`Sema Alptekin Colin Benjamin Yildirim Omurtag
`Engineering Management Department
`University of Missouri-Rolla
`Rolla, Missouri 65401-0249, USA
`This paper describes the model CIM program
`successfully developed by the Department of
`Engineering Management, University
`Missouri-Rolla. The program has employed a
`strategy of industry/university collaboration in
`developing a vibrant, multi-disciplinary approach
`to CIM education incorporating a laboratory
`intensive curriculum. Adoption of the integrative
`philosophy of a CIM enterprise should facilitate
`the continued development of a coherent, integrated
`CIM program.
`The growth of Engineering Management (EMgt)
`programs in the last several years at the
`undergraduate and graduate levels has been
`phenomenal. It appears that as early as the
`1940's, there were Engineering Management type
`programs offered in the United States. However,
`the major growth in this field did not take place
`until the mid-sixties and early seventies. With
`the ABET accredited Engineering Management B.S.
`programs now being offered in the country, the
`discipline of EMgt has arrived in the field of
`engineering education as a distinct entity. The
`Engineering Management Department at UMR is the
`leader in this field and ranks among the top 10 in
`the Industrial Engineering/Engineering Management
`categories in the nation today.
`successful model program for CIM education in the
`independent EMgt department at UMR. Even though
`the first concrete steps to develop laboratory
`based CIM education were taken only four years ago,
`the great success the department has achieved in
`CIM education is mostly due to a fertile
`environment and the creation of a sustained CIM
`focus in the curriculum.
`Indus try Initiatives
`In recent years, several initiatives have been
`launched by industry, professional institutions,
`and academia to define the essentials of a model
`CIM program for institutions of higher education.
`CIM advocates have faced the challenges of
`articulating relevant CIM curricula [l], developing
`collaborative strategies to stimulate and maintain
`cooperation among academia, the business community,
`and the professional institutions [2], and
`identifying the appropriate implementation strategy
`for various situations.
`IBM's program entitled "CIM in Higher Education
`Alliance" announced in December 1988 provides a
`good illustration of industry's important role in
`CIM education. The Alliance, which currently lists
`over seventy member schools provides a forum for
`educators to exchange ideas and technologies in the
`pursuit of sharing CIM opportunities in both
`education and industry.
`Current interest in Computer Integrated
`Manufacturing (CIM) as a strategy for restoring the
`competitiveness of the manufacturing industry in
`the USA has required the development of a strategy
`to incorporate CIM concepts into our curriculum.
`The CIM philosophy focuses on integrating all of
`the business and engineering functions of a firm
`using computers, from planning--through design to
`The Alliance is an outgrowth of a major CIM
`initiative announced in September 1982 by IBM after
`the formation of a task force in 1982 under the
`direction of IBM's Eric Bloch, currently Director
`of the National Science Foundation (NSF). The task
`force engaged in discussion with higher education
`and during the summer of 1983, IBM announced a $50
`million grant to 22 institutions for CIM academic
`EMgt type programs typically possess faculty whose
`multi-disciplinary backgrounds are ideally suited
`for initiating a CIM education program. They
`possess the ability to bridge the gap between
`traditional Operations Research topics and CAD/CAM,
`FMS, Decision Support Systems and Manufactur
`Systems Engineering and Management.
`This paper describes the development of a
`The IBM concept of a CIM enterprise model [ 3 ] in
`which Computer Integrated Manufacturing harnesses
`information system technology to integrate
`manufacturing and business objectives provides a
`good framework within with CIM education programs
`to be modelled, IBM support has assisted the
`development of a variety o f model CIM programs at
`institutions such as University of Alabama,
`University of Cincinnati, Fox Valley Technical
`0-81 86-1 966-X/90/0000/0086/$01 .OO 0 1990 IEEE
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`College, University of Missouri-Rolla, The
`Pennsylvania College of Technology, and University
`of Southwestern Louisiana.
`Professional Institutions
`The professional manufacturing engineering
`institutions have sought to identify the actions
`needed to mobilize manufacturing engineering to
`meet the challenges of the 21st Century. An
`interesting initiative is the recent study
`conducted by AT Kearney Inc., commissioned by the
`Society of Manufacturing Engineers to explore the
`future role of the manufacturing engineer [ 4 ] .
`CIM Laboratories
`In our model CIM program, extensive use is made of
`the Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
`laboratories which were designed on a three-tiered
`approach to laboratory needs in this area [E]. The
`ultimate goal is to replicate an actual industrial
`operation. At the next lower level is the industry
`grade comprehensive system operated in the lab and
`finally the bench scale modeling of manufacturing
`systems using physical simulation components such
`as the Fischertechnik modules. The following
`laboratories have been developed to support this
`This and other related studies can provide
`invaluable information and guidelines for
`development of model CIM programs. Manufacturing
`engineers will need relevant education and training
`to use the new technologies effectively while
`obtaining the "breadth" skills required to enable
`them to contribute as team members.
