WO 97/41804

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`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1601
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`WO 97/41504
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`WO 97/4504
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`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1604
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`WO 97/4804
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`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1605
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`WO 97/41504
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`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1606
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`-GOGF 3/00, 3/14, 13/00, 13/42
`J3 CL: 395/602, 603, 607, 807, BSE, 200.02; 348/482, 515: 370/952
`According io international Patent Classification (IPC) of te both national classification and IPC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbcis}
`395/602, 603, 6GO7, 207, 881, 200.02; 348/482, $15. 370/452
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of dats base and, where practicable, search terms used}
`Kelevani to claim No.

`i; US
`5,673,909 A (STELOVSKY} 25 March 1997, Figs. 2,4-|
`| 610,12; col. 3, lines 21-60: col. 14,
`lines 17-87.
`SsofiCom LearningNet Multimedia Distance
`http: //, 1395, Softcom. |
`inc., see entire document,
`i The Re:Viewer Workstation Revolutionary search, retrieval,| 1-16
`and organization of litigation discovery data, Produci News
`| Law Technology. vol. 2, no. 6, June 1995, see entire
`| document,
`Special categorica of cited documenns:
`document defining the generni state of the ort which is aot voraidered
`to be of particular relevance
`sarher document published on or after the mumational filing daw
`document which may throw doubts of pramy cisum(s) or which w
`cited io establish the publication date of another citation oF other >
`epeniad seaear (as epecifind)
`document referring i an oral diaclasure. use. exhibiuon or other
`later document published efter the murnasonsl filing date or prority
`dute snd nos an conflict with the application but cuad to understand the
`poucipte or theory undertyang the uivesmon
`document of purtculer relevance: the clauned mvenuon cannot be
`considered novel or cannot de considered io Mvolve an miventive shag
`when the document » taben alome
`documen of parucular relevance; the claimed wvennon cannot be
`conadersd io myolve an avenuve step when the document »
`combined with one or mare other ouch documents, such combination
`being sbvious to 0 person skilled in the art
`donument member of the seme patent family
` search repon
`document subliched priorto the iuisrastional filing date but later than
`the priovity date claimed
`[ Date of the actual completion of the international search
`j Gate of mailing of the international
`24 JULY 1997
`O5 SEP 1997
`Name and mailing address of the ISA/US
`Aulhonzed officer
`Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks
`Box PCT
`Washington, 6.C. 20231
`Facsimile No,
`(703) 305-3236_
`(703) 305-9678
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheetj(luly 1992}8
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1607
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`| InternationalapplicationNo.


`RAVINDRAN K. ET AL, Delay Compensation Protocols for
`| Synchronization of Multimedia Data Streams: [EEE transactions
`on Knowledge and Data Engineering. August 1993. Vol. 5. No, 4.
`pages 574-589, especially pages 574, and 588.
`LUS 3,630,117 A (OREN ET AL) 13 May 1997, col.
`|, lines 62-
`64; col. 2, lines 50-35,
`US 5,642,171 A (BAUMGARTNER ET AL) 24 June 1997,
`| Abstract, Fig. 6.
`US 5,471,ST6 A (YEE) 28 November 1995, Abstract, Fig. 2.
`US 5,274,758 A (BEITEL ET AL} 28 December 1993, Figs. 10,
`14, 43,
`US 3,101,274 A (YOSHIMURA ET AL) 31 March 1992,
`US 5,619,733 A (NOE ET AL) 08 April 1997, Abstract
`US 4,761,781 A (CALVIGNAC ET AL) 02 August 1988,
`1-2,5,8-10, 16-17
`| LS.ELI6
` FormPCT/SA/2I0 (continuationofseeundahestilaly 19526
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1608
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`International Bureau
`(51) International Patent Classification 6 :
`(11) International Publication Number:
`WO 97/44942
`HO4L 29/06
`(43) International Publication Date:
`27 November 1997 (27.11.97)
`(22) International Filing Date:
`22 May 1997 (22.05.97)
`(on-the-fly) based on the criteria. Buffering of data with pausing to rectify buffer debt is provided by the client.
`In a distributed computing environment, a data stream is formed of a sequence of requested objects. The defined order of the sequence
`of objects is determined from a client request for data. The order may be a default order, or, alternatively,
`the server may track client
`criteria to determine the order. For example, the server (17) may track objects previously transmitted in the stream to the client (13) such
`that there is no duplication of objects. In other instances, the server may select an object from a class of objects, depending upon object
`quality, bandwidth, client location, and other client-specific criteria. The server compiles and transmits the object data stream in real-time
`(21) International Application Number: PCT/US97/08679|(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR,
`BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB, GE,
`LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ,
`PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, TJ, TM, TR, TT,
`UA, UG, UZ, VN, YU, ARIPO patent (GH, KE, LS, MW,
`SD, SZ, UG), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD,
`RU, TJ, TM), European patent (AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES,
`FI, FR, GB, GR,IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent
`(BF, BJ, CF, CG, Cl, CM, GA, GN, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD,
`(30) Priority Data:
`24 May 1996 (24.05.96)
`(71) Applicant:
`[US/US], 204 Second Avenue, Waltham, MA 02154 (US).
`18 Jacob Amsden Road,
`(72) Inventors: KLIGER, Scott, A.;
`Westborough, MA 02581 (US). MIDDLETON, Thomas,|Published
`M., Il; 25 Burditt Avenue, Hingham, MA 02043 (US).
`Without international search report and to be republished
`WHITE, Gregory, T.; 31 Old Billerica Road, Bedford, MA
`upon receipt of that report.
`01730 (US).
`(74) Agents: WAKIMURA, Mary, Lou et al.; Hamilton, Brook,
`Smith & Reynolds, P.C., Two Militia Drive, Lexington, MA
`02173 (US).
`(57) Abstract
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1609
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1609


