`Paper 33
`Date: December 13, 2023
`Patent Owner
`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`Record of Oral Hearing
`Held: November 7, 2023
`Administrative Patent Judges.


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`Haynes and Boone, LLP
`6000 Headquarters Drive, Ste. 200
`Plano, TX 75024
`Graves & Shaw LLP
`355 S. Grand Ave., Suite 2450
`Los Angeles, CA 90071
`The above-entitled matter came on for hearing on November 7,
`2023, commencing at 1:00 p.m., via video teleconference.


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`- - - - -
`JUDGE JUNG: Hello, this is Judge Jung, and with me are Judge
`Turner and Judge Engels. This is the oral argument for IPR2022-01222. In
`this proceeding, Petitioner, Apple Incorporated, challenges certain claims of
`U.S. Patent Number 8,982,863, or the ’863 patent. The ’863 patent is owned
`by Smart Mobile Technologies LLC. Counsel for Petitioner, please state
`your name for the record.
`MR. EHMKE: Your Honors, this is Andrew Ehmke, Lead
`Petitioner on behalf of Apple. Joining me today is my colleague, Adam
`Fowles. Mr. Fowles will be presenting on behalf of the Petition.
`JUDGE JUNG: Thank you, Mr. Ehmke. Counsel for Patent
`Owner, please introduce yourself.
`MR. SHAW: Good morning, Your Honors. This is Greer Shaw
`for Patent Owner, and with me is my partner, Phil Graves, and my co-
`counsel, who is lead counsel on this case, Rex Hwang.
`JUDGE JUNG: Thank you, Mr. Shaw. A few reminders for this
`hearing. If you encounter any technical difficulties, please let us know
`immediately, even if you have to interrupt. If you’re not speaking, please
`mute yourself. Please identify yourself each time you speak to help make
`the transcript clear. Please refer to demonstratives, papers, and exhibits by
`slide or page number. And there is a public connection. The Petitioner has
`60 minutes of total time to present its arguments, and the Patent Owner also
`has 60 minutes of total time to present its arguments. Each party may
`reserve time for rebuttal, and I will interrupt you when you only have a few


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`minutes remaining. That said, Mr. Fowles, you may proceed when you're
`MR. FOWLES: Thank you very much. I would like to reserve 10
`minutes for rebuttal.
`JUDGE JUNG: Ten minutes it is. Thank you.
`MR. FOWLES: Thank you. With that let us move to slide 2 of
`Petitioner’s demonstratives. Looking first at the background of the ’863
`patent, those parts that are relevant to this proceeding involve a cellular
`telephone/mobile device, illustrated here in Figures 4 and 5A as CT/MD, a
`server, and a network switch box. The CT/MD is set up as a dual band
`system, and the server, referred to as server C in the patent, controls
`communication protocols and allocates channels and transfers of data via
`packets. The network switch box, finally, provides system services by
`interfacing to different environments. Moving now to slide 3, the
`independent claims focus on a system for controlling IP-based devices.
`While the claims include an IP-enabled wireless device, all of the areas of
`dispute relate, sorry, to the claims’ server and network switch box
`limitations. So we will focus on those aspects here today. Many limitations
`are shared between independent claims 1 and 14 of the ’863 patent. The
`biggest difference being where claim 1 focuses on just one network switch
`box, claim 14 includes a second network switch box as well.
`Now referring to those areas of dispute between the parties, we
`will step through those in order today unless the Board has other questions
`or issues they would like to turn to. And for the independent claims, those
`areas of dispute include first whether Ahopelto’s teachings render obvious