`o Industrial-grade CIM Laboratory
`o Physical Modeling laboratory
`o Building Blocks of Automation Laboratory
`o CAD/Simulation Laboratory
`The following sub sections will describe the
`industrial-grade CIM laboratory which represents
`our major investment.
`Industrial-nrade CIM Laboratory
`The academic community has been in search of
`consensus on the future direction of CIM education.
`Studies by McCluckie [ 5 ] , Mortensen [ 6 ] , Francis et
`a1 [7] offer various approaches for enhancing the
`quality and effectiveness of CIM engineering
`education. Alternative approaches for implementing
`a CIM program have been explored. One possibility
`is to assign responsibility for program development
`and operation to an established IE/ME/Engineering
`Management Department. Another possibility is to
`attach the CIM program to a university-based
`Research/Productivity Center. The best approach
`requires a careful analysis of each particular
`situation and the development of an appropriate
`strategy to take full advantage of existing
`opportunities. The model CIM program adopted by
`the University of Missouri-Rolla will be described
`below to illustrate this concept.
`The BS degree in Engineering Management constitutes
`the foundation for the CIM education at UMR and is
`based on a three plus one formula where three
`years' worth of technical manufacturing engineering
`course content is blended with a year's worth of
`techno-managerial course content to synthesize an
`effective CIM education for the graduates of this
`ABET accredited program [see Table 11. This model
`is supported by the recent SME commissioned study
`conducted by the AT Kearney, Inc. [ 4 ] . In this
`report, a massive revamping of the educational
`system is recommended to provide specific tools and
`training required by the manufacturing engineer of
`the 21st Century. Significant increases are
`forecast in the use of computer-based technologies
`such as Artificial Intelligence, Automated Material
`Handling, Sensor Technology, Laser Applications,
`Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Advanced
`Inspection Technologies, Flexible Manufacturing
`Systems and Simulation as well as managing the
`technology to create what may be best called
`Computer Integrated Enterprise (CIE).
`The primary mission of the CIM laboratory is to
`provide a facility to encourage cross-disciplinary
`teaching, research, and service in integrated
`manufacturing. Accordingly the main objective of
`developing the CIM lab is the creation of a
`highly-integrated and flexibly-automated
`manufacturing system that allows students,
`researchers, and engineers from industry to learn,
`experiment, and improve this new technology.
`The CIM laboratory is located in the Engineering
`Management Building's first floor and occupies an
`area of 5200 square foot. It is equipped with
`industrial-grade equipment and provides the
`integrated manufacturing system required by faculty
`and students to explore specific areas of interest
`[9-111. The layout of the facility is given in
`Figure 1.
`Physically, the CIM lab contains two cells: The
`Flexible Manufacturing Cell (FMC) and the Flexible
`Assembly Cell (FAC). The components of the FMC are
`a CNC mill, a CNC lathe, a loop conveyor, a servo
`robot, a quick changer for end effectors, a
`pneumatic robot, an automated storage and retrieval
`system (AS/RS), a bar code reader, programmable
`controllers, a
`packaging machine
`micro-computers. The core of this cell was bought
`as a turn-key system in 1987 to include the AS/RS,
`the loop conveyor belt, the pick-and-place robot,
`and the milling machine. Proprietary software
`which runs on a micro-computer and a proprietary
`LAN is used to control and integrate the material
`handling components of the cell (121. The other
`components of the FMC (the GE robot, the lathe, the
`packaging machine) were added to the system in 1988
`to increase the flexibility of the overall system
`~ 3 1 .
`The Flexible Assembly Cell (FAC) was designed and
`implemented as a term project by a team of students
`in 1989. The layout of the assembly cell is given
`in Figure 2. The components of the FAC are a servo
`robot (IBM 7535), a conveyor system, various
`sensors, fixtures, a feeder, a PLC, and a
`micro-computer. These two cells are integrated and
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`Fifth Semester .