`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT.
`Republic of Moldova
`The former Yugoslav
`Republic of Macedonia
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`Viet Nam
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
`Bosnia and Herzegovina
`Burkina Faso
`Central African Republic
`Céte d'Ivoire
`Czech Republic
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People’s
`Republic of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Saint Lucia
`Sri Lanka
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1610
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`This application claims the benefit of a United States
`Provisional Application Serial No. 60/018,256 filed May 24,
`"Distributed computing" makes use of a computer
`network formed out of one or more computers loosely coupled
`together to allow processes on different computers to
`communicate with each other and to provide services for
`each other. One of the most common paradigms of
`distributed computing is known as the "client-server
`in which consumers of services are called
`"clients", and make requests of service providers, called
`there is a
`In object oriented distributed computing,
`Each object
`notion of computer entities called “objects".
`comprises a particular state and a set of defined
`behaviors. The state is represented by data maintained by
`the object.
`The behavior is specified in terms of
`operations that the object can perform with the
`operations, typically realized by executable code.
`the data and the code are inextricably bound
`together in the object. Objects may be "persistent", that
`they may continue to exist even though they are
`inactive or the computer on which they exist has failed or
`has been turned off. Further, objects may issue requests
`for services to other objects as well as supply services.
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1611
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`WO 97/44942
`Typically, data is hela in linear files on a server.
`When a client requests that data or a part thereof, a
`connection is formed between the data source (server) and
`delivery (client) point.
`In the prior art there are in general two different
`types of servers.
`The first, known as a web server,
`typically stores data files of a number of different types.
`Web servers typically communicate with clients over a
`network such as the Internet using the well known TCP/IP
`protocol. The second type of server, known as a streaming
`media server, stores and transmits media files of various
`the web servers presently in use
`More particularly,
`typically store data files ina format known as Hyper Text
`Markup Language(HTML).
`HTML permits the web servers to
`handle container files which reference other files of
`varying formats. Using HTML, a given web document may
`include content information in various formats and may also
`refer to other files by including reference information
`known as a Uniform Reference Locator (URL). URL's Specify
`the location of remote servers at which files referenced in
`the HTML file may be located.
`Upon receipt of an HTML file from the original web
`server, a client then must access each document referenced
`from its source.
`Each such request typically requires a
`full cycle of communication with a remote server,
`opening a connection socket with the remote server,
`requesting that the file be transferred, waiting for the
`file to download, closing the connection, and then, finally
`parsing the file.
`To render a given web page may therefore
`require many such cycles.
`The other type of server, known as a streaming media
`server, has been developed to be particularly suited for
`multimedia of various types.
`Such servers may handle
`Single data types, such as a RealAudio™ file, or may
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1612
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1612


