`EP 0 680 185 A2
`input terminals of the transport multiplexer 110, and
`may have input terminals coupled to central pro-
`cessing facilities through data transceivers.
`In operation, data representing the distributed
`computing application program, and data related to
`the transmission of the program over the transport
`mechanism 30 are supplied to the flow builder 102
`from the application source 101. This data may be
`supplied either in the form of files containing data
`representing the code and data modules, or by
`scripts providing information on how to construct
`the code and data modules, or other such informa-
`tion. The code and data modules may be constant
`or may change dynamically, based on inputs re-
`ceived from the client computers 20 via the central
`computing facility 60 and/or other sources. The
`executable code and data module files may be
`generated by a compiler, interpreter or assembler
`in a known manner in response to source language
`programming by an application programmer. The
`data file related to the transmission of the modules
`includes such information as: the desired repetition
`rates for
`the directory and the code and data
`modules to be included in the data stream; the size
`of main memory in the client computers 20 re-
`quired to store each module, and to completely
`execute the application program; a priority level for
`the module, if it is a code module, etc.
`Flow builder 102 processes the data from the
`application source 101.
`In response,
`flow builder
`102 constructs a directory module, giving an over-
`all picture of the application program. The informa-
`tion in the directory module includes e.g. the iden-
`tification of all the code and data modules being
`repetitively transmitted in the data stream,
`size and possibly other information related to those
`modules. Then the application program representa-
`tive data is processed to generate the code and
`data modules. The directory, code and data mod-
`ules thus constructed are formatted by adding
`module headers and error detection and/or correc-
`tion codes to each module. A transmission sched-
`ule is also generated. After this processing is com-
`the data representing the directory module
`and the code and data modules are repetitively
`presented to the transport packetizer 104 according
`to the schedule previously generated.
`transport packetizer
`104 generates
`stream of packets representing the directory mod-
`ule and the code and data modules as they are
`emitted from the flow builder 102. Each packet has
`a constant predetermined length, and is generated
`by dividing the data stream from the flow builder
`into groups of bits, and adding a packet header
`with information identifying the information con-
`tained in the packet, and an error detection and/or
`correction code, etc., to each group, such that each
`packet is the same predetermined length.
`(If there
`insufficient data from the flow builder 102 to
`completely fill a packet, the packet is padded with
`null data.) These packets are time multiplexed with
`the auxiliary data packets,
`in a known manner,
`form a single packet stream in the packet mul-
`tiplexer 106.
`is also possible for the generated
`packets to have varying lengths.
`In this case, the
`packet header for each packet will contain the
`length of that packet.
`In addition,
`time code data
`packets are placed in the data stream packets
`and/or the auxiliary data packets based on data
`received from the clock 109.
`Packet streams from ail of the channel sources
`(108,108a) are multiplexed into a single transport
`channel, which is
`transmitted through transport
`mechanism 30. As described above,
`the packet
`streams may be frequency multiplexed by having
`each packet stream modulate a carrier signal at a
`different frequency, with all of the carriers being
`carried by a satellite link to the client computers
`in a known manner.
`In addition,
`there is
`sufficient capacity within one carrier channel, sev-
`eral packet streams may bestatistically time mul-
`tiplexed, and used to modulate a single carrier,
`also in a known manner. For example,
`it has been
`proposed to time multiples up to eight interactive
`television data streams through a single satellite
`Data from the client computers 20 via the cen-
`tral processing facility 60 (of FIGURE 1) is received
`at the server computer 10 by the data transceiver
`103, which may include its own processor (not
`If an immediate response is generated, the
`transceiver 103 processor returns that response via
`the central processing facility 60 to a specific client
`computer (22-26), a specific set of the client com-
`puters 20 or to all client computers 20 in their turn.
`lf, however, a common responseto all client com-
`puters 20 is desired,
`the application programmer
`may amend the code and data files in the applica-
`tion code and data source 101 using the applica-
`tion compiler. These amended files are then pro-
`cessed by the flow builder again to generate an-
`other flow.
`is further possible that the code and
`data files in the application source 101 may be
`amended automatically and dynamically (i.e.
`in real
`time) in response to data received from the tran-
`sceiver 103, and the flow updated as the data is
`being received from the client computers 20.