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`the server and network switch box limitations of the independent claims.
`And second, whether Ahopelto’s system teachings render obvious a server
`that’s in communication with a network switch box, as in claim 1, or a
`server configured for communication with first and second network switch
`boxes, as in claim 14. Patent Owner further disputes the obviousness of
`dependent claims 4, 6, and 19, and we’ll get to those.
`So let’s move now to slide 4 and the first topic. The first area of
`dispute centers around the server and network switch box limitations.
`Ahopelto’s system teachings render obvious both of these limitations in the
`challenged claims, though. So let’s look at slide 5 and look first at what
`Ahopelto teaches. Ahopelto’s Figure 1 shows a general packet radio service
`network with multiple operators, mobile devices, and destinations. The
`GPRS network includes multiple nodes to facilitate packet transfers between
`endpoints, including a GPRS gateway support node, as well as other nodes
`like the GGSN and the GPRS HSN. Now, the GGSN was instrumental in
`Ahopelto’s GPRS network in ensuring data packets reach their destination
`regardless of the protocol used. Instead, the protocol used for the packet was
`a basis for determining what networks would be used to reach the endpoint.
`And that leads us to slide 6. Ahopelto teaches that the different functions of
`the different nodes, including the GGSN, SGSN, and others can be
`implemented in a single computer. This was a well-known approach.
`Analogously, it was also known for the GGSN itself to implement multiple
`software functions on the same node, using duplicated hardware and
`modular software, for example. The evidence reflects that POSITAs
`recognized that a variety of different functions were going on inside of a


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`GGSN. Some of those include a router function, a server function, an
`access server function, border gateway function, and a charging function.
`Some of these functions map to the claimed server, while others map to the
`claimed network switch box.
`Looking now at slide 7, and the server functionality of Ahopelto
`first, Ahopelto’s server functionality maps to the claimed server and renders
`it obvious. So Ahopelto teaches that one of the functions performed at the
`GGSN is to check the protocol of the encapsulated packet in order to know
`whether the GGSN supports the protocol or not. This is the server function.
`If supported, the GGSN will control the routing to direct the packet to one
`network without encapsulation, but if the protocol to the packet is not
`supported, then the GGSN will encapsulate the packet into a protocol that
`the GGSN does support and direct the packet to that different supporting
`network. And slide 8 illustrates this in annotated Figure 1 of Ahopelto,
`calling out the server functionality of the GGSNs. Now, Ahopelto also
`renders obvious the claim server separately with the access server function
`of a GGSN. So looking at slide 9 for that, the evidence demonstrates that
`Ahopelto’s GGSNs also include the access server function, and that controls
`access to the external networks by controlling the interface to the external
`networks. So the access server controls the packet’s access to those external
`networks. Other functions in Ahopelto map, specifically in Ahopelto’s
`GGSN, map to the claimed network switch box.
`For example, if we look at claim -- at slide 10, sorry, the evidence
`demonstrates that GGSN included a router function. And that router
`function maps to the claimed network switch box. Specifically, Ahopelto


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`teaches that the GGSN sends packets to the host using routing mechanisms.
`A POSITA would have understood that the routing could be accomplished
`by the router function. And this includes, according to the evidence, the
`router function deciding which output port to send the packet on once the
`server function is determined, whether the protocol is supported or not. And
`slide 11 illustrates Ahopelto’s Figure 1 again, but this time with the router
`function of the GGSN specifically called out. So basically, looking at these
`two functions, the server function in Ahopelto looks at answering the
`question of how to handle packets by looking at what language is being
`used, that is the protocol, while the router function in Ahopelto looks at
`answering the what question. What entity the endpoint is going to talk with
`using the identified language.
`JUDGE TURNER: Counsel? This is Judge Turner. Can you
`provide the connection between what is a server and what is a network
`switch box?
`MR. FOWLES: Are you asking with respect to the ’863 patent
`itself or with respect to the functions identified in Ahopelto?
`JUDGE TURNER: You indulge yourself. Take whichever one
`you think makes sense. I’m asking, if one of ordinary skill in the art looks at
`a server and reads network switch box; how do you distinguish between
`those two?
`MR. FOWLES: Sure. Why don't we go to slide 14? Slide 14
`looks at what the claim requirements are for a server. And this is how I’m
`going to answer your question is first, a server, according to the claim, is
`required to be connected to at least one Internet protocol enabled network. It


