United States Patent 15
`Oct. 18, 1983
`Joseph B. Dick, Earlysville, Va.
`Primary Examiner—William E. Kamm
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-—-Wheeler, House, Fuller &
`[73] Assignee: General Electric Company,
`Schenectady, N.Y.
`(21] Appl. No.: 237,821
`[22] Filed:
`Feb. 25, 1981
`[SV] Unt, C13 oe eeeeseseencecssnseesensees A61B 5/04
`[52] U.S. Cl.
`[58] Field of Search ...........c006 328/140, 141, 220 R;
`340/347; 364/417; 128/630, 696, 697, 903, 904
`References Cited
`A square pulse waveis frequency modulated (FM) by
`an input analog voltage that represents a physiological
`parameter such as an electrocardiograph waveform. A
`binary counteris initiated for counting a predetermined
`integral number, such as four, FM periods for each FM
`wave sampling interval. A counter/timer counts high
`rate clock pulses during the interval and stops when the
`predetermined number of FM periods is counted,
`thereby producing a count that is proportional to the
`time per FM period or cycle. The reciprocal of timeis
`calculated to produce a digital number that is propor-
`8/1946 Miller .
`tional to frequency and, hence, to the instant amplitude
`3/1970 Wortzman oceans 128/696
`of the analog input voltage. The number constitutes
`.. 340/347 AD
`address to a look-up table storing digital words that
`3,909,5999/1975Trott, 235/151.3
`correspond in value to de voltages.
`4,027,1465/1977Gilmore...scseecneeserresees 235/151.31
`« 340/347 AD
`8/1981 Duggan 0...eee 128/696
`4 Claims, 2 Drawing Figures
`COW. 23
`APPLE 1016
`APPLE 1016


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 18, 1983
`20 &S
`-M2 Conv.{+23
`CONY. 27
`Jae Pp PL Jute
`(eo) FL


`This invention relates to a system for acquiring data
`from a plurality of sources simultaneously.
`The invention was developed for use in a physiolog-
`ical data acquisition system but it has many otherappli-
`cations as well.
`A typical use of the invention is in connection with
`cardiac monitoring of a plurality of bedridden patients
`in a cardiac care unit. In such cases it is customary to
`transmit electrocardiograph (ECG) data to a central
`station processor for determining if the heart is exhibit-
`ing arrhythmia or other abnormalities. One use of the
`signals is to display the analog ECG on a cathode ray
`oscilloscope along with ECG waveformsof other pa-
`It is knownin the prior art to use the analog ECG
`signals derived from the patient to frequency modulate
`(FM) a carrier wavefor transmitting the ECG values to
`the central monitoring station. At the monitoring sta-
`tion, it is necessary, on some occasions, to demodulate
`the FM signals and convertto digital or analog equiva-
`lents of the original analog ECG or whatever physio-
`logical parameter is being monitored. In someinstalla-
`‘tions, dozens of patients must be monitored at a central
`station simultaneously. The conventional approach was
`to demodulate the respective FM signals and then per-
`form an analog-to-digital conversion. The disadvantage
`of this approachis that dozens of demodulators may be
`required in order to supply enough data to meet the
`required digital data rate. Moreover, a plurality of mul-
`tiplexers are required to switch the demodulated FM to
`the analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. This approach
`requires a large amount of circuit board area which is
`obviously disadvantageous. Moreover, adjustment of
`the demodulatorsis difficult and repeatability from unit
`to unit is often unreliable.
`A further disadvantage of the foregoing and other
`prior art approaches is that one or more rather costly
`A/D converters must be used or time-shared.
`The present invention overcomes the above-noted
`disadvantages of prior art systems and, furthermore,
`obviates the need for using an A/D converter to obtain
`a digital representation of an analog siganl such as an
`ECGsignal or other analog physiological parameter
`originating at a patient.
`In accordance with the invention, a microprocessoris
`used to control data acquisition timing although,
`should be understood, that almost any central processor
`unit (CPU) could be used.
