`© Voice Processing ® Carrier Telephony
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`® Windows 95, NT, NetWare & Unix Networking
`® Wired & Wireless Telecommunications
`APPLE INC. / Page 1 of 4
`copyright © 1998 Harry Newton
`All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright conventions, including the right to reproduce this book or
`portions thereof in any form whatsoever.
`Published in the United States by
`Flatiron Publishing,
`a division of Miller Freeman, Inc.
`Tenth floor
`12 West 21 Street
`New York, NY 10010
`212-691-8215 Fax 212-691-1191
`1-800-999-0345 and 1-800-LIBRARY
`email: Harry_Newton@email.msn.com
`personal web site: www.harrynewton.com
`dictionary sales site: www.telecombooks.com
`ISBN Number 1-57820-023-7
`March, 1998
`Manufactured in the United States of America
`Fourteenth Expanded and Updated Edition
`Cover Design by Saul Roldan
`Printed at Command Web, Secaucus, New Jersey
`APPLE INC. / Page 2 of 4
`~~ n
`TIE 1. Joining cables and/or wires together.
`2. Time Interval Error.
`3. Trusted Information Environment, an encryption scheme.
`TIE/Communications A PBX and key system distributor
`to end users based in Seymour, Cl TIE was one of the origi(cid:173)
`nal manufacturers of interconnect equipment in the US. TIE
`stood for Telephone Interconnect Equipment. The company
`fell on hard times in the late 1980s. It ceased manufacturing
`equipment and ceased acting as a wholesaler of others'
`equipment. Now it's simply a distributor and Nitsuko, its pri(cid:173)
`mary Japanese supplier, has taken over the sale of its own
`equipment directly.
`Tie Down Verb meaning to terminate a wi re on a main,
`intermediate or satellite distribution frame.
`Tie Line A dedicated circuit linking two points without hav(cid:173)
`ing to dial the normal phone number. A tie line may be
`accessed by lifting a telephone handset or by pushing one,
`two or three buttons.
`Tie Trunk A dedicated circuit linking two PBXs.
`Tie Trunk Access Allows a pllone system to handle tie
`lines which can be accessed either by dialing a trunk group
`access code or through the attendant.
`TIFF Tag Image File Format. TIFF provides a way of storing
`and exchanging digital image data. Aldus Corp., Microsoft
`Corp., and major scanner vendors developed TIFF to help link
`scanned images with the popular desktop publishing applica(cid:173)
`tions. It is now used for many different types of software .
`applications ranging from medical imagery to fax modem data
`transfers, CAD programs, and 30 graphic packages. The cur(cid:173)
`rent TIFF specification supports three main types of image
`data: Black and white data, halftones or dithered data, and
`grayscale data. Some wags think TIFF stands for "Took It
`From a FotograF." It doesn't.
`TIES Time Independent Escape Sequence, a feature of
`Tiger Team A group hired by an organization to defeat its
`own security system to learn its weaknesses.
`Tight Buffer Fiber Optic Cables Tight-buffered fiber
`optic cables use aramid strength members inside the cable
`instead of gel filling, as is the case with loose-tube gel-filled
`fiber optic cables. One of the advantages of tight-buffered
`fiber optic cables having aramid strength members along
`every inch of the cable is that the cable can be hung vertical(cid:173)
`ly and the fibers are still protected for the entire length of the
`cable. This is not the case with loose-tube gel-filled fiber
`optic cables because, when they are hung vertically, all the gel
`filling settles to the bottom and the optical fibers are no longer
`protected. Tight-buffered fiber optic cables also have buffer
`coatings (up to 900 microns) over each optical fiber cladding
`for added environmental and mechanical protection,
`increased visibility, and ease of handling. Tight-buffered fiber
`optic cables can be used indoors and outdoors which allows
`one cable to be used instead of having to switch cable types
`at the building entrance. This is different from loose-tube gel(cid:173)
`filled cables because the gel is flammable and the cable must
`be spliced to indoor flame-retardant cables for runs into
`buildings. Therefore, according to manufacturers, tight(cid:173)
`buffered fiber optic cables reduce labor, equipment and mate(cid:173)
`rials cost while improving system performance and reliability.
`See also Aramid and Tight Jacket Buffer.