`FIGURE 3 is a timing diagram illustrating the
`data streams produced by the server computer 10
`in a distributed computing system as illustrated in
`In FIGURE 3 server computer 10 is
`shown as simultaneously producing a plurality of
`packet streams 32-38. Each packet stream (32-38)
`is shown as a horizontal band divided into packets
`having the same duration and number of bits. As
`described above,
`it is possible that the size of the
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0451
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0451


`EP 0 680 185 A2
`packets within any packet stream vary with the
`amount of data to be carried.
`In FIGURE 3 it can
`be seen that the starting times of the packets are
`not synchronized.
`It is possible to synchronize the
`packets, but
`in not necessary.
`packets carrying data representing directories are
`designated DIR, packets carrying data representing
`code modules are designated CM, packets carrying
`data representing data modules are designated
`DM, and packets carrying auxiliary data are des-
`ignated AUX.
`the leftmost
`In the top series of packets 32,
`packet contains data representing a code module,
`CM. This is followed by three packets containing
`auxiliary data, AUX,
`followed by another packet
`containing data representing the code module, CM.
`From the series of packets 32 it can be seen that
`the code module is
`repetitively produced. There
`may be more or fewer packets in between succes-
`sive repetitions of the code module packets CM.
`The rate of
`repetition may be specified by the
`programmer when the application is programmed,
`and may be varied during the execution of
`In the next series of packets 34, the leftmost
`packet contains auxiliary data, AUX. The next two
`packets contain respective portions of a code mod-
`ule (CM1,CM2). The last packet contains auxiliary
`data, AUX. From the series of packets 34 it can be
`seen that
`if a code module is too large to be
`contained in a single packet,
`it may be carried by
`more than one, with each packet containing a por-
`tion of the code module. Although two packets are
`illustrated in the series of packets 34 as containing
`the code module (CM1,CM2), any number of pack-
`ets may be used to carry the code module, de-
`pending upon its size. The two packets carrying
`the code module, (CM1,CM2) are repetitively trans-
`mitted (not shown) in the series of packets 34, as
`described above.
`In the series of packets 36, the leftmost packet
`contains data representing a code module (CM).
`The next packet (DM1) is a first packet containing
`data representing a data module. The next packet
`auxiliary data, AUX. The next packet
`(DM2) is a second packet containing the remaining
`data representing the data module. From the series
`of packets 36 it may be seen that a data module
`associated with
`the code module
`(CM), may also be included in the packet stream.
`Both the code module (CM) and the data module
`(DM1,DM2)are repetitively transmitted (not shown)
`in the series of packets 36. The rate of repetition of
`the code module (CM) may be different from that
`of the data module (DM1,DM2), and both rates may
`be specified by the application programmer and
`varied during the execution of the application.
`It may further be seen that if the data module
`is too large to be contained in a single packet,
`may be carried by more than one packet, with
`each packet containing a portion of the data mod-
`ule. Although two packets are illustrated in the
`series of packets 36 as containing the data module
`(DM1,DM2), any number of packets may be used
`to carry the data module, depending upon its size.
`It may be further seen that the packets carrying the
`data module need not be transmitted sequentially,
`but may have intervening packets in the packet
`stream. The same is true for multiple packets car-
`rying a code module or directory module (not
`In the bottommost series of packets 38,
`leftmost packet contains data representing the di-
`rectory (DIR). The next packet contains data repre-
`senting a code module (CM), followed by a packet
`containing auxiliary data (AUX) and a packet con-
`taining data representing a data module (DM).
`the series of packet 38 all of a directory module
`(DIR), a code module (CM) and a data module
`(DM) in a single packet stream may be seen. The
`respective repetition rates of these three modules
`may be different, as specified by the programmer
`of the application, and may be varied during the
`execution of the application.
`FIGURE 4 is a block diagram of a client com-
`puter 22 asillustrated in FIGURE 1.
`transport mechanism 30 (of FIGURE 1) is coupled
`to an input terminal of a stream selector 202. An
`output terminal of stream selector 202 is coupled to
`respective input terminals of an auxiliary data ex-
`tractor 204 and a packet data extractor 206. An
`terminal of auxiliary data extractor 204 is
`coupled to the auxiliary data processor 50 (of FIG-
`URE 1). A bidirectional
`terminal of packet data
`extractor 206 is coupled to a corresponding termi-
`nal of a stream I/O adapter 208. A control output
`terminal of stream |/O adapter 208 is coupled to a
`corresponding control
`input terminal of stream se-
`lector 202. The combination of stream selector 202,
`auxiliary data extractor 204 and packet data extrac-
`tor 206 form a data stream receiver 207 for client
`computer 22,
`URE 4.