`Briefly stated, in accordance with the invention, a
`high-speed clock, such as a 1.33 MHzclock is counted
`for a predetermined numberofperiods ofthe incoming
`FM signals by a counter/timer chip under processor
`control. The suggested FM frequency used herein is in
`the range of 1200 Hz to 1900 Hz. Higher FM frequency
`could be measured if the clock frequency were in-
`creased but accuracy diminishes. There is never any
`ambiguity in the number of FM pulses within a counting
`windowbecause, in the present invention, the FM pulse
`counter always begins and ends counting on thefirst
`and last negative going parts of an FM cycle. This re-
`sults in a finite number of clock pulses being counted
`without having to be concerned with starting to count
`at zero crossing. The clock pulse count value is then
`related to a digital value representing an analog value in
`a look-up table that is scanned by the microprocessor.
`This look-up value is related to the analog value that
`wasoriginally encoded in the FM signal from the bed-
`side. Hence, a digital representation of an analog value
`becomes available without having to go through an
`A/D converter and a reconstruction of the original
`analog signal becomesavailable too.
`A more detailed description of the new system for
`converting an FM signal-which has been modulated by
`an analog voltageto digital data representing the analog
`signal amplitudes and then converting back to analog
`form will now be describedin greater detail in reference
`to the drawing.
`FIG.1 is a block diagram of the new converter sys-
`tem; and
`FIG. 2 shown the timing diagrams which are useful
`for explaining operation of the system.
`FIG.1 will be used primarily to describe how one of
`the data channels among a plurality of channels oper- |
`ates. In the upper left, a block marked 20 represents a
`physiological parameter sensor, such as an electrocar-
`diograph or ECGatone of the bedsides. This device
`outputs a typical analog ECG waveform to an FM
`modulator represented by the block 21. The output of
`modulator 21is a train of square wave pulses that have
`been frequency modulated by the ECG analog input
`voltage such that the frequency within anytimeinterval
`correspondsto the present magnitude of the modulating
`analog voltage. In an actual embodiment, the output of
`modulator 21 is a 50% duty cycle of the FM. A modu-
`lated FM waveform having a 50% dutycycleis typified
`in part A of FIG. 2. The output of modulator21is input
`to a converter represented by the block 22. Converter
`22 converts the 50% duty cycle FM waveform to a
`constant pulse width variable duty cycle output pulse
`train suchasis illustrated in part B of FIG. 2. This FM
`pulse train is conducted from bedside to the central
`patient monitoring station by a cable 23 whereit be-
`comesinput to a buffer 24. The buffer is comprised of a
`plurality of inverters, two of which are shown.
`In an actual embodiment a quad buffer 24 is used and
`it handles FM data from a total of four separate bed-
`sides. Only one additional FM signal input to buffer 24
`is shown in this example. Its FM input signal results
`from an ECG 25 at another bedside driving an FM
`modulator 26 followed by an FM converter 27 whose
`output is sent to an inverter in buffer 24. Modulator 26
`and converter 27 in the front end of the second channel
`perform the same functions as previously described
`modulator 21 and converter 22 in the first channel.
`Since all data channels are basically the same, only one
`of them will be described in detail.
`Two major components of the FM to digital data
`conversion system are a presettable binary counter 30,
`called a prescale, and a counter/timer 31 which is basi-
`cally a converter as used herein. The outputofa stable
`crystal controlled clock 32 is one input to counter/timer
`31. The clock frequency should be substantially higher
`than the FM frequency. By way of example and not
`limitation, a 1.33 MHz clock is used in a commercial


`embodiment and the FM frequency range is 1200 Hz to
`1900 Hz. With the system described herein a one Hz
`variation in FM frequency can be discerned which
`means that conversion is very accurate. As implied
`earlier, counter/timer 31 counts the number of clock
`pulses that occur during a definitely known predeter-
`mined integral numberof variable duty cycle FM wave-
`form periods. The number of FM periods during which
`clock pulses are to be counted is determined by the
`presettable or programmable binary counter 30. By way
`ofillustration, in an actual embodiment, the counter/-
`timer 31 counts for the duration of four FM periods
`which are determined by binary counter 30. In an actual
`embodiment, a type 74197 integrated circuit binary
`counter 30 is used and a type 8253 integrated circuit
`counter/timer 31 is used. This type of counter/timer 31
`happens to have three independent 16-bit counters but
`only two were used for FM conversion. Thus, with this
`particular arrangement,
`the counter/timer 31 is
`quired for every two FM data conversion channels.