`Tight Jacket Buffer A buffer construction which uses a
`direct extrusion of plastic over the basic fiber coating. This
`construction serves to protect the fiber from crushing and
`impact loads and to some extent from the microbending
`induced during cabling operations. See also LOOSE TUBE
`Tightly Coupled Describing the interrelationship of pro(cid:173)
`cessing units that share real storage, that are controlled by the
`same control program and that communicate directly with
`each other. Compare with loosely coupled.
`Tightly Coupled CPUs Term used to describe multiple(cid:173)
`processor computers in which several processors share the
`same memory and bus.
`Tile A surface segment of a furniture system panel, usually
`removable for access to cables or patch panels contained
`within the panel.
`Tiling An unpleasant mosaic-like effect created by block-ori(cid:173)
`ented video compression techniques
`like OCT (Discrete
`Cosine Transform), used in the JPEG (Joint Photographies
`Expert Group) standard. See OCT and JPEG.
`TIM Teletyper Input Method. See TELETYPER INPUT
`Timbre The quality of tone distinctive to a particular voice.
`Time-based Authoring Tool A multimedia creation
`tool that uses time as a metaphor for building a project.
`Generally, objects are set up to happen at a certain time in a
`project, rather than in a certain place.
`Time Assignment Speech Interpolation TASI. A
`voice telephone technique whereby the actual presence of a
`speech signal activates circuit use. The result is clipping of the
`first bit of the speech, but more efficient use of the transmission
`facility. TASI is used on expensive circuits, such as long sub(cid:173)
`marine cables. See TASI.
`Time Congestion The time resources (outgoing trunks)
`are busy.
`Time Divert To Attendant A system feature which
`automatically transfers a phone to the attendant if the phone
`has been left off-hook too long.
`Time Diversity A method of transmission wherein a sig(cid:173)
`nal representing the same information is sent over the same
`channel at different times. Often used over systems subject to
`burst error conditions and with the spacing adjusted to be
`longer than an error burst.
`Time Division Controller TDC. A device which com(cid:173)
`mands functions, monitors status and connects channels of
`TOM cards.
`Time Division Multiple Access TOMA. A technique orig(cid:173)
`inated in satellite communications to interweave multiple con(cid:173)
`versations into one transponder so as to appear to get simulta(cid:173)
`neous conversations. A variation on TASI. A technique now used
`in cellular and other wireless communications. See TOMA.
`Time Division Multiplex TOM. A technique for trans(cid:173)
`mitting a number of separate data, voice and/or video signals
`simultaneously over one communications medium by quick(cid:173)
`ly interleaving a piece of each signal one after another. Here's
`our problem. We have to transport the freight of five manu(cid:173)
`facturers from Chicago to New York. Each manufacturer's
`freight will fit into 20 rail boxcars. We have three basic solu(cid:173)
`tions. First, build five separate railway lines from Chicago lo
`New York. Second, rent five engines and schlepp five com(cid:173)
`plete trains to New York on one railway track. Or, third, join all
`the boxcars together into one train of 100 boxcars and run
`them on one track. The train might look like this: Engine,
`Boxcar from Producer A, Box Car from Producer B, Producer
`C, Producer D, Producer E, and then the order begins
`again. Boxcar from Producer A, Producer B .. Moving one
`large train of 100 boxcars is likely to be cheaper and more
`efficient than moving five smaller trains each of 20 boxcars on
`APPLE INC. / Page 3 of 4
`induced during cabling operations. See also LOOSE TU
`rightly Coupled Describing the interrelationship of
`;essing units that share real storage, that are controlled b P:~(cid:173)
`;ame control program and that communicate directly Y. e
`iach other. Compare with loosely coupled.
`rightly Coupled CPUs Term used to describe mul!i
`irocessor computers in which several processors shar//~(cid:173)
`;ame memory and bus.
`me A surface segment of a furniture system panel, usuall
`emovable for access to cables or patch panels con!ain ~
`vithin the panel.
`riling An unpleasant mosaic-like effect created by block-a .
`mted video compression techniques
`like OCT (Discr::(cid:173)
`;osine Transform), used in the JPEG (Joint Photographi~
`:xpert Group) standard. See OCT and JPEG.
`rlM Teletyper Input Method. See TELETYPER
`i!mbre The quality of to~e distinctive to a particular voice.
`i1me·based Authoring Tool A multimedia crealion
`?DI that uses time as a metaphor for building a project
`,enerally, obJects are set up to happen at a certain time in a
`1roject, rather than in a certain place.