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`has to be configured with a controller that is in communication with a
`plurality of network devices. And from the preamble, it has to control IP-
`based wireless devices, cellular phones, networks, or network switches.
`Claim 14 further requires that the server be configured for communication
`with the first network switch box and the second network switch box. So a
`POSITA reading these limitations, looking for a set server, the answer would
`be, what is a server? A server is an entity that’s connected to at least one IP-
`enabled network. It’s configured with a controller, and it’s in
`communication with the plurality of network devices. The claim doesn’t
`require anything beyond that. With respect to a network switch box, we
`look at slide 22. A network switch box is configured with a plurality of
`ports. It’s connected to at least two networks, and it’s configured to transmit
`and receive one or more data packets between these two networks. Claim 14
`only additionally requires a wired and/or wireless interface, and that is
`configured to transmit and receive a plurality of data packets. So --
`JUDGE TURNER: This is Judge Turner. I don’t think you’re
`quite responding to my question. I understand you’re trying. Let me try
`something else. Do we normally talk about a server talking to itself? If I
`have one entity here, that let’s say the network switch box, would I talk
`about, if I say, okay, that’s also comprised of the server, the server inside, do
`I normally talk about a network switch box sort of communicating with
`itself? Or does it talk with other network elements, per usual?
`MR. FOWLES: Both are known in the art, and Petitioner’s expert
`explained that POSITAs certainly understood that one box, so to speak, or
`maybe I should use a different word, one entity, can have multiple different


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`logical elements within it. And so yes. Can a server talk with itself, I
`wouldn’t phrase it that way. A server can certainly be a logical entity that is
`housed in the same physical hardware as another entity, like a router. And
`so, from that perspective, yes, those can talk to each other. If you want to
`characterize that as the physical entity talking to itself, then yes, it is talking
`to itself. And looking at Ahopelto, Ahopelto teaches that even different
`nodes can be integrated into the same physical device. And so in as much as
`Ahopelto describes an SGSN talking to a GGSN, that could be “talking with
`itself” if it’s implemented all on the same computer according to Ahopelto
`And so the GGSN with its server functionality, it does talk with the
`router functionality. It controls the router functionality in terms of which
`network the router functionality can even access in order to forward on the
`packets. And in like manner, the second network switch box, because that
`packet that the server functionality analyses traverses both the first network
`switch box, the router functionality of the GGSN, and eventually the host
`router near the host, that server functionality is in communication with both
`network switch boxes. So, does that answer your question?
`JUDGE TURNER: Oh, thank you. I’m going to let you proceed.
`MR. FOWLES: Okay. So let’s move back to slide 11 for a
`moment. Actually, slide 12. Let’s go on. So basically, the server function,
`again, looks at answering the question of how to handle packets. It looks at
`what language is being used. And then the router function of the GGSN,
`which, again, the evidence demonstrates, once a function integrated within
`GGSN, goes through the process of actually sending the packet to other


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`devices in the network. So there are a few questions that might come up
`with respect to these different functions that they have held to GGSN. One’s
`already been raised. Another question, which may be, have overtones to
`your question, are the server and network switchbox limitations required to
`be physically distinct from each other? And Patent Owner’s answered no to
`that question. The functions do not need to be physically separate. Patent
`Owner’s emphasis is instead on whether the art shows the server and
`network switchbox as distinct components.
`And it does. Ahopelto teaches, if we look at slide 13, for example,
`on each respective cites here, the distinct teachings of Ahopelto with respect
`to the server function and separately with respect to the routing function.
`And the Petition repeatedly explained the different functions performed that
`map to each respective limitation. And just because Petitioner’s citations
`were over-inclusive does not mean that we were suddenly citing to the same
`thing for different functions.
`So for the router function specifically, Ahopelto teaches sending
`the packet via a network based on the result of the server function’s
`determination with respect to that supported protocol. With respect to slide
`13, I just want to note there is a cut and paste error for some of the Petition
`citations on the righthand side under that routing function column. The first
`citation to the Petition is correct. For the remaining three, page 42 of the
`Petition does include the figures for which the 10 sites in Ahopelto will
`apply, but the specific 10 sites to the Petition are as follows. For the second
`citation, that’s the column 10, lines 22 to 27, the Petition cite should be to
`page 49. And then for the last two citations to Ahopelto the Petition cite