`Another main component of the system is a micro-
`processor-based CPU represented by the block marked
`33. It provides all controls timing and calculations for
`the system. Block 33 symbolizes the usual components
`of a CPU,that is, arithmetic and control units, memory
`or program storage and operations, and input and out-
`put ports. The data bus for the system is marked 34 and
`the address bus is marked 35. These buses will be under-
`stood to also lead to the components for other FM
`conversion channels. It will be evident that a single
`microprocessor-based CPU 33 is used to control many
`channels. In one actual embodiment by way of example,
`thirty-two individual FM data channels at the central
`monitoring station are controlled by a single micro-
`Another major component of the FIG. 1 system is a
`decoder symbolized by the block marked 36. Under
`CPU control, it provides a signal by way ofline 37 to
`the count/load (C/L) pin of the binary counter 30 to
`initialize it as will be explained in further detail shortly
`hereinafter. Initialization in this case means setting the
`counter 30 for counting a predetermined integral num-
`ber of FM cycles, such as four cycles, for reasons that
`will be discussed. Decoder 36 also provides a signal by
`way of line 38 (WR) whichstarts the selected 16-bit
`counter within counter/timer 31 to begin counting for
`the duration of four FM periods. Another line 39 pro-
`vides the signal (RD) to enable the CPU 33 to read out
`the number of clock pulse counts from the selected
`counter in counter/timer 31 that occurred during the
`four FM periods. The clock pulse counts per four FM
`cycles are read out by the CPU 33 for each FM sample
`in each channel repeatedly. The other line 40 from
`decoder 36 is the chip-select (CS) line. It is switched
`high or low in accordance with the 16-bit counter that
`is to be selected in the counter/timer 31 for the particu-
`lar FM data being converted.
`The system determines the number of clock pulses
`counted by counter/timer 31 per FM period whichis a
`measure of time. The reciprocal of time corresponds to
`FM frequency. The FM frequency corresponds to the
`instantaneous magnitude of the analog ECG waveform
`that is modulating the FM carrier. CPU 33 obtains the
`counts from the counter/timer 31 for successive sam-
`ples of the FM waveformsin all of the channels and is
`involved in bringing about a conversion of the count
`data for each sample to a digital numberrepresentative
`of the original analog value.
`- 0
`The counter/timer chips 31 are all coupled to the
`CPU data bus 34 and address bus 35. Two addresslines,
`Ao and Ay, are used with the counter/timer chips 31 as
`indicated on them. The CPU addresses the counter/-
`timer chip for selecting which of the twointernal 16-bit
`counters at the sampling time. At the beginning of each
`sampling or FM to digital conversion cycle the CPU
`provides the data for setting one and the other of the
`16-bit counters to zero. The clock pulse countis re-
`trieved by the CPU at the end of each sampling interval
`in two 6-bit bytes, in this particular design, from data
`pins Do-D7 on counter/timer 31.
`Another principal componentof the FIG. 1 system is
`a look-up table (LUT) symbolized by the block marked
`44. The LUT has a table of digital values in it which
`correspondto a series of analog voltages. The CPU uses
`the clock pulse count from counter/timer 31 obtained
`during occurrence of 4 FM periods as an address to the
`LUT which responds by providing a digital value over
`data bus 34 to the CPU. This digital value corresponds
`to the ECG analog dc voltage magnitude at the instant
`of sampling. Of course sampling occurs at such a high
`rate that digital data for reconstruction of a continuous
`analog voltage are obtained. In an actual embodiment
`the LUT provides 240 samples per second by way of
`example. This is more than adequately fast in view of
`the fundamental frequency of a typical ECG waveform
`being about 10 Hz.
`Anothersignificant componentin each channel ofthe
`system is an AND gate such as the one marked 50 near
`the top of FIG. 1. When a quad buffer 24 is used, there
`will be a total of four FM input signals and gates. Only
`one more gate is illustrated and it is marked 51.
`The manner in which the various components in
`FIG. 1 cooperate to effect conversion of th FM ECG
`signal to digital values will now be described in greater
`detail in reference to FIG. 1.
`Asindicated earlier, the variable duty cycle FM sig-
`nal coming in from converter 22 is input to an inverter
`in buffer 24. The variable duty cycle waveform is repre-
`sented by part B of FIG. 2. This waveform is input to
`ANDgate 50. At time t==0, decoder 36, in response to
`a timing signal from the CPU 33,initializes the outputs
`1Q0, 2Q0, 2Q1 and 2Q2 ofbinary counter 30 to a prede-
`termined state. This is done by asserting the proper
`signal on the C/L (count/load) pin of binary counter 30
`by way of line 37 from decoder 36.