`illustrated by a dashed line in FIG-
`Stream I/O adapter 208 forms a part of a
`processing unit 224 in client computer 22,
`trated by a dashed line in FIGURE 4. In addition to
`the stream I/O adapter 208, processing unit 224
`a processor 210,
`read/write memory
`(RAM) 212 and read-only memory (ROM) 214
`coupled together in a known manner via a system
`bus 216. Further
`input and output
`facilities are
`provided by an I/O port 218, coupled to the local
`processor 40 (of FIGURE 1); user I/O adapter 220,
`for communicating with user 80; and modem 222,
`coupled to the central processing facility 60 (of
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0452
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0452


`EP 0 680 185 A2
`FIGURE 1); all also coupled to the system bus 216
`in a known manner. Other adapters (not shown)
`may be coupled to system bus 216 to provide
`other capabilities to the processing unit 224.
`As described above, auxiliary data extractor
`204, I/O port 218 and modem 222 are not required
`in a client computer 20 according to the present
`invention. They are illustrated in FIGURE 1 and
`FIGURE4 to show optional additional functionality.
`In operation, processor 210 of processing unit
`224 retrieves program instructions permanently
`stored in ROM 214, or temporarily stored in RAM
`212, and executes the retrieved instructions to read
`data from ROM 212 and/or RAM 214, write data to
`RAM 212 and/or receive data from or supply data
`to outside sources via the I/O port 218, user I/O
`adapter 220 and/or modem 222,
`in a known man-
`ner. Under program control, processor 210 may
`also request a code and/or data module from the
`data stream supplied to the client computer 22 via
`the transport mechanism 30 (of FIGURE 1). To
`retrieve this data, processor 210 first
`stream V/O adapter 208 to send a selection control
`to the stream selector 202, possibly in re-
`sponse to user input from user I/O adapter 220.
`Then processor 210 issues a request for a specific
`code or data module to the stream I/O adapter 208.
`Stream I/O adapter 208 relays this request to the
`packet data extractor 204.
`Transport mechanism 30 (of FIGURE 1) sup-
`plies all of the plurality of packet streams (32-38 of
`Figure 3)
`it carries to the stream selector 202,
`which passes only the selected packet stream.
`Auxiliary data extractor 204 monitors the selected
`packet stream, extracts the auxiliary data packets
`from it and supplies them directly to the auxiliary
`data processor 50 (of FIGURE 1). Packet data
`extractor 206 similarly monitors the selected packet
`stream, extracts the directory, code and/or data
`module packets requested by the stream I/O adapt-
`er 208 and supplies them to the stream I/O adapter
`208. The data in the packets returned to the stream
`V/O adapter 208 is supplied to the RAM 212. When
`the entire module has been retrieved from the
`packet stream (which may require several packets,
`as described above), processor 210 is notified of
`its receipt by the stream I/O adapter 208. Proces-
`sor 210 may then continue execution of
`its pro-
`The data stream in a distributed computing
`system illustrated in FIGURE 1
`is similar to a mass
`storage system in prior art systems. An application
`program executing on the processor 210 makes a
`request for a module listed in the directory in the
`same manner that such a program would make a
`requestfor a file containing a code or data module
`previously stored on a mass storage device in a
`prior art system. The data stream receiver 207 is
`similar to a mass storage device, and stream I/O
`208 acts in a similar manner to a mass storage
`adapter on a prior art system by locating the de-
`sired data, transferring it to a predetermined loca-
`tion (I/O buffer) in the system memory and inform-
`ing the processor of the completion of the retrieval.
`the stream I/O adapter 208 can only
`retrieve code and data from the data stream; data
`cannotbe written to the data stream.
`As described above, the distributed computing
`application may be divided into more than one
`code module, each containing executable code for
`a different portion of the distributed computing ap-
`plication. When a particular code module is de-
`sired, processor 210 requests that code module
`from stream I/O adapter 208. When execution of
`that module has completed, processor 210 re-
`quests the next module from stream I/O 208. Be-
`cause code and data modules are repetitively car-
`ried on the data stream, a module may be deleted
`from RAM 212 when it
`is not currently needed
`without the necessity of temporarily being stored,
`because if
`required later,
`it may again be
`retrieved from the data stream when needed. How-
`if RAM 212 has sufficient capacity, processor
`210 may request stream I/O adapter to simulta-
`neously load several code modules into RAM 212.
