ThE] ¥I~ Slevp A APB]A A
`|2 Tt
`SBS] Chee} FEE ASol 7
`Sule Ge, yas
`= FL
`ABZ] Bye
`aneo] aua ade
`NAGE SAlDell Aso] 7s
`ASSP] 2]St ae 3} ANY-\(Center)2.Alae
`“1ol8 2}
`9)pra a
`Be a
`a aho) Aare
`nial abel
`| A eah Al Bh
`yaenf al AWSUACUNIX)S 7eoe Be
`quot,O/S& quotzt @jS ALSobet,
`Au, #e tS Feotie O/SS SSAgS Gewese] Asa seve] age veers 7
`wl x) ash] aiaeolFEACS eelaaa
`Beaeeret. EEI,-
`PASADAES asa ares
`wel He AL:ayi.pte3 agpolyaaS<dnsoe2, Sohal Sole]St pole} AS
`Aol 5, AAAOS YA D7] FOL
`| Leah cha. alate, Gaal ae
`Je} Ava AAS Halzpeohad Pee + glele
`RAS +9) So] LR UHulal
`HSS daaela djWos oh
`Bubye) eS BAS chp) 7 zSo] Qo ASA BUSol qa vjolyyABYSS ANZ
`AoAVAEA ASY + IES We Usual AASyyes aso We.
`2) Usual SALAlaaje
`a BAS GAS] Sol, He wbwo] us A<aopa Aw]. Ale
`40] al SEPNLHES] Ss] ASA Be Solstwo}
`22 YA om x zpeb7|
`5a eigena mhsek, AmyAHa 4BEASTS SSPeors) BSS AolShs
`#4 AH o| a G43vw ani Hl A) gt
`amBod =]ae 2] sal Tee of2oH A ie aH 2) 2S
`ES Moen7VIM Aaa Ho] USSGo Aaya ago}at cholep Aw gel
`ASSESBe SE gq AASY Ses, ASux alse) 7]/e ojole}AEQSS SAY Sow
`Ge Aol se AW Ae Bases “ful seh,
`9] fal Geld 1 So] Wevole}
`Ha ‘ AVA doje ABYSS1 TE
`)4HyBoe ASE qo] ALAZealws z
`# ayo oe asujal Wey Wye aanee
`a A49S Espo] Qyspy Sua 8 Royo
`ols, B YS] AA oS ARS ASS Fete Qs] Ayayiz Sy
`AL EE Boge] AA ool ae asus EA Sa sa: ASS Aaa AWA 7
`BRR, ALSMola, eeu) Aula AAS A-Bzb BBO)BANG) Aboj a Gs
`ad AE SECO, FCI SEAee geeH+e 797 da7SGET WA STy)e
`4] STy)ol SH] 7HGo] VPM ASA HYSS FHM}.oSsto], VSBH(10)
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1151
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1151


