follows that the size
`               
`              
`player buffer to a target level as elements are played out (i.e.       
`to encoding variability as well as the granular nature of the elements, the process is of necessity
`            rstand how to do
`                
`any operational difference. See Teruya Decl. ¶¶ 27-.
`The claim language here thus reflects a well-understood variability introduced by the
`underlying technology itself. See id. ¶ . Courts routinely find similar terms definite under
`similar circumstance. See, e.g., W.L. Gore & Assocs., Inc. v. Garlock, Inc.    
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`   “       10% per second” not indefinite since
`“[i]         Neodron, Ltd. v. Fujitsu Am.,
`Inc.,  ,    at *6–   June 28, 
`          
`             
`in the ’  Immersion Corp. v. Samsung Elecs. Am., Inc., No. 2:17-CV--JRG, 2018
`  at *17-   Oct. 16,  “ ” not indefinite since
`the “specification discloses features that might prevent the surface from being perfectly planar”
`and “         Allergan, Inc. v. Teva
`Pharms. USA, Inc.,  -CV--WCB,    at -    
`              ‘about’ that are
`                  
`components such as those in this case that are permissible in the industry and not considered so
`         Max Blu Techs., LLC v. Cinedigm Corp.,  -
`CV--JRG,    at    July 12,  “  ”
`not indefinite since “the parameter’s range must be interpreted in its technological and stylistic
`” (interna    .
`B.          claims 1, 6, 11)
`There is nothing so confusing about this language that it requires interpretation for a jury
`to understand.     finitions in the specification or disavowal of claim
`scope with regard to this claim term. The Court should thus accord this term its plain and
`ordinary meaning.
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`Case 6:21-cv-00816-ADA Document 39 Filed 04/01/22 Page 14 of 24
`“Predetermined” simply means “determined beforehand.” See https://www.merriam-
` The dispute between the parties is nothing more than
`“before what,” and for that the Court        nguage itself.
`According to the claims, “as the received media data elements are played, the media
`player automatically send[s] additional requests for subsequent media data elements for storage
`in the memory of the media player as required to maintain about a predetermined number of
`             P -
`Functionally, “predetermined” arises         
`requests for subsequent media data elements for storage in the memory of the media player.” In
`            at least
`before this sending of additional requests. The plain language of the claims requires no earlier
`Defendants, however, would further limit the “predetermination” to occur not only before
`sending the additional requests       but instead move it all the
`   “           m.” Defendants have
`pointed to nothing in the intrinsic record that would rise to the level of disclaimer as to any later
`          
`  a construction driven by non-infringement arguments, ruling out scenarios in
`which the player monitors  conditions and can change the target level for a minimum
`   Neither the claim language nor the specification, however, rule out
`changing the “predetermined” number of media data element      
`long as this number is set in advance of the sending of the respective requests.
`The plain and ordinary meaning for this term should therefore be adopted.
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`C. “th     claims 1, 6, 11)
`The plain and ordinary meaning of “media source” requires no construction – it refers
`simply to a source of media. The term is used in this conventional sense in the    
`patent, which recite a “method for operating a media player to receive and play an audio or video
`              Patent,
`- The very first recited step of this method includes “sending requests from the media
`player to the media source via the data connection,” in order to obtain the underlying media. Id.,
`-        be on the media source itself (i.e., the media
`     is not claimed or even particularly relevant to the underlying
`Nonetheless, the specification offers a specific       
`source may obtain the underlying media data, observing that “[t]here are two fundamental types
`of streaming media, which affect, in some respects, the requirements for smooth and continuous
`       source having a realtime nature, such as a radio or TV
`        -realtime source such a    
`Id. - That is, the discussion concerns the types of media, not the types of media sources.
`Regardless of how this media is ultimately originated, “there is in each case at least one user
`     d to the server 12 via the Internet 10” to receive the
`media data from the server. See id., -     
`that “the buffer concept of this invention can be daisy-chained between multiple Servers. For
` a system might include a source server computer co-located in a radio station studio,
`               
`connect.” Id., - Hence, regardless of the type of media, from the perspective of the user
`        Patent are directed, the “media source” is whatever
`Plaintiff’s Responsive Claim Construction Brief (Amazon)
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`server the user computer connects to so as to obtain the underlying media data. “Media source”
`has no more specialized meaning than this – its plain and ordinary meaning.
`Defendants go seriously astray by injecting the phrase “from which the streaming
`material originates” into the plain meaning of this term. In justifying this position, Defendants
`(incorporating claim construction arguments made in a companion case by Amazon, Civil Action
`No. 6:21-cv- -ADA allege that the “      

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