DOCKETNO.: 410797-000029
`  
`Filed on behalf of The Walt Disney Company, Disney Streaming Services LLC,
`           
`and Hulu LLC.
`  
`By: Larissa S. Bifano, Reg. No. 59,051
`      
`Anand Mohan, Reg. No. 76,518
`    
`DLA Piper LLP (US)
`   
`33 Arch Street, 26th Floor
`    
`Boston, Massachusetts 02110-1447
`  
` 
`The Walt Disney Company, Disney Streaming Services LLC, and Hulu LLC,
`          
`WAGAcquisition LLC,
`  
`Patent Owner
` 
`OF U.S. PATENT NO.9,762,636
`OF U.S. PATENT NO. 9,762,636
`EXHIBIT 1002 - PAGE 0001
`EXHIBIT 1002 - PAGE 0001


`U.S. Patent No. 9,762,636
`   
`INTRODUCTION........ccccsccscssecsseescessessessecssesseecsesseeseecaeseeeeessessaeseesenesneeneegs 1
` 
`BACKGROUND AND QUALIFICATIONS.........cccccscsscssssssecsecsseeeessseseeees 1
`  
`TH. MATERIALS CONSIDERED........cccccccsscsssssscssesseceecesesseeeaessesseessesseeeneeees 15
`   
`LEGAL STANDARDS 1.0.0... ccececcescssesssesseeeecesessecaeeaecnsssneccessesseeseessesaeaes 17
`  
`OVERVIEW OF THE 7636 PATENT...........:ccccsscesssssessesseeseesseseeeseceseenseens 20
`     
`A. Summary of the Alleged Invention ............ccccccssscsseccsseccsseecsecesaeecseeeeees21
`      
`B. Prosecution History............cccccccsssssssessssecsssecessecsseecsseessneecsseecsseessaeeeseeeeses27
`  
`C. Priority Date... ccccccsccsssessscesseccseessseecssecssesesseeecsseeseeesecsesssaeseaeseeeesesaes 28
`  
`LEVEL OF ORDINARYSKILL IN THE ART................ccssesseesseeeceeeeeeens 28
`      
`VII. CLAIM CONSTRUCTION.........ccccccsssscsseseesssesseseseseeeseceseseeesseseesaesseeeneens29
`   
`VII. SUMMARYOF OPINIONSG...........csccsscssssssessessecsseseeceeeseesseesaesneseeaesesseeseeees 30
`   
`A. Ground 1: Claims 1-12 are obvious over Carmel............cccseeceeeeeeseeeeeeees 30
`        
`Overview Of Carmel............ccccsccssscssseessseseeceeeeseeeseeeseeeeneeseeeeeees 31
`  
`Independentclaims 1, 5, and 9 are obvious over Carmel........ 34
`          
`Claims 2, 6, and 10 are obvious over Carmel................c0cccc08 79
`        
`Claims 3, 7, and 11 are obvious over Carmel................c0c0008 81
`        
`Claims 4, 8, and 12 are obvious over Carmel................c00c008 82
`        
`B. Ground 2: Claims 1-12 are obvious over Carmel in view of Shteyn ......83
`             
`Overview Of Shteyn ..........ccceccscessecssseecssecsseeecsseeesseessaeesseeesaes 83
`   
`2. Independent claims 1, 5, and 9 are obvious over Carmel in
`           
`VIEW Of SHCYM oo... cecccceseceseceseecssecceseeeseecsseeecesessaesceeeesaeeses 84
`   
`EXHIBIT 1002 - PAGE 0002
`EXHIBIT 1002 - PAGE 0002


`U.S. Patent No. 9,762,636
`   
`3. Claims 2, 6, and 10 are obvious over Carmel in view of
`            
`SHtCYN. eee ceeccessecesscesseeesseesseessseessaseeseeescaesssaeesseeeseesesseesees 105
`4. Claims 3, 7, and 11 are obvious over Carmel...............ccccceeeeeeee 105
`          
`5. Claims 4, 8, and 12 are obvious over Carmel..............ccccceeeceeeeee 105
`          
`CONCLUSION... ccccccccccccccsceeeseececssescsssscessceeseseseeeceseeesessueesecaeseeeseeeeseeens 106
` 
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`U.S. Patent No. 9,762,636
`   
`I, Henry Houh, Ph.D., declare as follows:
`      
`My nameis Henry Houh,and I have been retained by counsel for The
`             
`Walt Disney Company, Disney Streaming Services LLC, and Hulu LLC
`         
`(collectively “Petitioner’”’) to analyze U.S. Patent No. 9,762,636 (“636 patent’’)
`         
`(EX1001) and to provide my opinions regarding the patentability of claims 1-12 of
`            
`the ’636 patent.