`& Ad LEGO)AS Bee 87 eae AC12)s) 7A SPH Beh
`o] A(L2)cheel 7hHAS(ST, U4) STA(BSE SAG20)5) AY BSG)
`= Sol SYS AAAS(ST, U2) STy)o] Boke ASryal SQlol cyabAWS 2ee a8
`A-B2} MEMO] ADS AWAHso] QB ASA PISS SAI )eey peeay as
`SMA Boles Sub olAbe] ASuja) Beso] Aaa cps} ups
`LSS Sty] Beh.
`SSS 10-0244854
`Aa BSB(3O)2 Hes} 44 S27 SST, 7] STYSPH SAGAS AHR SCall) AS
`4 ba71E(ST, HASTn)B282SAN MHA el aL ANAoe AeA, o]2Seo}, Adz
`EE (10)2] ABA elelspo}AC Zo Bea as
`‘EEE® Al) 71(36)}, BS) Ao] 7) (38) gl aseaah a 5)(40) PB] arch,
`= $A7\(32), ABM A
`A Veo A1Des AW Asa SA 74239 2 Ae ASB
`| obG ei AEM Geialols(12)S 27/ Soh aN(12) 25-219
`32)HOZ AHL,of 7A, APRA el wo] A(12)= HAM OF
`Jes}olaG2e ahatel AW 72a Sy 42so2 as
`4x] STy)ol 13) QW S ASSS AAG S aelspol AG2)
`JERE] Qe ge
`#9] Apu
`paB Aue -ACAGAS Nad Bdesil~G2% sas 87 della)a
`ease dee 9Tan AEAABeGA)svial Ae}7|(38)-l91a FEa soba oa
`1 asral AISS VAG eel Ad 288 sa7i42)2oe) SHolalIse] aziz) a
`zi SHIEd deARES AWee deh 9] AS] I! YAS ae, ARAAeeGAe
`(402) AE waa g
`aa) SA) Aelahok tAFol del 7}GIS BEY AMSY SSE(ssb)S a2=Es} Go} Y
`2°) SEY SASS S3%(ssb)o ABE A
`HA ich uelaH SASSABASA gos
`2 ALSES&} eo)2
`-EV(G4)}4= 9) ERO Blo] Boy fz eto] A <euya a29] ALALZE 2
`HAPS YQ 79 BAe 2e™ aAe2%=a AAe voles Qelspes as ze
`of} Aah,
`te AASSL geo] Nas} Avy a] SolSol
`cyt N72] elope AB Wo)Al all3Re=
`EE AV 1GOE Aa 188 SAdVevee ASd AS USEel He
`je BSS wya ajo} 738): oyABESeel HSE HOLE BSSo} Seera Fy
`eof Alo
`Alsoh eeaE IBUBQEBE S| Mra] seo de a
`1 889) SAADSME oH@ aAgeBaal He OleaguselyAlo] ASS
`S| All 71GB)S SLE sleek
`ASE Sul x) ao oy ost Hole} Ag
`‘afo} sho} Chole} AESo)Sa SAGQOlzHaale Foe Gee 32ena eho)
`Hed Goer ABYSS! AG ZBES 474 SStoe Hoy ALA Ai SASA
`ch BL LpobrL, ASG BEES AAG6)e AW 43-8 e” PAZ)SE AL UAL Ala SALea 7]Ew
`(CID, 44 ip)23 SASS Wee AGE. 0 av, US BLES AQANBE}E
`2] TCP/IP QXTP -G Eyb ofzp ATM BEAe] 749]“Sh Ady Z| 43 28> #2=(Buffer
`Flow Control)-93h yh] uj1 214(Variable Bit Rate) 7]5S AZ etc}. cepa:
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1152
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1152


`eal S AlFICCI Dy yz ClDye Zt Zt A 1] ALS ZA 742) 2 a 3} Sol #2] WH20) 2] es
`EGS 7 a obec,
`aa, TSuja visl(40}e SAH20)Soe ASA dps] Supa Beso qe oezeq
`(ssb)o] 428 Ulole} AN USS AS BEES Hejl z
`22 NS Aude 79S, om os Mole AS SEES20l71(36)s) RMA,
`2 SASH (34) ay GRY Bas ches] AFuja Bago
`ISS eq)
`a) H3|(B8)U 2] ABY AWsy BSE(ssb)o] BA A Vas he
`231 7\(36)%
`sol23(32)% AA]AGA Qlehao]a(12)%22 ASTI}Be AG
`Aspéheo}, cre} a
`aa 428 Al(42) O/SUMEZo]
`Oo] ACL 2)32Hie] AlZyt
`2} =e} ao} 2232)
`2 ARS BAL zlol apo SS’O/Sol a aS DEES AT (36)}2] &=.Al BES Wols}
`th am 7A229g Bal) (A2)i= ABZ ELST 0]A(L2)2BeJo] aadial as:o} ale] a
`28 AS ZEES VA7GOSLB SA ACH, leah 227) BZbQ. 24Qos=
`* Ad
`Ard EBB(3O0}o] Abe4} EE(1O)A S£225] 2] OT chOkSE PUA Of
`TL] *E aR i’ ae
`Peet vis} gol, B Beal og
`aaenla Awa Alzado} ae
` %
`a4eSei| lsat Al S}QGeo] 2Zhep BAA Weea aAseyaAl ss.
`aS Oo
`ie x =F
`of Al Azop QUch. oo] meh, Bgol] UE aol x Aa AAde) Gala] SAl Sal a)
`= GGulaAl Shao) &= UAOS ASSES Aae QeAa B pyo] ms aula AV
`ala: Al ZLA~ til| 2] jaja =
`To lez gel, Bee als
`BEPSpA] of-|See Bg] of
`AeA wh? = 4A] Ad 9]
`9] Sto] Spo} A ob UE BI
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1153
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1153


