Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` )
` )
` ) IPR2022-01227
`V. ) PATENT 9,762,636 B2
` )
` ) PATENT 9,742,824 B2
` DATE: August 25, 2023
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` | 866-4Team GE
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`WAG Acquisition LLC
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` TRANSCRIPT of the deposition of the
`witness, called for Oral Examination in the
`above-captioned matter, said deposition being taken
`by and before MICHAEL FRIEDMAN, a Notary Public and
`Certified Court Reporter of the State of New Jersey,
`located at ZOOM VTC, all parties remote, on
`August 25, 2023, commencing at approximately 10:00
`in the morning.
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`33 Arch Street
`Boston, MA 02110
`Attorneys for Petitioner
`405 Lexington Avenue
`New York, NY 10174
`Attorneys for Patent Owner
` * * * * *
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` I N D E X
` By Mr. Abramson 6
` * * * * *
` E X H I B I T S
`EXHIBIT 2111 Tree diagram 49
` * * * * *
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` - - -
` Deposition Support Index
` - - -
`Direction to witness not to answer
`Page Line Page Line Page Line Page Line
`Request for production of documents
`Page Line Page Line Page Line Page Line
`Questions marked
`Page Line Page Line Page Line Page Line
` * * * * *
`4 5
`8 9
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
`Page 6
`H E N R Y H O U H, Ph D.,
` called as a witness, having been first
`duly sworn according to law, testifies as follows:
` Q Good morning, Dr. Houh.
` A Good morning.
` MR. ABRAMSON: Sorry. I'm afraid I
` have too many Windows open here. It's a
` bit bewildering. Oh, of course, this
` one never comes up.
` Oh, yes. Here it is.
` All right. So we have already --
` already marked in this case, and in this
` case I'm referring to --
` (Whereupon a discussion was held
` off the record.)
` Q In each case, Dr. Houh, you
`submitted a supplemental declaration.
` Is that right?
` A I believe that's true. I -- I
`believe that's true.
` Q Okay. I want to pronounce your
`name right. Is it How or Houh?
` A Houh, like ho-ho-ho.
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` Q Okay. I thought I was getting it
`wrong, so apologies. All right.
` Is there, other than -- other than
`the caption on the cover page, is there any
`substantive difference between these two
` MR. ABRAMSON: And for the record,
` it's Exhibit 1030 in each case, 1030.
` A I -- I don't believe there is.
` Q Okay. Do you have them there?
` A I think I have a printed copy of
`just the 2/12/28 case, but I have electronic
`copies of both.
` Q That's fine. Okay.
` So I'll be referring to the --
`specifically to the one in the 12/28 case.
`Just so there's no confusion, Exhibit 1030
`from the 12/28 case.
` A Sure. Thank you.
` Q All right. Let's work on a
`hypothetical situation, because I want to ask
`you about some of the things you have said in
`this supplemental declaration about HTTP and
`sending streaming content via HTTP.
` So I would like you to assume that
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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`we are working with an ordinary HTTP server.
`Do you know what that is?
` A I -- sure.
` Q Would Apache be an example of an
`ordinary HTTP server?
` A Sure, yes.
` Q You're familiar with Apache?
` A Yes, I am.
` Q Okay. Let's assume that the Apache
`server we're talking about is connected to
`the public internet.
` Okay?
` A Okay.
` Q And assume that the server is
`provisioned to respond to client requests
`made to it using the HTTP protocol.
` Okay?
` A Okay.
` Q And assume that those requests are
`made over the conventional ports.
` A Okay.
` Q And those ports would normally be
`which ones?
` A 80, and I think 443.
` Q Right. Okay. Let's assume that
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` Then I'll ask you, since in our --
`our hypothetical we're talking about
`responding to client requests, what are the
`request methods that HTTP provides that
`supports sending a response body such as a
`streaming media data payload to the client?
` MS. BIFANO: Objection, form.
` A So I think the main one for getting
`a response, that's -- a document would be the
`GET, GET-type method.
` Q Okay. Could you use POST for that
`as well?
` A I don't know what the response POST
`gives, but they typically -- I would have to
`look at what kind of response is available,
`whether it can actually -- it includes a
`document, but there's a POST method typically
`used to send data to the server from a
` Q So, for instance, if you're giving
`the user a form to fill out and you're going
`to submit that form to some -- to some script
`on the server, you might use a GET or a POST
`to do that.
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` Right?
` A Well, typically with the form you
`would use a POST. The form elements, I
`think, include POST method, POST property, I
` I forget the exact property name
`that specifies the URL to which the data is
`to be posted. That comes from a form on a
`web page.
` Q Okay. You could use a POST, for
` Right?