`lf this can be done, then processor 210 may switch
`between code modules without waiting for stream
`VO adapter 208 to extract
`them from the data
`As described above, other I/O adapters may be
`coupled to the system bus 216 in a known manner.
`For example, in an interactive TV system, a graph-
`ics adapter may be coupled to system bus 216.
`The graphics adapter generates signals represent-
`ing graphical
`in a known manner,
`in re-
`sponseto instructions from the processor 210. Fur-
`ther, these signals may be combined with the stan-
`dard video signal produced by the video decoder
`(described above) in the auxiliary data processor
`50 of an interactive TV system. When the graphical
`image representative signal and the standard video
`signal are combined, the resulting signal represents
`an image in which the image generated by the
`graphics adapter is superimposed on the image
`represented by the broadcast video signal.
`also possible to selectively combine these two im-
`age representative signals under the control of the
`processor 210.
`An interactive TV system, may also include a
`sound adapter coupled to the system bus 216. The
`sound adapter generates a signal representing a
`computer generated sound (such as music, syn-
`thesized voice or other sound), in a known manner,
`in response to instructions from the processor 210.
`Further, these signals may be combined with the
`standard audio signal produced by the audio de-
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0453
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0453


`EP 0 680 185 A2
`coder (described above) in the auxiliary data pro-
`cessor 50 of an interactive TV system. When the
`sound representative signal and the standard audio
`signal are combined, the resulting signal represents
`the combination of
`the sound generated by the
`sound adapter and the broadcast audio signal.
`It is
`also possible to selectively combine these two
`sound representative signals under the control of
`the processor 210.
`The timing of the generation and display of the
`image and sound representative signals,
`may be controlled by receipt of the time code data
`from the data stream. This enables an executable
`code module to synchronize the display of proces-
`sor generated image and presentation of processor
`generated sound to the broadcast video and aucio.
`It is further possible to synchronize the operation of
`the interactive TV application by the insertion of
`specialized packets into the data stream which
`cause an interrupt of the code currently executing
`in processor 210. Stream I/O 208 monitors the data
`stream for such specialized packets, and generates
`an interrupt,
`in a known manner, for the processor
`210. Processor 210 responds to that interrupt, also
`in known manner, by executing an interrupt service
`routine (ISR). This ISR may be used for synchro-
`nization of the interactive TV application, or other
`A client computer 22 in a distributed computing
`system asillustrated in FIGURE 1 does not need a
`mass storage device, nor a large amount of RAM
`212. Such a system decreases the cost of a client
`computer, and increases the functionality of
`lower cost client computers.
`In addition, such a
`client computer has the option of participating in a
`distributed computing function, may join in the dis-
`tributed computing function at any time (or may
`drop out and return later), and may participate at
`its own pace.
`1. A distributed computer system characterized
`a source (10) of a continuous data stream
`repetitively including data representing a dis-
`tributed computing application; and
`a client computer (20), receiving (207) the
`data stream, extracting (206)
`the distributed
`computing application representative data from
`the data stream, and executing (224) the ex-
`tracted distributed computing application.
`2. The computer system of claim 1, further char-
`acterized by
`auxiliary data processor;
`the data stream source produces the data
`stream further including auxiliary data; and
`the client computer extracts the auxiliary
`data from the data stream and supplies it to
`the auxiliary data processor.
`The computer system of claim 2, characterized
`in that:
`the data stream source produces the data
`stream in the form of a series of packets;
`a first one of the series of packets contains
`data representing the distributed computing
`application and includes identification informa-
`tion indicating that the first one of the series of
`packets contains data representing the distrib-
`uted computing application; and
`a second one of
`the series of packets
`contains auxiliary data and includes identifica-
`tion information indicating that the second one
`of the series of packets contains auxiliary data.
`The computer system of claim 1, characterized
`in that:
`the data stream source simultaneously
`streams, each repetitively including data repre-
`senting a respective distributed computing ap-
`plication; and
`the client computer further includes a data
`receiver for selectively receiving one of
`plurality of data streams, and extracting the
`distributed computing application representa-
`tive data included in the selected one of the
`data streams.
`The computer system of claim 4, further char-
`auxiliary data processor;
`the data stream source produces the data
`stream further including auxiliary data; and
`the client computer extracts the auxiliary
`data from the data stream and supplies it to
`the auxiliary data processor.