`eovectnnaassneeneesna on enonnnnncenrevetensenvenerennipteceeeeihnwaecteestn a weneestnnaeeeeesonoa.
`se SS] 10-0244854
`ao dh a
`Th _ Iz
`7 Be
`po 28
`aw fO
`ae >
`exo |
`la wt
`sshei ssb3n
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1154
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1154


`BEES 10-0244854
`N 7] al Streams 2.4} 4] 7) el
`eeee ee ee wee te ene eee ne
`it ¥
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1155
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1155


`Espacenet - Bibliographic data
` Espacenet
`Bibliographic data: KR100253230 (81) — 2000-04-15
`- international:
`- cooperative:
`Application number: KR19970072518 19971223
`HO4L 12/26; (IPC1-7): HO4L12/28
`Priority number(s):
`KR19970072518 19971223
`Abstract of KR1G0253230 (BT)
`PURPOSE: A unix network sub-system for continuous meciurn stream transfer is
`provided to minimize a radiation movement of a data by clients by directly transmitting
`a continuous medium stream data received from a ile system through a buffer through
`a network when a siream control command is received from a server manacer.
`CONSTIPUTION: A plurality of operating modules(C OM} transmit a continuous medium
`stream data received fram a buffer through @ pre-set connection, anc is dynamically
`generated or terminated. A management module(CAM) dynamically manages the
`operating mocdule(COM) for every stream according fo a stream control command
`received from a server manager. The management module(CAM) incluces a manager
`agent for interpreting the received stream contral cormmand and performing a
`command, an operation module manager for generating, controlling and managing the
`operation module(COM}), a connection managerfor setting up and reigasing a
`connection, a QoS repeater for converting a QoS{Quality of Service) of a user received
`from the buffer fo a QoS of a network and maintaining a commection by means of the
`connection manager, an address repeater for converting a session ID received tram the
`buffer to an address of a client and outputting it, an admission checker for checking the
`amount of a network resource for a new session request by the buffer and checking
`whether the request can be admitted: and a system tuner far changing a tuning
`parameter value of a continuous medium network sub-system. The operation
`module(COM) includes a command receiver for receiving a management command
`from the management module(CAM) and processing it, a discarder for discarding a
`frame remaining in the buffer after releasing the connection, an error controller for re-
`transmitting a date lost during transmission for accurate transmission, a frame stamper
`for informing a transmission state of a frame being transmitted, a frarne divider for
`dividing the received frame suitably to each cent, and a flow controller for controlling a
`transfer rate.
`https :/ B=EPOD OC&ll=0&N D=38&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D &date=200004158&
`EXHIBIT 1003 -*PAGE 1
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1156


`Espacenet - Bibliographic data
`a «pans
`https :/ B=EPOD OC&ll=0&N D=38&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D &date=20000415&C C=KR&NR=1...
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1157
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1157


`This Facsimile Page has been artificially created from KIPO data.
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1158
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1158