` A Well, I mean typically that's used
`to send data. There may be some sort of
`response template or something.
` I don't recall from memory sitting
`here right now.
` Q Well, when you -- let's say that --
`let's turn to the example of Carmel. Do you
`remember Carmel?
` A Sure.
` Q Do you remember that graphical
` A I'm going to pull up a copy of
`Carmel then.
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` Q Sure.
` A Are you referring to one of the
`figures in Carmel?
` Q Yeah.
` A Which figure are you referring to?
` Q Well, let's see. I think it's a
`picture of it, a schematic picture of it on
`figure 3C.
` A Okay. I'm -- I see that now.
` Q So that could be on a form.
` Right?
` A (Witness reviewing.)
` I don't believe -- what I see in
`figure 3C is it uses any traditional form
`elements that I'm aware of.
` Q Right. You could have that control
`within a form.
` Right?
` A I mean you can put a lot of things
`within a form, but there is specified
`elements that HTML specifies are actually
`part of a form element that are part of the
`data to be posted.
` Q You could create an HTML form that
`allowed to you pick a starting slice, allows
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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`the user to pick a starting slice from an
`array of slice numbers presented on the form.
` Correct?
` A I don't believe I'm aware of a
`standard form element that would look like
`what's represented in figure 3C.
` Q Okay. Let me -- I just want to
`reread the question.
` You could create an HTML form that
`allows the user to pick a starting slice from
`an array of slice numbers presented on the
` Is that true?
` A Again, I'm not aware of a standard
`form element in HTML that looks like what's
`represented in figure 3C.
` There are things like dropdown
`menus, radio buttons, check boxes, and the
`ones that I'm aware of sitting here right
`now, from what I recall from HTML, I don't
`think there's an element that looks like
`figure 3C.
` Q Well, let's say that you put the J,
`in J plus one, J plus 2 and J plus 3 in a
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` Right?
` Let's assume that. You could then
`readily do that on a form.
` Correct?
` A Well, in that hypothetical, it
`wouldn't really look like a schematic
`illustration of a user interface graphic
`that's shown in figure 3C.
` But you can -- you can put -- you
`can have a select dropdown that had J plus 1,
`J plus 2 and J plus 3 as elements of a
`select -- I think it's a select element
`that's a dropdown selection menu.
` Q Yeah. So you would have something
`that would be fundamentally just turned
`90 degrees clockwise from what you see here.
` Right?
` A (Witness reviewing.)
` Q Did you hear that question?
` A I did.
` I don't think it would look the
`same. I think it would look very different.
` Figure 3C is a schematic
`representation of a user interface graphic
`slider as described in -- sorry -- in
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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`column 8, lines 18 and 19, for example, and
`that -- what's described as a slider is very
`different than what you're describing as a
`select box.
` It wouldn't look the same turned
`sideways, either. They would look very
` Q I didn't ask you whether it would
`look the same. I asked you whether the user
`can pick a number from that control.
` A I thought you did ask about the way
`it looked, but the record will show what you
` Q It will, but you agree the user can
`pick a number from that control.
` Right?
` A Yeah. I mean in that case I don't
`think it -- no one would think of a select
`dropdown menu as a slider or being a -- of
`being a slider interface, but a select box
`could be used in this hypothetical, but pick
`a number -- anything, you can put anything in
`the list.
` Q So that was a yes?
` MS. BIFANO: Objection.
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` Restates the witness' testimony.
` A I mean I said what I said. If you
`want to repeat the question, I'll -- I can
`explain it again.
` Q Yes. Can a user pick a number from
`that control?
` MS. BIFANO: Objection, form.
` A A select is a very flexible method.
`It can be -- it can allow the user -- it can
`be multi-select, so the user can select
`multiple items from a select dropdown list,
`for example.
` So whatever -- whatever the select
`specifies generally in a form, which I don't
`believe figure 3C looks anything like any
`element in a form.
` But in the select dropdown, the
`items that are specified to be in the select,
`the user can select one or more of those
`items on a -- depending how the select is
` Q Okay. The select can be configured
`to limited to one selection.
` Right?
` A It can be, I believe. Yeah.
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` Q Okay.
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And that when that form is
`submitted, the value selected is submitted in
`that operation.
` Correct?
` A No, I don't believe that when you
`select it, it's submitted. It's just
`selected at that point.
` Q My question was when the form is
`submitted, the value selected is submitted in
`that operation.
` Correct?
` A With select boxes, when data were
`formed, again, which doesn't really appear,
`there's no element that I know of in a form
`that would look like figure 3C, and there's
`no slider element that I'm aware of.