`The computer system of claim 4, characterized
`in that:
`the data stream source produces the data
`stream in the form of a series of packets;
`a first one of the series of packets contains
`data representing the executable code module
`and includes identification information indicat-
`ing that the first one of the series of packets
`contains data representing the executable code
`the series of packets
`a second one of
`contains data representing the data module
`and includes identification information indicat-
`ing that the second one of the series of pack-
`ets contains data representing the data mod-
`ule; and
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0454
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0454


`EP 0 680 185 A2
`a third one of the series of packets con-
`tains auxiliary data and includes identification
`information indicating that the third one of the
`series of packets contains auxiliary data.
`The computer system of claim 6, characterized
`in that:
`the data stream source produces the data
`stream further
`including a directory module
`containing information related to the code
`module; and
`the client computer first extracts the direc-
`tory module from the data stream,
`then ex-
`tracts the code module in response fo the
`information related to the code module in the
`extracted directory module, and executes the
`extracted code module.
`The computer system of claim 1, characterized
`in that:
`the data stream source produces the data
`stream in the form of a series of packets;
`a first one of the series of packets contains
`data representing the executable code module
`and includes identification information indicat-
`In a distributed computer system, a client com-
`puter (22), characterized by:
`an input terminal (30), for receiving a con-
`tinuous data stream repetitively including data
`representing a distributed computing applica-
`a data stream receiver (207), coupled to
`receiving the data
`stream and extracting (206)
`the distributed
`computing application representative data; and
`a processing unit
`(224), coupled to the
`data stream receiver, for receiving and execut-
`ing (210) the distributed computing application.
`The client computer of claim 10, characterized
`in that the processing unit comprises:
`a system bus;
`read/write memory, coupled to the system
`a data stream input/output adapter, coup-
`led between the data stream receiver and the
`system bus, for receiving the extracted distrib-
`uted computing application representative data
`from the data stream receiver, and storing it in
`the read/write memory; and
`a processor, coupled to the system bus for
`executing the distributed computing application
`stored in the read/write memory.
`The client computer of claim 10, characterized
`in that:
`the input terminal receives the data stream
`as a series of packets containing packets car-
`rying the distributed computing application re-
`presentative data; and
`the data stream receiver comprises
`packet data extractor, coupled to the input
`terminal, for extracting the packets carrying the
`distributed computing application representa-
`tive data.
`ing that the first one of the series of packets
`contains data representing the executable code
`the series of packets
`a second one of
`contains data representing the data module
`and includes identification information indicat-
`ing that the second one of the series of pack-
`ets contains data representing the data mod-
`a third one of the series of packets con-
`tains data representing the directory module
`and includes identification information indicat-
`ing that the second one of the series of pack-
`ets contains data representing the directory
`module; and
`a fourth one of the series of packets con-
`tains auxiliary data and includes identification
`information indicating that the third one of the
`series of packets contains auxiliary data.
`The computer system of claim 8, characterized
`in that:
`the data stream source produces the data
`stream further including a data module and a
`directory module further contains information
`related to the data module; and
`the client computer
`further extracts the
`data module from the data stream in response
`to the information related to the data module in
`the extracted directory module and executes
`the extracted code module to process the ex-
`tracted data module.
`The client computer of claim 12, characterized
`in that:
`the series of packets in the data stream
`further include packets carrying auxiliary data;
`the client computer
`includes an
`auxiliary data processor; and
`the data stream receiver comprises an
`auxiliary data packet extractor, coupled to the
`auxiliary data processor,
`for extracting the
`packets carrying the auxiliary data from the
`data stream and supplying them to the auxil-
`iary data processor.
`The client computer of claim 13, characterized
`in that the distributed computing system is an
`interactive television system, and the auxiliary
`data is television video and audio.
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0455
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0455


`EP 0 680 185 A2
`The client computer of claim 10, characterized
`in that:
`terminal receives a plurality of
`the input
`data streams, each including data representing
`a respective distributed computing application;
`the data stream receiver comprises:
`a data stream selector, coupled to the in-
`put terminal, for producing a selected one of
`the plurality of data streams in response to
`control signals from the processing unit; and
`data extractor,
`coupled between the data
`stream selector and the processing unit,
`extracting the distributed computing application
`representative data from the selected one of
`the plurality of data streams.