`SS 34 10-0253230
`Apa 1
`oe SAS AAS Sa wse Be age aaanAl AEE) Fol Ele=
`ee 2B 44712] $2) B(COM)#, Hal BelzHe] AEYAES yyeal wepa2
`=@upe} aus AM EA UES SAO wMess te] BSS EA a AZ Seg te Agu
`Al LS} 2
`ALL Sho] Glo) Al, Bat wee
`AL aia) Fol FlsycE PowWe
`aeASoe 7 Shana Byess
`oa] g] ajo] Epo} of
`APS dye=
`X]L Sto] ghol Ay, ey PES Aas a = a
`oo] AASh, eS2h REH(COM)S ALAQ, woa
`12) Gos(Ouality OfService)==
`+ aH
`Alois SOS <p8B Bhs FeAl of . x1, aa5
`@ SPA] A AEF} AWA uci
`a 7
`ASSES 3 QoS ZA 71S, |
`2 x a(session) o>] aD}=
`[A eeadi= oEgdA $4] 7] 2h,
`Qopalat 2 QS PBS =p glezis
`2 Ale&Te 1ai= BAR S|
`Fd BSbebul ele) gS Hw gake Al
`Fiyee AHHA) 2x8] P28.
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1159
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1159


`SS 54 10-0253230
`We) Zhe
`12 Bags Agua Aegd ASS TWH RYAUED Aa
`2 E Lal, COMa) CAMS] 4h
`= LoAl, COME] Ao] &,
`: HL 2] oo) a
`12: A480 Su
`: SaA 14: S22 S Wu}
`: QoS Al 7)
`16:7 EWA 247|
`: AWA wUz
`21; AWE SAly
`SAO] C}A Fhe]
`23:82] ABSe
`Eb] AW s
`25; 249 27]
`1, SAAS voles} Ge aaa whol el
`12] 2, US| AE] Vae]= Br] cle Ayo] yes AuaAAPS ol Pao] Asap.
`SLeuh, 4}z)of ish ge ely ASSur] e Awol Fes ABA Ads
`2 S POU) LUE Appose aula
`o]-Spo]ania] ABZ Holl7
`JES] S-gol Ba] gbeh = RF BS °) 2joialee EA Gst AATLE ASE | Ws EA Bo] Ae.
`wheeAL APF] ol AL SpASSEH S eal ae aete # la = wwe] S22 AW] tel ze Bel AB Y
`AES AWS YA ses a
`O8 ME AQBS anja Ae of
`Holes] BA SS AAsS
`@alaua] aed ase ya
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1160
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1160


`SS 34 10-0253230
`Sta geeBA io
`S Gani a
`oh ut a
`TY senna ;
`, Aw 24,
`Eco de Joo eaceg lauyy Ase Weeqa fae des
`ALE Boy gic]
`¢ Ba sie ye
`2A Oe Bese
`' 5
`Qzto} ofn] AAS zus
`a AL.Aq rEts AB ae &eBaye
`a a 2.@ope} au ALF]
`47] te] BR(CAM)S, & 20EAB Vsdo), AIS Aza GES AVES aA ste) A
`WES -yse 7] Hol a@e(List, Sa SBCOMSBA, AolWP Belshe SARwy
`Al(14}s}, AWM Agata ail Al Sis ASSBde FULAL ay y ACh DS, BSB He] aga.
`AlSI OoS(Quality Of Service)}=]= FESS) OoS# WsaApA Az] AA opp Al 7} oj}&am A
`WAS $2)S OSHA 715)Sh WaleTE ASS al 44(session) ofo CID)S Serpe}
`aES| oEaAB HSA 7] Saste oka s7AAGG)SH, He Pee WES AA Q-poa
`5H uia ABe| OFS ShoWar TL&pe >23.3) YEAS AHS BEG FEU ACS)
`4, ASA yes ABA Ags) Fd sheba B]e OS AAS4,2PIDs PAS,
`ALD 64 ES(COM)2, © 20 SAS Hes}go], tee] BSE BE Ba AWS vol AaSaeE A
`(QA), aad aA] So] Soy Yorghe Bae reele Bay u715)(22)¢hAS
`an A}
`ote ABET Q3)9, ASME =
`Hol PSMYS Yese Mad Avs(ajo, APvS 2 HeJe 2 Gebel]ea WA“Sa}
`ES Qoe daca] ust Aaeeo] aes Ae eeae
`o]2bzbo] -ge} Bays Bz ge 22 FF vpoy aso] AYAls] A Qscheap ge.
`SuAal ASSES WSsFes YEW ABAAGSyo seAW Beze Be AS Wes
`yee AHO ube} ALA(Pile system).©.& 4] ys 7} adulAl ABe oiclelS goles.
`a, 2 we 7dol Sel Aaulq AGdoles ge Ba AA Sth,
`l2hg2 S42 PWG F4c us
`FEALAES E Loajsl Zo] seule} gel 2 B(CAM)i4t
`es) S24} BS(COM)S 748Ach.
`AV7| Zhe] 1. B(CAM)2} 34 2 S(COM)S oO saoye ALA R(OS)2i St “291 7] a(Kernel)
`2] BMpo] =(Thread) = a gbeh.
`he] eS OH]2)(14)9} Aa AL OL] A177) = SB5o
`7 aS 7} Gas ywW, Bel 2S(CAM)S} aus
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1161
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1161