` I don't believe that's part of a
`form. The element is not part of a form, but
`when a form is selected and data is filled
`out and posted, the elements that are part of
`the -- of that particular form can be posted
`back to the server.
` Q Do you know what a submit button
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` A Generally in a form I -- there are,
`I think, things called the select button or a
`submit button, rather.
` Q So you know what a submit button
` Right?
` A Generally, yes. As part of a form,
`I think -- I think there's a submit element.
` Q So if you have the select element
`we described that is configured to have
`one -- let the user pick one value, and the
`user picks a value and clicks the submit
` Isn't it a fact that the value that
`the user selected from the select control is
`submitted at that point to the server?
` MS. BIFANO: Objection. Form.
` A So typically what might happen when
`the user hits a submit button is that the
`client would open up a new connection to the
` And connections to the HTTP is
`generally considered a stateless protocol,
`so, you know, whatever data in the form
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
`Page 18
`that's submitted is handled independently of
`any other -- and servers, by the way, can
`handle multiple simultaneous connections from
`lots of different clients independently of
`each other through independent processes.
` So Apache, for example, is one that
`can have -- configure -- that has a number of
`different server listening threads set up.
` So in the case where a user hits a
`button to post data, a client would typically
`open up a new connection to a server, send
`the data.
` And what -- I can't recall what the
`exact response codes can be, and then -- and
`then close the connection.
` And so that would be treated by the
`server as an independent submission from
`whatever data it knows about that particular
`connection, but it wouldn't be related to --
`it wouldn't -- the server treats it as an
`independent submission from some client.
` Q So that was a yes, also?
` A I think you're mischaracterizing
`what I said. I'm explaining the question you
`asked, but I explained my answer was my
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` Q Do you know the question that I
` A You were asking about whether data
`being submitted to the server, and I was
`explaining how that was done.
` Q I didn't ask you how it was done,
`did I?
` A Well, I'm explaining my answer.
` Q Can I get an answer to my question?
` MS. BIFANO: Objection. Asked and
` answered.
` A I think I did answer your question.
` Q Okay. Do you remember what the
`question was?
` A You asked about a data being
`submitted to the server.
` Q All right.
` Listen again. Listen again.
`Listen carefully.
` If you have the select element we
`described that is configured to have -- want
`to have -- strike that.
` If you have the select element we
`described that is configured to let the user
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
`Page 20
`pick one value, and the user picks a value
`and clicks the submit button -- you got that
` A Yes.
` Q -- isn't it a fact that the value
`that the user selected from the select
`control is submitted at that point to the
` A I mean your hypothetical is missing
`some important data.
` Q What's it missing?
` A Well, there can be numerous forms
`on a page and numerous submit buttons, for
` Q Let's assume there's one, okay.
`The one we've been talking about for the last
`15 minutes, let's just limit the question to
`that if that wasn't understood.
` Can you answer it now?
` A So how many processes is the server
`running in terms of HTTP threads?
` Q Why is that relevant?
` A Because sometimes when you try
`to -- when you do a connection to a server,
`it might be too busy to accept new
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` Q That's the reason you can't answer
`this question with a yes or a no?
` A Your hypothetical is missing a lot
`of details, and I want -- you know, I want to
`understand the exact circumstances of your
` Q I just asked you under the
`circumstances of -- that we have been
`discussing when a user clicks the submit
`button, the value that the user selects on a
`form gets submitted to the server.
` Isn't that a simple question?
` A It's missing -- it's missing many,
`many details.
` Q So sitting there as an expert, you
`have no opinion on that.
` Right?
` A No, I'm saying that you're not --
`you've not -- you're not specifying enough
` So there are plenty of times where
`I tried to hit POST and the data doesn't go
`to the server. There could be many reasons
`for that.
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` So you're making a lot of
`assumptions that -- in your hypothetical
`that, I don't know what they are, so I'm
`asking you to list all your assumptions and
`lay out the whole hypothetical.
` Q All right. Let me ask you this:
` How would a POSITA understand
`Carmel's slider to work in terms of
`transmitting the selected value to the
` MS. BIFANO: Objection, form.
` A Well, the slider bar would work
`unlike any element that I know of that's
`available within a form.
` So I think slider bars were not
`uncommon at the time to be associated with
`things like audio or video, so -- so a slider
`bar can be built into -- typically it has a
`tab or something along a bar that's typically
` I don't think I've ever seen
`anything about a horizontal slider bar
`associated with video or audio, and it has a
`little tab that the user can drag back and
`forth along the tab.
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` And I have seen various elements
`that use code that runs on the browser side
`to kind of gauge the position of the tab
`along the brows -- along the whole slider bar
` Q Let's say the user wants to choose
`J3, looking at figure 3C. The user wants to
`choose J3. What does the user do to choose
` A Yeah, I mean can you repeat that?