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`should be at page 51.
`JUDGE JUNG: Mr. Fowles, this is Judge Jung. Just to be clear,
`you’re just talking about the citations on the slide itself, right?
`MR. FOWLES: That’s right.
`JUDGE JUNG: Not citations in the Petition?
`MR. FOWLES: No, no.
`JUDGE JUNG: Okay. All right. While we’re on this slide, I
`don’t consider the dispute to be that Ahopelto does not explicitly say that
`there’s two separate functionalities, a routing functionality, and a server
`functionality, right? All you’re saying is one of ordinary skill in the art
`reading Ahopelto would see two different functionalities. Is that correct?
`MR. FOWLES: That’s correct. Ahopelto calls them out
`separately. For example, you know, this function of checking the protocols
`and determining whether the protocol is supported or not is described
`separately from the function of actually routing into the network which
`corresponds with what protocol is supported, et cetera.
`JUDGE JUNG: Okay, so Mr. Fowles, I take away from your
`response that just because there are two separate sets of descriptions, one
`related to a server function, one related to a routing function, that there must
`be two separate functions happening inside the GGSN. Is that correct?
`MR. FOWLES: That’s correct. They are definitely distinct
`teachings that respectively render obvious the server and network switch box
`that are claimed in the independent claims.
`JUDGE JUNG: So now I want to ask you, are they actually
`distinct teachings? Like can you separate one from the other? Can you


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`actually route something without actually looking at what the encapsulation
`is under the server function and then move on to the routing function?
`MR. FOWLES: You’re asking if someone could skip the so-called
`server function?
`JUDGE JUNG: Are they actually distinct teachings? It seems to
`me that one can’t happen without the other.
`MR. FOWLES: You know, I’m not sure if the routing could
`happen without checking the protocol. I’d have to check with our expert and
`we can brief on that. But what I do know is that just because one can’t
`happen without the other doesn’t mean that they are not distinct functions. I
`think we see in many different areas that one action is contingent upon
`something else happening first. It doesn’t mean that those two functions
`necessarily have to be the same, part of the same process. And in fact, there
`is a Federal Circuit case that seems to agree that when we’re looking at
`software, that how we look at it is not as discreet as it is historically with
`physical devices. And that is, I’m referring to a case that came out after we
`had filed our reply, and it’s titled Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC, I'm
`sorry, Bot M8 LLC vs. Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC came out August
`30th of this year. It is a non-precedential opinion, but it’s still informative,
`and it actually dovetails with what we mentioned in our reply about the need
`to be physically distinct is just not relevant to this situation because we’re
`not looking at physical components.
`In that case, the Federal Circuit said that the rationale in Becton
`had to do with the fact that physical components would be rendered
`nonsensical if they were looking at the same structure in the prior art. But


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`when we’re looking at software, no similar nonsensical result arises is what
`the Federal Circuit said, where the claims simply recite two different
`programs or something similar because they don’t come up with a
`nonsensical result. And that’s Appeal number 2022-1569. I don’t have a
`report or citation for it.
`JUDGE JUNG: That’s okay. I just want to set aside the physical
`separateness argument for a moment. Because I believe the way the case
`has evolved, I believe you’re kind of stuck with maybe it’s the same logic,
`but it’s just different parts of the same logic that’s happening in a single
`machine. One part of the logic is dedicated to the server function, and
`another part dedicated to the routing function. Is that correct?
`MR. FOWLES: Yes, that’s correct. One part of the logic does
`apply to the server functionality, and it meets all the limitations of what the
`independent claims require the server to be, and other functions relate to the
`network switch box. That’s correct.
`JUDGE JUNG: Okay. Now, how does one of ordinary skill in the
`art reading Ahopelto get to that?
`MR. FOWLES: Get to seeing those in different functions?
`JUDGE JUNG: Of the same logic, yes. How does a -- can you
`walk me through how one of ordinary skill in the art reading Ahopelto
`would arrive at the conclusion that Ahopelto is describing a single logic with
`two different functionalities in different parts of that software?
`MR. FOWLES: I think I may have misunderstood your first
`question. I don’t think we’re talking about a situation where the same logic
`covers two different functions?