`SS 54 10-0253230
`of2SU, ASHoh PAST vole} ow Bees mB a(i4la 2 AE Vey Ga Aes
`(COM)>} 4] ol] Sa AYAS Sesto] qpoly] ASS PAs y sep.
`128 A?) 2ey_RS AAA)ASaok BP AVA yjojel7} Gow SAE S(COM)S WYs
`Z,1 AAS BAe E(COM)S Aol seAU Besa, AAs wua(17)= 37]|)2 E(COM)
`| SNES ABO Volys ASO 4S VSS AYAS AdaIsa, ASo] Buyyas
`ail a} Bk}
`mT] QoS $4 7](15)e Aa Be] zo] a | (Bufferja A) Aaa] Qos(Quality OF Service) pep a]
`=U 2 QoS2 BSA) 718, oS Ab) ASA HU AA 7) 7} oO) SR So] FAS BASES Sey.
`BAA QoS Bese SYEW Qos BSAA7 ape QoS Beta] e) 7) 2) QoSe] 7] we
`o] Ch,
`222, sale $A\(L6)e 1M BeloSs Fe BOWS Ha IDS Bebo ades
`2B MAA, ed AALSS 271Mas Heel ASSAA aol Aah
`HASH) FY sebule}o] Qe waste
`1249} ge] Be]B(CAM)S FAHe 2HolSAS Hal sto} zhw(COM)e]AAS
`al, 27] $2} 2S(COM)2 Be) 2H(CAM)2}Ao]o] Sa] HY AAW os BE ASE AEG
`Hole] S7 geo Aes ASsol Feu, ojo] Gabo] Avy AG v-ga} Arp.
`ate] SE(CAM)2] $A2HWu 7\(14)7} Be] BAS ASG, = 2ABA LB(COM)S FA
`BE AWE PAI) AWES vo} Ae] ach.
`78 AMS SA7IQVS APY AWS7AEY GoySs Asay Aola, 1S zqy eer
`AH el 27] Say BB7IQ5)S ¥ vi Buffers Fs)2 Ades Ye] AS qo]e|e 256KB
`one o|2 G4KB3} Hyg oe Rtsto TCP/IP HEAaGoe Asc,
`“Lee TCPAP YE S(30)2 Sa 7} Zepol Mes aAsac.
`BOS wajslo) 7}sep
`ol] a ERS)ra &eH ass (24)= a} 7
`ayy ABE] Sas —
`Seal SLE ALZE BMS Spoil

`s AEG goles] ASRS 2a ae.
`eS ase& Ado] aaa Sus
`AAD AYABR AS ESF YolMel eho}gow ae Aso] Fol S¥ so] FBR AEG opole7 Asses sa
`2 owes al ABLOSjo] LWP.CREATE(44oT)2b
`2A] @Go]So]Bho] Be] | B(CAM)o| S 4} & B(COM)
`io] WA2z] FS Belo] COM NONEae)
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1162
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1162


`1 10-0253230
`cat SE
`TAY <a
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1163
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1163


`SS 54 10-0253230
`Stream Control
`CMNS Frames
`AALS Frame(32KB)
`STREAMS Message(16KB)
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1164
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1164