`in formats such as NetShow™
`include mixed media types,
`(RealAudio™ is a trademark of Progressive Networks, Inc.,
`and NetShow™ is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation).
`any event, media files are typically laid out in a linear
`fashion in a single file. Thus, when the client requests a
`file from a streaming server, a socket is simply opened and
`delivery of data is begun.
`The client may perform a caching or buffering
`operation prior to actual play back of the media file.
`This ensures that the media file is played back to the user
`of the client computer in a continuous stream.
`the client may calculate in advance an amount
`of data that it must have on hand prior to actually
`beginning to render the media file,
`so that the user has an
`impression of continuous delivery of the media.
`In such a linear streaming server, files may be
`formatted in advance with a specific communication transfer
`bandwidth in mind.
`For example, a Real Audio file may have
`been compressed for receipt at a baud rate such as 14.4
`kilo bits per second (kbps). Another file would be made
`available for optimum playback at 28.8 kbps. These
`different file formats provide for allowances in playing
`back data such that it is rendered in a continuous fashion
`at the respective rates.
`the connection remains open
`In streaming media server,
`with the server during the full duration of the play back
`of the file. Thus, for example, even on a high speed
`network connection such as a T1 line, if the media file is
`a ten minute audio file,
`then the connection will remain
`open for ten minutes, even though the available information
`transfer rate on a T1 line is much greater than the audio
`In addition, one other disadvantage of streaming media
`servers is that they typically implement a lossy type of
`compression algorithm. Thus,
`if network traffic increases
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1613
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`WO 97/44942
`after file download has begun, bits may be dropped and the
`quality of the presentation is adversely affected.
`Therefore, with streaming media files,
`the content
`must typically be specific to each type of client at the
`targeted bit rate.
`In addition,
`the streaming media server
`is occupied for the real time duration of the media clip,
`and the presentation may experience degradation based upon
`the amount of latency in the network.
`in the present invention, rather than
`interpreting container objects that contain references to
`other objects that must be retrieved by the client opening
`‘multiple connections with various servers, and rather than
`specifying the streaming of data in a single access
`the present invention provides for transmission of
`data as a stream of objects.
`In particular,
`in response to
`a user or application request for a file,
`the client issues
`a request for the file in the form of a sequence of desired
`The request is presented to the server as a
`single request that includes a list of multiple objects to
`be returned to the client.
`the request is pulled together
`On the server side,
`according to what the client has requested.
`The requested
`objects are then sent together in a single stream to the
`client. To accomplish this,
`the server analyzes the request
`to locate the particular objects.
`Objects that are available locally to the server are
`simply added to the outgoing stream, however,
`the server
`may also need to query back end file servers and other
`sources for objects that may be located at other computers
`in the network.
`The server then assemblies these objects
`together and provides them to the client in a single object
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1614
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`WO 97/44942
`typically the
`In one implementation of the invention,
`default implementation,
`the server may analyze the reqeust
`and assemble objects based upon a predefined order, such as
`specified by an object map file located at the server.
`In another implementation of the invention,
`the server
`may assemble objects “on-the-fly”, based upon client-
`specific criteria.
`The present invention thus also permits
`the mixture of different objects in an object stream,
`depending upon the particular client or client request.
`The assembly of object streams may thus occur dynamically
`based upon any number of client-specific criteria, such as
`the objects already available to the client,
`communication channel bandwidth,
`the desired presentation
`quality, client buffer capability, or other parameters
`associated with the client or the communications channel.
`For example,
`the server may maintain a log of objects
`already sent to the client, and send only those objects
`which are not already available at the client computer.
`The client may also specify an object class together
`with information that enables the server to determine which
`member object of the class is to be placed in the stream.
`Such information may include the communication
`bandwidth, graphical resolution, physical location, or
`other information which varies from client to client.
`The server may also send objects of a particular
`quality targeted to particular clients.
`The selection of
`objects may depend upon client parameters such as observed
`network latency in real time or desired object quality.
`The system may also include buffering, so that the
`rendering of the set of objects may be delayed until a
`sufficient amount of data is received at the client.
`The foregoing and other objects, features and
`advantages of the invention will be apparent from the
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1615
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`WO 97/44942
`following more particular description of preferred
`embodiments and the drawings in which like reference
`characters refer to the same parts throughout the different
`The drawings are not necessarily to scale, emphasis
`instead being placed upon illustrating the principles of
`the invention.
`1 is a block diagram of a computer network
`employing the present invention.
`2 is a schematic flow diagram of one embodiment
`of the present invention.
`3 illustrates how a server dynamically assembles
`an object stream in response to a client request.
`Illustrated in Fig.
`1 is a biock diagram of a general
`A plurality of computers 13, 15, 17
`computer network 21.
`are coupled across a communication channel 11 for
`communication amongst each other. Various subsets of the
`computers may themselves form a local area network (LAN) or
`other local network 13, 15.
`Each of the various local
`networks are coupled through a respective router 12a, 12b
`to channel] 11. This enables communication from one local
`network to another across the channel 11 to form what is
`In the preferred embodiment,
`Known as an “internet”.
`present invention is employed on what has become known as
`the Internet
`(an international computer network linking an
`estimated 35 million people to approximately 4.8 million
`host computers or information sources).
`In the preferred embodiment the computers 13, 15, 17
`or digital processors employing the present invention are
`of the PC or mini computer type, or the like, having
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1616
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1616