`it, as has been
`Now looking at counter/timer 31,
`mentioned, contains at least two 16-bit counters. One
`counteris used for bed or patient number 1 FM data and
`the other is for patient number 2 FM data. Counter/-
`timer 31 is programmable which means that the sys-
`tem’s software can load a predetermined binary value
`into the counter register. Initially, that is, at the begin-
`ning of a conversion cycle, CPU 33 clears counter/-
`timer 31 by loading all zeroes into its respective regis-
`ters. Of course, the particular chip mustfirst be selected
`by decoder 36 under CPU control befodre the CPU can
`initially clear the counter 31. The decoder 36 selects
`counter 31 by asserting CS low by wayofline 40. Next,
`the CPU 33 provides an address to counter/timer 31 to
`select which ofthe internal counters will be loaded with
`zeroes. As previously indicated, address lines Ao and
`A, select the proper internal counter of counter/timer
`31. After the particular counter is selected, the decoder
`36 then asserts the RD pin low so that the CPU can load
`the counter register by way of data bus 34 with zeroes
`to initially clear the counter.


`In general terms, the frequency f of the FM signal
`to the analog signal derived from the
`patient) is represented by the following equation:
`When CPU 33 clears the counter, it also presets the
`output of the prescale or presettable binary counter 30
`to a particular state for permitting four FM periods to
`be determined. The output pins of binary counter 30 are
`marked, respectively, 2Q0, 1Q1, 2Q1 and 2Q2. Their
`initial states are exhibited in parts C, D, E and F, respec-
`tively, in the FIG. 2 timing diagram where these parts
`are marked in correspondence with the output pins of
`binary counter 30 to which they relate. As can be seen
`in FIG.2, the outputs of binary counter 30 ae preset to
`a HIGH (1Q0), HIGH (2Q0), HIGH (2Q1), and LOW
`(2Q2) when decoder 36 pulls the C/L pin of binary
`counter 30 low. Three of the inputs 53 to presettable
`binary counter 30 are tied high through a pull-upresis-
`tor 54 leading to a voltage source. and one input 55 is
`tied low. Therefore, when the C/L pin of counter 30is
`pulled low, the corresponding outputs of counter 30
`agree with the data inputs. The starting states of the
`various counter 30 outputs, as has been indicated, are
`also shownin the part C-F waveformsof FIG.2. Thus,
`so far the bed or patient 1 counter in the converter or
`counter/timer 31 has been cleared by loadingits regis-
`ter with all zeroes and the output of binary counter 30
`has been set to a particular state for the beginning of
`every one of the closely successive FM sampling inter-
`The actual FM-to-digital conversion process will
`now be discussed. Theinitially high 1Q0 output of
`counter 30 shownin part C of FIG. 2 is fed by way of
`line 56 to an input of AND gate 50 as shownin FIG.1.
`This action allows the FM data in one channel to be
`gated through AND gate 50 to the clock 2 (CK2) input
`of binary counter 30. As can be seen in FIG.2, thefirst
`negative-going edge 57 of the FM pulsetrain in part B
`of FIG. 2, clocks the 2Q0, 2Q1 and 2Q2 outputs of
`binary counter 30 for four FM periods terminating with
`the negative-going edge 60 of the fourth FM cycle.
`Triggering with negative-going edges assures that there
`will be an integral numberof full FM periods during a
`measuring time interval. As suggested in part G of FIG.
`2, a substantial number of 1.33 MHz clock pulses are
`counted within the four FM periods. Roughly, by way
`of example, the ratio of clock pulses to FM periods
`might be 1000:1. After the 2Q2 output of counter 30 is
`high for four periods, this high output from 2Q2is fed to
`gate 1 of counter/timer 31 which allowsit to start dec-
`rementing in accordance with the 1.33 MHz clock input
`CK1in this case. When the 2Q2 output of counter 30
`goes low with the negative-going part of the last FM
`pulse in a sample, counter/timer 31 stops counting
`clock pulses. Every 4 ms CPU 33initiates an interrupt,
`under software control, so it can read. the digital values
`stored in counter/timer 31 by way of databus 34. An
`interrupt time, decoder 36 pulls the read (RD) pin of
`counter/timer 3 low so the count data can be read from
`counter/timer 31. The digital value in counter/timer 31
`is then placed on the data bus for the CPU to obtain it
`for addressinng the LUT 44.