` ConnectionManager|Ne,
`1 10-0253230
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1165
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1165


`& 10-0253230
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1166
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1166


`International Bureau
`(1) International Publication Number:
`WO O7/12447
`| (43) international Publication Date: 3 April 1997 (03.04.97) |
`(S51) International Patent Classification © :
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT/EL96/00104 | (81) Designated Siates: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BB, BG, BR, BY,
`CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, GE, DK, BE, ES, FI, GB, GE, HU,
`(22) International Filing Date:
`8 September 1996 (08.09.95)
`IL, 15, FP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY,
`MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU,
`SD, SE, 5G, SY, SK, TS, TM, TR, TT, UA, UG, US, UZ,
`YN, ARIPO patent (KE, LS, MW, SD, 8Z, UG), Eurasian
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TI, TM), European i
`patent (AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GR, GR, I5, IT,
`LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), GAP! patent (BF, BI, CF. CG, Cl,
`CM, GA, GI, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`(30) Priority Data:
`12 September 1995 (12.09.95)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US}: VOCALTEC
`LYD. (IL/IL),
`f Maskit Sereet, 46733 Herzelia (EL).
`(72) inventor; and
`(73) Inventor/Applicant (for US only); COHEN, Aton [TLAL]: 6
`Yakinton Street, 75426 Rishon Lezion (IL).
`Without international search report and to be republished |
`upon réceipt of that report.
`(74) Agent: A. TALLY EITAN - ZEEV PEARL & CO. Lumir
`House, 22 Maskit Street, 46733 Herzlia (TL).
`(87) Abstract
`A method and a systern for distributing a multi-media presentation in a computer network is provided. The method includes the steps |
`| of feeding at least one site of said computer network with a stream of data of the presentation and forming in each site a plurality of data |
`files, each data file including a segment of said multi-media presentation. The method further includes distributing the data files to at least
`one display and displaying the distributed data files.
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1167
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1167


`Codes used to idenufy Sates party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing intemational
`applications under the PCT.
`United Kingdom
`Surkina Faso
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
`Democratic People’s Republic
`of Korea
`Central African Republic
`Republic of Kores
`Cie Divoire
`Sri Lanka
`Czech Republic
`Trinidad and Tobaga
`Republic of Moldova
`United States of America
`Viet Nam
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1168
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1168


`WO 9712447
`The present invention relates to a method and system for distributing
`video, audio graphic and textual information on a computer network.
`Computer networks,
`in particular the INTERNET network, allow users
`operating user operated displays (UOD) connected to the network, to receive and
`display multi-media presentations. Usually, multimedia presentations are stored as
`files which are downloaded from sites of the network in which they are stored and
`to which they were fed from any source.
`in the prior art, each multi-media file stored in a network site contains all
`the data of a presentation, i.e. if the multi-media presentation is a video clip of a
`song, the file stored in the network site includes the video, audio, graphic and
`textual data of the particular video clip and therefore, when retrieved by a network
`user, a relatively tong delay exists before the user can display the presentation on
`his computer since the volume of data that needs to be transferred from the
`network site fo the user is very large.
`For example, if the multi-media presentation is a G60 Kbyte file, it will be
`transferred via a 14.4K modem in about 12 minutes. An example of such 660 Kbyte
`file is a 1 minute audio file at 17 Ksamp/sec.
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1169
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1169