`WO 97/44942
`processing capabilities of the Intel XX386 processing chip
`or better.
`The communication channel 11 is a typical
`telephone line or other transmission/communication cable
`handling a 28,800 baud data rate or the like.
`A sequence of steps are undertaken by the computers
`13, 15, 17 to transfer data in the form of a stream of
`objects according to the present invention.
`For example, a
`given client computer 13a may issue a request for computer
`data to another computer 17, which acts as a server.
`Referring to Fig. 2,
`the client 13a is a computer
`that executes an application (or other user interaction)
`for which certain data needs to be made present.
`In steps
`100 and 102,
`the client receives an object stream request
`from the application that includes a global identification
`eof an object map which indicates certain objects existing
`in the network 21 that the client application program
`In particular,
`the object stream request includes a
`list, or linear sequence of objects identified a global
`object identification number.
`The client 13a transmits the
`initial request to the server 17, which enters state 200 to
`transfer back a global identification of the object map
`listing subject objects.
`The client next determines whether the object map is
`stored locally. Thus,
`the client 13a checks multiple local
`memories such as hardware caches, working memory, CD-Rom's
`and local network memories for the object map in state
`then the client
`If the object map is found locally,
`analyzes the object map.
`If the object map is not found
`then the client requests the object map from the
`server in state 106.
`the server enters states
`In response to this request,
`202, 203 and 204 to (i)
`initialize a log of object
`identifications for this client, (ii) initialize a steady
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1617
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1617


`WO 97/44942
`-3 -
`state connection with the client, and (iii) transmit the
`object map identified by the client 13a.
`The client 13a then analyzes the object map in state
`108. This is accomplished by the client processing each
`object referred in on the object map, as indicated by the
`analyze loop of states 110,112 and 114.
`For each such object,
`the client first determines,
`state 110, whether the object is in local cache.
`If not,
`then the client 13a adds the identification of the object
`to a request block. As long as the block is not full, this
`loop continues with the client adding an identification of
`each object not found in local cache in state 112.
`When the block is full in state 114,
`the client
`transmits a request to the server for the block of objects
`as a list of object identifications.
`Upon receipt of this request (i.e., a block of object
`the server 17 then initiates the
`assembly of a data stream and compiles the stream of
`objects based on (i) the sequence of requested objects
`and/or (ii) quality of the objects.
`To accomplish this the server constructs blocks of
`objects to form the data stream,
`in states 206 through 214.
`In constructing the blocks,
`the server 17 maintains a log
`of objects being transmitted to fulfill the client's
`request. Specifically,
`in states 206 and 208, for each
`object in the block,
`the server 17 first determines from
`the log whether the object has previously been transmitted
`to the particular client 13a.
`If so,
`the server 17 enters
`state 214 to prevent that object from being placed in the
`current block. Therefore, states 110 and 212 are entered
`only for the objects that the client is actually in need
`In state 210,
`the server only fetches objects
`from remote servers which are actually needed by the client
`13a. This provides a significant performance advantage,
`especially where the objects must be obtained elsewhere in
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1618
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1618