`  
`I am being compensated at my normal consulting rate of $650 per
`           
`hour for my time. My compensationis not contingent on the outcomeofthis
`             
`proceeding, or of any proceedings relating to the ’636 patent.
`         
`Myprofessional career has spanned more than 25 years. As set forth
`           
`in my curriculum vitae, a copy of whichis attachedto this report as Appendix A,
`               
`during these years I have gained extensive experience in web content delivery, web
`            
`site architectures, distributed network applications, data caching, multi-media
`       
`streaming, and networking and communication protocols.
`     
`I was awarded a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer
`          
`Science in February 1998 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). I
`          
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`U.S. Patent No. 9,762,636
`   
`also received a Master of Science (M.S.) in Electrical Engineering and Computer
`           
`Science (February 1991), a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and
`          
`Computer Science (June 1989) and a Bachelor of Science in Physics (February
`           
`1990) from MIT.
`  
`I defended and submitted my Ph.D. thesis, titled “Designing Networks
`         
`for Tomorrow's Traffic” in January 1998. As part of my thesis research, I analyzed
`             
`local-area and wide-area data flows to show a moreefficient method for routing
`            
`content (including email, web pages, and streaming media such as voice and video)
`            
`in a network, based on traffic patterns at the time.
`         
`6.|Myresearch and work experience in multimedia content delivery over
`         
`the Internet, streaming media overthe Internet, networking, and network
`         
`architecture dates back to the popularization of the Webin the early 1990s and
`             
`coincides with whenI started my doctoral research at MIT. After returning full
`            
`time to MIT for graduate school after completing an internship at AT&T Bell
`            
`Laboratories, I workedas a research assistant in the Telemedia Network Systems
`           
`(TNS)group at the Laboratory for Computer Science at MIT. The TNSgroupbuilt
`             
`a high speed gigabit network and applications which ran overthe network, such as
`             
`remote video capture, processing, and display on computer terminals. I designed
`          
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`U.S. Patent No. 9,762,636
`   
`the core networking hardware and software, including the high speed data links
`           
`and the device drivers for the network interface cards.
`        
`My group's work focused on high speed networking andthe types of
`           
`applications that require increased network bandwidth and computing power,
`        
`including where more extensive processing occurred in the networkitself. One of
`           
`the applications I investigated waslive streaming video, and real-time processing
`          
`of such video. My work was focused aroundthe transport, switching, and routing
`            
`of data (including video streams), and the integration of TNS's network into the
`            
`computing environment, including the protocols, IP/ATM integration, operating
`       
`system software and device drivers. TNS created a computing environment where
`          
`it was possible to stream videolive, and also created software processing modules
`            
`to further process video to perform advanced functions such as green screening,
`           
`scene change detection, motion detection, compression, video blending and video
`         
`overlay, among the many features- all in real-time while displaying the processed
`            
`video live. While the Internet at the time did not have the capability for such
`              
`applications to be widely deployed, my group at TNS researched what would be
`            
`possible when the required network and computing power becameavailable. As
`          
`discussed above, my Ph.D. thesis work focused on studying the routing resources
`           
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`   
`required to route streams of video through the network, proposing several
`          
`alternative labeling strategies to speed up networkrouting. Part of what I proposed
`            
`was borne outlater in the form of Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), which
`            
`is a methodof tagging packets at the edge of the network to enable moreefficient
`               
`routing inside the network.