`WO O7/12447
`An object of the present invention is to provide an improved method and
`system for distributing multi-media presentations to users of a computer network,
`Another object of the present invention is to provide substantially in real
`time multi-media presentationsto at least one user operating a UOD connected to
`the network.
`A further object of the present invention is to enable a user operating a
`UOD to selectively display portions of or the entire multi-media presentation. The
`user operating the UOD may display the presentation with a desired delay, to re-
`display portions of the presentation or to dispiay portions of the presentation out of
`it will be appreciated that the terrn multi-media refers herein to video,
`audio, graphic, textual, music instrument deviceinterface (midi) or any otherdigital
`data, each taken alone or in any combination therebetween. The term display refers
`herein to the display of any data included in the multi media presentation.
`According to an aspect of the presentinvention, the system enabling the
`Selective display includes a feeding unit which feeds the multimedia presentation,
`& forming and distribution unit which feeds the multimedia presentation as data files
`including segrnents of the presentation and a UOD, all connected in any suitable
`computer network. Preferably, the data files include consecutive segments of the
`According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention,
`computer network is the INTERNET network.
`According to a further aspect of the present invention, for the INTERNET
`network, the forming and distribution unit reside in World Wide Web (WWW)sites.
`The forming unit and the distribution unit may be either in the same WWW site or
`in a different WWWsite.
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1170
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1170


`WO 97/12447
`According to yet another aspect of the present invention, the forming unit
`may be part of the feeding unit wherein the distribution unit is a HyperText Transter
`Protocal (HTTP) server in a WWW site.
`According to yet another aspect of the present invention, additional
`distribution units located in additional sites of the WWW mayretrieve the data files
`including the segments of the multi-media presentation from the distribution unit and
`distribuis them to additional users employing UODs communicating with these
`additional sites.
`One advantage of the present invention is that the communication
`protocol employed for connecting the UOD, the HTTP WWW server and the multi-
`media presentations feeding computer is a communication protocol presently used
`in the INTERNET, preferably a reliable TCP/IP communication protocol. TCP/IP is
`compatible with HTTP WWW and browsing applications used for browsing the
`According to a second preferred embodiment of the present invention,
`the communication protocolis any sultable communication protocol, such as a non-
`reliable UDP communication protocol.
`There is thus provided, according to a preferred embodiment of the
`invention, a method for distributing a multi-media presentation in a
`| present
`computer network which includes the following steps:
`feeding at least one site of the computer network with a stream of data
`of ihe presentation;
`forming, in each site a plurality of data files, each data file including a
`segment of the multi-media presentation;
`distributing the plurality of data files to at least one display; and
`displaying the distributed data files.
`in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the
`feeding includes providing at least one parameter characterizing the segment anc
`the forming includes forming consecutive data files, each including the segmentin
`accordance with the al least one parameter.
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1171
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1171


`WO O7/124849
`Further, according to a preferred embodiment of the present invention,
`the step of forming includes forming the data files as a sequence of files.
`Alternatively, the step of forming includes forming the datafiles in a cyclic fashion.
`the present
`Additionally, according to a preferred embodiment of
`invention, the steps of distributing and displaying include the Step of activating an
`interactive display application operating to receive the distributed datafiles and to
`display them in a user selected sequence. Preferably, the user selected sequence
`is selected from the group which includes displaying a most currentfile, displaying
`a formerly formedfile, displaying a formerly distributedfile, re-displaying displayed
`files and displaying the files out of order. The most currentfile refers herein to the
`file most recently formed by the forming unit.
`Further, according to a preferred embodiment of the present invention,
`the method may include the step of selecting a time lag between the steps of
`feeding and forming and the steps of distributing and displaying, the time lag
`determined whether the display is substantially a real time display or a delayed
`Still further, according to yet another preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, the step of distributing may also include the step of distributing
`the data files to additional distribution units operating to distribute the data files to
`additional displays.
`According to a preferred embodiment of the present
`computer network is the INTERNET network.
`There is also provided, in accordance with a preferred embodiment of
`the present invention, a method for displaying substantially in a real time a multi-
`media presentation which includes the steps of:
`forming datafiles representing segments of the multi-media presentation:
`displaying the data files in a user selected sequence, the user selected
`sequence includes at least one of the group which includes displaying a most
`current file, displaying a formerly distributed file, re-displaying displayed files and
`displaying the filles out of order,
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1172
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1172