`The client computer of claim 15, characterized
`in that:
`the data stream selector comprises a se-
`lection control input terminal, and produces the
`selected one of the plurality of data streams in
`response to a control signal at the selection
`control input terminal;
`the processing unit comprises:
`a system bus;
`read/write memory, coupled to the system
`a data stream input/output adapter, coup-
`led between the data stream receiver and the
`system bus, for receiving the extracted distrib-
`uted computing application representative data
`from the data stream receiver, and storing it in
`the read/write memory, and having a control
`output terminal coupled to the selection control
`input terminal of the data stream selector, for
`producing the selection contro! signal; and
`a processor, coupled to the system bus,
`for controlling the data stream input/output de-
`vice to generate a selection control signal se-
`lecting a specified one of the plurality of data
`and for executing the distributed
`computing application stored in the read/write
`The client computer of claim 10, characterized
`in that:
`the input terminal receives the distributed
`computing application representative data in-
`cluding an executable code module;
`the data stream receiver extracts the ex-
`ecutable code module; and
`the processing unit executes the extracted
`code module.
`The client computer of claim 17, characterized
`in that:
`the input terminal receives the distributed
`computing application representative data fur-
`includes a directory module containing
`information related to the executable code
`module; and
`the data stream receiver first extracts the
`directory module from the data stream;
`the processing unit then processes the in-
`formation related to the executable code mod-
`ule in the directory module;
`the data stream receiver then extracts the
`executable code module from the data stream
`based on the information related to the execut-
`able code module in the extracted directory
`module; and
`the processing unit then executes the ex-
`tracted executable code module.
`The client computer of claim 18, characterized
`in that:
`the distributed computing application re-
`presentative data further includes a data mod-
`ule and the directory module further contains
`information related to the data module;
`the processing unit further processes the
`information related to the data module in the
`directory module;
`the data stream receiver further extracts
`the data module from the data stream based
`on the information related to the data module
`in the extracted directory module; and
`the processing unit executes the extracted
`code module to process the extracted data.
`The client computer of claim 10 characterized
`in that the distributed computing application is
`divided into a plurality of modules, represent-
`ing portions of the application, and the pro-
`cessing unit stores only modules of said plural-
`ity of modules, necessary to execute the cur-
`rent portion of the application.
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0456
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0456


`EP 0 680 185 A2
`FIG. 1
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0457
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0457


`EP 0 680 185 A2
` 7103
`FIG. 2
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0458
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0458


`EP 0 680 185 A2
`24N —_- ZT :
`oe ~
`FIG. 4
`| USER80
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0459
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`(19) —d)
`Europaisches Patentamt
`European Patent Office
`Office européen des brevets
`EP 0 680 185 A3
`(88) Date of publication A3:
`02.05.2002 Bulletin 2002/18
`(43) Date of publication A2:
`02.11.1995 Bulletin 1995/44
`(21) Application number: 95105803.1
`(51) Int ci.7: HO4L 29/06, HOAN 7/24,
`GO6F 9/445
`(22) Date of filing: 19.04.1995
`(84) Designated Contracting States:
`(80) Priority: 28.04.1994 US 233908
`(71) Applicant: OpenTV,Inc.
`Mountain View, CA 94043 (US)
`- Dureau, Vincent
`Venice, California 90291 (US)
`- Jessup, Ansley Wayne, Jr.
`Willingboro, New Jersey 08046 (US)
`« Delpuch, Alain
`Los Angeles, California 90064 (US)
`(72) Inventors:
`¢« Joseph, Kuriacose
`Plainsboro, New Jersey 08543 (US)
`289-293 High Holborn
`London WC1V 7HU (GB)
`(74) Representative: Freeman, Jacqueline Carol et al
`Celcon House
`A distributed computer system
`A distributed computer system is disclosed
`which comprises a source (30) of a continuous data
`stream repetitively including data representing a distrib-
`uted computing application and a client computer (22),
`receiving the data stream, for extracting (207) the dis-
`tributed computing application representative data from
`the data stream, and executing (224) the extracted dis-
`tributed computing application.
`TRANSPORT = @- —- — ar
`—_— oora ma224 —_— —_— —
`- 7
`FIG. 4
`Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0460
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 0460


`EP 0 680 185 A3
`European Patent
`Application Number
`EP 95 10 5803
`Citation of documentwith indication, where appropriate,
`of relevant
`US 5 251 301A (COOK GARY M)
`5 October 1993 (1993-10-05)
`* abstract *
`* calumn 1,
`* column 3,
`* colum 4,
`figure 3 *
`* claims 1,6-10 *
`line 62 — column 2,
`line 5 ~ line 48 *
`line 57 -—

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