`Thedigital value in counter/timer 31 for the four FM
`period count,
`is proportional to the number of 1.33
`MHzpulses.counted during the time window provided
`by the 2Q2 output of binary counter 30 which window
`is, of course, four FM periods long in this example.
`Since the width of the window is proportional to the
`FM period and the FM period is proportional to the
`ECG de value, the number of 1.33 MHz clock pulses
`occurring during the window is proportional to the
`ECG devalue.
`— 5
`where N is the number of FM periods set by prescaler
`of counter 30, MHZis the pulse rate of clock 32:and C
`is the numberof clock pulses counted within the chosen
`number of FM periods.
`The digital values, derived from the LUT, by the
`CPU, representing the successive magnitudes of the
`analog ECGsignal in each channel can be converted
`from digital to analog waveform again for use at the
`central station. One digital-to-analog (D/A) converter
`is symbolized by the block 61 next to the CPU. In the
`actual system there is a D/A converter for each ECG
`channel. The analog outputs 62 from the illustrated and
`other converters can be used to drive a cathode ray
`tube, ‘not shown, which displays one or more of the
`reconstructed ECG waveformsso that the heart condi-
`tions of several patients can be observedat the central
`In the actual system, the CPU is programmed to use
`the digitized ECG waveform data to analyze the ECG
`to determine,for instance, heart rate, or the width ofthe
`QRS complex of the R-wave or occurrence of prema-
`ture ventricular contractions and to providealarm sig-
`nals on outputs of the CPU such as those marked 61 and
`62 if certain conditions are detected or go outof accept-
`able limits.
`Nowthat the FM-to-digital conversion of the physio-
`logical data from oneofthe patients has been described,
`it will be evident that another data channel can be han-
`dled through the second part of counter/timer 31 if
`another binary counter such as the one marked 30 is
`added. In such case, the FM signal, based on using an
`analog ECGsignal from electrocardiograph 25 is fed
`through quad buffer 24 and becomesinput on line 58 to
`another AND gate 51. This AND gate would be con-
`nected to another binary counter, not shown but equiv-
`alent to counter 30, whose output would be'coupled to
`the gate 2 input of counter/timer 31. The CK2input to
`counter/timer 31 is indicated by an arrowheadedline at
`the top of the counter and is driven by the 1.33 MHz
`clock. Since counter/timer 31 has at least two 16-bit
`counters in it, one can be used for one FM channel and
`the other for another FM channel. CPU 33 simply regu-
`lates the decoder 36 to write and. read into and out of
`the counter 31 at the proper time for each channel and
`alternately addresses the counter/timer 31 on address
`lines. Ap and Aj to extract the counts representing the
`digital values by way of data bus 34.
`For the purposes of presenting a practical example,
`the duration of four FM cycles or periods was deter-
`mined by having binary counter 30 make four counts
`while the duration was being determined by counting
`1.33 MHz clock pulses in counter 31. It will be under-
`stood, however, that-more than four FM periods could
`be used and a higher or lower clock pulse rate could be
`used. In any case.the number of FM periods and the
`clock pulse rate will be chosen to obtain the required
`fidelity between the original analog ECG waveform
`voltage and the final analog voltage resulting from the
`transformation from original analog to FM todigital to
`final analog.
`Although the basic concepts of analog-to-FM-to-
`digital-to-analog conversion without using an A/D


`converter have been discussed in detail, it will be evi-
`dent to those skilled in the art that the concepts may be
`variously implemented. Consequently, the true scope of
`the invention is to be determined only by interpreting
`the claims which follow.