`WO 8T/43487
`PCTALSG6/O01 04
`There is furtner provided, in accordance with a preferred embodiment of
`the present invention a system for distributing a multi-media presentation in a
`computer network which includes:
`a feeding unit for feeding at least one site of the computer network with
`a stream of data of the presentation;
`a forming manager for forming, in each site a plurality of data files, each
`fle including a segment of the multi-media presentation;
`@ disiribution unit for distributing the plurality of data files to at least one
`VOD; and
`a UOD for displaying the distributed data files.
`According to a preferred embodiment of the present
`computer network is the INTERNET network and the distribution unlis are one or
`more HTTP servers in WWW sites.
`There is further provided, in accordance with a preferred embodiment of
`the present invention, a method for distributing a multi-media presentation in a
`computer network which includes the following steps:
`feeding at least one site of the computer network with a stream of data
`of the presentation:
`in each site a data file including the multi-media presentation:
`repeating the steps of feeding and forming, thereby rewriting portions of
`the data of the presentation in a cyclic fashion:
`distributing, substantially simultaneously with the steps of feeding and
`forming, the current data file to at least one display; and
`displaying the distributed data file,
`wherein a selectable time lag exists between the steps of distributing
`and displaying.
`Finally, according io a preferred embodiment of the present invention,
`there are provided systems which includes units operating to carry out the steps of
`the methods of the present invention.
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1173
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1173


`WO 97/12447
`PCT/L96/00 104
`The present invention will be understood and appreciated morefully from
`the following detailed description taken in conjunction with the appended drawings
`in which:
`is a schematic block diagrams of a multi-media presentation
`distributing system, constructed according to a preferred embodimentof the present
`Fig. 2 is a schematic block diagram illustration of a preferred method for
`feeding and forming the files of consecutive segrnents of
`the multi-media
`Fig. 3 is a schematic Hlustration of a plurality of
`consecutive segments of the multi-media presentation formed in a cyclic mode;
`Fig. 4 is a schematic Hlustration of a plurality of
`consecutive segments of the multi-media presentation formed in a sequential made;
`Fig. Sis a schematic block diagram illustration of a preferred method for
`distributing and displaying the files of segments of the multi-media presentation;
`Fig. Gis a schematic block diagrarn illustration of an alternative preferred
`method for feeding and forming a multi-media presentation; and
`Fig. 7 is a schematic block diagram illustration ilustrating the steps of
`distributing and displaying of the method of Fig. 6.
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1174
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1174


`WO 97/12447
`1 which illustrates a multi-media
`Reference is now made to Fig.
`presentation distribution system, constructed according to a preferred embodiment
`of the present invention.
`The system of Fig. 1, generally referenced 10, comprises a multi-media
`presentation feeding unit 12 for feeding a strearn of data which forms the mult-
`media presentation to be distributed through the computer network via a forming
`and distribution unit 14 to a plurality of user operated display (UOQD) units of which
`one, referenced 16, is shown herein.
`The unit 12 may comprise any suitable means for generating a multi-
`it comprises a computer equipped with suitable
`media presentation. Preferably,
`software and hardware for receiving the multi-media presentation from any suitable
`source. For example, if the multi-media presentation is an audio presentation, the
`computer forming the unit 12 will include an audio card capable of receiving audio
`such as Sound Blaster, manufactured and sold by Creative Lab
`Technologies of the USA.
`If the multi-media presentation is a video presentation,
`the computer forming the unit 12 will include a video card capabie of receiving video
`such as Video Blaster, manufactured and sold by Creative Lab
`Technologies of the USA.
`According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the unit
`12 receives a real time broadcast of a multi-media presentation, for example an
`audio presentation from a radio station, and feeds its content to the forming and
`distribution unit 14.
`The forming and distribution unit 14 is preferably a sife in a computer
`network operating to receive the strearn of multi-media data from the unit 12 and
`to form therefrom a plurality of files forming together the multi-media presentation.
`According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention,
`system is operating to provide substantially in real time the multi-media presentation
`to the users and therefore the feeding and forming are substantially simultaneous,
`i.e. the unit 14 receives the stream of data according to parameters defined by the
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1175
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1175


`WO S8TN2447
`iseding unit 12 and substantially simultaneously forms the files including the
`segments of the multi-media presentation.
`The forming and distri

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