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`JUDGE JUNG: I mean software, let’s say. Same overall software
`that controls the GGSN.
`MR. FOWLES: Well, there would be different subroutines that
`would be dealing with each different logical function. For example, looking
`at Exhibit 1010, and if we just pull up slide 6 again.
`JUDGE JUNG: So I could look at Exhibit 1010. You’re kind of
`conceding that it’s not expressly clear that Ahopelto by itself would teach
`someone of ordinary skill in the art that it’s two different parts of the same
`software controlling a GGSN.
`MR. FOWLES: Actually, that is the conclusion. A POSITA
`reading Ahopelto would see that Ahopelto teaches checking the protocol and
`determining whether it’s supported or not in the GGSN. And separate and
`distinct from that, then routing into a network based on the results of that.
`JUDGE JUNG: To get there you need us to go through Exhibit
`1010 and Exhibit 1006, is that right?
`MR. FOWLES: No, those exhibits were exhibits that the expert
`cited to support his conclusion from when he read Ahopelto alone, that
`GGSNs had multiple different functions. And two of those functions that
`Ahopelto teaches are first checking the protocol and determine whether it’s
`supported at the GGSN, and a different function that the GGSN has is the
`actual function of forwarding a packet into the network that the server
`functionality determined was appropriate. So we don’t have to go through
`these tertiary exhibits. Rather, they are bolstering and supporting Dr.
`Jensen’s opinion of what a POSITA would understand when they read
`Ahopelto itself.


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`JUDGE JUNG: Okay, so we could just analyze Ahopelto, but I
`have to refer to Exhibit 1010 or Exhibit 1006.
`MR. FOWLES: Would you have to?
`JUDGE JUNG: Yeah, could we? I come to the same conclusion.
`MR. FOWLES: If you did not have those two exhibits, yes, a
`POSITA reading Ahopelto alone would understand that those are distinct
`teachings. And again, Exhibit 1010, Exhibit 1006, those are evidence
`simply demonstrating that, yes, a POSITA did understand that the GGSNs
`had these different functions.
`JUDGE JUNG: Thank you.
`MR. FOWLES: How is to meet the burden?
`JUDGE TURNER: This is Judge Turner. But before I let you get
`back to what you want to say, Mr. Fowles. Let me give you a hypothetical.
`Let’s say that we presume that there’s a functionality within the GGSN that
`basically determines it’s a checker. I’m just going to call it that, a checker.
`And it makes sure that the IP address, you know, looks like it’s supposed to,
`that instead of, you know, something formatted not like an IP address.
`And so therefore -- but it doesn’t say anything about it, in
`Ahopelto, but it has to be there, because if, you know, it comes in and the IP
`address is nonconforming, so it’s got to check it, because it’ll cause an error
`if it doesn’t. So I think by that logic, Ahopelto would have a checker.
`Maybe no one’s even heard of that before, but I’m sort of arguing, you
`know, maybe absurdum, that, you know, as long as I can keep coming up
`with functionality, I can come up with different aspects of this system, even
`if they’re not necessarily explicitly disclosed. Tell me how, where my logic


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`is wrong here.
`MR. FOWLES: Well, as a first task, Ahopelto does describe the
`function of checking the protocols of packets. And this checker, this idea of
`checking addresses, is not something that Ahopelto explicitly calls out. And
`so that’s the first and chief reason why I think that hypothetical doesn’t
`apply or is not analogous to what’s going on here. It’s not like we’re saying
`that there’s some function that has to be there in Ahopelto, but it doesn’t
`mention. Ahopelto explicitly teaches this act of checking the protocol and
`determining whether it’s supported. And the result of that analysis controls
`how the routing functionality then performs its job. And so that’ll be my
`first answer to your hypothetical. And I’m not sure I have --
`JUDGE TURNER: I'm calling it a checker for a reason, because if
`I have a specific element, it’s called a checker, and it has the functionality,
`but, you know, it doesn’t call it out as a separate element. Do you have that?
`I mean, eventually, the GGSN probably has thousands of functions, and it’s
`sort of like I contain multitudes. You have hundreds of elements contained
`in this one element; I'm trying to figure out where it ends.
`MR. FOWLES: Where the server element ends?
`JUDGE TURNER: Well, no, where the analysis ends. Because I
`feel like I can come up with what I call a checker. I can come up with a
`router. I can come up with a server. I can come up with all these elements
`all sort of being there, but you know, Ahopelto kind of refers to it as a single
`MR. FOWLES: Do you mean the GGSN?