`   
`During the early part of my graduate studies, a time when there were
`            
`perhapsa hundredor so webservers in existence, I set up a web server on one of
`                 
`our lab computers, and created content rich web pages for my research group and
`             
`my researchactivities. Eventually, I, together with others I was working with,
`           
`added live video demonstrations to TNS's web site. TNS's web site was one of the
`              
`first several hundred webservers to exist, and the first to offer live video
`             
`demonstrations initiated from the web site to computersutilizing the X-Windows
`          
`computer windowing system. In addition to TNS's live video demonstrations, TNS
`          
`offered live and pre-recorded video and computer-processed video demonstrations.
`        
`TNS's website was nominated for the Best of the Web 1994 Awardsin "Best
`              
`Entertainment Servers" and "Best Use of Multiple Media," and received an
`          
`honorable mention in the "Best Use of Multiple Media" category.
`         
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`TNS's website was amongthefirst, if not the first, to initiate a remote
`              
`video display using a web browser. Vice President Al Gore visited my group in
`             
`1996 and received a demonstration of - and remotely drove - a radio controlled toy
`              
`car with a wireless video camera mountedonit; the video was encoded by TNS-
`              
`designed hardware, streamed over the TNS-designed network, and displayed using
`         
`TNS-designed software. The demonstration showed the successful application of
`        
`live, interactive video streaming applications, and real-time remote control using
`         
`video streamed across a network.
`    
`I co-authored numerouspapers aboutlive streaming video, one of
`         
`which was presentedat the very first World-Wide Webconference held in 1994 at
`             
`CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. CERN is the birthplace of the Web, and the
`            
`conference was chaired by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World-Wide Web.
`           
`Oneof the papers, "The Media Gateway: Live Video on the World Wide Web,"
`             
`was about TNS's web-based video demonstrations that I worked on. Other papers
`           
`aboutour live streaming video system include “ViewStation Applications:
`        
`Implications for Network Traffic,” “The VuNet Desk Area Network: Architecture,
`         
`Implementation, and Experience,” “Media-intensive data communications in a
`       
`‘desk-area' network,” “ViewStation Applications: Intelligent Video Processing
`      
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`Over A Broadband Local Area Network,” and “Experience with the VuNet: A
`           
`Network Architecture for a Distributed Multimedia System.”
`      
`I started a web consulting business in 1994 and won contracts to set up
`             
`and manage websites for various companies, including Bay Networks and Data
`           
`Communications Magazine. Our customers at the time were concerned about web
`          
`server load, and howto scale their web sites in case the load became unmanageable
`              
`for a single web server. My company investigated many methodsof load balancing
`            
`and distributing the load over multiple servers. My web companyalso created
`           
`software for staging updates to the web site and pushing approved changesinto
`            
`production through a system of multiple servers. As part of this start-up, I registered
`             
`various domain names for my companyand other organizations such as MIT's
`           
`World Wide Web consortium, (which was formed after Tim Berners-Lee left
`          
`CERN to come to MIT), and various other organizations with which I had a
`             
`volunteer advisory role. The World Wide Web Consortium to this day helps set
`            
`standards for the World Wide Web. Atthe time, commercial Domain Name
`           
`services did not exist. I also set-up, configured, and managed the domain name
`            
`servers for many of the domainsI registered, creating and managing the domain
`            
`namerecords for these domains by manually creating and editing DNSzonefiles.