`'ime Assignment Speech Interpolation TASI A
`oice telephone technique whereby the actual presence al a
`peech signal activates circuit use. The result Is clipping of !he
`rst bit of the speech, but more efficient use of the transmission
`1cility. TASI is used on expensive circuits, such as long sub-
`1arine cables. See TASI.
`'ime Congestion The time resources (outgoing lrunks)
`re busy.
`'ime Divert To Attendant A system feature which
`utomatically transfers a phone to the attendant if the phone
`as been left off-hook too long.
`ime Diversity A method of transmission wherein a sig(cid:173)
`al representing the same information is sent over the same
`hannel at different times. Often used over systems subjecl lo
`urst error conditions and with the spacing adjusted lo be
`inger than an error burst.
`ime Division Controller TDC. A device which com-
`1ands functions, monitors status and connects channels ol
`OM cards.
`ime Division Multiple Access TOMA. A technique orig-
`1ated in satellite communications to interweave multiple con(cid:173)
`irsations into one transponder so as to appear to gel simulla(cid:173)
`ious conversations. A variation on TASI. A technique now used
`cellular and other wireless communications. See TOMA.
`ime Division Multiplex TOM. A technique for lrans(cid:173)
`itting a number of separate data, voice and/or video signals
`multaneously over one communications medium by quick(cid:173)
`interleavi ng a piece of each signal one after another. Here's
`H problem. We have to transport the freight of five manu(cid:173)
`cturers from Chicago to New York. Each manufaclurers
`light wi ll fit into 20 rail boxcars. We have three basic solu(cid:173)
`ms. First, build five separate railway lines from Chicago lo
`iw York. Second, rent five engines and schlepp five com(cid:173)
`ete trains to New York on one railway track. Or, third, join all
`e boxcars together into one train of 100 boxcars and run
`em on one track. The train might look like this: Engine,
`ixcar from Producer A, Box Car from Producer B, Producer
`Producer D, Producer E, and then
`the order begins
`Iain ... Boxcar from Producer A, Producer B ... Moving one
`·ge train of 100 boxcars is likely to be cheaper and more
`icient than moving five smaller trains each of 20 boxcars on
`. eparate rai lway tracks. Time Division Multiplexing, thus,
`live \ents substantial savings over have five separate net(cid:173)
`:b::s (five separate tracks) and sending five separate trans-
`. ions (live separate trains).
`~~s:is what Time Division Multiplexing is all about. And the
`1 logy is perfect. Take one large train (last communications
`a~\nel) and interleave pieces {boxcars) from each conversa(cid:173)
`~ ~ one after another. If you do this fast enough, you'll never
`10 ice you've broken the conversations apart, moved them
`no~aralely, and then put them back together at the distant end.
`/e TDM you "sample" each voice conversation, interleave the
`~mples, send them on their way, then reconstruct the sever(cid:173)
`al conversations at the other end. There are several ways to do
`!he sampling. You can sample eight b_1ts (one byte)_ of each
`conversalion, or you can sampl_e one bit. The former_ Is called
`word interleaving; the latter bit interleav_in_g. The basic goal of
`mulliplexing - whether It be time d1v1s1on multiplexing, or
`any other form -
`Is to save money, to cram more conversa(cid:173)
`lions (voice, data, video or facs1m1le) onto fewer phone lines.
`To subslitute electronics for copper. See also the following
`lhree definitions.
`Time Division Multiplexer TD~ A device _which
`derives multiple channels on a single transmIssIon facIl1ty by
`connecling bit streams one at a time at regular intervals. It
`inlerleaves bits or characters from each terminal or device
`using the time. See TIME DIVISION MULTIPLEX.
`Time Division Signaling Signaling over a time division
`mulliplex system in which all voice channels share a common
`signaling channel, with time division providing the separation
`between signaling channels. See SIGNALING SYSTEM 7.
`Time Division Switching The connecti on of two circuits
`in a network by assigning them to the same time slot on a
`common time division switched bus.
`Time Domain Reflectometer TOR. A testing device
`Iha! acts on radar-like principles to determine the location of
`me1allic circuit faults.
`Time Guard Band A time interval left vacant on a chan(cid:173)
`nel to provide a margin of safety against interference in the
`lime domain between sequential operations, such as detec(cid:173)
`lion, integration, differentiation, transmission, encoding,
`decoding, or switch ing.