`English 160 Technical Writing
`BE-110 Mechanics of Materials
`EMgt 208 Engineering Economy
`EMgt 230 Management Accounting System
`Met 121 Met for Engineers
`EMgt 265 Management Practices
`Seventh Semester
`EMgt 251 Marketing Management
`Humanities & Social Sciences 2xx
`Electives Mfg Engineering Pref
`EMgt 357 Advanced Facilities Design
`EMgt 361 Project Management
`EMgt 372 Prod. Plan. & Scheduling
`EMgt 375 Total Quality Management
`1 6
`Eiehth Semester
`Humanities & Social Science 2xx
`EMgt 260 General Management
`EMgt 334 CIM
`Electives Mfg. Engineering Pref
`Sample :
`EMgt 333 Management Info. Systems
`EMgt 377 Expert Syst. in Mfg
`1 8
`1 02 '
`Table 1:
`UMR Engineering Management
`Manufacturing Engineering Preference
`Last Two Years Model Curriculum
`Sixth Semester
`EMgt 252 Financial Management
`EMgt 282 Production Management
`EMgt 382 Methods of IE/OR
`EE 281 Electrical Circuits
`ME 227 Thermal Analysis
`Elective Mfg Engineering Pref
`Sample :
`EMgt 257 Materials Handling
`1 5
`6 i
`Figure 1. Layout of UMR Engineering Management CIM Laboratory
`together comprise a Flexible Manufacturing and
`Assembly system.
`An in-house developed
`semi-intelligent software (FASIAC) is used to
`control the system. This flexible and
`semi-intelligent system is utilized to manufacture
`and assemble a growing number of products in the
`CIM facility and provides students with hands-on
`experience in CIM related areas. The products
`being manufactured and assembled in the CIM lab are
`described in the following subsection.
`The Products
`Currently five products are be 19 manufac ired in
`the CIM laboratory (see Figure 3)".
`The design and
`manufacture of these products were accomplished by
`students as term projects for various CIM courses.
`The Key Chain product was used during various lab
`demonstrations in the initial phase of laboratory
`development. The main purpose of the selection of
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`At the Engineering Management Department we have
`been continuously upgrading our CIM laboratory
`[14]. As a member of IBM's CIM in Higher Education
`Alliance, the UMR Engineering Management Department
`has received a main frame computer (IBM 9 3 7 0 ) , an
`RT workstation, an industrial computer, and various
`software packages. Among these is the Distributed
`Automated Edition (DAE) software which will be used
`to integrate the design, manufacturing, planning
`and control functions of the CIM lab. Integration
`software that will tie all of the IBM computers
`with the existing equipment will be developed
`in-house by staff and students. Cell control
`software linking the IBM 7552 industrial computer
`to the various machine controllers will be
`developed. This phase will include writing drivers
`to link individual machines to the computer in
`addition to developing application programs to
`control the machines, schedule operations, and
`eventually communicate with the facility
`controller, the IBM 9370.
`Facility control software will also be developed to
`supervise the different cells, schedule their
`operations, and keep track of production status.
`Software developed will be enhanced where possible
`by the addition of artificial intelligence tools to
`make the system more adaptive to changes in the
`Our long-term ideal is the evolution of our CIM Lab
`facility into a demonstration production facility
`illustrating the various facets of a CIM
`enterprise. A product mix specified by the
`marketing function will be designed for
`manufacturability and assembly by our engineering
`design and packaging students. These items will
`then be produced in a manufacturing and assembly
`cell designed by our manufacturing engineering and
`facilities planning students. The production
`management function will work with our process
`planners to develop the operation routes and
`methods required to produce the right quality of
`products, on time with the right quality. The
`entire project will require a business
`justification from our engineering economy
`students. Our information management and systems
`specialists will be faced with the challenge of
`designing appropriate decision support systems to
`facilitate informed decision-making by the various
`This approach will thus enable the integration of
`our courses around a central theme, facilitating
`the extension of the CIM integration philosophy
`into our CIM education program.
`_. .
`Figure 2. Layout of Flexible Assembly Cell
`this product was to demonstrate machining and
`programming flexibility. In this scenario, visitors
`to our lab are asked to enter their initials via a
`terminal. An in-house developed computer program
`generates the NC part programs for the milling
`machine to engrave their initials along with other
`information such as the University of Missouri (UM)
`l o g o , Engineering Management, and UMR letters on
`the key chain. The raw material is stored in the
`AS/RS on a pallet. The parts are then picked,
`placed on a conveyor and delivered to the GE robot.
`The GE robot loads the part on the Dyna 2400
`Milling machine. After the milling operation is
`over, the GE robot unloads the part and places it
`on the pallet positioner. The part is conveyed to
`a station where it is picked up by a pick-and-place
`robot and loaded in a packaging machine. This
`machine then bags the key chain with a chain in a
`plastic bag. The empty pallet is conveyed to the
`AS/RS for storage.