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`MR. FOWLES: I think the first place that we would ask when
`we -- where we should stop it is to look at the claims themselves, and what is
`it that a server has to have? And could the art have even more functions?
`We don’t have to determine that. We just have to see if a server exists in the
`prior art, specifically within that GGSN, and whether a network switch box
`exists in the GGSN. So are there thousands of other functions that also exist
`in the GGSN? Possibly. What we did was we pointed to what Ahopelto
`teaches that is adequate and sufficiently shows that there is this functionality
`within a GGSN that exercises control over how the router functionality of
`the GGSN works. That’s pretty much all what the claim requires. Is
`looking again at the claim, does the server control IP-based devices? Well,
`starting with the GGSN, yes, and looking further, the path that packets take
`is controlled in part by what that functionality of the GGSN decides. And
`so, in that way, it is exercising control over many other aspects of the
`JUDGE TURNER: Okay. Thank you.
`MR. FOWLES: So, the other aspect that is in dispute is this
`question of whether this server functionality of the GGSN is, “in
`communication with” a plurality of network devices, as in independent claim
`1, and further configured with wired and/or wireless interfaces, and to begin
`to transmit and receive packets as in claim 14.
`And I look now at slide 23. I’m sorry, 27. So, does Ahopelto
`render obvious these in-communication with limitations? Yes, it does, and
`here’s why. Looking at slide 28, independent claim 1 just requires that the
`server is in communication with that plurality of network devices like I just


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`summarized. And what does Ahopelto teach? Ahopelto teaches that when a
`packet arrives at the GGSN from an SGSN, that packet is inspected to
`determine whether the protocol used for the packet is supported. That
`inspection, that server functionality has to have access to that packet in order
`to do that analysis.
`And this demonstrates that the server functionality of Ahopelto
`that does that determination is in communication, for example, with the
`SGSN from which the packet came. And further, it’s in communication
`with all the other network devices downstream that the packet then traverses
`as it’s sent on its way. And I’ll just note, that’s with respect to the server
`functionality. The access server, which is also in a GGSN, would itself also
`be in communication with all these other network devices. And for much
`for the same reason that’s just explained. Because the access server has
`access to the packets for determining what network to use. For example,
`which ones the user has permissions to access. And then by that way, it can
`exercise control over how the GGSN then routes the packet.
`So looking now at slide 29, these packets, each of which are
`analyzed by the server functionality, are the packets, again, that traverse all
`the other network devices. And so as the evidence demonstrates, that server
`functionality is in communication with each network device. Now to the
`extent Patent Owner is insisting that the limitation requires a direct
`connection between the server and any other network device, that’s just not
`in the claim. Patent Owner’s own expert acknowledged that there could be
`other devices between the server and network device and still be in
`communication with that network device.


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`The example that Patent Owner’s expert considered in deposition
`was based on Figure 9 of the ’863 Patent. Whether -- and there whether a
`router, if it was in between the server C and an endpoint computer 902,
`would that mean that server C is no longer in communication with the
`computer 902? And with that example, their expert agreed that the server C
`would still be in communication with computer 902. And an analogous
`situation exists here with Ahopelto. The server functionality is in
`communication with other network devices along the network path with the
`router functionality of the GGSN in between.
`And slide 30, if we move there, the same reasoning applies to the
`limitation of Claim 14, that the server is configured for communication with
`two network switch boxes. This includes the first network switch box at the
`GGSN, as well as the host router near the host, which the packet passes
`through on its way to its destination. So if there are no questions on the in-
`communication list limitations, we can move to the dependent claim issues.
`Let’s go to slide 31. Dependent claim 4 is the first dependent
`claim that is in dispute. Dependent claim 4 requires that the server be
`configured to dynamically control and change the network flow between the
`first network switch box and second network switch box, such that the first
`network switch box and second network switch box transmit and receive
`data packets using dynamically changing network paths. Ahopelto renders
`this obvious, and we’ll look at slide 32 to start to see why that is. In
`Ahopelto, each packet is received at a GGSN. The path the packet takes
`when transmitted from the GGSN depends upon the protocol used for the
`packet from the mobile station. Generally, Ahopelto teaches that the


`Patent 8,982,863 B1
`protocol type, whether the GGSN supports the packets protocol or not,
`determines the network path for the packet to the endpoint.
`And in sl

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