`            
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`J authored or co-authored twelve papers and conference presentations
`        
`on my group's research at TNS. I also co-edited TNS's final report on its gigabit
`              
`networking research effort with Professor David Tennenhouse and Senior Research
`         
`Scientist David Clark, whois generally considered to be one of the fathers of the
`              
`Internet Protocol. I have also participated in various Internet Engineering Task
`          
`Force (IETF) working groups, and attended IETF meetings in the mid-to-late
`          
`13. Asan undergraduate at MIT, I was a Laboratory Teaching Assistant,
`           
`head Laboratory Teaching Assistant, and Teaching Assistant. I was also a
`          
`Teaching Assistant and head Teaching Assistant when I was a graduate student
`           
`there. One class that I was a Teaching Assistant for was a Computer Architecture
`             
`course, which wasa requiredclass for all Electrical Engineering and Computer
`           
`Science majors. Among the concepts taught in this course was the concept of
`            
`caching, which is holding frequently-accessed memory values in faster memory
`         
`that was closer to the central processing unit (CPU), as well as concepts regarding
`             
`maintaining the coherence (synchronization) of a cache with the main memory
`          
`under various circumstances. Caching techniques mayalso be applied to the
`          
`Internet as well, and manyof the sameprinciples apply.
`         
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`U.S. Patent No. 9,762,636
`   
`Since the 1990s, as a researcher andpractitionerin the field of web
`            
`content delivery, I followed the development and studied the operation of content
`           
`delivery networks (CDNs). I have also provided technical consulting services in
`          
`networking, streaming media, mobile applications, and other areas, and some of
`          
`my clients’ applications utilize content delivery networks (CDNs). In servicing
`         
`these clients, I have studied CDNsin the context of applications such as video
`             
`streaming services for both live and pre-recorded video, involving how the back
`           
`end origin servers distribute content to the edge servers and whether the delivery
`            
`methods of CDNsare part of infringing systems.
`       
`From 1997 to 1999, I was a Senior Scientist and Engineer at NBX
`            
`Corporation, a start-up that made business telephone systemsthat streamed
`         
`packetized audio over data networks instead of using traditional telephonelines.
`          
`NBXwaslater acquired by 3Com Corporation, and the telephone system isstill
`            
`available and being usedby tens of thousands of businesses or more. As part of my
`               
`work at NBX,I designed the core audio reconstruction algorithmsfor the
`           
`telephone systems, as well as the packet transmission algorithms.I also designed
`           
`and validated the core packet transport protocol used by the telephone system. The
`            
`protocol was used millions of times a day. Two of the company founders and I
`              
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`U.S. Patent No. 9,762,636
`   
`were co-inventors on U.S. Patent No. 6,967,963 titled "Telecommunication method
`         
`for ensuring on-time delivery of packets containing time-sensitive data," that
`         
`covered some of the work I did at NBX.
`        
`From 2001 to 2004, I was chief technologist for the Web Application
`           
`Test Group of Empirix. Empirix was a spin-out company of Teradyne, a company
`            
`known for making semiconductortesting equipment used by computer chip
`         
`manufacturers, and at the time I was there achieved over $1 billion in quarterly
`             
`bookings. The Teradyne founder and chairman, Alex d'Arbeloff, wanted to
`         
`improve formalized testing for telecommunications systems and information
`       
`systems. Mydivision provided software and services for testing websites.
`          
`Empirix's customers included many large companies with highly complex web
`         
`sites, such as Dell (a full e-commerce web site for configuring and ordering
`            
`computers) and H&R Block (a website for filing incometaxes). The software
`            
`emulated individual users exercising the complex features of a website, such as
`            
`filling out tax forms or configuring computers for purchase. The software could
`           
`also create the load of thousands or even hundreds of thousandsofusers hitting a
`              
`particular website at once, all using complex features (rather than just accessing
`            
`the home page). Because of the complex and highly varying web sites of Empirix's
`             
`EXHIBIT 1002 - PAGE 0012
`EXHIBIT 1002 - PAGE 0012


`U.S. Patent No. 9,762,636
`   
`customers, I had to understand manydifferent types of web site architectures, and
`            
`the various methodsof creating and delivering dynamic content from a website. I
`             
`wasthe architect for my division's next-generation web testing product, for which I
`            
`helped write a JavaScript interpreter that ran the code on a website similar to a
`               
`standard web browserso that the software could understand the dynamicaspects of
`            
`the code on a website.
`     
`I worked at BBN Technologies from 2004 to 2009. BBN
`         
`Technologies, formerly known as Bolt, Beranek and Newman,wasa

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