`I claim:
`1. A multiple channel system for converting succes-
`sive samples of analog input voltages for each channel
`to binary digital representations of the samples, respec-
`tively, where said analog voltages are represented, re-
`spectively, by frequency modulated (FM)signal trains
`comprised of substantially square wave cycles, said
`system comprising:
`a gate having input and output means, one of said FM
`trains being fed to the input meansof the gate,
`a binary counter having input and output means, the
`output means of the gate being coupled to the input
`meansof the counter,
`meansforinitializing the counter at the beginning of
`each in a succession of FM signal sampling inter-
`vals, said counter responding to initialization by
`enabling the gate to feed the FM signal to said
`input means of the counter, said counter being
`operative to count a predetermined number of FM
`cycles and to disable the gate simultaneously with
`said number being counted to thereby terminate
`the sampling intervals,
`a clock pulse generator for generating a train of
`pulses at a frequency substantially higher than the
`FMsignal frequency,
`counter/timer means having input meansfor the train
`of clock pulses and having output means for the
`binary digital numbers representing the numberof
`clock pulses counted during each sampling inter-
`val, said counter/timer means responding to occur-
`rence of said binary counterinitialization by simul-
`taneously beginning to count clock pulses and re-
`sponding to occurrence of said predetermined
`number of FM cycles having been counted by
`terminating clock pulse counting, the binary num-
`ber representative of the number of clock pulses
`counted during said number of FM cycles corre-
`sponding to the FM frequency during said sam-
`pling interval,
`means for converting the numbers corresponding to
`FM frequency to binary digital values correspond-
`ing to the amplitude of the aforesaid analog input
`voltage during each FM signal sample.
`2. The system as in claim 1 wherein said means for
`converting the numbers comprises a look-up table hav-
`ing a plurality of addressable locations respectively
`storing digital data corresponding to analog dc voltage
`values, said look-up table having address input means
`and digital data output means,
`said binary digital numbers corresponding to FM
`frequency constituting addresses to said look-up
`table digital data locations, input of an address to
`said table resulting in output of digital data corre-
`sponding to an analog voltage value.
`3. The system in any of claims 1 or 2 wherein:
`said binary counteris set to count four FM cycles per
`sample of the FM signaltrain and the frequency of
`the clock pulses counted by said counter/timeris
`about 1.33 MHz.
`4. Means for converting a train of frequency modu-
`lated (FM) pulse signals, whose frequency variations
`are representative of variations in the magnitude of an
`electrocardiograph (ECG) analog voltage used to mod-
`ulate the signals, to digital numbers corresponding in
`value to the magnitude of the analog voltage waveform
`prevailing at times the FM signals are sampled, com-
`a gate having oneinputfor said train of FM pulses, an
`input for a gating signal and an output for the FM
`pulse train,
`a first edge triggered counter means having an input
`for the gated FM pulse train, one output coupled to
`said gating signal input and another output, said
`counter responding to being initialized by provid-
`ing said gating signal and responding to counting a
`predetermined number of FM pulses by terminat-
`ing said gating signal, said counter further respond-
`ing to being triggered by an edge ofthe first FM
`pulse sample to be counted by setting said other
`output to one state and responding to the corre-
`sponding edge of the last FM in the sample by
`changing said output to anotherstate,
`second counter means having input meansfor a clock
`pulse train whose frequencyis substantially higher
`than the FM pulse frequency, and having a gate
`signal input coupled to said other output of said
`first counter means
`for enabling said second
`counter to begin counting clock pulses when said
`other output is set to said one state and for termi-
`nating counting in response to said other output
`changing to its otherstate,
`processor means and a data bus and an address bus
`coupled thereto,
`decoder meanscoupled to said data and address buses
`and having a plurality of output means coupled to
`said first counter means and said second counter
`means, respectively,
`said second counter meansalso being coupled to said
`address and data buses, and
`a look-up table coupled to said address and data
`buses, said look-up table storing digital data in
`addressable locations corresponding in value, re-
`spectively, to digitized analog voltage values,
`said decoder responding to a signal from said proces-
`sor to start a sampling interval by initializing said
`first counter means and enabling said second
`counter to count clock pulses during the sampling
`interval as determined by occurrenceof the corre-
`sponding edge of the last in said predetermined
`number of FM pulses in a sampling interval, the
`digital count in said second counter at the end of
`the sample corresponding to FM pulse frequency
`and, hence, to the analog input voltage magnitude
`during each sampling interval,
`said digital counts being read by said processor means
`by way ofsaid data bus, and said processor means,
`using said count as an address to a look-up table
`location for obtaining a digital value corresponding
`to the FM pulse frequency and the analog input
`voltage during the respective sampling intervals.

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