`Another product is the three level maze which
`consists of four 5.0 x 2.5 x . 5 inch plexiglass
`plates, a metal ball and four fastening pins. The
`top plate is used to enclose the first level of the
`maze. The first level of the maze is milled in the
`second plate. The second and third levels are
`milled on both sides of the third plate. The
`fourth plate is used to enclose the third level of
`the maze. The Dyna Myte 2400 mill is used to
`manufacture the components of the maze.
`The components of the maze are manufactured in the
`FMC prior to the assembly operation and stored in
`the AS/RS. Upon request, a pallet bearing the
`components of the specified product is sent to the
`assembly cell. The GE robot is used to move parts
`from the pallet to the line conveyor belt. The IBM
`7535 is used to assemble the product. The GE robot
`picks up the finished product and places it on the
`waiting pallet, and the product is sent back to the
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`_ ~ ~ _
`Tower of Hanoi
`3D Maze
`Cam Critter
`Pericil Holder
`Key Chain
`Figure 3. The Products
`The program described above is extremely successful
`and has received support from several organizations
`e.g. National Science Foundation (NSF), Society for
`Manufacturing Engineers (SME), Packaging Machines
`Manufacturers Institute (PMMI) and IBM. The
`student enrollments at BS, MS and PhD levels are
`soaring, making the EMgt Department the most
`resource critical department in the School o f
`Engineering at UMR. We now have higher student
`credit hour/faculty, student head count/faculty, a
`very large MS program and the largest PhD program
`in the School of Engineering at UMR. Our faculty
`r e s e a r c h
`p r o d u c t i v i t y
`m e a s u r e d
`b y
`publications/faculty and research dollars/faculty
`has also shown dramatic increases. We are
`experiencing growing numbers of transfers from
`other departments and schools throughout the nation
`into our undergraduate and graduate programs
`creating ever increasing budget constraints which
`must be relieved if we are to grow further.
`In summary it may be concluded that the
`comprehensive, laboratory based CIM education
`formulated at UMR in the EMgt Department is a
`success model that should be considered by others
`who are contemplating launching or intensifying
`their own efforts in this area.
`[l] Jain, A.K., "Education for CIM: The Issue is
`Integration", Manufacturing Systems, January
`1986, pp. 16-18.
`[2] Omurtag, Y., C. Benjamin, and S . Alptekin,
`"Advancing CIM
`Industry/University Collaboration: The UMR
`Experience", Proceedings, UPCAEDM '89,
`Laramie, Wyoming, July 23-26, 1989, p p .
`IBM, The CIM Enterprise, IBM Corp., West
`Plains, NY, 1989.
`Koska, D.F. and J . D. Romano, "Countdown to
`the Future: The Manufacturing Engineer in the
`21st Century", A.T. Kearney Research Study,
`Profile 21, Executive Summary, SME, Fall
`McCluckie , J . D. , "Survey of the Current
`Status of CIM Education in the United States"
`in SME Conference Proceedings on Key
`Strategies for Teaching Automated
`Manufacturing, Ann Arbor, Michigan, November
`15-17, 1988.
`Mortensen, K.S., "Graduate Manufacturing
`Education", International Journal of ADulied
`Engineering Education, V o l . 4 , No. 4 , 1988,
`p p . 355-358.
`Francis, P.H. et al., "The Academic
`Preparation of Manufacturing Engineers: A
`Blueprint for Change", Manufacturing Review,
`Vol. 1 , N O . 3 , 1988, pp. 158-163.
`Omurtag, Y. & H. H. Sineath, "Laboratories
`for Engineering Management Education", Proc.
`of the ASEE 85th Annual Conference, 1977,
`paper No. 2252.
`Alptekin, S . and C. Benjamin, "Integrating
`CAE/CAD/CAM Islands Through CIM" , Proc. 6th
`Natl. Conf. University Prorrrams in
`Computer-Aided Envineerinp. Design and
`Manufacturing UPCAEDM '88, pp. 6-11.
`Alptekin, S., "Development of a Factory of
`the Future Laboratory", Proc. 8th Am. Soc.
`Eng. Manaeement Conf., pp. 163-166, St.
`Louis, MO., October 1987.
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`[11] Alptekin, S . and Y. Omurtag, "CIM Laboratory
`for Engineers", Proc. ASEE Ann. Conf.,
`Lincoln, Neb., June 25-29, 1989, pp.
`[ 121 "Computer Integrated Manufacturing", Amatrol ,
`[13] Mehta, M . B . ,
`"Implementation of a CIM
`Strategy for Automated Manufacturing and
`Assembly", MS Thesis, UMR, 1988.
`[ 1 4 ] Alptekin, S. and M. Najm, "Status Report on
`Computer Integrated Manufacturing and
`Packaging Laboratory", CIM Laboratory Report,
`April 1989.
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