`Because there's no -- there's not really J3.
` Q Sorry. J plus 3.
` A Well, typically in a slider bar the
`user doesn't associate the position with any
`numerical value, so I don't -- I don't think
`the user is aware that what they're choosing
`is actually J plus 3 in a slider bar like
` Q Let's say the user wants to pick a
`location that corresponds to J plus 3 in this
` A Okay.
` Q How does the user do that?
` A Well, I mean in the slider bar like
`that the user typically isn't aware of the
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
`Page 24
`position that's being associated with any
`particular numerical value.
` This is an illustration of the --
`of a -- of the slider bar, but the slider
`bars don't literally have anything like J
`plus one, J plus 2, J plus 3 written on it.
` So I'm -- I mean the user -- the
`user doesn't know any specific value that
`they're choosing, so they don't really know
`how to select any particular value like J
`plus 3 from the slider bar.
` Q Let's say the user wants to go to
`some location in the video other than the one
`corresponding to the position where the
`slider is in that figure.
` How does the user do it?
` A Well, in a slider bar, like if you
`go to YouTube, there's a little tab along the
`bar, and the user simply clicks on -- clicks
`and holds and drags the little tab to move to
`a different position.
` But the user doesn't -- when using
`a slider bar isn't aware of any numerical
`values behind the slider bar. They're just
`moving the tab around, typically.
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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` So this graphical representation of
`a slider is illustrating in figure 3C that
`there are these numerical values, but it's
`not -- but I don't believe it's literally
`meant to say that the slider bar has these
`values written on it.
` Q I didn't -- did I ask you about the
`values in that question?
` A Well, I mean you're asking about --
` Q Did I ask you about the values in
`that question? Yes or no?
` MS. BIFANO: Ron, can you please
` let the witness finish his answer?
` MR. ABRAMSON: The witness is not
` answering the question. The witness has
` a manner of filibustering.
` When I ask a question, he will
` answer 27 other questions other than the
` one I asked, and I want to get clear
` with this witness that he understands
` that I did not ask him in that last
` question about the values in the slider
` bar.
` Q Correct?
` A I mean I'm trying to do the best
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
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`answer to answer your questions, and you've
`got some hypothetical here going, and I'm
`trying to answer them to -- and trying to
`explain myself.
` Q All right.
` You testified that the -- you
`testified that the user moves the tab around.
`You did say that.
` Right?
` A Well, I don't remember the exact
`words I used, but the user can click on the
`tab, hold and then slide the tab along the
` And I think that's how many people
`today are familiar with the slider bars, and
`these were common back, you know, at the time
`of Carmel as well, and so that's how a user
`interacts with the slider bar.
` Q When the user does that and then
`lets go of the tab with the mouse, what is
`the effect of that?
` A You mean generally speaking?
`Generally speaking, the fact is that they
`moved the tab to a different position in the
`slider bar.
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`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
`Page 27
` Q Right. When they move the tab to a
`different position on the slider bar, is
`there a value associated with that control
`that changes as a result of the user having
`done that?
` A If it's -- if it's coded up to do
` I have seen code for slider bars
`that, you know, have to -- that they get a
`particular value out of the control based on
`the position of the tab along the slider bar.
` Q And Carmel's claim can associate
`that position that the user moved the slider
`bar to with a slice number.
` Correct?
` MS. BIFANO: Objection, form.
` A I'm -- I mean with some -- with
`some code behind the slider bar and the
`knowledge of a -- certain items related to
`the video, they're certainly mathematical
`expressions that can be coded.
` Q Isn't that the object of this
`control, to let the user seek to a different
`position in the stream and for the client to
`be able to communicate that to the server?
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE
`The Walt Disney Company et al. v. WAG Acquisition LLC - IPR2022-01227
`WAG Acquisition LLC
`Exhibit 2010 - Page 27 of 111


`Henry Houh, Ph.D. - August 25, 2023
`Page 28
` A And as I described in my previous
`declarations, that -- that is what Carmel
` And I described how -- how Carmel
`teaches alternating link, you know, multiple
`links connected to the HTTP server and
`alternating between them to request them.
` And as you all know, I've discussed
`some positions related to that when -- when
`the client gets a file, they get what they
`ask for.
` MR. ABRAMSON: Move to strike
` everything after, "That is what Carmel
` does," as unresponsive.
` Q And the -- the value selected from
`the control has to be communicated to the
` Correct?
` A Carmel does talk about --
` (Witness reviewing.)
` Q That communication can be via HTTP,
`correct, in Carmel?
` A Yeah.
` I -- I'm still trying to answ

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