`Time Jitters Short-term variation or instability in the dura(cid:173)
`lion of a specified interval.
`Time Marker A reference signal, often repeated periodi(cid:173)
`cally, enabling the correlation of specific events with a time
`scale. markers are used in some systems for establishing
`Time Multiplexed Switch The space switch of which
`!he cross point settings are changed in each time slot.
`Time Of Day Display The time and date displays on
`phones. Actually, it's very useful information. Sometimes it's
`not displayed on the operator's console. As a result, the oper(cid:173)
`alor may never know that every phone in the office is showing
`!he wrong time and date.
`Time Of Day Routing 1. This feature automatically
`changes access to certain types of lines at times when the
`Imes change from being expensive to cheap, or vice versa.
`For example, it's cheaper to use WATS lines before 8:00 AM
`m the morning. A company has offices in New York and Los
`Angeles. It might be cheaper to route calls to Chicago in the
`morning over the tie lines to LA and then out the LA WATS
`lines to Chicago, than to go directly out the New York WATS
`lines. This is a way to allocate bandwidth for LAN traffic over
`corporate T-1 Networks. By programming T-1 multiplexers,
`customers can allocate the amount of T1 bandwidth that can
`be used by voice, data, and LAN traffic on a time of day basis.
`For example, during the day, most of the T1 bandwidth can be
`allocated for voice. At night, after employees go home, more
`bandwidth can be allocated to LAN and other computer data
`traffic so that file transfers can be done faster. This is particu(cid:173)
`larly useful in IBM mainframe environments where large
`amounts of data needs to be transferred form remote
`offices/divisions to the headquarters.
`Time Out In telecommunications and computer networks,
`an event which occurs at the end of a predetermined interval
`of time is called Time Out. For example if you lift the phone
`off the cradle and do not proceed to dial, after a certain num(cid:173)
`ber of seconds you will hear either a voice telling you to get
`on with it or a howling sound of some sort. Data networks
`have the same thing. Don't do anything for x minutes and the
`system will knock you off the air, i.e. hang up on you. In more
`technical terms, time out is the amount of time that hardware
`or software waits for an expected event before taking correc(cid:173)
`tive action. In its most common form, time out is the amount
`of time an OCC or telephone system waits after your call goes
`through before it begins billing or timing the call. Also see
`Time Sharing A mode of operation that provides for the
`interleaving of two or more independent processes on one
`functional unit. Its most common use is the interleaved use
`of time on a computing system enabling two or more users to
`execute computer programs concurrently. Time sharing of
`computer resources is now relatively obsolete. See also
`Time Sharing Computer System A computer system
`permitting usage by a number of subscribers, usually through
`data-communication subsystems. Th is is usually the case
`where the users have only dumb terminals that cannot
`process data by themselves the way a stand alone computer
`can. Computers are being joined together to deliver more
`computing power where it is most needed.
`Time Slice In a multi tasking environment, each task is
`allotted a portion of the CPU's overall processing power. This
`portion is called a time-slice. And it's usually measured in
`milliseconds. The CPU switches between tasks, and those
`with higher priority receive more time-slices than lower-pri(cid:173)
`ority tasks. See TIME SLICING.
`Time Slicing The term used to describe the dividing of a
`computer resource so multiple applications or tasks request(cid:173)
`ing the resource are allocated some amount of the resource's
`time. See TIME SLICE.
`Time Slot 1. In time division multiplexing or switching, the
`slot belonging to a voice, data or video conversation. It can be
`occupied with conversation or left blank. But the slot is always
`present. You can tell the capacity of the switch or the trans(cid:173)
`mission channel by figuring how many slots are present.
`2. An SCSA term. The smallest switchable data unit on the
`SCbus or SCxbus Data Bus. A time slot consists of eight con(cid:173)
`secutive bits of data. One time slot is equivalent to a data path
`with a bandwidth of 64 Kbps.
`Time Space Time System TST. The most common form of
`switching matrix for small digital telephone exchanges in which
`a space switch is sandwiched between two time switches.
`Time Switch A device incorporati ng a clock which arranges
`to switch equipment on or off at predetermined times.
`Time Varying Media An SCSA definition. Time-varying
`media, such as audio data (as opposed to space-varying
`media, such as image data).
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