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`APPLE INC. / Page 3 of 17


`ing centre of the another different system, means for
`monitoring user
`information signals, and selection
`meanslocatedin the mobile switching centre or network
`control centre for automatically assigning and re-assign-
`ing auserto the anotherdifferent system in accordance
`with the monitored user information signals indicating
`that the another different radio telephone system re-
`quests selection, by instructing the another different
`system to handover a call in progress to the radio tele-
`phone system.
`Ina fifth aspect, the present invention provides
`a methodfor operating a radio telephone system having
`a plurality of base stations in communication with one
`of a mobile switching centre or network control centre
`and adaptedto co-operate with anotherdifferent radio
`telephone system having the other of a network control
`centre or mobile switching centre by exchanging signals
`between the mobile switching centre and the network
`controller comprising,
`the network control centre or mobile switching
`centre monitoring received userinformation signals, de-
`terminingif the received signals indicate that the another
`different radio telephone system requests selection, and
`automatically assigning and re-assigning a user to one
`of the radio telephone systems in accordance with the
`monitored signals indicating that the anotherdifferent
`radio system requests selection by handing overa call
`in progressto the anotherdifferent radio telephone sys-
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`[0015] These have the advantagesin that the system
`for which there is a high probability of successful com-
`munication can be selected. Furthermore, the radiotel-
`ephone can be set to select only those systems for
`whichit has accessrights thereby avoiding possible ex-
`tra high costs for using a service for which no prior ac-
`cess arrangements have been made.
`[0016] Advantageously, the monitoring means moni-
`tors the signals intermittently. Thus, less poweris con-
`sumed by the radio telephone's monitoring process
`whichresults in prolongedbattery life. Furthermore, sig-
`nals required to carry out the monitoring process are
`usedless often which allows moretimefor the radiotel-
`ephoneto processsignals for the currently operating ra-
`dio system, in particular whena call is in progress. In-
`termittent monitoring is particularly effective during pe-
`riods when nocalls are in progress.
`Typically, the radio system in which the radio
`telephoneis operating will be a TDMA system andit
`would be advantageousif the monitoring process were
`carried out during a period of TDMAinactivity (eg un-
`used slots). Thus, there would be noneorat least re-
`duced interference with the TDMA system signals. Ad-
`ditionally there is the benefit that the same components
`maybeutilised for more than one terminal mode and so
`cost/size savings can be made. Both TDMAsharing of
`receiver functions between the systems andalsotrans-
`mitter functions can be utilised. By sharing transmitter
`functions, communications with a second system may
`start before releasing a first system.
`Ina third aspect the invention provides anin-
`ter-linked radio telephone system comprising a first ra-
`dio telephone system havinga plurality of base stations
`in communication with at least one network control cen-
`tre and a seconddifferent radio telephone system hav-
`ing a plurality of base stations in communication with at
`least one mobile switching centre, the inter-linked radio
`system comprising, means for transmitting control sig-
`nals between a mobile switching centre ofthefirst radio
`telephone system and a network control centre of the
`second different radio telephone system, means for
`monitoring user
`information signals and selection
`meanslocatedin the mobile switching centre or network
`control centre for automatically assigning and re-assign-
`ing a userto one of the radio telephone systemsin ac-
`cordance with the monitored userinformation signals in-
`dicating that oneofthefirst and second radio telephone
`systems requests selection by instructing the other of
`the mobile switching centre of the second system or the
`networkcontrol centre ofthe first system to handover a
`call in progress to the requesting system.
`Ina fourth aspect, the present invention pro-
`vides a radio telephone system having a plurality of base
`stations in communication with one of a mobile switch-
`ing centre or network control centre and being adapted
`to co-operate with anotherdifferent radio telephone sys-
`tem having the otherof a network control centre or mo-
`bile switching centre with which a plurality of base sta-
`EP 0 660 626 B1


`tions are in communication, the radio telephone system
`comprising meansfor transmitting control signals from
`the mobile switching centre or network control centre to
`the otherof the network control centre or mobile switch-
`[0021] These have the advantagethat users are au-
`tomatically assigned or re-assigned to radio telephone
`systems dependentuponcertain criteria being fulfilled.
`Thesecriteria can be set by the radio systems them-
`selves, or can be based on instructions from users.
`Since the radio telephone system exchangesuserinfor-
`mation betweenitself and other radio systems, the as-
`signing and re-assigning of usersto particular radiotel-
`ephone systems can be madeeasily and quickly.
`[0022] Additionally, calls from users can be routed
`through different radio telephone systems based on the
`predetermined criteria and the user information.
`is a block diagram of a cellular cordless
`Figure 1
`telephone system embodying the present inven-
`Figure 2 is a block diagram of a cellular cordless
`telephone embodying the present invention;
`Figure 3 is a flow diagram showing the operational
`steps taken undercontrol of the microprocessorto
`monitor for system availability and connect the CCT
`to an appropriate system;
`APPLEINC./ Page 4 of 17
`APPLE INC. / Page 4 of 17


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