`WO 97/44942
`7” 9g -
`the server 17 constructs blocks
`the network 21. As such,
`of data and hence compiles the stream of data for the
`client 13a in real time, i.e., on the fly, without
`duplication of any one object throughout the total data
`the client 13a receives the
`On the receiving end,
`object stream in state 116. More accurately,
`the data of
`the object is then delivered to the requesting application
`of the client for further processing and use.
`In summary, for each such object request by the
`client 13a, an object streaming type communication from the
`server 17 to client 13a is performed.
`In particular, a
`request for a sequence of non-local objects is made by the
`client 13a and transmitted to the server 17.
`[In turn,
`server 17 initializes a log of objects according to object
`identifications, and then fulfills the request for objects
`by transmitting the requested objects,
`in sequence order,
`which have not previously been transmitted to that client
`13a as indicated by the log.
`It should be understood that the objects may be
`computer data structures of various types and formats.
`objects may, for example, be compiled in any number of ways
`within the object oriented computing model well known in
`the art.
`For example, objects may include text, graphics,
`audio, video, and other types of digitized information.
`Furthermore, objects may be complete data files or only
`portions of such files.
`In addition,
`the objects
`themselves may be classes that consist of a number of
`objects grouped together.
`The object request must then
`typically include information to specify which member of
`the object class is desired by the client 13a.
`For example, an object class may consist of various
`versions of a particular graphic object. The selected
`version may depend upon the desired quality of the final
`graphical rendering of the object desired by the client
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1619
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`WO 97/44942
`computer 13a. Quality may also have other meaning such as
`bandwidth, graphical resolution, number of colors,
`available client memory cache size, and other class
`criteria that depend upon the type of client computer 13a.
`In addition, object classes may depend upon various
`other client-specific information such as domains, for
`In this scenario, when the client computer 13a is
`located in one area of the country, such as Massachusetts,
`a different object may be returned than when the client 13b
`is located in California, although each of the clients 13a,
`13b actually requested the same global object.
`3 is a diagram illustrating how an example object
`stream 300 may be assembled by the streaming servers 17,
`and in particular showing how the object stream does not
`have to originate from a single source or a single file.
`Here the client 13a requests and receives a particular
`object map 301 consisting of a list of object
`identifications such as the list (ID1,1ID4,ID7,ID6,ID2,
`ID3), where each object identification IDx indicates a
`global address for a particular object. According to the
`process already described in connection with Fig. 2,
`client 13a first creates a request block 302 taking into
`account any local objects 303 which it may already have
`In the particular illustrated example,
`client 13a already has local objects (01, 06) available
`the request
`After compiling the request block 302,
`block 302 is sent to the streaming server 17.
`server 17 receives the request block 302 and then assembles
`a stream block 310a for the client 13a.
`It should be
`understood that other stream blocks 310b may also be
`constructed for other clients 13b at the same time as the
`block being constructed for client 13a.
`For example, assuming a first time interaction between
`the client 13a and server 17 in a given stream,
`the server
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1620
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`WO 97/44942
`17 typically has a default data stream order regardless of
`user interaction on the client 18 side.
`In a first modification,
`the server 17 may have
`available certain information concerning the client.
`Because the server 17 may compose the data stream on-the-
`the default stream order may be changed in accordance
`with prior history of requests made on the server 17. That
`is, on the server processor, an analysis of multiple prior
`usage of server objects by other clients is made.
`server 17 changes the default objects stream 300 order to
`the closest substitution (i-.e., object map) based on
`demographics of clients 13a having prior server data/object
`To accomplish such an analysis, a neural network
`May be employed.
`the streaming server 17
`In yet another modification,
`may create the stream block 310a from information that is
`known about the specific client 13a.
`For example,
`the server 17 may maintain a log 31la of
`objects that have already been provided to client 13a as
`well as any available local objects 312 local to the server
`In the illustrated example the log 311a indicates
`objects (ID1,ID6) as already having been provided to client
`In addition,
`the available local objects 312 include
`It should be understood, as previously described,
`a particular object such as object 04 may actually consist
`of a class definition, as illustrated, wherein a number of
`objects comprise the class.
`For example, object 04 here is
`actually an object class (04a,0b4,...04x).
`The streaming
`server 17 thus also receives together with the object
`identification request block 302 information as to which
`particular member of class 04 is appropriately provided to
`the client 13a.
`The streaming server 17 then assembles the stream
`block 310a as illustrated, which includes all of the
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1621
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1621


`WO 97/44942
`In the
`objects that the client 13a has requested.
`illustrated example this includes objects (04a, 07, Q2,
`012, 03). After assembly of the stream block 310a the
`streaming server 17 then provides the stream block 310a as
`a single object stream 300 to the client 13a.
`During assembly of the stream block 310a the streaming
`server 17 may not have all the necessary objects available
`in the local object list 312.
`In such instances the
`streaming server 17 must query other remote server
`computers 15a, 15b connected to the network 21 in order to
`locate the objects. This is done in a manner which is well
`known in the art by the streaming server 17 making requests
`of the remote computers 15a, 15b to provide their
`In Fig.
`respective objects that they have made available.
`3, objects (07, 02, O04) are located at computer 15a and
`(03) at computer 15b.
`An identical object map may be operated on ina
`aifferent manner by server 17 for client 13b.
`particular, although the object map 301b is the same as the
`objects map 30la, because a different list of object 303b
`is available to client 13b,
`the request block 302b created
`by client 13b will have different object identification
`numbers (ID4,
`ID3). Furthermore,
`the client
`parameter(s) provided with the request block by client 13b
`may very well be different for that provided by client 13a.
`Thus, an object of a particular quality may be targeted to
`client 13b which is different than as that supplied to
`For example, when clients 13a and 13b request
`client 13a.
`that object 04 be provided to them, client 13a may actually
`receive object O4a and client 13b may receive object O4b,
`despite the fact that the reference 04 was a common global
`object identification.
`The object classes may also be defined as bandwith
`selectable objects.
`In particular,
`the resulting data
`stream 300 may be assembled based upon observed client
`EXHIBIT 1003 - PAGE 1622

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